The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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: !
of this BUY IN
, We will deliver for
$5.00 per case of
2 dozen, 6 oz.
$5.00 per case of
2 'dozen, 6 oz.
by express prepaid to
any point in the. United
Place your order with
your own grocer and pay
hini.He and we will do
the rest ,
These orders will be
filled immediately upon
.receipt of the new Jabels,
(in about two weeks)
Take this opportunity to
show your eastern friends
and relatives what Salem
can do.
' FHendsOf .the state university
and particularly those of Arthui
Faguy-Cote are disappointed in the
announcement made the past week
that he has resigned his position as
head of the vocal department and
will Ideate soon for France where
both he and Mrs. Cote will continue
their Ftudy or music. .
Mr. Cote came to the university
two years ago and has not only done
more than any other intsructor to
raise the standard of music at the
university, but has proven himself
a vocalist of exceptional ability and
interested many people in music. He
has appeared with the Portland Sym
hony orchestra and the MacDowell
club bringing great honor to the university-
as well a3 to himself.
If it is possible Mr. and Mrs. Cote
for France where Mr. Cote will con
tinue vocal studs and his wife the
piano. Until then they will visit in
Chicago and in Kentucky. z
1 Mr. and Mrs. T. Leland Brown mo
tored to Portland Sunday to spenI
the dayi s .
Mrs. II. C. Stover. Mrs. W. F, Nep
tune, and Mrs. John Gilbert were
hostesses for a pretty May Day tea
at . Central Congregational cnurcD
this week. I
Miss Ethel Liston who is engaged
In clerical work in the liberty loan
drive in Portland, is visiting over
the week-end with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Liston.
v . m
equipped to make prompt re
pairs on your 'Eyeglasses or
Make use of it !
Optometrist Optician
Bush Bank Bl&g.
Hi one 625.
tory, observance, and spirit of the
day. by Robert 11. Schaurfler. ;
-The Lay of the Nlbei units," tran-v
Jated by Alice llorton. !
CA Spanish Kcaaer ior ueuinneTa j
hr Michael De VitiE. t
lie JGendre de M.
French play by Kmile-Aufier. i
. 'Petite Fadette." the story ; in
French by George Sand.
"The Bethrothal," a e;iH-l to
"The Bluebird" by Materlinck.
","'chcerful and anuudn
toried of a colored youth, by J. T.
Davis. . .. - ""
"Buccaneer' Fa r met s,Ue story of
an Knglih gentleman fsrmr' ad
ventures In the Cariblx-an. by Har
old Bindloss.
"The Betrothrd." by A.'Manzoni.
a historical romance of Italy.
VPoilii." the story of-a doy or
Koubalx, by Mrs. K. S. Atkinson.
I t
Friends of, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie
Campbell, who have just moved from
Salera to their country house called
on theui in their new home last night
with full lunch baskets. Those who
were present were Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Delanc
and Miss Cynthia, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
is Mishler, Mr, and Mrs. w
Moore. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mcti-
valn. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fox, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Bowen, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Galloway, Mrs. Burton A. Mey
ers, and Dorothy and Luclle Moore J ,i
, .' M
Mr. and Mrs. George Hurst, of Sil-
verton, .are spending tne wees wim
friends in alem. 1
As a closing program for the Saleir
Wopen's club, Mrs. W. H. Burghardl
will present a "song cycie ai iu
meeting of the club on the 12th. The
members of the chorus mciuae w
best talent in Salem and the anau
Is assured of success. M
May" 12th will also be guest ua
and each member will bring wur.
her to the meeting one guest. The
annual election of officers will aiso
take place at this meeting. Retiring
officers for this season are Mrs. J. n
Albert, president. Mrs. Zadoc Riggs
vice-presidents Miss Mattte ieaii
recording secretary, Mrs: Roy uurion
financial secretary, a?a airs, jam
Elvin. treasurer. :
wntiam Brown, who has leen
fpendinff the winter in Redland, Cal
ifornia. returned tne lauer pan
the week to Salem.
Mrv Clifford Brown will go to
Portland today for a two weens is-
it with relatives and friends..
