8 THE OREGON STATKSMA.V THURSDAY. APUIL 17, 1919 Watch Your Child's Tongue! : i Constipated Children Gladly Take "California Syrup of Figs" For the Liver and Bowel Tell your druggist you want genuine "Cairfornia Syrup of Figs." Full directions and dese for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on he bottle. Look for thd name "California" and accept no other "Fig Syrup." Beware! REVELM10KS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon; A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by . V; ADKLB GARRISON CHAPTER CCLXVII ; - - .' f . . i WHY MADGE BECAME . VERY ' MUCH UPSET OVER PROS PECTS OF LOSING KATIE. St . icik iuj . asuou 1 a when Jim Gregg blurted ouf the In- KflM AAIIIIIA ItAIKlA It's Easy If You Know Dr. EdwajdaOlive Tablets-' The secret W keeping your, Is to fee? young to dd this you most watch youi liver and bowels there's bo need oh having a sallow complexion dark ring? under your eyes pimples a bflioia look in your face dun eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from is active bowels and liver. y v Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician ia txjata, pcnrcioa a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the over and bowels, which he gave to hi natfMta fn tr.ara . Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the subsd . t - . . . . . mie xarcaiomei, are genue in tnea action yet always effective They bring about that miMnnn antrit- Vi .fe.m.i buoyancy which should be enjoyed by evei voue, by toning tip th liyr and clear- Jfcro will know Dr. Edwards Olive Tab lets by their olive color, 10c and 25c per doxa ui urcgjistsj y .. . formation that he and Katie had been "getting engaged this evening" and were "going to get v married pretty soon." Mother Graham had heard a noise in the" kitchen and had summoned me to go with her to investigate It. We had found ttae table set for a spread with a profusion of our food, and Katie and Jim snugy ensconced Inj the "big rocking chair. jThe memory of Mother Graham's insulting' words? to' the girl made my cheeks burn. My mind went swiftly back to the never-tobe-forgotten night when Dicky and I had plighted oar troth. I remembered it as If It were hut an hour beforel - - We were sitting in one of the small parlors of Mrs. Stewart's home In Brooklyn, where . my mother and I had lived so many years, and where after her' death, r I, had stayed until nfy marriage to Dicky. Mrs: Stew art, wise; tender mother that she was to the1 girls that boarded with her. called that parlor' her "courting room." No one was ever allowed to disturb the . occupants of 'that' room when a young woman was entertain ing a young man there. - Mrs. Stewart had been Jack Blck ett's stauntfhest partisan; -She dis liked Dicky intensely, yet she never in any manner disturbed us. I thought,, with a shuddering horror of whaj it would" have " meant to Dicky and me if someone had rudely broken in' upon us in the sacred mo ments after he had asked and I had answered'the most momentous ques tion of our lives. My heart went out to Katie with lembre and sympathy. I went swift ly over to the girl and took her twist ing, fluttering, angry hands in my own. i "Will1 You Forgive Me?". '.'Katie, dear." I said softly, "will you forgive me! I am so sorry this has happened. If you had told me you expected Jim I would not have disturbed you. I'm very glad for your happiness. Katie. Eat you sup per now and tell me all about it to morrow." " . I turned to the shy six-footer standing beside her. "I congratulate you, Jim," I said, hodllng out my hand. "Katie is a dear good girl. Come to see her of ten." My mother-in-law" was-standing as if petrified when I turned to her from Jim. Her face was dark with disapproval of my handling the sit uation, but to my great surprise she did' not speak.. I thought, with a little tstamphaht thrill, that evident ly she remembered and meant to abide by the ultimatum I had given her on the occasion of her outrageous treatment of Lillian Underwood. I had .told her then that I would always make " her welcome In our home and' treat her with all defer ence, but that I would never allow her to interfere in any possible con cern' of mine. Was it possible that she meant to abide by those words quietly. " , She preceded me out of the room. paying no attention, whatever to the voluble' thanks which Katie was pouring out to me. When I joined her in the hall we walked in silence the length of it. mounted the stairs and went to our room4 At' the door of" hers she pausedfwlth her hand upon the knob. turned to me, and said with empba sis: "Of course, Margaret, you thin all these socialistic notions of yours are very fine but when you've lived as long as I have you'll l$arn that it doesn't pay to pamper maids. You're probably blaming youself for hurt ing Katie's feelings. Cattle like that haven't any fine feelings such as you i l TURN HAIR DARK WITH' SAGE TEA If Mixed With Nulnhur It Darken So Naturally ' Nobody Can Tell. The Old-timo nilxtlirA nf fiiira Taa and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair la grand mother's recipe, and folks are again using It to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youth ful appearance is of the erAtt h. vantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the "s uu me musfiv m t nr r hnmi All dma stores eU th riHir.in.,.i product, improved by the addtiion of iiiki ruionis, caned Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Compound." it is popular oecause nobody can dis cover it baa been applied. Simply . If . your comD r a soft brush IUJ Jl ana a r&w tills lhrnnh hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair dis appears, but what riallvhf. ft.