TMtS OREUOX STATESMAN I TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1910 ni 6 o F fl ri-ovOt T TV ryjTt r The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper . F C X O Tj Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While P NORWICH UNION. FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY ThlclMO, Roland Burghanlt Resident Agent 871 Bute St. HONEY TO LOAN FOR UN IMPROVED FARM PROPERTY AT (.OWEST RATES. MO COMMISSION 1 nUJt A U1U Baah, Salens, Or. 2CENT "CENT FARM LOANS Wa loaa money for five years. We allow yea to par 8100 or maltiple oa Ua principal on any interest data.' Wa close eat loans promptly. Hawkins and Roberts, SI 4 Masonic Bldg.. Salem, Ora. CLASSISTED ADTKRTISKKKirrs . . Rata Fa Word. ' Plrat laaertlon ............... le Subsequent laaertiona ........He Om week (six Insertions )...... Sc On a month ................... So Six months contract, par mo., to It months' contract, par mo... 7c No acet. opened for less than. 85c A aaat card given froa with an advertisement to the extent of 60e anaounciag "For Bala" "For Rant" -Rooms" or "Board.- I ICI MsaaSSjsShaVtafhrsaalaShSaShjA I , NEW TODAY, r Eaeh new classified , advertise ment will be run under "New To day 'or the first insertion, unless othevwlae ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under Its proper classification. No- advertiaement will b run under "New Today" for more than on issue under any clrcumatancee NEW TODAY NOTICE HAVE TWO SPAN Gov ernment mulea left, weight 2400 and 2100. are sound, young gentle and ;wall broke , Price $15, f 225 I per span.- If in need of good team don't : overlook this. -ia certainly a bargain. . Also one horse team., weight 2920. age 7 and S. are perfectly sound, al , o some harness. 254 S. Liberty. Marring feed store. IF TOTJ-WANT TC BUY, SELL UK iraae your oia auto or auto parts see Stetnttock Junk Co (Auto nrecaers) ize Nortn commercial St. " Phone 30 FOR,SALE 43 ACRES FIRST CLASS J run land in Polk county. 8 milea rom Salem. Cheap If taken at once. Lasts Apt No. 14. 301 East Cout u Pendleton. Oregon. GIRL. EXPERIENCED IN GENERAL houswwork wanted Call at 74S South Commercial St. . LADIES' AND GENTS IF. YOU ARE troubled with headaches or falling hair, you need Dr. Scott' electro . . magnetio combs and brushes, and far all nervous trouble we recom mend , Dr. Scott's health corset. You , get them at 243 N. Liberty -St. Come see them. ;y . ,., v... .. DEVELOPING1 CLASS IN SOUL - science and spiritualism every Tuea oy evening. S p. m.. at 343 N. Lib erty Sc. All welcome FOR SALE ONE HOLSTEIN COW Freah in ( week. One Guernsey, I fresh ln three weeks. One Durham cow, freshlOlfr N Commercial street. LIGHT- BRAHMA HATCH J NO EGGS .laying strain E. B. Flake. 690 8. 17 ta.. Phona 1044 j. WANTED GOOD - BLOCKY HORSE ' not over 8 year old. weighing; 1200 I be. Also inch wagon. I'none 34 W LOST BETWEEN 1140 NORTH Front and Ye Liberty theater, or in theater, lavallere. Leave at States----man office . . FOR SALE A SILO. 8x32 ft.. AND on 12x32 ft., both in splendid coh- , ditlon. Almost good as new Am go . lng into the berry business and can not usa them. Here is a splendid .opportunity for a man with cows to get a cheap silo. Phona 2S4 or 622. WANTED SECOND COOK AT ORE- gon Tuberculosis hospital. Pays 360 per month, with board, room and laundry furnished. Phone 433 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS WE HAVE been savins: our automobile custom er 2$ per cent on the cost of their ! insurance, during thef past ten years. for fire, theft ,and (collision cover age. Wa also cover liability and property damage Insurance. If you own a car you take big chances to be .without this protection. W. A. Johnun Insurance AiencF. over Ladd ac Bush Bank. Salem. Phone ' 347. . , : i SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE la TftTT WAVT TCt TttlY OR SELL A car come and ! see us. Three "Fords 1. ll, 1I1S and moaeii Excelsior Motorcycle and side car. 114 Studebaker touring. 191V Over land, good aa new. 3100. Ford, come and see It and you'll buy. First class auto laundry. Ralem Auto Exchange. , formerly Campbell's Auto Exchange. 229 State atreet- Phone 847. List your property trade with us. GOOD. BUYS ti aee tract. 