J - - . ' . . . ' " THE ORKOOtt STATESMAN srXPAT. AMllI, 20, 1910 " ' . : Mzm I EMERGENCY MAY! f---; . - . ' , ASSEMBLE BOARD c : .. ' X "mtock Owner, Seek CoS- ": WXj'. :'r-' ' V liiV- I fj Animals Slaughtered cl&'is? - " J ma- I I ea to we tuberculin tMt-. Whon h II ' . t stTZLW IX . . ll The MMttAfsv. I will not strike until the plain people TIIIS ADVERTISEMENT CONTRIBUTED THROUGH THE PATRIOTIC CO-OPERATION OF ! bREGOG ;-vj' ORIN C; WATms? Prop; 1 1 ct (oue rrooea oy . v Committee of; Experts City Commissioner a t ' t.k. , rof. Harry il. Torey of Reed college nd Elton Watkins, a well known att orney, all 1 of Portland, have heea esignated by Gorernor Olcott to act state representatives on .special ommlttees of the Portland ad elab hlch la holding a series of meetings the purpose of Investigating into he matter ;of Industrial unrest and ne pwt way o meet conditions Frederick T. Haskell nf chairman , of the special committee and it was at his request Governor Olcott made: these appointments. The committee will meet each Saturday until,, final determination of Its in vestigation. ' " - There's a foreign" couple living In the flat next to us, and they are sim ply, av torment to my wife." ;wh8o?? .t.''-.v;v.-- ' - ."They .quarrel incessantly, tod she can't understand a word nt it 'Grit.- , - ... . Thee first meting of the state tm- rrgeocy .ooara ror tne present Diea- hi Um may ; be called in nhnnr Ivn months to provide money for indem nity claims against the state for the eiaugnier or cattle that have respond ed to the tuberculin tMt. . When h last legislature made an appropria tion or x45,oou for the state 11 ve- siocr santury board it did not take into account claims that arose from the slaughter of cattle after the ap propriation ror the biennium.of 117 and 1918 wn avhanatAl 1V,... claims arereeate in th niilrrihnrhnnd of $2 500. Under, the law the claims must ne paid, state Veterinarian W. H. Lvtle. in a letter claimants, says the claims probably cannot oe assembled and the emer gency Doard called In leas than- rwA months' time. Deficiency certifl cates issued by the board will bear aoout 6 per cent Interest. . - . . Hospital Refuses Care. i man Scatters microbes Because the Enterprise hospital, at enterprise, wauowa county, is al leged to. have refused treatment to a laboring man who was suffering with smallpox and because as a con sequence he was unable to avoid ex posing many other persons to the disease, a complaint has reached the office of State Labor Commissioner C. H. Gram. The commissioner will investigate. , . r Li. P. Rmprcnn (innlnni) V pastern . Oregon Lumber company. Became ui ana was lert In the woods, goinr . to. Entemrlsfl. paying hospital dues to the company au ias given an order for treatment at me nOSDltal. Arrnrr1in tA ih letter r received bv Gram. .. it was nlalnlv aMnt. v Hynersoa had smallpox when he pre- ceniea nimseir at the hospital and treatment;-was refused him. m only thing for him to do, the letter ?JB. was fa taxe tne train for Lai urande"WBere his mother livsi mA go to her home for care. The letter Bays.taat persons on the train and uiaaj persons in La r.rmd wArA - - " w poaeq to.tae disease. .-V--..-1 - ' i , , : "V." i -'V':" n' : r ' I 2 er" ' ;. . - You are at rite ' Moon wfaea you say tte t?sr c ever; It crrx over xm. V ! 11 MWVfJ PJlVi .Vh.'f - M ki;U ill 1: A.' 1 HI i. IV'VIL -.3 wtm into vtst: 7 -fsna every ccntor tne ocxsl We have done neither. The war wont be over un til the treaty of peace has been signed . ' Wont be over until the VJAW f SKtr, T h r CcnbeA It wont be over until We, the People,-hot the bjrnks-subscribe every cent thi Government wants. O THEN THE WAR WILL BE OVER. END IT WITH THE S .Si 4 J i t,. m - . . , . - v11 .. i r , '''. TTip world has no use for trie quitter. In the prize ring, on 'the battlefield, and in the whole field of human endeavor, there is nothing but contempt for the man who fails to see his effort through. America's reputation for gameness is at stake ;iri the Fifth Liberty Loan. All , die fruits of vidory will be lost ff we fail to. finish. It is for every money-earning individual to do his or her part for tie nation's good name. Let the world say: "America saw it through those Yankees never quit!" DONT BE A QUITTER. i : ' PUT YOUR DOLLARS BEHIND r , THE VICTORY .LIBERTY LOAN .- . '.r Tins SPACE CONTRIBUTED DI SARM AUTOMOBILE CO. 1 ... Y A: X. EOFP- f r Girl of Eighteen Wbo Is to Become the Bride of Governor General of the Philippines ti S . u i '..v r .v -'- ' :'.- Ik . Si 3E- . , -1 T f ' v TICS ADVERTISEMENT CONTRIBUTED THROUGH THE PATRIOTIC CO-OPERATION OP V x StUDEBAKER AGENCY .MISS. ELIZABtTR T WRtNTMOftt Misa Elizabf tk a ivMnMA.. . U . J old. Is to wed Francis Burton HirtB 7.m' Wh 18 only Pines. He u i a i i. . .ri"n OTernor general of the Thill n- rtage on the part to KJ?f to lhe father, who is dean of thVcDlwreS i0 KW- Her ernor Harrison. Misa Wrentmo i '.'fu f.l08e ,r,end ' Got- i.Ston. and who la uol UkiTg Iouri n .he' r! Ln of met the governor general In Minil th LnlTerr of California. "Why. thia la a funnj Ulephbne: Un't finished, la It?" , . P Tea, that's a eomsUU ti.rv.. "But there la nothto 44t ei (he recirer,. Where la the mouthyieee? (f .'.'Poecort seed one. That la the wiinuaMworw whiea I cenrerse wita Jrynre. Answera. We jnoS luSe IfiM for ale 25 of the best makes of touhdjr cirs knd ftaaiteix-AII 0f them rood buys. These are all in perfect nxnnin order and in good shape.' They are priced so that any man can eaifly make the parnnxt. We list here only a iew 1916 Excelaior 3Io(oreycIe and side car. 1014 Studebater Tourmg. i 191S Overland, good as new, $500. Kive Ford care. .... . .w i?l 8 Saxon Roadater, 373. .P.1? ?.!"Iand 1,651 of condition, $700. ibi6 Duick, tibo." t i yba Kie a car yoa ivtht to seU, consult istih . Auto Exchange Salem a vmiifliM, aua LALJir '. 1 i ' '- 229 SUte Street. Phone- 867 i DOiriLU AVSONE CENT A WORD ' ' . - ,