f eniiRctiEsI ; Leslie Methodist Episcopal. ouuiu jom.merciai -ana Meyers streets. Horace N. Aldricb, pastor. 8:45 a. m., Sunday school, with class es for all ages, under! the direction of efficient teachers, j International uniform lessons. E. A. Rhoten, su perintendent. Primary department under the management of Mrs. Ma son ' Bishop. 11 a. m., public wor ship, with Bermon by .the pastor. In stallation of officers in the Epwohth league will be held in this service. The officers are as follows: Presi- 'M I 1 1 I I 1 1 i I 1 n 1 I T I I 1 1 111 11! I 1 I III I 111 I I III III I 1 III '-4 IGNITION PARTS and BRUSHEiS for all makes of Magnetos and Generators This week only Howe Spot Lights $4.00 I -I,; Hartford Cord Tires I Hartford and Racine Fabric Tires "They have to Satisfy' Vlf they don't, we do. i Salem's only complete stock of AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES! iic5RayL.FarmerHdw.Co. PhoAe I 191 yon should learn to take advantage of oar j Quantity Baying. I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 m i dent. Leslie Springer; first vice president. Harold Dimmlck; second vice-president, John Medler; third vice-president, Ralph Thomas, fourth vice-presidejt, Floyd Mclntyre. Sec retary. Lloyd Mclntyre; treasurer, Keith Lyman; organist, Ivan Corner; chorister, Rodney Martin; usher, Carl Armstrong. - First assistants to the officers are: ' Alma Xye Ulrich, Miss Helen Ingrey, Mis Lois Xye, Miss P.yrl Marsters, Miss Alice Barchardt Miss Buelah Hazleton, Miss Sylvia Thompson. Miss Ger trude Aldrich, M'S3 Alice AH:ich, Miss. Elsie Boynton, Miss Sylvia Mar sters, respectively. Following the installation, there will be baptism of candidates, and the holy communion. 3 p. m., the regular meeting of the junior league. Miss Bertha Leitner, superintendent. 7 p. cr., devotional meeting of the Epworth league. Les lie Springer, president. 8 Ik. m., song service, led by the Girls' chor us, and an address by the pastor. State Institutions. Services at the state institutions Sunday will be held as follows. 9 a. 'm., state hospital by H. C. Stover. 3 p. m.. Girls Training school, by .R. L. Putnam. 3:15 p. m.. Tuber culosis hospital, by G. L. Lovell. 1 1 1 1 111 I I I 1 First Methodist Episcopal Church. State and Church streets. 11 a. m.,,tbe sacrament of' the Lord's Sup per will be administered. S p. m., sermon by the pastor oil "A Danger ous Compromise." Class meting at 9:15 a. m.. lead by W. L. Cummings. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. conduct ed by the superintendent, John W. Todd. Service at the Old People's Home in charge of th6 pastor. Dr. R. N. Avison. 7 p. m., the -Epworth league devotional hour. The senior chapter will be lead by Miss Carmen Harwood. Juniors, by Mr. Hubert Wilkin. Mid-week serviceVThursday evening at eight o'clock. Music morn ins and evening- by the chorus choir, directed by Prof. John K. Sites. . Church of GL 1346 North Church street. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching se" vices at 11 and 7:4$ by Evangelist Lewis. - These services are quite In teresting as the evangelist is preach ing from hte chart on Revelation and Is bringing out the truth a boot the Dragon and the Beast and the Image to , the Beast, and you will , miss something by not hearing the mes sages from time to time. The meet ing will be continued indefinitely. Come and bring your friends. J. J. Gillespie, pastor. r Salvation Army. Open .air meeting Saturday even ing at 7:30 in the hall at 8 o'clock, conducted .by Rev. Mr. Tibbits. Sun day morning open air at 10:30. Holi ness meeting in the hall at 11 o'clock Sunday school at 2 p.'