The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Dance M. B. A. hall.
Has Minor Operation
Mrs. M. S. -Chandler of Turner un
derwent a minor operation for a
throat trouble yesterday. She will
return to her home In a -few days.
reaoe Kdition -
The great Teace edition of the
Statesman will be issued soon. All
copy for the edition must be received
very soon ya. order to insure its in
sertion in the edition. For informa
tion phone 23.
W. O. W. Attentlo
Ladies night. Open meeting next
Friday night, April 18. Come and
bring your friends. Entertainment.
Woman Would Be Citizen
Margaret Helen Hodge has applied
for citizenship in the United States
baring filed application with- the
county clerk, U. G. Boyef. She !s a
native of Canada and entered this
country at Port Huron, Mich. Her
hearing will be July 9.
Dr. B. F. round
Announces the reopening of his
dental office, 5th floor, United States
National Bank building, phone 169.
Expects to Upturn
That she expects to return to Sa
lem, soon is the word received by
friends in this city from Mrs. W. H.
top lit
A Ilome Away from Horn
Strictly Modern 11.00 per day
ISO Raa.f Slia Com fart
Only "Hotel in Business Distirct
Sloper. She has Wn
friends at Herman, Calif.
Old Bill
President of the
ter. See him in Th iL L V""bU?
Ye Liberty Sunday? -l ai
Called to Calif orni;
,u If lne .of her mother has
called Mrs. E. CT. Ttlfhr,i. . i"
,,,, ---....... iu rtiid-
""'"i v.aiii. - one lert
W. K, Mott, M. D " :
Rm. 408 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Will Come to Salem
Lee Haskings of Regent, N. D .
will come to Salem soon according
to word received here. He has writ
ten asking if there is a telegraph col
lege in this city.
Receipts, Notes ana All Blanks
At btates man job office.
Old Resident Passes
Mrs. E. Power, mother of Mrs. F.
C. Kightlinger of Salem, died in
Portland late yesterday afternoon
following a week's illness from pneu
monia. The body will be shipped
here today for interment and funer
al arrangements will be announced
in a later paper. Mrs. Power was a
resident of Salem for some time. Be
side Mrs. Kightlinger she leaves five
other children.
New location 379 State Street
Anything In the line of electric
fixtures. .
Barton does battery work. ' Any
make tested free. Charging and re
pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200.
4lfivA In X".
Anna Catherine Berg - and Rose
i Williams, both of Salem, who have
(been in France for several months
I in the Army Nurse corps, are ex
pected to arrive in New York today
on the? steamer Kaiserin Augusta
Victoria. They were stationed at
Base Hospital No. 46 at Tours while
in France.
'Most people nowadays have
come to think of Faster :i3 an
appropriate gift day.
What could be more lasting
or more symbolic of love and
peace, than pearls, gold and
precious stones. We have many
suggestions for you.
Jewelers and Opticians
NW. corner State & Liberty Sts.
Frank N. Zinn. Rien Jackson, I
C.aude Iteck, Corporals Bryan Coa
nelly. Franklin Miller, Warren Wei
Lorn, Flmer Ross, Sim Phillips,
Maurice Lawson, Privates, first class,
and Privates Orley Let fingwell.Frank
Prince. Wilbur Daly, lurence Hopt,
Le Xotson, Louis Goldberg. Ivan
Lady. Carl Martin. Vayne ItaMon,
and Mechanic Hoy Remington.
Penitentiary Baseball
Team Arranges Games
The state penitentiary baseball
team is arranging a busy schedule
for the spring and summer season
I and about the best baseball In Salem
this year doubtless will be seen with
in the walls of the 6tate prison
j Next Sattirday the prison team will
I Play Willamette university. Oa the
following Saturday a game with the
Salem Indian Training school of Che
mawa is on the cards and a week
later the University -of Oregon string
will be here to cross bats with Man
ager Joe Keller's aggregation.
obey other future orders directed to
the licensed companies. The com
panies are to waive all claims for
compensation for the use of their
lines or systems during the period of
government control and" are to ac
cept their earnings as compensation.