24 acres Italian prunes. balance mostly in grain, some tim ber. Price oo. I 40 acre farm. 13 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture. House and barn., running water. atock and a machinery goes. Price annua 28 acre tract. IS acres tinder cultiva tion, balance pasture, 1 acre of lo ganberries, ,1 acres cherrlea, 4 room house, barn. 8 head of horse, two cows, all farm machinery. Price 33140. 40 acre' pruna orchard, 35 acres bear ing prunes. 2 acres pears, 5 mile from Salem." Prtca $275 per acre. mAX - fee aavaa Saa4a 411 1 1 I- vatlon. halancb mo.Uy timber 7 room house, large barn, spring ).. f r fia nr arr I 286 acre farm. 170 acre In fall crop. K.i.n in timber and DSSture. room house, good barn, located on main county road. Price $65 per acre. $5000 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent Interest Good f room modern bungslow located on paved street, ,eat fronL Price 3X600. ' ' , It you want to buy, trade or aell. sea t XT. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 Bute streeL NEW TODAY FOR WANTED HOI TWINERS . AND tralnera. intone -iiirj. SALE A FEW 6 TO S FOOT uatian prune trees. Phone 111F3. FARM 338 ACRES OR DIVIDE $100 per acre, improved road, railroad, mail route, phone, cream route. IV mi lea from Dallaa Mary Lee. Dallas. SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE tor sale Good Za acre trace 8 milea from Salem, on good road, near school and church. About IS aerea , in cultivation and crop. Good barn small house, family orchard, fine well. . 4 gocd cowa, good hofse, wagon, harness. buggyg farm ma- . chinery. gasoline engine tools. M Jestlc range, and household furni ture, crop, all for S52S0. Some terma. For aale Extra fine 20 acre tract near Salem all -in high atate cultivation. 4 acres bearing prune orchard, f atn Uy orchard and small fruits. Good t farm buildlnea. on fine road near school. bargain fo 96800. Some I term. For Sale Fine large mbodern house ( and larae lot with all kinds of bear ing fruits, a fine home. In good lo cation in Salem. Snap for $3100. terms. Well worth $4500. See ua for bargains. Perrlne A Marstera. 304 Hubbard : Bide, . Sa- Itm, Oregon. EMPLOYMENT AGESTS WANTED AOKNT WANTED IN . KRl IT UKOW ta,!M- t'iHn!lSJ . ll'.ll. I . i . I AWV II UP. mil, aw mm , " 7 . - - r run Merchant. Kpttaitieiaa Aiarnei. Ln- don. E.' 1. Englana. '" ' stAI.E .' PHOSE 1001 FOR PARPEN PLOW1XQ. I WANTED GARDEN PLOWIXO. PHONE am WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman. Address "A32" statesman otflce. -.. - r ronvn VI ji vr WHO ATTENDS Busi ness College mornings wishes work J ri.rnnnniL Phone- 448J or StZ N. Capitol street, i - ' ' , - ' ' ' MEN WANTED AT WEST LINX .PAPEI vtl 1JR 42 HOTjR. S HOUR DAY. SF.F MR. F: T BARLOW AT HOTr.l. ACRQSh RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAK BEDS 20e SIGHT: BEST MEALS S5c. F0RRENT. BOARD AXP ROOMS BOARD AND : ROOM. FOR - r'JW" worklnsr men: S7.6 pert weea. a N. Commercial atreet. . i - - , HOCSBS a.aaaaa shssisaask rOR RENT-HOUSES. APARTMENTS aad farm. F. LT Wood, 341 State . trMt Phone TS4. - T ROOMS ROOMS FOR BENT 1030 . Phone 1280.-. i CHEMEKETA. nut BFTP S ROOM PLAT. 810. 3-ROOM flat S7.50. J. H. Iantermaa. raoaa ruv or 678 - ' -- ' FOR RENT THREE CUMrbfcic-iii ftimtahMl houaaKeeo DC room a. rea sonable. Phona 1876M. or call at 400 S. Church street. FOR SALE juummmr -i-i-iii - -- -- - -11 11 .BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ( uTjxnj-Lru-riJi mm SEND FOR A FREE OIL MAP OF THE tat of Texas, ahowina ail on iieias. Oil Brokers Exchange. 216'. Eaat Houaton St, San Antonio. Texas, s JUST SECURED; FROM EASTERN manufacturer Pacific Coast rights for Auto Accessory useo oy t oroa; noi a 'luxury; an absolute neceasity. Want party to take full charge of buaineaa aa Intereated part owner; my time occupied elaewhere: or Will aell the county or -state right. 247 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco. Ivaptort REPRESENTATIVE OF KX cluaive new auto discovery oesirea live wire poaaeaaing both aales and executive ability to act aa county diatributor. Small amount of capital required for stock, fully protected by refund privilege. Good man should make 3100 per week with steady in crease. McCalHstery 1448 Polk Street, San Francisco. Cal. LIVESTOCK. UUUWIIW1"-''l'' ' - -- -- -------- FOR SALE FRESH COW. PHOXE 103F11. MISCELLANEOUS ru-Lrinn - u 'i " i i ORGAN FOR SALE EASY TERMS. 