.m. United Mission meeting at 3 p. m. T. P. L. at 6 p. nt. Open air at 730 p. m. In the hall at 6 p. m, Pou are wel come. Captain and Mrs. Hunter, of ficers in charge. - ! and .morning service at 10 a. m. Sun day school Is superintended by Mrs. Burton Edwards. Special music by members of the Sunday school. Ser mon by the pastor. Christian En deavor at 7:15. Mr. Claud Burch. leader. Evening servica at 8 p. m. Subject ' 'A Comprehensive Creed." Thursday evening service .at 8 o'clock. DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you Rally feel cleansweet and fresh inside, and : are seldom ilL If you are accustomed to wake up with a coated tongue, foul breath or a dull, "dizzy headache; or, if your meals sour and turn into gas and acids, you have a real surprise awaiting you. Tomorrow morning. Immediately upon arising, drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This is intended to first neutralize and then wash out ftof your stomach, liver, kidneys and thirty feet of intestines all the Indi gestible! waste, poisons, Jsour bile and toxins, thus cleaning, sweeten ing and purifying the entire alimen tary canal. , Those subject to sick headaches. backache, bilious attacks, constipa tion or any form or stomach trouble, are urged to get a quarter pound or limestone phosphate from the drug store and begin enjoying this morning Inside-bath. It Is said that men and women who try this be come enthusiastic and keen it up daily. Just as hot water and soap cleanse. purify and freshen the skin, so hot water and a teaspoonful of limestone Phosphate act -on the stomach, liver. kidneys and howels. Limestone pho-3- pnate is an Inexpensive white pow der and almost tasteless. ; Central Congreg Uonal. South Nineteenth and, Ferry streets, H. Cv Stover, minister. A merged service of the Sunday school VALUE We are Salem's agents for the famous Lloyd Princess line. Picture your baby in one of these Lloyd Prin cess Baby Buggies. There is nothing better. The quality is first class and the style leads them alL j I Prices right i ' Regular $65.00 Buggy, special . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .$49.80 Regular $50.00 Buggy, special . . . . . . . . . . ... . .', , . . . .$39.60 Regular $30.00 Buggy, special . .... ...... . ... . ... .$23.80 Regular $20.00 Buggy, special . ........ . ... ....... .$14.80 ' Clarke Jewel Stoves Save your strength by using one of our Clarke Jewel Oil Stoves. It is not only a labor saver but a fuel saver. We guarantee that this stove will use less oil for' the same heat than any stove made, on aprovaL , Sold VICT.RDLAS $96.15 Victor outfit consists of 1 Victtola, 14 beautiful selections and 200 Victor Needles. See this outfit to day.! There is nothing that can bring more pleasure to the home. If you want to dance the Victor will furnish the music If you want to hear Caruso-' smg Let the Victor demonstrate. I Four Stores , ' : 1 ! " - - - - Trade in Your Used Goods v 1 E. L Stiff & Son I Four Stores Dallas Couple Marry and WUl Make Home in Spokane DALLAS, Or., May 2. (Special to ine statesman) Jadge and Mrs. Ed F. Coad or this city have announced mat their youngest daughter. Miss Ava, was united In marriage Monday. April zi, at Spokane to Julius Her- zog or Portland, a former Dallas bus iness man. The bride was one of the members, of the younger set of Dallas and was popular with a lrage circle or friends. For the past few months she has been engaged In sen ographic work in Portland. The young couple will make their home in Spokane. . SAGE TEA KEEPS YOURHAIRDARK When Mixed With HalpimY It Brings Hack Its Ueentlial Lustre At Once. (1. 'ft7 wji i it ssjwrjui r i i i i Hi I r ftVf v-1 4S Ml I I villi 1 I weimn Jibllpaper I I Are verj' i THE 1919 CREATIONS IN HIGH CLASS WALL PAPER different. They run along the line of 1'lainer effects tvith BEAUTIFUL CUT-OUT BORDERS j See the latest, best and most economical in wall decorations at j Buren's Furniture Store Commercial Street SALEJf and a stretch of timber many miles long would have been burned and property belonging to both plaintiff and defendant to the amount of sev eral hundred thousand dollars destroyed. SOLDIER IS HOME SILVERTOX. Ore.. May 2 (Special to The Statesman) Alvia H. Heramingsen came to Silverton Tuesday night. He received his hon orable discharge at Camp Lewis Sun day and left immediately for Don ald where he visited at the Williams home until -Tuesday night. P. Mo berg. S. Williams and Alvin William brought Mr. Hemmingsen riowu in the Williams car. Mr. Hemingsen has been overseas for aboct 10 months. He says that althongh he cannot complain of the treatment hs received on the other side he Is very glad to get home again. Mr. Hem mingsen Is staying with his sister, Mrs. Pearl Miller. He will probably remain at Silverton during the summer. "I notice a good deal in the pa pers about our, soldiers taking up farming when they return from over seas.' musingly said honest' Farmer Hornbeak. "So. probably, by this time next year I'll e deferentially saying. 