TUG OREGON STATESMAN: THURSDAY, M.iRlll -7, UIIO rv o j The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper j)lV&GLTy ' Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While Classified r.t. 1 ' i i! rr NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY , ThtelBcn, IVoUnd Je Burghnrdt Resident Agent 871 but St MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARH PROPERTY AT LOWKST KATES. , COMMISSION THOS. K. FORDri 5, 1-2 Farm Loans 6 i - - 'J - z& ' W loan money far fire years. We allow you to pay $100 or Multiple on the principal on dnr Interest date We close out loans promptly. HAWKINS and ROBERTS, 314 Masonic Bide;. Salem, Ore. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Hat Per Word. First Insertion . le Subsequent Insertions He One week (six insertions )....,. tc One month 9c Six months' contract, per mo.. Ic II montha' contract, per mo... 7c No acct. opened for less than. 25c A neat card riven free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing; "For Sale" "For Rent" "Rooms" or "Board." - - --- . -ivwM--rrrrrxrin ' NEW TODAY. Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New To day 'or the first Insertion, unless othe.-wlae ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under its proper classification. No advertisement will be run under "New Today" for more than one issue under any circumstances i ! 4 ; NEW TODAY WANTED-F.XPERIEXCEI (II UL TO AS- . aist in trimming millinerr. Oale ft Co. WANTED OASOUXjE . DHAIi Ferry street. Phone 1'V.- SAW, 61'. 1 HAVE 10 ACRES OK iOOU DAIRY . t-A . ..1. I . I . e per sere. More than one-half in roltirs- tion. The ground has been rerently plnwpt! ana is now ready to lie set to lerrte. Will give terms. Yiu mnllw prnt if you want this land.. Other diKiitin . will be made in a few days. Jihn H. . Hcott, 404 llnbbard bldg. i PRINE8 AND LOGANBERRIES IK YOU '.wish to r sell yoor prune or loganlterry ranch come in and list it with me. Have aeveral coatomera. Can effect you a aale if your price is right. Call me ap or come at once. Hocnlofaky, 31 State.: CADILLAC TIH'CK FOR SALE. WHITE ton r me car fr sslw r will take lilt lit cat in rnd". 2 -13 H. Com'l. Phone U62. WANTED HOARDERS AM ROOMERS AT 1120 tenter St. Phone 1074. WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK -THE . hand hag from the lavatnrr of the Y. W. - C. A.- yesterday 'by miatake please leave it with ths secretary at the desk. WANTED RIGHT AWAY A FARM HAND. , An opening for a long job and a : h1 one. Phone XF4. jlSSritK YOfR HOME AND OTHER PROP ' erty in companies that are old and ea .. tabliahed, and fire t rated. Our agency ! tnrludea bntl old line- and mutual com panics of highest rank. We are prepared '. te liik after your insurance on any class . of property, upon a momenta notice, and to render you up-to-the-minute' insurance service at all times. . Ii. A. Johnson in sursncs Agency, over Ladd Bush bsnk. Salem. Phone 347. t HAYR RETURNED TO SALEM AND opanad my office in Room 4. Bavne. bldg I want to list your property. . I have a bayer that will coaaidrr any of the fol lowing properties, part cab balance Lib erty bonds. A cheap modern .bungalow. Must be a bargain. Or a large lot and a smalt house on paved si reels. A good I vacant lot with fruit on paved atreet. I bavs a client that will make a few short time loans. Her me if you want to bur or selL 11. S. Radcliff, room 4, Bayns kldg. FOR 8ALE SPEED BOAT AND PRO- neller. Mrs. H. S. Fitrhard, Independence, Oregon, MULES. HORSES FOR, SALE SEVEN spaa good work mules. Eight head farm horses, all good, worker and well broken. - Prices verv ressonable. Can be seen at Waring' barn. 254 S. Liberty St. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS EARLY YEL- low dent seed corn, cents per pound. 1141 N. Cottage St, Salem. WANTED MAN TO WORK IN HOPTARD. Phone 5S1. T. A. Livesley Co top " floor Salem Bank of Commerce bidg. I.OST A CHILD'S LAVILLIEK, OFF Center between 14th and 17 th street. Leave at 1230 Center atreet. Reward. EMPLOYMENT 00004000000000 FEMALE afJsrsJr"J1 LALT WITH 7-YEAR OLD CHILD WAN"rS " work as eook and housekeeper. Can give , good reference. Phone oumter 1140W. WANTED - EXPERIENCED GIRL OR woman to do renersl houaework in fsm ' ily of three. No children. Phone 3.r.K21. WANTED UEEINED LADY INTERESTED In home no rung snd culture of children, 0 and adrsn-emcnt. Gitc vhonc and sddress A S. Ststcsmsn. . . . - ' COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER WOULD like stenographie and of fee work. Would consider work that would take ball days Tily. Write P. O. Box 464. CASHIER AND BOOKKEEPER OF FIF- taen year' epcrienca deares .position. , Can operate typewriter. Beat of refer " etc-es " T' i are Stateaman SI ALB , m m e i ei KK YOU OUT OF WORK J X I ur chanre to learn a brade for f."H. V ra giring a life memlerhip in all r.f aur mi..r ... ),...!, In U. H. and t'anada an anii.ninl ilea. L eaa tract ra. elecl'nc 'tier. iemtion yteni and crl.tiretoi-. this ia th l.iCk"-! 