The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    ' - : : y . ' . :4 " . '. -.f: ' .S-:;4- - . r!4 soclstlon la th. world..
' ' ' SALKM, PRECOX, HUXDAY MOKX1XQ. MAY 4. " r ' : . . .
:i TTCvfcif -r ' w . I - me latter nart nf I
Dorris Leah Sikes.
FROM now on the country club will
be the Renter of the gayest of
social events. A full program al
ready awaits members and frlenda
for the next few weeks beginning
today "with the golf tournament with
, -iugtae. Between, 30 and 40 vislt-1
ors wui come down and there is ex
pected to be a large turnout of local
players. . ,
'At noon members ofthe club and
their visitors will be served a John
ny Jones dinner.
"Ladies Day' last Tuesday was so
popular that it la planned to observe
each Tuesday similarly during the
w Mm
nexi lew months fin Tn , . t . ... r
Diossoms were used effective ,;Tk: vV- ll Poured
t ... . i-Mwi me conee. jLS.
- A.
aosiesses . were assisted In
erving by Mrs. Fred Stewart. M
G. G. Brown, Mrs. Ronald Glover.
w. u. Hawley, Jr.. Mrs. A,
j. itann, Mra. John H. Scott. . Miss
Lucy Stoughton and Miss Dorothy
ree. wnne airs Alite . H. Dodd
firs. Kusseu Catlin and Mn
wues assisted la
New Figure lines
Require New Corsets
It Is a mistake to try and make
the new styles ' In outer apparel
look right when worn over last
season's corsets. And yon won't
dread "breaking In" a new corset
once yon know the -imnrHitp.
comfort and improved figure lines
you win enjoy m tne new models
we're showing in Frolaset Corsets
(A model for every type of
figure.) ,-
Renska L Swart
Corset Specialist
115 Liberty St.
iZ i Wd Mra- Homer Smith
ir wne lea urn- Mrs. H
,?nJlger' Mrs- T- A. LIv'esley. Mrs
vuun aam. Mrs. O. C. Locke, and
"ooero were the commit
Jni. t mm m
ia luesaay Mrs. E. L. Baker
win ueaa a commute composed of
Mrs. G. G. Brown. Mrs. Homer Smith
Mrs. M. L. Meyers, and Mrs. Chester
ua weanesaay night the mem
bers will enjoy an informal dancing
m r
- r A nowever, is the date
wuica looms up most for club mem
bers, that being the date of the
jirev ainner aaace or the season
which will be sponsored bv th rinh
According to plans this will be one
of the gayest affairs which the club
nag ever given.
Among those who will come from
Eugene loaay are:
n k. u. uampbell, W. P. Carroll
(vzooarian ana wire. 43 w
viriio, rraaK narritt anA
W1 nilW
taoya Hauser, James L. Hesse and
auy, o. immel, E. W. Marrill
and -wife. S. M. Moody, J. C. Priee.
-. v. rraii ana wire, A. Rapp, C.
p. Poorer. L. B. SIgwart G. B. Schae-
t?rs, v jt. scbaefers. Alf Swennea
"ua Iaay. A. R. Tiffany, Donald
joung, jonn Bovard- and wife. J. M
WJie. Aioert Applegate, H A.
?unarand. w"e. and W. B. Ma'rtfj.
"Pe- ueorge McMoran. A. A
Rodgers. G. F. Skip worth. S. L. Stt.
son, A. M. French and L. M. Travi3
uu wiie. '
wnipnmentary to Mrs. W. C.
Hawley, wife of Repre3atative Haw-
ey. Airs. Frank A. Elliott and Mrs
George J. Pearce were hnttu. vi.
day afternoon at a charming recep-
"ua me rearee nome. Invita-
imuaa were uinea to about SO of
the women more Intimately " ac-
quainiea wun Mrs. Hiwlur Anrt-
i r reeiaeDce nere over 12 years
ago, who called during the aftev
noon to pay their respects.
lM asses of dogwood blosaoma and
spirea were banked in the hall con
trasting' with, the dainty baskets of
fragrant lavender and white lilacs
au ins in tne masae room mf u .
brary. Jn th dintni- ronm
of pink blossoms were nsed in pret
ty arrangement, a bowl of pink tu
lips making the center of the table
at which the Ices were cut. In
the living room, where the coffee
was served, there was a profusion
of Scotch broom.