'Pardon me, colonel, ut the dinner horn has just blown. or a trifle more briskly, 'Captain, them hog's Is out again. or yelling In no uncertain tones. 'Lieutenant, dad burn your ornery picture, do yon want to lay abed all day? Country Gentleman. . A SEASON OF SAVING DEFORE some other season catches yon napping this in-between time should find every farmer in the Valley looking for ward to his harvest needs and striving to accumulate the necessary cash to "carry oil" That very effort in itself forms a very good reason here at the United States National Bank to extend a little credit also if neces- ary- ; ' l ' Wc are always glad when called upon to lend practical assistance. LuaaBS lu Salem Oregon TTATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS ONE CENT A WORD v I KJrey hair, however ha'adsome. de notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful p- pearance. Your hair Is your charm. It make? or mars the race. When it fades, turns grey and looks streaked, just a few applications of! Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay, grey! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle or "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," which Is merely the old- time recipe Improved by the- addi tion of other Ingredients. Thousands of . folks recommend this ready-to-use preparation, because It darkens the hair beautifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally and evenly. Tou moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, draw Lag, this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the grey hair disappears; latter another application or two. its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lust-ous. and you appear years younger. COIMYLOSES DAMAGE ACTION Spaulding Firm Fails to Col lect Damages from Siletz Lumber Concern DALLAS. Or.. May 2. (Special to The Statesman) The Silett Lum ber & Logging company was awarded the verdict in a damage case insti tuted by the Charles K. Logging com pany in the circuit court, Thursday when the jury, after beln out but a few minutes returned with a verdict for the defendant. The case was one of the most important civil actions Drought In the Polk couaty courts for a number of years and its settle ment will have much weight In the settlement of cases between holders of timber in this state for years to come. r The action was brought by the Spaulding company against the de fendants for the alleged setting of a back fire last June at the time a forest fire was raging In the western art of Polk county, the fire destroy ing a number of logs and green tim ber or the plaint ir is. The plaintiffs attempted to show that the back fire was unnecessary at the time to pro tect he propery of the defendant and incidentally some of its own property as alleged by the defendant and that the fire was set without the consent of a representative of the Spaulding company. The - defendants showed in their testimony that If the back fire had not been started and the fire stopped. -a. large bridge about 500 feet long Gas Kite Rami fl TT .17 eee Jnieater ge and This new two-in-one creation is a triumph of stive making, for it combines all the adantages of the gas range and all the conveniences of the kitchen heater in a single unit BuJZmm mm" inn- r '' 1 I I its; sl A i - The heater burns wood, coke or coal, which may be ignited by a gas kindling ' flame. Or it burns gas alone if you prefer. Hot water coils may be installed, which will Insure a constant hot water supply while your kitchen is being made warm and comfortable. This range has a six-hole cooking top-two holes for the heater-four holes for gas-made of rust resisting iron, with a perfectly pro portioned, efficient, quick-baking oven. Enameled oven doors, splashers and drip pans complete the beauty of this ideal combination. Portland Railway, Light Power Co. J 237 North Liberty Street -