51S OoorJ. FOR SALE BEAXS 1601 Center St. 84 PER HUXDRED. FOR SALE 1018 DODGE TOURING CAR. ' Good ah ape. " Phone 87J. - - BTRTrrt.Y -FRESH UNFERTILE EOOS for preserving. Delivered. Phoaa 8CP22 PRUNE GROWERS ATTENTION SEE patented praae tray at Salem FraK Union. FOR SALE GARAGE, GOOD LOCATION oa Pacific highway. C. G. Miller. Box 73, Jefferson, Oregon. 1 CADILLAC TRUCK FOR SALE. WHITE toarina car for sale or will take light ear ia trade. 238 B. Com'l. Pkoae 362. RABBITS FOR SALE ALSO PEDI greed Rufua Red fof service. Cap ital City Rabbttry, 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 75 : . - j - DALLAS BOX CO.; OF DALLAS. ORE, mannfaetarera of all kinds of boxes and fruit trays. Write them for .prieea. Patented prune tray on' display at D. A. Wait Sen Feed Store. Salem. PEERLESS GASOLINF ENGINE, 38 horsepower. 3 cylinders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. In good condition. 108 gallon tank. Price $1000. Scott Boiorth. Spalding Bldg, Portland. Oregon. BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A CUM. flete act or le.voiumea, cioin oin ng. new. never unboxed. Will sell for less than cost. Addreaa "Book." care Statesman. - M ISCELLANEOTJS. , CAPTIVITY OF THE OAAN GIRLS Thl tm tory of. western lmml- ...iinn Haa - been carefully revised, I mikii a Handsome little book. It ' tell In graphic terms of tha maasa A th- nttmia familT. of the s- cap of Lorenko. and the captivity of Mary and OUva. Mary died of tar vaUon aad OIIt wa purchased from k- Tmiiana Urm vaara later. The " nrlca la 88 cent, postpaid. Address ! Oregon Teacher Monthly. Salewu or. POULTRY MALLARD DUCK EGGS FOB HATCIUXO. .A. l. ,k - f . Ri,l,..f1 I POI1.THT. SALE 'WHITE-FACED BLACK Spanish eggs. $1.60 per 15 eggs. M. A. Ysndeuourg. Rout S. Salem. 544 STATE 8T.; PHOXE 400. Headquarters for bsky chicks. Lsfkorna, Red a. Rocks, kllaorcas. Bst stock. Prleaa reasonable. O. X. Xeedkaa. Bex 413, SaUm, Or a. . v . IF YOU WANT TO GET THE! BEST farm paper, sand 10c to tba Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WANTED MISCELLANEOE S. WANTED FCRXISHED HOUSE, PHOXE 870J. . HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID POR gooa clean rag, rreee rioom tales man. ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY WASH. POLISH AXD ORXA8E TOt'R CARS at 320 N. Commarelal. AUTO SKRYICM 8HIPP,SvAUTO SERVICE CITT AND country trips. Phone: Day, 9(1; night, lit. TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING GATES HALP-SOLB TIRE SERVICE Station. 117 South Commercial EC Phona 411. REPAIR WORK t' t HtrrCHisox 24 state street. Phona - Sit. Overlaad serviea aad gaa- eral repair akop. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN. WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregivi Cedar Camp No. 1144. meets every Phureday evening at S o'clock la De, by building, corner Court and High streets. J. F. Day. V. C F. A. Turner, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS DRAVS AND EXPHKSS (JtRMER TRANSFER-WE MOVE AND store goods. Day phoa 930. Night phone ISiS. CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER COMPANY Phona S33. Salem' largest and bast equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rate oa eaatern ship ment. Also for storage, aa w have threa warehouse In connection - ' business. Furniture movta " lng, shipping , and storing aatt sv elaltr Office. 214 State rtr.. "rDtAXClAX. FREE IXFORMATIOX IF TOU WANT IX- foraiatioa a boot AXY KIND et life ia auraaee, aee J. F. Hatckaaoa, district asaa aeer for tba Mataal Life ef Xew York. Office at 371 State St.. Salem, Ore. Of fir phone SO. reaideare 1 39. JUNK JtTNK I BUY JUXK OP EVERT KIND RAOS. bottles, atetala, iroa, . all kiads " ef ma. rkiaary, broken down . automobiles aad parts of aotomobilea. Steinboek Jaak Co., 320 S. Commercial 8U 'Salem. Pkoao 803. JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST prlca for Junk of ovary, kind. Let us make too a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" Houee Capital Junk Co.. 371 Chemeketa Bt Phone SIS. LAUNDRIES. wsSaSwaSsSaaSislMSsShaktaaaa HOP LEE EXPERT LACXDRT MAN. 43 Ferry Bt. I pay top aaarkct price for ehickeaa aad etrga. Houae pkoao 1833J. Shop pkoae 1339J. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, te per pound. 