'inducement rt'r of fered any man in -this lii". If you a . it I In -eel in .in this ares . ffer all a aur nffiea or send a S-1 deooaif !(.. re Afrit I, which will hold 'd f r to stait any time laer, sa this estnc r.re sill coat v SIS after April 1. i fiirthee infnnalinn call IT write llfW bill a Trade Hhd, 7"7 Hawthorne "Ae., or 121 North 1b HI., l-ortjno, aj're. tlrsnrhea at Winnipeg, Itegina. Haaha Uuiiiai. Ijthfridce. talcarr. Van router. B. snd Portland. TUeae sre all nractical irhn U where atodents SC Inslly work en sambilea and Ka Irsw 111 i MALE I EXPERIENCED CJ RAFTERS WAXTIil) Jhm 111F3. EXPERIENCED GRAFTERS WANTED Phone 111F21. Fruitlaad Nursery. WAXTEI AT OXCE. WOOD CHOPPERS. Second growth fir. 1 2 per cord. Joha II. Kcott. 4U4 Hubbard Lldg. MISCELLANEOUS. WAXTE! 7 OK LOUAXBERKY TRAIN er Vbone 100F3 FOR RENT MOUSES FOR RENT-HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farma. jr. u. Wood. 141 BUU treat. Phon 794. ' T FOR REXT CLOSE IN. 10 ROOM house. $17.50. , ;.roni hvuw $12.50. . i-room flat $10. u-room flat $7 SO. Phone J. 11. Uutrrman 900 or 7S. FOR SALE m ew.siaa.aa.eaeaafc...a, wm-w-m-u-(jj-(jj. i MISCELLANEOUS CHAPEL ORUAN Phone 1367 FOR S ALE 1 15. FOR RALE YELUUV 1EXT SEEl CORN. J. A. Kreba, Phone 9K2K K)K SALE MY 2m TALKING MACHINE and records. Cheap. Call 1C41 Hall St. 3S.0OO MAOOON ST RA W 1IKHKY plants for sale. J. 8, Salem. Route 8. Uox 4f. TOR SALE BCICK ROADSTER FIRST class condition. Mrs. II. S. Fitrhard. In dependence. Ore COR SALE A LAROE GAS UXNtiK WITH . two ovens, and' a kitchen table with flour bins and drawers. I'hune (f4U. FOR SALE NICE SPRING WHEAT HAY. also artichokes for seed. John H. Scwtt, 404 Hubbard lldg. HOP ROOTS' FOR SALE WELL AND strong ones. Come aAc me. Sib Yirk. on the T. B. Jo nee raach, Kt. i. Bus 70. Oervaia, Oregon. ' HAY FOR SALE 10 TON GOOD WHEAT ! hay for aale. F. E. Shafer, 170 South CommereiaL Phone 411 or 1593. : PEERLESS OASOL1NF ENGINE. I J ( horsepower. I cylinders. Suitable for Rrain elevator. Formerly used a auxiliary in electric iigrnt plant., in grood condition. - 100 gallons tank. Price $1000. Scott Bosorth. Spalding Bld, Portland. Oregon. BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM- Dlete set of 20 volumes, cloth bind- In if. new. never Unboxed. Will sel! ', for less than cost. Address "Book." i care Statesman. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immi gT.it ion has been carefully revised, making: a nandsome little book. It telle in graphic terms of the massa cre of the oatman family, or the es cape of Lorenxo. and the captivity of I Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vatlon. and Olive wae purchased from the Indians five years later. The price 1 10 cerfts, postpaid. Add res Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salens Or. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A car. come and see me. mi rora. 1125. J917, Maxwell in best condl-I tion. $425. 117, Hudson Six. perfect I cofiditlon. a bargain. Twin motor cycle. $75. 1917 Cherrolet, perfect l7.'..on. We do ' all kind of auto reptirinir: Also a -first clans auto laundry. t:et the habit "of keeping your car in good shape. It Pays Salem Auto Exchange. Olaf Olesen, nrnn.. formerly Camobelrs Auto Ex- rhanire. 229 State street. Phone 3b2 List your oroperty trade with me POfJXTRY WHITE ROCK EGGS FOR HATCHING. Phone 93F3 or 403 R. MALLARD DUCK EGGS FOB HATCHING. 10c each. John Loreni, Kickreau. 644 STATE ST. PHONE 400. Headauarters for baby chicks. : Lechoms. Keds, Rocks, Minorca. Bet atock. Priee- reasonable. ;C. X. Needbam. B.x 412, 8u!cm. Ore. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE RES"' farm paper, send luc to me t-aciri Homestead, naiem. Oregon, tor a ui subscription. Mention 'his aa LOST AND FOUND LOST JXUnWarXJ" '' - aaanaaana-iaial LOST PAIR GOLD RIMED GLASSES IN black leather case. Ke torn to Blatesmec office. I 1 UlsT- t BREAST PIN YELLOW BTONI . aatiuue eetting. an heirloom, reward if returned to Pry's Drug store I.OST .WRIST WATCH. SWISS MOVE ment, between Union 'St.. snd OTegcn tii eater Monday night. Reward offered Return to Statesman office. WANTED LfUftJXfUU'U'LnjTI'll"."il"l"l"-"l - -- -- -- -- -- ----- MISCELLANEOUa. wwwwwwwwwwaweeaaa WANTED TO BUY CATTLE AND calves, any kind, raone t.aw. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOP good clean rags, trees ioom euuu; man. WANTED FAT HENS. BEST PRICEK paid. Hpencer rtaraware o., i Stat St. Ask for Director. WANTED A COUPLE DOZEN RHODT Island Red or Ply-month Rock pullets II. If. Boles, Salcra, Route 6; phom 109F11. WANTED THREE OR FOUR FUR niehed house-keepinic rooms. Best ol references. "A. 86." care of States man. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTOR aagnjaaWsWanaBa AUTO SERVICE. 0040S00400 SHIPPS AUTO 8ERVICE CITY ANI country trip. pnon: oy. y night. 859. TIRES REPAIRED VTTLCANIZINO GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERV1CI Station. 177 eouth commercial at Phone 42S REPAIR WORK A. E. HUTCHISON 34 STATE STREET Phone 311. Overuod service snd gea ersl repair shop. LODGE DIRECTORY 00000000000000000000400 - MODERN WOODMEN aaanaae4aa MODERN. WOODMEN OK AMERICA Orea-nn Cellar CiuiD No. S244. meet every Thursday evening at 0 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court ane High etret. J. F. Day, V. U. Y. A Turner, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS DRAYS AND EXPRESS. . gSaBgahjaa LARMER TRANSFER-WE MOVE AND store good. Day phon 910. Night phone 119 1. .. DRAYS AND EXPRESS DR. CAPITAL. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 133. Salem a largest and beat equipped transfer company- Oct our reduced freight rates on eastern ship ments. Also for storage, as we have three warehouses la connection with business. Furniture moving-, packing-, shipping; and storing- our spe cialty. Office. S3 State atreet DRY CLEAM5Q AAD PRESS IX G JAPANESE PRESSING 4fARLORS-i. 8. Watanab. Prop.. 414 N.' Commer cial street. Ladles and gentlemen's suits cleaned and preased. fl.Xl and 11.76. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main SIS. JT3TK JCJfK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household good a. The "Square Deal House- Capital Junk Co, 171 Cbemeketa 81 Phone Sts. LAUNDRIES. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAX. 438 Ferry St. I pay top aaarket price for chickens sad eggs. House kost 1333 J. bbop phone 133VJ. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. Cc per pound, lis South Liberty . Phone 16. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only IS cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing; within twenty-four hours. Phone I47L MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY KEPAIR1NO OF all kinds, automobile repairing, xy- acetylene welding, gaa engine repair ing, model and experimental worn. Iowa Machine Shop. O. a. Drown. Prop.. 161 Cbemeketa atreet. Salem. MONEY TO LOAN. FARMERS WANTING ' FEDERAL FARM Inaa funds should not wait until the laat minute netore iiung application, riie en- needa. Interest -' per rent. 34 years, time. A. C Bohrastedt, 401 Masonie Temple, Salem, Oregon. NURSERIES FRUITLAND NCKSERY 8 A I. EM R. F, D. S. Boa 138K. Phone llirsi. A. few more ItalUa prone trees Irft aad also other nursery stork. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler. ISt Center street. WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. Will buy. sell, trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay the highest cash price. I also handle clothing. See J. A. Rowland Furniture Store, 147 N .Commercial. Phone IS. PAINTHRS F. H. KATLOR. PAINTER. 110 SOUTH Winter. Phone 19. RESTAURANTS. SHORT ORDTSR RESTAURANT LOVIE Lunch counter. High atreet. s cross front O. E. depot, caa give yon the beat of service. Try it today. UNDERTAKERS WEBB efc CLOUGH C H. WEBB, A. If. Clougb, funeral directors. The latest modern method known to tb pro fession. 47 Court street. WALL PAPER. PAINT 3LENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- oratinr. painting, tinting;, odper- hanging, etc Work done by contract' or by day; good workman. Location . 1020 Center street. Phone SStW. I FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial atreet. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court 8t Phone 415. WOVEN WIRE FEN CI NO Drael National at Aaaertea Fence, all eteee. X lav ta S lav aJga. Paints. Oils aad Varmtehw Steve 1 Reballt and Repnlred. Lean a berry and lien Hsaks, Ha lean Fence ate Steve Work a. 290 Court St. Pheave 14 R. B. FLEMING. TRANSFER HAULING VUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND t , f hauling. Household -i-'iXTS movlnsr lobs done prompt- ly. Try m once. Timm. 471 State St. Phon 941. . Residence phone 1112 J. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC siaeSaSasSaveaaekjaeaaeaaaka OR. 0.'L SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. S. C Chiropractic fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Office 404-7-1 U. S. National Sank Building. Phone S7. Residence 12SR- OSTEOPATHY. e. OR. W. L MERCER; UKAUUAlo American School osteopotny. rwira-a-vllle. Mo.; treats cute nd chronic iii..... nr ric. 404-40S TJ. ft. National Rank Blda- Phon 919. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phon 14 OSTEOPATHY. m0000000044 OR3. WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO- ..... nhvaipiana ana luiiwm iradontee of American School of Oateo pathy. Kirkavlll. Mo. Tot graduate nd specialized in nervous diseases at L Anseles College. Treat acute a. .1 ehcnic diseases. Offices. "--7- IT S National Bank Bidg. Phone -. iteaidcnc. 120 Court - street ri..n ?15. Dr. White' residence phone. 449 SirSIC TEACHERS ae lfPP TEACHER OF PIANO Ti.r.e 1JS ' PHYSICIANS DR.- I r. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHl Phvaician General Practice. ou Stone end Goitre treated tiecssful 1y. Office and residence. JJ0 North ?,IKer R.l.m phone 147 WATER ruXTir-rJaefkalkm SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. Ml S Commerctsl street. For water erv lc apply st t.ffice. Ifske all com plaints st th office. No deductions in bills will he s Mowed for absence or for iy csuse whatever unless water I cut off from promisee. Here after water for Irrigation will only be furnished to reeruler customer us ing water fer domestic purposes. Contrnctora for ' sidewalks, brick work or pl.sterlng. will pie. re.d "for hulldtnar Durnose" tmder sched- ul of rate. Apply t office for copy CHINESE PHYSICIAN 000000000000004000000 1 11. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 1(1 S. High 8t Pbene IIS. REAL ESTATE rVR HALE 6 ROOM llOl'SE ANI LOT. 1000. Call ea uy agrat, la. liming. 341 State St. FOR SALE 7-ROOM STRICTLY UOUEKX hour, paved street sad car hue. A saap at 037CO. W. A. Liatoa. . t WILL PAY S-liOO MPOT CASH FOR A FOR asadera 7 noa kaagalvw in good dis trict. Mrs. W. K, rare jtmaa. WH HALE OR LEASE AFTER APRIL 1ST. the hunt now occupied by Jadge Chart A. Johas. SCO N. Capitol St. Far terms inqaua 346 N. Capitol TOR SALE BY OWNER MOIERX 7 raoai aonse. large lot. hearing frait trees aad berries. Call at 1740 Coart v phoae 10S6M. WIL LfELL 3lK Ljens with 1)H ACRE FARM NEAR acres cultivated: range of buildings for 40 aa acre. Oowd terms. Mcsaeyer. Siasoaic haildiag. FIXE FIFTEEN ACRES OF LAND Ad joining fairgrounds. 37jO. Nieaiejer, Masoaie building. 21 ACRES 7 MILES OCT OF SALEM: COM I. let a with stark aad eaipaaeat. IsoOO. Sieuiejer. Masonic buildiag. FOR SALE STRICTLY MOl:RX 7 ROOM house, only eirbt blocks fro as Xtcaacrrr'a real estate office, large rrweaa: nicely ar ranged; hot water beat; practically sew. Oa paved street: garage, S70O. ie seyer. Masonic buildiag. SISOO WILL Bl'Y A Fl'LLY IfRXIdlll.D .fiveraoaa cottage. Furniture Includes an 0OO plsyer plaao: 990 raage: too sew rag aaachiae braaa beds: etc, etc. lloe is saiall aad eld. aad there is svet asurh lot. But it Is a saap. Mesaajer, Hi aoaie building. FtlR SALE lie ACRE! FARM Inv ented ;u miles from Salem, acres In cultivation, balance timber, trood set of farm buildings. Rock road, fine prune and berry land. W, 11. Orabrnhorat Co. 27. State St. yrtU. RALE T' KOOkf I IOCS E. GARAOE. paved street, fine lucatiea. I blocks to jar line. 4 te sia'S noese. luraare, iec trie lights, gas. sleeping porta, garden, Eagliah walnaK tteaty ef fruit. 