The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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Pig-. l?attlei:1FQnh'- Wilf ive Demonstration in Qalem At S O' Clock Thio Rflormng
The Statesman receives the
leased wire report ot the As
sociated Press, the greatest
and most reliable press as
sociation' la the world.
Oregon: Thuraday rain freh to
strong southerly winds.
t ;
and ,
Armistice of 48 Hours
Agreed on by Strikers
NEW YORK. April 16. A 4 8
. hour "armistice" postponing the
general strike ot New York harbor
workers, which had been called for
6 , o clock tomorrow morning was
agreed upon tonight by officials ot
the Marine Workers' Afficlliatlon at
conference with James L. Hughes.
federal: mediator. -
The decision to postpone the strike
followed a statement by Mr. Hughes
FaElOUI rOrtlllCa Island in I that the war department, the navy
L t VIlllaeparUueni ana "e united States
IlOrtn OCa tO DC Yirtaallyl shipping board "would not tolerate
! a strike." ; He said he was speaking
for Secretary Wilson..
Destroyed by Decree of
Council of Four.
Details of Coming Conference
M Versailles Given Out
by Clemenceau1 "
. ... . .r .., J j
Sale' mBattalion of Militia to
- Cease to Exist Next
Lloyd George Advocates No
Intervention in Russia and
No Recognition for Red Ele
(By. The Associated Press)
Premier Clemenceau. president of
. the peace conference, yesterday pre
sided over a meeting, .of . the repre
sentatives of the various powers at
war with Germany and gave them
some ot the details concerning the
coming Versailles congress on April
25 when the German envoys will he
- present. It has not been disclosed
whether .the invitations will be Is
sued in . the name of the council of
five or of all the power represented
at the peace conference.
The foreign' ministers, who had
under, consideration certain provis
ions of the peace treaty, have- re
, ported to the council of ten' that
some of the articles have been re
ferred back, to the drafting commit
tee and that the remailnlng articles
would be disposed of at the very ear-
" liest : date.-, ' - - -. " r
y The British: prime minister, Da
Tld Lloyd eGorge, has presented the
situation at Paris before the house
of commons. In a lengthy speech he
contented himself with discussing
The Oregon guard, of which the
second battalion is in Salem, win be
mustered out next week according to
the present plans of officers. The
guard was organized for the period
of the war and being no longer need
ed It will go out of existence.
Will Lend Aid to Friendly Ele
ments British Laborites
Don't -Approve
Steamer Rose City to
Remain Under Old Flag
PORTLAND. Or., April 16. An
nouncement wa made here today that
the steamer Rose City, now undergo
ing repairs at San San Francisco,
will return to the Portland-SanFran-cisco
route about May 1. under the
flag of the San Francisco and Port
land Steamship company, a subsi
diary of the Oregon, Washington
Railroad & Navigation company. Ne
gotiations were recently under way. McCrOlkev Gives Arlr!rt at
according to a reiort. for the. sale of "C,roy UlVeS AQQreSS ai
the Rose City to the Pacific Steam
hip company.
Application to Change
Port's Rating to Be Made
PORTLAND, Or., April 16. Ap
plication will be made to congress
for reclassification of the port of
Portland and for advancing its rating
from fourth to second class under a
resolution adopted today by the port
Grange Meeting Explaining
Idea Convenience Empha
i i cowl uiiuu uuiieu ivuaf ujf lilts pun I V fa
J resolution adopted today by the Port I rTlVliege 01 Attending OdCO
rornm Extended to Rural
LONDON,. April 16. (By The As
sociated Press) No Intervention In
Russia; no recognition of Bolshe
vism and the fulfillment of this el-
MiltonL. Meyers Is major of the lection promises. In eluding those re
lating to Indemnity from the enemy
powers and punishment of the for
mer German emperor, were the out-
Salem battalion and E., H. Choate is
supply officer. Company officers
i Company E Captain A. R. Wil
son', First Lieutenant Grove Hems
ley. Second Lieutenant Harry Mit
chelL Company F Captain J. H. Arnold.
