CHURCHES 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting on Thurs- uay 3 p. m. i. u. ie ana wire, pastors. Jason e Memorial. A series of evangelistic services win Degin at tne Jason Lee Menrar. t i iai cnurcn on Tuesday evening at 7:30. Tho TTinai will ha lini. ,. leadership of Evangeli3t Troy of Chl- The Scandinavian Church. The Scandinavian church. ir,ti and Mill streets. The Sabbath school will be held, as usual, at 10 o'clock. In the evenine at 7:30 the Sabbath school will render an Easter uro gram. Most -of the recitations aad songs Will be In the English lan guage. Rev. Lind will be present to assist the superintendent. Mr. Gust Anderson. The public is cordially invited to attend. Church of Christ Scientist. First Church of Christ Scientist. Sunday services are held at 440 Cbe meketa street at 11 a. m. Subject of Bible lesson MDnctri. rf A tnn l -- --- an ic even- menu Sunday RChVol at 9 4 . a will Jn'r Herh h Dd ?iSl Priaal -W6dnd v even f estLoniS will -sing. Christian Endeavor at meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room '. Unitarian. : " " " . Dr. Earl M. Wllber of Oakland. Cal.. will gpeak at the Unitarian ehurch. Cottage and Chemeketa streets today at 11 a. ra. SubwtS 'Immortal Life Here and Her.-ar-er'" A 'uH attendance of the mem-1 berg of the church is deal red and the public is COfdiallv invitorl tv -,! with the assurance that they will be well repaid If they corue and hear D Wllber. ' . Highland Friend;. Biblbe school at 10 a. m. Earl Pruitt, superintendent. Special East er music and exercises by some of the children. All our teachers a- earnest Christians and we have class es uueu 10 every one who will come Preaching services at 11 a. m. and o v. hi. special music. In thi vn "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" "Proved Safe by Millions" TOTS OREGO-f STATESMAN: SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1010 Conan Doyle Just After He Stated He Had J I Communicated With Son Killed in the War ayer Cross'' ' ) 71 ForPairi Neuralgia' Earache iToothache Colds . Grippe Rheumatism Lame Back Neuritis Warning! Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Always insist, upon the genuine "Bayer Package" which con tains proper dosage. Look for the Safety, "Bayer Cross" on package. Ask for "Bayer :Tst!3fs cf Asplrta'? Gsnufc! Eoxe. of 12 tablets-Bottle, of 24-Bottle. of IOC A1 ri- w i -.r V 7; In ""V i 1 i J . ' . (VV1 1 niiiiui.u v .. c.iiw This nhatnrran?i ?nav rri v n . . ... - uvumciucui iiiL na wS rprt m f n SftJ v!!"te.!ltt k"1 1 the war. " K hiS t w'v aewepaper correspondents he nrodnrn) . ""'- BuxTivai ana communion. Bible . - . . ". ' . ; - ; ' , : - . .. ; r Ag. 5;.. j 209 Masonic Temnle. onen ever- da-i t . . - ,,j --- 1 -v lirinimn I IIBrvn , , . . " I . . irrai center and High streets. L- III. U III. All bfa in. : V. 1 . . . 7 v - , a;uw session ai :4a Mnrninr vlted to our serrices and to our read- worship at 11. Christian Lndearor " w 1 ana u. w. n m Pnui. at V o'clock, gold star memorial -ervices ai 9 o Clock. ' MornLiR Worshin Processional... Mr. Frank Churchill America. The Congregation luiucauuo, Joan 4.16......'...... ........... .The Congregation asm. . .. mm - m vuiuuiuaiun tiji ana ser-iccs. In caarge 01 me Iders... Ordination Services . . . ...... . .The Elders and the Pastor unertory and Announcements . . . Anthem. . . . . ."Why Seek Ye? Sermon.,. "Embalmed Errors' '. ine rasiar Reception of New Member. . . Benediction . Mitpah r.-ening service To Honor Joseph Martin. U. a N Auurey Jones, u. 8. A.. A. E. F nanan uoirman. U. S. A.. S. A. T Pu:se Ora E. Carltt, U. Hospital Corn. !vUxCaU Asem''3r-..... .Ira Care "V ."aiiouai. Air Raisin the Flae. ............ unester Lee. U. S. A aerrice t lag Guard of Honor 7TE? " "ow,na- v. S. A.. A. E. F.. v-r nenger. u. a. X Roll Call of the Gold Stars. . . invocation The Pastor oenpeure The Second Psalm ua,r.te Selected -Messrs. McGIIchrlst. Knowland. r.piey ana. Wolfe ,?f r V f f-'i r' ..jv-.vs-j;- ' . - - j yil ' (0? 1 Vo '''V . 1 . 1J".-'V?s ' , A ' . " 'i--.:.- V.