1451 Court St. AN SO ACRE FARM AT 170 WILL take a swell town house In Salem. A Hi ACHE. ALL BOTTOM. FARM. Oood buildings, and will take a Jvv Salem residence, Wm. Fleming. (41 State street. WIS HAVE OYER GOO PROPERTIES listed with us at a price leas the a per eeat eommiaaioa rharged by real' .estate Sara. Yoa may have a priated catalog free of charge by calling st 405-400 Hubbard buildag. . -ivfT ditt ii.i. a- it we ir seasrel Commercial street, on door north of State street. Salem, together ; with perpetual right of war ever the 14x60V. feat tract extending from this property to State street. Term. Apply Scott Boxortb, 741-1 Spalding Bidg, Portland. Oregon. - A FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW. DESIR able easy terras. South Salem, $1200. A SIX ROOM rOTTAuE,. IKWU BAR gain at $1500. Easy terms A SWELL SIX ROOM COTTAGE, rlscht up-to-date, a-beautiful home, fine grounds. See me especially on this. Wm. Fleming. 311 Stat street. FOR ExniANGE MODERX ROOM COT- I age. IS In 1 seres ef fruit aad heroes. 3 poultry houses, small creek crosses place, oraamenta! shrubbery, paved street and concrete walk, la live manufacturing terwa Cottage Grove, Ore. Far Heath Salem property, small . ranch or acreage. See or call for photo. W. C Conner, Statesmaa office. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C W. Klemerer, All branches of real estate and Can- ada lands. 111-210 Masonic Bidg. Pbon 1000. 3$ ACRES. 1 MILE FROM MILL C1TT. all level except three or four acrea. one. half In cultivation. S room house. rood well and tank, bath and toilet, barn 11x40. chicken house, fruit house, everything in good order, fam ily orchard, rood team, wagon, har Beta, one cow. mower and rake, and clear of Incumbrance. Price If sold soon $4500. Small payment down, balance terms. (1. V. Laflar. 603 60S Hubbard Building- FARM FOR SALE 7 d ACRES. AIX bottom land: 45 acres In cultivation, balance In pasture: all level: adjoin limit of a town of a thousand; good I room house: large barn with Wtanciiioyis for 24 head of Cows, stalls for six head of horses: room for hiv for aame: :0o ton silo: place well fenced: plenty of out buildings. Including hog houses, chicken hous es, granery. etc: good family or-1 chard: one mile to htffh school and ! college: half mile to public school: electric lights and city water; $150 oer acre. Will accept good Salem residence properly up to $1500 a first payment: long term on balance at S per cent intereat. Reasonable discount for cssb. Phone 194. or I see me at 1059 Center street, Salem. Oregon. BARGAIN 20 ACRES FIXH PRUNE LAND thre mile out. $200. Easy terms nS' HALF ed close lo " c,0 w 4 ArilKH SMOOTH LA clesr, fair buildings, fenced .m.11 tjilt, ttSAA SO ACRES SVOOTH LAND CLOSE TO small town on county u.u, n-j uunu lnaa. 12500. t ACRES tJOOD L.VND ON MAIN eountv road, fair set Of buildings. e-onrf orchard, all well fenced. 170 nee acre. NEAT FIVE rnoil BUNGALOW OOOD Fl VP KooM$ BUNGALOW. LARGE LOT ti tna SEVEN Rvnr MODERN RUNG WW. KirK'd rnrit. for rent. n FORD FOP SI.E. F. L. WM.iI. itayne' tiuiioing. GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Cf-OSE to carline. In Snth Slem. Price flsoo. : down, balance C per oent Interest .iv-r: 1-fMiM - MODEItV IM;nJAMW l.w). f h ..n S-xjth High street. Trice t-.nn GOOD SEVEN ROOM MODERN HOUSE iroorf location. Irlc S17i $li down, hslance $25 l-cr montn, C P cent Intereat. bona- close In. paved re-t. Price $.tlS. lift down. haln.-e . per month ti sar cant Interest i-.ii;ht RiMut sionKiix tioL.tr: le- ni I IS North Winter iltM. LXROE I ROOM HOUSE LtWWTKD t 7IJ S'ste tret. If Interested I iia arnnerlr us. SIX BOOM MODERN HOUSE lXTAT i in t ew- Park. Price-$ FIVE ROOM Itni'SE OV SOUTH 1h street. Price $40. $2S down, bal omc tier rent Interest tFvou WANT JO. HUT., TR-DK OTt I en. see W U f,R ARF.NHijRST & CO. 273 State street. REAL ESTATE I FOR SILK OX EASY TKKUs 70 ACRE - laws. 1)0 srrca fall grata. acrea plowed. II hea atvek. poaltrv aad -pleasant,, Kclfakr. Baae Lldg. ', EOll HALE HT OWNER, all fikst! class asodera bungalow with fall I A a rnarnted - liwawm aad farasre fcat , thresrhwat. large kt with new garage and I Lara, a private grarrlcd drwer. ausa apU aad praa trees aad athcr ahrua-I , err. lor this tnk ee:y at t.-VV caaa. Phone 377 W. a ! I l1""".-.":- 5A.Tl . lets ler sale a - .... kcatioaa. fraai 10W up svsaa ea gwd tenaa. Thea lots steal aseve aae at thoao bargains. Se ate Mas If yaw get theaav O. W. Laflar. 