"Presiding at the ices were Mrs.
John H. Albert and MrsHenry Tal-
i An Economical, Delightful, light Place to Trade
r'--. - ?-S '-'V- It '
Surely no girl V graduation wilt be marred by the lack
of a new dress when we are selling materials so moderately
priced. They will arouse in you an irresistible desire to get
busy with the sewing needle without delay.
We are prepared to make Graduation Day the cherished
event it desecves to be in the life of every girl.
B. c
receiving the
Crepe de Chene
Wash Satin
25c to $2.98yd.
Representatfve and, Mrs. Hawy
ueen visiung all over Oregon
for about a month so .that Salem
"us ne naa little chance to en
lertam for them. They will return
uumy io Washington, D. C.
Attorney-General and Mrs. George
", " Bwn are epending the week in
cuuieion wnere the attorney-gen
;;B1 attend a meeting of
r ur i lie measure nr
Mrs, Ilonister McGuire. who with her
sinau aaugnter. Is here visiting from
: rrancisco, Mrs. R. M. Hofer
entertained Thursday night with oae
of the most elaborate events of the
we. a oancing party at Hotel Mar
Ion. The guest of honor
tremely talented musician who has
won favor many times In San Fran-
ibco. one is a pupil of Win. J.
McCoy and Wallace Sabine, of Sari
invitational list was: Mrs
Hollister B. McGnire. xrr
Melvin Plimpton. Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Rbberts. Mr. and Mrs. J. u Van
uren. jar. ana Mrs. Fred D. Thiel
sen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears, Mr.
yums cross. Mr. and Mrs
iZ ,, wyer' Mr- and strs- Keith
Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet.
mt, ana Mrs. Clifford Brown. Gov-
"a Alrs- Bn Olcott Mr. and
r wiuiami Lytle. TKr. and Mrs.
William Burrha-dt Mr ta r r
A. Llvesley. Captain and Mrs. Allan
"jn, wit. and Mm rtaif v.
r r 1 iJiCi
o MCUugu, Dr. and Mrs
T. C. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Princ
vtt AT. 31 rs- Da- Frr. Miss
Elizabeth Lord. Mis illn ti.,
-art . . - ..iv-
azei iJowninr. Miss Maud
Durbln. Miss Kft,.H- r--."
rr . . . -
aiuione .Marvin- iimu
uu nam xetiecir.
Mrs. Geo r re TT TtitmAt i
been visiOng In California for the
lew w'ek- la Pcted to re-
lu aaiem Tnursday night. .
On Mondar nirht th inihA r..
- -wun-
iry ciuo nouse was gayly decotaled
for the last dance of h r
iae wnaay Nignt Dancing club. Or-
coiorea papers r. were -ased on
the ceiling with shade of th ..m.
color for the lights and each one
present wore cocky oranea colored
Supper was served fn
style," automobile robes and Indian
blankets being spread
In front of the fireplace.
me officers of the danrine- ein.
are Dr. W. H. Darby, president, Wal
ter Kirk, secretary. IT V rnmntA.
treasurer. '
WueStS (Of the T.lnh at Tninv
'.aight's dance were Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest n. tiunt. or Portland. Mlas KatP
Chatburn, Miss Lonlse Crauson and
Frank DeWitt.
The membership of the club In-
v.uues. ir. ana Mrs. Bellinger, Mr.
ua jrs. jonn Bropny, Mr. and M
v. urown. Mr. anT Mrs. Roy
u.iuu, ur. ana Mrs. w. HI Darby.
Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Galloway; Mr.
and Mrs. C, - F. Hamilton. Mr. and
Mrs. U F. Geer. Mr. and M-s. W.
M. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin
naming. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnaon.
Mr. and Mrs. William McGilchrUt
" .and Mrs- H- Marvin'.
,r rs ann o. Myers. Mr,
uu iwra. itoy ii. Mills, Mr. and
, Ai w More. Mr. and Mrs
- rerry. Mr and Mr r.n
Riches, Mr. and Mrs. tJ. G." Shipley.
r. ju Mrs. u. webo, Mr and
Airs, iiarry weldmer. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh
uioyer, Mr. and Mrs. i W. T. : Grler.
Jar. ana Mra. John W. Todd. Mr.
and Mrs. H. V. Coippton. Mr. and
Mrs., Wflll H. Bennett. Mr. and fr-
William Lerchen, Mr. and M-a. d!
VEyre, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Pitch-
iora, Air. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson.
Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olsen. Mr. and
Mrs. (Herbert L. Stiff, Mr. ad Mrs.
Walter Kirk. Mr. and Ml-s. W F
Walton. Miss Sibyl Harrington, C.
B. Clancey. Fred Mangns. Will Ev
ans, Oliver Myers, and Robert- Dun
AM . . i n mm
the week for the Brown'. i1" romnce
home at Rowburr. whcr ,- -7m I .v " " V'.V " Inoi
renSln during th ; Zi" :u'vr. 19 in complete satlsfact
family -iti w i. ."" '." ,OB the Brahmltes nresent nl
Brow'n w.V 7" thr .re hard to plea. Other, rot
Wlllamett7 nnlveraitv bnVV.T m' ? pl.yin, of
Others got
a cnopin Dreiuda and M-hn . o.
a severe 1 had k.
- -. j iHvuuwm ana fsaini-
oaens. tnt It was in Listt's "SL
-arias Nina xr.v. . waiaing on tne waters" that
..r" Ji11. wi" leae the she displayed her Dlanistlo aifta
yet fully recove-d
case of Influenza.
nytonV" I,? foK Wash- making herself seem bigger to the
Senator rWZ. TAv Mer I"fr. e. It Is not a
be accompanied by Mrs. W.
lur "et Mcxary. She will girl's alece, for-1 it- t' ,Z
SS1 Maare7VnT,-.St0U JflM f t.rKte"w:
who will lui't th!?! "dv RIchr te H rqr a man's powerful mux
Calroro?arith Wy of effu" rendering of this wa-
cenieUcer P ' m'rw r nd she did not neglect
- , the splendid melodic thoughts u-
Mla vnr. tr f, derlyinarit in the effort to pile high
MISS Venita Kohlaepn n4 r j th KlllAw. Af i.t..i. -i J. ..
..I,, T I I . " IICU yuuietic fill UUB1 IT.
Ktli, .T0 P0Plar Roseburr Miss Byrd is at present in New
day wrth Yn ' f1 Zoning the Yrk but expects soon to take a coN
arJT ?h.ii 83 MarJrJ' Krown. They tge at some secluded place where
s wheS lLWaT h?e ,,rom Cc1- "be can rest and at tfae same time
us where they spent; Junior week- work hard on her next season's pro-
T ' J r 1 Pram. Her first plans were to spend
the summer In "lnnnhmi..ii'
oi . . i. . v. .. . . j
nas wercomed back many ",u aording to her messages to
or its soldieu, sailors and marines her frends. she has given that np
Dut so far it haa had small opportun- nl'wlll continue her work during
puy inoiue to the womrn wholin ,nmm'
went into service during ih. war.
Pro!- We,'co,ne two Red Ml" Amanda Matthews of Shaw
i-ross nurses who have spent nearly left yesterday for an extended trip
MlJ, p2 nf-Jj" .Te.r,re """e. .to Atlantic coast, sopping a In-
p- nC ""ams ana Miss lernieaiate points both enroute and
return, to visit relatives and friends.
