THE OREGON BTATK3MA: SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1010 Tftn vtv-i v a min A T 1 HL UKLliUIN MAI H31V1A1N issued Daily except Monday oy ' THE STATESMAN PUBLISHIXG COMPANY 216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon ' ' MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS " . ; : - The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the loca) news published herein. R. J. Hendricks. Manager Stephen A. Stone. i . .'. .Managing Editor Ralph Glover. , . . ; .Cashier W. C. Squier Advertising Manager Frank Jaskoskt. Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a v.etk, SO cente a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, S6 a year; $3 for six months; 60 centa a month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of $5 year. SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 60 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. , ' WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections Tuesdays and Fridays. $1 a year (if not paid In advance. 11.26); 60 centa for six months; 25 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business O'fice, 23. ' Circulation Department, 583. Job Department, 5SS. ," ' Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. SENATOR BORAH IS A VERY POOR QUESSER. Senator Borah, who looks upon himself as the very soundest Presi dential timber, in the whole woods, objects to the peace league in its present form as "committing the United States to an entirely new policy in world affairs." We were committed to this new policy the Senator complains of when we -entered the lat-e war to make the world safe for democracy, and America must now stand hitched or confess that the sacrifice was ill-timed and worse than useless. Nebraska State Journal. i If Senator Borabr looks upon himself as the soundest Presidential timber in the whole woods, or as Presidential timber at all. he is a very poor guesser. V And if he ever had the ghost of a, chance for that highest office in the world, it. Is providential that, he has shown his utter unfitness by his actions and utterances on the League of Nations. It is heartening to students of American history to reflect that , there has not yet been an occupant of the Presidential chair who has left a beneficial and illuminating impress upon our country's glorious policies. . The United States in the very making of this great Nation i x j:.uai :(..k ii : a it . ricu uui nuu uivuiccu nscu. iruiu uii-cgiuiice lu me musiy prece- u u.vvsujr uu uhum.u past, . It has kept doing so. ; It will keep on doing so. ' It will hold the torch high; . It .will fling the torch to the future continually with the assurance that it will be carried still further and higher in the service of lead- May the office of President of the United States never be passed to the hands of a man who is afraid to do the right thing and the progressive thing because the wrong way and the unprogressive way has been pursued theretofore. ' -r , - "Bolshevism," sayg the Nation, "is both a method and a philoso phy.'': It is also the biggest theft in tbe history of mankind. It is occasionally said the Bolshevik leaders are. prophets of a new day, . -w. t - A. - . fl ll f . ,...: - . """iis, tie. j iucjr ara piaui uueves wnose amomon is to take : things which do not belong to them, and murder their victims if necessary. Howe s Monthly. I Some one suggests that with the German army reduced to 100,000 many of the' small nations, at the game ratio of reduction, ought to be able to get along with two or three men and a dog and a couple of pocket pistols. Boston Transcript. The St. Louis Post-DispatcH says Senator Reed "has a great deal of confidence in the stupidity of his constituents," and why shouldn't he after they picked him? In the meantime, the writing of the treaty of peace goes on; and it will stand as written, with or without" the signature of Italy withuot any more speeches than nec essary is becoming so evident that we are very glad, after all. that Pres ident Wilson concluded not to put any senators on our commission Ohio State Journal. With everything about settled, why would it not make an ideal match for tbe suffragette picket to marry the professional prohibition ists? Both are about out of a Job.