First Lieutenant A. Lee Morelock.
Second Lieutenant W. J.. Entress.
ot Portland commission. Congress
also will be asked to designate the
port as the Portland district, pre
viously known as Willamette district
Clubrdoms for the convenient of
xne iamuies of., farmers and the
use ofAthe Commercial club rooms
ior me larmers themselves I. a ntnn
"no announced yesterday in an ad
aress delivered by E. T. MrCroskey
ki a meeune or Fumom iiraneo
held In Union hall. Pomona rranre
was the guest for the meeting of Sa-
iem grange wo. 17.
The plan, as announced. Is to se-
Conlirmation of Albanian
Independence Is Asked
PARIS. April 16. (By the As
sociated Press) The members' of
the Albanian provisional government
delegation have addressed to the
president of the peace conference a
letter asking for the confirmation or
the complete independence ot Albania.
Cancellation of secret treaties re
garding that country, rectification of
the frontiers between Albania and
other Balkan states, according to
ethnic principles and naming a power
to serve the government as manda
tory are also asked for.
us Ul T, v , k wuni VUOia i,Jf ,aUU: cure a residence which will be plae-
Premier Lloy George delivered in the
house of commons today.
Every member was in his Eeat and
the galleries were packed- with dis
tinguished visitors, among them the
Salem's $820,150, for
Victory Loan
ed in charge of an elderly couple and
to wmcn farmers with membership
may take their families and leave
their children while they and their
wives attend to such affairs as they
Company G -Captain W. C. Dyer. Prince of WTalea and the American CAPTAINS ORftANI7I?n may have. The farmers will be ell
i t i . ..t DA..t U nutinan A V..n. I.I,. lr T1..I. I wam uvauuv tv . . . i . ,
R'uie i.u iA&e pari in xne open meet-
. r. Irvine Lnosen 5peakerlmonth- Tn membership for the
IOr Kally in theater Ung to present plans.
Next Sunday fonow-McCro'ker" remrl" In brlef
. . I "Wherever thero la n nmmnnlf
Marion county is expected to be In I of arricultnrliita and hnrtionitnri.t
ji.,.-j j it jLa I the group of Oregon counties nledeed I surrounding anv town. thr th
with profound attention to his speech ia viciory I ymerciai organisation snouia call
First Lieutenant Robert B. Duncan
Second Lieutenant H..H. Corey.
, Company H Captain R. W. Slm
eral, First Lieutenant Lester B. Da
vis, Second Lieutenant Harry "Lucas.
Ambassador. John W. Davis, when
the premier entered the chamber,
with the cheers of the great crowds
outside the parliament grounds still
ringing in his ears. . He appeared
fresh and in bouyant spirits.
In the main, though, the mood of
the premier was serious, in con
I formlty with the weighty subjects
vrhlH la at orl tnr ulrnnit and liAnr anil I luc Ull U.J OI me Cam
a half.
paign April 21. The county's auota
is $1,237,500 and the workr rm
centemea mmsen . wun owcuBBing i 1 1 T-ts-J CMA. Lt , , -r"." " loetermined to make it a "one day's
general aspects, rainer man aexans i raiucr ui uuiicu uwim wua- me premiers wnuuuceuieui oi uuu" I Job" instead of stretchinglt out over
. of what the peace conference nas
done. He opposed Intervention in
Russia, declared L", that: Bolshevism
waa gradually , waning breaking
down under, the relentless force of
economic facts, deprecated almost to
ow dissension among the delegates
and declared that the whole peace ot
tor Dies from Pneu
monia in Chicago
intervention, but remained silent
while the conservatives cheered the
statement that the allies would con-
: tinue to aid friendly elements f Ight-
inc Bolshevism. "1 .
