0 THE OltEOO STATESMAN ftlNDA MARCH SO. 10l TARDINESS TO BE ELIMINATED Principals Will 0 g a n i z e Campaign to Do Away With Bad Habit Elimination to a large extent among the pupils will he the object ive, ot a campaign to be instituted by the principals t,t the Salem schools. At a. meeting with Superintendent Todd Thursday afternoon attention 'vns called to the delinquencies of this nature among the children. A Rieat Irregularity has been round to exist, some -schools having almost perfect records one month arrd the next time falling far short. Richmond school made an excel lent Fhowinx last month with not. a finale case of tardiness In the build ing. It is felt that tardiness Is an im portant habit to disc6u rage among the your.Rsterp and that its elimina lion will be a treat benefit In later years. the drawing classes la the past year. Mrs. Sheldon has visited the leading art galleries of Europe and has wealth of information at her com mand, not only of the world's fa mous pictures, bnt ot European ar chitecture as well. ctnrj Children Useful Aides to County Historian School children are proving effi cient aides to the county historian. who is also county school superin tendent. Questionnaires have begun to come In and will continue to ar rive in the mails for probably two weeks more. Persons who have been missed by the teachers a.id youngsters who are collecting data on soldiers and war workers should report to the nearest school or to Superintendent V. M. Smith. This week he is planning to send ques tion blanks to the local historians in order that they may compile ia formation on funds raised for war , purposes and on service flags be longing to various organizations. m.S FtLKKRSON TO SPEAK Bird Life in Salem to Be Chronicled by Tots As the bright days of spring per mit of much cmt-door life, the boys and girls of the elementary schools of thf city have commenced the mak ing of inureeting booklets on the lJ!rd Life of Salem." ThH work is under the FtipervIsion of Mrs. Lulu H. Sheldon,- supervisor of arts in the ra-)os and junior high schools. AIr?. SheIdon Is an ardent and well vrrped' student of nature and has the l.ippy faculty of leading her as sistants and pupils along highways of teauty never before known to thorn. She has had much to do with the successful work turned out by N The Turner parent-teacners- as sociation will hold a meeting Friday night, at which time Mrs. M. 1 Fulkerson. one! of the county club work supervisors, will give an ad dress on the "Value of Strong Ele mentary Department in the Schools.' Knitting Fund Will Pay for School Improvement Since the armistice was declared the knitting club In -the McAlpin school district has decided to tu-n Its surplus money into something for the benefit of the pupils and at a meeting Friday night, the mem bers voted to invest, their funds In crushed rock to be placed in front of the school house. This will do away with a muddy approach to the BuylheRYePound Size and Save Money ucaiitbuYBelter Coffee. EVERY CAI1 GUARAIITEED WK1V9 Surprise Stove Polish If you have never used it you have a surprise coming. First it is Coal Black with a fine lustre. Used with a wet doth it is the best nickle "polish ever. Most polishes tarnish the niekle, Surprise doesn't. Does not stain the hands. No Dust. No Smell. Sold by Grocers, Hardware and Second Hand Dealers. Manufactured by C. M. EPPLEY, Salem, Oregon. American Owned, Entirely! MISERY In Head 'Teeth Neck Face Limbs Body ASPIRIN FARMERS XF.KD LLfksTO.E. Ml MMMMMIMMIMMIMi Alptrin !t tbe trade mark of Bayr Msnaf o ture of MonoaccticacideMer oi Salicylicacfci "Bayer Jallets of Aspirin" Original world-famous tablets. Quick Relief with Safety! Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water. If necessary, re peat dose three times a day. There are millions of acres of sour and semi-sour soil on the farms of the United States. The L. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, through its bulletins and county agents, recom mends ground limestone as the rem edy. Here la an outlet for millions of tons of the output of limestone quart ic-s and stone crusher. Many farmers have made consid erable money out of the high prices prevailing in war-ttnies. Isn't It the part of wisdom aud good business management to spend part of the surplus Income In farm Improve ment ? Isn't the time ripe to sweet en up some of thoe sour fields by application of ground limestone? The time may be near at band when war prices will fade away. If that transpires, undoubtedly the farmer whose fields an in the best physical condition to produce the best and largest crops at least cost will come out the winner In the race for farm trade t after-war de pressed prices. Farmers having fields that re quire lime to put them in highest producing condition should ponder well if this is not the logical time to give them the treatment. 