- Exchange. A New Jersey woman has been In dicted on the charge of being a com mon scold. Anybody who wishes to be a common scold should first take the precaution to be elected to the United States senate, where that sort of thing Is privileged. New York World. If Chairman Hays of the Republi can national committee keep on it will soon be the fashion for all of the parties to elect chairmen of that kind. . He seems to combine good po litical sense with executive ability and finds both not incompatible with some notions of what the voters seem to want and expect. THE BLISTER OF BERLIN Judging from the cablegrams, some of which must be accepted with more than a grain of salt, the Germans are going to descend on Versailles with a peace delegation 200 strong and ev ery one of 'em with a chip on his shoulder. , Berlin, which no more than the rest of the world outside the council of four knows the terms to be pre sented, Is already blustering about what It Is going to do, or rather what It ia not going to do. It's not going to sign away "an Inch of German ter ritory;" it's not going to allow any "deviation from the fourteen points' and it's not going to pay any indem nities except those "fixed by her ac ceptance of the note of November 5, 1918." Count von Bernstorff and Dr. Schlffer, Minister of Finance, are responsible for these declarations. Perhaps they have forgotten the existence of a man whose fame is as great and will prove as lasting " as that of Napoleon, yIs., Marshal Foch. Their military representatives had some experience of his firmness at the time of the signing of the armis tice; lets' hope .he peace plenipoten tiaries won't compel him to show them that aide of his character. The marshal is very much of a gentle man. He likes to be pleasant. HOME RULE Sex Mike O'Rourke: "I come from Cork, an' I. am for Home Rule." Ain't It a shame," sez Hehniaey. "that you are such a fool!" ex. you ble. but the jury wanted to 'give the woman the money anyhow, and so they refused to sign the verdict or dered by the court. The judge threat ened to lock them up until they -did so and said he would set the verdict aside if they, found for the fair plain tiff. It is understood that the jurors finally yielded to the inevitable, but It was not until they had registered objection to tbe imperious mandate of the court. LEST VK FOICOET! The tumult and the shouting dies The captains and the kings depart Still stands Thine ancliat sacrifice. An humble and a contrite heart. Lord God of hosts, be with us yet. Lest we forget lest we forget! I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I Peace is closer. Y S S The draft Is being made. S Italy would feel better if she said she liked It. Everybody will celebrate buy In Salem week; next week. Work will soon be pushed on Sa lem's new paper mill. S Still they come. Great shiploads of soldier boys arrived in New York from France yesterday. If Burleson could got into court with a clear record with his defi. he might get by. But his record is patchy and full of holes. m Again,. the sure way to get build ing of homes to going good in Salem Is to boost the local building and loan association; and make the sky the limit. That will turn the trick. ' The way new buildings and the re pairing of ld ones goes ahead In the Salem downtown district begins to look like the good old days. "Orlando perhaps thinkss he has to save his 'face. - I " go through the motions, to liny in Salem week next week. Burleson can see his. finish. Spain is tired of Next. ing a kingdom. the postmasters In Germany. What an opportunity for deserving Demo crats! Exchange. Buy in Salem You are invited. week, next week. About the saddest feature of the trip of Secretary Baker to Europe is that there is nothing to show that he intends to remain. Exchange. - We: haven't glimpsed the peace terms yet, but there U a rumor abroad that they provldethat Pres- Ealem's paper mill will be the best and most up to date in the world. And it will grow. It may In time be the biggest In the world. The farmers are planting; doin their bit; hurrying to the limit. But even so the-e will not be, enough fruits and vegetables to supply the factory demands. The vital importance of conclud- ident Wilson shall appoint all of lng the peace treaty at once and . WHAT A DIFFERENCE! Q 1XTY THOUSAND boys gave their true- blue American lives over there to the cause which you are asked to support by buy ing Victory Liberty Bonds. Why, if the rest of us were to go on GIVING MONEY the rest of our lives we'd never be able to equal THEIR sacrifice, and this is probably the last call to ONLY LEND-instead of give. Jhe United States National ank will be proud to receive YOUR subscription. "'Tis easy knowin' Michael rwhy Home Rule ' makes 1 1 mad; -:- fYou have , so much home rule at home, it gets your goat, bedad!". "Don't scandalize my Mary Ann, she Vis