John Adams James and Miss Eliza
beth Alice Downing were mamo
yesterday afternoon at; 666 V rrr:i
George J. Parks, of Portland, and
Mrs. Nellie Price were united in mar
riage Saturday afternoon at the Con
gregational "parsonage, Rev. W. C
Kantner officiating. --.
-Fifty couples enjoyed a dancing
UTt ennnsored by the LaArca clirh
Thursday nlgfet at the Masonic. ball.
For those who did not care to danct
rard tables were arranged. Lilac
and Scotch, broom were uspi ib iu
decorations. , ,
" .. . ' , - ' -,
Miss Mabel Cummings, head of the
women's physical training depart
ment at V'. of O.. was, a visitor in
Salem daring the early part of the
week. Miss Cummings came to at
tend the meeting of .the committee
appointed by Superintendent! J. A.
Churchill In preparing the new ftate
courses of study-; in physical training.
Friends of MrJ and Mrs. Maurice
U Bullock (Beulah Clark) willbt
interested to know that the Utillock?
are the proud parents of a new son
Messntr Grocery at Dallas
Is Badly Damaged by Fire
-DALLAS, Or.. May 2 (Special to
The Statesman) What might have
been a disastrous fire ocenrrfd in
Dallas last night at about 6:30
o'clock whea the store room of the
Messner grocery on Court 6treet was I
New U. S. Wheat Director
Who Believes Five-cent
Loaf Will Not Come Back
i It's a Spell Binder
The Sequel to ,the Story
who has been named Merlin Clark.
3oth Mr. and Mrs. Bullock are grad
uates of Willamette university and
the former is now studying at the
Boston Theological school. Mrs. Bul
lock, after her graduation from Wil
lamette, was an instructor in Latin
at the college and then completed a
four years course at the .University
of Denver. j
. '
Miss Vivian Hop.on, a freshman
of U. of O., has been elected " to
Kwama, a Sophomore woman's honor
organization. The purpose of the
society is to promote democracy and
general good fellowship. Each year
19 Freshman gins, are elected to
become active members in their so
homore class.
VCards announcing the lrth of a I
9-pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Knighton, of Buena Vista, Fri
lay. have been received by Salem
friends of the Knighton's. Mrs.
tnighton was Miss Effie Lindley.
laughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Charles
Vindley. and spent most of her early
life in Salem. "
Mrs. Leonia Osborne Peterson,
soprano eoloist at the First Christian
church, assisted Mrs. Leland W. Por
ter in a dramatic recital at the f i-it
Christian church in Altany last Mon
day "evening. Mrs. Peterson's uuni'
bers were;
Christ in Flanders. . .Ward Stephens
An Open Secret. ..Woodman
The Rose In the Garden, Keidlinger
Jean '.Spross
Until Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. George Rodgers.
if - - -:
I '. - - . J
t l ys.i
if vilis
- - ,., .' '-Z - V
mm f n m I
in..iuiuui uk
Fresh from Fatty i Fun Mine.
Continuous Show Today
' i in r
gutted. Had the flames broken out
at a late hour the. entire business
block on the treet would probably
have been destroyed. The fire is
supposed to have been carried from
a pile of rubbish and papers that
had been set on fire early In tho
afternoon. r. A. Messner. the pro
prietor of the grocery had a largo
stock of goods in the building which
twoi w lther destroyed by the flames
or damaged by water. The loss is
That the 5 cent loaf of bread not
only will not come back this year
but probably 'never w ill come back,
is the opinion' of Julius II. Barnes,
newly appointed; I'nited States wheat
director. lie predicts a drop in the
price nf wheat within the next
months, since it is now above the
figure guaranteed to the producer j covered by insurance
by the government, but he explained j
mat wneat wouui nave 10 crop 2a
per crnT in price to bring th
cheaper loaf. .