'Ask for and insist upon Dauor-Tablots Aspirin I VwTBtyr Ooss'eTi Genuine Tablets Buy only original Bayer packages. 20-cent package Larger sizes.. . building. The club had about $100 remaining in its treasury and this entire sum was made a gift to the school. School Orders Flag J. B. Hnnt. a member of the board of directors of the Broadacres school was in town during the week and placed his order for a new flag for the building with Countv Superin tendent W. M. Smith. Garden Clubs Begun Garden clubs are now being or ganized throughout Marion county, but no reports have yet been re ceived from the schools as to the pro gress. Wide Interest will probably be shown in the work this year. EGGS IN WATERGLASS. ' Only clean fresh eggs should be used for water glassing ' purposes. Do not use eggs that have been washed as 'they spoil more easily than unwashed, clean eggs. If suf ficient eggs are not obtainable when the water glass solution Is first made, additional eggs may be added from time to time. Water glass is 30 cents a quart and a quart of waterglass will pre- serve 15 dozen eggs, u is not oe- sirable to use the water glass solu tion a second time. Eggs can be water glassed for about 2 cents a dozen. Since water glass eggs re main In excellent - condition they can be used in-the fall and winter when fresh errs are selling for 60 cents or more a dozen. Use the following method: 1. Select a five-gallon crock and clean It thoroughly, after which It should be scalded and allowed to dry. 2. Heat a Quantity of water to the boilinr point and allow It to 4. When cool measure out nine quarts of water, place It In the crock and add the one quart ot water glass and ttir the mixture thoroughly. 4. Place the eggs in this solu tion. Eggs may be added from day to day. Be very careful to allow at least two Inches of the solution to cover the eggs at all times. S. Place the crock containing the preserved eggs In a cool dry place, well covered to prevent evaporation. 4- "SAFETY FIRST" pERHAPS you have a few "bearer" Lib erty Bonds or Deeds or Mortgages or other valuable papers laying around the house. Now why not place those in a Safe Deposit Box here at the United States Na tional Bank where they will be more secure and just as easy to get when needed? There are other departments here which you should get acquainted with too. IMtsiSiaSss , Salem, Oregon, pill i I rr..ni SELECTION OF EGGS FOR HATCHING. Set only good-sized eggs uniform In size. Set only good-shsped eggs uniform In shape. Set oily good -colon d egg uni form in color. This' all you can do with a little care In selection. It Is worth while as eggs of good size, color, and shape and uniform are & marketable product at higher prices than small eggs varying In olor and all shapes. Eggs weighing less than two ounces "should not be used for hatch. ing. . The large-sized egg hatches a larger chick. This larger chick grows faster than the smaller chick. This larger chick will be market able as a broiler sooner. This larger chick matures younger. This larger chick begins laying sooner than the smaller chick. The Income is received sooner and they are more profitable. These facta . apply to all breeds'. The comparisons are made between small and large chicks in the same breed. Careful selection of eggs for hatching pays. Don't neglect It C. A. C WHAT SILAGE DOES. "It la also safe to say that with silage the cost of butterfat can be reduced from 6 to 12 cents per pound, and the cost of producing 100 pounds of milk fom 30 to SO cents. 100 pounds of beef from $1 to $2, and 100 pound of mutton from 75 cents to S1.50." Prof. A. L. Haecker. Cascarets Work While You Sleep No headache, biliousness, up set stomach or constipa- tion tomorrow The Wise Man. An old man. going a lone highway. Came at the evening, cold and gray. To a chasm vast and deep and wide. The old man crossed in the twilight dim. The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the oth er side And built a bridge to span the tide. "Old man," said a fellow pilgrim near, "You are wasting your strength with building here; Tour journey will end with the end ing day. You never again will pass this way; You've crossed the chasm deep and wide. Why build you this bridge at eventide?" ! The builder lifted his old gray head. "Good friend, in the path I have come," he said. There followeth after me today A youth whose feet must pass this way; This chasm, that has been naught to me. To a fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; He. too. must cross in the twilight dim Good friend. I