The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    Mother r
;: ; You Take Nuxated Iron
'And Be Strong and Well and Hare Nice ' Rosy Cheeks
Instead of Being Nervous and Irritabla All the Time and
Lookinsr So Havvarrl nA nu?Ti.-
voctor. uave Some to Susie Smith'
Mother and She Wat Worse Off
xou Are and Now She
Looks Just Fine
Any Woau who Tlrea Easily U IrrU
?1' Nervs and Ran-Down, Should
Taka NnuUl Iron to Help Incraaae
Her Health, Strength and Vitality. .
: - -Taw caa ta a sUaa. Wtky, bMtt-
tat fact
aud Iroa (or their
from, rua-dowa,
weak, aaciara-louk
lit tnui patiecu.
failor maana aaaa
aaia. Taa akia a aa
rm woman is
ad MadiaalAa- ' - "
"i klM
1y aoiphaaized I
t that doctors I
Ipreaeribaiaora r
ic iro Knx- f x
rite, taa flash ttabby. "
aa biicUi tsk '
. toaa, tha braia fafa,
aad taa memory Una,
and aftaa they ba
eom. wmk, aaraaoa.
irriubla, daapoadcat
and nalaacaoljr.
Vaaa tha iroa aoaa
from tha blood ot
woawa tha roaaa co
from tbairchaaka. .
"la tha aioat common foods of America,
thsaurcaas, sunn, tab! syrups, eaadiea,
poUshsd riea, whits brtad. soda crack ara.
." bwnuta , nacaroai. spsghatti. tapioca, sago,
f anas, decermiaated corameal. ao loom ia
troa to ba foaad. Refining proceaaesbara
remevad the iroa of Mother Earth from
these impoTeriahod foods, and Billy SDethods
Vt horn eooksry, by throwing dowa tha
waata pipe the water ia which our vegetables
V rooked, are responsible for another grara
' vaa loss. There or yoa should supply tha
iroa defldeaey ia your food by tanng soma
form of orgsaie iron, Joat aa yoa would aaa"
,aU waeayosa food haaaot enough aatt. i
Iroa is absolutely nur aaaai r to saabla
W? food into Ireiag ttasue.
Witaaut it, do matter bow aiaeh or what jroa
food laaroly passes through y
Hthout doing yea sajr good. You doa't get
Ihetrengta out of it. sad as a eooeeqoesea
aroa become weak, pale aad aickly looking,
juealik. pUnt trying te grew ia s aoil defl
iea ialrea. If you are aot strong or well,
yowewajt to,yourseU ta ssake ta Ylollowima
;. tea t Sea bowHoaajrea caa work a baa far
V TUCKQim'Appat
I . n.
fan can wTV wftbona
becoming tired. Nrxt
tsks two nTe-graia tab
eta of ordinary liux
ated Iron three timea
per day after ineals for
fro weeks. Thsa test
7r strength again
sat raa how aiueh row
bsTfaiaed. Numbers
nt nrroui. run-dowa
people who were ailing at., tee while bsa
most astonishingly increased 'heir strsngtb
and anduraace amply by iroa in tha
from form and this, after ther Md ia soma
cases been going oa for months wi-tant get
ting benefit from anything. But ddt't talc
tha old forma of reduced boa. iron a .nest a,
or tiacturs of iroa simply to ear a few reKs.
The iron demanded br Mother Nature I
tha red coloring matter la tha blood of h
children ia, alas, aot that kind of iroa, You
must tsks iron in a form thst caa ba easily
absorbed aad aeaiaulated to da you say
good, otherwise it may prove, worae lhaa
UAmrracTtntBafc Kothi Nuxated Iron. '
which is prescribed aad recommended above
by physiciSB is aot a secret remedy, bat one
wbcq lis well kaowa to druggists. Lnlikatha
elder inorganic iroa product ltris easily aa
aimilatad. doe aot Injurs the teeth, make
thsa black aor upset tha atomsch. Tha
maaufarturer Ruarsatca saceesBtuI aad aa
tireHr sstmfsater eesw)tate every parch aae .
or ther. will teiaad year snoney. it ia da
niBiirfia this city by aUgooAdrugpaes.
Sold in This City y.Danlel J. Fry and j.
