TllK OREGON STATIISMAN: Till KSil.W. AIMUI, 17, llIO The WnnU nnrl Nppr1 nf tht Csr.ia C!.tv nr Noted Under PrnnerTl ssified Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While Cm Directory1 ' NOKWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY Tbielsen, Roland & Ilurgtuurdt Resident Agent 371 State) St. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED F4HM PROPERTY AT LOWEST BATES, SO COMMISSION rime v rnDtY-"B..k Baak. Salem, Or. "2 CENT 0 CENT FARM LOANS W loan money to fiv years. We allow yo to pay $100 or multiple oa the priaeipal on any iotereat date. YV dot oat loan a promptly. , Hawkins and Roberts, 314 Masonic Bid, Salem, 0r. AG CLASSIFIED ADVERTISKMEKTS . Rat Per Were. First Insertion ic Subsequent Insertions e Oas week (six insertions )..... 3c On month 9c Six months contract, per mo.. Sc It months' contract, per mo... 7c No sect, opened for less than. 26e A neat card gtven free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c ennounctag "For Sale" "For Rent" -Rooms' or "Board." i 4 .esses fa... I J . SEW TO DAT. Each new elaaaiftaxl a ment will be run under "New To- J day for the first Insertion, unless T otheiwls ordered by the adver- ! User. 1 Subsequent Insertion of the ad. I will appear under its proper I cuHuicauon. No advertisement will be run under "Naw Today" for more thsn one Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY WASTED ADDRESS OK TKrstW)KTH .reliable young man wishing uteady -em ployment itf city. Address, in own hand writing. P. O. . Bo 3C7, City. 40 ACRES FOR SALE WEST OF RICKEY schnolbouae, all in cultivation. Near good . ahoL . 4', a milt from SaU'tn. John laplinger. . - ---- t"-- -. EXCHANGE 6 ROOM HO ITS E..- 7 LfT. I located 404 8th Ave.. N. E I niverity Add.. Seattle, rented for :ttl per month tor Malem home of espial , value, or im proved tract. I.. C. DeniiMiii, 70j X. 17th, J ctaletn, Oregon. NICELY FURNISHED ,T ROOM APART- anent, slno sleeping rotn at . 645. Ferry. rnons ibuov. - TOR SALE GOOD SEVEN" ROOM RESI dence, clone in on North Lilierty St., for .17.V. (I.V)O furh. veiuaiudcr. on ' very easy t-rro. .M o a. seven rnnm reidnee, large fl-.i in i.n N. Cottage Kt. Barn ' and crgo with lots of fruit, paved street, for 15t'. S7fMl- cash, balance oji ey terras. John H. Scott Realty C.4 404 . Hubbard Bid. FOR SAI.K 9 ACRES. 1 i MM.K EAST OF end of 12th atreot carline. ' acre trw-bem-s, 1 . acre loganlerrie, young ores? . ard. a reom hotine, barn, chicken ael-hig houke, good well. 'JK). Jas. t'nlltlian. OUR HOME FOR SALE , BY OWNER SPLENDID MODERN SEVF.S room honae; full basement, nice fireplace, furnace, heat: large improved b't. 63x165, aa Chemeketa "treet, one block from the state rapitol. 4 Reasonable price. Terms to suit.' Address "A93" cars Statesman. TIVE YOUNG WOMF.N TO LEARN LUNCH eon and aerving. Good pay. Ap ply Hotel Marion. - Vt ANTED TO REST FIVE ROOM HOUSE, fairly close in. Phone 183. ACCIDENT AXD HEALTH INSURANCE 13 given STteeial attention by onr ' casualty man. We represent one of Amenea'a very largeat eld line companies in this line, and have soma most extraordinary broad snd . liberal contract to offer. If not convenient for you to rail at oar office phone for an appointment with our Casualty man. lie member the time to Co thing i today. H. A Johnaon Insurance Agency, over Ijidd A Buh bank, Salem. Phone 317, Foil RENT FURNMMEJ' HOrSEKEEP ing room. Call 1510 State St. WE HAVE JUST INSTALLED FOUR NEW departments in our Portland Motor school snd we are prepared to gire you a life - membership free if yen ran find a motor School on the Pscific Coat that i giving the training to students tht we are. In vestigate onr schools and Judge for your self. We are giving a '25 dieont to . soldier and silor Call or write Hemp hill's Trade School- for' free catalog. 7'7 Hawthorne Ave.. r 124 North Sixth Sfe. ' 2 blocks .from Union Iepot, Portland, 1 Oregon. V . SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE IF YOU WAXT TO BUY Olt SELL A CAR come and see un.. 1916 Excelsior Motor evelo and side car. 1914 tuflH.ak-r touring. 1915 Overland, good opw, S.Vio. Ford, come snd see it and vou'll buy. 1'I7 Maxwell. $475. Four other Fords. 191 S Saxon Roadster.