At the conclusion of the premiers
speech, when members and those In
the eallerles- were pourlne out to
the whole period. For Salem the
amount is $820,150. County Chair
man t u. Deckebach has received
a telegram announcinr that counties
Pledged to go over on the first day
are wiacaamas. coos. Deschutes, Gil
liam, Grant. Hood River. Jefferson.
Lake. Morrow, Sherman. Tillamook.
Wasco, Washington and
CHICAGO, April 16. Robert San
derson McCormick, American diplo
mat and father of United States Sen-
tha world hanits on the society of 1 ator McCormick of Illinois and Rob-j--.-.,. -f ii-t-d inneheons. William VUnion.
nations. . I ertsR. McCormick, one of the editors Adamson. leader of the labor oppo-Wheeler.
Food relief lor Russia, unaer neu-1 nf the Chicago Trinune. aiedNOi pneu-1 , in th hnnaa ro- and rharact- I Captains are orzanlzlnr thir
tral control, hag virtually been de- J morila today at his home In Hlns- j erized tne Bpeech of the prime minis-1 teams and all is in readiness for the I want your help. We are likea the old
ciaea upon oy m iic . dalef a sunurD. in neaun. wmv tef ag eioquent DUt not entirely sat-1 opening or we anve. Tne captains I negro who prayed the Lord to send
o na t niLfia nt&ies i r i j-.n. mmnt i are:
into IU councils these farmers. In or
der mat more effective work may be
"Too often In the Northwest the
commercial associations of the var
ious towns have failed to recognize
tne farmer as his ally and a most ef
fective force in building his community.
"Under the guidance of the pres
ent board ot directors, the Salem
Commerclal club has analyzed the
local situation and are now ready to
give to the public Its plan. We are
not only praying .that It will win but
we are working for It to win. We
Publicity Plans Launched for
Education on County
Bond Issue
The publicity campaign la the In
terest of the bond issue or $850,000
for the construction of 150 miles of
market roads in Marion county was
launched at a meeting held In the
Commercial club rooms last night.
A fnnd or $2200 Is to be raised for
the campaign and the workers will
commence at once to secure the
amount. .
It Is the plan to conduct the cam
paign along educational and business
like methods. A manager will be
employed and speakers will be
brought to Salem to the county to
deliver addresses and to tell or the
work done by other states and coun
The impression was general with
those in attendance that the reeling
toward the bond Issue Is much more
favorable than the conditions which
existed In 1914 and 1917 when Sa
lem voted against similar measures.
This Is .held due to improved con
dltlons, to education, and to a real!
cation that the roads are a business
proposition Instead or a luxury for
xsumerous brief speeches were
made, all being of an optimistic
trend and all bearing the assurance
ot co-epe ration.
Big Land Cruiser Will Saunter
on Streets at 9 O'clock and
Give Demonstration on
North Liberty.
How Tank Walks Over Trees,
Trenches and Fences Will
Be Demonstrated
The tank.
At 9 o'clock this mornlnr.
On the streets or Salem.
That's what, when and where
This information is definite. It
comes from Private C, Clarence
LI kins, commander in charge of the
tank, wno arrived in Salem last
night! A. A. Mickel of the Southern
Pacific, who will see that there Is a
train to bring the big engine or war
to town, and Robin D. Day. who will
be one of ,the victory loan speakers
daring the demonstration.
After much misfiring as to the
date and hour of arrival or the tank
the exact facts have at last been cor
raled and authoritative information
Is that there is no chance for a slip
this Ume. Private Liklns said last
night that the schedule is such that
the tank must be again aboard train
and ready to leave the city by 11 o'clock.