Any. company that does not want to
accept these' terms must notify the
postmaster general within 30 days
from the date of the order, April 11.
Otherwise tfce company will be pre
sumed to have accepted.
Will buy or trade all farmers
produceiapples and eggs. ,
The People's Cash Store
. Phone - 453.
? 186-196 North Commercial St.
Quickly done.
Phone 379 J
Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools
and, in fact, anything you have
to sell. I buy for cash. ' Phone
510 or 511.
W00DRY, The Auctioneer
It you have any Junk or second
hand goods' of any kind, see us
271 Cbemeketa fit. . Phone 398
Iri" JTTsTtSm F" fi Claw
P. 'A n HOTEL 1 I f I A
lOTTRTEST. Cfeatfart, fcaatelika
I atnapbr at Ba4erat
prices. AtxlBtrl7 tlrrrt.
Ceatrally located. . Cavealeat ta
all earllaes.
rHlaa4. Oregea '
ciRWTi b. nma. urn
Does Not Run, Crack or
Come Off
Presertea Shingles, Iron, Tin
and all Prepared Asphalt
' Roofings Acid Proof.
Made Iii Oregon. Sold direct
to the consumer. Prices
reasonable. Quality
. guaranteed
. Portland, Oregon
Phono 71K0 15at.
W. O. W. Attention
LadiesijiJght. Open meetine next
Friday night. April 18. Come and
bring your friends, i Entertainment.
Peace Edition
The great peace edition of the
Statesman will be issued soon. AH
copy for the edition, must be received
very, soon in order to insure its in
sertion into the edition. For infor
mation phone ' 23.
Dr. ltoy Byrd Home -
Dr. Koy Bird who held the rank
of captain in the medical corps of
the 91st division arrived home yes
terday. Dr. Byrd was with the di
vision through its service in the Ar-
gonne forest and had a varied exper
ience overseas.
Standard Scale Rook
' In duplicate. Statesman job office.
We Have 'Another --
Car of choice second growth fir for
prompt delivery also some partly
seasoned old fir. Tracy Wood Co.
Phone 520
To Relieve Catarrh,
Catarrhal Deafness
And Head Noises
Prrsons Mifferin from ratarrhal ds-afnes.
or Wiio n emw-mz hard of hearing and
have lieail uoiM-n will Im glad l know thai
this riitr-MU 4ffli-tinn ran usually be
uc--e.sfu!!y treated at hin by an internal
in cd i -i n c that in tunny iiiManrik hai -f ffi-tril
roinilcte relU-i after oilier trfalminls hav
failwl. Siiffrrs who ooiilil K-arcfrly li-ar
hare hl their liearitie r-Mired to Mrh an
extctit that th tick uf a watrh was I'l.imly
audible "jeii cr i-ight inches away frotn
-ithr ear. , Therefore, if you know of anme
n who is troubh-d with head imin-s ir ra
tarrhal ileafni-K, rut out thi fi-niiula and
hand it 1 tl-m ond you may have leen
the uit-uns t, . inr fcome tor huf fer-r
erha from total n-afiies. The irrsrri)
tion ran b; iirrj.arid at home apd is made
ns follows:
Swnrf-fnim your druceiM 1 ox . l'armint
f double strength i. Takr this hoim- and add
to it Vi lint of hot watrr and a little granu
lated agar: r1r nrttH" flismhd. Take one
tahlespofinful for titm'a - day.
l'armint is nsnl in this way not only lo
reduew by t nic artion the inflammation and
Hwelline in the Knstarhian TuIh , and thus
to equalize the aif resMire on the drum,
but to eorrert any exrexs if aerretions in the
middle ear. and the result it givrs are nearly
always quick 'and effeVf ive."
Kvery perron who has ratarrh in any form
or distressing, rumbliuK, hissine txundi in
their ears, i.lior.ld give this recipe a trial.
Capital Ptus Co.
Salem Men in France to
Go to "Don't Know Where"
W. O. W. Attention
Ladies night. Open meeting next
Friday night, April 18. Come' and
bring your friends. Entertainment.
