The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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At J
are sure
getting wise to
! tobacco Qualify. "
says the tobacconist
uniform"- were tho only one3 that
could be sought with reliance as the
military machine prevented men in
the service from speaking frajkly
either through, fear of discipline or
because the machine had "induced
compliance with its views.
"Any kind of plug
used to be good
enough for most of
them. Nowadays
nearly everybody is
beginning to learn
about the real to
bacco satisfaction
of genuine Gravely
Good taste, mailer chew,
longer life is what makeitlen
uine Gravely cost less to chew
than ordinary tobacco.
Writ to:
Gen u in e G ra ve ly
for booilet on theving plmg.
PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. April 21.
A:tie Root or Cleveland had no trou
ble in defeating Joey Fojc of Eng
land in a six round fisht here to
night. . i
eyton orano
Plug packed in pouch.
(Continued from page 1)
fully known that their testimony vas
a foregone conclusion. ltwas "the
harsh action" of one of them, he
said, which led him as acting judge
advocate general to recommend cre
ation of the clemency board now
functioning, while another "had
national reputation for severity."
It was brought out that former
secretaries of war have been invited
to submit their views to the com
mittee and that Senator Chamberlain,
leading critic in congress of the mil
itary justice system, also had been
asked to make such presentation as
ne saw fit. Colonel Ansell charged
that the opinions o "officers out ot
Schedule of Games Extends
from April 27 to Septem
ber 28 Inclusive
t V
KgtXrjits 15FhiH Drachma
l71" r- ' . ... T"' H
B mmmm
- m . mtm I nl
. - T
SB. - '
5 '
'- f
t rum! -fl f-FR CENT.
f similalintoeFcodbyScguta-
For Infants and CMldrea.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
, Thcrctn'rromoiin$D'4ti
; ( ana
" Jw Cav . 1 I
t -; MitrStrd
i Constipation aid Diarrhoea
j - end revrrishncss and
TITS l)t'v" i
; it i i.
5 . V
1 1 Tf
Eiaa Cop of Wrapper.,
For Over
Thirty Years
T tuh coiinn, new o errr.
With dates extending from April
27 to eptember 2S inclusive and
games every'Sunday golf players who
are af if Hated with the lllihee Coun
try club will hare a busy season.
As an inspiration event a breakfast
was se-ved Sunday morniag to the
new members, and there are a lot
of them due to the recent membet
ship drive. About 60 attended the
hrrakfast. An informal dance will
hft sriven at tha rlnh hnuiw Friday
night of this week and the tourna-
nvent is to open next Sunday wun
play for the Watt Shipp trophy.
The members of the tournament
committee are W. H. Lerchen, chair
man; Ralph D. Moore, Ercel Kay,
Arthnair Keene and Fred D. Thiel
sen. The schedule follows:
April 27 Club matcb. Watt Shipp
May 4th Eugene at r.alem.. Inter
club . match, Eugene cup.
May 11th Clancy cup handicap
medal play.
May 18th Mixed Foursora, Hau
ser Bros, trophy.
May 25th -Directors eup, quali
fying round. ,
June 1st Directors cup, first
elimination round.
June 8th Di:ectors cup, second
elimination round.
June 15th Directors cup, third
elimination round.
June 22nd -Directors cup, elim
ination finals.
June 29th Salem at Eugene. In
ter Club match, Eugene cup.
July 6th Dave Eyre cun. handi
cap medal play.
July 13th Ladies chamtio.i.ihiD
iand Jclub chainpionKhip qualifying
round, uardiner and cup.
July 20th As above first elim
ination. July 27th As above, second elim
ination. August Srd As above, third elim
ination. August' 10th Finals
August 17th Eugene cup rinal..
Inter Club match.
August 24th Preslaeats
qualifying round.
August 31st President cup.
September 7th President's
second elimination.
September 14th Presidents
third elimination.
September 21st President
finals. .
September 28th Bogy tournament..
Controls Big Oregon Industry
and Forms San Fran
cisco Connection
W. K. Drager of the Draeer. Fruit
company announces having associat
ed his companywlth the firm of
jseni.erg Hruthe.s & Co., dried
ffruit packers, whose headquarters
are in San Fra.icist-o KncunUn.
Urothera & Co. are one of the larg
est Handlers of dried fruit in the
l iiited States, and are one of the
oldest and best -.egarded firms In
the business.
The Oregon interests in the com
pany are now confined to Mr. Dra
ger. Mr. Drager states that the busi
jess will be continued as the Dra
ger Fruit company and will uae only
"'"n aoeis. brands and trad
parently. on account of the fact that 1
it was found a physical 1 it
since the instructions to appear on
April 25 were sent to Ceiinan dele
gates to have the actual txt or the
proposed treaty by. that date. TnU
would necessiate the communicating
the determinations of the allied and
associated, governments to a certain
extent in outline, or In a less formal
fhape than the definite text.