- f75. First cl anto Iwindry. Salem Anto Exchange, formerly f-ampbelt's Aho Exchang.-. ,-.0 State St. Phone 8G7. Lit your property trade with a. . i e - BEST BUYS to aere 7" tillable, I ODO.OOO ft. saw' tim bee .1 utile from r.iili "l. SO iiii!i from Portland, adjacent !. improved farm: will trad -for acres ae cr ranch not over t500; nrice on Pi rnw looo. 117 acres bottom, I'O rnl'tivh'cd. jr..Pt! im provemcnt. 3 mibm from town, 75 u-r acre. . ' -ion acre. fo cnltivated, ' fair niprovcmcnts, l mib; from town. $H5 per acre. si aVre all enltivaled. one f finest jm timvetl farms in Linn wonty. 3 miles from town: rcl city .home on the farm, ojily 1RO ere, one of lcf rn"lpt'd dairies in 'polk comity, alt nlti vatctl. rn- to school jtid town, mi r.M-k rd: loo sere In sprinz grain: full equipment B-V ,;!? ier acre. Tf.5 acre, all cnltis sled : ntonbi-r o md crn limv mil barn, well . fenced. :i mib- from trim, t-ncnt hmr .ou main road: 75 .cr sere. : y "irrca g'el tif . iir: an nn, 4i mile from Sable : $ lint per' sere.. " Ji a-rc. nil riltivtl. 1,...,K I scie firu!ic, 3. mil from town. 2s. 15 acre. In g. year old iiruii". ' W-' car old cherries: mll hnnse. bsrrr. i7.".n. 10 nrrn-t all cultivated, fenced .finest .tiew, Sl.t'HI. . St0 irm cot no-r tund. sll"wded. well watered: :!' n-r acre en eacr term. 7n acrea. :n rood tilllb land. H nii1H Mnlinr; will tnnle fr acreage, city resi dence or take anto a pari par. 5 acre nil gond garden laud, for rent .on '4 shsre. delivered. Fur be buys ' ' - seCOLOFSICY f BajCS Buiidinfi. NEW TODAY :w ACRF.S 3 S1I1.ES SOI'TIIKAST OK Turner. Trsvtuslly all sutler the plow. Several fine oak greve. Plenty of water. Well fenced. Ud five room house iust newly papered Good large barn with hay fork. Severs! pumps an J iroeghs over place. Further particular inquire of K. A. Wilson,. 43o South iine St., Kocburg. reiin. EMPLOYMENT - KNT WANTED- IN Kit I" IT (JHOW. irtg districts to solicit consignments of tipples, etc.. experienced. State terms. Write Uwi. Uv. Kruit -Merchant. Spitaiiields Market. . Lon- aon. i.. i. hnmaml. FEMALE. WANTKD INTF.LLIOENT CHRISTIAN "woman for light housework. 100 Che- raekets St. GIRL. EXPERIENCED IN GENERAL housework wanted Call at 745 Soutn commercial St. - ... jiaxsb"'"' PHONE 1601 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. WANTED GARDEN PLOWING. THONE 82F3. WASTED BOY TO STRH TOBACCO. SA- lem- Cigar factory. . MEN WASTED AT WEST LISX PAPER MILLS 42c HOCR. 8 HOCR DAY. SEE MR. F. T BARLOW. AT HOTEL. ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. tLEAN BEDS 20c SIGHT: BEST MEALS 3.e. . MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED HOP TW-INEUS Phone 71K2. AND trainers. ! WANTED SECOND COOK AT ORE- gon Tuberculosis hospital. Pays itU per month, with board, room and laundry furnished. Phone 433 FOR RENT tlOTSES "OR RENT HOUSES, APAKTMENTh and farms. F. U Wood. 341 s;at street. Phone 734. ROOMS ROOMS FOR RENT 1030 CHEMEKETA Phone 120. fOR RENT UOOM FLAT. $10. 5 ROOM fiat 7. 50. J. 1L lutennaa. rimne 900 or 678 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK NOTICE HAVE TWO SPAN 10V . ernment mules left. Wieight 2400 and "2100. are round, -younii gentle and .well broke lrice 31S5. 3225 per 'span. If tn nt-ed of good team don't overlook this, is certainly a bargain. -Also one hoi Be team, weight Z'JiV. -age " and 8; are perfectly sound.. al- 0 DRie harness. - zm s. tuioeriy. AVarrlngs feed store. HISCELLANEO C S ORGAN FOR SALE EASY TERMS. 519 ! Court. STRICTLY FRESH UNFERTILE EGGS for Dreaerving. Ieliveied. ITione iir... PRUNE GROWERS ATTENTION SEE caiented orune tray at Salem rruit union. CADILLAC TRUCK FOR SALE. .WHITE touring car for sale or will take light car in trade. 233 S. Com 1. Phone 3S2 HAHH1TS FOR SALE ALSO 1'EDl ereed Rufun Red for service. CSP ital City Rabbitry. 1030 Chemeketa Street. Phone 75.- I DALLAS BOX CO.. OF DALLAS. ORE., msnufactnrers of all kinds -of imjxcs sna fruit -trsy. Write them for .price. . Pstented prune tray on diplv at 11. A. White & Son Feed Store. Salem. PEERLESS GASOLINES ENGINE, 35 horsepower, 3 cylinders. Suitable for 'grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. In good condition. 