- i.ji witQ JVyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound, is that KosMm k....ti..n. darkening the hair after a few an- ttllAnitAw. f S' f""l,uu. it aso produces that soft lustre and annfnrnnc. 0k-j. unu s ao attractive. Don't Let Soap S oil Your Hair When yon wash your hair, be care ful what you use. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very Injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. 1 - 'The best thing to use Is just plain mulsifled- cocoanut oil, for this Is pure and - entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats the most ex pensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. You tan get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub It in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes sn I abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily.- The hair dries quickly and evenly; and 'is sort, fresh looking, bright, k fluffy, . wavy and easy to handle.: Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff.- - . SHOES IN ABUNDANCE And every pair at the very top notch of style and quality with a perfect fit and an economical price they appeal to the care f ul and discriminating buyer. Ladies' distinctive Black Oxfords, Cuban heels, Red Cross Av" quality . . .... ..... ... .. ..... ,J O.UU Red Cross Brown Kid Oxfords CQ K ft ; and Pumps,' Cuban heels . . . . -V 0". Black Kid Pumps in Red Cross quality ...... ... Black Kid Pumps, Cuban heels Black Kid Pumps, French heels ... ....... . .. $6,50 $6.50 $7.00 Other grades as ao qm low as ...................... P A Big Shipineiit of White Canvas Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps arrived yesterday; and we will soon have '.&em out:iii di6 . wm4ows;'.;.. They 'are the newest designs. ; . .$1.95 Shoes from $5.85 down to . . . . . Pumps from $3.65 down to...... Oxfords from $3.75 down to . ....... $2.95 $1.95 Also Children's Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers. that it is fortunate that such disgrace ( of the uniform of onr army Is ex- I ii vrt-uiugij lire. 1 am glad that there were no Ore gon men in that company and I ven ture a guess that a majority of them were not born in this country. I am not given to criticism of the Ameri can soldier for I regard them as be ing the finest body of fighting men the world has ever known. My own son has just returned from long ser vice in France, but I should not for give him If he mutinied at the behest of a Bolshevik enemy. " Henry L. TJenson.- and I have. Rut vnn'm vn..n. an you'll learn I hone." ane went to her room quickly and shut the door. I smiled to myself as I reflected upon the thoroughly characteristic way In which she managed in h the last word in the matter. She pro bably imagined she had withered me with her contempt of ray thoughts and actions. There was only one remark of hers wnicn remained in my mind and that was with a far different rrM than she had intended. She had sooken or Katie as belonging to "cattle that had no Tiner feelings." I re flected a little bitterlv that It wnuld not have been possible for Katie or anyone or ner kind to have displayed a greater lack of fine feeling than had my mother-in-law. Katie's engagement, however, up set me. it was almost time for us to return to the citv for th wlntor Of course, if Katie were to be mar ried she would, not go back with us The girl had been with me since the first month of my. marriage. 1 did noi realize now much I had grown to depend upon her eflcient aervl. her loving faithfulness, until I faced me prospect or losing her. What ever would 1 do without her In the city? My second season of lectures be fore the history etesa of th Tvtfua Study club WOUld MMn horln Th were frying me $25 a lecture this reason, and the topics were to be the current Political and war of the day. with the tracing back of meir causes in events that had gone before. . v ' When Lillian had seen 'the outlined course she had said emphatically mai it was a nig man-sized job I had undertaken, and I felt that she was right. It entailed a great deal more wora and study for me than had the course or tne last season. It would be simnlv lmnnihU for me to attempt both that work atjd my housework without the assistance of a well-trained maid, and with my mother-in-law as. a member of our family I distinctly dreaded breaking in a new girl. . I lay awake so long pondering the maiier mat i bad not yet fallen asleep when Dicky came in from the last train. I called to him unftv ', be passed my door, to let him know mat i was awake, and he came In and sat down on the side of mr bed while I told him of Katie's prospec tive marriage and the dilemma wnicn n placed me. . . "And you're worrvinr about that said Dicky with fine scorn. "Plenty or mains to be bad in New York city, my dear. If you can't find a satts- raciory one we can- always go to notel." . He gave me a kiss that was meant to be consoling, and went on to his own room, while I wished, oh, so earnestly, that I could throw all care and responsibility from my shoulders as lightly as could Dicky. (To be continued) in I ROLL OF HONOR In response to The Statesman's published appeal to parents of sol diers and sailors who lost their lives in the service to notify the paper of sncn casualties the honor roll Is gradually growing. An accurate list of these names and Information