The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Teamsters Wanted
By Falls City-Salem Lumber Co..
349 South .12th st.
Ir.' Mott ;
Physician and Surgeon has moved
'hit offices to the Bank of Commerce
building, rooms 407 and 40S. Hours
from' 9 a., m. to 12 oi., and from 2
p. m. to & p. m.
ClierHans lrtll Monday
The Cherrians will, hold their first
. drill of this season in the old army
: rooms in the city hallIonday night.
FredMangla is drill master.
were awarded: best sastaned char
acters, Ir. and Mrs. Ben Williams as
best feminine character Miss Marian
naMcNaulty, an Hawaiian girl, most
comic masculine costume. Malcolm
Style; consolation prize MrsP. H.
(taker. ; ' 1
Hold Manque .llall
A masque ball was held by the
knights and Ladies of Security
Thursday night. There was a large
attendance and the following prizes
. . atop at '
A Bom Away from Bom
' Strictly Modern $1.00 Pr day :
100 mt SU CafFt
Only Hotel In Business pistlrct
Highest cash price paid for clothing,
musical Instruments, tools, etc
. m.Court.St, Phone 493
v New location 379. State Street
Anything, la the line of
I: ' '"atlxturei. '
TcamsTe -s Wanted--
Hy Fsills Clty-Salem Lumber Co.
349 Sou h 12th st.
Indivitiual chocolates 5 cents. Fo
sale everywhere. .
Lejral Blanks. . .
Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.
"From My Youtfi''
An address for fathers and moth
ers, sons, and daughters, will be giv
en by Dr. Kantner this morning.
Mothers to Chew AVounded
A call is given to all War Mothers
of Salem and their friends to donate
Jellies, pams, cakes, cookies, candles,
and other delicacies, to be sent to
the ; hospitals : where invalided . and
sick Oregon soldiers are confined. A
committee, of the American War
pother unit of Salem will be at the
parlors'" of ; the First Congregational
church on Wednesday afternoon
April 9, to receive the donations and
see - that they are properly packed
and forwarded. A hearty response
to this appeal Is expected, as every
true, mother wants to do her "bit
wherever the need may be.
Loganberry Tips Wanted
' iucsMU UIl""cs (ivuuvia w-
-V-want to buy 100.000 Loganberry tips,
.i ' ; i Immediate delivery: . Phone 204. .
i I -t ' . : .
Will troy or trade all laraera
produce, apples and eggs.
The People's Cash Store
Phone 453. . I
1 8 6-1 9 North Commercial St.
Hal Hibbard Camp No. 5 V
-And auxiliary will hold their reg
ular meeting Monday April 7. There
will be a so-ial meeting for invited
gue6ts.- . . . .
Quickly done. ' -
Phone 379 J
Furniture, - ranges, '.heaters, I tools
and. in fact, anything you have
to aeB.T I : put ?tor7cahr .Thone
- IB 10 o r .611. V '
VOODRYjThe' Anctloneer
It you nave any Junk, or second
hand goods of any kind, see us
first. -f h .
271 Chemeketa St. Phone 308
Will TmproTe Road - s -
Work of smoothing and generally
repairing, the Silverton road east of
Pudding river will begin Monday,
according to County Roadmaster W.
3 Culver The work on the Liberty
road has been halted temporarily by
the 'rain but Ikir. Culver hopes to re
sume grading by Wednesday, y
Minhetta Makers
Teacher of singing, studio &zi
Moose building.- .Pupils r received
Friday and Saturday.
A. Private Home -
In all of its apopintmenta la what
we offer for the ttse of our patrons
Mr. and' Mrs. G. E. ' Terwiuif er.
Funeral Directors. 770 Chemeketa
St. ''"Phone 124.--. : -r-f.
Red Cross Man
Mr; Keesle, representative tor the
Red Cross; divisional .headquarters
in Seattle, was In Salem yesterday
visiting local workers of the-organ
izaton and Inspecting the various ac
ttttttltti I slded n South Ccmmercial street for
I a number of years. After the death
of her husband, Mrs. Buckingham
moved to Palo Alto where she made
her home with her daughter, Eliz
abeth, a teacher in Stanford univer
sity. ;
If Your
At All on
Sal em-Portland Stage
Will leave Bllgh hotel
dally for Portland.
t a. m
Arrived at Camp Mills
Sergeant George D. White arrived
yesterday at Camp Mills from France
where he has been during the war
with the 30th Aero squadron. This
inrromation was -received la a dis
patch by his father, Officer Jack
.White. . George is well known in
Salem, especially among the High
school students. Ralph E.. a broth
er, aged only. 16. is still In France,
with, the Quartermaster's depart
ment. 1
.Club Will nave Dane
.The Monday Night Dancing club
will have a masquerade dance tomor
row night In the Masonic hall. Of
ficers of the clu. who are J. C. Per
ry, president; Lu C. Geer, secretary:
With these new lenses you can
rotate your eyes Just as Nature in
tended and obtain perfectly accurate
Vision throuph thn vnrv
You are not compelled to turn your nu "owrv "UBCU- iur"' m,v
head constantly as . with orHininr I n charge."
lenses, which give truly clear Images
through the central portions only;
We can tell you all about them.
