y . ' ... . . THE ORIIfiOX STATESMAN: Yl:iKfil.V, AI'ltIL 23, 1010 Starts JUDGE GIVES LECTURE Continued front page 2) iygtem by which disease and pain to be overfoinc; and it shows I nyjjerson who earnestly studies and i 'practices it, that the evidence of the enses is all there is to any suffer inf. nd if this evidence be changed Or overcome, the disease or suf fer ine disappears.. Have you ever ob lerved how the physical senses are so easily and commonly mistaken and deceived? One of the most ord- Inary examples is that of sitting in t railroad train that is still, and have a train on the adjacent track pass you going the other way. As you watch the moving train, every sense tells you that you are moving.' and your escape from this delusion is to I look away into the opposite direc tion,, and then you see things as they are. So, when the human senses tell 03 that we are .'-sick, We should look iway rfonv the things of sense to God, and see and know the real man a he is in God s image and likeness, and we shall come to know that this real man cannot be sick or discord ant. In this manner of thought, God becomes a living, vital, everpresent power and influence in our lives, and we can begin to realize what Paul had in mind when lie said. "For In Him. we live and move and have our being." This brings me to a discussion of what man is, and of his relation to God. I suppose every careful reader of the Bible is familiar with the two very dissimilar accounts of man's treation, as detailed In the book of Genesis. You will remember that the first chapter says: "So God ere atcd'man in -His own image, in the Image of God created he him: male and female created he them." Chris- tian Science teaches that this Is the Jrue account of creation. It sets forth ""the spiritual man. When Christian Science says that man cannot be sick man; cannot die, reference' is made to the real man, the spiritual man, the God-idea. The possibilities for man thus created in God's Image and likeness are unlimited; such a man rannot possess any qualities that God has sot. and he must in a degree, reflect every attribute of God. Other systems of religious Instruction have aught that the spiritual man Is ver- fect, but they have not made this teaching practical. They liave gen erally assumed that 'man must firat pass through the experience called death, and after that, be invested with his spiritual nature. They have scarcely dared to hope that life could be other than the generally accepted "vale, of tears." Christian .Science shows thai the truth concerning the spiritual man, is- - scientific truth, land, through Christian ' Seience.' It may be Understood and .become op erative in behalf of humanity. Chris tian Science teaches that God's pres ence in the lives of men ' Is not ; a . theory, but an actual fact, that may be, and should be relied -upon In all circumstances and under 'all condi tions.; It teaches that God's Omnip otence, Omnipresence, jand Omnis cience should be' borne in mind by man' as actual: realities for his ben efit in every human survey and un dertaking,.. -This . will . be ; a wonder ful world. -when all men begin to re alize their .God-giveD heritage, no en Tying, no "Jealousy ,:tio fault finding, no ludgingV.. no coveting where all is lore, Joy, peace, patience, gentle ness, goodness. Man Is the expres sion of God's goodness, of God's love, indeed, of all the qualities of God; and it is only through the perfect expression that we can know God. Was not this real man what Jesus had in mind when He said, "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father In heaven is perfect?" Through the consideration of such facts, we may begin to have some conception of '.the bigness and the joy and rfeedom , of this Christian Science teaching. Let us turn now from this beau- tiful picture to the account of man's formation In the second chapter of Genesis. "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed Into his nostrils the breath of life; and man-: became a living ; soul," and also the account of wom an's creation, how God .caused a deep v sleep to fall upon the man, and. He took from the man a tfb 'and of the lib,; He made a woman. With-these . two irreconcilable account3 before you. why do you hesitate to pro- Bee tnat in proportion as he becomes ciaim yourseir ana yourrace orxnei n,htlnfid- he has cower over ig- o Thurs-Fri-Sat. ' '.Mi- - V v.-- ' 1 Yl fuJMSssf ' l r"V' . Atx 'f rkkt V .J 1 1 V v . A " y. .7. x I 'II a 1 a i; ' - -? fc ) j I I i i -4't Jt v -v 'Cv 1 I I Wr'-ii ; t"j -'If v vV -" - I - Az'lln v 8 - j v . , t , .i-St :' .8 : 5 . 1 - - v . Iff. " . fj yuiij. t .-.j -? . j- ..... .... ...j. ........ .. . . - , - ..i; WjT LFUlUJUUUcSJUU fe7 Acknowledged by the Presi as greater than "BIRTH OF A NATION,1 "HEARTS OF THE WORLD' or "INTOLERANCE." Mr AFTERNOONS OR EVENINGS FOR CHILDREN UNDER 12 MATINEES EVENINGS 2:15, 4 P. ll 7:15, 9 P. RL XTi?A ADDED ATTRACTIONS WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY- NAZIMOVA in "WOMEN OF FRANCE." One ReeL DOROTHY PHILLIPS Star in "THE HEART OF HUMANITY" FRIDAY-SATURDAY- DOUG. FAIRBANKS in "KNOCKING KNOCKERS - true, type, the. real irtan with God given dominion and power over ev ery living thing; for; this power is also -ordained by God In the twenty eighth verse of the first chapter of norance, especially when ' he per ceives that this same ignorance has constituted his own mentality. And do you wonder that Christian Sclen- vri&iilil Terse ui lue uisi vueywi v i . . . , , . .-. i f i- w . iw,. i v-- wHltists. having learned the spiritual in the promise given by Jesus quoted in erpre ation o . Bible and real th iuimr.i Af thi lecture . "Be- izng that this same power is pos sible for them, are grateful to Airs. the beginning of this lecture . "Be hold I give j unto you all power?" Does It occur to you that perhaps Jesus had in mind this early ordin ance of God? Then as he had found the world steeped in materialism he proceeded to demonstrate by so called miracles, step by step, man's power to overcome all the power of the enemy. This might be the subject of In quiry at. this time; what is this ene my whose power we are to over come? We find Paul saying, ""The carnal mind is enmity against God.' It is. therefore, this carnal or, flesh ly mind, or to use Mrs. Eddy's ex pression, the "mortal mind tached value the-eto. Nothing could another to the Apocalypse or Reve mre clearly indicate their distrust! laUon of St. John, wherein is set record says He pronounced all ihlnga in God's ability or willingness to pro-j forth the spiritual and prope- in being good and having all power. He has made all things good; and the Attending any Wednesday evening since its first appearance to the most as very good. Then where does' your evil originate? God didn't create it. But, you say. what about the devil? Certainly God didn't create a devil to undo or make for naught the work of His own might. Is it not pretty clear to you. my friends, that you Eddy for discovering the way? Mrs. cannot locate the devil by any rca- Eddy in the Christian bcience .text- sonable theory? Tou caneot say he bok, has explained that the expres sion "mortal mind is not really ac curate. , There is in reality but one Mind, the infinite, the divine. There are not minds many, just as mere are not Gods many. As we live, more and have our being in this one Mind, no erroneous or harmiui thought should come to -us to be manifested in son? discordant or ungodlike act. The expression mor tal mind, for want of a more de scriptive term, refers not to an- en tltv. but to the lack of the one Mind. When man' ceases to" reflect testimonial meeting In a Christian Science Church.wher nearly every vide their loved ones with all their ' terpreUtlon of the IUble. thus Jus-1 fcpeaker refers In connection with his needs. No fallacy has been more 1 tlfying that part of lu title. "Key fating to some passage from the Bible, and how It has been made ap plicable to his problem through spir itual understanding as gained from the study of Science and Health. as op- . - p.t.u.i Trim,! Po 11 1 -poaea u, .u . o '7" th divine Mlnd. then the human Fseath. buto bBe spiritual senses soalled, have the ascendancy 11V- V5 Z " Then this and man may seem to be sick or sin- carnal or mortal mind I& the enemy we are to overcome. Mortal mind is a state of ignorance, and when it is the only mind that a human be ing has or knows anytning aooui, ning; but It is only a seeming, only a counterfeit of the real, the eternal, the perfect, the God-like man. Our mission.- our constant effort and prayer should be to let no imperfect . I lmuun nnn ortma Trt ni Of 1 MO K PTPr It subjects him to every in io wuicu iiiij-i'-"" zz'." : flesh is heir, and this subjection is for the perfect, or as Mrs. Eddy says "V" r.rr.ed. on oaee 261 of Science and Health, by iSt SortlMrlly called educa- "Hold thought steadfas ly to;the en tlonTunlel. this education is carried during the good and the true and w.th the understandfng of Chris- you will bring these into your ex- tTan Sciecl " MortaF mind is full of perience Proportionateb ta their oc; fear, of doubt, anxiety, envy, natrea. noiiAA onH what not of all tnis brood. It is no winder that man gov erned by mortal mind is sick, or tmhaopr. or a thief or a n rrie-er. All th'se things are bit maniff sta tions of the fear and Ignorance of the mortal mind. Jesu early in His ministry, told His disciples that thev had power over this enemy, and this Is easily understood; for anyone can ennanev of your thoughts." Is not this Indeed what the prophet had in niind when he said of God. "Thou at tf purer eye3 than to behold evil?" AS Christian Scientists are some times criticised for detiying the re ality of the so-called devil and evil let ns proceed with this reasoning. All will agfrw Hint" Cod Ms goad and that He has all power, and that. Just happened to exist. You nuust conclude that there 13 one God and no devil, or else that God Is not omnipotent and that there Is anoth er supreme power that is evil or devil, and opposed to God, which thought Is unbelievable. But, you