,De rw left,' Salem over a year
-T. "u L" ; ure6nn university Mr. A. E. Huckesteln visited
. "1 Jlv "uIHia 4 together with Wednesday night at the home of An
iilr . I 5t ien,womei. Miss Anna nat Huckesteln and family. Friend
vf . .MIf M?'Ie blolsett. Pre- of the A. E. Huckestelns will be
r"r,v mm mey spent a orry to bear or their departure from
snort time at Camp Lee. Va. Independence where Mr. Huckesteln
upon arriving overseas assign- ls been manager of the Standard
ment was made to an evacuation bos- Oil company's office. They will
71.. "" irora Neufcha make their home in Vancouver
Jv" ,suinfe OI "nout fifty miles where he has a similar position.
th,9 front ,in' nree Portland
"""- men well mown In do 1 rt . . n ....
also i.r . tiii. i,,..! , . . " " mis Anna fti jooic speat me wfek
soJr?re fLtbta bPHl. Lieuten- In Portland ne.laliT,, in , v.n..
wars. I
Dr. and Mrs. G. T. White and ehll
caring for bothMhe wounded and . aTe ,pent the WmUr ln
sick direct from the fron vie, ? for!1' "turned this week by
n . . " win I.nes. mntnr fmm' Tjv- l
rrom juiy is to January 15 between
i 1 limn imiiiii
individiiality In
ant Colonel Tenner, who had h.-J
of the unit on the voyage home. Mi-
i J. ' rna MJr w. H. Skeene.
mis aospuai jay the work In
eight and nine thousand patients re
ceived treatment in this hosnitai .nri
ui 01 mis enormous number very
few were lostv more dyinr from nneu-
monlathan from wounds. . j
The Oregon Home is the flmt towrH
of home the arrivals from overseas
get ben arrivlnr on thia m
woraers irom the Home who are I
reat-Oregonians. meet every trans
port and welcome those from their
motor from Los Angeles.
Mrs. William Burghart was a Port
land visitor on Friday.
Mrs. H. B. Thiersen. of Portland.
visuea with ber son. Fred D. Thiel
Ca., and family. Thursday, going
on to Riekreall Friday to spend the
aay with Mrs. Russel Catlin.
Tne senior pupils of Mrs. Ralph
home state. In mtlnr iheiw i :: """ eIM.T
thv th.i, ... ... --j ": iwuuira lomorrow want at Cot II
terrain r lnformti -K... I M" lne asi oanca ox the
so that inquiring telatives'mT, 55T nTht hnt n?1 fr
from the regi,t2r at the Home any 22Sf .Wi 7V
tneir returned I lum ni.t ,
men. i . " urmiTe
This hom i. wl". acnievea-m the nse of
street jnst across from the Pennsyl- .hfrtni P Z. D"llerni'
vania .Ution and open at all houVs bJnTno1
for Oregon people who want to rest 1" 'f,,"!!.' ,prln nw-
eat or sleep. Everything is done tol wu. rL- ti-1!i lii
make them feel they are back In Ore- h t. i.C
gon and Miss Williams. In sneakiae ?u."'.b!r ?f wa
of th. Hnit.. ..i.. .v. I . r. orcnestra win
work it 7. Tdft.n; i"?".1 cer..
neom. nYi IZZ "r--.C.6"" """"ring aoout 35 couples.
ery bit of help given the home was
put to good service.
Miss Marjory Brown, daughter of
Attorney-General and Ms. George M.
How to Keep Age-Lines
and JVrinkles Away
Don't fonret' that th. wim.. -k.
miles will have a skin more free from
wrinkle than the woman who frowns.
When wrinkles begin to appear it ia a
Bwu pian 10 name tne race nc a day
for awhile In a harmless solution made
by dissolrinr an ouni rr nnwit...H
aIlte itt hIf P,B ot witch haxel.
This is remarkably effective in eras
Ins; the hateful lines, not nlr because
the skin and thus Irons out the lines,
of its astringent action which tightens
but alw because of a helpful tonic ef
fect which improves capillary circula
tion and nerve tone. There is nothing
better for flabbr cheeks or chin. n.
sure to ask the druarist for th. nnw-
dered saxoute.
