TOE OIIEGOX statesman: vvkuxf-soay, APF.IL 2,. iio Glass Di The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ce a Readily Find Them Theyyre Worth While ry lined recto . .. d I Resident A Kent 371 btate St. MONEY TO LOAN on iHPnovKn farm propkrtt at LOWEST RATES. NO COMMISSION THOS. K. FORD'f 5 1.-2 Farm Loads 6V5 We loan money for five years. We allow you' to pay $100 or multiple on the principal on any interest date. We close out loans promptly. HAWKINS and ROBERTS, ' ' ' 314 Masonic Bldg. . . Salem, Ore. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rat Per Wrd. First Insertion v. lc Subsequent insertions Ue One week (six insertions) 3c One month ................... 9c fix months' contract, per mo.. 8c 2 months' contract, per mo... 7c No accU. opened for less than.I5c A neat card riven ire with an advertisement to the extent far 50 c announcing- "For Sale" "For Rent" "Rooms; or "Board.- - --1,- "i"r'i1-.KWWirVIAMAIU'Ul e a e a ooeea SEW TODAY. Each new classified advertls J ment will be run under "New To. J day. 'or the first insertion, unless I otherwise ordered by the adver I tlser. I Subsequent insertion of the ad. I will appear under its proper I classification. no advertisement will be run under "New Today" for more than on Issue under any circumstances 4V NEW TODAY NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY Thlelsen, IloLand & Burchardt - .VOL'XQ LADY WANTS BOARD AXH room.; Address "Boarder," care States man or phone 1599R, LOtlAXBERRY TRAIXEKM WAXTED -t-. Yard a mile eaht f town, tm It strV-el'. f3 for .eisht-iiwora work., Pho)i 113tf. FOR SALE OR TRALK 4 CYLINDER sutoiuohile in good running, order. Willi trsde for real estats or livejck. Phone 674 W. -.' . WAXTED TWO ACTIVE MEX TO IM )r roof work.. Good wages, i Report ready -for' work in rear 23. X. Comtnerriat St.; at 8 o'clock today. XTED -TO REXT A OARAGE XEAR 14th sad Ferry. Phone 1140M. rOR SALE FOCR S71 X. ComJ St. WHEEL TRAILER! JIOMSTKtli IN CANADA FOR S123. THIS IncliKie to Alberta; Itoard, .travelling. and locator s expenses, nne mixed fann ing li strict. Particulars at my tfu only. C. V. Niemeyer, Mshohic building. TRI'XK 'GROWERS ATTEXTIOS SEE patented prune tray at Salem Fruit Cuion. FOR SALE FRESH COW. PHONE 1483. Residence 22j5 X. Church St. It I IODE ISLAND RED EOGS FOR HATCIJ tng, $1.00 ier setting. Phone 21F12. . FOR SALE HOP STOVE. MAN'S SADDLE. C. W. Beckett. Phone - C4F15. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR MAN and 11-year-old boy. Phone 1S99R. DID YOU KNOW THAT ACCORDING TO insurance atatistira, no mutual fire insur- i ance compsny thst had acquired 8200,000 in sssets, hss ever failed or retired from j business, any place or at any time.. Did i you know that the Oregon Fire Relief I Assn. of McMinnrillSk your own home compsny, hss assets in excess of $350,000 snd is now isiiuing policies on the flat j rate noh-assesMible plan. 11. A. John no n Insurance Agency, over Ladd Bush bsnk, Mslem. Phone 347. EMPLOYMENT MALES WANTED TWO TATjoU SPLITTERS. GOOD wsges. Phone 314R. WANTED CAPABLE FARM HAND. E. A. Foster," route 1, Independence. 'i'hone 3022. One mile sooth of Oerlinger. : "WANTED MARRIED IAN TO WORK on fruit ranchv Steady Job. to right party. Aoaress w , care statesman. WANTED MANAGEMENT OF PRUNE I orchard by a competent young man Junt returned from the service. Ad dress Knoll Krest, R, V. D. No. 2. Corvailis. Oregon. , WANTED MAN AND WIFE FOR ! i . farm. Separate house wood, milk and srarden stuff furnished. lrevail- --" insr waeres naid, Mrs. W. Al Jones. tJervais, Orern. Route 2. Phone 3F12 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT A FUK.NISHLD APART- ment. Phone-834. 1 BOARD AND ROOMS WASTED BOARDERS AND RM)MKKS AT I 1120 Center St. Pmme 1071. FOR RENT LARGE MOIKUN ROOM with board. SVitl accommodate- two. 461 North Hieh.-' Phone Ia7. HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES, APARTMENTS snd farm. F. U Wood, III Stat street. Phone 794. t FO It RENT CU S E I X. 10 ROOM house, ? $17.50. J-rooro house $12.50. F.-rxm flat $10. 5-room riat $7.9. Phone J. H. Iutermtii 900 or (78. FOR SALE II VK9TOCK ' IfHAVE TMtt.t $ Phone HtoK.-.l. .CWH. NK IS FOR SALE. FKKSI1 COWS tOU" SAf.B-M. H I'ltt-r, Jefftrson l!d. Phne 9T23 H 1 ' LES I MjllSEM LAST I PPURT C . IT.V trt buy Ktmk of this kind at such 1" iirircs, rroia jj per pati. n span , : rood y on 11 g to til ex. weight to Vttim, Foiir hii.ij well nialrhed liorxe feip. blm-ky "built, heavy boned ' kind, weigh! S,.MJ to 27Mt, age ft to H: ulnrk t gentle. - wSl broke and sound, tinsrantee or trial gien with all if not not sa represented, money r-funded. Altn sovcrml sets harness. 