a perfect saint!" f Vlf whatNthe neighbors say Is true be labers! then, she ain't!" . "Blackguard!" yells Pat Hennisey. "HeT virtue is her Jew'l!" "Then may I ask." sez Michael, "why she smiles on young' O Toole?" " 'Tis common gossip all around that she Is sweet on Tim. An' every time your back Is turned she's makin' eyes at him!" " Faith! what about your Bridget, an' that double-faced O'Shea? She has him up to dinner every noon when you're away!" Now when the wreckage was remov ed, Och! it was an awful sight! It was a frightful battle and, of z course, each man was right. "Six months fer both!" decides the ' Court, "Six months within the can!" An' now the argument will end. Just where it first began. MABEL RAINS Editor i of Scarlet Sheet u WU1 Be Allowed Credits UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EU GENE. April 25. The status of the four men who were recently expelled from thv university because of their connection with the Scarlet Sheet was defined by President P. L. Camp bell An a statement Issued Thursday. His statement reads as follows: . "The inquiry has been made as to whether or not the four young men recently- dismissed from the univer sity for their conection with tbe pub lication or the Scarlet Sheet will be permitted to transfer their grades to another university. No formal trans fer can be made... It Is a rule in edu cational Institutions to give an exact franscrint of a student's record In the institution which he has been at tending on the request of either the student himself or of the institution which he desires to enter. This rec ord will of course, show the fact of dismiesal in the case of these four students. . The question of admission and of giving credit for the grades al ready made, rests with the institution which the student desires to enter. The disposition of all universities is to be lenient, unless serious object ions are imposed by tbe Institution furnishing tbe transcript. "The case was one which called for drastic action, .but there Is no vin dictive feeling on the part of the fac- ul(y nor anything but a sincere de sire for the future welfare of the young men involved, and undoubted ly no such objection would be made. !1W$ wmH TIJu ! ! ?S IXUJlWUil Mi!! ill tSalem . Oregon, JURIES AXD WOMEN . Junes nave always been gracious to women and it is matter of common proor mat it is hard to find one to I convict her of wrongdoing. In a Mis Bonn court tne other day a Jury went on a strike on being Instructed by me court to bring in a verdict for the ueienaam m a case wherein a pretty widow was suing an insurance com pany. Under the terms of the pol icy the company was plainly not 11a- i'UTURE DATES, Satan fiied Orrgon Jersey April 21 to 26 Hnraanq wtrk. April 27 to May 3 "Bbt la . .May. at to b Jnbttro . May 1, TliBrsday Lnnry tax fffertWa. t -1 ? ?' si'"ay and Snaday Jamor Weekend at Willamette. ,ry-76t BBiTrary cele bration at Ctoampoeg. May 8. Saturday Last day allowed oy law for TKiatnnc tor special election. . May 8, Taesday Willamette BaiTeraity ret toother neeting at rirat Methodist rhurh, Portlaad. 1"M4-Fellows fraud ledge aad State Rebekah assembly Beet ia Sal era. eiine . laeaeay special elect iea la Ore- ROLL OF HONOR In response to The Statesman' published appeal to parents of sol Jiers and sailors who lost their llvef "n the service to notify the paper of such casualties the honor roll It ;radually growing. An accurate list of these names and Information con cernlng them will be Invaluable and information concerning gold service itars In both Marlon and Polk coun lies should be sent In as soon as pos Ible. The following are the nam o' those from Polk and Marion countle wLo have made the supreme sacrifice ft Include killed In action. a wel LIFT OF CORNS! Drop Freezone on a touch corn, then lift that corn cfif with fingers ilk-' i.1 f-d 18 cents a package What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels! EXPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant and permanent succecs with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mel low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable "body." Camels are simply a revelation! You may smoke them without tiring your tastel For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, you'll best realize their superior quality and the rare, enjoyment they provide. Sane Be dates to be selected) Rt.t.' fiaoemt HosnWh war eetenaa. 'nt 14. 