The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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e is no
argument as to
the Strength and
Of FORD automobiles. For, business or pleas
ure they have proven their true worth. Can
book a few more orders for cars in transit.
Better place your order before it is too late.
Don't forget alj cars are blocked I for self
starter and generator, which will be furnished
in about CO days. , '
( -i
Quality is taken for granted. Years of Service have won reputation for durability
and Economy beyond question Ask the man who owns one.
All Capacities 3-4 ton to 5 ton.
The Universal Tractor
! -
DOUGLAS it INTO, Salem, Ore.
GEO. CLAXTON, Shaw, Ore. . , .
GEO. McCARTER, Salem. Ore.
The day of power farming is at hand.
It means economy, better, tilled soil and greater crops.
Drop in and see the Fordson, or let us hear from you
and we will send our salesman out to see you.
if 1 1 ' i r
. Comer State, sad Front
. ' ' Street
The churches of America are
today being; linked up with the
United States : employment serv-
ice. in a great percentage 01
I those in the country today the la
i bor situation will be the topic of
i sermons or of a special announce
! ment. ; - ' ,:;r
The idea is; to urge that every
; church form local committees that
; will affiliate with the employ
ment, service, but more especially
is it hoped that special emphasis
will be laid on the injunction that
every -employer "list every job
with the United States employ
ment service at its nearest
Dr. Christian F." Reisner, na
tional head of the Methodist
minute men suggested the idea of
Employment Sunday, as today is
known, to Secretary of Labor
Wilson, who has mailed to every
pastor in America data,. concern
ing employment. 1
As this is the first Sunday of
the month Holy Communion will
be held in the Methodist churches.
This is also true at St.-: Paul's.
And the first Baptist church. At
the latter place reception of new
m-embers will also take place. At
Leslie .Methodist .officers of the
Epworth league will be installed
in the morning and this will be
followed by baptism.
Mother s Day is to be celebrat
ed by the Court street Christian
chrch and a large ' crowd is ex
pected.; Cradle j roll certiticates
wDl be presented and all new
babies enrolled:
An address that promises much
of interest is that b)43JT. Doty,
scheduled for the evening pro- the Evangelical church.
Mr. Doty has been a member of
the church zJ years ana wm teu
of his reminiscences from 26 years
of church affiliation.
Coming events worthy of note
are the annual parish meeting
and election of: vestrymen at St
Paul's on Monday night and the
annual Evangelical association
conference at Seattle May 8 to 12.
. Court Street Christian CSiurch.
North Seventeenth and Court
Trtreeits. On, May 11 wje observe
"Mother's -Day" In the Bible school.
There will be several special fea
tures of Interest given at both Bible
school and church service that will
be -well worth witaessihg:. A com
mittee is at work with J he arrange
ments for program. A big crowd
is expected. The Craile Roll eer
tificates will be -presented to all new
babies now enrolled. We had a fine
school last Lord's Day and we are
looking for more this time. The con
test now on between the men and
boys on one side and the womea ;
and girls on the other shows the men
and boys slightly in the lead. The
result will be announced each Lord's
Day. Morning service 10 a. m. to
12 m. Bible school begins promptly
from the word go. Sermon for chil
dren. Lord's Table, special sermon on
"Our Home Task. This 'Is Home
Missionary Day in the church; let
all come prepared to share in the
worship and spread of gospel in our
natien. , The local auxiliary of C. W.
B. M. holds- Its monthly, meeting 3
p. m. and the mission study group
of young 'ladies meets also. - The
castor will hold service at the girl's
Industrial school, at 3 p: m Chris
tian Endeavor 7 p. m. Song service
and sermon, "The Greatest Thief in
the World" 8 p. m. Official board
meeting 8 p. ro. : Monday. Prayer
meeting and teacher training class
Thursday 8-9 p. m. Ycu are we'.'
come to all these services. Come
and yowill come again. It. L. Put
nam, pastor.
a. m., "Like the Mountains of God."
7 p. m.. social hour - under . super
vision or Mrs. Stewart. The Chris
tian Endeavoer serving. . 8 p. m.,
"Ships That Pass in the Night." A
cordial invitation to all.
