i - . ' 5 " Tin; OIUKGOX STATESMAN: TIltnsltAY, MAItCll 2?10lO CITY NEW A Special meeting of Pactrie lode No. 50, A. P. & A. M vf this evening. Work in the M. M. degree. Visitin ifethren welcome. Rug Cleaned on Floor 3.e phone 16. L. L. liuckner. Barber Appointed Governor Olcott yesterday reap pointed C. H. Kelly of Portland as a member of the state board of barber examiners. His term' will expire Mach. 2, 1923. Other members of the board are Lee Canfleld of Salem and S. II. Howard of Portland. States special Indian agent, report ing 10 vvasnmgion, D. C, but travel ing all over the western states in performing his duties. Mrs. Roblin and two children live at 737 Center Lstreet the old home place. Mr. .11!- . m . - . i.uunn nas maue periodical visits to Salem during all these sixteen years, and has naturally' noted the growth and progress of this city, and be pees more promise of great things for Salem now than ever before. In fact, the new .-condition of solidity here makes him a booster for the queen city of the Willamette valley. wherever he goes. Surprise Stove Polish If you have never used have a surprise coming. it you We Can Supply You With any amount of salt fish. Fitts .Market. smelt and Free Hound Trip- To M. B. A. dance near Chemawa Friday night. March 28. Several Dairymen List the following prices to take effect April 1. Pint dally $2 month; tjuart dally $3.73 armonth: cream, table. 30 cents a pint cream whipping. 40 cents a pint; , milk wholesale In bottles 40 cents! per gal lon; milk wholesale in cans, 33 cents a gallon. f '- i Iter. A. Sterling liarnar 1 Of Los Angeles, California, assist ed by Paul Taylor, singer, and Mrss. Try Again for Ring- Motion for a new trial in the suit of Warner E. Cropp against Mlnnette Olsen was filed in circuit court yes terday. The suit Is to recover a val uable Masonic ring alleged to bavo been secured by the defendant from Dr. C. F. Cropp while he was on his death bed. On Tuesday a Jury brought in a verdict in favor of .the defendant and the motion for new trial was immediately filed by the plaintiff on the grounds of Insuffic ient evidence and pleadings to sus tain the verdict. The Charles It. Archerd Implement , Company are in the market for wheat. Barton does battery work. Any make tested free. Charging and re pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200. W. O. V. Attention- Smoker and Eats. Friday. March 28. Come. McCornack hall over Meyers store. Lost or StolenA CarLV. Booth from home on 1986 Chemeketa. 'Last seen on a porcb at 233 North 15th. Elsie frantic Friends anxious. Finder call 924W. Reward.-4" Thelma Individual chocolates 5 cents. Fo sale everywhere. Alford Resumes Position- Max L. Alford. who was a lieuten ant with the 162nd infantry and was in France for 14 ? months, has re turned to Salem and-has taken his former nosition with the Busick Gro cery company. Mrs. Alford and theirl mat child have Joined Mr. Alford and they will make their home In this city. Officer White 111 ' Officer Elmer White is ronfinea fn hia hnmo because of illness. He is suffering from a painful ear tron ble. la these " reconstruction ' days men and women lead- ers ix6 needed" .whoj " literally, havd "iron Sri inel? plood," Peptiron combine! Iron-nun pepsin lii true medicinal form. Gives strength of Iron tJ the blood, nerves and digestion freshens" the complexion. red dens pale cheeks, give the rood rheer of health, reduces dangec - from colds and exposure. Jtc-i member, the name, epUroHj MfS - 4 Hair Tonic Jag Causes Two Arrests Yesterday Charged with selling intoxicating liquor to Luke Hartlett. rrana Adams was arrested yesterday auer- noon and upon pleading guilty was fined $25 by Jule Karl Race. Bart- lett who was arrested on a cnarse of btlng Intoxicated was fined $10. Adams was accused of selling three six-ounce bottles of bay rum to iiart Iett. lit- was arraUned and was re leased on 125 bail. He went to set the money and on hi return dec!ded to plead guilty and paid the to Salem Tuesday and has been verV busy greeting friends and former patrons. Dr. Mendelsohn, who fol lowed his profession in Salem for nearly nine years, retired from busi ness here sometime ago on account of ill health. His health is greatly Improved and be intends to open of fices soon in Portland. He will leave for Portland tomorrow for that