The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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5 1
Don't Forget-
That "F. K. Staafer, 170 South
i Commercial street. fca3 a full line of
Boston bags and suit cases. See them.'
. ; f , . -
Is Elected Grandmother ,
Born, in San Francisco, Cal., on
April 13, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Al
lan McFadden, a daughter, - named
Frances Jean. The happy father
- was . a Salem . boy. This felicitous
event elects Mrs. Sadie McFadden.
449 North Capitol street, ; Salem,
grandmother for the fitst time.
Dr. B. P. IVrohow
Announces the reopening of his
dental office, 6th floor, United States
National Bank building, phone 169.
Receipts, Notes and All Blanks
At Statesman lob office.
Card of Thanks
I want to thank the mans; friends
for their kindness shown us in our
sad bereavement during the illness
and death of our dear mother and
wife. . Mary Elizabeth and
S. C. Kighthnger.
The IHmila
Of the Oregon State School for the
Blind will give a program and play
on May 14, at the high school au
ditorium. The object of the enter
tainment fa ta raise money to pur
'. Sequel to the story
L"-- "The Lone Wolf"
chase records for a DhonaR-aDh.
whicb has . just been presented to the
school by Father Bruenagel of Gresh-
am. Tickets will be on sale, beein-
ning Monday 'next, at Cherrington's
music store. 415 Court street, and at
Will's music store,' 432 State street.
Dr. Carl E. Miller
Has opened his dental office at
510-511 y. S.,bank;bld. Phone 341.
Peace Editlo
The great Peace edition of the
Statesman will be Issued soon. All
copy for the edition must be received
very soon in order to Insure Its in
sertion in the edition. For Informa
tion phone 23. - -T . ,
Married Yesterday - t ,f
At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon
George Don Tuner of Multnomah
county and Gertrude Normo, a Mar
ion county young woman, were mar
ried at the residence of Dr. R. N.
Avison. pastor of the First Metho
dist church, v Joseph E. Gassin,
Grace Lewis Haslam. and a sister
of the bride were witnesses of the
ceremony. .
Returns Home
Mrs. George Massey. of Klamath
Falls, who has been visiting her fam
ily, the Burgers. In this city, has re
turned to her home in southern Oregon.
top at
A Home Away from Home
Strictly Modern $100 per day
1M Hau f SIM Cnfrt
Only. Hotel la Business Dlatirct
Barton does battery work. Any
make tested free. Charging and re
pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200.
Montanan Visit Relatives
Air. and "-Mrs. N. W. Couch nf
Butte, Montana, who have been re
cent guests of their sister, Mrs. J.
D. Barrett and her daughter Blanche
at 254 South Cottage stret. have re
turned to their home in the middle
Your money in vested in one of
our snappy blue white dia
monds means an investment of
permanent worth. We special
ize in diamonds and offer you
an exceptionally fine assort
ment to choose from.
Jewelers and Opticians
N.W. Corner State & Liberty Sts.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Begins
Reconstruct ton Work.
rvenei to raeei excess in I
Wages Is Only Conces-
sion by Commission
First, it creates an appetite.
Second, it aids digestion.
Third, it perfects assimilation.
Fourth, it carries 100 per cent of
the nourishment in the food you
eat into the blood and the body,
thereby enriching and vitalizing
your blood, which in time renews
your strength and builds up again
your reserve strength and vitality. ,
This makes Hood's Sarsaparilla
SALEM IS FORTUNATE world. From the first dos you are
on a definite roaa to improvement.
D LI" I TJ . i . 1 it is oi inestunanie vaiue just now
rCOUC IS rrOteCted A&ramtt to restore the health and nerve force
. 1 . . ...
so greatly exhausted by war excite
ment, the grip and influenza epi
demic and the changing season. It
is the right medicine for you this
spring. Get a bottle today.
And if you need a mild, effective
cathartic, get Hood's Pills.
for Marion and Polk ' counties now
contains sixty-three names. It more
should be added, or if any corrections
should be made, will thote who have
the Information please quickly send
word to The Statesman.) f
What Is Termed Un
warranted Burden
sle Webb. Defendant didnot ap
pear in the suit. The couple we-e
mbrried May 29, 1909. It was al
leged in the complaint that the de
fendant deserted February 2, 1310.
