3 ' TITK OltEfiON STATESMAN: SUNDAY, APRIL 8. 1010 IS Elan; for Vour Troublo j wi If - " Tl I' ll 1 i ii it Mr r You hawk and spit and have a hacking couch. Tour breath is foul, digestion is bd; appetite poor, nothing: tastes right, sour stomach, belch gas. bowels constipated, pains in the back, sides and loins, ring-ins in the ears, brain not clear and you fsel generally rotten. It is catarrh. Ths poison is work in k through your system and sooner or later some of the many complications will put you down. Do not wait. You need a reliable remedy and you need it now. PE-RU-NA Fcr Catarrh and Catarrhs) Conditions Regulate the "dlg-estion, aids "elimination, purines the blood, soothes the diottased and inflamed raucous memUraiies and stimulates every organ to do its work. The nerve centers revive under tne invig orating inltuence of PE-HU-NA. Health and vinor displace the old lassitude and misery. PB-UU-N A Instantly breaks ud roughs and colds, wards off the Grip and Spanish FI'4 and hastens ones recovery irom an atlacit. As Dr. J. H. Wagner of Skate. Ky.. says: "PE- RU-SA has proven a success with old and young. Tablets crUauld. Sold Evervwhsra. 5 GRANT SCHOOL NOTES f Tbe school has just purchased out of a special fund a new Amerlcaa four by - srx feet in diameter, -Vnich is to be used for Interior ttec- oratloon and to display at celebra- FOR SUPERIOR DRY CLEANING Phone 703 CANTATA TO BE BIG ATTRACTION High School Glee Club Will Probably Give Musical Con ':f cert This Spring Music classes of the Salem high school are having. another semester! of splendid work uader the direc tion oi Miss Lena Belle Tartar. Twice a. week wo;k is given in har mony. ' The study of intervals, I chords and chord relations, with sim ple exercises in four-part form have tnus far been interesting to the stu dents. It i the aim of the depart ment to correlate the school work fa music with. that of private teachers who have charge of many of the pu pils outside of school hours and thus assist the student in establishing a broad musical foundation. L i A number of new Vlctrola records were purchased with the money the Glee club earned by singing at the Salem auto show in February. These j and other records serve as a happy medium for work in musical appreci ation. The selections are chiefly from operas and oratorios by such artists as Evan Williams, Olive , Kline, Clarence Whitehill, Galli-Cur- ci and others. Several new choruses have- been. ordered for study. Practice on the cantata. "The Lady of Shalotf'by Bendall was begun this week. This cantata is heantiful musical set- havetttnsr t. ttirao-nar fnrm nf TnV. 1 . ) . IVJLMtttVlU V C5 few fT DAINTY SPRING FOOTWEAR Our new shoes in Harmonized Spring Styles to suit the new modes and fashionable wear.' Our show windows are, veritable style ex hibits of newest seasonable footwear designs. Nothing omitted that would make for better style, better fit, higher quality service or perfect satisfaction. - . tions or carry In parades. Six penmanship diplomas Just been awarded at Grant school poem and Ig delicate in its mel- to uorotny Kappaarji, . Lorame I and rhythm. Miss Tartar hopes Fletcher. Alice Roth, Leona Weber, J r, the classes in a vroeram Ruth Williams and Geraldine Col- hater in the rear with this number. liJS. I the mafnr nttmctin.l It Is nrobable A few days ago a framed Picture! tnat rro!1 iortiand will be of last year's baseball team was invited to assist on the program eith- nung in ine downstairs nan or tne wit VOCal or instrumental selec- building. The frame is a product 1 tinn With the material at hand. Of the manual training shop at the J the Dod voicea with their charac- scnooi. i teristic vouthful aualitr