15. aad Elks atate ( TfBiiun at Klamath Falls. LHiesn t hurt a bit. Drop a little r reezone on an aching corn. Instant iviu eiups nuning, men you tut u ngnt out. Yes. magic! No humbug! . . A tiny Dottle of Freezone costs but a few centa at any drug store, but Is snmcient to remove every hard corn aoft corn, or corn between the fo and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation.-- Freezone Is the senational discov ery of a Cincinnati genius. It Is wonderful. R. X REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Winrt So,!. N. C i mailt as those died of wounds, accident or disease wnile in the service. Army Wilhelm E. Ahlrren n t Dalard. Ivan E. Beilinrer. Elton C. Blake. John C. Braden. Elmr rt read ier. William M. Catton. Orley P. Chase. Monte Christopherson. Leon u. Clark. Thomas Dean Cooper, Newman D. Dennis. Alfred Deranlan. Carrie R. Dwlre. Fred Ehlen. Milton roreman. James Gardner. Edward Gittens, Martin Harless. Lieutenant ur. uropp. Otis Hayes. Benjamin F. Mm. Harlan Hoffman. Warne C. lackson. Eugene Date Johnson. Rot Johnson. Aubrey Jones. Oiln Jones. Dr. W. C. Kantner. Jacob Kerber. Basil Kirsch. Milton A. KoorniB. Glen Little. Ray Mr. Benjamin Mc- leuana. Everett s. Norton. Robert V. O'Nell, John H. Otte. William M. Keaa. ceorre s. Reardon. Paul Rich. Charles Russ, Ernest J. Schnider. unester A. Simmon. Stanley L. Thompson. Leslie Tooza. Thnmu Townsend.. Burt B. Whitehead. Ches ter M. Wilcox. Curtis M. Wlllson. Charles M. Woelke. Oscar Zimmer man. Smith Ballard. Chester Cooper. Marines Charles Auer. Emery Bartlett. Ernest Eckerlen. avy Ernest Bennett. Kenneth Crossan. Joseph Martin. Clarence S- Minker. Joseph H. Neiger. Nurses Ora E, Cavltjt. (The above gold star honor roll for Marlon and Polk counties now contains sixty-two names. It more should be added, or if any corrections should be made, will those who have the information please quickly send word to The Statesman.) . Night Raiders Pazzle . Polk County Officers ' DALLAS. Or.. April 25. (Special to The Statesman) During the past few days two stores In Polk county, one located at Monmouth and the other In Dallas have been entered by burglars and goods to the amount of several hundred dollars have been carted away. So far no clue to either of the robberies has been obtained by the county officers. The first robbery was in Dallas early Monday morning when the W. R. Ellis con fectlonery store was entered, the rob bers gaining entrance from the back way ana anout 9S In cash and near Si 00 worth of tobaceoa and other goods taken. Tuesday nicht th tore of that Mil ler Mercantile company of Monmouth was entered and merchandise to the amount of $300 was taken away. The indications at the latter tlr are that the robbers drove up to the place in an automobile. loaded their plun der into the machine and drove way. , - j Independence Odd Fellows Celebrate Anniversary The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Odd Fellows lodge was celebrated by Valley lodge No. 42 at Independence last night and tbe session was attended by the fol lowing from Salem: Mr. and Mrs. George Wills, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sim eral. J. B. Chenoweth. F. Tyrrell, Martin Holmes. II. B. Churchill and C. O. Engstrom. The regular meet ing of the lodge was dUpensed with and a program of music, recitations and speaking was given. The prin cipal speaker of the evening was At torney B. F. Swope of Independence who told of the growth of the Odd Fellows movement In the last 100 years. The order was founded April 2. 1818. LET THE CHILDREN GROW Coughs, colds, "snuffles. that hajg on tend to weaken the system and a suffering, neglected child spends so much strength combating a cold that the little one cannot grow as fast and sound In body as whea tree from affliction. Foley's Honey and Tar Is splendid for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough. J. C Perry. Read the Chmified Adj. 3 j 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i m i n n 1 1 1 1 1 n i n n t N otice If you hare a car for sale or want a car. come and see u Ve have the following: Franklin. 5 passenger "White, 5 passenger Cadillac truck Used Car Department $750 ....$700 H75 MARION GARAGE Opposite Marion Hotel Phone 362 "'" I I I I M I I I M M I I I I I M I I I I M I I I I I M I I I I rrW t X ill ill ll 1 1 ll I Ml I ill An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M ilk- Sale! 1L $1.79 Yd. T A rtAanttfril He... f JC : TL Vff n I . - -u-iau, ucia in ail mane, ior Spring and Summtr. Suit, i vaiHon .aneta lor Iwo days only, yard $1.79 416 State EL Phoney" 877 i i i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . m 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1