For this purpose the preseuVe V
the i-Ienipotentiaries carried with
the peace negotiation: was imptra-
nve. quite apart from the point or
prestige that plenipoentiaries of 'the
allied and associated powers could
not only meet with German represen
tatives of equal rank and dignity.
- l)iMuftKu All"el . .
Furthermore. It is planned to hae
such limited discussion of the peace
proposals as President Wilson ana
his associates are prepared to admit,
notably modes of Payment of the
sums which have been exacted as
reparations and explanations on any
point in the long complicated drafts
of the treaty provisos which the Ger
man delegates may seek to begin
Kuiitr vour frei"lit via
Willamette Valley Transfer Co.
Kxitn M-ricr nt fr?i?Lt rat".
Iu! lilaue hauling only.
Phone 1400
the gfivermi'ent at Weimar. The
text of th tteaty and difficult point
as they ariae would in the meantime
be communicated to Weimar.
There is little expectation In com
petent conference circles that It will
be possible to finish the discussions
with the German delegatej and hae
marks, and will rnniin- it. .
- . . . to yviivj ,
"lucnuring in every way to pro
mote the best interest o? the Oregon !
fruit growers and the popularity toi
nu.v. vitguu ruu is enitiied.
with, without awaiting the action of the date fixed for the first meeting.
Indeed, the completion f the n ego
lions within such period was de
clared to be a physical Impossibility..
"I am "surprised to 5e yon have
such, a quantity , of preserves, left
over from last year."
"Nobody eonld tt the lids off,"
explained the housewife briefly.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Lincoln Wins Junior
Swimming Tournament:
Lincoln junior high school won the
&..wimminp tournament haM . . w .
T. M. tank yesterday by taking all
miee events.
In the fnu man .n1. T : 1 c. .
L? J Grant second- and Washington ' H
third. In the one man race, Lloyd ; 4
Hohannos, of Lincoln won. Aubrey! tt
Treywick of Grant was second and E
ierle Petron of Washington came In ; W
...iu. . iu uivmg Lincoln came away
with 1080 points. Washington made
930 and Grant 830. France Cra
mer was Judge of diving and Julian
Burroughswho directed the tourna
ment, was judge of the other con
test s.
The Storv of a Honevmoon
A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by ADELE GARRISON
An unprecedented success in its serial form, now to be read in a beautiful book.
Vrhcther you are a man or a woman, married or single, happily married or less
hanm- than you could wish, this throbbing story of a woman's heart will seize
and hold your deepest and sincerest interest -
HILE the war- is long since won, we
should not consider it "over" until the
last dollar
the reason
of the debt is paid And, that is
for, and why we should support,
the Victory Loan to the full extent of the re
sources of Salem, Marion County and Oregon.
The United States National Bank will give
you details and help you subscribe.
Salem to Be Represented
at Victory Rose Festival
Salem is to be officially represent
ed at the iVctory Rose festival In
Portland as a result of an invitation
received by Mayor C. E. Alhin from
Mayor George M. Ilaker nf Portland.
Mayor Albin has designated P. K.
Fullerton King Ding of the Cherr'.ans
to arrange for Salem's representation.
(Continued from page 1
i i
jllil -
JZZT" Salem Presort j
Major W. Carlton Smith and
Others Easter Arrivals at
Hoboken, N. J.
The .transport Virginia arrived In
port at Hoboken, X. J., Easter Sun
day carrying thousands of soldiers
of the 91st division, whose homes
are in Oregon aad Washington. The
droops w?U be assigned to Camp
Among the'ofricera of the sanitary
corps was Major V. Carlton Smith
of Salem. Major Smith is widely
known here and before the war was
a practicing physician. Captain Gro
ver C. Hinkle of Monmouth return
ed with a casual detachment.
Other Marion and Polk county men
returning with the 91st division are:
Albert Otterstrom. Woodburn: Wil
liam E. Stimson, Charles C Stouth
enburg and Clarence E. Ditmars of
Amity; Charles Olcott. George 1!.
Webb. Eunice W. Savige, Ira W.
Mercer and William IHdenhour of
Salem; Louis Volz of Sublimity.
I: liOV I livrH mrU. l
j with the 91st division reeentlv re-
lurnea to his home in Salem.
Coughs, colds, "snufflpa" n,9t
hang on tend to weaken the system
uu a suiienng. neglected child
spends bo much strength combating
a com mat the little one cannot
grow as fast and sound in body as
nea iree rrom afHictinn. Foley's
Honey and ,Tar is splendid foi
coughs, rolds. crom, whoopin?
t-uuii. j. u,. i-cr.ry.
for by ordinance but that he had
never functioned, it was moved and
carried that the city engineer be
designated as iduiubing inspector. ,
Although the browning Amuse
ment company had secured the con-
Bent of certain property holders to
a street carnival adjacent to their
property during the Odd Fellows
convention .May 1 sto 23 the lodge
men sent In a protest to the enter
tainment stating that the delegates
lo the convention would have ample
amusement provided for them and
that the Browning people were not
in any way sought by the lodge as
an attraction. The petition of the
amusement comrany was Indefinitely
The council favored the transfer
of one of the band concerts from
the regular series to the one of the
nights of the convention of the Odd
Fellows and the approval carried
with it the playing of the fountain.