Misses Emma Snook. Marie Briggs.
Vlrrtral M'V 1 . - 1.-1- .
All across the continent the Red rl'." a?'a' "a
Cross women met the 29 nurses ct yrda, - toS,iTb. O Aft
the unit and at almost every station 1 inn t i... .-v. ' A"
there were I omen waiting for tbe 1 T
With flnw.r. . ,iJ I ...
th.m;.us ,r".' "" 3ir ana Mrs. John Maurer have
" . -V" ..u auiu.uuu.10 . movea rrom Liberty street to 251
V." . . . orlB Commercial street
iweea is now visiting witn I
Jrlai!leM? Sa,ein- hr b.rother. John fHonoring her niece. Mrs. W. S
.-cy. ioe city, ana mim poorman, Mrs. J. M. Poorman. of
Williams Is at the home of her ris- Woodburn Mra. Al sn.rT.r
w Y
Choose the Model Which
Best Becomes You
You have that opportunity when you inspect our varied
and choice assortment
of Spring Dresses.
They are carefully selected to meet the individual require-
Each model is distinctive in eharacter and pleasing in style,
ailhtintt,e f5!e?? tr!mminK nJ the clerer ideas in de.
sign will appAl to everyone.
Splendidly made of duality materials in effective colors. .
Just come in and sete them for yonrsdf.
3i (&: M tplg eto.
Salem, Oregon
ter. Mrs. Carey Martin and family
Miss Anna Berg is in Seattlo with
relatives and Miss Blodgett has re
enlisted for overseas service so will
be kept In Europe probably as lonr
as American troops remain overseas.
;Mrs. J. D. MeKinnon was hostess
at two charming informal affairs
during the week, on Wednesday af
ternoon honoring her sister-in-law.
Mrs. W. F. MeKinnon. of Portland
and last night entertaining a fe
couples for both Mr. and Mrs. Me
Kinnon. Mrs. MeKinnon has been a
visitor throughout the week.' her
husband Joining her over the vrevk
end. . -
A bulletin received by friends cf
Miss Winifred Byrd. pianist, acclaim
Miss Byrd as the "latest pianlstie
sensation": and "America's wonder
pianist. The same bulletin quotes
from such critics; as James Gibbon
Huneker of the New York Ti nes.
Granville Vernon of the New York
Tribune, and others equally as well
known. The former says Winlfid
Byrd is a master of her means! and
again "her playing Is
talned a few friends at her home on
me wauare road laat night. The
nusband or the former Is in Prance
as a guard at the peace confe-ence.
uuests or Mrs. Steiner were Mrs.
W. S. Poorman. Mrs. J. M. Poorman.
air. ana Airs. c. c. Chafee, Mr. and
Mrs. s. P. Kimball. Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. M
How Lydia E. PinUWt
Vegetable Compound
Is Prepared For
Woman's Use.
A visit to the laboratorw vi.
rythmically I successful remedy ia mmAm imi.......
alert, sparkling, asd when the spirit even the casual looker-on with the reli
moves her she csn be veritably dia- ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness
bolie!" Granville Vernon savs which attends the makinsr of thia or
t iif . . i I mrimM fn :n.
uiiiiioi. lecmnc. neen inieiusence. i -r
Impeccable taste!"
One clipping which appeared
Over 350.000 rounds of nrlnni WW.
are used anuaiy and all have to be
The Evening Post.l praises not only T.!.!00 thJTr.whea
Miss Byrd but the state and city from .AS ndkinal sub-
which she comes. The tribute whichi "Ltl! " "J"-.
Is headed "A Pianist from Logan
berry Land." -follows:
Salem, Or., is the headquarters!
The most SUeCeSsfnl aorrmta mrm a
to eatractthemedidnaJ properties from
tnese nerbs.