100 gallons tank. Price $1000. Scott Bosorth. Spalding Bldg, Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE! A SILO. 8x32 ft. AND one 12x32 ft. both in splendid con dition. Almost good as new Am go ing into the berry business and can not use them. Here is a splendid opportunity for a man with cows to get a cheap silo. Phone 254 or 622. BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM- aa nf ?n volumes, ciotn Dina ' 7 ' -. , A 1ITI11 ..11 inc. new.- never iibbok. " for less than cost. Address "Boole- care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN OIRLS This true story oi wwiern grstion has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in grsphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive, Mary died of star vation and Olive wae purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. POTJXmT MALLARD DUCK EGGS FOR HATCHING. 10c each. John Loreni. Rickreall. FOR SALE -WHITB-FACED BLACK Spanish eggs. $1.50 per 15 eggs. M. A. Vandenburg. Route 2. Salem. 544 STATE ST. PHONE 40O. Headquarters for bssy chicks. Leghorns, Reds. Rocks, Minoress. Bet stock. Price re-isonable. C. N. Needhara, Bog 412. 8Um, Ore. , IF YOU WANT TO .GET THE BET'T farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this aa. WANTED njXrurjau'JninjlJi li i" i " " -aaaa M I SCELL A N EO C S. WANTED 'iOOD I'.MMTKY HORSE not over 8 yo-irs old. weighing l-"0 lbs. AIo Hi inch wasim. J1ion b.ttW - HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press Room States man. LOST AND FOUND . uut-L-u-J-l.ri-n- eMweeeieee r.i nj-r.LJ"'-'XJT-J i , s an an 'W.awaasawe'we-ae- STKAYED YKLLOW SOW WITH SMALL bisck Mf.. Weic'it :ioo riiono r.:rii. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY WASH. POLISH AND 'JKBASK. YOUR C.'.R at 320 N. Commercial. IF YOU WANT TO I ICY, SELL OU trade your old auto or auto par's see Steinbock .lunk Co.. .lAuit) vreckers 326 North Commercial bl I'liono 3Ji AUTO SERVTCB SH1PP-S AUTO SERVICE! CITY AND country trips. Phone: Day, 9.3; night. 359. TIRES REPAIRED TtTLCANlZINO GATES , HALF-SOLE"rTIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial 6t Phona 428. REPAIR WORK A. E. HUTCHISON 24 STATE STREET. Phona 311. Overland Berries and fra eral repair ahop. JIN LODGE DIRECTORY MOOER.t WOOUMEX ilODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA OrrI Cedsr Camp No. 6246. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'cloc In building, corner Court and High .trcets. J. k Da. V. C. F. A. Turner, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS DRAYS AND EXPRESS LARMER TRANSFER WB MOVE AND store goods. Day phone 30. Night pnone ia. i CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY l'hotie 933. Salem largest and bt ejui)ped tranfcfer company. ' tiet cur re duced freight rates on eastern i-hipiiirut v AIo for atoragM. a we have three ware houhea in- connection with buaines. Furni ture moving, packing, thippiiiz and stor ing "oar kpecialty. ffi-e. i'Jo State St. JCXK JCBfK 1 I BIT JIXK OF EVERY KIN I) K.H . S bottles, metal, iron, ail kind sf ma '". I rhinery, broken down automuti!rs and I part of automobile. Steinbock Junk Co., o.o . commercial fi.. ifm. i none JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind- Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co, 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 33 S. FINANCIAL. ntEE INFORMATION IF YOIT WAXT IX- formation" about ANY KIND of life in aursnce. ee J. F. IIntchou. district man ager for the Mutual Life of New York. Office at 371 State St . Satein. Ore. Office phone Ut. residence 1HjH. I. AC Jf DRIES. I0P LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 436 Ferry St. I pay p market price fr chicken and -gg. Husse phone 1333J. Shop phone 1339.J. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and carerul work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. 136 South Liberty Si phons 25. i HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- ular Washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 Cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hour. Phone 1471. MACHINISTS WE DO; MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylene welding, gas engine repair ing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown, Prop., 353 Chemeketa street. Salem. MONET TO LOAN. Federal Farm Loans 34. years time Ili per cent interest' iTomst service Federjil Farm Loan lionrts for Sale. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 4H Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. NURSERIES ss IFOR SALE A FEW TO 8 FOOT Italian prune trees. I'honu 1111-3. TO 75 000 ITALIAN PRUXE TREES for fall dMiverr I' mil- east of tale penitentiary..' Phone UlKJl. truitland Nursery Co.. II. 6. Vilcm. On-eoa SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of ail kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar psds, tools, and , chains. Fred Schindler. 253 Center street- WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. Will buy. selL trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay the highest cash price. I also handle clothing. See J. A. Rowlsnd Furniture Store. 2t7 N .CommerciaL Phone It PIANO TUNERS. ,S4ta1fa0aSSaV4eatar4e B W. BALLANTYNE. PIANO TUNER. Cherrington'a Piano House. Phone 352. PAINTERS StBAsTsjBTStsSABSSSaslissiaSWsa F. H. KAY LOR. PAINTER. Winter. Phone 294. 310 SOUTH WALL PAPER. PAINT FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wsll Paper at Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial streeL SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen 455 Court St. Phone 485, WOVEN WIRE FENCING Deeeat Nstlenal etc AaaeHean Fence all alsea, H Is. t &N la. aiga. Palata. Oils aad Vara lab. Steves lie ball t aad Repaired, lesganberry aad Hep Heeks. Saleaa Peace A Steve Works. 250 Ceart St. Pheae 2X4 IL B. FLEMING. TflA Bf SFF.n-II A "XINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND t- of hauling. Household vtWjr moving Jobs done prompt v. Trv me once. Timme. ,475 State St. 1'hone 963. Residence nfeone 1 1 ? ? .1 PROFESSIONAL 1)H ' I. SCOTT. D. C. GRADUATE of P. S. C Chiroprsctics fountsln h d." tavenport. Iowa. Chiropractic ,-..rre,-t the cause of disesse. Office 4tt.7.g IT. S National Hank Building. Vhone 37 Residence OSTEOPATHY. DH. W L MKKfEH, GRADUATE American S hool Onfopsthv. Kirks vU Mi : 'rest. scute snd chronic ' disoiae Office 404-40S U S Nstlonal Matrk Blda- Phone 919. Residence, 41 N'orth Summer. Phone 414. MI SIC TEACHERS inj-ij ijTrxjxnriJLiLri-eri 'utfVvOfii" . . R HAiUl. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 133 ' "Chinese" physician njrijaijTj-jnjajnJl ' DR U M. HHM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 133 S Hich St. Phone 233. Read he Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. WATER SALEM WATER COOFFICE. 301 3. , "rty ' w ' rODf- otn" Commercial street, ror water et-rv- shading. The general OoJd inaiket Ice apply at office. Make all com- was irregular and featureless. To plaints at the office. No deductions I .i ai - . i - i t in bills win b allowed for absence tals..e. par value, aggregated $12. or tor any cauaes whatever unless Xu.000. Old I nited Stales bonds water is cut off from premises. Here- , urr water iw irniiuva win ymy be furnished to regular customers us ing water for tu ;m."w,.c,kr.ur,prr ;! Contractors for work or plastering, will please read t ,...(1.4 , ....-.......' ..l..: ule of rates. Apply at office for copy j PUBLIC NOTICES THE ciRcriT COIRT ok the mtate way. def. Notire 1 hereby ciren to all ' creditor baling elaima asainsl the above ' partie. uome ouaineaa nnurr in tim. ana nyie of "Th independrnt ilarkrt. at Salem. Oreeon, to prearnt the a me Only rerified to the snderit:nd at room 1. Breyman Bide Ralem. Ore., on or before Monday. April 2 Int. 1919. on and after which time, aa applK'aioa will La duly filed in the above can to pay all trna and jam rlaime pre rata, and hear and approv the final account of the receiver and to have said receiver diacharred. r. Ierby. receiver. S. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Orejron. Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I BUYIXa PRICE Kggs and Poultry. Eggs, 40c. Hen3, 32c. Old roosters, 16c to 18c. Pork. Mutton and Ueef. Pork, on foot. lS'Cc to 18ic. Ewes. 10f912c. Beef steers, 10c Ccws. 9'. Too Veal, 21c. Hay. Cheat, per ton. $24. Clover, per ton. $25 to $26. Grain. "Wheat. $2. Oats. 7oc to 80c. Beans, nominal. ' Mill Freds, Retail. Mill run. $13 to $4 4 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS Creamerv l.uter, prints, 60 to 61c. Ilutterfat. f o.l.. Salem, 61c. Fruit, Oranges, $" to $6.50 Rananas. . Lemons, o.'Zj to $5.75 a box. California grape fruit, $3.75 a box. Vetablea. Cabbage. 