The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Girl Wanted .
At the Spa.
Youth Travel Far
Seeing President Wilson's re
ception in Boston and soon after
viewing the visiting the island of
New location 379 State Street
Anything Jn the line of electric
' fixtures. ;
Will buy or trade all farmers
produce, apples and eggs.
The People's Cash Store
Phono 453.
IS 6-1 9 6 North. Commercial St.
Quickly done.
Phone 379 J
Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools
and, in fact, anything you have
to sell. I buy for cash. Phone
510 or 511.
W00DRY, The Auctioneer
If yon nave any junk or second j
baud goods of any kind, see us
271 ChemekeU St. Phone S98
One thought
guides us in
.our conduct. "
It la that all of
our knowledge,
. all of our dis
cretion and all
; of onr courtesy
must be em
ployed upon
every occasion. ,
Does Not Ron, Crack or
Come Off
Preserves Shingles, Iron, Tin
and all Prepared Asphalt
Roofings Acid Proof.
Made in Oregon. Sold direct
to- the consumer. Prices
reasonable. Quality
' . guaranteed
, Portland, Oregon
: Phone 7250 East
With onr transportation facilities we are able to pay the
highest cash price for
171 South High Street Phone 1400
Trinidad are some of the experience
high school student. Mr. Emmett H
On hoard tha tt o V. ' f-ranieit IS
- -" u, o. o. naming.
Bpe5IaI ,prices for 8nort end and
c,. "amnions..
W. S. Molt, M. I.
Hm: 408 Bank of Commerce bidg.
American Once; Would Re Again
Born in America but later becom
nSA f ?rltIsh citizen, Percy Greenlee
Judd has applied to County Clerk
Boyer or naturalization as a'citizen
of the United States. He was born
in Illinois but vnt tn ro .
' auauv iu iane
up a homestead and at that time it
became necessary for him to forswear
allegiance to the United States.
Receipts, Notes and All Blanks
At Statesman Job office.
Barton does batter wm-v a
make tested free. . Charging and re-
pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200.
Sues to Quiet Title
Suit to quiet title to 43.05 acres of
land in Marion county was filed In
circuit court yesterday by Marie Ing
bretsen against E. B. Fletcher and
Elizabeth Fletcher. ;
W. O. W. Attention
Ladies night. Open meeting next
Friday night. April 18. Come and
bring your friends. Entertainment.
Standard Scale Rooks
In duplicate. Statesman Job of
fice. V -
Girl Wanted
At the Spa . ,
Passion "Week Service ' -:
' The First Congregational church is
observing Passion week all Nthis
week. Dr. W. C Kantner will speak
at 8 o'clock this evening on "The
Comforting Christ."
Independence Guard Mustered In
A company of Oregon national
guard which has been formed at In
dependence was mustered in last
night. The regiment Is now, com
plete, having 12 line companies and
the headquarters, supply and ma
chine gun companies. .
W. O. W. Attention ;
Ladies night. Open meeting next
Friday night, April 18. Come and
bring your friends. Entertainment.
Wide Widths Sunfast Drapery. $2.75
.Value at $1 for all short lengths.
-Hamilton's. i
School to Hold Social - ,
A basket and ice cream social -will
he held at the Auburn school house
r rlday night. A nrozram of music
and reading will be given by the pu
pils.: The proceeds will go toward
equipping a playground. F. N.
Woodry will auction off the baskets.
Loganberry Tips and Raspberry
rianis . . ,
Pheasant Northwest Products Co.
wants to buy 100,000 Loganberry
tips and Cuthbert Raspberry plants.
Immediate delivery. Phone 204.
Legal Blanks
Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.
' . "
Get Two Cars of Stock-
Two carloads of stock, one of
sheep and the other of beef cattle,
was received yesterday by Cannon
and Vandevort. 1he stock came
irom iiamsourg.