254 S. Lilfrly, Wsrinj s burn. MISCELLANEOUS OK. SALE LOOAXHEKKY PLANTS. Phone 10OF3. FKANKLIN TOUIUXtJ CAK FOK SAUK 714 North Commercial street. TOW SAIfe YELLOW PENT BEEI CORX. J. A. Krebs, Phone 982K FOK SALE EAKLY rTOUt.KH HOP root. J. A. Krebs. Phone 96211. FOB KALE A THKEK-Ql'ARTER bed aud springs. Call 2o4V. . I RON FOR ft ALE FOR.l TRCCK. IHAIX DRIVE, ' first elii shape, a37 Court Kt. STRICTLY FRESH CXFKKTILK EOGH for preserving. 1 slivered. Phone 86F22. FOR SALE FIRST' CLA83 EARLY YEL low dent seed corn, 8 cents per pound. 1144 X. Cottage St., Salem. CADILLAC TRI CK FOR SALE. WHITE touring ear for sale or will take light ear in trade. 233 S. Cora-!. Phone 362. fOR SALE AUTO. MODEL 27 BCICK, overhauled, painted and new top. a snap at $400. See Merlin Harding, at Salem Hdw. Co. FOK SALK-WAHLIA AND GLADI olas bulba; will be ready by April U0. Order - now from Mr. F. L. Purvlne, 100! Fifth street. Phone 1236 W. PEERLESS GASOLINF ENGINE. 35 horsepower, S cylinders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as - auxiliary in electric light plant. In good condition. 100 gallons tank. Price flOOO. Scott Bosorth. Spalding Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM- Filete set of 20 volumes, cloth 'blnd nr. new, never unboxed. Will sell for less than cost. Address "Book." care Statesman. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This true story ef western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It . tells In graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive war purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. Notice of Receiver's Sale Nntiee is hereby given-tha 1 will noil at public auction on Satnrdsc, April ..1th. l'lt. at 1 o'clock p. m., of R.-iid ljr. all the- per- I nonal pixpertr of P. 0. Koeory un.i E.I Roftoway, cenerally known as the Ind i pe(ijit Market, aitnated at 121 South , Commercial street. Salem, Oregon, to the I highest bidder for. cash In It nl, KoTjort to I confirmation by the circuit court of the state ( of Oregon for the county of Marion. Said ; ' property ronsiKts of Malt and enred meats ! together with the fixtnren, tool, fnrnishine j aud equipment of aaid iiidibi-t. I": X. Dcrliy, I ' receiver. I POULTRY ' MALLARD DL'CK EGGS IJR HATCHING. ltc each. John Loreni. Rickreall. SICILIAN BCTTERPUP ViHiS. BEST LAY era. $1.50 letting. Belgian rab bits for frying. Iretor.. 1047 South Commercial aureet. v 544 STATE ST. PHONE 400. Headquarters for baby chirks. Leghorns, Red. Rocks, Minnrcss. Best stock. Prices reasonable. C. X. Xeedham, Bex . 412, Salem, Ore. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE W2TT farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial aubacription. Mention this ad. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST PAIKT . OF GOLD RIMMED glasses. Reward. Call W; C. Dyer. WANTED MlStULLANEOCS. WANTED WHITE WY A X DOTTE EGGS. Phone 2302W3. WANTED TO BUY CATTLE AND calves, any kind. Phone 1S76W. WANTED THREE OR FOUR FUR- mshed house-keeping1-rooms. Rest of references. "A86V care Statexman. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press Room States man. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A car, come and see me. 1917 Hudson-Six, J perfect condition, s nsrgsin. twin motor cycle, $75. 1917 Chevrolet, perfect, 9475. ll( Dort, perfect condition, a bargain, 191ft Dodge, a bargain. 1914 Ford, thor oughly overhauled, .$300, 5 passenger Maxwell. good ' mechanical condition, good tires, $750. We do all kinds of auto repsirng. Also a first class auto Isundry. Oct the habit of keeping your csr in good shape. It pays. Sslem Auto Exchange, Olaf Olesen, prop., formerly Campbell's Anto Exehsnge, 229 State street. Phone 3fi2. List yonr properly trade with me. AUTO SER VI CP- SHIPP'S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country -trips. . Phone: Day. 9CI; night, 159. - TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial St Phon 4J8. REPAIR WORK A. E. HUTCHISON 24 STATE STREET. Phone 311. Overlsnd service snd gen oral repair shop. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN swaajBaaataaaaTaawigSa-a, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 24. meeu very Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building-', corner Court and High streets. J. F. Day, V. C. F. A Turner, clersr I BUSINESS CARDS DBAYS AND EXPRESS. UTJ"u-u--M-iruii-1 K-i-i - -- - - -- - ' I LARMER TRANS FER W E MOVE ANI store goods. Day phon 930. Nigh phon l$9S. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COM st A NT Phon 933. Maiem s largest ana dcsi equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern ship me-nts. Also far storage, as w hsv thre warehouses In connection witr business. Furniture moving, packing-, shipping -amd storing our BP elaltw. Office. 22$ Stot otroet DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F H. Watanabe. PrD 43 ri. uommer- cial street. Ladles and gentlemen's suits -cleaned and pressed. I l.z ana 91.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 552. Read the Classified Ads. JCNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price, on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House 'Capital Junk Co, 171 Chemeketa St. Phone 398. LACNDKIKS. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUXIIRY MAX, 436 Ferry St. I psy top market price for chickens sod rut. Housed phon 1333J. Shop j.boae 133KJ. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. ISC South Liberty St Phon IS. i HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing don at a rate every body-can afford, i For only SO cents wc will collect, I wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 3471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylene welding, gas engine repair ing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown. Prop.. Z61 Chemeketa street. Salem. MONEY TO LOAN. FARMERS WANTIXQ FEDERAL FARM , loan fnnds should not wait until the last tninnte before filing application. File ap- 1 plications now for spring and summer needs; Interest 5 per cent, 34 years ; time. A. C. Bohmitedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. , Nurseries I frcitlaxd nurserya'lem R 6. Box 188E. Phone 1UF21. A few more Italian prune trees left and . also . triher nursery stock. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND. HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har- . ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred flchlndler, 26C Center street. WANTEDTWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. , Will buy. sell, trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay the highest cash price. I also handle clothing. See J. A. Rowland Furniture Store, 147 N .CommerciaL - Phone Is. j PAINTERS F. HKATLOR. PAINTER. wjlTter. Phone I9. Sit) SOUTH .EESTAtTRAXTS. SHORT ORDER RESTAURANT LOUIE Lunch counter. High street, across f rem ; O. E. depot, ran give ou the best of service. Try it today. . UNDERTAKERS WEBB CLOUGH C B. WEBB, A, M. Ciougrh, funeral directors. The latest modern methods known to the pro fession. - 497 Court street. ' WALL PAPER, PAINT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- oratlna, painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or by. day; good workman. Location 1020 Center street- Phone 588 W. . FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Buren'a Furniture Storo. 179 Com mercial street. JVTSK. SEB PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALLl,,toval ftf federal restriction against Paper and Picture Framing. Good - workmen. 455 Court St. Phon 43. woven wire fencing Dept National Jt Aaserieasi resiee. 11 ala, 2 la. 5S law high. Paints. Oils and Varakab. Store RebaUt aad RepatlredL Loaraaberry awd Hp Hka Sales Keee d Itsrt Work a. tSQ Gmmwt St. Pba 124 R. B. FLEMING. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK service, any kind t m. of hauling. Household HftfEO1 moving Job don prompt- J7K Stat. Kt . Phono 9s Realdenc ' phone 1H2J. 1 PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC i f , DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE or P. o- V. v;niropracuca iquowis head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects tb cause !of disease. Offie 40C-7-S U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone 87. Residence S2SR. OSTEOPATHY. DR. W. L MERCER, GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klrks Tille, Mo.: treats acute and chronlo disease. Office 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phon 919. Residence, '419 North Summer. Phon 414. OSTEOPATHY. -b-Msa-Waasaj DRS. WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO- pathic physicians -ana . surgeons. Graduates of American School of Osteo pathy. Klrksville. Mo. Post graduate and specialised in nervoua diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices, 605-4-7-8 U. S, National Bank Bldg. Phon 859.. Residence, 1810 Court street. Phon 2215. Dr. White's residence r phone. 459. ' MUSIC TEACHERS R. HARR TEACHER OF PIANO. Pbrme 19SI. - " 1 ' CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN discs -e. 158 8. High BC - Phon zss. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 891 8. Commercial atreet For water serv ice annlv' at office. Make all com plaint- t he office. No deduetiona In bills will be allowed for absence or tor any causes whatever unless water is cut off from premises. Hera after wster for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us- Inr water for domestic purposes c,.ntrrtnr for sidewslks. brick vrlr ce nlssterins-. will olease read "for building purposes'.' tinder sched ule, of rate. Apply at ornce tor copy WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., JaJom. Oreiron. Pbone 2488 SALEM MARKETS $ HUYIXCi PWt'E Kti;9 and poultry . Egg. 37c. Huns, 28c to ZOc. Old roosters, 16c to 18c. fork.' Glutton and Bw(. Pork oa foot. 174 li U'Jic. Ewes, 10 12c. Reef steers, 10c. Cows, (J to 8c. Top Veal, 19c. j Hay. Cheat, per ton, f 24. j Clover, per ton. 125 lo $26. C. rain. Wheat. $2. ' Oats, 73c to SOc. Beans, nominal. Mill Feeds, Retail. Mill run. $42 to $4 4 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS ! Creamery botter, prints, C2 to G3cl Butterfat. f. o. b . Salem, 63c. i . Fruit. Orangea, $5 to $.6.50 Bananas, 9c. Lemons, $5 to $5.75 a box., California grape fruit, $3.75 a box. Vegetables, i Cabbag , 4 c. ' ' Onions. $3 to $4 a sack. Cauliflower, $3.25 to $4 a crate. Carrots. $1.75 a sack. Parsnips, $2.75 a sack. Turnips, $2.50 a sack. Retail Price. Creamery botter, 70c- " ; Dairy butter, 60c. , Eggs. 40c t Flour, hard wheat. $1 90 to $3.15. Flour, yalley, $2.55 $2.90.,, Sugar, cane and beet. 10c. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.75. U I PORTLAND MARKETS; I Dairy Prococe. PORTLAN D Ore.. A?rll l -t ter: Prints, extras, 60c61c; cubes. extras, JSfic; prime lints. iiC. Butterfat, Portland deliYerr Noi 1 sour cream, 63c. i - Potatoes. ;. . " Potatoes: Locals, selling price. $1.73 $2. Grain. 1 Grain market today hecaus Chi cago closed. j NEW YORK MARKETS NEW YORK. April 1.- Evaporat ed apples quiet. Prune, more .Ore sons offered. Peaches firm. FOREIGN NEWS NOW IMPROVES Signs of Relaxed Money Market Help Promote Ad vance in Quoted Values NEW YORK. April l.-r-Retter news from abroad, more promise of domestic trade conditions and signs of a relaxed money market were of material assistance in promoting the further regular advance of quoted values on the stock exchange today. Sentimental factors Include the re- ,.Vi v. the P-eking interests and the more enenurnrinR views entenamea ny leading financial authorities regard in: general business prospects. The market retained all of its long established professiona lrharacteris tics, however, pools, extending their operations into various channels, es pecially copper and lead shares. In both of these groups there were maked evidences of trade revival, an "tensive inquiry for refined metala uemg reported lor foreign interests at priCe8 well above those of recent vreeks, Ralls and United States Steel were the chief drawbacks, transjntlnen- tals and grangers displaying marked firmness. In the fase Of the tnited States Steel, it was considered signi ficant, in spite of two active sessions, that the -stock closed unchanged from last week's final prices. i Shipping and oils were extremely variable, though ending mostly at gains and food and fertiliser shares again moved forwrd. but Industrial alcohol was most conspicuous, hold ing the greater part of its seven point advance. Total sales amount ed to 885,000 shares. Trading in bonds was marked by greater expansion, but the tone con tinued irregular, mainly on the-fur ther easing of Internationals, liberty issues rallying after early recessions. Sales (par value) "aggregated $14.- 85,000. Old United, Stages bonds were unchanged on call, coupon 4's gaining 2-8 per cent on sales, j I. Deals in Real Estate i Livinestoa Sumpter ito Surah 11 Devine part lot 6 andl 7, Cornfortb Fruit farms: $250; w. d. Sarah A. Lee to Anna E. Mote. lot 1, block 8. Marion ;"SO0: w. d. Rov V Ohmart et ux to Jonn r-t ter et ux. lot 1, 2, 3, Cornforth Fruit farms; J7500; w. d. ! Aucust OtJen et ux to Albert G Wolfenieyer. 6.958 acres, John jMar. tin claim; $760; w. d. ; Gerfude Coooer et vlr to William II. Humphreys et ux interest in 2f acres. J. C. Catlinger claim: J.".200r w. d. ( V II. Copeland et u to John D. Alexander. 80 acres W. K. MCDan iel claim, $3200 w. d. ; i Anna ft. White to Hannah II.; Tay lor. 27.90 acres, sec. 33-6-1 e; w. d Clarence IK lousing ct ux to N C JorcenMn. 5 acres Janott; I'ur claim:" $2000; w. d. j Andrew Torgesen et al to Peter O Henderson 9 acres, $3 400. A. W. itrauch et ux to t. Edmond 102 acres In Fection 13 and 14;! q. d P 11. Aker to Js. II. Alter n us 60 acres in Thomas J. Chase claim 3 acres Tbeo Chase claim: $6000. Albert Falk et ux to John.Iloperf et ui.ltS acres. J., M.'McPbersoo claim; $U60.35; w. l. i , Roy C.