i TT1E (TREGO STATESMAN: WKnXESPAY. APRIL SO. 19M ' ' , Colored Glasses We hate a large assortment of colors and sizes, ranging In price from fifty cents to fire dollars. Protect your eyes. Hartman Bros. Co.. Jewelers and Opticians . N. XV. Corner State and Liberty Sts. business firms are members of the association, 'Mr. Dalziel was shown throitgh the organization's plant by C. 11.' Lehman, the secretary. Piano at a Bargai Good used mahogany piano, like new, for sale at a ba gain. E. L. Stiff & Son. i tomarv nine months of the college I r"",w'!w",w?y"y ear. In addition to his work as in structor he will be sbje to complete many of the requisites for a mas ter's degree. V. S. Mot Of. I. Rm. 408 Hank of Commerce bldg. Shrihers to Canada A number of Salem Shriners are planning to attend the ceremonial which is to be put on in Vancouver. B. C. by Al Kader temple of Portland. The Salem men will leave Friday. CITY NEWS Xew Suit Cae Just received a new shipment of "real leather" suit canes and travel ing bags. See them at V. E. Shafer's. 170 South Commercial street. Phone 411. opet-iai meeting oi ueiana .Mary Loulne Kerr of Aurora ..uoiajr uuiuianaery, were issued C degree, come. : No. 5, K. T., this even Jng. Work in the It. Visiting Sir Knights wel- Lady Wanted to Wash Dishes At the-Spa. Will Marry Today iAlbert William. Ehlen-of Portland OREGON THfcATRE NOW SHJRLEY MASON 1 In 'THE WINNING GIRL Vustro-Tlriton Would lie American .Horn in Austria and now a citi are to be married at Canby todav. h v,,v v.u,... v.. i..i citizenship la the United States a marriasre licensB voj. leruay py county Clerk Hoyer. They Cretonne Special 50c, 60c. 75c and fl Cretonnes at one per yara. Dr. II. F. Pound announces me reonenlnir nf M. dental office, 5th floor, United States iauonai wans bulldlag, phone 169. Mrs. Hell Here Sirs. Edaa Bell of the. protective uepanment 01 1'ortland. was in Sa lem yesterday on official business. cue returned last night. The town of hi3 nativity is ItojananiK kuli, Austria and he entered the United -States at IKastport. Idaho, from Canada on December IS, 191 Standard Scale llook In duplicate. Statesman Job of flee. Mis Cowgill Visits Schools ,Mis3 Helen Cowgill of Oregon Ag ricultural college is visiting the Mar lon county schools this week in the interests of the sewing and cooking classes. Lady Wanted in. Wash Dishes At the Spa. Receipts, Notes and All Rlanks At Statesman job office. Dr. Carl K. Miller Has opened his dental office at 510-511 U. S. bank bid. Phone 341 WHEC lit SALEM, OREGON top at 1 BLIGH HOTEL A Horn Away from Horn Strictly Modern $1.00 per day 100 rtMaaa mt SUd Com fart Only Hotel In Business DUtlrct Wanted To Rent Gralenhorst Describes Heanties The beauties, in a scenic way, of A five or six room modern hnn ithe IFrendh Riviera are described aim inciureu in a. sroup 01 post caras which have been received by W. H Grabenhorst from his son. Sergeant (Eugene B. iGrabenhorst, 'Company or Dungaiow by permanent tenant Phone 2060 or write P. O. box 62. Small Investment Loans Healty , Jjoans House Cental Agency, General Property Dealing. JOHX H. SCOTT REALTY "CO., 404-405 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 254 Salem, Ore. There's one safe, sure way to clean; Nature's own way by AIR. The ROYAL cleans by AIR Alone! . Test it In your own home. WELCH ELECTRIC CO. 379 State Street. Webb Cose Dismissed ,N. A. Webb, charged with passing a si-.eei car and arrested 'Sunday. was dismissed when his case came up for hearing in police court yes- teraay. rie had been out on bail ronowing his arrest. , P. 5th battalion, '22nd Engineers American Expeditionary Forces. Ser geant Grabenhorst was on his leave at Menton and Monte Carlo when writing. Cretonne Special joc, 60c, ioc and SI Cretonnes at oac per yard. Card of Thank tWe wish to thank our frionrta r- their sympathy and beautiful floral I car I!- Gingrtcti Motor and Tire Co Used Car Bargains 1916 Maxwell touring, $473. 1917 Maxwell touring $550. 1917 Max well touring $493. 1913 Studebaker Six. 7 passeneer. real buy at $375 Ford Form-a-truek, $430- All cars overhauled and in good shape. Os offerings in our recent bereavement. t'almerston Carey and Family. 