138 South Liberty St, Phona 38. . - . HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing doa at a rat every body can afford. For only 88 cent w . will collect, wash aad deliver your ' washing within , twenty-four hours. Phone 3471. - NACBUUTt WB DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF alt kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetyleae welding, gaa angina repair ing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown. Prop.. 383 Chemeketa street. Sal am. MONEY TO LOAN. akjskaSkjrBaeakaaaa Federal Farm Loan 414 year time Hi per cent Interest Prompt service - Federal Farm Loan Bonds for Sale. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. NURSERIES 50.000 TO.75.000 ITALIAN PRUNE TREES for fall delivers 1 4 mites east -ef state penitentiary. Phone 111F21. Fraitlaad Xarsery Co., R. S. Saleca. Oreroa. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fitting, har ness, collars, collar pads, tool, and chain. Fred Bchindler, 266 Canter street. WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. Will buy, sell, trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay tha highest cash price. I also handle clothing. Sea J. A. Rowland Furniture Store. 247 N .Commercial. Phone 1. PIANO TUXXiS. R. W. BKLLAXTTXE. PIAXO TUXER. Cherrinrton Piano Haas. Pboao 3jJ. PAINTERS F. H. KATLOR. PAINTER. Sit SOUTH Winter. Phona its. WALL PAPER, PAINT rIFTEEN CENTS A DOUDLB ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper ot Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial street-! . . , ' 11 a SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 45 Court St. Phone 438. WOVEN WIRE FENCING DmmI Natlaaal k Asaerieai alt alsea. Z la. te SA la, klgk. ralata, OHa aad Varalahv Stevea Rehmllt and Rrpatree', laraaberry aad Ham Hooka. Salena Feaea A Steve WeeaLB. tS4) Coart St. Phoaa 1X4 ft. B. BXBsTNO. TRANSFER nAtXTNO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KINO ye or - hauling. Household g . j moving Jobs doao prompt ly. Try ma once,- Tlmme. 471 State St. oh one llttJ. Phoa 343. Residence Read the Classified Ads. PROFESSIONAL "chYropractic " " . tn ii. .(..wwwxww.wwa i DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE rorr.rti th eauaa of dlaeaea. Office 404-t-l y. 8. National anii Building. I Phona ST. Reaideaca 2IK OSTEOPATH T. DR. W. U MERCER. GRADUATE ahvi oiiMuthr Kirk. ; ) villa. Mo.; treata acute and, chroma . a aiaeaae. urnce - u. e. naiioau Bank Bldg. .Phona tl. Reetdeaea, aia Karth Hummer. Phoneai. I . . 1 , mvb.w - n ' hV " ysCH""oV'So: Phone mi. iireme advance or 1 10 .. eas- 'CHIJfEaS PHTSICiAE DR. U M. HUM cures ant known disease. HI 8. High Bt. Phono 1S. - water I BAl.KM WATKK juu vrriMi. stl b. ....,. Bn(t Interna t innala flm To-' Commercial atreeC For water aenr-, 1 , n" internsuonsis Urns. To lea apply at of ftca. Make au com-1 tsl sales, psr value, aggregated $17. lalnta at Ue office. No dedactlona 1 1 873.000. Old United States bonds In hilla will ha allowed fo absence wer. unchanged or for any caueea whatever on leaa wtre UBCnajeq ' water is cut off from premises, nere- after water for irrigation wUl only bo furnished to raaralar euatomars us ing water for domeetle purpoaea. Contractors for idewalka, brica work or plaataring. will -pleaaa read for balldlag purpoaea' aader sched ule of rates. Apply at offioa for copy . PTJBLIO NOTICES Tr r .--..-....- IS THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATS ef Oregon, for tke eeaaty et atari a, uopt. Ne. X. P. O. Rogoway, plff va. E Rage- Ami. . Motto la aeroay givaa va an Brayauta Bldg. Salaam, Or., ea; r before . j;. v : .k. . v.. i ui a va uri lUTincr. wilh aari pris4PrA, J1B1( SSSlWeaaj w w a,w as a w -j m aaaav e Y 4B 4V e 7fJ s m-sj atyU ef -Tke Isaepeadaat Market." at , to $51.55 U. Qats XXinM hlf O K I RATE Kalm, orefoa. I proaaai iae saaae aaiy - . f . tH I shaHfiahal tsh tstsk aa.ftlmiM ft I I rraa& 1 4a. 1 jf a aw aw a-aa- aaavi wa Xtt'Vli:. w'"kt MLt7iSr .TeI1 h!f her ?rtce? filed la tea above eaaae ta pay all tree aad , tke final aceoaal-ef tae reeeivar aaa ia kave said receiver disckerf ea. F. N. DrK. reelr. WHOLE MILK . . .. - .. , AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co, Salem. Oregon. Phone 2488 SALEM MARKETS I UUYIXO PRICK : Rggs and Poultry. Eggs. 39c. ' Hens, 31c Old roosters. 1 6c to 1 te. . Pork Mattoo and Beef. Pork on foot. 174 e to 18c. Ewes, 1002 c Beef steers, 10c Ccws. S. Top Veal, 2 1 e. ? ' , llay,-. it5. . - - . Cheat, per ton. $14. Clover, per ton. $25 to 26. . . Graim. Wheat. 