-Itiissell et ux to Mary Pa- torff pari 'lot 31. N. Silverton; $2000 VVrrah F. Xclderbauser et ux to Al mira M. Quinney, lot 2. Urabenhorat Fruit farms: w. d. K. H. Curtis et ux tn JlrHey Matte- REAL ESTATE - mrrstVrnrrvvsf''ss FOR EXCHANGE MODERN SEVK room huuse. cement basement, sta tiunary wash tub. Will sell on easy terms, livx 66, Dallas. Oregon. 100 ACRE FARM 3 MILKS EAST OF Airlie. Oregon. 4i acres in cultivation, balance koik! fir timber, suitable? for small mill. Uox stC. Dallas. Oregon. FOX kii i: Kk'mrii. nvr .viritT r '- at a tarrain anil the brot I lorationa. from 10O ap some m g4 1 trnaa. Thfc Ivta matt sawte awon at ' theae bareaina. See me if oa rt then. IJ. V. LafUr. 405 4o6 Hubbard I bld. FLEMIN-O REALTY CO. CAN 18 E TO advantage listings of a number of good deairable town properties if the prlcea and terms are reasonable. Es pecially t and room bungalows, well located. Write to Wro. Fleming. Mgr.. ill Stat street. tOR EICHAXOE MODERX ROOM COT tag. 14 to I aeres ef frait aad berries, S poultry i fcouaaa, taiall creek ereaaea plaa. ornament al shrubbery, pared street aad concrete walk, la live saaaulacturiag town Cottage Orove. Or. Far Soath Salem property, assail raarh er acreage. See er call for photo. W. C Coaaer, Ststeaasa office. 3S ACRES, 1 MILK FROM MILL CITY, sll leer! eicept three or four acres, one half in cultivation. S-reoaa huase, good well and tank, bath sad toilet, bar 3mx4U. rbirkea house, fruit house, everything la good order, family en-hard, good teaaa, wagon, aanesa, one row, mower and rake, and clear of inrumhrancea. Price if aold sooa $4SOO. Small payment d.wn, bal ance terms, i O. W.- Laflar, Zn&-Zv6 Hub bard, buildng. i FOR BARGAINS IN TOWN PROPERTY See Wm. Fleming. S41 Stat street. We still have a few things that are entitled to the statement of being bargains, under the - conditions of high-priced material and labor. Some we can offer, at two-thirds of cost ef replacement and throw in the land at that. You will find It to your in terest and advantage to counsel with u.The Fleming Realty Co, 341 State street. Wm, Fleming. Manager. FOlft SAC -SEVEN ROOM MODERN COT W2itt tmnt. garage, large terrace, oiMnef L lot. paved street, bearing fruit, price S2000. Hf) rash, balance 20 per month, jat fl per cent. , FIVE ROOM HOUSE. CITY WATER, ALL plaatered. good repair, lot 140 by 100 feet, barn, chicken hoaae aud chicken park, price S30, 25o eaah. balance at 6 per rent to suit. Seeowfaky, Bayae building. GET A HOME CAN SELL CHOICE BERRY AND fruit land upon a small cash payment anad let you set the lsnd to berries aad cut snd hsu! wood to pay for the same. If you have a good team yoa can haul wood now cut. Will pay $1 per cord for cutting, two dollars for hauling, or will take. all delivered In Salem at 14 per cord. There Is also enough timber to pay for th land, timber and all at a atumpag of 89 per cord. Why work for wages when you can get a layout like this. See me and learn more about It John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard Bidr. THAT BEAUTIFUL HOME ON COURT street now offered for 94500 will soon be taken off th market. Don't pinch your money too long and then pay more for It. Th same will ap ply to that nice new home on Stat street, atso en noutn commercial bi. A small cash payment and f 509 year lv will sret them. That 25th atreet house came near being aold today for about one-half its val ue. $550 is the price, one-half ess. Also have a nice 5 roomed reeidenc on South 17th street for 81Z00. 4'ay ' menta. 919 per month. . i See me and save money. ' . vN JOHN H. SCOTT. - 404 Hubbafd Bldg. GOOD BUYS 10 ACRES FOUR MILES OUT . close to 8. P. station, sis acre prunes, six mobs banslow. 92100. $500 cash. 200 ACRE FARM 8 MILES OUT ABOUT , half under plow, good prune lsnd, good buildings. 853 per aero. 800 ACRES. 70 CLEAR. BALANCE TIMBER. pasture, good buildings, spring wster piped to houso. $75 ter acre. 94 ACRES ALL UNDER PLOW FIVE MILES est, good buildisf a. 990 per acre. 100 ACRES, ALL UNDER PLOW FIVE tiles out oa waia read, 975 per acre. 21 ACRES. FOUR MILES. OCT, GOOD LAND fair buildings. 9350O. ' w... bur a sis room knacalow paved atreet about 923O0. Rave a fine err tract lota of fruit, good six room house, some plambinr. 