Ask. for booklet, "The Eye and the
Jewelers and Opticians.
X. W. Corner state and Liberty
Dr. Burdette, Optometrist.
Two Good Ruya
. James II.' Donaldson ha3 bought
an Improved, 5". acre tract, located
four miles south of Salem from C.
W. Smith.. U. M. Lambert buys ten
acre tract Ideated on the Fruitland
road from Mr. Brown.' Considers
tloa $2200. W. II. Grabenhorst
Co: handled the deals.
day noon until yesterday at the same
hour was 21,- there being 19 war
ranty deeds and two quit claim deeds.
Number of mortgages was three and
of mortgage .satisfactions was fire.
A year ago a large majority of the
instruments filed were mortgages.
Discharged 3 Urine YUita
It II Ttnwman. formerly or the
Fifth' Marines, was In 'Salem Friday
night visiting with frisnds. While
here he was the guest of George Nel
son.' -Mr:- Bowman saw active ser
vice on- five of. the French, fronts.
and , is. -wearing two wound stripes.
He will leave the last of the week
for Bremerton, wnere he will -
reive his discharge. Ills home is la
Mill City, where he is passing the
"Diamond Men and Women
At the1 first 'Congregational
church this evening.
Sues to Foreclose
Suit to foreclose a mortgage was
filed in circuit court yesterday by
Lizzie Owens and others against Hen.
ry Fawk and others. The property
involved is nine lots in Nob Hill ad
dition. '
Goes to A. E. F. School
According to news received by his
relatives in 6alera. Sergeant Edward
N. Rauch, of the second provision
al guard company of the district of
Paris, has been sent to the A. E.
F. university at Bearne, Cote d'Or,
in south central France. Sergeant
Rauch left Salem with Company M
but was later transferred to Paris
as a guard at the big prison there.
Standard Scale Hooka-
Is duplicate. Statesman job of
Hood's Sarsaparilla Begins
Reconstruction Work.
First, it creates an appetite.'
Second, it aids digestion. .
Third, it perfects assimilation.
Fourth. It carries 100 per cent of
the nourishment in the food you
eat into the blood and the body,
thereby enriching and vitalizing
your blood, which in time renews
your strength and builds up again
your reserve strength and vitality.
This makes Hood's Sarsaparilla
one of the great remedies of the
world. From the first dose you are
on a definite road to improvement.
It is of iaestlmable value Just now
to restore the health and nerve force
so greatly exhausted by war excite
ment, the grip and influenza epi
demic and the changing season. It
is the right medicine, for you this
spring. Get a bottle today.
And If you need a mild, effective
cathartic, get Hood's Pills.
Miss Hazel Harris, a teacher from
Creswell. was In the city yesterday.
H. C. Todd was in from Fruitland
Clare G. Motey of Oswego is in the
city. He is engaged in teaching and
is passing his week-end here.
Paul R. Walker of Portland is in
Salem visiting. ' relative? for the
George M. Post of Portland Is in
Individual chocolates 5 cents. Fol
sale everywhere.
Wife Allege Cruelty
; Charging that her husband Insist
ed on. haying a good time with other
women, that-he' ssent much of his
time In pool halls and when she re-1 Salem. and. .Esther. . Margaret, and
monstrated told her that he was I Christina lUlvorsen. all of Eugene.
Burial In la Salem
(Funeral-aervices will be. held to
morrow at 2:30 in the afternoon for
Mrs. Mary Halvorsen, who died Sat
urday at her home in Eugene. The
services- will be conducted from the
Rigdon chapel with burial in the
City , View, cemetery., ,Mrs. Halvor
sen Is survived by one son. George
Halvorsen. "-of Salem,- aJd by four
daughters., Mr. C G. Robertson, of
.Clearing weather promised.
The farmers need It. They are be
hind with their spring work.