Wide Widths Sanfast Drapery, $2.75
vaiue 91 ior an snort lengtbs.
Ilamilton's. t
Card of Thanks .
V. W . . .a
we wisn, to tnanic our many
friends for their, many acts of kind
ness, sympathy and floral offerings
during the Illness and death of our
husband and brother.
, Mrs. Grace Thompson,
-Ralph Thompson and families.
Ford Car Stolen
The Ford car belonging to D. D.
Socolofsky, 985 North Summer street
was stolen Tuesday night and was
found in Portland. , The car was
standing in front of the residence.
It is a five-passenger machine and
bears license number -60302.
Sun fast Draperietf this Week
. At special prices for short end and
close out colors. Hamilton's.
Girl Wanted
At the Spa.
W. O. W. Attention
.Ladies night. Open meeting next
Friday night. April 18. Come and
bring your friends. "Entertainment.
Brodie in To
E. E. Brodie, publisher of the Ore
gon City Enterprise and who is
prominently mentioned as a possible
appointee of Governor Olcott as sec
retary of state In the event that the
i sWm A-w-mM .
VSl tt CfUrt hold Mr- Olcott has
authority to appoint his successor In
that off ce Is in the city for a brief
I : 8 ue?n Klne about the
state with the trophy train and be-
thre.i V no difficulty in
putting Oregon over for its full quo-
vi mr lrn-iory loan.
Sunfaht llraperie at Special Price
This week. $2.75 values at $1 ner
Library Orders Out -
County School Superintendent W.
M. Smith yesterday sent out the li
brary order blanks to the schools of
the county. Blanks areto be filled
out with the books desired by the
various teachers of the schools.
IIolHum Hot -Cross Runs
Will be on sale tomorrow only.
Have you ordered yours?
Attends Irrigation ngres
E. Hoffr waa In PArtL.j
day attending the state Irrigation
and drainage conference. Plans were
made for a state wide program of
reclamation including the arid and
wet sections.
Sunfast Draperie at Special Price
This week. $2.75 values at $1 per
yard. Hamilton's.
Rev. Arthur J. Sullens
Superintendent of Cnnrrepatinnnl
missions in Oregon will be the speak
er tonight at the Passion Week ser
vices at the Central Conereeational
church. South Nineteenth and Ferry
Take New Residence
C. X. Laughrige and family who
have been living at the Argo hotel
for several weeks have moved to
1295 Marion treet. Mr. Laughrige
recently came to Salem from Con
don to take a position in the secre
tary of state's orice. He formerly
was Gilliam County clerk.
To Addre Realty Men
State Insurance Commissioner Har
vey Wells will go to Portland Friday
to address a noon meeting of the
Portland realty men relative to the
new rear, estate law. Under the en
actment administration of the law Is
in the hands of the insurance com
missioner. Holy Week Celebrated
Holy Week was ushered in at the
Catholic church with the blessing and
distribution of palms in memory of
Christ's triumphal entry into Jeru
salem for the last time before bis
crucifixion. On the first days of the
week the pasison of our Lord is read
according to different gospels. On
Thursday the ceremonies and mass
are significant of the institution of
the Blessed Eucharist, or the Lord's
Supper. , All bells stop ringing and
all pomp ceases indicating the death
of Jesus. This is all resumed again
on Holy Saturday at the tinging of
the Gloria at mass, and the Lenten
season is over. Next Sunday morn
ing there will be two masses, one at
7:30 and a high mass at 10:30. Spe
cial music has been prepared and the
public is cordially invited. There
will be Adoration all day . Thursday
in the church, and on Friday after
noon at 3 o'clock, the hour of our
Lord's death, there will be the Sta
tions of the Cross recited in the
church and at 7:30 Friday evening
there will be a sermon and the ven
eration of the cross.