5c to 6c ; Onions. $3 to $4 a sack. . Cauliflower. $1.50 to $2 per do. Carrots, .$2.00 a sack. Parsnips, 2 Vic per" lb. Turnips', $3.00 a telL.i , v Retail rriees. Creamery butter, C5c ritiry hotter, 60c. Eggs. 4 5C. Flour, barn wheat. $! 90 to $3.15. Floii. valley, $2.55 $2.90. Suear. cane and beet. lfe. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.75. PORTLAND MARKETS I Grain. PORTLAND. April 16. Grain fu ture bids: Oats, No. 2 white feed, April and May. $51.50. Harley. stan dard feed. April $53; May. $54. P-ar-ley. standard f'A". April. $55.50; May, $5 4.50. Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oat3, No. 3 white. April and May. $50. Oats 38-pound. clip ped white. April and May, $5". Corn, No. 3 yellow, April and May, $63. Corn, No". 3 mixed. April and May, $62. Sales 100 tons May feed bar ley at $54.50. Dairy lrodufe. Butter: PrlJts. extras. 5Sr; cubes, extras. r45c; prime firsts. 53 Buttetfat.v Portland delirery. No 1 soar cream. 60r. ! lLatoi. Potatoes: Tcal selling price. $1.75 $2; new Calif ornias SWIOc. NEW YORK MARKETS NEW YORK. April 16. Hops. hides and wool unchanged. Evaporated apples firm; strong; peaches firm. prunes BRITISH SPEECH PUSHES STOCKS Further Advance in Quoted Values on Exchange j Due to Premier NEW YORK. April 16 The ol-I rious factor in the further advanco; c.r ipicted v.ti:i. on the stock ex- liange I inlay was the siH-ch in com m rs of th I'-, itish p emie-. w hlcl, oMJiruied th-- opinion ir r lie, lhai the peace '- golia'i ?... reic rar toncnision. I iiii.. iio ;rohFiop war. matle'kinn iiriitp I'ntil ih hour. wln li.'ovv f . ii f 'ff l: lrs. nntabo- st and t.hii-pi.i:-caused un x tifiiKiy icrg;:lar Apart f:rm 1 h'led Stat-s Str-'. whii.h rno almost j point to 10,:. and fell bck t !Ni. the- mulk of the dealingH oi re n ue t-ontcrr-d :n l.ip;ings and tils, it:ii:oe nta fbrw-i-j'4 iiioto prttTity. Metals impr-vol fM a time ml .ibai-o. paa." :'f lcxtiir issues worv atlvanrcd on to three points und-r guidance of pixils. but ao majoritv of the more i nportant stocks resi! torrd ro !n-Ms, rails -asIns with th- sono:al !ict. Sales amounted to l.ntMi.ftfHl shates. Sterling, francd and lires moved nioro advantageously to this market, but the London rate rallied. Call mncy rnieu al & against yrs- terday's si: x-r t eni rai-. were unchanged on call Harbor Tie-up Brings Acerav on Corn Dnton CHICAGO. April IC Corn aver aged lower In price today owing mainly to chances of a harhor tie- 'athev thrOUcllOUt the COtn Wit. PriceA. ilo.nrd nervous. Varylne from , off to Va advance, with May ll.SSU to J1.:SS anci July f I.S1 Ts to $1.-2. Oats finished unrhanK ed to Si down and provislonat a decline of 20 to TO. Weakness in the corn market was most evident right at the outset. Ral- lies later were encouraged by knowl- I .-edge that stocks in Kansas City. Omaha and Chicago totaled 9.000. 000 bushels less than the aggregate a year airo. Selling pressure, though, developed on all the bard spots, and kept the market unstable. Seeding delays pn tented any Im portant sag In the oats market. Provisions like corn reflected un certainty connected with New York harbor troubles. Demand visibly slackened Tennessee Colonel Who Is Said to Have Tried to Kidnap Former Kaiser COL. LUKE LEA. Although Coioner Lnke Lea. com mander of the 114th Field Artillery and formerly t'nited States senator from Tennessee, refuses to discuss the story, men of an artillery regi ment which paraded recently In Kooxville. Tenn., declared that it was Colonel Lea who made the attempt to kidnap the former kaiser from the castle of Count God ard Ton Bentinck in January. According to the ar tlllerymen four commissioned offic ers and three "non-coms accom panied the colonel. They were pre paring to make a search of the castle wben a number of Dutch guards ap peared and the party of Americans retired. "Where's your watch?" asked the observant man. "Why. here It is." replied th man whose propperity had slipped back a cog recently. "But that's a silver nn. The one you used to hate had a handsome gold case." "Well er circumstance alte rases." Manchester