The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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The American Spirit
mM :r '
in Af Fingers
Chapter HI.
Are dentists artists?
If we had the spirit of true artists,
we would do our work for its own
sake. That day is distant yet.
Are dentists artisans? Do we follow
the standard,' of good artisanship?
There are too many among irs who
should never have been dentists. Some
day only those will be permitted to ply
the craft who have a special aptitude R r. parker
for it. (Painkw rukei)
The simple fact is dentistry, as practiced. today, is a
business. But we don't say so.
' The American people are shrewd. They like frankness.
If we gave up our class-pretensions we would succeed
better in America. We would have larger incomes and
render better service. :
I shed my college-prejudices early iwtriy career. I be-
gan to see life as it was. I saw its sordidness and grim
ness. But I also saw its power, its possibility. It interested
me. I had skill in my fingers and adventure in my heart.
I have since discovered that men who make good in
politics or business in this country regard life that way.
By applying the spirit and methods that bring
success to Americans in business and in public
; life, I increased the usefulness and decreased the
cost of dentistry.
My system enables me to charge
extremely moderate prices for first
class work.
Painless Parker Dentist
State and Commercial Streets.
the intense silence would have con
tlued. Just as I felt that I could
not bear the situation any longer.
Lillian . U'Jlerwopd came into the
room, bringing with her, as she al
ways does., an atmosphere of cheer
ful sanity.
"What is the matter?" she asked.
Her tone was low and guarded, but
in it there was a note of alarm, and
the same anxiety shown from her
eyes a she came swiftly toward me.
"Don't Be Childish."
"Mrs. Graham is in danger of a
nervous collapse If she does not have
rest and quiet soon." Dr. Pettit re
turned gravely. "Will you see that
she is put to bed at once? Mr. Gra
ham will do very weir for a while
alone, although when you have made
Mrs. Graham comfortable I wish you
would come back and sit with him."
Lillian put her strpng arms
around me. and led me through the
door into the outer hall? ,
"But who Is with Miss Draper?" I
protested faintly as we started down
the stairs toward the first rioor.
" "Her sister and one of the best
trained nurses in the city." Lillian
responded. "Besides, Dr. Pettit will
go Immediately back to her room."
"But Dicky, there is no one with
Dicky." I said, struggling feebly In
an attempt to go back up the stairs
"Don't be childish, Madge." Tne
words, the tone,vwere impatient, the
first I had ever heard, from Lillian
toward me. But 1 mentally acknow
ledged their justice and braced my
self to be more sensible.
"Dicky Is absolutely all right,"
Lillian went on. "He probably will
sleep for hours, now that he has seen
you and his mind ls at rest. Be
sides, Just a3 soon as you are resting
comfortably, I will go back to him.
I have had Betty fix up a cot for Ra
tio just outside your bedroom door.
Then if you need anything 6ne can
get it for you." "
She hurried me inrougn ner won
derful white and scarlet living room,
the one which I had once likened to
the heart of a rose, so exquisite. li
was it with rose-tinted walls and
hnneinsrs- 1 :
She nat me into an easy cnair ana
then pressed a button' which musi
hnv communicated with the kitchen.
for Bcttv appeared almost Immeai-J
Always Ask for Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Only- Aspirin Tablets with the
safety "Bayer Cross' on them are
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.'
owned and made by Americans and
proved safe by millions of people,
Unknown quantities of fraudulent
Aspirin Tablets were sold recently
by a Brooklyn dealer which proved
Xo be composed mostly of Talcum
Powder. i
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should
always be asked for. Then look for
ffUe safety 'Bayer Cross" on the
toncYage and on each tablet. Accept
frothing else! Proper directions and
dosage in each Bayer package.
Aspirin Is the trademark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester
of Sallcylicacld. j
contains fifty-eight names.' If more
shoull be added, or if any correc
tions should be made, will those who
have the information please quickly
sead word to The Statesman.)
Nobody Can Tell When Yon
Darken CJray, Faded Hair
With Sage Tea. '
In "Her" Room,
Grandmother kept her hair beau
tifully darkened, glossy and attrac
tive with a brew of Sage Tea and
Sulphur. Whenever her hair took
on that dulL faded or streaked ap
pearance, this simple mixture was ap
plied with onderfuLeffect. By ask
ing it any drug store for "Wyeth's
Sago and Sulphur Compound. you
will get a large bottle of this -old-
The Story of a Honeymoon
A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by .
adele uajibisox
Brine mo a glass of mulled wine time recipe. improved by the addi
. II Tt r" .t u rMrtv " Lil- tion of other Ingredients, all ready to
wu as jv" ev- I . . . rwm.t- -1 1 -
ue ai very, nine cusu iuis iimii
mixture can be depended upon to
restore natural color. and beauty to
the hair.