4i-4i lUbbard bUg. FOR SALE FINE FULL. UEUtlXfJ 2t acre prune orchard, near Baletn. Map for laiet. FOR SALE 1$ ACRE TRACT. AIJ. IV cultivation. It, acres straw b-rrte. S acres In grain, stock, machinery. tls. fair huuae aad barn. Price !?. some terms FOR S.VLE GOOD CLOSE IN 4 ACRE tract, good improvements, good bear las: prune orchard, all kinds of fruits. stock tools, machinery. cri. fiee fcnrne and money tnak.r, llS.iSe FOR HALE IS ACRES OF FISK LKV- el rich loam land near Salem fair set farm buildings, well renceal and watered, ,-roll from achooL tea an. wagon, harneea. toola sad crop, all for I7S0S. good terms. FOR H ALE 2 ACRE FARM A POUT 7 ml lea from Salem aw gond reck road, about half I cultivation, fair act farm MilMiaga. seme good tim ber. IrW ttS per acre HAVE CLIENT Ht WANTS TO Ull home la Satem on tatoathly payment plan, also have Client who wants farm of 40 to e acres with iboal II acres commercial orchard. good roads and Improvements, north of fc'haroaixs in ACREOE. farm land, loganberry land and prune ce r bards. aee I'errlne JU a raters, 14 Hubbard Building. Salem. Oregon. BEST BUYS 10 ACRE. ALL CULTIVATED. WELL r.arti r neat nrune. walnut or beery land, lava well. I miles from Bajasn, oalv II tg. . 7 ACHES ALL CULTIVATED. HWf Mack r ravel soiL 3 1-1 miles iron R. In ftaS a anan i At-nriA id IN CULTIVATION". 1 TN 3-year-old prunes. S la loganberries, I S In timber paature. toe oeei aw. in aphooLrha reh. arood macad- mnl mad 4 room house, barn, ful ly equipped with stock and imple ments . offered for a Short time at I traaa '.0 ACRES AIJ. CULTIVATED. GOOD house, barn, the heat of soil. 4Vi mile from Halem. 1140 per acrev 10 ACRES. IN CULTIVATIOK. best of dark loam. 40 stump pasture. 7 miles from Salem on rock road, at station, finest location, 1101 per acre. lit ACRES, ! CULTIV ATKD, IB t mber. 3 acre in wainuia wiu srune JiJ" tiii nouse. own. . mucs i per acre. HI ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. OOOD ImprorVmentaTall tiled, the.be.t bar- ! gain in tne cpiinty, pnw e s-. acre below dgVresent v!. $121 per acre Including; full equtp- . .1 .XirV. as irniN a-IN-FJTT PTltTNE RAKCH W a - V e a, - - .a r.. m In the valler. a-room "y'T srood barn, th best of otter. SO acre In prunes in foil bearing;, acre in fine loganberrle. on rock road. In come Isst year $540. A ''' . i . a r. riM Interested? HAVE A NUMBER OF FIVE AND TEN acre tract wntcn wouia loranberrr ranehe t very reaeow- . Kl nrlrea. located ClOSO to pavvw street. For - beet ys always S0C0L0FSKY n.vne butldlna- Salem. Oregon GOOD BUYS 44 ACRE FARM. II ACRES UXDETt cultivation. 0-room house, barn, fam ily orchard. S acre fr "-w.. i loa-anberriea. some tiro hi V;' mil from Salem, price $00.. 11710 down, balance 0 per cent 20 ACRE ' REARING rjlWE OR chard, located about 0 mUe from 8a- . . .AAA WELL IMPROVED 2$ ACRE TKACT. located cloe I. B rwm F aawr houee. barn, family orchard. 4 tt loganberries. 10 acres of 1UH T. W en. A Price III. 601. .AiYt nTvnl it ACRES BEAR lhg Prunes family orchard 0 room w.T... w. rin. anrlnar. all under cultivation except IS acre which U in pasture and timber. 4 , mile from Salem on good hard road. 1(1 ACRE DAIRY FARM. TWO SETS 000 of ajood butiaings. wen i---- ACILES OF PRUNE ORCHARD. I i a imps acres Italian, ana , w i , ,-.a acres Petite. true- r-m .a irup psh-h. zis A.ns-n -r I 'Ty." . . K.ma-alow. barn, chicken house. ( acre 4-year-old Italian, familj - or chard, straw be rrlea and loganberries. erwi.. d A ah . $0 ACRE FARM. S ACRES UNDER "... i- katane timber and pan- VUIVI e lVH, we-wa- - -M ture. 1 acres Italian prune orniiru. rood I room nouae, ,narn. v . " j 1 1 la nee acre cnaro. .... - - - - - . . iDra I ACRE FRUIT 1W- tfiV. . v Italian prunes, a ium -acres loganberries. I cres Royal Anne cherries. C acres app ea. Sod machinery, equipment and household room hour ana narn. 10 A RES OF FIRST CLASS PRUNE d rry all cultivated. Price I tl.COO $40 down, balance to suit at good rn. IT ice iif.int . - a.. eves W. a 9t m a I e-r rent interest. c W.H.GRABENH0RST&C0. 27S Stat street. ro axsrt Fuuca. FARM FOR RENT 70 ACRES. nir mile ef Aumsvine. 67 scree to crwp mn esr. 21 acres timber sad pa at are. Ctsb rent. B $39. Salenv FOR RENT 7 ACRES. 21 Avar." K in acres Brans. aMut two ocarina fruit tree, moetlv peachea. aad balance nastare. ahsre rent. Located slf mile i af Watvalx atatioa. Ysmhill eeeatr, Oregon. Addreas Wm It. Fgsa. Gervsia. Route No 2 Phene 3111. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Product Co, 4airin. Oiesron. Phone 2138 SALEM BIARKETS i . iu vi.xti rim i; , $e arel ivuluy. 'Kcss;'-3Ser.