The Story of si Honejrmobn
a Wooderfol Rauuuu of Harris Life WrmderfoUy Told by
"Margaret!. Wke up!" My
motlier-In-law stood beside-my bed
side f en tly, shaking me. I felt as if
I had been asleep for hoars, although
the night light - streaming in from
tue nan illuminated the face of my
little .clock . and. showed me that It
was only 12 o'clock. ; i
It was the first evening Mother
Graham and I had stayed alone since
the Underwoods had left us. Dicky
had gone into town to a men's thea
tre party and supper, and had told as
not to expect him until the 2 o'clock
traln.; ':- - -.. :
"What Is the matter. Mother Gra
ham?" I whispered back, t
" ' "T triftlfc- fflAra la ,nniuiiiV tn'tli
kitchen,", she returned, still in the
same low rolce. "Put on, your kimo
no and slippers and tome down with
me." - : ,
.'Shall I call Katie? I asked, as
I slipped on the articles she had In
dicated. - . " ' , .
"What's the use?" jny mother-in-law
returned tartly. "She would on
ly scream and be frightened out of
ner wits. . Are you ready? Come
along.' ;v ,;.
I have never considered ' myself
coward, but I must admit that if It
naa not been for my mother-in-law's
example I would have heal tat h h.
fore going down to the kitchen to in
vestigate any suspicious noise there.
But I was ashamed to admit any such
hesitation before my mother-in-law.
who presented as intrepid a front In
he, voluminous gray dressing gown
as ever a general did on a battle
field. . . . , ,
"Where's your pocket flash light?"
she asked when I was ready to ac
company her.
. "Right here." ' .
I picked up the little electric can
dle which always stood on my dress
ing table.
"Give it to me."
A Most Unexpected Picture.
I smiled In the darkness at her
peremptory tone.
"Come on then, and keep quiet I
wish to surprise whoever's in that
kitchen.7 i- ( . . ; ( ; :' :..
I felt grimly that we were the
ones who mieht b unmrit t
real burglar were in the house,-but
I said nothing and followed my mother-in-law's
tall. stately figure
down the stairs and through the low.
er hall to the iktchen door.
Before I reached it, however. I
was convinced that the Intruder,
whoever he was, was no burglar. A
bright light streamed through the
cracks of the door into the hall, the
smell of boiling coffee was in the air.
and we could hear a low rumbling,
masculine voice. Then a feminine
giggle struck my ears, and I realized
the truth, v . .
Katie must be in the. kitchen en
tertaining some masculine caller,
nfoet probably Jim. . I would hav
turned back and reproved the girl
for the lateness of the hour the next
day, but my motber-lh-law was made
of sterner stuff. '
She threw the door open suddenly
but noiselessly, and a most unexpect
ed picture was presented to ps.
The kitchen was brilliantly light
ed and the kitchen table was spread
with one of my small" luncheon
cloths. On it was spread a goodly
portion of the remnants of the roast
left from dinner, together with other
viands. Some cantaloupes of extra
fine quality, and, therefore, extra
price, which I had purchased for our
breakfast the next morning, also
adorned the table, while four bottles
of beer from the supply Dicky had
ordered for (the entertainment of
Harry .XTnderwood completed the
feast. '
"Jim, You Tell Dem."
Seated In a big rocking chair which
I had provided for Katie's kitchen
was .Jim, a fatuous smile upon his
broad face and his arms aronnd Ka
tie, who, perched upon his knee, was
rumpling his hair;, between ' kisses
and giggles, :
At 'ur; entrance; Katie gave one
startled scream., then- dashing away
from Jack's side, .she put her. hands
up to her face -and cowered in a cor
ner, for all the world as if she expect
ed, an old-fashioned switching. Jim
got to his feet awkwardly and stood
flushing a brick -red from embarrass
ment, although I detected a glint of
anger In his eyes.
-I did not blame him. I felt an in
truder, as if I had Toughly drawn a
veil from something: which, o mat
Save Your Hair! 3Iake It Thick,
CUossy and Beautiful! ,
, at Once. '
Try as you will, after an applica
tion of Danderine, you can not find
a single trace of dandruff or falling
hair and rour sc&ln will not ttrh Knt
I what will please you most will be
aiier a lew weeks use, when yon
see new hair, fine and downy at first
yesbut really new hair grow
in? all over the scalp.
A little Danderine Immediately
doubles the beautv of vnnr hair Va
'difference how tiull, faded, brittle
ana scraggy, just moisten a cloth
vith Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. : The effect is im
mediate and amazing your hair will
be light, fluffy and wavv. and ha
an .appearance of abundance; an ln-
comparanie lustre, sortness and lux
uriance, the beauty and shimmer of
true hair health.
, Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter, nnrt nmvo th nn.
hair" is as pretty and sort as any
tusi it nas oeen neglected or injured
by careless treat menta A email trial
bottUrwill double the beauty of your
" . nMW - siuauiin wrs s a v - s
"MMsmnMaajaMMsisSMaaas.MM.l ' - ' IQt C.
Starts Today
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday -
of the
Photographed at
i The most astounding, unusual
and unconventional motion pic
tures ever taken.
the most, cruel,
tavage on earth .j
Photographed at the risk o life' by
Martin Johnson. "Cannibals of the
bouth Seas' represents Tourteen
months of hazardous exploration in
the Fouth Pacific where tho tnan-'
eating savage stiif abounds. Motiflrt
Picture Classic says: "They have ten
times the grip of an average photo
play. Motion Picture News declares
they are "remarkable and probably
the most unusual that have ever been
taken." The New York Times says
they are -absorbingly interesting."
, Cannibals of the South Seas" Is an
unstaged human drama, thrilling, ex
citing, entertaining and unusual.
ter how crudely expressed, was yet
sacred to these two.
Hut my, mother-in-law saw noth
!ng In the scene save impertinent re
sumption and indelicacy.
"I should think you would hide
your face, you wicked glrlt" she be
gan. "How dare you have a man In
the kitchen at this time of night?
What do you suppose Mrs. Graham
and I think of you?"
"Oh, Mother Graham, do stop." I
said, but she paid no heed to me.
"And stealing food to make a
spread like this." my mother-in-law
went on, when a hysterical scream
from Katie startled us both. The girl
took down her hands from her face
and advanced toward us with a face
ofsuch fury that Instinctively I
stepped in front of my mother-in-law.
I was actually afraid the girl
might strike her.
"You bad. bad old vomans to say
dot to me," Katie shrilled. "I not
bad g.'il. I not steal food. Dot stuff
In house . I cook, I feex, vr not I
eat?" ,
I jw her naive viewpoint at once.
nd I felt my heart go out to the
Ui, mho I saw was almost besido
henitlf with shame and anger.
And vy not I have a man h iny
kitchen?" Katie went on superbly
igaonng my mother-in-laVs com
manding gesture to stop. 'I not old
vomans, I yong girl, vy I sta all by
myself? pesldes "
She iroke oft abruptly and turned
to tho t netful giant standing by in
chair they had left.
"Jlnf, you tell dem." i y ,
Jim coTighed. 6hcflu-d blr fertranr?
tii-rt tli'tied out:
"Well, yu see. ma'am. 1U'1 and
um got engaged this evening. AVqie
going u ret married prttty soon.'
(To be continued)
'promptly expelled from the blood.
This is a time when the system is
especially susceptible to them. Get
rid of all Impurities In the blood by
taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. and thus
fortify your' whole body and prevent
iiinees. , . .
Boat Schedule Causes Post
. ponement of Historic
Founders' Day will be celebrated
at Champoeg May S, this year Instead
of May 2 which la the actual anni
versary of the hoetorie meeting . at
which Oregon became United States
territory, .The change has been
made necessary by the boat schedule.
It was found Impossible to charter a
boat from Port and on Friday and as
a result the celebration was changed
to Saturday.
P. H." D'Arey of Salem has been
chosen as president of the day and
will be in charge r all arrangements.
The program will consist of speeches
having . a ' five.' minute limit, music
and readings and aluncheon at noon.
The Fern wood band of Yamhill coun
ter will supply the Instrumental mu
sic. .!
State Exchange Is Incorporat
ed for Benefit of Work
ers and Families
Practical education of member of
affiliated labor organlrationsand oth
er citizens Is the object or the State
Exchange, a corporation formed by
the ofricers and members of the Cen
tral Labor council or Portland. Ar
ticles were filed yesterday with Stat
Corporation Commissioner H. J.
The corporation propose to en
lighten Its members "In political and
economic' science and In the practice
of cooperation In the marketing of
products of labor and" articles of
commerce and also In the business of
Ananais had
nothing on
this bird
He lied and his friends lied until
they didn't know the troth when
they heard it and all to Venter,
tain" a romantic maiden from up
Vermont way It ' a scream!
mi Costs iBfs X9
. - ' " a, . . . . .
' 1
c are showing the biggest and best assortment in town at
popular prices. In bujing direct from the manufacturers ai
New York and Philadelphia we" save'you all the middleman's
profit. . ,
Ladies' Coats and Dolmans ............ $10.00 to $37.50
Ladies' SuiU .......... $11.90 to $35.00
Ladiei' HaU $1.98 to $6.45
4 " Our Prices Always the Lowest "
GALE & CO'. - : .