Guardian. Seopi of the Annual Statement of the Lloyds Plato Glass Insurance Company of New York, in the State ef Sew York, na the Stat dsv of December. IVI. msde to th Insurance Commissioner of th Ste of Ore gon. purnant to law: CapltaL Amount of capital atin-k paid up t ".: Iacesie. - Net premiums received duruir the yesr S 7'l.TIMC Interest, dieideeds and rent, rr eeired during he yesr ... I."1 ." Incone from other sonrcea .re cened t'uring the jesr 1 t -' Total incinie $ Disbarsementt. Nee 1..., psid daring Ihc year ioelninc adiu'ment exnene 9 lltvi'end oaid on capital stork dlirinr tbe Verr ComiriMtn and ialari- pail during tSe mt Te. lie- noe. anil tee. J....I dnrtng ycai ... . . Ameiin of all other epeidiitre. eTJ. Vi .Vi.imio on S '..7 I ' I 2. M T-sI r fciprntltttttt-ai . s.'.p.i..7i Y-N.. ,f r, lm ,.,, market ,t,i . . ? a ci tt aid IhiihI . . eil tmarl-t alnei I,-.ii en iHo'tgagc snd 'll.l !. I'".4 h e,l .le 1 'ree "m. t ' 'u-e f,f -n!ei-. n'Vti Sej.t ;:n. ot li.tere-r n r-ot ln- and a ctn, . . i-;. ij.r.H T"l it a-el. Le. v.- tl tate . 7 ! ' T.l.l a- t-. S'liel'fr.l fn H'f tj .TJ Liabilities. S I 1J' M't Il..i7a -,. Iiii .4 V. t 74 tOnet ,f nl'aterl .renil Mil tn : M ntiU' ,'lig n.t. . . . On- fr .w.m;'n ail brk era-"e ... til 'r lial't-ltlc '('I i' l lilill-. etlie ..t r ...ii.l t.-k ".;, 7 Sns-nes tn Oregoa for the Tear. ic w mm, r-.-,-i .-.I cinetng lite ,e,c l.fiil V PremiMie re:or;ied ilnrin; the year . I I I ha i,l the -er . , 1 .3-. t mI ioeiirr-d de-inr i We war I "a-j; l.l.YIS PI.ATF. .l. INI U'M i; OiM"lXT, W .T. W..l l-re.idenl I'Kav Il,ml.t Sccretan. hletelerr reMten a'lrneT f.r erH- : l.doaid Lvcrett, I'ottlauil. Orrsoai. jTTiJTi X&TjTi VgTe YE 1 r(( . i l-.r - - . REAL ESTATE l lUlt TWO WfctKS WILL Hit Ai Z4-avre froit lira, Is -arr t.ariug praur. 2 crr yewag srrhare. I acre. Uigsstberrie. sppiea, pears. tkmr sprl cot. pea- sree for family ae. l- tra Inrir and hrr l-rri-. S rna iin(Ui. lam. cira aa4 itfcr ai4 5', ) aooih f ralraa. I 3 ni'c ill I'a.-ttir hi(ha. 1 r l.aatrv.'f. owner, rvom -3. HrriBia H-ach. SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE For aaie oi ri acre tract 1 rr i Ir a fr"tn Salem, on suixt rmil. ttea nhool aad church. Aixut tl acres in cultivation and crt.f.. Ura email houae. faintly crchard. fine well. gix d cow a. (ol lre. w lion, harnraa. hucir, farm m- chiner). gasvliae engine w. Mi jestic range, and h.-usehoM furni ture, crop, all for i'.llO. S-n terms For sale Extra line acre tract near r'iOem all in high atite cult ialit acr btarmc prun, nrcrtard. lam ll orchaid and mII iruila. iwO Set farm tuiluin-a. vd fin- ruaJ nrr echcH.l llargam fo io. rV,me terms. For Hale Fine large mbudrrn huae and large lot witto all kinds of tear ing fruits, a fin home, in good l cation in Salem. Snap fur tl. terms. Well worth (-. See us for bargains. IVrrine tt Maraters.. 3W Hubbard I'M. Sa lem, tiregon. GOOD BUYS 51 acre tract. SI acres Italian prunes. balance mostly la grain, aoruc tim ber. Price IswOS. 40 acre farm, li acres urd r cultiva tion, balance timber and pastur. House) and barn, running w a tar, stock and machinery goes. Pries . 20 acre tract, 15 acres tinder cultiva tion, balance pasture. 1 ace of lo gan berries. Its acres rherrtea. 4 room house, barn. X head of horse a, two cows, all farm machinery. Price J14. ! 40 acre prune orchard. $5 acres bear ing prunes, 3 . acres - pears, miles from Malem. r lew 3175 per acre. 32 acre farm. 35 acres under culti vation, balance mostly timber. 7 room houses, larg barn, spring water. Price 34 per a era 234 acre farm. 170 acre la fall crops, balance In timber and pasture. 4 room house, good barn, located on main county road. Price 3(5 per acre. 350 down, balance to suit at per cent Interest. Good S room modern bungalow located on paved street, east front. Price $20w. If you want to buy. trade or sell, sew W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 Stat street. BETTER REALTY BUYS Dairy farm of 42t acres. All new buildings, large modern house, barn s silo: It acres cultivate! (mare than half In crop now). Splendid raage of farm machinery. tO bead ef sheep and gnat. 11 bogs, l neaa oi cntti. s horses, all hay and feed, seed, etc The whole ranch complete at an acre. Close to Iw IL town and high echooL room bungalow, new: very comforta ble little home. block off the mala treet, 2 beautiful lota. Uooa I run. 2000. ICO 8. 