4 : I 3 1 e . ii 1 ! i ; X t THE OREGON STATESMAN ' . ucU ubhj except Monday by 4 THE STATESMAN VCBUSHIXQ COMPANY 2 IS 3. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon " pi.- . .MEMBER OF TlIE ASSOCM.TED TRESS tt all nl 3E?Vt PMJf e",U8,f1 titled to tbe use for republication an flSTlll P ChM credfdv 10 rt or not credited In thi. paper and alto the local news published herein. v v R. J. Hendricks. . Stephen A. Stone. ... Ralph Olorer: . W. C Sqoler. ...... . Frank Jaakoskl. . . . .. ............I.. .Manager Managing Editor Cashier Advertising Manager Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served. by carrier In Salem and auburba. IS centa a . Week. SO rent a mnnih - D-LJJIAtESMvAN by w: 3 for .Ix month.; 60 cent, a jmMTiTPw7v it ' pa!5LIB aavance' " of H year, three month? !&ar: C Blx moiltllS' 25 for WEEhY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page section. Tuesday, and Friday.. $1 a year (if not paid in advance. $1.28); 60 cent, for six month.; 2S cent, for three month.. log. Tbe "ue but the -ough" dies hard THE OREflOV STATESMAN t SFXDAY. MAY 4, 1010 ll n imp nn iumw llWiMMm, i , ,i , , , , .otm..w.....---. rft T t nil rm,il m l ,,i , dies hard. KMiaM..w..ck. ..,.' ..... . ; Interest In the question of "spirit return" has been given new impetus by the deaths so near together of Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir William Craokes. famous British j physicists and believers. If messages can real ly be conveyed from, the "spirit land" (by the application of sub limated natural . law these two fa mo us scientists should be able to convey them. OfcST JESUS THE CARIENTEU TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, 683. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, a. second clas. matter. tm nrv Lf L3Xs.01 0BEG0N MUST TAKE HER RIGHTFGUL PLACE. 'Oregon has lagged behind her neighbors in population. - Lying along the same ocean, both California and Washington have gained upon our State in growth of numbers. . In many respeets, Oregon is potentially the richest commonwealth of the three, One-sixth or more of the standing timber in the United States is within the boundaries . of Oregon. .There is no richer valley on earth than the Willamette valley by Nature s munificent endowment. , ' Tte vast resources of Oregon have been only just scratched over. We hav a population of probably a good deal less than a million. Our State Could SllDDOrt nnnnlnt; fY ao 1 arte, a mm n T .1 J f rrDefore the war and that would mean a hundred millions and more. Why have we lagged behind! r . W-M the more raPid railroad development of Washington and California that enabled those States to outstrip us. Later, the more rapid highway development -r . According to data gathered by the Western Highways Builder, ; a bi-weekly journal devoted to Western road construction, the Legislatures ot the i different Western States have approved bond : wtvw.ww ims year ior tne purpose of con- ; structing a system of State and national highways. California heads - illi1; P08 issue of $40,000,000. Washington is second with a proposed issue of $30,000,000. f iV-iV p'e?ent time tj" is appropriation of $291,000,000 in .which the Government is ready to allot for VntJX rv m 8ecVns.ere tbe States and counties will ap- .. Washington will get her share. f x Oregon will cret her &h are . tiotf Jnnpf ?rr5?n aT? an opportunity, at the special elec ; comLg " g Ml7 m lme the great development that aWTt !r eoWrac;g er part'of the Roosevelt Ilighway along the Pacific ocean all the way from San Diego to the Oregon fsevelt .H& . amount. "Xl - government matching the Kn!!I01?vi "completing the Pacific Highway to the Oregon line on m her sister State in tCi ""nirTk onward march. ballot at the June 3 election. " -ne even numbers on the (Catherine C. LIddell: Mrs. Fraser Tytler.) "Isn't thi. Joseph's son'" ay. It 1. he, , Joseph the carpenter same trade aa me I