Coughs, colds, "snuffles," that
haag. on tend to weaken the system
and a suffering, neglected child
Bpends so much strength combating
a cold that the little one cannot
grow as fast and sound in body as
whea free from- affliction. Foley's
Honey- and Tar is splendid for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough. J. C. Perry.
Walk Oat With Cooperation
of Disgruntled Farmers,
Then Go Back A
To workmen who objected to a
nine-hour day and to . farmers who
were opposed to a further bond is
sue of $600,000 is attributed a strike
that took place recently on the
Warm Springs Irrigation project at
Vale. An investigation by A: A.
Her m sen, one of the district deputy
labor commissioners who has report
ed to State Labor Commissioner
Gram, failed to find any other cause
for the strike among the laborers.
The walkout occurred on the morn
ing of March 26, the day the bonds
were voted, and the deputy is of the
opinion that the strikers had the co
operation of the dissatisfied farmers.
The workers are not believed to be
organized, but have some I. W. W.
among them.
While the strike was on the fed
eral employment bureau in Portland
refused to send men to the district
and the labor commissioner notified
other emplayment-bureaus not to
send men unless they were informed
of the strike. "
The men employed on the project
pay $1 a day for board. Living con
ditions are reported good, but the
men have insisted on an eight-hour
day at 50 cents an hour and half
time while going to and from work.
As far as known here they have re
turned to work without any of their
demands being granted. The Shat-tuch-Edinger
company of California
Is doing the work on a 10 per cent
basis. The company is said to have
offered to do the work on contract,
but the farmers insisted that it be
done by the day and the company as
serts that the work cannot be com
pleted in required time unless the
work day is nine hours.
Pale, weak, nervous peo
ple, or those suffering
from weakness incident lo trar
excitement or the drea.lfnl epi
demics, need the prompt, pro--nouneed.
permanent fleets of
Iron, manganese, nux'and pep
in as combined In Peptlron. The
run-down and debilitated find
they pick up quickly when they
take Peptlron. Get it today and
begin taking It at once.
Fitzgerald to Represent
State at Washington, D. C.
By appointment at
COtt. W. H. Fifzrral,l A- .....
- t iryuij aiaitr
labor commisioner, will represent
"-K"n ai a convention of labor of
ficials which Is cheduled to be held
in Washington. D. C. April 23. 24
auu - . 1 OA national cnin!n..l
service and its coonerati.n mk
states and municipalities will be
mainly the theme of discussion.
Governor Olcott wa nnttrtA r
w V
toe COmerrir In a tol a
am t uui
Secretary of Labor W. H. Wilson, and
me governor requested State Labor
Commissioner C ' H. C. ram tn atton1
Mr. Gram, however, found it impossi
ble io leave nis orrice at this time
and upon Mr. Gram's recommenda
tion the governor named Mr. Fitz
Take Salts at Firt Klitn of RUdder
Irritation or Hack
ache. The American men and wnmn
must guard constantly against kid
ney trouble, because we eat too much
and all our food Is rich. Our blood
Is rilled with uric acid which the
kidneys strive to filt
weaken from overwork, become slug
gish: the elimlnative tisn in.
the result is kidney trouble, bladder
neasness ana a general decline in
When your kidneys feel like lumps
ui ieaa; your Dack hurts or the urine
iS ClOUdy. fall Of Sediment nr vnn
are obliged to seek relief two or three
urnes aunng tne night; If you suffer
with sick headache or dizzy, nervous
spells, acid stomach, or you have
rheumatism when the weather is bad.
get from your pharmacist about four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful In a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fam
ous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with lithla, and has been used for
generations to flush and stimulate
clogged kidneys;' to neutralize the
acids In the urine so it no longer is a
source of Irritation, thus ending blad
der disorders. .
i Jad Salts is Inexpensive; cannot
Injure, makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water beverage, and be
longs In every home, because no
body can make a mistake by having
a good kidney flushing any time.