Mr. Barm1 is the man who mad
an assault on high prices Tuesday
which brought about a marked
or Astoria are visiting' with rela- J slunj, in the provisions lliai kf.t.
tives and friends in Salem
Organ Opening at
Ye Liberty Today
Prof. E. D. Pavate. who has mace
x special study of niotkn pictitre il
lustrative accompaniment, has been
sent here by the American Thoto
rlayer company of Loa Angeles, Cal..
to operate the opening performance
on yfhe $10,000 orrhestral jhoto-
player organ that has jnst been in-
stalled in the popular Ye Liberty
theater. t
For this special occasion the man
agement has selected one of the most
stupendous plcturizatiors on the
market today in "The Unbeliever." 1
a smashing uperrr?eture taken
from "The Three Things' by Mary
Raymond Ship man Andrews., It ha
been produced in seven parts by
the Thomas A. Edison company in
co-operation with the United States
Marine corps, a story o the hnmro
soul featuring Raymond McKce and
Marguerite Courot. Prof. Pavatt
will give a few special selections
ahead of each show during the da;
at 2 4, 6, 8 and 10 pJ m.
roiK aroi'pea an .extreme 51.80 per
barrel while bacon declined a maxi
mum of $1 per hundredweight. At
a result of Mr. Barnes announce
ment' the board of trade put in one
of the most spectacular days in the
Mstory of the present 'corn market.
raid the pe
"if you ride
the other
"You'll get run in."
destrian to the cyclist,
without a light."
"You'll get run into."
the rider as he knocked.
'You'll get rim in, too," said th
policeman as he stepped forward and
seized the cyclist.
Ju?t then another scorcher came
along without a light, to the police
man was run into. too. and had to
run in two. Tid-Bits.
...We are at your service...
474 Fmi v Strut t
Phone 3G4
The Only Shade Made With a Ventilator
:rai-j Ul "I'iij
Vmw Sale fcy
tbId & Co. t
I. K. GiDdmsti.
1 Atin Morly &. Co. i
W. li. Oc-fth i ,
J. I. Coley
A. w. tichrunk
J. I Uufiick
W. K. Klrhardson
Jiedrlaway'n 0h Str T"'
Uibson &. Blrrli. Liberty
M. V, Johnson . .
J. C. Savage
WacotKta, Oregtn:
W. li. Kamp
" Iirooks. Oregon
M. J, McCorniack
West Wowlburn
"Painters, Pictures and 'People,"
a book suggesting how to judge a
picture without being a connoisseur,
with illustrations of modern work,
written by K. E. Xeuhaus.
'.'The Catskills." a most attract
ive" book of t:avel 1h these beautiful
mountains, nicely illustrated, by,T.
Korris Longstreth.' i ,
"Some Historical Phases 'of Mod
ern Japan by Shosuke Sato.
"Headings in Industrial Society,"
selection on economic subjects, as
money, markets, competition, prop
erty and government regulation, a
valuable collection by 1-on C. Mar
shall, j
"Thrirt, by Orison Swrtt Marden.j
a timely book, ia Maroon's iimiI
Rtyle. '
"KDKineeri'n as a Ca;er,'' a se
ries of paers by eininent enginevrxj
.on the w-ork and opportunities of-;
fcred by the cation. '
"The Law as a Vocation." the na-
nre'of the profession, its dehand.
nd the fields of service open, lv
V. J. Allen. , , ' J
"Swimming a.itl Watermanship."
i rtrl tides 'chapters r water-polo. Iir
I', de B. Hand ley. , j
"Modern Dancing," , dtsrription
of (he dances with illust rail.m i.v
Vernon and lrvne fasti'.
j-winoiic iecorations and Sii;:-
wstrons," prepared by the DcnnUo.i
"Mother Day," selections n his-
. : r jr ijenulalor
i v sorcn j rv i: n;
3 10. Court Stnrt
forJrti Money
This season find us unusually
well supplifxl with .suicrior fjuality
woolenn from which we can fashion
you a suit or overcoat at a price sur
prisingly low.
These garments we make to your
exact, measure from materiaU of
youtlown selection.
They cuiIkxIv every iiality es
sential to irool elothes" material,
sl'le, fit, finish ami scasonahlonrNs.
NVe invite you to
over our hundreds
eall and look
of high urade
. 426lState St.
W N m. ,, ii I ' l I I ' i )l Ml
Salem, Oregon gmal n 8lzgrfal in resulta .Statesman Clatiified Ad.