No children or property were in
volved in the suit.
Piano at a Bargain-
Good used mahogany piano, like
new, for sale at a bargain.
Stiff & Son. "
E. L.
Standard Scale Book
In duplicate. Statesman job office:
Small Investment Lioans Kealty
.LoansHouse ltental Agency,
- General Property Dealing.
404-405, Hubbard Bldg.
Phone 254 " Salem, Ore.
There's one safe, sure way to clean;
Nature's, own way by AIR.
The ROYAL cleans by" AIR Alonel
, Test it in your , own. home. ,-y .
" J , 879 .BUte Street,
Quickly done.
Phone 3 79 J
Good Music and Interesting -
Sermons at the First Cone-iega-
tipnal church today. You will want
to hear them.
Kennedy Visits Salem '
Harry E. Kennedy, well known
here as former agent at the Southern
Pacific station, . stopped in Salem
briefly on his return trip, . from the
east, wnere ce uas Deeq speeding
the past couple of months. '
Peace. Edition - ' . ''
The great peace edition of ' the
Statesman. will be issued soon. All
copy for the edition must be received
very soon In order to insure its In
sertion into the edition; For inf or
matlon phone ,23. .. , , , .,
Attorneys . Here on Case
. Attorney Bert Tongue" of
A Private Ilom
In all of its apopintments is what
we offer for the use of our patrons
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger,
Funeral Directors. 770. Chemeketa
St. Phone 724.
Pays S3 Fine r
M. T. Irwin, charged with pass
ing a street car in his automobile
while the car was discharging pas
sengers, was fined $5 in police cou-t
yesterday. He pleaded guiity. "
Dr. Keeler Thinks He Can
. Relieve most any case of impac
tion, locked bowels or spasmodic col
ic in the horse by the use of some
new instruments he has just receiv
ed.'. Cattle practice a specialty.
Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools
and,' In factt anything you have
to sell. 1 buy for cash. Phone
. 610 or 511.
Y00DRY. The Anctioneer
............ t ' . , -'-
It you have any Junk or second
hand goods- of any kind, see. u
Orit ..., . v '-..!
271 ChemekeU &U Phone S08
'Ships That Pass to the Night"
Have you seen them Have you
read the book or Longfellow's lines.
Dr. Kantner will give au Interpreta
tion of them' this evening at the
First Congregational church.
Canadian Is Visi tor-
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. De Long have
as a guest at their home a nephew,
Ray L. Sennell of Roland, Manito
ba, who has just returned from over
seas duty with the Canadian army
He saw action, at Vimy Ridge, -Hill
70 and other important battles. Mr
Sennell arrived In the city Friday
Slight '
Y. S. Mott, M. D.
Ra 408 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Fbur Marriage ; Licenses '
Four jnrriage licenses were is
sued yesterday, being to the follow
ing: . George Don Turner, Portland,
and Gertrude . Normo, Woodburn;
John Adam James, and Elizabeth
Alice Downey both of Salem; George
J. Pa-tcs. Portland and Mrs. Nellis
Price, Salem.; John W. Etzel, and
Helen Freres, both of SUyton.' who
are to -marry at St. Boniface's
land, who. trlth McNary. Keyes ndtt.rcB " Sublimity, May 20
Paee. ar condnctine the ' trial n.r
circuit court of Jones against Lewls Graveyard Fixtures Involved
returned to their respective homes
last night. The trial will be con
tinued Moaday. .
Alleging that $826.65 is due him
for selling and setting cp tombstone
and other graveyard fixtures, W. W.
Ryals yesterday filed suit in circuit
cout against M. N. Lewis and L. J.
Lewis as M. N. Lewis and Company.
Judgment for the amount is asked.
After a far-reaching Investigation
ny tne Oregon publi service commis
sion and a large CoVce of experts.
extending over a period of five
months and marked to fstormy hear
ings in tne city of Portland, the com
mission issued an order today refus-
ing 10 auow an application or the
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany for an increase of 27 per cent
'in telephone exchange rates .on the
company's lines in Oregon. The com
mission takes the position that to
grant the general revision sought in
the company's application would
place an unwarranted burden upon
telephone users.