A well-known, downtown druggist
says every body -ruses Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
It. darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell it has been ap
sis Kfion as vou
tian directed. "Let Katie change in
your room to a wrapper or something
easy to lie down in and then, send her
here." .
A the woman disappeared, sne
turned to me with a- tender smile.
"Now to show you what an excel
lent maid I am," she said
There was more than ordinary so
licitude of a physician in Dr. Pettit's
voice aa' he ordered me to lie down
because of my nervous exhaustion,
saying, "If there is no one else to
take care of you, I. must dolt."
' He ' iad found me kneeling by
Dicky's bed. I had been in tne same
position ever since I had entered the
room where Dicky lay wounded by
the treacherous hand of Grace Dra
per. The almost hopeless condition
of the girl had kept everyone in Lil
lian Underwood's apartment busy.
When Dr. Pettit raised me from my
kneeling, posture and supported me
to a seat I was almost In a collapse.
Even through the numbness that
enveloped me, something new, vital,
insistent, ' inj the physician's ?volca
and manner beat upon my brain. It
puzzled me. Dr. Pettit's. manner was
that of a man caring for a woman
who had no other protector. And
yet he had just said that Dicky,
"would be all right In no time."
There also 'had been an expression of
indignant pity in his eyes when he
raised me from Dicky's bedside.
All at once the answer to the rid
dle flashed upon me. The .young
physician must have put the worst 1
possible- construction upon the eve- i
. . I ilia uvrwur vau t.t a u.a K
She undressed roe as tenderly as i ... - ... tn v
if 1 had been a sick! child, took down ,mp,y dampen tt eombi or BOft brush
my hair, Drusneaanu vn . . Bnd draw it through your hair, tak
r.ottv witn Katie. -wiae-eyeu., " ... , ,,. . .
thetic. in her wake, appeared!
-'" 'T. . " . -?. "i't .
with, tne glass w mu iw , . a I another - application or two, it Is re-
Lillian held to my. lips nnm u Btored to its nPtral co!or and looks
drained it. " Then,' alter giving va- i Biossy. soft and beautiful.
! hriof irertimnf? for mv care it 1 1 - ' i
mng s tragedy. He must believe that Should need her, she dismissed the
DickT had not been thfnnncnr -vie- I 1 snoulf "'.."
tlm of the girl's mad rage: that In
stead the girl had .been Dicky's vic
tim and had attempted to kill him
when he tired of her,
If Dr: Pettit believed this, he must
also believe that Dicky was lost to
me forever and that in the course of
eirl. helped Into bed and drew the
exquisite fose-plnk xoverlngs over
mo hant unA kissed me tenderly. 1
raiieht her hand as sne inrneu. iu 6".
"Won't you tell me how .it an nap-
pe,ned?" I pleaded.
"I haven't haa time to una
i:?,r!::.,r mvself vet she retired. "By the
band who had nrnvon o faithiM tn Mme you wake up 1 will know every
me " " I thing there Is to be known, ano incw
THis. then, was the reason of this 1 1 J1 0 r gaid
j. a i I ; "Just one .thine more, i saiu
. v vi t I with, an uneasy remembrance oi a
j js- . I iilk we once had had in tnis room.
seemed sacrilege In the presence 61 f'Yotvd me onc? !
Dicky's narrow escane from death 1 V"w l"lD ' wul w V
to have to consider even the proba
ble opinion of any other man.
I felt as if I could not bear to an
swer him, even to raise my eyes to
meet his. I do not know how long
and that no one but you or she was
ver to sleen In it.
Lillian bent over me again, her
yes moist. '
Then your being in nere ougn toi
show you how very dear you are to
Tie," she said, and slipped quietly
away. . ' - . .
(To be continued)
Children Cry for Flotchcrfd!
M -- ii.kkVki.VwVv T - - f t 1 -. - -t -
Tte Kind You Hare Always Botight, and , which has' been
in use tor oyer ever 30 years, has borne the slenatare of
ana aas oeen made under his per
Z. Bonal; snpervision since its infancy.'
r. 'C66v -AHbw no one to deceive Ton in this..