say, what will you do with the Satan or devil the Bible? What did Jesus say of him: "He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there Is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he Is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44.) Is not this the weightiest testimony to the fal sity, the nothingness of the belief in any actual devil or source of evil? Think what a world of fear, sorxw. unrest, sickness, suffering and death this supposed Sat?n has brought to humanity. It Is Strang? how unready many of ns are still, to deny him and to claim and prove God's allness. When we come to analyse the beliefs and practices of men for centuries, we find that they have been mainly Impelled by a fear of some power that was superior to God, or could in some way Outwit God. This is witnessed on every hand; for Instance, men build for tunes and amass la-ge sums of mon ey that no want or lack .nlay come to them or their families for genera tions after their own Hve3. Surely men would not bend every energy. work night and day. drive sharp bar gains, starve their emfployees for the piling up of money,, unless they at- universally exposed In the lives and i O the Scriptures." The last chapter than this; for called Fruitage, which has been aaa- ed to the earlier editions, is a series of wonderful lette-s and testimonies front men and women from widely separated localities, testifying to hav ing been healed of blindness. deaf Bess, rheumatism. Bright disease, tumor, dyspepsia, stomach trouble, cancer, tuberculosis, fevers and near ly every known disease, simply by reading the book. Science and Health. The practical tribute to this book is to be seen In the fact that It Is found la yearly any public lib-ary. In every Christian Science experiences of men did not Jesus say, "Seek ye first) the kingdom of God and His right', eousness and all these things will be added unto you." for our guid ance in this respect? Then, when men have an ache or a pain, do they seek the help of Him who is all pow erful or do they for the most part seek the aid of material relief? Mute testimony this, to their distrust of God's ability to overcome some pow er opposed to Him. But what a mournful testimlony is given in Bible history of King Asa, who sought ma- tinsparing and searching criticism. Pbymlclans. preachers, editors and teachers have tried to prme Its teaching to be fallariona and tried t accomplish its dcslrncr.on. but It has stood the teat, and Is today being published and far nmr widely circulated than ever before, and Is A . .1 l.lt W I I m, . . wa ""WM"' - studied than any other publication ence ard religion, the Christian . nee text-book has been snbjeetedl (Continued on Page S) ' terial help for disease. To- says the ; Reading Room and la available to record: "Yet in his disease, he any person who is interested. The sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his lathers." Christian Science is trying to help book itself tells its own story bet ter than can anyono for it. For me. it has Illumined the Bible, and re vealed it as 'a storehouse of profit- men to see and to understand that 1 able and life-giving truth, from for every need, one should look to ! which cai be drawn supply for ev- God, to the spiritual, and not to the T human emergency. That its pe- materiai: But one may say, "We do rosal and study have brought health, get some material relief." Yes. but' happiness and regeneration to a It is only temporary', whereas, if one . great number of people cannot be in Christian Science understands the nothingness and powerlessness of any so-called sickness or evil, he is not only relieved, but is less likely connection to experience me same raise oeuer again. If qne knows that sickness has no power, he will cease to fear It, and with the overcoming of fear, one of the great, producers of disease will be gone.- Christian Science teaches us that there is nothing to fear, for God is all in all. One can not f ea- Gor or good. 'Indeed. John said, "perfect love casteth out fear." The text-book. comiTionly called Science and Health, was written by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, the discov erer of Christian Science, and was first published In 1873. It contains denied. Mrs. Eddy never Intended that It should take the place of the Bible, but be re id and studied In therewith. Critics of Christian Science have sometimes said that Its followers do not read the Bible. No critielsai eonld be more nnjust. Christian Scientists study the text-book and the Bible conjointly. Provision tor this plan of study is made In the Christian Fcience Quarterly, wherein are found aide by side, reference to pas sages from the Bible and from Se ence and Health, which are read at the Sunday services in every Chris tlan Science Church. Knowledge 'of the Bible and familiarity with Its contents on the part of Christian a chapter devoted to Genesis, and Sol enlists Is plainly witnessed by JOCTT Gone! ! ' X JT- Sour Stomach Constipation Biliousness Headache -Sour Stomach Indigestion r