. No increase is allowed in residence
rates except at four places and Salem
is not one of them. To help the
telephone company meet wage in
creases and other abnormal expens
es a temporary modification is made
in rates for business service. Im
portant among the ruling of the or
der is a clause permitting persons
who desire to change from desk to
Wall phones to do so at any time
within 90 days of the effective date
of the order without extra charge
After 90 days a charge of $1 will be
made. The order is effective from
May 1
Relative to increased wages and
other abnormal expenses the com
mission holds that some relief is im
perative if adequate service Is to be
furnished. Business service rates in
Portland are, increased for single
party lines' from $8 to $8.50 and for
two-party lines from to $ month
ly. At points outside of Portland
excepting towns where consolidations
have been made, the maximum in
crease in business rates Is $1.50.
This rise applies only In few instanc
es. Outside of Portland the increase
in business rates In most cases is less
than $1 and for small exchanges the
increase. is seldom more than
Increases in residence rates are
allowed for only four exchanges.
These are Albany., Corvallls, Oregon
City and Grants Pass - where compe
tition, either at present or in the jast
have forced TatesTolari extremely low
The higher rates sought by the
company were designed to produce
additional revenue of approximatly
$640,000 in Oregon and in some in
stances the increases asked were as
high as 60 per cent and throughout
the sUte averaged 27 per cent. Rel
ative to returns there Is wide diver-
Did you see the crowds? -
The crowds on Salem's streets yes
terday. ,
The Loyal Order of the Purple
Phez is the latest.
It has the royal vurple distance-1
a couple tor city blocks.
S S '
The Phezzera have departed, to
tell the . Pheasant's tale of Salem's
potential greatness to the - whole
country. .
S ... '
They will pow give the proper pep
and punch to the story, and it will
have full sanction in the court of
public optaion. not being from hear
say evidence.
gence between the claims of the
We are in the market to buy
The People's Cash Store
i Phone 453. .
186-196 North Commercial St.
i j
Our pledge to
those who avail
themselves of tf '
our services is
thSjt we will
perform all of
our duties in a
manner that. will
satisfy them.
Our past conduct
assures them
that their every'
wish will be ful
filled in a defi
nite, dignified
Baby Born at Medford
Word has been received here or
th birth xf a son yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. H.. P.,Hewett of Medford.
The boy, ' who Is their first child,
has been named Richard Davis.: Mrs.
Hewett was ..formerly . Miss Gladys
Luthy and both she and her husband
attended Wlllamettf university; They
made their home in this city until
last December. ; i" - , H
"Like the Mountains of God"
Will be the topic, of Dr. Kantner's
sermon this morning. i
Not by the Red Cross . I
gome one reported that the Red
Cross of Macleay had donated $50
to the American v ar Mothers oi
Salem. It was not the Red Cross.
It was. the Loyal Workers of Macleay
who sent the $50. .
Miss Edna- Ga'field, court report
er, lias been engaged in Judge Bil
yeu's court at Albany the past week.
T. . J. Bibby, a former resident,
and who has been in the city on bus
iness, has returned to his home at
Baker. ;
Dan Chamberlain of Shaw was In
the city recently on legal business.
IBlanche Barrett, official court re
porter of the Twelfth Judicial dis
Jtnict, baa retmied horme from, a
week in Judge Belt's court at. Dal
las, t
Sergeant Geoffrey Taverner of
Brooks has returned from a brief
trio to Astoria.
Mr. Carey F. Mariin was a Silver-
ton visitor yesterday.
Legal Blanks
Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.
. '
Home Service Has Brassards
The home service of the Red Crass
has received brassards for the use
of those who have lost relatives in
the late war. The brassards are of
the same design as the service flag3
and are worn on the left arm. They
are to be obtained for the asking
at the office -of the home service
in the past office building.
RerlTal Meeting at Jason
Methodist Episcopal church Satur
day, May 3, at 8 p. m. Good music
and a real Inspirational meeting as
sured. You are invite!.