571 Court street, Phone 6U3. Plumbing- Quickly done. Phone 379 J Tfciy 3fay 5liwkqft Tacs ivau oe ottered for sale at ifir each throughout Salem, on Thurs day, for the benefit of the rhri nonve for orphan girls at Oswego. I ,Julver me saie is in cnarge of the Daugh ters of J3abelle, Headanartera fn me workers will be at K. of C. hall, IfWKTIWWHH IIW ,11111 lililWlulllii Armenian Mikiiaiy Upturns Dr. Frederick G. Coan, returned missionary from Anneal and Per sia, addressed students 5f Willam ette university yesterday morning on the conditions existing In those coun tries. Dr. Coan spoke before a mass meeting of the citizens at the armory recently in itehalf of the Armenian Syrian relief drive. Lecal Blank Get them at the Statesman Job of fice. Catalog on application. Funeral Services Today Funeral services will be held thi-t afternoon at 3 o'clock from Webb & Clough'a parlors for Mrs. Isa M Landis, who died yesterday at her home at 2310 Hyde street, at the age of 39. Interment will be made in the- Odd Fellows cemetery. She is survived by her husband. Georse Landis. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Drown, and the following chil dren, Gertrude, Arthur, Clarence. Rosie, Viola, Rupth. Harvey, Ray and Eva. 1 Mrs. llressler -Pasr.ew Mrs. Relle Dressier, wife of II. C. Dressier, passed away at her home four miles east of Salem yesterday moraing. Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a. m. today from the United Evangelical church and bur ial will be made at Monmouth. Re sides her husband Mrs. Dressier leaves "one son. Albert. Voter The County Clerk's Office will be open for Registration from 8 a. m. and 'until S p. m. Wednesday. Thurs day and Friday of this week. Reg istration closes Saturday. Mar 3rd. at 5. n. m. U. G. Dover. Countr Clerk. j . Will Address Kimball Students - Dr. R. N. Avlson will address the facultv aod students of Kimball School of Theolopy in the clrapel of tflat institution today at 3:i: o'clock. The theme will be special ly adapted to those preparing for the Christian ministry; but all others interested are invited to attend. Buy In Salem Week Drevs Offerings of Special Interest to tlie Women of Salem $16.43, $17.75, $24.75, $34.75 Wanted Kal.rics Wanted Stvlen Wanted (jlor - Serp-, Taffeta. (omlinntioiis of ,(iorpette and Taffeta, Crept e ("liine and Georjrettc, all are niaIe by skilled workmen; the mater ials aro all poml quality and yon will find a good assortment of .sizes to select from. ! $16.48; $19.75. $24.75, $34.75 I Women s Creie do ('liine and (Jeorpette Crepe Waista in a full line of shades and mzck, noiuc slightly crushed from display. Choice $4.93 Women's and Misses Wool Sweaters in Tuxedo and Sport Styles. This lot includes a sample line of extraordinary values, $$.93. QUVLITY MERCHANDISE I. ($. lltUlP0 n. Liberty Street, Salem,. Oregon TOPULAR PRICES I'avinK Plant Comes Soon The paving plaat ordered by the county about six weeks ago is ex pected to arrive next week, accord ing to. County Road master W. J. The machine comes form Cincinnati, Ohio. It has a capacity of 1230 yards of pavement a day. Ir. Clements is now spenaine a. few dim in the Mayo Cliaics at Rochester, Min nesota, ana expects to be home and in n omce by May 1st. Wanted to Rent Pasture For 20 head of cattle. Call phone 12, or address route' 6, box 1, stating location, acres and terms. WANTED Furniture, .ranges, heaters, tools and, in fact,, anything you have to sell. I fcuy for cash. Phone , 510 or 511. WOODRY, The Auctioneer Peace Edition xne great peace edition of tn statesman will be Issued soon. All I copy for the edition must be received very soon in order to insure Its in sertion in tne editiqn. For informa ition pnone 23. NOTICE- If you nave any Junt or second hand goods of any kind, see us first. , r CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 398 Dr. Hcott Hack. Todav. The offices of Dr. O. Chiropractor in the IT. S t . 1 n !i j ... , (uuiiaing, win ue open Wednesday morning as usual. Lady Wanted to Wash Iishes& At the Spa. Comes With Rainbow Division William Fern Headrick. former Salem high school boy and veteran of Jtho Argonne forest and other battles of the late war, arrived yes terday in Xew York with the 4 2".id or Rainbow division, according to word received by his parents. and Mrs. A. I. Headrick, 4.1.3 North Cottage street. He was in France IS S months and was stationed at Cob ! lenze with the army of occupation I Scott, j or several months. He is a member National0" the llth Ensineers. The ui- !vi3ion -before beins mustered out is to be reviewed in Washijgton as part of the Victory loan program. Canadian Visitw II M. C. Wilcox, a prominent real estate dealer of Vaneo iver, 11. C. came in 3-e?terday and is making a short sfav at the fl. W. I.afla:- home at 11?0 South Liberty Mreet. He is a cousin of Mr. liaflar. He is on hi3 way to Los Aaeles. where his fam ily has been during the winter. Veteran Return Ernest Moore, veteran of much of the hard fighting of the late war and who wears a wound , stripe for In juries received in action, has returned to Salem. He was for many years a member of Company M. 1 K2nd Tn fantry. saw service with it on the Mexican border and went across with it in December, 1917, being trans ferred out during the summer of last year. this Will buy or trade all farmer's produce, apples and eggs. The People's Cash Store r Phone 453. 