14th street. Good K room bunga low. .12500. Good terms. . . .. . i acre apple orchard: no buildings. Fine location. $2500. 10 acres with good house and outbuild ings. All cultivated. :MI; IIM dos and balance easy. A real snap. 2 acres and Urge modern bouse; Just outside city limits; $1750. 3 acres: acre loganberries; flee fruit. Dandy soil. New buildings. Horse. 3 rows, chicken. Implements, etc-, etc Off Silvertoa road. $2200 the loL Look at this one! 5 acres 1 mile from S. CommercisI street: 3 acres losraaa. 3 acres full Keartns: cherries: good mod ern house with bath, et.c Gaa-llgbt- ing plane 3 1 so. 9 acres near Prelum. acres loganber ries. No buildings. Fine Isnd. 1 10. 10 acre. mile to R. R S acres of loganberries. acres evergreea mw- berries, family orcnara. ur ww fenced .no buildings. 13200. C acres at Fruitland. Good buildings, fine little family orchard, a good lo isnberry proposition. 31300. ii...ri.r r a citv block: splendid fruit Knd fine soli: 1 room house and full modern ecept nasemen t; . cash wilt handle. Balance Ions time. For Realty Bargains SEE C W. NIEMEYER, SIS-SIS Maawwte Balldlwa- ro 3U3TT rAJma. WeJeWeWeWeWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mn urVT S ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVA- i,.s.- ro to car line, fine vegetable Use. Socolofsky. Bayae Baildiag. 1-OR REST-FARM 4 ACRES. READT TO plow, good haws ear, rasaisg waier. I me mile of town. Bos SSS. Swlasa. a . es S V Kead the uassitica aos. . SOIMOXS i- Tt.. r-nnrt f th Klai . - ...... . - tH-rS ei f(r the 0anty of Marioti. Department No. 2. Grace Alice Brandt. Tlaintlff. ts. Otto ( onr.d Brandt. Defendant. To Otto Conrad Brandt, the above defendant: I the Name, of the Stata of Or)- - gon. you are hereby -riairel to p - pear and answer the amended com - peat plaint riled against you In the above entitled suit on or lefore May 10th. !!!?. that Ix-ing the last day fjr your appearance to answer, herein prewriiied bv the order for the pnb- lication of this summons. If yon fall so to appa and answer, toe plain tiff will apply to the court for relief demanded In h-r amended nmplaint herein, towit. a decree of divorce and surh further relief aa to equity may pertain. This summons is served upon yjti y publication in 'the Dallv .Oregon Statesman by order of te Hon. Geo. G. Bingham. Judge of the abo.e en titled court, made and entered of record herein on the 2Mh day "of March. 1S19. directing that the same Im published ojee a week for sis eon eeeutive weeks. prrsr;bing March 27th. as the d-te or first publi cation, and rej ulring that you ap pear and answer herein on or b fo May inth, Ois; Date of first p'lbllc atlon. .March :th. 1515. C M. 1NMAN. Attorney tor riaintilf. REAL ESTATE rult ilALK AT V Rtt!l!tlV ..trrml huua and lul at 11 Norway atreet. Address. L4a i'.Z. I'tnd'etwn. Urr(H. CIX)JE. IX ACBEtCt J OR 3 ACRtX akprvd. fr aale ir nil I" arree tr '"' ft ewser. bkta U. Adasia. ITtoa 5W. A STOCK RANCH 7a ACRES WITH houaw and barn; well fenced and At soil Bub better: 7 miles owi. Will take a town property and 31v4 casta balance on time. See Fleming Heatty Co, 341 Mat street. Vi"I FARM i'.L'VS EITHER ONE and a e in IVIs,: ar m iiar ln county; both well l.wated. abd bargains at 35 and 3 an acre. ome in and see me oa these Ws, Fleming. 311 Stale street. Fleming Realty Co- IFOR 8tU: 12 ACRES FIRST tX.tM prune land in Pwlk cuot. miles irom Salem.. Ohess If tiLrn at osc. !-" Aiit, No. IS, Last Court St. Peauietoa. Oregon. FARM 3J A'KLS UK DIVIDE S1S per acre, improved road, railroad, mail route, phene. cream route. IV r. i Us from Dallas Mary Lee. Dallas,. tire. foil SALE 2 ACRES: 1 IN OAK . timber and IS acre excellent losran brrry land. Abundance of w st-r. la 'oik county. Lasts Apt. No. I. 33 list Ceurt street, PwjuUatow. Oregon. ' FOK 'ALE SO ACRrS NEAKLT ALL IS tsnag rse, strtrlly lira rUu, ekw ia. lair apples sad reemea. A gw4 iaceaa prwdacer. . If aw waal ssaaetkiag go-4 eaie ia sad let aae akow yea. F. L. Weed. Bays Bldg. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA HOMETEr r4aqaishsBew fr sale. 12U acres. So ga 4 aeeel, goad atrvasa. aavsaa g 4 timber. 