Easter Sunday two weeks from to
day. "If any 'would not work, neither
should he eat." was the advice of
Paul to the Thessalonlans of his
time.; The doctrine will have to be
applied In the reconstruction period
that is before the world. .The people
of the United States will be willing
to feed the starving of the war torn
countries, even of Russia, until they
can have opportunity to produce
their own foodstuffs by their own
labor on their own land. But no pa
tience ought to be shown to any who
may persist in disorderly Idleness
and slothfulness. "
Changes will come quickly after
See the Motion Picture
At the First Congregational church
this evening. Two reels.
Kim &Clou2h
Complete Eq-oipmexxt . ;
Moderate Prices
Itnirs Cleaned on Floor 33
. Phone 16. -L. I vBuckner.
"head of the house and if she did
not like it she knew what she could
do," suit for divorce was filed rn
circuit court Elsie M;
Tabler against Owen C. Tabler. The
couple was married in western Ore
gon January 5. 1915 and have a son
3 years old of whom plaintiff asks
eustody. . -
. sister, Mrs. , Julia .Iversen. also
lives in Salem,
Wanted at Once Man
To drive wagon. Inquire of agent
American Railway Express Co., 45S
Court street.
General Herei Few Hour .
Adlutant General John L. May
and Major A. A. Hall of the Oregon
National auatd were in. Salem yester
day for a few hours. .They arrived
after midnight and left before 9 a I
m. for Independence. The visit waa
not of an official nature.
Says glaaa ef het water with
phosphate kef era brsakfast
washes out pelaena.
Bonuses Arriving
Former soldiers who made appli
cation for the 60 bonus are begin
ning to receive them from Washing- Repta, Kotes and All Blanks
ion. Appiicauons xor me uunus wqe i statesman job orriee.
made tnrougn tne-nome service sec
tion of -Willamette chapter of the Captain Byrd Reaches Boston
teu uross ana wow waa f!tAln hot Hfrd reacbed Boston
during the first days of March are Test-rdav according to a teleuram re
now getting weir money. , . i celved by Mrs. Byrd. He. has been in
Franc with the 363rd Field Hospl-
Wtth Our Complete Equipment tal company and left France Marcl
Refined service and latest metn- 91 Tt v., not i.arned when he will
Corner Court and High Sts.'
PHONE120-Kight or Day. J
ods of embalming, 'twill be a "funer
al beautiful." Webb t Clough Co.
reach the Pacific coast.
For Rent
8 acres of good land. Phone J. H
Lauterman, 900 or 678.
Many Real Estat Transfer
The number of real estate trans
fers filed at the office of County Re
corder Mildred R: Rrooks from Fri-
Ktxrk is Sold
J: T. Stockton Co. have solo
their stock which they moved about
a month ago across from Fry's drug
store, to Mr. Goldblatt of Portlano.
and he Is moving the stock away.
If you wake up with a bad taste.
bad breath and tongue is coated; if
your head Is dull or aching;, if what
you eat sours and forms gas 'and
acid ia stomach, or you are bilious.
constipated, nervous, sallow and
can't get feeling Just right, begin In
side bathing. Drink before break
fast, a glass of real hot water with
a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate
In it. This will flush the poisons
and toxins from stomach, liver, kid
neys and bowels aad cleanse, sweet
en and purify the entir alimentary
tract. Do your inside bathing im
mediately upon arising in the morn-
Mneiatlnaa -nn trt five ner cent of Ing to wash out of the system ail
their loans. This is the stock upon me previous aay a poisonous wasie.
i.i.f. th rfuMonda r nald. It is ssaes ana sour one oero-e putting
am i a ' th HiTiHond ir likely more food Into the stcmach.
tn inrr..Ml from vr to vear. youjg roiu reei; use
nnt r th. riiriaend moner. 10 ner you felt before your blood, nerves
mM k mt mtlAm and Invested. na muscies oecame loaaea wuu
. r" - -
Have Paid a Divide!
The Federal Land Bank of Spo
kane has naid the stockholders of
the Marlon-Polk County National
Varm Loan association, of Salem.
Oregon. Its first annual dividend of
ner cent. amounting. to 1427.61.
ilorrowers, f rora the land banks are
inquired to take stock In their local
Does Not Run, Crack or
s. . - - ....
Come Off
Preserves Shingles; - Iron, Tin
and: all Prepared Asphalt,
Roofings Acid Troof.
Made In Oregon. Sold direct
to the consumer. Prices
- reasonable. Quality
, - guaranteed :
. Portland, Oregon
. Phone 7230 East " , '
April 6
Served 12 noon, to 8 p. m.