Silverton Man Fined
F. Wi Allen of Silverton made vol
untary appearance in justice court
yesterday and paid a fine of $7.50
on a charge of speeding. He was
arrested Friday by Coastable Walter
DeLong. ;
So long as people live they
will get sick. Health Agencies
are essential to health conser
vation. No one cult knows It
i all. It is not safe to risk so
Important a matter to the ap
plication of but one type of
thought in. the treatment of di
versified human disorders. Chi-'
ropractors fit well in an exist
ing condition of human inef
ficiency due to disease. Their
work provides those of weak
bodily resistance with the
maximum of nerve force an
element of human metabolism
that cannot be neglected 'in
handling disease.
Divorce Given Husband ..
Decree of divorce on grounds of
desertion - was' given In circuit court
309-312 U. S. National Bank
t ' Building.
company and the findings of the com
mission. The telephone company
represented that the rates would re?
turn only 4.35 per cent of valuation.
but the commission's probe revealed
that the rates If allowed would act
ually bring a return of 7.2 per cent
The calculations of the company were
found to be in, error in that a rate
jof depreciation was asked on a
straight line basis wnue ai me same
time the company asked for a return
on undepreciated value. This, the
commission avers, is inconsistent
and that if undepreciated value is
made a basis for calculation the de
preciation must be figured by the
"sinking fund" method, while ir a
"straight line" depreciation is adop
ted in the calculation a depreciated
valuation must be used. The order
allows 5.6 ner cent for depreciation
while the figures of the company is
on a 5.75 per cent basis.
The commission withholds approv
al rom the 4.5 per cent contract,
so-termed, under which the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company pays
4.5 Der cent of Its gross revenues u
the American Telephone & Telegraph
company for rental on telephone in
struments. engineering and nnan
clal services. These services have
no sort of relation to the gross rev
enues and should be paid for witn
the cost of the service as a basis, tne
commission asserts, in place or .
ner cent, about half that amount is
allowed by the commission for this
Wafte Increases In Oregon aggre-
ffatin annrmimatelv SaOO.000 a
vear are beinr paid by the company
the commission finds, as compared
with 1917. an excess of 33 per cent.
Further . increases are pending.
For all excahnges having less than
1000 company stations the commis
sion's order fixes service ' conneci-
ionion charges lower than those. 'es
tablished by the postmaster gener
al. . Instead of the $3.50 ordinary
charge heretofore this charge will be
$2.50. In the larger exchanges tnis
charge will remain at 3.&o. ot
desk phones a charge or z cents a
month is provided, due to increased
cost of installation and maintenance,
greater value of the service. to the
patron and because the provision iAil
cause larger users to pay in some
measure for their additional' use. -
Too much supervision and lack of
power among the iany officials to
exercise decisive authority brings
the company in for a severe excoria
tion by the commission which de
dares that efficiency of local organi
zation is lost because of Us size and
the absence of centralized authority.
Attempted increase In rates caused
repeated clashes by mall and tele
graph between Oregon public service
commission and Postmaster General
Burleson .whom the president direct
ed to assume charge of the telephone
and telegraph lines when the govern
In response to The Statesman's
published appeal to parents of sol
diers and sailors who lost their lives
In the service to notify the paper of
such casualties the honor roll Is
gradually growing. An accurate list
of these names and information con
cerning them will be Invaluable and
Information concerning gold service
stars In both Marlon and Polk eoun
ties should be sent in as soon as pos
The following are the names of
those from Polk and Marina counties
who have made the supreme sacrifice
It includes killed in action, as well
as those died of wounds, accident or
disease while in the service.
Ahlgren. Wllhelm E.
Halard. C. L. '
Ballard, Smith.
Bellinger. Ivan E.
Blake. Elton C
Braden. John C.
Bressler, Elmr.
Cat ton. William M.
Chase. Orley P.
Christofferson. Monte.
Clark, Leon L.
Cooper, Chester.
Cooper, Thomas Dean.
Cropp. Lieutenant Dr.
Dennis, Newman D.
Deraneau. Alfred.