and the mi- Miss Wilda Solomon, instructor In! i sent work of the 'individual stu-l the domestic science department, re- jents, she believes a splendid show- mamed away from ner classes naay i jng ean De made. on1 account or tne illness or ner motn er, who is to undergo aa operation. More. ppili are in attendance at Grant than, at this time lasct year. the records show. . Some who went away to live have, returned and a large number are in the city t for the first time; Enrollment, as , a ruie, i however, does not come up to that of 1918. The Cream of Quality Pretty Pumps for Stylish wear " 1 In Patent Kid, made on new shape lasts, French heels, $6.00 to $7.00 ; ' . ,1 -i ' The newest Kid, on ; the low or military heel last, Tery fine .at I.. ..,.$7.00 Fine Mack or 'brown Kid, 8! inch lace shoes, 'French, Cuban or Military heels, at from $13.50 down to .OO. shoes - yy M i fc. - - fin P -- FINAL CONTESTS AT S. H. S. BEGUN Seventh Grade Music , Class Gives Program Adalai Esteb and Marian , . Emmons Given First Place for Speeches A-.1 SALEM CLEANING WORKS 1261 State St iAdalai Esteb, a senior, and Mar ian Emmons, a iunior. woa first mention in the two contests heldl - The . 7A class in muslc at the Washington, junior high, school gave a program during the rccitatioa pelprfday morning at the Salem hlgb ioa on jr naay. A.numoer m j schooL Thjs , waa the first set. oj pupils, are pursuing mn.sical or dra- fnais n e interclass rivalry ef matic studies outside ot school and J jg- included impromptu and ex it war, a revelation to Xhelr fellow- temnoranpou ROeaklne. Honors in students to see how much haa been LnrpIminare3 held earlier in the accomplished. This program prov- weelc went to Ralph Bailey and ed to be superior in quality of therv.lker gonhamores: WIHard Mar- several rendered thus for this year. Bhan and Wayne Allen, jmiiors; Her 'ine numoers were as ioiiows: . . Piano duet. .Alumni reunion Eugenia Savage, Elisabeth Taft ' Reading. .... .The Missioaary Lady Ethelwynne Kelley Piano solo, ..........The Souvenir Oxfords i Dame Simplicity's Offerings '.$X Natty Spring Pumps i'A- In the lower heel, more coxa fort - f able last, heels in Military, Cuban it? or school style. Prices very" at- tractive xou&idering quality and Dressy High Boot 'ill also lx much worn the earl- . . -snowing some rery elegant ones. See them. , The Greatest Variety and Most ' Beautiful j Pump Buckles in the -.The Ileighth of Ele igance in true Spring Styles. j .Patent, Black or Brown Kids, French, Military or School heels. Prices ranging from $8.00 down to $3.95. $ m tl4 y .-"Satisfae tory Srvice or no Sale" -is our Idea of Right .Stylish ii . Design . Perfect vx Fit. i 12;" at Salem with Eugene.' Aprfl bert Darby and Adalai Esteb, sen-awewoerg wiin wewnerg. Apru at Eugene with Eugene. May 10: at. Salem with Albany, May 17; at Salem with Stayton, April 23;. at Florence 'Au stln Vocal solo. When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining . JV , Hiss Tartar " Piano solo ....... . . . w.Le Caprice ' Eugenia Savage "Reading..... The Little Love-Story . Bernlce Mulvey. Vocal duet. . . .TilliWe Meet Again Dorothy LewisV Iris Page Piano solo.. . ... ...... . .The Storm Thusaelda Koehler iors. Miss Esteb scored five points in the finals In Impromptu speaking. Allen, three and Marshall, one. ThnsA ftiiroAAfiful la the extempor aneous tryouts were Ralph Emmons I Salem with McMinnville. May 2T; at and Kenneth Wilson, so'pbomores; l Albany with Albany, May.. 31; at TTward Kdmondson and Marian Em-1 Stayton with Stayton. Jun 7: at mnna innivvn- Horn Arnold ana l wcaimnviire. June iz. . i , Herbert Booth, seniors. Marla'a Em mons scored five; Edmondson, one and Arnold