91S0O. V. I- Wood. Bayae Bldg. SIX ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND, CLOSE in for rent. WANT TO BUY HOUSE IN SOUTH SALEM up to flfiOO. son, lot 3. block 4, Hechtel and By- non addition to Salem; w. d. Kelley Matteson et nv to 0r H- James et ux lot 3 block 4. Bechtel and Bynon Cordwell addition to Sa lem, w. d. M. L. Whltesell et ux to John Spranger et Ix. lot 3. block 1, Oak Hill tracts; w. d. Henry I teamen et ux to Charles E. Beamer and Robert It. Beanman. lot 8. Hicks addition Wuodburn; w. d. Marr Harpe to jacon Kieeman et ux. lot 15, Hollywood: $17.0 w. d Andrew Schaf fer et ux to Peter N Smith et ux. part 'of north half of southeast quarter 30-9-3e; It. Mc- Pherson claim: $630; w. d. ouise E. i Bowen to Charles Franklin Bowen. 7 acres In tllas Clx clafm; w. d. J. P. Lauritson et ux to D. T. Jer- man et ux 10 acres in J. C. Caplinger claim 75-7-2WL w. d. Halvo N. Rendem et ux to Olaf Swendon 4.32 acres, part of Peter ox claim -lw; $1300; w. d. Jesse I. Strawn et ux to Margaret M. Commons part of lot 7, block 2 Salem $6000; w. d. ' U O. Dullin et ux to Anna B. lie fer lot 10 and U Grabenhorst. Fruit arms; q. d.'$1200. " . , i ani)F.s ix cm or covNTnT lessens the cost of living. Provides crester variety. Vegetables are 'cheaper, cleaner, tnd fresher. , Tou'll like them better If yon -row them yourselves. . . . 4 Put up the surplus for wiater use. More gardens make 'better health rondltfons. CHICHESTER S PILLS loal Asa- y one swoaaws f-r fx I M wsttw S PtBi-o4 eayV Pliks ia sled BadwoU eJacV eMS,saW wnh ta !---. V Too o otkee. t of y-wrL Masess ntiAhis pfXlXso s ,aJ s 5010 R oeltjClSTS niiThLtl w If . REAL ESTATE I FIVE ROOM MODERN IIOCSE FH Sle Address 4ii S. -th vt call S12RR. FOR SALE OX EAST TERMSV -70 ACRE leaae. 130 arrrs fall gri, 6tl arm plowed. 11 haj arork. pettltry and la pleaBta. 8eiofsky, Hs;b tldj. FIVK- RtMiM HOUSE. ELECTRIC HKhta. dot and cold water, fine gar den spot, fruits of all kinds and br rea. Will aell yheap, Cwrner Fair mount and liural ave. , FOR SALE XIXK ROOM . RE81DK.VCK. all aadera MieaieN-e, haaeaaeat. ewrmer lot ; rear walking distance f anireraitr. prtee f:MM. half ras. Salt at 7 per .1 fwr S rear. Call ;v er eall al hoae. I loo Leslie St. WE BATE OYER . &00 PROPKKTIK8 ..ate, ua a at a tr-e 1 tbe & . per c".-rWimf ebarged b. real eafat men. Yes but bar a printed catalog free ef charge by ealliag at 4ui 4Mi Hubbard building. FOK 8ALK 7 ROOM HOI UK, OARAGE. paved street, fine loestioa. 2 li blocks te or line, 4lj to state houae, furnace, elcc trie lights, (a, aleopiag porch, gardao. Kngliab wslasta. plenty ef fruit. 14i3 Court St. . A GOOD BUT ISxSt FEET ON CAST Bid' Commercial street, on door north of Stat street. Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14-.&0V feet tract extending fross this property to Stat street- Terms. Apply Scott Bosortb, 711-1 Spalding Bids, Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE FINE HIGHLY IMPROV ed 24 acre tract near Salem, nearly all In cultivation and fin land. Good new house, bint and other buildinga. fine home orchard, stock, tools, ma chinery, crops, all 10 For Bale 15 acre tract close to town. all In cultivation, set farm buildinga. 24 acrea In straw bert lew. 4 acre la f rain, stock, tools, machinery, crop. 1900. For Sale Good 19 scr tract' near Sa lem, new 8 room plastered bouse with fireplace, barn and other buildings. Xto bearing rwae berries. 4 acrea bearing orchard. Price 9X000, would ' exrhansra far Brood reeidenc. For Sale 5 acre tract cloa In. S acres bearlnsT nrunes. 1 acre bearing cner- rles. 1 acre loganberries and other fruits, jrood barn, small house, fine welL Snap for 91.00. For Sale Fin highly. Improved acr tract close In. Snap, 11 sue. For' Rent Large modern 8 room boos close In; 925 per month. - . For Aale 70 acr ranch on good road. about T miles out, about two-intra a In cultivation, fin prun and logan berry land. Snap, 8(9 per acr on Brood terras. For Sale 149 acr farm near Salem oa good road, about aeres in cultiva tion., set fsrm buildings, fin fruit land, orice SCO ner acre, som terms. If you want' to buy. sell or exehsnge your property, see ua, rwrim at jiir sters. 398 Hubbard Bids, Salem. Ore. GOOD BUYS its acre of first class berry and prun land, 109 acres under cultivation, balance timber and posture: rood set of farm buildings, roc a roe a. itico, $55 per- acre. Terms. ' - 44 acr tract. 39 acre cultivated, the balance pasture and timber, house and barn, family orcnaro. sprtnr water, s acre of younar prun orchard, som lo- cannernea. tTtc $tou. 4.S4 acr tract. 3 acr under culti vation, balance pasture. 1 acr logan berries, small boue. Price $1X99. v Well improved 24 acr tract. 19 acres bearing; Italian prun orchard, familt orchard, some timber, running- water, fine set of building-a, good road. Price $12.99. ... S3 acr farm, nearly all cultivated, best of land, 5 room house, barn, fam ily orchard, located f miles cast of Sa lem. Price 2145 per acre. 15 acr tract all cultivated. 