Officer Thorn on Hurt
Officer Walter Thompson received
bruises about the shoulder when fell
several feet down an embankment
The Z" Salem men. former mem
bers of Company M, 16 '2nd Infantry,
who have been stationed at Xevers,
in the center of Fra'ace ever since
iroir.g overseas in December, 1917,
a:e duf- to move somewhere, "but
uon i Know wnere," according to a
letter leceived from First Sergeant
Paul Ma.irer, by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs John Maurer.
Alter being iransierreu out ot
Company M, in September, 1918. the
men were assigned to Guard Com
pany No. 1, Army Service Corps,
and have been doing guard duty
Central Council Representa
tives and L L L L to
Gather Jointly
For the first time in the history
of the labor movement in this state
there will be a Joint meeting of or
ganized labor in the interest of bet
ter relations between employer, and
employe. Tonight at S o'clock the
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
berman and the representatives of
Salem Central Labor council will
ar the question of voluntary med-
ation discussed by able speakers at
Hurst hall.
At the last meeting of Salem Cen
tral Labor council a standing com
mittee on educational pronaeanda
was appointed to promote voluntary
mediation as an acceptable means of
settling all labor cont:oversies. The
committee is composed of Charles
Gram, state labor commissioner:
William A. Marshall, of the indus
trial accident commission; Arthur
W. Lawrence and Pascal L. Trac-
lio of Central Labor council, and J.
II. Arnold, president or the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen.
A committee composed of Presi
dent Arnold. J. T. Turner and R:
Dickey of the Loyal Legion attend
ed the conference and President Sim-
ral of, the Central Labor council
recognized ,the organisation Infor
mally by naming its president on
the above committee. The commit
tee invited the Salem labor organi
zations and the advocates of volun
tary mediation to. meet with the lo
cal of the Loyal Legion.
Members of labor unions and all
interested in the solution of labor
problems are invited to attend the
triday evening meeting.
A Clear Brain and healthy body
are essential for success. Busihe
men, teachers, student, housewives
and other workers say' Hood's Sarsa-
parilla gives them appetite and
strength, and makes their work seem
easy, it overcomes that tired feel
Wednesday.7 He was able to be on
duty yesterday and anticipates no during their entire stay in France,
Among those in tne company arc
Sergeants Malcolm L. Gilbert. Mar
tin F. Van Laaen, Paul Hendricks,
ill effects from the fall.
Loganberry Tips : and Raspberry
Pheasant Northwest Products Co.
want3 to buy 100,000 Loganberry
tips and Cuthbert Raspterry plants.
Immediate delivery. Phone 204.
Mayor's Brother Home Soon
; George Leslie Albin, brother of
Mayor Albin, who has been at Camp
Lewis for several months recovering
from the effects of a wound he re
ceived overseas, is expected home
soon. Mayor Albin returned yester
day from Camp Lewis where he vis
ited his brother. Mr. Alain's wound
was a severe one and was received
during the American attack at Fis
mes above .Chateau Thierry in Sep
tember. ;
Starts Next Wednesday
Legal Blanks
Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.
Small Phone Companies
Are Partially Released
Class D telephone companies,
those whose gross revenues do not
exceed 10, 000 a year, are released
from direct federal supervision
through an order of the postmaster
general. A copy of the order has
been received by ?the. public service
com mission.
Certain conditions cover the re
lease. The companies are to refrain
Horn constructing any ltns parallel
ing or duplicating the lines of other
telephone companies. They are to
collect the service connection charg
es and standard toll rates and are to
,.1. , I, ,,. , J
I Ire! oil j
; .. ' -. M
(Carries the message from thebraiii to all parts of the body--Thes
messages tell each part of the bwly how to perform its function.
If the line of communication (the spinal cord) 1- interferrd .
with, the niewaKes do not reach their dtioation and that art or
tne body does not function normally. This so-called d ire..
ure tif a vertebra on the spinal cord produceH thi.s i hti It. t'hin
prattics remove this pressure and health is the result.