The bill regulating the peddlers of
books and periodicals wa rasped
A unanimous vote was given to the
ordinance fixing the sidewalks line
on North Winter street from Jef-fe-Bon
to Market at five and a half
feet from the property line.
The council adjourned to meet
Thursday at 8 p. ra.
Actual size of the Library Edition of "Revelation f a WWo."
Number on Auto License
Causes Arrest of Vest
PORTLAND. Or.. April 21 James
Vest of Vancouver. Waah.. was ar
rested at his home today charged
with manslaughter in having caus
ed the death of George Racette, an
flderly man, who was run down and
killed by an automobile near Tigard
Or.. Sunday.
The aT rest resulted from the num
ber oa the autonfobile tag having
been noted by witnesses to the acci
dent, and the ear traced through the
records to Vest. "
Witnesses of the accident said th
automobile was speeding and that
the driver had but one hand on the
i mi - -"From
Heart :
n : M'T :iK$LlM - rM
cahnot suttlv vou, warrt wl at vow ako
ClMU. rtabodi, 4b Co.. Inr Troy, jr. T.
(Continued from Tage 1)
the fullest extent and that for the
past two years members had con
side:ed making some move to get
the structure. It Was suggested that
they join with Grant and Washing
ton i.i getting voters out to a special
election to provide funds for the
buildings. ,
The final business or the meeting
was the consideration of resignation
or -Miss AVilda Soloim!. instructor
in domestic science at tjr'ant junior
high. Miss Solomon ;has snddeitlv
decided to accept an out-of-town po
sition and has been temporarily re
placved by Misn ITIa Mill.. t-y. .
hoard refused to rw-.n-ni ik
ignation. ; .
(Continued from Page 1.)
ed the text of the treaty, but would
i . pernuite.l to diftcni its ternn
and would be fent back to German
to confer with the government nd
the national assembly, reuturning af
ter a stipulated interval to Versailles
for the actual discinnions.
Only I'art Ate Son
I 1 ' n U : .
I- mr i i iiiManros, a (.nun I
RnMkdorff-Rantzau. fonicn minis-
'r. axplained to the A?so-i.itiH Press
the German government considered
it unnecessary to wnd the entire
peace-delegation- moin than lOu
Persons. h:i.lf- hy six plcnipoien
tiaries to Versailles merely Ifi re
ceive th. draft and return to lu-rlln
with it. jnd would therefore. Fend ?
smaller delegation and later proceed
to Versailles for the actual disctis
tdons and the signature or the treaty
The Genua n government then for
mally inquired through the armistico
commission regarding the. program
anu on the hasls of the' reply e-m
inly determined on the dispatch
me smaller delegation
I llani Am Altered .
Meanwhile, however, the nla n and
-f-ogram ;of the council of four for
discussions with the Germans had
boen altered, in no mall degree ap-
f !
You are Reading the Great
Serial in The Statesman
you .will Ik? jrlad t avail voiirNclf of
an opportunity to secure at a nominal'
price this handsome novel size edition
of the story. Hundreds of letters have
leen received asking whether the story
had appeared in hoot .To all
such inquiries this will he a welcome
"Look cl Me, Mar cart t!
if I on nave Not been Heading the Serial CLS234riZ
JTJ, BIV?.! grrat T-r" f Xh-i PriPi'"? ""ry an attractive form'
nocl, Kcvclation of a Wife" i an impressive drama rtcht out of real life
How to Get This Great Story of a Woman's Heart
1- VI
I 1 .til fyX -S
.Tr r.'fix . i
As a
The Orcpon Statesman has arranged to di
ttihule a limited niimher if a Special Library
Kdition of the ' Revelations of a Wife," houtJl
in Vloth, appropriately htamied, containing :7H
pages if easy to read lyjM. printed upon rejnilar
ipmlify of hook paper, for only $1.11) per cpy.
REMEMBER, the supply is limited, therefore
if you desire possess and to read the "Hcve
lalions of a Wife." in its iua5t attractive form
So. Corametcial ?trcrt. and pet a cojy of t h hook
?alm. Ore.
Lnclofed j.ica,e find fl.Oi for one
copy of -Revelations of a Wife."
Ton .....
Street or K. K. 1. N". ..
now lo The Stat.sraan oficc, IMS
rnnt rnmr. im ....i. . r
woman s heart that has gone, straight to the hrt of humanity.