thought as I'd find i I knew it was here ' But my sight', gettii g queer. I dont know right where-a. his shed must ha' stood. But often, as I've been a-plainin my wood. i .... . ... . i i ve too off my hat just with thlpk in' of he ; At the same work with me. : I lie warnx that et nn th mw--m af UU I couldn't stoop down And work In the country for folk. In the town; . And I'lt warrant he felt a bit pride, like I've done. At a good Job begun. The parson he know, that I'll not make too free; But on Sunday I feel a. pleased as can be, -. wpien I wear, a clean smock, and sit. In a pew And ha. taught a few. K' ... . . :.d. ' 'rs V y V Often go a long way toward lax ting impressions. When traveling one can't afford to be misjudged. Shabby, out of date, or cheap looking baggage will most certainly create a shabby atmosphere about the traveler. 'Distinction Is the word that comes immediately into your "t 1 o ivwa ai viu iujc u uuuat suitcases and traveling bags. The summer trip will be made more enjoyable, "and the feeling of satisfaction that comes with perfect traveling equipment will be yours. We have all sizes and prices in bags, cases and trunks in various durable makes. . . IjO to tne Home I think of a. how not the parson . hissen, As is teacher and father and shep herd o men. Not he know, as much of the Lord in that shed .WTiere he earned his bread. A'ad when I get hoioe to my missus. say. .he. "Are you wanting your key?" For .he know, my queer ways, and my love for the shed (We've been forty years wed.) So I comes right away by xnysen with the book. And I turn, the old page, and ha. a 1 good look. For the text a. I've found, as tells me aa he Were the same trade a. me. of the V1CTROLA To get that new machine you have been talking of getting. We have all sizes of the best talking machine that's made as well as a complete line of all new records. a 1 f a " - i ' I The Victrola "WWW 1 "" 1 "" ' ''"M... ,,,, ' "i nu'. mm,,,,'' ' ij fcW.V,UXU "'"i"laMlllmiiMU,iilit , ' ' " ".IWWJ , ,,, I,,,,. " '" 1 iiiiiii in, 1 im if I . t f . J Jk t .1 I c? v- m . . I lnatUna1lm umi at a 9nln I I Btajre. You get more for y oar. money at MOORE'S 'J'zjh '"r ?t tht ;w ,,e r a!a -uuwuHrmi in me Held of science since the war ended concerns the nature of living substan -TL it,. . character of nroto-nla ble life has long been accted That til i f T1 ,f vegeta : is identical i tL 7w:!T mboth cases ing and which no been work' ment was made at Philadelphia latk 2l' l "- Rether the results of the researched Dr 17 DgS t0' .table kingdom and of Pro?. Jacques lSa fn tli g -1 "J .But "what is ltfef" m.i;. , lhe a?'mal kom, theologians to answer "" "" " r ."e philosophers and Why don't I mark It? . Ah. many say so; nut 1 think I'd as lief, with your leaves, let it go; It do seem that nice when I fall' on it sudden Unexpected, you know. tnm T Ch.tt,,r "m""iM- Arlington haS more than 20,000 rVfnchscemi.l.r; ii " ,U.B more tl,an i6-00" The .he ul, timber i .gT, SgjSt' Now that the Monro TA.t; 1 . nation lnt of 11..: T ,JTr" lJ,acru e covenant of -"t ia the there. ' " J; l"ru.llU: lttKC ine "me to ask for it. It ain't In the coogregation of a prosy I clergyman Is a good place to look ior the sleeping sickness. . : Of -course, If the earth had beea bone-dry In Noah's tin?, he would have had no use for an Ark. - " , ;:V Even if Herr Doktor Ebert the a t . . 