C11II10FI:ACTIC sriNOLOGIST, 309-312 U. S. National Bank lUdg.
Tentative Plans Made for
Home Corning and July
4 Festivities
A Fourth of July and homecoming
celebration lasting three days is the
plan decided upon by a committee of
the Salem War Mothers' union meet
ing at, the Commercial club last
night. R. O. Snelling. chairman of
the civics bureau represented the
The plan to havo the festivities
take the fo:-u of a home tominc for
the men who have been in the mill
tary and n&val service and they will
oe the bpocial guests vf the city. Ar
rangements are very tentative as vet
mil it is likely that the festival will
begin July 3 and enl Saturday, July
Springs Prettiest
The new suits call for Mouses designed in particular models to
wear well with the m-w waisted hkirts if the effect)f the nuit U
to he achieved. Yoti will find here a line of the most deiral.Ic
IimhIcIs in suit linuv.
(;er(etle Crepe 11 on sen
4.!S .'.!.. up to 114.73 -j
Crepe de Chine Mouse .
4.!M. $:37. $6.0r up to $12..7) I
Liiieri! Iilouses
ISc, tl V, n.73 up to 0.75
Camisoles "v Envelope Chemise Gowns
98c to $3.75 $2.98 to $9.75 $4.95 to $9.75
J t a
. $4,93 to $9.75
Excellent Valium in Outer Garments
SUITS $19.75, $24.75 to $470
COATS .$1175( 19J5 175
DOLMANS $24.75, $34.75 to $55.00
('AIES $1173, $19.75 to $34.75
SKIRTS 4....$ 6.95, $19.75 to $29.75
SILK DRESSES $12.48, $19.75 to $57.50
FABRIC DRESSES ....$14.75, $1850 to $34.75
Buy 5th Victory Bonds
nission in an order issued yesterday.
rhe operator of the plant at Garden
Home, C. N. Jager. has contended
ihat his plant is not a public utility
md not under the utility law. He
U allowed an increase in rates by
the commission's order which is af
fective May 1. Garden Home is an
unincorporated town.
For Infants and ChUdrea
In Use For Ovcr30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
With our tmuporUUon ftdlitici tre are ablt to piy the
highest cash prlco for
171 South High Street Phone 1400
t t rttttti mm n
Important Meeting Held
by Pomona Grange Members
An important meeting of Pomona
cranse was h!ld Vednsday at
GranKo hall. Matters of vital inter
est to both i-roducer and toiisumor
were discussed.
The main tirce of all arcMinents
IireHent was for more a tlve inter
est to be tiik-n ulonR legislative lines
uhich will make Orrfion take iLs pro
per p'e anions thoj most prre
8iv; of other states..
The following program wh viten:
T. K. M('nKkey or the Commer
cial club, "Keht Koom for Farmers."
J. W. I.. Smith S!iiith-llurn-s
K1 u rational hill.
I.yman Mc Im tld Voal holr.
Dan LancenhiirK, arcompanift.
II. C. l'aulus Cooperative mark-
let in K.
Cornelia Marvin Naturalization
as related to the married woman.
Mrs. Arthur Kahn gave three
Judge Uushey Market Koadi
M. K. Vogue Kvplanation or th
reconstruction lrondinu bill.'
orthy Master C. 1- Spenee tave
a resume of all subjets presented
by other speakers.
Garden Home Water Works
Are Held Pablic Utility
The Garden Home water work Is
h .public utility according to the
findings of the puldiv" service com-
Pumps, Oxfords
High Shoes
xzrc yZ-jAvyry stylish
It's all the same you want the nicest, most stylish
and best You can have them now.
In Black Kid, Brown Kid, White Reign skin or Nile
cloth or White Canvas and at prices ranging from
$13.50 on down to $1.95 the pair.
They're all good designs,
' fine fitting and quality un
surpassed, yet very reason
able in price.
err 3ttjfi3hrry nlijlih
aro altjtishvrtj stylish
The Victory is oars. Let's pay the bill Bay Bonds.