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good ' are but
Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and-Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
t age is Its guarantee.. For more than thirty years it has
"been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"Wd 'CoUc and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnesa arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach "and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natuial sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
csiuinsi CASTORIA always
I Bears the Signature of
Iu Use . For Oyer SO Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In- response to The StatesmanV
fublisbed : appeal to parents of sol-
'.iers and sailors who lost their live
n the service to notify the paper of
luch casualties ' the honor roll Is
rradually crowing. An accurate list
i these names and Information con
.erning them will be invaluable and
nformatioa concerning gold service
tars In both Marion and Polk coun
ies should be sent in as soon as pos
; The following are the names of
hose from rolk and Marion countle
vho have made the supreme sacrifice
it Includes killed In action', as well
is those dled,ot wounds, accident or
lisease while In the service.
Army Ivan E. Bellinger. William
M. Catton. Edward Gittens, Wayne
C. Jackson, Benjamin McClelland,
Alfred, Deraueau, Ray Mark. Paul
Rich,-Leslie Tooze, Chester M. Wil
cox, Curtis W. Wlllson, Cliester A
Simmon, Aubrey Jones, Smith Bal
lard. Wilhelm E. Ahlgrcn, Milton A
Kooreman, Thomas D. Cooper, Mil
ton Foreman, Benjamin F. Hill, John
C. Braden, Stanley F. Thompson,
Monte Christtopherson, Orley .P.
Chase, James Gardner, Charles M.
Woelke,; Elton C. Blake. Otis Hayes.
Newman D. Dennis. Roy Johnson. C,
U Balard, Game R. Dwlre, Robert
Vi'O'NlclL Charles ,Russ, Thomas
Townsend, Burt B. Whitehead. Er
nest J. Schnlder, Elmer Bressler. Ev
erett S. Norton, Cusene Dale John
son.. Leon L. Clark, Ma-lln Harless,
John II. Otte, Geo. S. Reaidon, Dr.
WV C. Kantner, Lieutenant Dr
Cropp (S. A. T. C), Harlan Hoff
man (S. A, T. C), Fred Ehlen. Os
car Zimmerman, Glen Little. William
M. Read Olin Jones, Basil Klrsch.'
Marines Charles Auer, Emery
Bartlett. Ernest Eckerlen.
Navy Kenneth C. Crossan, Jo
seph Martin. Clarenct S. Mlnker,
John H. Nelger. Ernest Bennett.
Nurses Ora E. Cavitt.
(The above gold star honor roll
for Marion, and Fjclk counties now
Popular Educator, Back from
France, to Be Head of
Stayton Schools
STAYTON, Ore.. April 2 Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Ford were visiting friends
in Stayton several days last week.
Mr. Ford who has but receatly re
turned from overseas, gave a very
entertaining lecture In the MethodUt
Episcopal church Friday night.
While here Mr. Ford made appli
cation for the prlnclpalship'ln the
Stayton high school for next year.
and was elected by the board. Mr.
Ford held that position la the school
before enlisting in the service aod
Stayton people are glad to welcome
him back again.
Mrs. Clara Elsworth and littie
daughter. of Gates were In Stayton
Mrs, J. P. Funk has returned to her
home In Corvallis after a weeks vlilt
with her sisters, Mrs. E. Farette and
Mrs. George Spaniol.' r
J. W. Mayo, cashier of. the Farm
ers and Merchants' bank, spent the
week-end fa Albany; Mrs. Mayo and
the children, who spent the, week
in .Albany returned with him.
W. Y. Richardson came over from
Salem Sunday, to visit his mother.
who has been quite 111 for the past
10 days. . i . .
Mrs. Justice Wiley of Seattle ar
rived in Stayton the first of the
week for an extended virit with hr
mother, Mrs. Emaline Richardson
Mr.' and Mrs. Carl Fryer t Shaw
pcnt a few hours In Staytoj Satur
J. M. Rlngo and. wife were Salem
visitors over Sunday Mrs. Rlngo,
who Is president of the Stayton aux
iliary of the Red Cross, delivered
the 'collection of clothing gathered
up here last week for "the relief
fund, to the Salem office Saturday.
(Miss Gladys Rice, who visited her
sister. Mrs. 1L Lilly, in Stayton last
week, has returned to her studies
at the Oregon Agricultural 'college.
George L. Brown disposed of his
farm three miles west of Stayton
last week to Archie Gate of Lin a
Mrs. Joseph Fisher la confined to
her bed with a serious attack, of
Effie Miller came over" from Cor
vallis Sunday for a few daya visit
with home folks.