Yictory Bonds Celebrate tke Victory
gqvernlng?and cooperating- with the
government ror the mental and mor
al betterment of our member and
other citizens and for their material
Improvement and promotion of the
general welfare.". . . .
' It is planned that the education
shall be promoted by meads or lect
ures, distribution of literature and
by other methods that are permitted
under Oregon' laws, the expense to
those served to be merely the ost of
the service rendered. The revenue
and Income ot the corporation will
be from contributions, admission
fees and the cost of service rendered.
The exchange will have a general
committee and will be under, the
management of the board of five
members whose term of office shall
be rour years. The first board of
managers shal serve until the last
Monday of March. 1920. ,The mem
bers of the first board are W. E.
Klmsey. O." E. Kellogg. W. O. Elford.
H. Brown and G. V. Bennett. Trus
tees named In the articea are Harry
Anderson. W. E. Klmsey. E. J. Stack:.
O. E. Kellogg. W. C. Elford. O. W.
Bennett and II. Brown.
The agents employed for the treat
ment of disease are taken from . the
thrre kingdom of nature, the veg
etable animal aiad mineral. - Moat
medicinal substance are taken from
the vegetable kingdom and consist
of, leave, flowers, seeds, barks and
roots. The old-fashioned roqt and
herb remiedy, Lydla E, Plnknam'a
Vegetable Compound, which owe Its
success to the vegetable kingdom,
has - constantly grown in popularity
and favor uaUl it Is now recognised
as the standard remedy for female
til. - - -
Airing of Fish and Game Con
troversy Is Postponed
Because Frank M. Warren, a mem.
ber of the fish and game coram I si ton
who Is under fire by the Oregon
Sportsmen's league, has beej called
east unexpectedly, a, hearing uf
charges against the commission
which Governor Olcott set for next
Friday has been postponed indefi
nitely. The governor will Issue an
other call to members of the com
mission, the sportsmen's league and
any others wtho claim t have facts
bearing on the affair as soon as Mr.
Warren returns.
The governor's call or a meeting
next Friday was made public last
Sunday. On Saturday, however.
Warren had left for the east A
w" PPrlsed of the call
State Fish and Game Commissioner
Carl D. Shoemaker telegraphed for
Mr. Warren and got Into touch with
him at Spokane. According; to ln
formatloa reaching here Warren In
formed Mr. Shoemaker that his call
est was very, unexpected and that
he could not return t
tor a week from that date.
.Tb ChrUUn Endeavor social of
Psbyterlan church was held
at the home or Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
nengs Friday night. : reriy
guesu were present Including M a.
f uJ2lI,cer "V11 Colgan and O.
F. Booth of Salem.
Mrs. Walter no-.. i. .
... . . o t iru
rery 111 at her home.
ReV. Mr. FOX Vtt PnrtL.J I.
Yorir new suit, or the old one either, for that natter,
will not have the real "dressed cp" appearance with
ont a nice pair of shoes or oxford. You should sta
those ; x : . . fl, .1-f i .!
Stetson Drown Calf, English lace shoes at -..130
Stetson Brown Kid, straight Jast, Bluchers at .12X0
R tt B. Brown Calf English, Neolin soles, at .$7.00
It. & B. Brown Calf, round toe, Bluchers, at. 13.00
Stetson Blacks in English, Corndodger or straight lssts,
splendid shoes, at..... $U.C0tofiz00
Stetson Brown Calf Oxfords, officer's style, pliia toe,
very swell at llZQ
R. L B. Black Kid or Calf shoes at from . .1 . 43.00 to $150
Brown Calf Eugliah, lace, sizes 1 to 2,9.............$JX0
Sizes 3 to 6 .l!l.$i.73
Brown Calf, round toe, Blucher, sizes 1 to 2l J.$1S3
Sizes 3 to C t !. $4.C3
Black Calf, English, sizes 12 to 13 ...... ,$3.e0
sizes 1 to 2V .......... " ' 123
sizes 3 to 6 ......
Black Calf, Englbh Neolin soles, 1 to 2. Ck50
Sizes 3 to 6-..., $X75
liliek Calf, round toes, Oak soles, sizes 10 to 13W . 13 na
sues i to 2 :..:,:i.i3.7o
Sues 3 to 6.. -pis
This is jtut a few of many. Come ia and inspect then.
Waa a
mm'm'mlml''l''Wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!mmllllmmmmmw mmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Small in sl-sret la rulU- Stxltxmn CWfledJLb