- I " Hens. 3e' i Old rooAleri." I r to.l. '. Pnrli: IfMttfHk 0h4 rleef. Pork on foot. 17 ir lr, ri:r. plow land, balance -V, 2V"a ber. running water, beet of soil, good Zll ' m kniiitiarr Prtc-e 114.00. improved 1 ACRES. NEW- 0 REAL ESTATE BETTER FARM BUYS C. W. NIEMEYER 140 acres S miles from Salcra. 1 I' .Iu. .t..i. t a a ..... Rtti..ti I a4 ITT V ays.a tWMe sse e a ea e e a rood bnlldlaCS. 112.000. ... ..k an arm la rear . .lt..t g. 14 isi H u wrap auw ay e w-a w, bjiiii aw-vsi. we j mi't from Salem. Good halldiac. tit t.f.n 100 acre, wltn about 70 la crop, . . ... . . rme uuiiainga. complete sua iukk id aed iaipneat, oa maia road oat of Maleni. II IS aa acre. This Is oa of .offerings of rails. CaaadUa PecK the best little farms la the valley. A I splendid dairy proposition. 07 acrea near S. Stayton. TO acres cultivated. Eirellent buildings, Moilae tractor goes wltn property at 10 an acre. S acres la Klaga Valley, a flee wglant proposliloa. Good hallllb.s. On mala road. SCO aa acre. TS acres of fine soil. sa l to good little town. 14100. 4 SO acre of choice bottom land. 1H miles from W. Stayton. LWe not overflow. Good balldtags. All land ready for plow. 11100. IS acres near IVJaclegy with 4 acre ready for prnas, S7100. SO acrea 3 trilleg V. of ladepenn ence. la flae shape. With all laple trents and stock, lacladiag 4 horses. 2 cows, etc tTlOO. 40 acrea 4 mile from fUlem with 21 acre Jest set to Italian pmee, Wlth a modern hnagaJew. 11100. 40 acre In Waldo Hill aU ea'tf rated. SCOOO. 31 arte on Silvertoa road. 7 r-i.le onL All ralUvxted gad woven wits fenced. 14100. St acre of choice bottom bed north ot Salem, tilt. 3S acres with 10 acre la t-year old prase, with fully modern hooae end n floe range of bniidiare, ea Jefferson road. Oa ef th beet prop erties la the locality, f 13.000. TH12K ARK A FKW OF TTtK LXD BARGAINS I CAX 0 11131 YOU. C W. mERIEYER "Just Real Eatate.-21l-:i4 Masoale BalldJar Falem . Eggs.. 31c Beef steers, 3 Oc Cows. C to te. Top Veal, II c Bay. Cheat, pr ton, 34. Clover, per ton, 135 to $21. Grain, Wheat, 11-10 to $3. Oats 70-7&C Beans, nominal. 1CH !Yr1g, lXrOOI. Mill run. $43 to 144 per ton. , WlIOI3iALE TO DEALCRS Creamery hotter, prints, S3 te Ue. Batterfat, f. e. h.. Salem, 4Je. Frmlf. Orangea. $S to $f.S0 Banaaaa. Oc. Lermons. $S to $5.7S s bJx. CallforsJa grape fruit. 13.75 a box. VcrtabW. Cabbage, lc Onions. $3 to $4 a sack. Cauliflower. $2.2$ to $4 a crate. Carrots, $1.75 a each. Pars nip. $3.75 a sacs. Turnips, 13.50 a sack. Itetall Priced. Creamery hotter, 70c Dairy butter. lOe, Eggs, 4 Oc ' Flour, hard wheat, $3 10 to $3.1 S Flour. Talley. $3.SSO$2 tO. Sugar, can aad beet, 10c. Potatoes, tack lots, 11.75. ea,wea istra iniMM-a J Uft k LAXtJJ UAKIht. 1 a Baury Frodnae. PORTLAND. Ore March 21. Butter: Prints, extrss, C0t?Clc: cubed, extras, Sm&COc; pilma firsts, 58c: dairy. 33c. Butterfat. Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cresm. 13c. FoCntocw. Potatoes: Locals, aelllae price. $1,500 $1.75. Grain. Craln future bids: Oats. No. 3 white feed. March, April and May. $49. Barley, standard feed. March. April and May. $49.50. Barley, stan dard "A." April and May. $50.50. Kate:n oats and corn In balk: Oats No. 3 white. April aad May. $47. j Oats 3S-pound clipped white, April. $19; May. $48.50. Corn No. 3 yel low. March. April and May. $40. Corn No. 3 mixed. March 11. 50; April and May. $59. .KW YORK MARKirTN NEW YORK. March' 21. Evapor ated apple quiet. Prune- gtrong. Peaches quiet. EUROPE AGAIN HATilPERS TRADE Political and Economic Com plications Prcient For ward MorcmcnU NKW YORK. March 21 The a.ro foe tort and developments which mil itated againt n discontinuance ol the forward movemeat on atock eg change early In the week were op erative axaln during today's heats aeeloti. though' In lesser degree. Political and economical rotspll- aflpn la central and eastern Ka rope were the subjects of wide dl rqasion in high financial el rrlea. up plemrntM by edtlcea which born d tcrtely en lb atat ef importaat ell properties rrrei th Rio Crsad. mr of th new wss dlMlnftlr hopeful and illaoilagtisr. .' otaUy the dels tied repvrt f the country's Kebisary Hade, in wbleN eiperu were la kreplag with the high record of the preceding; months la well Informed quarters thei was aa evident disposition to accept motor front Washington aad elae where to the effect that the adaia- Utratlon bad Tlrtaxllr derided l abandon the several aatl-Lrart salts - BOW txadJaf. I'httaI