19 acres er Italian prunes. Iocs tea on main, roca road, sood location. Pric 9(299- 19 acre of rood loaaaberrr lsnd. sll cultivsted. V miles south of Salem. Pric $1409. 349 acre Howell Prairl farm, 249 acres cultivated, balanc timber and pasture, bouse and barn. Pric $155 per acre. 11.24 acre of first class soil, all cut tivated. $ acres in grain, room bouse, barn, well Price $2499. 19 acres all cultivated, bouse and barn. well, rood berry land. Pric $2900. Terms. 152 acr dairy and arraln farm, all cultivated and in crop, two rood hous es, f Inez-nam. best of solL Pric $123 per acr. . , tsa acr iirm, sow acres in cultiva tion. This is a fin arraln and stock farm. Set of farm buildings. Price $199 per acr. i 149 acres of first-class farm land. 199 acre la cultivation and in crop. balanc paatur and timber, running water, best of dark soil, rock road. Pric $95 per acr. 1C9 acr farm, lev acres in cultiva tion,' .balance pasture. Good house barn; 49 acres In crop, two miles from town and railroad. IT ice $12.9. 50 acr tract. 30 acrea In cultivation, balance stump pasture, . two heusea, barn, bearing fruit. Price $19,999. 5 acres of 5-year-vId Italian prunes, located $ mile from Salem. Pric $1 490. 20 acre of bear In a; prune orchard. 19 acrea Petltes. 10 -acre Italian.. Pric $$900. $4599 down. 5$ acr nrua and arraln ranch locat ed 4 k miles south of Salem. 1$ acre in bearinr prune, family orchard. 49 acre in cultivation, paatur and tim ber, fin prinr. room house, larr barn and other outbuildings, rock road. Pric $16,999. It you want .to buy. trad or sell. Se W. H. GRABEIiHORST & CO. 175 Stat street. GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES Ciood 4 rom plastered house located In Salem lleighta. private wster sys tem, some furnitur roes. Price $1369. flown,- oaianc $15 per month, a per rent Interest. Five room modern bungalow located at 1792 South High street. Price $Jto9 4 room modern bouse located at 147$ south Church street Price $125. 5 room house located at 199$ North 5th street, pared street. Prtc $$59: one-half cash, balanc 3 years, a per cent interest Fine 5 room modern bunrtlow and two fine lots, located on Fairmoont Hillf east front, corner lot. Price. 35.- t0. - - . 5 room modem buntralow at 1919 N. 9th street. Price $1599. $590 down; balance terms at C per cnt Interest. 8 rom bouse st 1193 N. 11th street, two lots, bearing fruit trees. Price, $1599. Strictly modern 7 room hjuse locat ed on North Summer street. IT ice $4.- 499 rash. 6 room modern house lorated at ?39 South' 13th street- Price $1!5S. room modern hnuse located at Z9 North "9th street, two fine lots, bear inr fruit. IT ice $309. J 1 room modern hnuse located on Fairmount I111L U3i Fir street, furni ture roes, east front "lot. sightly loca tion, bearing fruit, garage. t price It, 009. . . - : Modern 9 room mingalow. located on Fairmount Hill. 1125 Fir street, east front, bearinr fruit, s Price $599. " room modern houH'located at 111 State street, two fine. lots. Prtc $759. i'ronm modern bun as low fur block from Bush lis nk. ' ITlre $2i;9. $M down, ha la new terms at $ per rent Wit. 1 sere of lAnd' located on a pared street, $ room mod house. This Is a fine home. Price $599. If you want to buy, trade or Sell, W.H. GRABENHORST & CO, 375 Stste street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ( ROOM HOUSE AND LOT- lOoo. Call (i n; SJ-ut. WaB-ft'leaung, 34t State St. . ARE YOU WAXT1XO A HOME YOU bald - see this S roomed hoaae saoderw e-vpt furnace, lot I'KHlfto, fruit. kue ew and ia firl claa eoaditioa. Oood , lestia. Price for a aattt time at I240O. . 160tf rata, balance terms. 19 j screw S few Bail -a east f the city, part ia culti vation, all fenced, will eackaage for city property. 40 aeres ef fine prune laad. 10 acres ia pewnea. S seres bearug. bal ance ia eultivatioa. located 4 ml'.ea south: ae h. For. reel, s 4-rooaaed buugalaw. S-rnoaaed bonae o State aire. to per saontb. I raa tasks a S300. tj0O or I TOO Wast I have a buyer for a ebeap bona with largo 'lot oa paved srtwet. Ala one thai waota a S-rooaaed bungakaw i good location. Jf ye have anything for sale er etrhaage Hat it with sao. 1L h. lUdctiff, room . Bayae bldg. ! BEST BUYS 10 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. WELL fenced, finest prun. walnut or berry, land, lay welL X miles from Salem, nly 8U0. 7 ACRES ALL CULTIVATED. BEST black gravel soil. 81-4 miles from Salem, tits, a snap. 24 ACRES; 14 IN CULTIVATION: 8 IN 9-yar-oId prunes. 5. in loganberries. 8 In timber pasture), th best of soil, cloa to echooLrh rch. good macad amised road, ( room house,- barn, ful ly equipped with Stock and Imple ments offered for a short Urn at 17000. 