am building this bridge for him." Selected. Read the Classified Ads. Spend 10 cents feel grand! To night take Cascarets to liven your liver and clean your bowels. Stop me neaaaches, bilious spells, sour ness, gases, coated tongue, bad breath, sallowness and constipation Take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest "Inside cleansing" you ever experienced. Wake up feel Ing fine. Cascarets is best cathartic 'or children. Taste like candy. No disappointment! Thirty million boxes of this harmless, famous cathartic are sold each year now. Sst: ' iff FOR SALE BT Lebold & Co. L: E. Goodman R. D. Gilbert ft Co. Reddaway's Cash Store J. D. Ceoley J. D. Giddlngs A. W. Schrunk J. L. Buslck W. B. Gerth W. K. Richardson Gibson and Birch, Liberty. M. V. Johnson Mays ft Goode Donald. Ore. J. C. Savage Waconda, Ore. W. H. Ramp Brooks. Ore. WE PAY CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS a - WE PAY CASH roR LIBERTY BONDS UJ1 Are the one big hit of the season. Nine out of every ten sales are Oxfords. We now have a complete stock of BLACK, WHITE and BROWN OXFORDS in every width in both low and high heels. We are going to advise every one to come in now as there will not be a supply large enough to supply all much longer at the rate they are now going. New brown oxfords in high low heels just arrived, long lasts, dark rich color, at New black oxfords in high low heels, just arrived, surpass kid, long last, best fitters, at 7 .00 i Growing girl,s brown and black, low heels, oxford, all widths, comfortable last, all sizes, go at Q.00 !; Black high heel oxford, long lasts, the best fitting oxford we have ever shown, every width and size, at 8-00 J High covered heel, brown oxford, long last, surpass kid, . the latest shade, all sizes at Q.00 ;i 25 cts Hanan oxfords and pumps to arrive last of week, the last word in quality arid fit Rubber Heel Day each Wednesday. We put on all 50c rubber heels at one-half price WE PAY CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS Hanan Shoes Selby Shoes Fox Party Pumps WE PAY CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS 'OX Witch Elk Boots Ball Band Bootr Bax 03 326 STATE STREET, NEXT TO LADD & BUSH BANK -t t n i ii n 1 1 nmf M. J. McCormack W. Woodburn GARDENING AT LITTLE COST. There Is not any need for a 1 t of expensive tools for the cultivation of a small garden. A spade or spading fork, a hoe, and a steel rake a the essential garden tools. To these should be added two wooden shakes and a strong string to serve as a line for makLag straight rows. A water ing can and a trowel a-e desirable but not necessary. Where the gar den work is to be carried on rather extensively. It is a good plan to se cure a combination seed drill and wheel hoe, or simply the wheel hoe alone. jlow enemy aliens or subjects cf a I country allied with an enemy of the United SUtes to manufacture, pur chase. or sell, use or possess ex plosives at any time. 1. Provided, that nothing la the above shall release airy person whe rever from complying with the law la the matter of safeguarding aud storing of explosives. EXPLOSIVES REGULATION REVOKED. Because no longer required for the public safety the director ot the U. S. Bureau of Mines, in charge ot ex plosives regulation, has made the following changes In the general In formation and rulings under the'act of October , 117 (40 8tat. 335) and as amended by the sundry civil act of July 1, lflt: 1- AH regulations relating to the purchase, possession, and vie ot ex plosives for reclaiming of land, stump blasting, ditching, and other agricultural purposes are revoked and futther license will be re quired. 1. These revocations do not al- of Appetite Is also loss of vitality, vigor, tone. To recover ap petite and the rest take Hood's Sar saparilla, that strengthens the stomach, perfects digestion, makes eating a pleasure. It also mskes the blood rich and pure, and steadies the nerves. Read the Classified Ads. A VALET .NEEDED Members of a Juv!!ec!aej were having a leasoa Li natural history and the teacher asked one small boy if he knew the different be tween hlmseir aad a tig brown bear. The child shook his ha4. "Vidpf ld the teacher, -for one thtng you can take your coat off. but a bear caaaot do that, can he? "No." came the answer It a lev itating style. "And why cannot a bear take his coat off? ahe asked la an encour aging manner. The small boy pondered long and deeply, then a triumphant smll tole over his face. l know. he Aid. "because he doesn't know where the butons are!" With our tmnxporUUon facilities, we art able to pay the highest caah price for EGGS -3 DRESSED MEATS POULTRY WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. 171 South High Street. Phont 1400