Teel Irrigation District
Turned Down by Commission
The state irrigation securities
commision has refused to certify a
bond issue of $1,100,000 asked for
.7 .1 leel irrigation diftrict of
cmauna county under which the dis
trict orooosed tn mh. ,
- - - 'W water i 1 1 111
Camas. Cable. Owens and HIdaway
iriDuianea of the John
Day river, to Butter creek for dis
tribution over the district.
State Engineer dinner r.nA.t,i
the valuation of the property of the
district as only $930,000. which by
reason of an outstanding bond issue
of $100,000. a discount of 10 per
wnicn tne bonds would sell
ana also the contractor's profit
woma oe reduced to an amount
""ui 2uu,vvu less man what would
be reoiured to ronstmrt th nMit
The commission did not consider It
feasible to certify the Issuance of
bonds for an amount less than cost
or construction since exhaustion of
the amount realized on the bonds
would leave the project unfinished.
The commission, however, prom
ised the representatives or the dis
trict that if thej could assure the
building of part or the distribution
system the commission would certi
fy to the available amount.
You Can Cure That Backache
Pain alone th back, diiiinttt. fcradacho
nd crnrral lanrnor. Oet parkaire of
Mother Grajr'a AROMATIC LEAr. th pW.
ant Medicinal Tm. I'm It . : -. .
cold. When you feel all ma down, tired,
weak and without energy thia remark
ablo combination of natore'a herb and rooft.
Aa a ton u 1, r. t i v. it k . . i i .i
Gtajr't AramaUe-Laaf ia aold by drnniita or
lor nn. "ample enl
FREE. AddrL y.ik., :--- , . u
Y - .-j vv, -w nvf
Hawley Makes Plea for
Support of Victory Loan
"fa A tUU
gressman W. C. Hawley. of the tirst
district Of Orornn In J. l.
- o u uuicu ue-
rore the students or the University of
Oregon today, made a strong plea for
hearty support or the Vietory loan.
'"w io me oiner rour loans
as corners and tn t- ete.v . .v.
keystone or the arch, in the matter
or paying for the war. "We must
pay our bills," he said, -if we are
an honest nation and no dne has
uctru live Dllliona mnra
uvw IU I1 A
ever dared nnoatinn v
Off ina ...i-.. .
7 . . J riuicaies outstand
Ing. This money has already been
spent," ; rsf.
The greater part of Congressman
UaWlev'S adrfraai m-. A . -j
. - uci viru iu
Criticism Of that rnv,int. -
.ubu.s vi iur
league of nations, which he declared
are danrernm tn Vi
- 1UUIIH) oocc-
rine and which threatens to open
the way for Japanese immigration
to this country. .
Appeal Made to All to Buy
Bonds in Celebration
of Victory
A great victory is about to be cel
ebrated; the mortgage burned and
the receipts filed away in the arch
ives of the nation so that future gen
erations can see how we did it.
The question is will everyone do
his or her duty?
The writer knows that It Can De
H?mT". man' WOIDo "nd
child in Salem and Marion county
knows that "It Can Be Done." List
en! I will draw you a picture and
when your mind's eye has fully en
compassed its beauty remember that
the workers in the victory loan are
going to endeavor to paint that pic
ture and make it a "Masterpiece"
to hang before the people of the
state for all time to come.
Here is the picture
As I look through the telescope of
my mind's eye I see a beautiful city.
2 see the capitol dome; the state
buildings; the manufacturing dis
trict; and the busy business center;
I see the Willamette river along one
side and surrounding this city I see
a wonderfully productive agricultural
and horticultural area.
Civic pride is shown In every sec
tion of the city in the well-kept
lawns and parking strips; the lovely
homes and the spirit of the people
who love this city and county al
most beyond human conception.
When the great world war came
to this country, Salem and Marlon
county boys and men left their all
and went to answer the call of their
country. They placed themselres
under the command of the president
and stood loyal and gave their best
until the armistice was signed and
demobilization ordered. Tbey are
still upholding the hands or the pres
ident and the administration and are
back of this victory loan to the very
last man.