The city fire whistles will herald
arrival of the powerful land cruiser
at 9 o'clock. The Chemawa band
will be here to play at that hour
and Company M will be oL More
I. C.;;rf.. m;,l PPl expected on the streets
Tax Exemption on Bonds
treasury today issued a - reminder
that under the victory liberty loan
act a person may hold up to $20,000
bonds ot the first liberty bond eon-
verted, second, third and fourth
loans with Interest received- after
January 1. 1919. exempt from aor
titis morning than ordinarily Wel
come a circus. The Statesman tele
phones were busy from C o'clock yes
terday afternoon until midnight with
inquiries as to the time ot arrival,
and it was only after Private Li
klns came that the correct Informa
tion could be given. "
Officially the tank will - appear
first at State and Commercial streets.
tioa powers. Reservations br the I torcei nm to retire as United States i-f-ctor-.
French apparently are the only ob
stacles In the way" or immediate ac
tion, ; and ' these, according to aPris
advices, are expected speedily to be
surmounted. The agreement to feed
the Russians anticipates that the
Bolshevlkl must cease fighting.
1 With rioting still reported to be
rampant in Munich and strikes con
tinning in numerous other parts of
Germany, the workmen at, Bremen,
ambassador to France in 1907, had
been with him much of tne time
since. ...
' Mr, McCormick was born July Zf-
1849, in Rockbridge county, virgin
la. the son of William S. McCormick.
who. with hia brothers, Cyrus H. Sr..
and Leander, shortly afterward came
to Chicago. Members of tnis family
-the Virginia grandfatner and e-
summed up the opinion of others
amonz his auditors and numerous
elements among the public, whom
the newspapers for the past few days
had prepared tor illuminating revel
atlons In the speech concerning the
neace terms formulated,
Interest in the debate rapidly de
clined, the members flocking into
the lobbies to discuss the premiers
W. Connel Dyer, Jos. Baumgart-
ner, irrank Davey, Fred Erixon, T.
K. Ford, M. L. Meyers. Hal D. Pat-
ton. Homer H. Smith. W. O. Allen.
A. N. Morefleld. Chas. Vick- R. O.
Snelllng. P. E. Fullerton. E. T.
: Carleton. Jos. Graber, Lot L. Pearce,
w A. Marsnall. John Barne. IT O.
Boyer. Ben F. West, Dr. Morehouse, I
A. A. Lee. Harler O. White. Elmo
at Bremen. tne i1 .lo l8C"f"e n"e. " White. O. A. Hartman. Percy M. Var-
German's big port on the Weser. i -Tp n-1 Epeec.n- Br.-V.Vl- r Elmer Daue. G. E. Halvor-
sr iuuu luiuisici
r. .VfaMinr mniitor th bic indua-1 nings. to tne great lacior t declared it would be better to km
trial works and the street railways. I ward became in farm lire. i Bolshevism by feeding than fighting
TTnrroiai aiivlrea.are thateoldiersl I He complained that it would be hu
.n.AmminnMt nfficers of I . I millatlnr to receive news of the
hA n.rman tnhr also have threat- I tattleSlUp UregOtt 10 neace term from Germany and said
tii to strike ir an order reducing I - TJm V Z Cnmnmon that apparently Mr. Lloyd George
their pay to a peace-time basis Is not I r 9 would come to parliament tor a vote
rescinded. , 1' ' I u.The ' confidence after the settlement
Th financial section OI me wuw ,.:wasiiwu, nf terms In wnicn narnameni nau
nun l PR 11 1 u urnuui tt ai ...
taxes, excess profits and war profits From that point it will saunter up
nt aaanMated rovernments in con
frnM with financiers of .Holland,
Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Swit-
flo bart.
At k'.SO o'clock a member caneo
attention to the absence of a quor
um. The doors were opened, dui iiaii win sing ine star spangled
inatna of the members entering to I wanner, ano a maie quartet win
famous trip" around the Horn during
, cnaniah American war will con-.
aerland, have concluded an arrange- tribute its part in the f orthcom ng
food and raw materials and also tor along the pacific coast, starting ijom i mafce uornm many of those pre- contribute to the program,
an adjustment of maturing credits Bremerton. Wash., and putting in . H e t waiKed out, and the house was
important pons, vu
slasm ror the loan drive. -
On the Atlantic coast the battle
v.nn.irr will start at Portland.