con cerning them will be Invaluable and Information concerning gold service tars la both Marion and Polk coun ties should be sent In as'soon as pos- Hble. The following are the names of those from Polk and Marfan counties who have made the supreme sacrifice. it includes killed In action, as well as those died of wounds, accident or disease while In the service. Army Wllhelm E. Ahlgren. C I. Halard. Ivan K. Bellinger. Elton C. Blake. John C. Braden. Elmer Dress ier. William M. Catton. Orley P. Chase, Monte Chrlrtopherson. Leon L. Clark. Themas Dean Cooper. Newman D. Dennis, Alfred Deranlan. Carrie R. Dwlre. Fred Ehlen. Milton Foreman. James Gardner. Edward GIttens. Martin Harless. Lieutenant Dr. Crop p. Otis Hayes. Benjamin F. Hill. Harlan Hoffman. Wayne C. Jackson. Eugene Dale Johnson. Roy Johnson. Aubrey Jones. Olin Jones. Dr. W. C. Kantner. Jacob Kerber. Basil Kirsch. Milton A. Koorman. Glen Little, Ray Mark. Benjamin Mc Clelland. Everett S. Norton. Robert V. O'Nell. John II. Otte. William M. Read. George S. Reardon. Paul Rich. Charles Russ. Ernest J. Scbnlder. Chester A. Simmon. Stanley F. Thompson. Leslie Tooze. Thomas Townsend.. Burt H. Whitehead. Ches ter M. Wilcox. Curtis M. Wlllson. Charles M. Woelke, Oscar Zimmer man. Smith Ballard. Chester Coo per. Marines Charles A ner. Emery Bartlett. Ernest Eckerlen. Navy- Ernest Bennett. Kenneth Crossan, Joseph Martin. Clarence S Mlnker, Joseph II. Nelger. Nurses Ora E. Cavltt (The above gold star honor roll for Marion and Polk counties now contains sixty-two names. If more should be added, or if any corrections should be made, will those who have the information please quickly send word to The Statesman.) . , THEY HIT THE SPOT D. McMillen. Volunteer Fireman's Home. Hudson. N. T.. writes "Fo ley Kidney Pills sre like a stream of water played on a fire by fire men. They hit the spot, pnt out the fire and drown the pain Foley Kidney Pills relieve rheumatic pains, backache, sore muscles and other symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble. J. C. Perry. Sanger Fox Meetings at Marion Drawing Crowds MARION. Or.. April 1. The "pecial meetings now in progress in the Friends church here with J. Sang er Fox of Portland as evangelist are being well attended, almost the whole community being present at the Sunday evening service. The at tendance at week night services and during the 2 o'clock afternoon ses sions are good. The singing of Miss Gertrude Cook, also of Portland, but a former Marlon girl. Is proving a great drawing card.' She has an un usually sweet voice and much power of expresison. Arrangements have been mail tar a special service for the young people uuibux uirui ii ine usual nour or 8 p. m. Rev. Chester A H.hi- yearly meeting superintendent of cnnstian endeavor will preside, and both Mr. Fox and Miss Cook will have part in the service. Arrangements have been made for Ladies' We are showing the biggest and best axsortinent in town at popular prices. In buying direct from the manu facturers at New York and Philadel phia we save you all the middleman's profit. Ladies Coats and Dolm&ns, $10.00 to $37.50 Ladies Suit $11.90 to $35.00 Ladies' Hats $1.93 to $6.45 'OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & CO. Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets, Salem, formerly Chicago Store 'Victory Bonds Celebrat the Victory a special service for children on Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The meetings are expected to come to a close with the evening service Sunday. April 20.' Don't brag about your garden, btt dig and keep right on digging. Read the Claulfled Aiu EDITORIALS -' , OF THE PEOPLE BANK MONEY ORDERS . V - J Y 0NT forget tnat when yon are forward . , ing fahds from place to place United Statei National Bank Money Orders afford a' convenient, safe and inexpensive method. Visit our Safe Deposit Vaults and learn of the advantages available there, too." Checking, Savings, Time Deposits !Mt33lS3S Oroorv 'II II I Hfl flu i Li i (The Statesman Is 'pleased to nrlat communications upon topics of general interest at any urn. Tfcsr Is scare l; any limit to tit topic of "fenval In tsrost. It Is askod only that corre spondents refrain . from nersonalltita and use care tbat Both in a; be written of a libelous nature. Letters must have writer's name and address, though net necessarily tor punneatioa. sm. Judge Benson Answers To the Editor: My good friends Mr. Huston and Mr.' Kuney, both honored veterans of our Civil -war. think that my harsh words regarding the mutiaous company of soldiers at Archangel were undeserved. I am not willing to concede that even that it the situation were no worse than pictured in their communication of yesterday morning, that It would be possible to Justify the conduct of those men. However, my remarks on Sunday evening were based upon a statement credited to General March In one of the evening papers of Portland, of last Saturday. I have not the printed statement before me at this moment, but the substance of It was, that the men who disregard ed their oath, and refused to obey their officers, based their action up on, and asked questions takenfrom Bolshevik circulars, which the ene my succeeded In getting across the line. I agree with-General March. When You Are Perplexed . About decoratin ga home. Don't forget that we have the most Beautiful Line of High Class Wall Hangings In the west, that our prices are the lowest and that Consultation Is Free at ' BUREN'S FURNITI JRF qthrf Commercial Street rhone!31 j