2J -Oats.' 75e to lOe. Beans, nominal. MUI Feeds, : ReCaO. . ' Mill run. $43 to $44 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DKALER8 tVreamferv baiter, prints, 0 to lie. Butterfat, f.o.b Salem, le. FrulL Oranges, IS to $S.I0 ) Bananas, 9c. Lemons. $S to $5,76 a box. California grape fmtt. $3.75 a box. Vegetables. Cabbage,. 5c to c. - . Onions. $3 to $4 a sack. ' Cauliflower. $1.50. to $2 per dot. Carrot. $2.00 a ssek.. Parsnips. 3 He per. lb. . Turnip. $2.60 a sack. - Retail PrW. Creamery . butter, 5c. -Dairy butter, COc. Eggs. 45c. . Flour, hard wheat. $7 90 to $3.15. Flo n. valley, S2.B&C$Z.9e. Sugar, cane and beet, lOe. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.75. . PORTLAND IIARKETS I Grain. PORTLAND. Ore.. April 14. Grain future bids: Oats. No. 2. white feeds April and May. $51.50; barley, standard feed. April. $52.50; May, $53.50. Barley, atandard "A April. $53: May. $54.50. Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats. No 3 white. April and May, $60. Oats, 38-pound clipped. Ap il,. $51.50; May. $51.75. Corn. No. 3 yellow April, $62.50; May. $3.50. Corn No. 3 mixed. April. $61.50; May $62.50. Sales. 100 tons Msy bar. ley at $54.50; 100 tons May "A barley at $55; 100 tons April "A barley at $50.50: 100 tons May feed barley at $53.50. , Dairy Produce. Prints, extras. 59c; cubes, extraa 57 He: prime firsts. 5Cc. Butter- at. Portland delivery: No. 1 'su cream, 61c. Pvttatoee. Potatoes: Locals, selling price. $1.75 If $1.90; new California. ir 12aC. . XEW YORK 5LRKET8 NEW YORK. April 14. Evapor ated apples quiet; state 174?19Y. Prunes , firm; California 11 4220 u; Oregon 104 t? 19. Teaches qui et: standard 17 V.; choice 13 4. t? 19; fancv 19 Vi 20. Hops firm; state medlom to choice 1918, 30(S40; 1917. 20622:' Pa cifies 1918.' 37f?4v; 191.. 25OJ0. I Speculative Interest in Stocks Stimulated NEW YORK. April 14. Specula, tlve Interests In the stock market today were visibly stimulated by the publication of the official details of the coming victory loan, the smaller volume of that project and tha at trsctive Interest rate meeting with general approval. - There were intervals ot hesitancy. due mainly to realizing for profits, prompted by uncertainty reapeciLig tren1 of ne P' conference. put tne rise was muy sustained. moderate vartlona beln ofset hv ad- dltional gain, la the several croup. Of SDeClaltlea. ri, aBd coppers were the only consplcuoa. exception... f.lllns to hare more than nomlaaliy in the unlnt ant nK.linlltl nuiMmanfa I sweeping snd substantial movements. iieavmexa oi ai. nui mufi actea ail t m -a a a a I drae on the entire transportation j division. pn v.i. Fully half the days trading een- tered around motors, oils and shlp- nmri. . United Ststes Steel made sa ex- Ilnff slightly with kindred Issues In the further profit taking at the clos. Sales amounted to 1.100.000 ah area. Ubrty bonds, accepting JH'i Strengthened at first, but rescted slightly later; other domestics were Record Breaking Prices Figure in Corn Market CHICAGO, April 14. Record breaking high prices for provisions together with wet weather that re tarded tha rroti mnimnt hrnnrtit about a decided bulge today In th4 Was a rise of 67 to $2.80. snaracier.zea tne corn marxet ana I myA mora ranld trntnrn than inf Which bsd p:eeeded. I than half In crop now). Hp lead if range Deuy. to seeding lifted oatg. liV:;. Urgent export demand was said talkers, all hay aad feed. seed. ate. The account for the big Jumps Jn provla- iAna tk. i I swaavw "ta A VWia l VtW tl I W W 4KSB V( May delivery of pork and lard. 1 Deals in Real Eitate Jessie Davis Brooks et vlr to L. C Eastman and A. R. Eastman, part of lot 14. north city or Silverton; w. d. O. U. McOulre. et nx to Roy Grave and C. S. Graves acres and 09. aerea In Wood burn, $1000. ' Margaret klortensen et vlr to O. TJ. McOulre .(C scree and .09 acres la Woodburn. $1000. w. d. J. W. Bailey to SUyton Realty I and Holding company, lot 1, 2. 3, 4.1 Off Silverton road. 3Z4t ine iu block 1. Brewer and Richardson RMLook Bt thia onat 6 act- 1 mil from dltion to Stay ton; $125; W. d. - IS. Commercial atreet; S aerea lagan. 