e THE OREGOTf STATESMAN THTRSDAY". APRIL-17, 1010 n rr i-rv if-1 V A ft F I , i Li 3W .if. :? 1 ..-N 7, i i V. 'IWJfA SSifl 1 15 ti ; ft l It . ... . O the MEN vho counted death better than life Upofe ane3rtb enslaved by the Hun: to 'the WOMEN who sent forth their men to battle with a smile and were strong:-to the Workers, both men and women, who filled the broken ranks of industry, and spent themselves and spared not in the battle behind the f tattle lines: to the Heroes who fell that he world might be made sgain a de cent place to live in; to the Victors who return with the proud consciousness that by their valor free : nations 'have been saved and oppressed peoples delivered : thi3 too brief and im perfect memorial and "record their daring, their suffering r-and their faithfulness. is devoted "2nd dedicated. ft '-.si j. S" f -' i-. t - t i- . Hi- r'.! . . I. r . . . .- -. lt: I ' ! I ; V ' 1 a: ur. J I V. HV.'AV . Ill kit "1 J 111 .IV A. Souvenir Edition of the Great War. Soon to be Published by The Oregon'Statesman : The aboTt Js a reproduction of l War Drofnselr niiimlnatAHin-i ,., r i .t L A the frOnt 'DAM fit tha Paara tTMI- tion soon to be Issued by the Ore gon Statesman, it will, without a doubt, be one of the- greatest editions erer published by any newspaper m the state jof Oregon. From .a typographical. standpoint it will be unusually attractive as It will be printed on a qnality of white paper much superior to that used in our regular dally and the press-work will be done on a spe cial press In trder that -the photo engraviags aad.other Illustrations may Ihbw to adrantage. - 'The Edition . will contain ex-haasUTe-wrlteHpa of the Great War profusely Illuminated in eluding a brief history of the war by Rawson Bennett The writeups of national inter est will cover such subjects as: "The Selective Draft," "Woman's Part in the War. "Our Navy." "The Boy Scouts." "Food Con trol," "Financing the War." etc. LOCAL WAR WORK DESCRIBED The Peace Edition will cover both Polk and Marion counties with detailed descriptions of war activities -in the several com munities Dallas,, Falls City, In dependence, Monmouth.- Salem. Woodburn, etc., telling what was accomplished and giving the pic tures of manv nf th war workers. PICTOU5S OF TIIF. TlOYS. The. edition will contain hun dreds vpon hundreds of the pic tures of the Boys in the Seryiee with a brief writeup accom pa Dy ing each picture, telling who the boy is. where he resides, what branch of the service he was as signed to and , brief facts about his experience in the Kerrice. Boys from every nook and corner of both Polk and Marion counties, will be" represented including nearly all of Co. L of Dallas. Co. I of Woodburn an4 Co. M of Salem. THE ROLL OF HONOR. A full page art engraving will contain the names of all those from these two counties who have made the supreme sacrifice. It will be a record which the be reaved may treasure as a solacing record of those who gave their lives that freedom and democracy might live. SIZE OF THE EDITION. The edrtton will contain many, many pages and will be a record of Polk and Marion's' part in the war of which The Statesman will 1 juHly proud and which will un doubtedly be treasured -by all patriotic residents the two counties. PRICE OF THE EDITION. Copies of the edition will be 25c each and thoc who desire copies should order in advance in order to be sure of getting them. Th edition will have a very large cir culation as every regular sub scriber of the Daily Statesman will receive a copy gratis, and thousands of extra copies have al ready been ordered. Copies may be ordered by filling In the Supscriptlon Coupons, which may be clipped from The Statesman, and mailing same to The Statesman Office. Salem, Ore. IS YOUR ROY'S PICTURE IX? Out Kolicltorn luive attempted to call at the home of every boy in the r ire to i;ive them mm iKr (unity to help complete tliU rr markablo Illustrated retard t,t our iwrt in the r: it has been Im possible to ee everyone, if ru have been oerlo.ked, n letter, r n pbiw rail, will ,rns tmr w HHtor to jour- loor. This ho. vcr, mut he da at once tlte wlltion mut Ik lvueI r,ry n,,n. A jmall rharge 1 tnadi tr tie niakfng of liee picture and tlieir ineHion In the edition. Thl clrge will bo explained by our fcolicitor. Clip this out and mail it today. KURSCRIPTION COUTOX IVIk ami Marion County IVace FUlition. Tho Oregon Statesman: Slem. Ore. EncloM-d you will find for ablch yoa will please mail m .... copies of your Peace Edition. (Your name here)......... Address ..............