three in the finals. Both upper classes now, have standing of 17 points toward the sil ver CUP awarded each year. The seniors are credited with five Bas ketball and four football points while the juniors have three for bas ketball aad four for football. the Armenian drive during the past week. Englewood has raised f 30.G. an amount which will keep six chil dren for one month. Highland haa jo completed fcts icollecioas. but hat tamed over $20. Richmond col lected $20.12. Park school will start this week to raise its share. BICYCLES BICYCLE SUPPLIES Yon will find the wheel you want at - . I "The Home of the Indian" , fftSv-nM PERTAINING To Btcyajr TUJNS AND AMWUN ITIQN . 126 South Commercial St '. THRIFT STORIES TO BE WRITTEN MY EXHIBITION BEING PLANNED School Children Given Oppor tunity to Tell of Fi nancial Ventures - i "Adventures In Thrift". U the.tl- TO VOTE OS CHANGE In 10 days the student body of the hirh school will be givea an opportu- nitv to vote on. an ameudnient to the coastitatioa. which wonia give me entire school. Instead of the two up- ner classes., the right to pick mem bers of th student council, inis was tha decision reached by tbe council at a meeting this week. BAND XOW MARCHES i Var thm rt time tne saiem nign school band made -a public appear-, straw hat. Mrs. MaeVeaa? dent;, Mrs. John Nicholson, rice- president; Mrs. Margaret Spith. sec- j retary aad Mrs. La Moine Clark. I treasurer. J - 3LY BRfXG SINGERS An effort will te made by the se nior (lata of the hlch school to bring the Ualverslty of Oregon men's glee club to this city for a concert dar ing the Spring. The object of the entertainment would be to raise money for the class annual. SCOTCH THRIFT. A, poor but 'thrifty Scotswoman had been promised a gift of a new bonnet by a Wealthy summer resi dent. One morning.' ss the woman wss shout to motor to the city for some J snoppmg. sne sioppea i toe no the Scotswomsa ana asaea: ould you rather have a felt or a " ' shoi of age In Oregon should, wrU if he In tends to raranft in . tha rnntast. GirU Gymnasium CUsteiwch win dose o October i. " 1 .... M 1. t n.Mkul f. tie of the story each child of schovl I "c VT"".7.; .VkV tr.in Th. ai auo w vjr ' . musicians have been out oa the Probably to Appear in Big Program streets arou&d tbe building during the good weather and are bow ready MSUUVUfc I . j,n iiv . V . -A Mmninla M. Smith literature is now befjg lo w" ." w" seat ou o the districts snd it is hop- ed that this section will produce a number of "prize winning themes.' Three 5 W. S. S. certlflcatea will Mothers Clab to Discuss . Health of Boys and Girls -Weel.- aald Mrs. MacVaan. -I think I'll tak a straw one. If yon pleae. ma'am.; It'll maybe make a rood mouthful to the cow when I'm done wf it!" Everybody's sine. Msgs- Health of the children will be the An exhibition of folk dancing and gymnastic drills jwlll probably; bo I e gives to the threa youngsters elven this year by the Salem schools, I who write the best stories concern- it plans now being talked are per-1 nr the most aovel method, the moat I mala tonic taken up Thursday aft?r fected. ' liagealous method and tha , moat, dit- I nooa when the Mother's club of the In all of the elemecUry graaes i ncuit method by which he earned I lliahland school will hold s meeting and Jjjnior highs posture tests arelmoney to invest in the stamps Ten fat the building. The youngsters sre - JT i .xAH tA wtvla il flloat l.t.. A a til S 1 . a a M Hm Kam mm f NEW TODAY With onr transportation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash price f or , EGGS DRESSED MEATS POULTRY WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. 