Roast Chicken and Dressing
Koaffit lkef and Dressing with
- f - - - .....
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
: Pread and Butter-
Fruit Salad
Choice of
Loganberry, Apple or Cream
U 'fr' Pie ;
; .or ' . ' '
Loganberry, .Chocvlalc, Maple
V Nut or Van Ilia Ice Cream .
Tea Coffee " Milk
Summer School
"-At Salem. Oregon, began March 31
to continue twelve weeks. Depart
ments are normal, civil service.
bookkeeping, typewriting and stenog-
ranhv. Greet and Putnam, ir in
terested address J. J. Kraps, Salem.
Oregon. ;
VeteruiH Honor Young: Mm
The Spanish war . veterans and
auxiliary will entertain the returned
soldiers at a banquet tomorrow night
at the armory. 1 An invitation is is
sued to every returned soldier, sail
or, or marine.
o as to enable the associations to
make good their guarantees of the
interest and amortization payments
rn the individual loans to members
of their associations. : .The local as
sociations may. If they choose, set
aside more than the 10 per cent at
iny riven time.
Thelma ' .
Individual chocolates 5 cents.
sale everywhere.
tins pel Meeting Continue 4
The gospel meetines of the Sout
Salem Friends church which were
held last week will continue during
the coming week, in all probability.
Friday night Rev. Jacob Stocker
gave the sermon, his theme being
-Redemption" and last night Mrs
Wells of the Nazarene church wac
In. the pulpit.
Barton does .battery work. An)
make tested free. Charging and re
pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200
Rougfat Fine Home
.. Joha Etter has bought the fine
home in the Oaks addition from
Frank J. Chapman. Consideration
$4250. W. H. Grabenhorst Co.
handled the deal. 1
Old Time Resident Die
Word wais received Itoday from
Palo Alto, Calif., or the death of
Mr Allen Buckingham, formerly Of
Salens. She wan the mother - of
George, Ro,;: and Elizabeth Buck
ingham and 'the' widow of. the late
Allen' Buckingham, a pio-wcr resl-
ulcnUortn's citr. The "family ro-
Special Display
Easter tlillmery
... .
It lias never before been pos
sible, for us to have a window
display of such beauty, rich
ness and exqufoitenetis as the
one which graces our store to-
Dday. . The quality of these hats
Is superior l anything obtair
able during the war. See them
and. you'll admit their superla
tlveneps n every respect.
our"spfxtial offku
We have selected 25 exclu
sive models from our rerular
stock 'priced at from 99 to
112,40. Your choice of theo
hats Mondays only
' The unexpected volume of
business makes It absolutely
impossible for us to accept any
orders Tor remodeling till af
ter Caster.
M. BuIftMorrisoa
The French Shop
llubnio Tcmpl
I grind leim-s, examine tin
eye scientifically and fit
I'vcglassex perfectly let rue
work for you.
OptoiuetrUt Oplician ;
Hush Bank liKl
The undersipictl auctioneer lia received instruction from the
owner, James N, Rolert&on, to ell at public auction at his
farm located 6 mite Houth of Salein. on the Pringle road, or
3'. mile northwest of Turner, on
Tuesday, April ;8, 10:30 a. m.
Consisting of 1 rood black mare, t years old; weight 1250 lbs.
hlocky; 1 bay horse. years old. weight 1100 lbs., rood driver;
1 Jersey cow. 4 years old. freshened in September; 1 Jersey eow 2
years old. freah June 14. fat; 1 Jersey heifer, rislar 1 year; 1
Chester White and Poland China sow and C pigs; 1 Duroc Jersey
brood sow. weight 200 pounds; 1 Duroc Jersey sow. weight 75
pounds; 2 fat hogs, weight 225 pounds each; White Orpington
bens, pure bred extra fine;. 25 Plymouth rock hens; 1 Bulck auto
mobile, good shape; 1 7-foot Dee ring binder; 1 5-foot McCormick
mower nearly new; 1 12-foot McCormick hay rack, nearly new;
1 Van Brundt bo drill; 1 Disc plow; 1 No. 50 Oliver Chilled plow;
1 No. 40 Oliver Chilled Plow; 1 8-lnch Oliver Chilled Plow; 1
double shovel plow; 1 single shovel plow; 2 1-horse cultivators;
1 Reversible disc harrow, nearly new; 1 2-aectlon lever harrow;
1 Chatham fannlnr mllL nearly new; 1 Kimball harrow; 1 21'.-
Inch Rushrord wagon complete; 1 hack, good shape; 1 top buggy; 1
CO-egg Cyphns Incubator; I open buggy; 1 cutting box; 1 set double
breeching harness; 2 seta slnale driving harness; 1 grind stone;
1 Empire cream separator, good; lgarden hoe, 400 grain sacks;
2 eroas-eut saws, buck saw, hand saw. shovel, rakes, hoes, spade
forks, logxiox chains. stUiarCs, wagon Jack, scythe, cradle; 1 hive
of bees: 1 dinlca table. 20 yards of rag carpet. 2 bed steads and
sprincs; C diners, fruit Jars, and other things too numerous to
mention. --
TEEMS All sums of 10 and under eaah. Over that amount
time will Ik given to October 1, 191'J, to partiea furnUhing ap
proved l.ankaMe notes, bearing interest at 8 per cent per an
num. Xo article to he removed until settled for. Articles
ltought and not nettled for may be resold, the loss, if any, to
W paid ly the defaulter. The decision of the auctioneer to
be final in all cases of dispute.