50 ACRES ALL CULTIVATED. GOOD houae, barn, th bt of soil, 4 Vfc miles . from Salem, 91(9 per acr. - -t0 ACRES, (0 IN CULTIVATION!. , best rf dsrk loam, 49 stump pasture, . 7 miles from Salem on rock road, at station, finest location. 1 165 per acre. 139 ACRES. 119 CULTIVATED. 1 8 timber, 30 acres In walnuts with prun fllleta, both 19 years fc bouse, barn. 1 miles from Salem, file per acr. , , 189 ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. GOOD Improvements, all tiled, th best bar rain tn th county, priced SIS per acr below its present value, only 8115 per acr Including full equip ment and Stock. 42 ACRES. FINEST PRUNE RASCH in th valley. 8-rnom modern boun good barn, th best ef drier. 59 scree in prune In fall bearinr. acres In fin loganberries. e rock road. In com last year $1400. A snap for th tight man Are ri Intereated? HAVE A NUMBER OF FIVE AND TEN acr tracts which weuld make fine loganberry ranches at very ressos prices. located close tn paved street. For best buys always s i S0C0L0FSKY ;; Its me build In r Sslem. wri YOUR OPPORTUNITY I buy first elass berry lied el snsp priefs. I have personally insaerted sll the- f al lowing properties sad B eecouii-tead eSvh OB as being aa tsreptioaally food bur. 11 i . acrea with tase, .Vara, etc, IJWJ. $4 AO cash, baUac4 ease. - ' , 10 acres with S sere la lesa .3j seres eaerrie, walnut, prune, etc.! 1 acre eurrsats ana. faosewmes una e acre strawberries. All wesea wire ' teaeed. 2 roes boase; Vara.' etc, $3SoO. 92 acres ef rhoice bottosa laad Bli" miles' oat f Kaleai. $10 sa sere, 10 acres with S scree beans prune: S-reeau bua$aUws barn. - 4 ile out t 8aleta a snaia rosd. $3100,- $500 daws balance saoathle at Tar Cent. i sere iu tS-resr-4 prue Wit strictly stodera f roosi boatslew. Fiae. lo estioa. $3U. This is a . -aoasy-skakiaf hosse. ,".'..'- 9 3 4 aeres with 6 seres is togana. Ke baildiais.- 9375A. . . 13 a.-r-a of eacue berrr land il nil f Ssless tJTJrv Has fair beUJist . ? seres with 44 acre ia loraa.- Fsle buildiBJv Well located.-97 4) Would aetl 1 acre withour isero-etaBt for. $2700. Kiso berry prepoaitioa. ; , - i '..,;. -" . - t . -. ; It Is Impossible ; ; - - to slvertise ALL nty litl. If j eoate-splste bala$ land tor, satsQ fruits, ae , - . .. - r NIEBIEYER - v Masoale Balldiag ' "Jast ; Real Estate." TDK XUCVTrABMS. FARM FOTt ttfrNTTO ACRES, IiXLF ' arUa f AuaseiUa. SO aee ia crop Uat year. 20 aeres limber sad pasture. Cash r. ; real. Sot $A3. Boksn. ; ., K . :n-i- " , i , ' ' FOR RKVT 70 ACRKS, 14 ACSES FOli, ' araia, 10 acre- b about 700 - beariag : fruit trees, asostly peochea, aad balanc ; psstarst, soar seat. Located aaf aula , ; west ef Wspsw Mali, -Tssiaill oftuatr. Orrgoa. Addreas Mm. II.. Cgaa,. Oerrsis, Koala Xo. t. Phono 9 Til. . TIUE TABLES aOCTHKRN FACTPTC CO. No 84 Orcaoalaa 9:9 a-m. :l$a.n 9 .1$ a jw. No. 1$ Orea-o Expre ... No, 39 Willamette Limited. Nov 1$ Portland Paaaoa srer 3:99 p.m. No. 34 Coo Bay 9:59 s.ra, No. 14 Portland Espr. .... 7:43 p.m. ' ' 94aa4l . No. $$ Oregonlan 9:19 a.. No. tl For Eugene.. 19:13 a.m , No. 15 California Eiprw... .11:19 a.m' no. 1 1 rtnDura; rsaseag-er,. 4:95 p.m. . Ne. 3T WtUamett Limited ...5:54p.m. no. o sti raacisc rtM...ll:l p.m. MAlxn-frtem s.rursi Ne, Tt Arrir at twioro i ti.m NevJJt Lesav Salem 3:59 p.m. flAXKM. FALL CTTT o f5a.91i.KN 141 Leave Salem, motor .... f :99a.m." ;!! Salem, motor .... 9::$ a-m. 1J Leeive Salem, motor .... 1:54p m. Throush ear to Uotmsulk and Alrti : Hi VI?- - :15 p.m. 1 18 Arrives at Salara ........ $ :15a.m. i!i T"1T" ! ........11:99 a.m. U Arrives at Salem ........ 8:39 p-m. I 173 Axrtve Salem T:44 OREGON TeL-CCTRIC SCUewtfew Oct. 1st 8911. Trala Leav Arrive Salem Arrive 111! ess No. Portland f Ltd.. 9:15 am I ..... 19:4$ am 9 9:45 m 19:15 am an.-. m 13:59 pm Salem emir :i$ pm 9:33 na 19 Ltd.. 4:45 pra : pm :$ pm 3:97 pa Kelts al 11:19 Bra R.iamMia 1' .. .-93poa ts 9:39 pm North Bank StaUen (laav Jaffa. som Street li aad 39 mlnut later.) VrtXbad Trala Taav Arrtv No., Eagwa Salem 9 ..... . T:15sm 10 Ltd.. T:S$am 9:45 m, 19 , 13:13 pra Arrtr Portlaed 9:29sm 11:19 am 1:15 pm 8.59 pm ; 1 :49 am 1$ Ltd.. l:S5pm 4:A9 pm 39 ..... Balemoaly 8:39 pra 33..... 4:14nm 't:55m 19:94 pm North Bank Station farrlv Jeffer. son Street li minutes wrUr). Lear CorvaUia, . .:r r, . -: - , coJi-nBcnosf; i '' ' - Stbbmn4 t"1 ' " Leave Cervallia . . , Arrtv - , -8:38 am. .: . - 9:48 an. ! 11:18 '. - " - t:9 m i.-. 9:41 pm," r :! m - 1:1$ pm 1:8 P -V seatsasaa Leave Salem ; 8:98 m 19:1$ am t!5 pr I .f;49 ra Arrtv Corvailis . , 9tlT am , 11:1$ am $14 pm .. 9 99 pr , i