Its rirontiert and the appointment f j MaIne ' and make the New England
a mandatory vu - I ports. Tn remamuer ui wo
nf flArmanv In neutral BWiieB.
Albania is the latest state to re
quest the peace conference tor com-
rectification of
counted out, standing adjourned for
the Easter recess until April 29.
uai!nian Germany'-fl extensively
-entrtaii toiand in the North Sea is I
to he dismantled and virtually de
stroyed by order of the council of I
four, according to unoiuti
tic Coast will be coverea uy a w,.-
squadron or six destroyers. .
The use ot these ships will be In
dependent or the trip or the navy
victory ship which is to sail trom
n Francisco to New York recording
by its progress the. nation's subscrlp- QQYttnQr OlcOtt and Supreme
L1UU tv vase a w I ' m T ' ' 1
tourt Judges txpectea
him his neighbor's tat hen but his
prayer was not answered. Finally
he said 'Ah prayed de Lawd to send
me aftah dat hen, an: he ansahed
mah prayah de first time.
'We have noticed, and so have
you, how lonesome a farmer is when.l
he comes to town. He has no place
to go. His wife and children are
In worse condition than he.
'Our plan, briefly stated. Is to
make a non-resident membership to
our Commercial club with an annual
fee of eight dollars. This Includes
the farmer's family. He Is given all
the privileges of the Commercial
club and in addition we will rent a
residence close in to the business
section which we will fit up with
iomtortable rooms tor the men and
women with a playroom for the kid
dles and the entire place will be in
custody of an old couple, who will
be furnished their board and lodging
"On arriving in town the member
may drive with his family to the club
where his wife may leave her chil
dren while she does her shopping.
She may have her purchases over
the city delivered - to the farmers
club In time to take home.
"Another feature will be the pub
lication ot a monthly bulletin con
taining timely topics and a space de
voted to an exchange list tree to the
farmer, excluding real testate. This
htillotln will rlrrnlatA to 2500 firm.
Efforts lo ImnParK Hardin? ers in this county and will be of Ines-
" I .1 kl. Kt fmA TV I.
sen. E. S. Tlllinghast, J. A. Baker.
S. E. Purvine, oy Shields. W.. A.
Wlest. Wm Gahlsdorf, Paul V. John
son" and Arthur Lawrence.
B. F. Irvine of Portland will be
the speaker at' a rally to be held in
the Grand theater next Sunday af
ternoon. All teams that have been
selected to wage the campaign are
expected to be present to hear the
address, though the mass meeting
will be for the benefit of the public
as well. Mrs. Hallle Fairish Dur-
taxes. on condition that he holds a!
least one-third as many victory liber
ty loan notes. This exemption con
tlnue during the life of the victory
In addition interest received after
January 1, 1919. for rive years on a
maximum or $30,000 rirst liberty
loan converted, second, third " and
fourth loan bonds Is exempt from
surtaxes, excess profits and war pro
fits taxes. This exemption is In ad
dition to previous exemptions and
was made by the victory liberty loan
of Iowa Defeated
by House Vote
(Continued on Page 3)
Man Admits He Chopped ,
OH Hand to Evade Droit
CAPE GIRADEAU. Missouri, April
1. Albert Wheeling, a farmer of
Holcoiub, Mo., who pleaded guilty
here late yesterday in the United
States district court to having chop
ped off his left hand with an ave
July 21. last, to evade military serv
ice was sentenced to six months In
prison by Federal Judge Dyer.
Wheeling is 21 years old.
PARIS. April IS. (French Wire
less) A national committee has
been formed in Paris to erect a mon
ument in Strasbourg commemorat
ing the history of the Marseillaise,
the French national anthem. The
proposed monument would cost 1,
000.000 franca.
Permanent Employment
Service to Be Discussed
Among Attendants
morning when the body adop- Beneath Liberty BeU in Philadelphia to Loyal Band
a resolution censuring the chief I . , r .