purpose. sum as a fine. PERSONALS A lionise Buyer Will pay $3500 spot cash Tor a good modern bungalow, well located Write Mrs. W. R., care Statesman. Corrlne Riely Barker . Born and raised in Salem and re membered by thousands of friends -.1 - t n wa will bn seen Tavlor. Dlanist. will begin a series of wth taA Marsh in gospel services at the irst Baptist d ftt Ye liberty for enurcn xonigui i .., D""6 . I three days starting today vice led by a chorus choir, with Paul J Registers Farm Name T. F. Walker yesterday registered his farm name with the county clerk The farm consists of 230 acres on the Silverton road and Mr. Walker has chosen the name "Middle Grove Farm" for It. For Rent 8 acres of good land. Lauterman. 900 or 678. Phone J. II Taylor, director, will open eacn ser- j I)anCe . rr n . n n a rrua III mn eryone. Salesn Clean of Dogs a. result of the vigorous cam g Dance I , conducted by Street Commla- At Macleay Saturday night. Ev- Paign g erybody welcome. Artificial Teeth . Hare artificial plate man, over 35 years experience. Dr. Beechler, den Ust. 302 U. S. Nat bank Wdg. Get them at the Statesman Job of fice. Catalog on appucauon. . , ..- j . : .. ; Vnruh Marries Couple , George D. Knox, of Spokane. w-. ni Trmi Haxby of Salem were married yesterday by Justice of th Peace G. E. Unruh in his offices in th Orav building. The marriage took place at. 2 p. m. Highest JIarket Prices raio . the month approximately For dressed hogs, beef and real ana r s dUpo8ed of. He has Independent Maraei. pnone iu. I ' mm.a, tne wli(T for the future nf the owner of -hi i.'.n l.cnniiir I L cuiu6 . jwnj . . rather than taaing me u- Practically allof the Salem men wno were in m uiiuww c . . . . have been discharged are Keeping s u , - Quantity Reasonably their war risk Insurance, accorain Prlced at Fltts Market. to Postjnaster August wucsesiem- i m,- HnAesteln states that there are I i utile sit to 10 soldiers in the postof fice j r.p the increase in business every day sending money oraers r and otner activity in Salem there nas tically clean of stray dogs. Mr. Lows killed and burled 13 dogs saiuru "1. C. Perry, of Sclo spent Wed nesday in Salem. V. Nixon was In from Amity yes terday. Maurice X. Sellg of Falls City passed through Salem in his automo bile yesterday. He had been In Port land and is on his way to Dallas to visit friends. W. B. Reaves was a Salem visitor from Lebanon W ednesday. H. R. Smith was in from Silver- ton yesterday. Attorney Arthur I. Moulton was here from Portland yesterday on bus- ines with the supreme court. Judgs Wallace C. MacCamiuant accompan ied him back to the city. Hugh McXary and Hugh Wallacs Kyle made a business trip here from Portland yesterday. The latter is Just of age and was arranging for the transfer of certain property he is heir to in this city, one building concerned being the one In which the Spa is located. Automobile Registrations Increase With Fine Weather With the coming of spring weath er applications for automobile li censes at the secretary of state a of fice have Increased to about 300 daily. During the early part or eacn year there is always a rush f.r II- ceases bv persons who use motor vehicles the year round. During Feb ruary and the early part of March applications decrease, but with the coming of spring those who drive cars for pleasure become active ana the second ruh of the year begins in the automobile registration de partment at the secretary of states office. PTO SPRING CLEANING TIME IS HERE their premiums. Salem-Fortkuid Stage Will leave Bligh dally for Portland. hotel 9 a. m Making VMt Home rh.riM E. Roblin. formerly of Sa lem. and who claims this as his home The Charles 1L Archerd Implement Company have Just receivea large shipment of rolled barley and mill feed. It will pay you to see them before you buy any kind or feed.. .. . ' n , ,l..lwi TtrMkv Arm u.raav rwkwith- state Industrial mnA in fact keeps Salem as nis i . . t commissioner, fell as ne legal residence, is visiting the home I s ,eaTing tne gUte house Tester- folks for at few aays, been little Increase in the number or arrests for March over the numoero the two preceding months of the year. There have been 26 arrests so far this month while the number previous to March 1, was 43. Standard Scale Books In dnpllcate. Statesman Job of fice. If a house needs spring