Dwlre. -Carrie R.
Ehlen. Fred.
Foreman, Milton.
Gardner, James. ;
Gittens, Edward.
-Harless, Martin.
Guerne. Charles.
Hayes. Otis.
Hill. Benjamin F.
Hoffman, Harlan.
Jackson, Wayne C
Johnson, Eugene Dalo.
Johnson. Roy.
Jones. Anbrey.
Jones. Olla.
Kantner, Dr. W. a
Kerber, Jacob. -
Klrsch, Basil.
Koorman. Milton A.
Little. Glen.
Mark, Ray.
Mason, Harry E. ..
McClelland. Benjamin.
Norton, Everett S.
CNeil. Robert V.
Otte. John H.
Read, William M.
Reardon, George S.
Rich. Paul.
Russ. Charles
Schnlder, Ernest J.
Simmon. Chester A.
Thompson, Stanley L.
Tooze, Leslie.
Townsend, Thomas.
Whitehead. Burt B.
Wilcox, Chester M.
Willson, Curtis M.
Woelke. Charles M.
Zimmerman. Oscar.
1 Marines.
Auer, Charles.
Bartlett. Emery.
Eckerlen, Ernest..
Bennett. Ernest.
Crossan, Kenneth.
Martin, Joseph.
(MInker, Clarence S.
Neiger, Joseph H.
Cavitt. Ora E.
(The above gold star honor roll
The Shasta Limited goes back on.
German Austria will be a repub
lic, under the aegis of the league
of nations; and it will be cut off
from Germany. The very thought of
world dominion Is to be blotted out
in Germany.
Italy would like to come back.
There is nothing in the way but her
wounded pride; and that will heaL
lUly is holding Flume by force
oi arms, uut sue is looking for a
good friend to help her to let go,
it is worse for ner tnan holding a
live wire. i ,
Tomorrow and tomorrow and to
morrow, peace is to be signed, and
procrastination, the thief of time.
lights the way to dusty death. (With
due apologies, to Shakespeare.) But
it will all be over some day. and it
will be all the . same a hundred
years from, bow, if not nxore so.
She My father is very good at
reading faces.. -
He In that case I suppose I'd
better not print any kisses there.
bix deserves"
See it at the ,-i2T;
S. Com'I St, '
, , Opp. Marion Hotel
Phone 362
What a splendid Toilet .Cream. Yes
U looked upon as the best by the most discriminating women T
everywhere. It protect the hktu against chaps, fcunburn.
winu anu uusi ana. you may use u, ioiowing mat H vvuj Keep
jour complexion ever at it best. 4 X
Try Schaefer's Toilet Cream yourself, know how delightful T
it .really i. You canget it at Schaefer's only, in two sizes, t
25c and ,50c.; .. . . " ' (.
v "The Penslar'StoW ' r - '
135 North Commercial Street. Phone 197'
Cigars, Candies, Tobaccos, Pipes, Etc.
We Carry All Vopular Brands. .
State and Coral Sts. . Phone 100
Have a delicacy and re
finement in keeping with
the season. These iai are
very popular just now and
deservedly so.
These hats together with
the mother dress models have
entirely, displaced the strict
ly tailored hat of past sea
sons which is not in vogue
with good dressers today.
See our window display of
selected 'models. . .
The French Shop
. IX. Buff e-Morrisca
115 N. High SU
Masonic Temple
Route your freight via
- r..
Willamette Valley Transfer Co:
Express service at freight rates.
Long distance hauling only.
Phone 1400
BIG - .-:
. I ; . '....-
Furniture Auction
- ;. - " ' - ......
Friday, May 8, 1:30 p.m. 1
Consisting of Dressers, Oak Folding Bed, Carpets, Linoleum,
4-hole Cook Stoves, Dishes, Kitchen Utensils, Iledding, Com
Torts, Spreads, Pictures and Many Other Things.
F. N. W00DRY, The Auctioneer
: Phone 510 or 511
NOTE -See papers for further advertising.
"I buy everything for cash.
yesterday to Levi M. Webb from Su-
ment took control on August 1, 1918
Ml t