-- 1 lsrJv'iv-- " -'r ' 1 vVrV:'-fi A ' ' ; - ! ; "" 'Vi't ll.Xi1"? I i.f ".' - J &ihp'&&'i''- ;-""----"-x ' 'ti . V- ' 1 -(.kJf- I - f ''. " - '- i 1 2 1 f r ? ' J r . ... I i; I -i, I t. - , .t .. j i , i , y.'.'i. :. C- j ' ' lr'i I V THIS ADVERTISEMENT CONTRIBUTED TIIROUGII THE ' PATRIOTIC CO-OPERATION OF AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE CO. D. SAMUEL and P. M. ANDRESEN t3J3SHJEB TO THIS ADVERTISEMENT CONTRIBUTED THROUGH" THE PATRIOTIC CO-OrERATION OF I OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON on a warm day, lift up the collars v. . . w cooi tneir shoulders and wipe off the sweat and dirt with a bunch of grass. 9. Wipe off the harness marks on your horses hn vnn -t - at nooa and at night, and clean the inside of the harness, the collars ea- - I. Mi 5. tJS rcUj ai lkli irtiiAi Mrs. Lelantl W Tn,- I m.w. . . w r' wn1 . - . - i . me nuuuie. Aaaress. .Sacrifice and RMnirpini I in rt k .. . . Tho T Voice Christ in Flanders.. ;: Ward-Staphen ieonia U3Dorne-Peterson urcnestra Selected .aamg (a) in Flanders Field ...ueut.-col. J. F. McCrae "iiiiiini -uurr ine collar or iita v.. diluted vinegar or witchhaxel. If the .. i oroaen. hatha It with clean W.rm watf,r nt-'ntag a little salt. Fix the collar, with padding, of oth erwlae, so that it will not touch the ore spot -the next day. A little QuartefEro "d,hYn.. fSf.?. f ' trouble to yo'u and i . " - i j i ""iicnug iu ins norsa. wrcnesira Selected 11. Cla . Offertory . Selecte5 wate-r them, give themT dE nenedictW CharCh,n f Taps "7?.". m War Mothers and families men n res't hour or ffil r rfhMh'm uniform, doctors and nurse, are rrafced The .eS of fhlH specially invited to Bit in reserved simple rule, wilf S?ZFjmSl CARE FOR YOUR STOCK 1. Do not fail tn TmtA ! . . r v. veu. warm quarters f whlrh vnn , , "s v. wr vi I twco -ma mares can briny forth thel- vuiiK. ayei in nmM fpm stock, esoeciallv fnni. Aw. '"'n-B-Drms. A dan evno. ! I . . ar- u nni laiai. may stop a month's growth. 3. ' It Is had nrtllAv A .... stock to, pasture before the grass has Binea-Din rrt- v A . vw tor me Block. 4. When the nnitnr .- . . fr.ns. xurn tne stock out at ileht. and will niiV their condition. When Ca:-l-for-nys dry. TbeyVaUie other side uf the Creat of ln Tore An I ra left forlorn to weep an mourn !l?.hKar that's rad "ore I m ol an broka. my gn' ia .oak. So what can I do but cry. A 1Vao' tWak. -Wbat can I drink When Cal-I-for-ny'a Cry?- Kra-a where th will en Dig me wave Wera tV lixxards creep an lit tree toada cheep An th tuneful bullfroga romp. nrow me an' my Jug that I t i io iag Jn th hole an say "Good-by-Xta no place here for a plojeer i When Cal-l-for-nya dry. J. W UtKrntU in :-m r- -. .1 .... -H1KUO, " - VUCUO, t- T-EL11 nnr-zp crr a tig difference In Ol A Wolf fn-I "Hardpa. Jake' from th h.t of the lake. With hair on his Watt . I re pawed this earth since my dar " wit m With a sDirit wIM r I've aeen the west at Its wo'rst an I've rolled m -u. ... . . mu Blia "Ul o. my sand and I lay mv UOUU When Cal-l-for-ny's dty. . What would they do that roartn f I J i 1 mviiMAviniQici t , -.-.. v anal, I rBw intesa of In th mnrnln-- I rv , . . win r . . , . -&. tuca laeyi - i woitcs wnat I ne1 f n Vnn TO?S.ffil.- " Ci K ft! for sprtae work th Ft ... I . Srlf1?- vMany f ll has been I Too. " ,100t L,.ne-d.brbeln'. Pnt t hard work Who threatened t .. 8- In warm vrattiv v-. . I tt'i " . . , . -i uugo utu vi-i-ior-nT drv rrooming is almost as Important In feedinr. Withnnt i -t.. " . I v . .. dead skin and h U v" Tl l -. ""f"1' "Tnolumme BIU- SlSiTJr MT3 "Brow?1 " 01 M"ardUek a f F nV.; - Mulder. M lo-" and backs. esDerl-iiv i-. ni-.i- -r- ir the collar rlri nn n. . li I m-.. .. H rale, or a girthTunnlnV fAm "rt" - - "mit '1-1"1 wc r.D" l ,n rKt. There 11 be no ular. lik. had How Long Will It Last? For no battery is fitter than it insufation. Threaded Rubber Insulation U one of the thincs that make, the Still Hetter Willard a much better battel -,sJfWfkfd RI,br J08111-1'0". hich postpones indefi. mtely the need of re-insltaion. is the mS-importaTut-tery imrrovement that has Wen made in years. Auto Electric Shop J8) Dee & Bnmll Stf1 BELIVES YOUR BATTERY KO EXTRA CHARGE P0R SERVICE CAB 413 Court St. m. Phone 203 "u me nones are at work them daya