9 H. A. Schermerhorn et nx to Oil v M. Henrlcl part ot Lulu ' Manker Mareuam farm; $320; w. d. I Seth , L. Chapel et nx to W.: L. Woe lk et nx, 2 aerea la Habbayd: $1750; w. d. . t RIv;rviewLand company to Jehn n.v n-.ii.. . , "ir (i ua atrva, w g-4-lw: $1000; w. d. St. Benedict's Abbey to Karl Spnner, lot 1. and east ef lot 2. Benedictine addition to Mount An gel; $1025; w. d. i Nlcholar welter et nx to Charles Bany 24.65 acres. John Down ng claim; w. d. J William II. Edwards et nx to Ed ward Speight, lot 4. blick 11 Tew Park addition to Salem; q. d. i Rosa L. Stiff et vlr to J. F. Grs- benhorst, lot 10, block 6$; North Salem; w. d. ' Homer A, Taber et nz to Thomas Pfaw et nx 2.24 acres, see. 3 1-5-1 w. $800; w, d. Sarah A. Iddlngs et vlr to W. D. Scott et nx, 50 acres part of sections 13 and 14-4-2w; $500; w. d. Mary Bresko et vlr to Emil Zach et ux. 62.19 acres; section 35-5-lw; $14,230; w. d. Anna B. Hofer to John Fabry et or lot 22 and 23. Grabeahorst Fruit farm No. 2: $900; w. d. Vincent Shufranek et nx to C. F. Schofleld. lot 3. 4. 5. section 25 and lot 1, sec. 26. 9-2w. 117.83 acres. $1750; w. d. W. J. Unfoot et nx to H. 11. Harrla 20 acres, section 2 0-6-3 w; w. d. $3750; I ROLL OF HONOR Tha KlitMsitsti In reeponse to published appeal to parents of sol- dlers and sailors who lost their live In the service to notify the paper of snch casualties the honor roll Is gradually growing. An accurate Hat of these name aad rn format Ion eon - tern In r them will ba invaluable aad lnformstioa concerning gold service', stars ta both Marion and Polk eoas tles should be sent la as soon as pos fblp. The following are the nam of those from Polk and Martn counties wLo have made the supreme sacrifice. It Includes killed In action, as. well as those died of wounds, accident or disease wbn la the service. Army WUhelm E. Aalgren. C. L. Balard. Ivan E. Bellinger, Elton C. Blake. John C. Braden. Elmer Bress- ler. William M. Catton. Orley P. Chase, Monte Chrlatopherson. Leon L. Clsrk. Thomas Dean Cooper. Newman D. Dennis. Alfred Deranlan. Carrie R. Dwlre. Fred Ehlen. Milton Foreman. James Gardner. Edward Gittens, Martin Harless, Lieutenant nr. Cropp. Otis Hayes. Benjamin r. Hill. Harlan - Hoffman. Wayne C Jackson. Eugene Dsie Johnson. Roy Johnaoa. Aubrey Jones. Olln Jones. Dr. W. C, Kantner. Jacob Kerber. Basil Kirsch. Milton . A. Koorman. Glen Little. Ray Mark. Benjamin Mc Clelland. Everett S. Norton. Robert V. O'Nell. John II. Otte. William M. Read. George S. Reardon, Paul Rich. Charles Russ, Ernest J. Schnider. Chester A. Simmon. Stanley F. Thompson. "Leslie Toote. Thomas Townsend. Burt B. Whitehead. Ches ter M. Wilcox. Curtis M. WIllsou. Charles M. Woelke. Owar Zimmer man., Smith Ballard. Chester Coo per. J " ' ' REAL ESTATE . STOCK RANCH ACREM WITH house and barn; well fenced and Al soil, none better: I milea out. Will take a town property and list cash balance on time. See Fleming Realty Co, 441 State street. wood farm buts eiti . Polk; BUYS EITHER ON li on In Mar ion county: but a well located, and bargaina at 44 and ! an acre. Come In and see me on these.. Wm. Fleming, 241 State street. rTemiag Realty Co. A GOOD LITTLE BUT 21 ACRES IN crop; balance good pasture and a lit tle timber; first-clasa dark soil; run ning water; 4 milea out: fair hease and barn: must aell It. and now of fered at 1110. Cre and some per eoaal goes with it. feVee Fleming Realty Co. 141 State street. FOR TWO WkfcKS $4MO WILL BUT A xarre frail Una. I S erree aeanaa prase. 1 aerea ;aag erekara. I ' aerea logaaoaiTMa. appiea. pears, raemea, ipn rata, aeach rreea foe fasuly aae, aha straw berriee aad etker keeries; S-roeaa plaaiered -aaaWw. kara. carat sad etker taUd isca; SVa aUiea aoatk ef KsUav I I aiU ell Pnrifie kigkway. Dr. Baacreft, ewe, raaas 13. Brayaaaa Vleck. BEST BUYS 24 ACRES. IS CULTIVATED. feaaaa. a aerea voaae araaa S ACRES fair lav raiBia, atock. iaplaiata, toela. rock road, rlaae te acAL rkarefc aad atatiaa. Tkla ia a kartala for aeaae eae. Are yea that SM eaa I ltd ACRES. ALL IX CCLTIYATIOX. OXE ef Ike keel isiprrved farssa ia Mart eeaaty. S miles fresa railraad Iowa, eaiy mVcm all ix cultiyatiox. well draiaed. fair kU4iaa. 4H anWe frees Belaw, eaiy .ISO pW are. lai U .40 per leaa taaa U la werta, 93000 eaa a. al- SEV?RALl"CLOSE IX TRACTS AT attractive prieea. Far beat key sea Seeelafaky, Bayae Bailaiag. BETTER REALTY BUYS f " " . "T.T " n. .nT ,aa . . -.1,1. .,t twm-rm r"chomDl T-lr- Close to R. R. town aad high achooL S room bungalow, new: very comforta ble little hem. H block off tha mala street. 