" Sooth Halem Frfds.
Corner of South Commercial ao
Washingtaon streets., 1L E. Pember
toil pastor. Bible school at 10 a.
m. Classes far all. Dr. Carl Miller,
superintendent. Meeting for worship
a'ad preaching at 11 a. m. and again
at 8 p. nt Young people's meet
ing at 7 v. m. Prayer meeting at
8 p. m. Thursday.
J axon Lee Bfemortkf M. E. Ctiurch.
Corner of . Winter and Jefferson
Kt reels. Thomas Acheson, pastor,
Bunday school 9:45.. Oasses for
all ages under the care of euicient
leaders. Public worship 11 Evan
gelistic service, subject. "Winged
Messengers on Great Themes." Ep
worth league 7 p. m. A rousing
good time assured to all young peo
pie. Evening worship 8 o'clock. This
will be the closing service of the re
vlval series, subject: "A Moraeotous
Question." The chorrs cliolr will
furnish- special music. There wil
be an. abundance of congregational
singing - also. We cordially invite
the public to atend thtse services.
. v First Baptist.
Marion and North Liberty strets,
Rev. G. F. Holt, D. pastor. Public
worship with preaching 11 a. m- and
8 p.m. Morning topic: "Your Lord
and Your Life," with reception of
new members and communion. Even-
Lil LB mn . I !!.- .. .-W
fl 1 A
5 ioe
'race of lines and, mechanical excellence
the ntnv Studebaker Cars and set them apart
cars within their price range.
niO 6-CYLINDEB . . . . . . . .
from other
. $1425
We have the agency for this well known heavy truck. Our
first one will be here Monday evening. i
j These cars on display at 252 State Street
s .iv Graham ' joilv lacey
St. Paul's Church.
Second Sunday after Easter. 7: SO
a: nr., holy communion; 9:45 a. m.,
church school; 11 a. m.. choral cel
ebration and sermon, "The Evolu
tion of Eternal Principles;" 8 p. m.,
evening prayer a'Jd address, "The
Peace of Christ." : Everybody wel
come to all these services. The an
nual parish meeting for the election
of vestrymen and transaction of bus
iness will be held Monday evening
at 8. Charles H. PowelL rector.
First Christian Church. ,
Leland W. Porter, pastor. Bible
school at 9:45. Morning worship
at 11, sermon oa "The Armour of
Cod." C E. at 7 p. ro. Evening
worship at 8, sermon. "The Ascen
sion Our Benefit." Sunday school
ahd young people's society topics.
Sunday school lesson, Man Made in
the Image of God, Gen. 1:26-28
and 2:7-9. Eph. :420-24 E. L
lesson. Oar Relation to God, Obedi
ence, John 15:12-17. B. Y. P. A.,
Reveence anrd Public Worship, -Ps.
33:1-11. C. E., Serving, Mat. 2Q,:
20-28. ! .
First Chnrch of Christ. Scientist.
Sunday services are held at 440
Chemekta street at 14 a. m. Subject
of the Bible . lesson. "Everlasting
Punishment." . Sunday school at 9
45 a. in. Wednesday' evening tes
timonial meeting at 8 p. m, Read
ing room 209 Masonic temple open
every day except Sunday and holl
days form 11:45 to 5 p. m. All
are Invited to our services and ta
our reading room.
,.i :
First Congregational Church.
Liberty and Center streets. W.
C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m., Sun
day school with classes for all ages.
W. L Staley. superintendent. 11
Ing topic: "In the Far Country."
Sanday school 9:45 a. m. Young
people's meeting 7 p. m. Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock mid-week devo
tional service. Strangers aud visit
ors are welcome at all these services.
Evangelical Association.
17 th and Chemeketa streets. Ja
cob Stoeker. pastor. 10 a. a, Sun
day School. John LIppoId, saperin
teadent. 11 a, m.. divine service
and sermon by the pastor. 3 p. m
service ai rrutuana. 7:ii p. m..