'u,uf names, matter. Is able to malnUin himself as the ruler of the German neoole' la win: k - - v.ub be has devised trace, over which the tiun. dare not kick. It I. all right to boost Ole Hanson for president, but since we have een the Seattle, mayor and those nine childrea, we are Inclined to take the name of Ole from the mast bead and substitute that of Mr.. Hanson. Los Angeles Times. Some rule, are easy to obey and some are not The director of mili- jtary aeronautics has. forbidden the hooting of wild fowl with machine suns irom airplanes. Aad do you now mat. rebellious and dfcuhii. ent as we are, we shall obey. Hou ston fost. i The new chairman or the TUmn. cratic national comfcnitUe Is making wur xue country, trying to gath er up me dismembered pieces of thi Party in the various states and tell ing the faithful Just what the plat- urnx win oe m 1920. Just as if aay mortal man had any knowledge w uiai, question. THE AMOROUS AVIATOR (With apologies to William Shake speare.) Come, fly with me. and be my love. And we will all tbe pleasures prove. That only lightsome souls can find Who leave earth, gravity behind. i We'll spiral up the orb of day And tail-spin down the Milky Way: fro Vgreatr Height, our bird shall oar Than lovers ever, dared before. Thy pliant waist, a. soft a. felt. I'll girdle with Orion'. Belt, Tbe Pleiad, round thy neck I'll fling Ana gem thy hand with Saturn'. ring. Well honeymoon among the .tar.. aae tea with Venus, sup with Mars: And If such thrill a rlrl can mn Then fly with me and by my love. LOVE'S ANSWER: If that thy plane from atcrn to prow jue shaky as a knrer's vow. And if thy singing motor misses Ana back-fires like a lover's kisses. Or if the wijgs that float thy biM oe Drutie as a lover word. No araorou. piea my heart .hail move . Then fly with' me and be my love. HARRY EOWLIXO. . iuB simpunea .nelline rive, warning that It has a new list I w u rerormed word, to announce oon. The national education asso ciation, list of 12 word. ha. been aaopiea by 500 newspaper, and per- muicais, 19 state uaivenrfti- an more than 150 other universities, j "Nses ana normal schools. The 12 are: Tho. altha. th tM "uro, uoroiy. thorofaw. rn-. prorog, catalog, pedagog and decs- THE CHURCH ACTIVITIES The churtihe. raised more money m 1918 thain ever before, but the advance In other religious activities was almost negligible and some de nomination show an actual falling off In memlbership. iiut from the viewpoint of contributions for good work and refligious extension It was the area teat: rur' t. i v vuurvu upji known. Tbwusands were raised where hundreds were formerly giv en and the. work of .the church seemed to Ue, included in the great Philanthropies and sacrifices of tbe war. The spirit of giving, of un selfish surrender, was over the land and this ba Inspired several of the denomination to new seal for church extension and world better- njent. The various Methodist bod ies are asking for some 130:000.. 000; the Presbyterians for $13,500 000; the Baptists for $5,000,000 and so on. and, as they said of the American. In the war service, most of them will attain their objectives. The American, are essentially a churchy people. According to relig ious statistics Just compiled a total of 51.565,908 are claimed to have some chucch connection. This is rep resented by no less than 170 differ ent denominations. When It come, to creeds the Unit ed States Is prepared to furnish the most stupendous variety of any coun try on earth. Of course every creed of religious (reckoning !s not represented, but there are doubtless more of them than any other land Is prepared to ofer. At thia time, though, there' is a disposition to get together, and the nation may shortly witness the establishment of a world's clearing house of creeds, wherein the non essentials will be dispensed with. There can be waste and duplication even In the business vf preaching the word, and a practical .programme of church unity is better than fct. and-ntis. budget of denominational rivalry. . .The gain in church membershin in tne United State. In 1918 Is re ported as 284.500, which is less than one-third of the average rain for the last ten years. The Increase in 1917 was 1.339.000 ir.imhr nn ,. ' , . u v uiriv was ao falling off in religions Inter est last year.; The .pparent slums was largely due to the fact that so many young men were in the army, and while they were apostle, and crusaders for righteousness, they were not Identified with, any fixed creed. That may come later. But it is a time of great religious THE OLIKST HORSE rUTXJXE DATES. V dmlmm t a 1 i . JatilM . " w V t' S""dJr Employment Sunday. May . Taaar Martin in Balm fir Balraaatioa of .nmn.rriil et.b. .f r..i- coaniy. May A. TbmiI.. tr:n. .