3 beautiful lota.- Good fruit. iiooe. 2IS S. 14th streeL Good 5 room baaga low. 1110.- Good term. 16tt acre appl orchard; ae bulloHaga Ipm location. $2oo. Pine location, lists. , IS aerea with rood house and oathalld- Inga. AU cultivated. 3200; $408 dowa and balance easy. . A real aaa. I acre and large mod era bouse; Just outside city limit; $418. ( 8 aerea; acre logaaberrte: fin fruit. rv n ai 1m. 1 14 1 v Hotu. X cowa chickens. Implemeata. ete, -etc r" r ??TV1 I ens noiut wun mis - lng plant, $460. 8 acre near Prat am. - C aerea loranber rlea. .No bulldiag. Fine Uad.- $2458. 1 16 aera. H rail to R. R. k acre of "IStlrA'ir. I 'T- - ri..- . reacea .no sHiuaiags. - S acre at Prwitlaad. Good handlers, rine little family orchard, a good lo gaa berry proposition. $1388. Quarter of a city block: splendid frait aad fine noil: f room house aad fV modern except baa meat: $8500. $1600 tah will haadla. saiaaca long unse. For Reilly Btrjaiat . SEE C W I0E11EYER, Xl-lIS Maseale BaDdta. FOB BXTT fAXMB. I FOB BEXT S ACRES. ALL.1X CULT1VA-. ttee. slssa to ear na. nee Becelefshy. "Bayae BaiUiag. ! FOB BEXT FARM 40 ACRES, READT TO plow, feed beeae aaa earn. rit w.. baa aSe ef arwa. Be 833, Salem. Marines Charles Ansr. Emery Bartlett, Erneat Eckerlan.. Navy Ernest Bennett, Kenneth Croeaaa. Joseph Martin. Clarence 3 Mlnker, Joseph H. Nelger. , Nurses Ora E. Cavitt, (The shove gold sUr honor rou . and Tol rxnatlea BOW rn, UsHan and Polk CXUBtlea BO I MBt.ia. .ixty-two names. If more should be added, or If any corrections should be made, will those who have the information pleas oulckly aead word to The Statesman.) I i4 VtTT Oaiti PreacHnz did . Returns to AdcertmngisZ It fae!::::n::.rulit .b iuiviv, Aym i. nuu u end of the $6,000,000 Victory 1 campaign set for April 30. P. W. I Ayer. cnairman oi ut naiionat com- mitteemen ot Northern BapUat lay men. Is -preparing to give up "his preaching snd return to his adver tising orgaaixatloa la .Philadelphia natil the middle ot next month when ha will leave for the Northers Bap tist convention which ia to open in Denver on May 21. "The average salary of a Baptist preacher la $800 a year. Well, af ter ha v lag been talking to Baptists for the past three months almost day snd night I believe I am competent to declare that our clergymen earn their money." said Mr. Ayer. "This campaign has been rather peculiar.- said Dr. Fred P. Haggard, national director of the Committee, "While Mr. Ayer has been touring the country delivering short, snappy sermons, the Rev. Charles A. McAl- pine, who ia a Baptist preacher, has been at national head nnart era writ eg puny, puacoy auveruacineai lor the drive. t Oar loyal Baptist women, whose .1.. - r- . .v-ii nwimiii in urctUiBl. IBDUI9 oa ia tae nome, nave neen out work ing among- the business men la be half ef the drive. And our business men. who are supposed to be at their desks, have been calling at the homes of other Baptists. Why. even the children are aiding the cam pal g a. Baptists hens In Ohio have bean lav ing golden eggs to Insure spiritual democracy at home aad for reran structloa work abroad. REAL ESTATE WANT TO r CI". AT OXCK. A ?HHJ leaa ea goad farm eerarity. Sereiotakf, ha; a BUg. rOR SALE AT A BARGAIN S-ROOil house and lot at 144S Norway Street. Addreaa Box 172, Pendleton, Oregoa. FOR SALE SEABX.T XKW S ROOM VOD ea kaafslear. Ut BOilOO. laiil Wars aad weeaaked. See U at Hoyt aad Wiaier Htreeta. CLOSE IX ACRE AO E 1 OR S ACRES. isspreved. fr sale rr rsat I aer far , !- eaar. Ciasta L. Adaasa. Pkaae yimtw. . . FOR SALE A CHICKEN RANCH OK oae acre, all la choice fruit, with I room houae. city and wtt weter. Very etoae.lo. All for $:o0. At 54 Bel moat aUeeC RATE RECEXTLT LISTED SOME ElT a4aat aargalaa fee grala. frail, se-k or dairy raaae. I eaa aaaias va la kav- i rigkt. Pr kM kaia ae Boeelaaskr, Bayae BaiUiag. : I HATE FOR StlK OR TRADE FOB PROP rtt la r aar SaUea, twe keaaee aad Ma aad ad aerea Improved eae miie fraas raaaty aaat tewa. VTaat kave yeaf Bex 173. TaUde. Or gaa. FOR SALE 28 ACRES: 10 IN OA at timber aad 10 acres excelleat logaa herry laad. Akuadaace of water. In Polk eouaty. Lea la Apt. No. 14. 34 Eaat Court street. Peadletoa. Oregon. rO SALE 20 ACRES NEARLY ALL IX. oertag feaa, aineary fir flee. la, , (air kaiUiaga. ame aaaloa aad ekarriM. A good iaeeme' predae-. If yea . veat aemetkiag ged la aad M ss skew yea. If. L aod. Bayae BUg. . OBEOOX AXD CALIPORXIA HOMESTEAD raiiaealaaaseai frr aaia. 120 ecraa, 49 goed , WL geed stream, aame good timber. IA aUie eaat ef Fenlaad. 