171 South High Street Phone 1400 ) (I to replace the usual track work and! given for the tea next beat. baseball. These tests consist in, nav-1 a committee of Judges will be I ine the child stand in a correct os-iname(j Dy each countv suneriatend- tura three- minutes then march ineJt and announcements of the prize' the proper position three minutes winners will - be made oi or about and go through, a number ol exer-1 October 15. 1 cises. Three consecutive testa must be completed successfully Deiore a , Prnrtr dr, r, rhnd is entitled to the pin given as n"" iiium j an award. vtiiofflfton at Tamerl .ew aciivmes in riv i ture win De inu-oauca. ciuubBi ,,f . v, Ka iK ,. ATiihitiAn tha obiect be- I "w" - " T . . I Parent Tpirhtrt1 aawiatinn was ing to interest the parents mT- - "-,7 nnv too in. .nkwnrisMnra for I h ft ronalrUC-1 - " - - it8' Z r7,o07,7m a nresnt the children took part to the program, tion of gymnasium. At present tni . . M-imn1M,v Mi.. r t.V 4i .nl uHAA rTm. I ' u ...... se .vl .;rj Ruth Cady gave a plaao duet, Mrs, aaj wa vaw wjwu Peetz. a vocal duet and Miss Flor ence Smith's pupils, a fancy dance. The primary grades - appeared In a 'Saadman soag and a Mother Hub bard dramatization. Mrs. M. L Kul- kerson gave a talk on primary work aad county Superintendent V. N. Smith spoke oa high schools. program, otneers or ine nuo ion year are Mrs. 11. A. smart. pra- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY JANITUK WASTED-AITL.Y IS HKR ton to Elmo 9 White, mamirr Ma onle Tempi. Kefcreatcea .requir. WANTED TO LEASE TO T ROOM hou br Jtin 1. Kaat part of city preferred. Ition lt3M. No children. 9 FXOIt SALE BT Lebold & Co.' L. E- Goodman R. D. Gilbert ft Co, Red da wars Cash. Stors J. D. Ceeley J. D. GIddlags J - A. W. Schrank , . J. L. Bualck W. B. Gerth W. K. Richardson Gibson and Birch. Liberty. - M. V. Johnsoa Mays A. Goods Donald. Ore. J. C Savags , Waconda. Ore. . W. IL Ramp Brooks, Ore. . M. J. McCormack W. Woodbnrn Read the Qaulfled AdL Carter's Jlittle ILiver Pills You Cannot be XK A.Remedy That Constipated and Happy SfnalUfltl ' toU DoM . fcmaa Price 71TTLE IIVER pius; mmmmmmm MakiesLife Worth LiYing' tins alg w ; vsfara ASJPS tLJS. tt ((BARTER'S IRON HILLS GLENN GREGG' IS CHOSEN CAPTAIN Salem High BasebalkSeason Will Open With Game at Chemawa , ,- ASSOCLT!OX TO IEKT - S" . Next Tuesday evening i at 7:30 o'clock occurs the April meeting of the Lincoln Parent-Teacher associa- I II.. A m MMMAMallv .II.U a m m rT - IT r.n latori rn TV. I null. au. uuubub.ii iiiwi. uiv&ibu uicuu uitss . 1 m V- .1 .alt tain of the 1919 baseball team s - , ,1 1 . "t Salem high at a meeting of the let- Uriends sre "rdUlly. invited Jo U ic uic um.i . . I i ji i Ml T nil.H voma tt th. aaiU)n la IO I Lrc muiu uj mibb iuvii ciiivm i be next. Saturday at Chemawa. Coach "ngs by Miss Agnes Ilalsell I and ma- i M - . a I a I a t tha atArkvi A A a sin rvll Murdock has been unable to lorecastj j a,. .v. i.. ..Mnn nt thm ralnT I -" - 1 ' L"1 "7.. tV;!; much moxky collected a schedule for ths Various schools have turned in? ths Following is Im n m m s r If MEWEST HATEMLS AMD STYLES . We have a large assortment of woolens, made since the armistice waa signed. The qual ity of thcKe suitings is superior in material and pattern to those made during the rar. At a very reasonable price we will fashion 3'ou a suit front these new wool ens a suit of a style arid snap which will be readily recognized aa an. accomplishment in men's tailoring. BLUE SERGE SUITS PURE "WOOL Superb quality 16, 17 and 18 or. weights, made with high grade trimmings, unexcelled workmanship. Exceptional values, $40, $45, $13. SCOTCH VQOLEMILLS STOR Phone 854 426 State Street Salem, Oregon B m. At Chemawa with Chemawa, apm - w