Young People's Alliance. 8 p. m
C. T. Doty will speak on "Reminis
cences from 26 years of Church Af
filiation with Cheraeketa Street
Church," Mr. Doty was a member
of this church for 21 years and will
have many iaterestiag remlalsosaeea,
P. S. This is the last Sunday before
the annual eoafereocej that is "being
held at Seattle, from! May. 8th to
12th. Bishop llelamlUer of Naper
vllle. 111., will be the presiding of
ficer. . . ;,.
United EvangrlkaL
Cotage and Center streets. : Rev.
O. L. Lovell. palter, fiondajr school
at 10 a. m. R. A. Schmalle, su
perlntendeat. Divine worship- aad
preaching service at 11 a. m Chris
tian -Endeavor at 7 p. ra. Helen
Lovell. leader. Evening worship and
illustrated sermon on tfcw "Shetu-d
Psalm" at t mo. Prayer meetl&g
on Thursday eveoiag. i u
""""" . ''i
Firwi , PrebylriJMi Charch.
Thomas S. Anderson, mlairter.
Sabbath school at 9:43. Joseph It.
Altert. snperlatendent. Clasaes for
alL Morning worship at llo'elxk.
Theme. "The Flowers Appear on the
Earth." May day. Good mnslc. Y.
P. 8. C. E. at T aad evening worthlp
at 8 o'clock, thejae.. Th Law of
Compensation as Tanght by the Par
abla of Diver and Laxama." Be sire
you met this law.
(Continued on page 4).
Take Glas of Salts If Your Bark
Hurts or Madder 1 roubles
- ' . you. - - .
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a' mistake by
(flushing the kidneys occasionally,
says a well-knowa authority. Meat
forms uric"' acid which excites the
kidneys. - they become overworked
from the strain, get sluggish aad
fall to filter the waste and poisons
from the blood, then weget sick.
Nearly all rheumatism, headaches,
liver trouble, nervousness, dlxzlness.
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.
Tlte moment you feel a dull ache
In the kidneys or your back hurts
or if th urine is cloudy, offensive,
full otsedimeat, irregular of passage
or atended by a sensation of braid
ing, stop eating meat and get about
four ounces of Jad Salts frobi any
pharmacy; . take a' tablespoonful n
a glass of water before breakfast aad
In a few days your kidneys win act
fine. ' This famous . salts Is made
from 'the acid of grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate the kidneys, also to
neutralize the acids in urine so it
no longer causes irritation, thus end'
lag bladder weakness.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and can
not injure; makes a delightful ef
fervescent lithia-water drink which
everyone should take bow aad then
to keep the kidneys clean and ac
tive 'and the blood pure, thereby
voiding berious kiqney complica
The Oakland stands as the foremost example of practical light weight construction among
the widely sold automobiles today. The marked reduction of weight in all Oakland
models, combined with high power and great atardines and stamnia, gives results in serv
ice and satisfaction to the owner which are very unusual when compared with that of
other' automobiles. ' . j
Elemental simplicity of design and the use of high-grade materials throughout to secure
full strength with the lowest possible amount of weight, makes possible the low weight of
2130 pounds in the Oakland touring models and similarly light weight in the other cars
of the Sensible Six line. This means only 43 pounds of car weight. per horsepower
touring car. The remarkable performance 01 these ears in service, both as to pulling
pewer, flexibility, rapid acceleration, and operating economy, is largely responsible.' for
the uncommon popularity of the .Sensible Six and for its enthusiastic endorsement by over
one hundred, thousand user. ' - , I
The scientifically correct character "of Oakland design is further evidenced by the fact
that owners of the Sensible Six regularly secure from 18 to 2.1 miles of travel rer gallon
of fuel and from 8000 to 12,000 miles per set of tire. The .f2x4 inch tires, extra large
for the weight of the car, render, not only extraordinary long service, but promote easy
ridinp ami freedom from tire troubles." V
Summed up, the Oakland fconsibie ix meets all the needs of motor x-ar urs better
than other cars of anywhere near its coat, having those qualities which make it the most
a i rt. j -
economical ana practical car ouui giving "true comlort, convenience and service. :
American Auatoinobile Co.
Distributors for Polk and Marion Counties. Phone 399
r-r --
' I :