- fH-tosrtkrr nretiar at Firat Ueihiwti.i '"arch. Portland. VI it 7. r - j atimnit for ran at 7 T. M. C. A. wark to Ifar IT fi.t.w.. n. . . : K- "rlan ia honor of Vir Vt,d"! G'ral Urt I. L. Pattfraoa ana M effirrra at Maaonie tmpl. Ma 17. RltanlaT r. i . , ...... -r . . u v H mnwi n.n t Vlillanietta aaiTraity. May 1 t. 23 Odd Mlowi pn, lodrr iV zn to 25 Oresron Jray Jubilee May SO. Friday Mr no rial Day. . To4ay Spertal alectioa la Or .na. Jan i Atmm , ..1. o.... earn promt Spanith war taraaa. -r-r w is it'ihndi.t CBtraary rylrbratloa at Colamh.a. Ohio. Aacaat 14. 15. a4 IS. Elka stata roa reatioa at kUaiatk Falla. Every 'now and then tne death of the oldest horse in the world wil remind people of an animal that once had a notable place in history The other day there passed away in a little New Hampshire town 1 tturdy equine of the strain ofllor gan at the advanced age of 43 years. Thi was a notable achievement in Itself, for horsea who have attained 30 years are few and far between and, so far a3 known, 47 year. about the greatest age a horse has ever jrcfiohed. , When, these jWill West picture, wane there won't be much use for a horse and another generation will find them tenderly pastureized and cared for aa curi osities. They will be suffered to grow old gracefully and none but the very rich can afford- to drive them for pleasure. ' Sonic genius now liv ing nay endure long eaough to pen the epic of the last horse In the world. Meanwhile the nldfea horso in the world will be passing away at Intervals and his death will be mat ter for the attention of the pres.. LEST UK FOlrGET! The tumult and the shoutlnr die The captain, and the king, depart still stands Thine and fat sacrifice. An bumble and a contrite heart Lord God of hosts, be with u. yet. i-est we forget lest we forget! NEW YORK. May 1 .Mayor Hy lan. today signed the . ordinance passed bv th huH r -t Tuesday which permits tbe playin of professional baseball after 2 p. m. The ordinance also provide, taa't tha ame admission fee as is charged for week days .hall be charged on Sun day. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" "Proved Safe by Millions" "Bljct Cross" on .Tablets, ... W I axninyi V f a 1 I r 1 For Pain Toothache Colds Grippe Rheumatism Lame Back Neuritis Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Always ( 1 Jf. insist upon the genuine I U 'tBayer Package" hu ' ( tains proper dosage. Look for the ) Safety "Bayer Cross" on nackarc 4 o . Ask for "Bayer Taifcfs of Aspirin" Gssabl ABOUT FLU Just a word t to vh.it Ul ta I at In Spain it is Inriuenzaj in Russia uiaa rever; in n ranee It i. La GriDDe: in Rermanv It ia rtiit. katarrh; in thi. country it Is known a vjwppe. spanisn Flu." Eoidemie Catarrh. Epidemic Bronchitis. iu or urippe is unnouwi u r an accute infectious disease. It does noi always mrect persons exposed to its infection. It sometimes oc curs as a zymotic disease The history of "Flu" or Grippe epidemics shows a wide variation In the severity of the disease Flu appears in at least three defi nite type, of disease: -1st Respiratory disorders. 2nd Castro-enteric disorders 3rd Nervous disorders - Thf,s various types will be dis cussed in our next. DR. A. SLAUGHTER N&tttnmath Room MO U. S. Jjat-l Bank rhoae no. Bldg. TLm.. a .... - taweta-BoUk. ot J-Botte. of 100-Alao Ca-nW M,cr MaaaJacturt ai W rtinri.mm. .. H. F. BONESTEELE DeaJer In ibb e Brothers ROADSTER Th guoline conrampUon fa nmanUy low. Th. tire mileu . is qhtuqaUj Wgh.'. Paige Cars The most beautiful Car in America. M0LINE f UNIVERSAL TRACTORS ii A proven succe built and backed-by the Moline Plow Compay, $19,000,000 Concern. - BUY A THRIFT STAMP II II I i i