James N. Bobertson
OWXKIt, Phone 4.1F22
F. N. Woodry
11mwm 310 or SI I, Salem, Ore.
8-Rooxn Home and Furniture at 35Q North Liberty Street
Wednesday;. April 9th, 1:30 P. M.
CONSISTING OF Fine J -room house and lot 4 5x175 feet, including
bath and toilet, electric llthta. etc.. located onlv 2 blocks north nf
M Stale street. This Is a fia property and Is worthy. of yoar atten
tlon a Itwlll beriold to the highest bidder. Terras. 11000 cash.
.balance arranged. ; f . ; " ; . . .
FlRXITtRE 1 beautiful mirror 4iT with gold frame; 2 large ell
palatines; 1 large oak dresser; 1 glass clock, 1 walnut cabtnet? 2
porch (hairs; 1 oak kitchen cabinet; 1 3-burner gas plate; 1 kitchen
linoleum; 1 kitchen table; 1 waxed oak bed; latest di&n. spring
and silk flose mattrss 1 sewiar machine: f fir dresser: 1 break
fast table: 1 oak rocker: 1 walnut acttt- lidtnra- t nkAlttrl
chair; 1 stand table; pillows, bed disc, scarf i ruaa. wash bowls and
pitchers, carpels, tools, crocks, kitchen ntenils. dishea. wash tubs.
gas plates, looking glasses, clothes racks and many other things.
r urnuure win te sold tor cash.
Mrs. Olive S. Enright F. N. Woodry, the Auctioneer
. uu.e.k. je n. st- Thone 510 or 511
, MORAL Uat your sales with WOODRT.
the peace pact Li signed. Embargoes
will be lifted, and there will come
the -war after the war-. Tor the
markets of the world. It the Indus
trial United States of America re
mains in the full vigor and steady ad
vancement which the International
situation warrants, there will have
to be protective tariff laws: and they
should be enacted at the Terr first
body impurities, get from your phar
macist a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate which is inexpensive and
almost tasteless, except ror a sour- I
lsh twinge which is not unpleasant.
Men and women who -are usually
constipated, billons, headachy or
have any stomach disorder should be.
gfa this inside bathing before break
(Continued on page 2)
Ovlna. the allies carried out a raid
in which a number of the enemy
were killed and seven captured. In
the direction of Onega, the Bolshevik
continue to shell the allied positions
at Kleshlve.
The weather is breaking in favor
of the allies in the territory about
A magnet for respect.
A care for bad tempers.
A rehlcle for friendship.
A fortress acalnst disfavor.
A caltared grace of conduc'.
A Joy between relatives.
A datr between frtenis.
. Aa honor between enemies.
The end of distrust.
The bglnnlag of love.
PARIS. April S. IIIavatlKIn?
Albert of nelgintu rjrned to Rru
scls today by airplane. The king, it
Is said, carried awy excellent im
pressions aa to the relt of his con
versations with the members of the
various peace detentions.
; Beauty Powder .
X A gid naiuf for Talcum ami our Talcum it just what you X
T need for -beauty first and now.
i!The Pcnslar Store."
' North 135 Commercial Street. Phone 107,
Carries the message from the brain to all parts of the body The-
messages tell each part of the body how te i-errorra Its function.
If the line or communication the spiaal cord) be latcrferred
with, the mwMCfi do not reach their donation and that part of
Hi body do not function normally. This so-called diiwae, pr--"
ore or a. vertebra on the splaal cord produce lhl renult. ' Chiro
practic remove this pressure and health the result.
" Dr.-Q.-L. SCOTT
tZ ' " "
V - -