25 aailaw east ef Perviaaa. 4 Bailee (rwss te laaibia highway. ra read ea place, assd rt. near aeighUsr a ad srhw.1. flfrou, 331 X. I4tk 3t, Sslesa. TOR SALE T ROOM HOUSE, CABUbr, paved street, frse Wallow, t bUeke ear lis. 4Vi atai hswsa. sraar. ele. trie lights, gas. a!wpisg ' swrrh. gar4a. Fagliaa walaaU, flcaty el trait. 14i4 Ceart SL A. GOOD UTTLK P.UT 21 ACHU IN" crop; Pa la nee .( pasture and a lit tle timber; fnst-ciees dark soil: run ning water: t re. i lew ut: f.r houae snd bare: tnnst sell it. and row of fered at 331SW rp arxt aoen pee oaal g-ca with iu See lletoieg Realty Co.. 3ll State streeL I A GENUINE SNA.' ll, ACt:lS OK xne iinwei or truit soil an4 r-alr rm;r miles from Baler, en good rack rwad; Well feared. Jwal the tiling f -r devei oplag lata fioe fruit raacn. and clear I la cost la a Very short tiroe. f."er4 this week at fl'.e. tbe tn Flemias Realty CO. 211 S;te streeL aV GOOD BUT IkaSO FEET ON CAST atae commercial street, eae deer aorta ef State street.' Balaam, toe; t See with perpetual right ef way over the 14si0e feet tract esteeidiag frora this property te State street- Term. Apply tVcott Bosorth, 71-3 SpeJdlag Lidg. PorUaad. Oregoa. FO IXCHANCE NODTTt ROOM COT tage. m te 3 acres f frsit aad hetiiss. S pealtry awaars, essaQ ereefe trasaia place. erasBavaial airKWry. pared straw sae ceserete walk, te l's sasaJsctrref tew-aVKe bm.., Or. . j Fsr eWeih Salsa property.. aaaa rsnek t sereege. See er es t l-c paete. W. C. Oaavar. Statesetaa efface. 22 Acre All c leered etoeptiag swsfl stream sad few seattensg saS trews. All gwad wL Ideal pUee toe Sw:u-y c assail frsit AU well leeeed. aa aiker ivri s. ' Tww aaie-e feess g-4 rstlrswd sew a. gwwd road law a. Fries 1 1K pee acre: ewe gte aoase versse e as thst wiU r sate place sad taprww. Addrea "Seller," ear tkia psr. i 200 Acre Farm 100 acre (a ewluvataa. Xi acres liasbe. halaaea. ap,a paMsre ka s II ieept iSm) i acres svear creek eaeelleat sil. t-swd set f fsrss haildiag. gswd water pined te beitdiag: ea isweoed rwad. 2' frsas cesaty seat is Vtllaavrue valley. This pUc set We sold la set tie aa estate. Term a eae be erraagee aa part. Address. "Aaaia- trator." rare Slsiewasaa. Souk it re i:ai:;ains a fine residence at 1730 uit street, at a 3 le. if takes saoa Tweaty-nlnw and a half acres t miles irom Salem. n gowd hard road. sr acres orchard, fruit of sll k ind All la line coouilion. Ceeod beiieinga. Price IT-. Tlirew room heuse and t we lots. 44x240 feet, outside citv limits, at Albany. Oregon. I "rice 3-. Ten room bouse, large beswment, large lot. pes na two sides: Inprere. merits all paid, near state bouse. 3. Must Lr sold sooa i W. Lafier. 5 aad 44 n aboard lildg- miE TABLES sorrrnrw pacific c. Kartbhsead Ke 14 OregoaUn m:9 a sa. . I No. if Ore goai Egpreas t:3Sa.a. ,... i Willamette Lhai IV. , tL'.ll.M.I. , I . . - . A... - jj- huZS!:: VilZZZ Nk ,4 Coo, r,. 4:14 n Bn. No. 14 Portland Eipreaa..... 7:44 n.av . .... treat' Wa St ra....i.. a ... . -O' ........ ... l.lf S.IB, trA::TAtZ No. IT Rose burg passenger.. 4:05 pnv niuimiit L.tmiiea ...: p. a No. 1$ Baa Francisco Pass.. . 10.03 pas. tit I . " . r- t-ixm r,. is evrrive at Mism ...... 1:11 am. No. 14 Leave Salem $.50 p.m. . . .W?T?R fcSZS ZW. IVttZ. 14$ Leave Salem, asoter .... Lilsm. 7lL2f?fLl?lmtM "1 f lrUm sal Ttti.T?. V ' 1' I;;; V : " - s: ;i AfT' l fUm li:00an. t I ft!- ! RXOOJT BCLaCCTJtIC aClteetise Owe. tat. laieV I Trala TLeava Artiva Arrive Salem Euctai 10:lkara 12:30pm 13:40 pm Salem e-aly 4:13 pra 4:13 pm :40nm Mltn N. e Portland a a . . I T ,I:lf?Z? - l 9 3:04 pen Ihalli Ltd.. 4:43 pm ii PO. . ,9..T pra Salens ea It 0.20 nm ll::lsni Slalom awl Norta Beak Stat lea Heave Jaffar- oa Street li aad 20 minutes later Wevlabewad Leave Arrive -Kegena fialem 7:15 em 7:31am 9:4. em 13:13pm TtsJb . No. Arrive I-ortlaod " 9 2 am 11 1 era 2:24 pm l it pm 3:4 pm It Ltd.. a a a e It Ltd.. 1:33 pm 4 pm ! ..... Saleta cad 3:3 pm 33 4:34 am 1:55 am 10-0 pee North Bank Statloa lerrlve Jeffer son Street 15 mlsutee earlier). Leave CorvaUls. COIYALI-tS COSNCCT10XS . KsrUsessd leave CetvaM rv SseS as e it ssm. . a, pa 4 on ra e.u pw r" SeeUheasd LesT. K,l- Aerlrw -rsa JO.IV sea ll:J7 as 4 I? ew - e t . 4 pa "