Without a record vote, the house
adopted the Judiciary's committee's
minority report for censure, after
substituting It for the majority re
port., which recommended Impeach
ment, by a vote of 70 to 34. with
four members absent or not voting.
- -.- .
Mr. and Mrs. A. IL Wilson
' Leave in June for Ex-.
tensive Journey
For a tour of the , Orient and
thence around the world, Mr and
Mr. Arthur Wilson will leave: Salem
i. TntiA fn SAattl where they win
take the steamer. Their Journey will
extend over practically a year.
Their itinerary will include Japan.
China, the Malay peninsular coun
tries, Australia, the East Indies; In
dia. Persia, the ' Ottoman nations,
possibly' Russia and Germany .1 1
those countries are open to travel.
France .Italy. England, and trom
there to South America and the.Era
sil and Argentina .countries may be
- vllted. ' . ;
Mr. WIon,ror the past seven
f a a- . i I wrrtm - that ifftnol
Teegaph company ana -.'l have been obtained ' tian church will rive the addresses shall be dismantled, and so far as it impossible tor us to share In the
Mrs. Wilon have a wioe acyua.uv.uv- - vrav and Saturday respectively. nosslble. destroyed. intelligent advance of the age In
Governor Olcott and several mem-
k... A a ,tinma oniirt are ev-
WASHINGTON. April 16. A con-1 . . . . o
mrtnar (hnu in attend-
ference to consider a national legis- ance today at the noon-day Passion
lative program for the creation or a Week BerTice at the Oregon theater,
permanent national employment ser- the f0urth in the series extending
vice in cooperation wun states anu j through the week as arranged by tne
municipalities . was called today by galena Ministerial association.
Secretary Wilson to meet Aprlt 23' The noon-day services were ar-
to 25. ' Governors ot all states were ranged by the ministers primarily
asked to send representatives. for the benefit of the business peo-
Th nnrnose of the conference," ul of the city who have no leisure
Secretary Wilson said, "will be to de- time during the day with the excep-
rine and establish the most elective tlon ot the noon hour. Many or-this
rorm of relationship between nation- class are attending the services each
.1 J vmnUvmont activities 1V.
Ml KUU Bill VC cuiytv uAvuv - . . .
m . .i ..VAAmAnt hfinir nut I Growlne Interest is shown in tne
I "iSilS oWeVuT which, consist ot -acred se-
a oeimue oujc lections on the pipe organ, a brier
BET WOr W lUO tuu iu.v .-. - " .tl num.
and. comprehensive public employ-: - 'aol Re T.
Tl fVVrm,Jw p' S. Anderson of the First Presbyter-
laDiisaeu, ve the address yester
day. .Summer Merrick will preside
IT - . . a tk.
I tod av and President can uregg vw
nev of Willamette - university will
PARIS. April 16. (Havaslme rlTe rh address. Dr. George F. Holt
Amoriran embassy in Pari denies re- nf the First Baptist church and Rev.
important railway con-1 Ldand W. Porter of tne irsi tnns-
DES MOINES. la.. April 17. Ef
forts to impeach Governor . W. L.
Harding for his part in the Rathbun
pardon case were defeated in the Io-l Fl f I-J I - DT- D J
wa house of representatives early I "uujuwuii vi uiucciiucntc num jufuiiwc iiiic ivcuu
LIMERICK. April 16. (By The
Associated Press) While the weath
er here is fine, reports from the west
coast of Ireland over which Major
Wood will have to fly on his trip
from -East Church, on the Thames.
to prepare tor hia attempt to cross
the Atlantic are discouraging. . y
LONDON, April .16. The council
ot four, says Reuter's Paris corres
pondent, has decided that Heligoland
PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. April 16.