Every ntensil ana tank that comet in
Adams. Mr. aad MV VamtJ rt.v
r. ; - iuiisw
fl m w mmmw .MImrU A III
ana sir. and Mrs. M. C Pettys.
urs. Ernest H Dnni k
nouse guest of Mrs. Ralnh; r.i...
m ' W V
w weeg-end. returned Tues-
x Bwrainj to ner home Jn Port
ob irom wnere she will start ln
about three weeks on a three. months
vslt In England. She win spend
most of her time with berjparenta
lueir come ia London and at
their country home at Eastbourne.
..thf iri to Nw Yfk n will
visit In Canada with relatives of
her husband and in New York will
If m.! of Mr- n1 rrs. Al
Hurst, (Bertha Holman) foriner res
idents of Salem. She will aali An iv.
TT ....
v. o. a. Aanate.
ara ue Beck, whn h.. tn. M
turned from three years service with
the Canadian forces, is a guest at
ju Dome oi nis sister. Mrs. T. A.
Uvesley, and family. , '
The Luncheon Brldre elnh
tertalned on Wedneadav arfA
. - a UWS4
at the home of Mrs. Henry W Mey
ers, four guests enjoying the 'affair
"",ae members of the club. Tu
lips, dslsies. and lilies of the valley
were . used in a pretty decorative com
bination. Mrs. William if rtn -m
be .the next hostess. . i
j ,
Miss Florence Cartwrirht (. .rn'.
Ing the week-end at PnrMt
visiting her sister. Miss ConsUnee
cartwright an Instructor ln Pacific
university and attending the May
Day festivities. t
Misses Grace and VirsinU Hit
pending the weekend ln Portland.
Salem musicians are rrtv4 . tn
learn of the serious 'condition of
Francis Rkhter. the distinguished
Oregon composer and piano Virtuoso
Since last fall Mr. Rlchter has made
his home with his parents. Mr. snd
Mrs. Frederick W. Richter. 222 Fall.
Ing street, Portland, where he Is at
present confined to his sick bed.
In the Interval, of course, Francis
KIchter's earning capacity as a mu
sician has been stopped. His father,
who is a professional violinist, is
again the breadwinner for his little
family, and engagements for ssy vi
olinist Just now sre scarce, for many
theatres are equipped with pipe or
gans Instead of employing-violinists.
The Richters are being advised to
try to get to California or Arisoss
In the' hope that Frsncls Rlchter's
health may be Improved. J
(Continued oa page S)
NU BONE CORSET is neeesaarv ta
obtain the smart, well-dressed ap
pearance. -
429 Court St, Phone SSI
Formerly with B. Altman A Co
New York City i
TVh Irrea-ular. or delayed Trl
ntnp. jiiia. and always Sepeada- I
bla. Not sold at dm lUrti. not '
experiment with othrra, . eiaao
pointmeat Wrtt for -Relief- and prl .
tcul.ra. iu free. Address National
Medlcai Institute. Milwaukea, Wis.
474 Cccrt SL
of logsnberry juicej which Is sweet-1 contact with th. iJrZ"
er and more flavory than grape Juice, and as a final precaution la clean! i--a
ana is destined to teplsce the sweet the medicine is pasteurized and sealed
vintage wines. The same Salem Is in terile bottles. !
the home of Winifrei Byrd. who gave It is the wonderful combination of
a Diana recital in ImIIiii fcn I roots and berba. i trnrmtm- mwu l.
terday afternoon. There were times Jl1 ?d caro. ia its preparation
wnen ner tone Had . the real logan-l TirZ UUI ra Medicine
nerry quality particularly in ,4TheJ 7 , 7,, " weatmant of
Poet Speaks, the last and best num-r.H -
ber in Schumann's ' Scenes of Child- beeVrted ..1' .v
hood. Some of the pieces In tWi .TCf-?
suite were rather school girlish in which we are eTX XT
effect, and when Mist Byrd gets old- LSISeTt to iifJUau11-
Special This Week
10 Per cent discount on all stamped
and hand embroidered centerpieces
429 Coort Street
Ttlephont 953
, mmmm w aA liVs