4 miles from) Ce kamkia kigkwa. goad read ea plaea. aU reala, near aigkkera aad araeeL $1400. 331 JL 34th Bt, Saleaa. I FOB SALE T BOOM HOUSE. OABAOE. aavaa aireri, na leceiWe. t kaseka U ax lie. Sk te stale keaae, taraaea. Ue trie haala, gsa. siaeeiag aerrk. garden. EagUak wains ts, plenty ef frail. . 14V Overt Bt. A GENUINE SNAP 14 Si ACRES Or the ftaeet of fruit aoil and eaiy fear milea from Salens, oa good rock read; well fenced. Just the thlag for devel oplar late fine frait ranch, and clear lie coat In a very abort time. Offered this week at 1 11:4. See the Fleming Realty Co, 341 Stat street,- OUR' HOME FOR SALE BT OWNER . Splendid modern aevan room heuae: fall haaemeat. nice flrealace. firsar heat; Urge Improved 1L 63x143. -ea-tjaameketa street, one block rrom tke atate capltoL Keeseeable price Terms to suit. Addree "AOS" care htateemaa, . t , I A GOOD BUT 33x84) FEET ON EAST Sloe Commercial street, . aaa door north of Btat street. BaJem, together . with parpetaal rlgkl of way ever tke 14x44 feet tract ax toad 1 a a; froaa thU property ta Btat atreet- Tarraa. Apply Boott Boaortk, 111-8 .SiAlg Bldg, PortiaasL Oregoa. ; FOB EXCHAXCE MODTRX S-BOOM COT-' tag. lVb te S Serve at frait aad kerviea. S pealtry kaasa. small creek er a is place. eraasawMal asm aery, -aeved street aad eearrete walk, ia ! asstelontff tewa Otiag Gre. Or. . J r kWsia Salem property, email raark er arreafe, ee.eail fr . W, C ' Caaaar. ' Statesman f flea. i 22 Aats, SB si red eytiaf . U etream aad few acatienaa ak - troea. . AU r-4 atl. - t44 piaca fov'aaahry er aasali (rsiL AQ wU laaead. ae-etker le p rare aw sta. -Two mi rra r4 railreed lew, good seed to to-wa. fa itOo see .ere: I k that win re I Addreaa ' Seller. r- t, raa give asms tarwa aaa 4e aad la pre a. esrs I kt paper. , 200 Acre Frr4 100 la ealtival. 23 are rUaVer. kelaaee eaea aMr Uad. Ail trot aaeat 8 r a ear ret ) tiat mMi. 4A t ef farm kaildiat. - Bd wstr t-tftod. . te kaildista: ee improved read. SVs " 4rm at y eeel ia WJlameBe vUr. TkU blaee maaa be said te erUe aa u. Terma eaa srrssged ea. Sart. Adden. "A4aLs- lralr."-ear kuiessMA ... BOMB RARE ' BARGAINS A FIXE reeideaco at 1186 Coart atreet. at a S4e. if taksa aoea. Tweaty-atne aad a half aera 8 milea from Salem, oa good hard road. 3Sa acree ovekard. fruit of aU klada. All -ia liao coaaitioa. Good bu ad lag a. Price $T506. rhree room bouse aad two lota, 41x146 feet, outside city It mite, at Albany. Oregon. Price 856. fa room houaa. large beaemeat. large lot, paved oa two aid: tmprave neat all paid, near atate hoaaa. 3406. Must he sold aoea I'l. W. Lanr. 46a aad 444 Mubaad kUdg ; TltlE TABLES BOtTEEJUf PACTFIO CO. netfhksaad MJ In. 38 wuiaaaette Limited... fzisa-a. Ne $4 Oregaalaa k:Vf at Na. 18 Portiaad Paaeeaaer ... :- na i tjooa uay... Na. 14 Portiaad Ex 8:54 BVi t:4$p.av Na. It CaUforaia Exsreaa lLrlO a.i Nov If RsMhurr Puim.w a-aa in. I nuiswm uaaivea ...:4 p.i ! Fraacuoe Paas... 18:63 psa, wa. VI Arrive at Baiam in., - IN, 14 Leave Balm $.46 p.m. 41 Leave "-sJra snoter SALEM. S ALLS OTf t:M4J4.. Leaves Baleen, motor .... S:28a.a. Leaves Salem, vaotar lam. vaotar .... liiisM. Tsroagn ear te 1 111 Leaves Baleea rough ear te Monmouth aad Atrlta ........... 4:14 a ra J 6:1$ aav Baleen ..,.....U:40 aaa, aaaem ........ :lp.aa. t;44 OBXOOST XOJCCTSIIC BU2etta O-rC lea, aSiB, I Trala rs Ana fie. rrUsl4' Balaea 1:16 am T 16:4 4 aaa 8:46 pea 1$ Ltd.. 4:46pfa 11:13 am 13:$Ipm 13:46 pm Salem oaiy 113 143 Amvae at 164 Arrtvaa at 166 Arrive at 113 Arrtvaa Bt 4:18 pm 6:36 pm 4:4 pas 8:46 ta 8:01 aaa Balaam ealr i :spsa 19 8:38 am 11:18 ava Balaaa a-sdv North Bank SUUea (leave Jeffer- Street 18 aad 3$ ralautae later.) 3f, I Trala Leave Arrive Balem Arrtve Portiaad 8:50 am 11:3 am 3.16 pm :86 pm T :44 pm - I Egaa 1 Ltd.. T:31sm 3:41 am 1$ ..... 11:14 pm 16 Ltd.. 1:1$ pm 4 60 pm ah aSt t a. mm ..... mi arm It" a- mrnj s:v pea l ..... t:lB1H T:4 pes 16 44 pm North Beak Statlea arrive Jeffer son Street 16 taiaatee ear liar). Leave CorvaUla. COkVAiLIg cosxtcnox Bertkbaaad Leave CrvalS Arrive Sale 8:39 aaa ' : S:3 sa . P - 0:18 Pa - ?:3 pa I L. fi-w Arrive Cva!U - - - - - UrST am - 1 " -l:is-eas- 4:13 am 6:40 MB 4.40 pm S.d s-m i