A small but loyal band or Koreans
paraded through the central section
of the city to Independence hall
where "the declaration ot Indepen
dence" from. Japanese rule, which
was adopted by the provisional gov
ernment or Korea last March and rat
ified by the Korean congress today
was read by Syngman Rhee. secre
tary ot the Korean republic.
The proclamation la part reads:
"We. representatives or 20.000.-
000 nnlted people In Korea, hereby
proclaim the Independence ot Korea
and the liberty ot the Korean people.
This proclamation stands In witness
to the equality ot all nations and
we pas It on to our posterity as their
inalienable right
"With an Independent civilization
of several thousand years we have ex
perienced the agony tor 14 years of
foreign oppression which has denied
to us freedom or thought and made
hlch we lire. We entertain no spin
it ot vengeance toward Japan;, but
our urgent need today 1 to redeem
and rebuild our ruined nation and
not to discuss who has caused Ko
rea's downfall.
"Our part is to Influence the Jap
anese government now dominated by
the old idea bf brute torce. so that it
IU change and art In accordance
with the principles ot truth. We de
sire a full measure or satisfaction
in liberty and the pursuit or happi
ness. In this we go forward. We
pledge the following:
"1 This work of ours is in behalf
of truth. Justice and life and is un
dertaken at the request of our peo
ple.' to make-known their delre for
liberty. Let there be no violence.
"2 Let tho? who follow us how
forth every hou with gladness this
same spirit.
"3 Let all thlnits be done wlih
singleness of purpose so that our be
havior to the end may be honorable
and upright" k
to the pos tor flee, then awing over to
Court street, down to Liberty, then
out oa North Liberty to the groands
of the old woolen mills for a demon
stration. The demonstration will be one of
the most sensational that has been
given on the tour. There will be
dne barbed wire eaanglement. trees
and some trenches over which the ,
big cruiser will walk nonchalantly.
The tank is American built and of
the exact type used by the French
armies. It Was on a transport two
days at sea when the armistice waa
signed and the ship ordered back to
an American port. The tank la or
that type ot machine which made a
break through the Hlndenburg line
possible and hastened the end ot the
war more than any other tattle con
trivance. Besides Commander Lik
lns the tank will carry Sergeant
George Hendershott as gunner and '
Corporal Alden as. driver. Corporal
Aldea was overseas and drove tanks .
In the-Argonne and in the St. Mlhiel
salient. Commander Liklns will ex
plain the operation ot the tank and.
the nature or its work. Another fea
ture ot the show will be talks on the
victory loan by Robin Day and Lieu-''.
tenant L. IL Compton. .
Private Liklns recently left the
victory loan trophy train, to go with
the tank. With the trophy train.
hlch he left at Walla Walla, he
traveled a distance ot 4200 miles.
July 1 he expects to leave for Russia
where he will represent an American
newspaper syndicate as correspond
Although Clarence Liklns was one
ot the two accredited war corres
pondents sent from the Pacific coast
to write stories of the fray for the
people at home, and although his
work necessitated 'hia presence oa
every battle front and he was salut
ed at a Hen tenant, he was still not
satisfied. He served In this exciting
capacity from the time the war broke
out until June 1918. and then decid
ed he wanted something different.
Something different, as 'he chose
It. made necessary the giving up or
his work as a correspondent, also
his commission and one day he found
himself in Washington, thence to
Portland as fast aa steam could take
him and thereafter In .very short
time a member ot a tank corps-
On September ninth. Private Lik
lns left Portland and went to Camp
Colt.Pa and upon the second day
ot hl arrival contracted Influenza.
From .the first his cane was regard
ed seriously and in a short time he
was placed in a ward where only tne
doomed were sent and two days later
his wife in Portland was notified he
died of influenza. Mrs. Liklns Im
mediately began the usual Inquiries
only to be notified two weeks Uter
that her huiband had Just died of
However. In spit of cheerful pre
dictions made about him he recov
ered but meanwhile his tank corps
was on its way to action and he was
(Continued "on Page 3)
in Salem. , . . ': v .