186-196 North Commercial St. j Two Camps Consolidate Word was received last night by the officers of the Salem camp of Modern Woodmen of America noti fying them that the Brooks camp has decided to consolidate with the local organization. This means that .the Salem lodge can receive the as sessments paid by the members at Brooks. Peace Edition The great peace edition of the Statesman will be issued soon,- All copy for the edition must be received very soon in order to insure its In sertion into the edition. For infor mation phone 23. t Te Barton does battery work:. Any make tested free. Charging and re pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200. Complaints It-oled Relative to complaints of shrink age in shipments of garden produce such as asparagus Deputy 6tate Seal er of Weights and Measures W. A. Dalziel was recently in conference with members of the Produce Credit association in Portland. A dozen Jstee! My Phone is 402. If v.m want the l.est EX TRACTS SPICES, TOILET ARTICLES and FAMILY REMEDIES and don't want to walk to 331 N. Liberty, near Cheineketa, just iJionc fliid I will deliver the Aofa at once. WATKINS IS THE iffiST If you don't believe it ask your neighbor . " Sold Tor twenty ; years u this county, and will be sold for twenty more, by M. W. ROWLEY 331 N. Liberty St., Salem Once a customer always a eustonier. If cx. Ml ( ' a'V' l w TOM mmimj MOO dp v.,; JUST FOK. Comincr to Ye Liberty Thursday, Friday and Saturday Will Re on V. of O. Faculty Homer Tasker, a senior, at Wil lamette university and an advanced student in the physics department. has recently been appointed an in structor in physics In the University of California at Berkeley, iir. Tas- ker's work will commence in August and will continue throtieh the cus PortlandTlast year, is in charge of the Newport News and its contin gent of workers. "An interesting sidelight on the attitude of the government and of Secretary Daniels toward our work is the fact that not only are these government vessels furnished n? free, jbut wfthiyrt any solicitation on our part, the government is giv ing us the aet returns from their freight charges on tho commercial cargoes which these vessels bring on their return. . "As I think you understand, we will immediately prepare to send another cargo of supplies, and yodr further remittances will be most wel come." Car Recovered by Police A Chevrolet automobile belonging to W. F. Terhune. of Marion, stol en from in front of Ye Liberty thea tre Monday night, was recovered In Portland yesterday through the ef forts of the Salem police depart ment. The car wa.i stolen white Mr. Terhune was attending the thea ter. ; Husband 1 Administrator Reuben Knapp was yesterday ap pointed administrator of the estate of his wife, Cecilia Knapp who died September 11. 191 S, leaving a small estate of personal property. Heirs beside the husband is a son, William A. Knapp. CHIROPRACTIC NECESSARY MONEY SENT FOR RELIEF Ben Selling Acknowledges Receipt in Letter to Rev. H. N. Aldrich So long as people live they will pet sick. Health Agencies are essential to health conser vation. No one cult knows it all. It is not safe to rik so important a matter to the ap pliration of but one type tf thought in Ihe treatment of di versified human disorders. Chi ropractors fit well in an exist ing condition of human inef ficiency due to disease. Their work provides those of. weak bodily resistame . with the maximum of nerve force an element of human metabolism that cannot be neglected in handling disease. Dr. 0. L SCOTT, for damages was began and It still holds the attention of the court. Two other cases aro on the docket in which the latter concern ' is the defendant. Up to .lart night the grand jury had finished a hearing of the case of Albert Knnes of Perry dale, charged with having tbbed dwelling houses in that vicinity of war saving stamp? and had taken up the case of Irbnier Dale of this city charged with having oqtributed to the delinquency of a minor. It is expected the grand jury will finish its labors today. . . Theodore Roosevelt Not to Be Visitor in State ' Theodore Roosevelt, , Jr., "will noj Le present ia Oregon to attend the state encampment of Spanish War veterans In June, he writes to Har vey Wells, state