Ktatea steel's eole ootward w - - ' - soaatTesUtloa of this prospect wss raits - af Ik Btoisfa from 11a low Crf the forenoon, hat only a fraction of . . . . . . .v rtuousa rrniiera ii ur na. t entire list sc Iliac off en fairly lif yielding alsaott three potatg.. as n whole the soaihet may he sammarUed by the statement Its' Investment share were heavy when they moved at all. while early gia la Secondary metals, etls aad the shlcptsgs wet larreSy dUai paled la- Jter. at per ceat rail for loaaai aa- I IBg to toe iiifiurDni as save vww Fale anoeate4 to 71.000 aAare. Cvery division of (le bod carhH was heavy or weak, liberty foarth i-a'i maklag a sew mtalasm a 113.41. foreign tsaae loalag free tlons to a poiat aad the general de taestlc list shadlag. Total sale, par valee. tll.Se0.000. OVd t'aJted State roapon and r lisle-red 4 were variably higher en ea'l. Corn Deliveries Sear . to New Season Recvris ' CHICAGO. March U! llr rtte ef eora eoared toJi v to new high price veeerdd for the aesaea. hat reacted tharply at 'm: U Coe etp had been current Lta. .avol i porters w hdddlag fe. tot wax afierwartfa trs t set by beartth alvWi frot An cp tlaa. Th marHet r;oaw-4 svervoaa at the naA aa terdaa nih te m higher, with Msytl.M ' 'OII.4S, and Jaly 11.1IU t. It Otf lost 4 to 1H rrvt4o xre4 30 to St; Elevator Interest 4d rats. sad rade that erel rtatltety aeak. ProTislonn avrr J Mgwr .till corn, despite w.-ihswr ta .the Xo. market. - In The ClrrnU IVwrt f Ihe Ktate of tJrwagVjex for the Coly oi Marlow. IhprtmenW 2. . . Grace Alice Urnnat. !lAlBtlff. vs Otto Coarad Brandt. 'Dtfradaat. . To Otto Coarad Brandt, the above defeadaat:- - ' ' Ia the Nome or th FUte of Ore gon yoo are hereby eq aired to p pear and aaswer the-amended ct ta pis I L filed against yoa In the abot entitled ilt ra or befoie May ICLh. 1119. that belag the laat day fjr your appearance to answer herein prescribed by the eraer for the pub lication of thl aammona. If yon fall so to'sppea'- and answer, the plalft- tlrf wiy. apply to the court ror the relier demanded la her amended eonplalat herein, towlt. n decree of divorce and sach farther relief as to eqalty msy pertain. Thl summons Is served upon yo by publication In the Daily Oregon Statesman by order of tte lion. Ceo. Q. Bingham. Jadge of 1he above en titled coart, made and entered of record herein oa the 35th day of March. 1919. directing, that the same be published oAce a week for six con secutive weeks, prescribing March 27th. 1919. as the date of first publi cation, aad requiring that y ap pear and answer herein oa or be fo e May 10th. 1919. Date of first. pdhllcaUoa. Martb 27th. 1919. e C. M. INMAN. Atfemey for Plaintiff. TlllE TABLES aoirrRwjtjf racmc n. netaweewad No 14 OregeaUa S vTt ., He. 1$ Oregon Stxprwae ..... I:llaa Nca, IS WUUsaett I Asa 1 ted... til a.ax Na. 1$ Pertlaad Paaeeagae... I Ha. Ne, $4 Ceo Bay fssa, Kw 14 Portland Kipreee tut .v Ka, $1 Oregoalaa ........... t tSaav N. II For Bugaae . ....... ,.1:14 a-m No. II Callfereia IMpre. ...llilO .na Ka, IT Roeebaarg paaeeogae.. 4 -4 1 p an. Nov. 97 Wtliesnett Limited ...t it a. aa How 11 Sa Fraaclaco Pas.. .10:41 im s ALaCBi-av-Ksi irn-w N. TI Arrive at Salens ...... OrlSavta, Nov 14 Leave aaleea 1.10 p as. luaa. fall ciff A wrrruv Ltt Leave Ssle-ra, aeor .... tills., iB Laaee eairea, motor til a an. 19 Lestew aVslenv saetee .... 1:14 aa, Thrwogh car t Mwaewth ad AJrU 171 Leave sVaJeea 0:11 nv 141 Arrtve t Salem ........ I J I a.aa. 144 Arrtva at SeJena. 11 ts.aa, 10 Arrive at Saiem 3-t pea, ii Axntss avajet 7;4 i OSKJOI srLFVTTt IC aCfteettie OeC is, lSUa Trala Leev Arrive Arrive No. Pwt-tUaiJ aalee Ea rewe 0 IAd.a l:lacav It 14 am lialpe T ll tlssalt ttrwOtlasiatif 0 ..... 14 pan - 4:l$rea .IIp ti Ltd.. -4:41 pea 4 4tpa 0:Mpe IT S:ets I tTpsa PaUaaeely 19 9:10 pwi 11:11 m aaJere e-oty North Bank 0 tall en (lev J after, eon I treat i$ aavd 10 saiate laur.l Trl. W e e 0 Lee Arrtv eslera t 11 ana Ai-rte Pwa-Oae-0 9 tt sea 11:14 e 9 I-e 9:ttr 1:4 pea ge U4.. 7:11 ass s-44 11:11 ea 14 Ltd.. 1:110 4 tier 10 BValasa only I Itpm 11 4:14 pw fOpaja I tt ! Krik Rank SHAtlaw arrtv ieffae. atreet 11 ealeetao earUer). saM,. CrvlU. . CO BIT 41 LI eTT-CTle 0 Leave C-evt'Jia Arrle ae'v I II ana - - ; . O il . -11:11 e , , . - - Mi ana l:4t pa , 4-te waar . 0 is r-t- 0efktreat Leave Stleev $14 aaa Vrrle r Jfte Cee-vi a f it N t lOitf 0.10 r-t 140 re IN sag i : i t :u D