The residents or this city and
country have supported and put over
every liberty loan In the past. They
have helped most liberally with the
Red Cross and other kindred relief
work. Their decord Is well worthy
ot the most liberal praise.
But, let us finish the picture.
Every person knows that the vic
tory loan must be taken up. The
residents of Salem know that this
city and county must take up the
quota assigned.
"It Can Be."
Let every captain and every work
er on every team for this victory
loan,' as he or she prepares to retire
next Sunday night, make a solemn
vow that he or she will be on time
Monday morning April 21. and let
everyone start at a certain hour and
put in every minute until the zero
hour with the determination in the
mind of each to finish the job in one
day. . ."It Can Be," and here I. the
way to do it. Every person in Sa
lem and Marlon county must be
ready to sign up when called upon
and for every dollar you can man
age. Think what this would mean.
"If" every person will subscribe,
just the amount they can handle,
and do this on Monday Salem and
the county will go over the top In
one day the work will be done and
the workers can be released to go
about their separate lines of work.
Isn't it a beautiful thoueht? WnuM
not you like to see this victory loan
subscribed in one day? Cant you
appreciate the savins in time and
worry? Wouldn't it be a gand and
glorious day for Salem and Marion
county? It Can Be.
Indigestion, clogged stomach and
bowels. Is more than an invitation
to illness; it gives a cordial welcome.
Undigested food ferments and sends
poisons throughout the system. Fo
ley Cathartic Tablets are wholesome,
quick in action, no bad after-effect.
Cleanse bowels, sweeten stomach,
tone up liver. J. C. Perry.
I Deals in Real Estate I
John C. Will et ux to L. . Murdock
part of lot 2 and 3. block 4. Capital
Park addition to Salem; $2200; w. d.
Peter A. LeBrun et ux to G. D.
Ebner. lot 4 and 9, block 3. Mount
Ansel; w. d.
Maria Watler to H. S. RadcUff.
lot 26 and 27, Ireton Fruit farms:
w. d.
John M. Bigler et ux to Mary E."
Shaln. part of block 4. O. H. Jones
addition to Salem; $1200; w. d.
More good Intentions would be
carried out if they didn't live for
ever. Tm mike movies now
Playing in Portland Heillg Theatre
now at $2.00 a seat. See the pictures
here starting Sunday at usual movie
Easter Toggery for
SUk Petticoats
Lingerie Underwear.
Look over. our line of Easter Gift, Parisian Ivory, Novelty
Jewelry Ilox Stationery. Fancy Combs, Leather Hand Hags
Embroidered Lineiw, Handkerchiefs, Umbrella, Toilet Articles
U. G. Shipley Co.
-;u , ,,,
People of City to Vote, on
Better Pay for Recorder
and Police Chief
As a city Issue on the special el
ection ballot June 3 the question of
increasing the salaries of the Salem
city recorder and of the chief of po
Try -r
..Do-your;sewmg'the.clectrical way-wlth a
Call us up for a demonstration,
Portland Railway Light & Power Company
; nr,,,,,,,,.,,.!
lice will probably be before the peo
ple for vote. Both these officials
now receive $1200 a year, a sum gen
erally conceded too small. Inasmuch
as salaries are fixed by the city char
ter a vote of the people Is necessary
to change them. It Is understood that
a member of the city council is now
working on a bill which will propose
the Increases.
Because of the brevity of time be
fore the election, the question of a
commission form of gorernment Is
uot likely to come up.
Read the CUuified Adx.
A sewing machine
that'y no larger than a
typewriter'" that can
actually be carried in
cne hand from room to
room and put away
on a closet shelf. '
A full sized, high grade
sewing machine; with
put a treadle but with
.that does all the work.
Acot control gives any
It costs little to bur the
price it only $39.50 and
little to operate.