commander of the veterans. An Invitation was sent to Roosevelt by Mr. Wells, but because of a change in his plans Reoseelt will not b la Oregon at that time. tMiimniMMiiiMtminimmiiiiiiMiniiuii liirrat-lW$piitologit 303-312 r. S. National Dank Building. I Of Marion county's $9000 quota for Armenian and Syriaa relief, the sum cf $6009 has been sent to Ren Selling of Portland, state treasurer for Oregon. The draft was sent to Mr. Selling by Rev, If. N. Aldrich chairman of the local committee, and -Mr. Aldrich is in receipt of the fol lowing letter f:om Mr. Selling. "IMease accept our sincere thank3 f'r your draft of $".00) for Anr.e- niia relief, to be placed to the cred it 01 Marion rounty. "We have Just received word of the sailing of the Newport News, government transport which l. tli fifth :vlief ship since tlie signing or the armistice' The Newport News Wrries 41t0 tons of supplies In eluding foodstuffs, agricultural tools medical and hospital supplies and instruments. ...u motor truck. 7 am bulances, parti of Ford cars, gaso line, aad electrical supplies, also 300 tons of. worn clothing donated by the American Red Cross from the recent clothing drive. Your remitance is most timely as. the Red Cross has jMt turned over, to us all the terri tory lyinn north of Jcru -alem. a land sacred both to Jew and non-Jew. and they are giving us all of their automobiles and othc equipment now in that country. "John H. Finlay. commissioner of education for the state of . New York and lately commissioner for the American Red 'Cross for Palestine, who has just returned from Jeru salem, say be cannot urge to strojgly all yoxsible aid to 113 iu thin cause, and that those who know only America can have no concept ion of the utter inirery of the homelcsi people in Asia Minor ana Syrfa. . "Dr. J. P. MrNauguf m. who ad dee4 mass, meetings ii Salem and BOOM LAW IS HELD INVALID Polk County Jurist Grant$ In junction Against Spauld- r ing company t DALLAS. Or- April 29 (Special to Statesman) -Circuit Judge Harry II. Relt has granted a permanent in junctioa against the Spauldlng Log ging company from operating under its franchise on the l.ucklamute riv er in this county. Judge Relt hold ing that the Jaw enacieu Dy me 1 17 session of the, legislature em powering the public service commis sion to grant francniscs to logging companies to operate splash dams and flood ft-earos for the purpo of floatiag logs is "unconstitutional and that the legislature cannot dele gate the power to grant franchises to a commission hut only to a coun ty court, a city council or other leg islative body. The injunction was brought by J. F. Logan who owns and operates a grist mill on the above named riv? in the Kinzs Valley country. Mr. Logan alleging that the flooding of the stream by the logging company interferes with the operation of hU mill and causes him damages. The case will p-obaldy 1 carried by the Spaulding company into the supreme court. The Lines On! the Face Smii tell the story if you neglect your Vnlueys. Try Schaefers Ki.lmy Pills, only at SCHAEFERS DRUG STORE,. t "The Penslar StoreV ' North 133 Commercial Street. Phone 197. 1 1 1 1 t M M t H M Ml 1 1 1 1 1 II t M Ml 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 II I t Important Cases Before Polk County Circuit Court rV DALLAS. Or.. April 2f - -Spclal t. The Statesnwin ) The Polk coun ty circuit court which has len post poned several times on account of sickness of atorneys and inability of farmers to attend on account of the late v-aifn began its grind yeterr day afternoon. After the d'awlag of the grand Jury the raw of the Sraulding lagging company vs. Ihe Silctz Lumber JL Logging company m SALEM' i " - ' Onj the Map. The Nrothwest Products Co, Manufacturer of the almost world-wide famed PHEZ and LOJTJ Loganberry Juice and ORINGTON JELLIES, JAMS and PRESERVES, ha put Salem on the map. We take great pride inannouncing to the buying public that we are able to offer during the "Buy in Salem Week" their new product, ORINGTON i 1 . , Pure Jellies and Jams 1 m m m I i m MAY VICTOR and ; PATHE RECORDS ARE HERE L L STIFF & SON m m fa WAKK 11 SALKM. Wr have in our city a manufacturing plant that will make Salem anl iln fertile valley known all over the worhL ; I.OYAIiTV Til TIUS INSTITUTION . Means progress to our cily and prosperity to thousandf of priHlucers. ' ' Or ington Jelly Tumblers 20c each, 3 for 50c. Large Glass 35c, 3 for $1.00. Hf $1 We ilon't claim Orinztnn Jell J'aiul Jams as ;ohI a olhrr luaiKls; ".No: e s;iy they re letter, l on try lliem. ROTH GROCERY CO. Special Large Green Asparagus, 15c per lb. 1 t I