Joseph Sestak and family motored
to Corvallis Sunday where Miss Von-
da Sestak Is a student at the Oregon
Agricultural college.
C. E. Brown, who has operated
a garage nere ror me past three
years, sold and shipped his machin
ery to Portland this week and haa
closed the garage.
Three auto loads of the young
people of the Christian Sunday
school, wejt to Salem Sunday when
they were "entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young. Mrs.
Young was formerly a teacher In the
Sunday school at this place..
W. H. Hobson received word this
week of the death of his oldest sis
ter. Mrs. Barker at. Echo. Oregon.
Mrs. Barker's girlhood days were
spent on the old homestead near
Stayton. .. ' . .,..'...
G. C. Eksman, who recently re- J
turned . from overseas, has received ;
his discharge from army duty and j
arriTea id oiayion mesa ay.
. G. R. Thomas of Bend is spending
a few days in Stayton visiting rela
tives and friends.
Ll3ton Darby and wife and Mrs.
B. L. Darby were business vlsltois
In Salem Tuesday.
i Miss Wanda Brown , returned to
Eugene Sunday where she is a stu
deat at the University of Oregon,
after a weeks -lsit with her parent.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Brown of Stay
ion. '
i E. C. Titus made a business trip
to Albany the first of the week.
30 inches wide, now $1.00 icr yard.
Colors: Navy, White, lllaek, Old Kose, Taupe,
Urey, Copenhagen, Plum, Pigeon, Tan, etc.
$1J0 per yard.
GALE &'O0. ; '
V Phone 1072 ' .
Commercial , and Court Streets, formerly Chicago Stor
Albert Payson Terhune
said i .
"It Is the greatest picture I
ever saw.
Pauline Fredericks said
- "It 13 a wonderful picture"1
t. - - -
Evening, World said
. "Only one word will describe
It. It Is marvelous." "
Evening Telegram said
' "It thrills. It astounds."
Herald said ( ,
"More thrills than Broad
. way Is used to.,
WUard Mack said
"It is a masterpiece of
-Primeval lifo." ,
The Times said v-
"It is thrilling and educa
tionalV . i
It startles-It thrills
It surprises and
3Iatinee c . Evening STtc
Shows Htart 2:15, 4:13,
. i . - - 7:13 0:13, . .
r 19-11 i Tl t I? 1 1111 f
I LETi ' U ' ' ' ' ' ' , 1-1
I 114 L 1 I . i II II t 1 1 k ; I A
- J
ft J
Tlie ilB'eaetif ii
Wine Growers of California
Enlisted for Fight in
This State
Mandamus action asalnst Attorney
General Brown was filed in the su
preme court yesterday in an effort
of the liquor Interests to compel the
attorney general to write a ballot
title for a petition to Invoke the ref
erendum on the Joint resolution of
the last legislature ratifying the na
tiocal prohibition amendment. The
mandamus was filed by Attorney
Sea brook of the firm of Malarkey.
Sea brook and. Dibble of Portland
who, with Theodore A. T.ell of San
Francisco, representing the Callfor
nla winegrowers, are handling the
case for the liquor people. The pe
titioner in the rase is Karl llerbring
who filed with the secretary of state
the referendum petition to which At
torney General Brown refused to
write k ballot 'title. The court set
April 11 as a date for the hearing.
In the opinion that accompanied
his refusal the attorney general held
that joint resolutions of the legisla
ture are not included under the det
Inltlon of the term "act to which
the referendum may be applied, and
he pointed out further that the fed
eral constitution provides the means
of its amendment, namely, by ratifi
cation of the. legislatures or conven
tion of three-fourths of the states.
and not by the vote of the people.
' Karl Herbring. the petitioner, al
leges "that the wrongful acts and
om missions of the defendant consti
tute a denial to the petitioner of the
equal protection of the laws of the
state and are In violation of rights
guaranteed to the petitioner by the
constitution of the United Staes and
pariculariy by the 14th
Add to the Com-fot and Appearance of your home by the
V addition of new, draperies We arc offering special for the
remainder of the we-k Scrims, Marquisett. Nets aud Colored
Draperies in. several Irop numbers and elose-out lines to make
.room for incoming si oek. Values to 8ac while they last 33c
. per yard.
..To get the best mattress is: economy., Economy of sleen
rest and money.. We are factory represenUtives of the famous
oxriX "rcsscs,. Take one on six nights triaL ... ....
! X -
340 Court Street.
r i '