clean rag. how about the human bdy after a winter t)f Indoor life and heavy food? Don't suffer from Indigestion, bil iousness, bad breath, boating, gas Many Marion County Men Reach New-York Safely James Withycombe. an of the late Governo- Withycombe, and a lumber of men ftora Salem and vi cinity arrived In Nw York Tuesday according to word received from that city. The m-n ae from various units and while oversea saw service of many kinds and on many fronts. Included In the list are van N. Keme-y. Salem; Hiram Hedges. Dal las: Conrad It. Springer. Sublimity; Walter E. Dusenberg. Gervals; JoLj W. Wick wire. Salem; Simon M. llJf tetter, Woodburn; John P. Fallin. Falls Clly; and Frank II. Wlllson. Dallas. v Clothing Now Coming in With More Rapidity Contributions to the Red Cross drive for clothing were far more lib- This wor.l is roiouncei tM-i I.ut ha nothing to d with the ttn-. It haf however, a tfrrai tic to do with the a.Kloinirial mu-!e. ..." The majority of women have it 1o a Rrcater r Ie de gree. It is usually caused hy tadly dfsijftied corsets those5 that constantly prcs down the alHloinen iutead of support wg it. The constant d'.wnwanl prt n?re stretches the alKlointnal iM.M-le so that in time they d..n't contract !aek again. Then the tnml.Ie Wginz, for unlevs the caue is removed hrr.nic invalidism eoi:.ii'enes and nil tbr iUctoni and medi cine extant cannot eur it. i rront Laoed are deimed to prevent aod eorrt-ct ptosis. When properly fittetl they give jerfcet support to the abdomen. Y Wo Invite you to tare trill fitlifif la r Ccmt Department. Thert Is no dor for it- ,Toa will then appreciate what tht MODAET Corset can do for job. or constipation, when relief can be eral yesterday than on Tuesday when so easily had. Foley Cathartic Tab lets clean stomach and bowels a-id tone up the liver. J. C. Perry it. 11 Knldier II rnraAni To Frve of Dallas was Mr. """""Jday. fracturing botn Dones oi ur ,n galem yesterday visiung New Rate Schedule Will Be EUective April 1 v. I.' iha Indian service fori, . ,.t 9hnve the wrist. The - UUI . ... . licit. Bii" 18 years. At present he is a isuru lacCiaent occurred on tne easi u- trance of tne siaie nouw. with was taken to the offices of Dr F. II. Thompson by Mark McAllister. Corporal Frye was with company 162nd Infantry In France but recent ly returned from overseas. f L. S. Rowland. Edgar M. Rowland wno.e aatomobile was near, and was Kowiana irinqng w. JOB PRINTEJiS nawley In Astoria- Representative w. C. Hawley left f..mi.'1uanr State Printers) 9 9 state SL c Patton Block Phone 1512 later removed to me v nmuicn- Saiem yesterday aiiemwn . sanlUrium. He was reponea land, where he was to join 2ND HAND GOODS Highest cash price paid for clothing. musical instruments, CAPITAL EXCHANGE 837 Court St. , Phone 493 night to be resting easily. Dr. C.'B. O'NelU . Optometnist-optictan. reie from naval service, will be at his of fice permanently after April 1st- Rooms 5 and 6 uaaa uusa un building. . of the house naval affairs committee and go with them to Astoria xo m rrvewt h defenses at the mouth or th Columbia river. Representative C. N. McArthur Is a memoer oi i- committee. WELCH ELECTRIC CO., other year. Those present "LLtn frr' meeting were Hugh Latham. New location 379 State Street Anythlns In the line oi fixtures. . Players Elect Captain At a ."feed given, last night at k- oo Viv J Murdock. the Sa- lem high athletic coach, members or j tronage be appreciated the basxei Dan wam i q. Coursey, r.in camain ana uiu6i Rarbec Shop 5Iovel t inn moved tot shop from 153 South Commercial to 320 State street, next to Ladd A Bush bank and am now sole proprietor. Tour it. the campaign began. Not only was the quantity of gifts received much greater than on the preceding dr but there were very few articles which were not of a usefut nature. The clothing recflved yesterday was carefully fumigated as a pre- i cautionary measure although most of the rarments were clean. The following statement has been Tk. drive will end Saturday nlgbt issued by Manager Eric Dutler of tne ani Wtn the Impetus given yeter local Western Union office: day It Is hoped by Mrs. Gladys Klicn- RerlnnlnrWUh Aoril 1.1919. ford, who la in char re. that the Sa-I federal war tax must be collected, in j tm quota will be fully raised. addition to the tolls, on each tele gram originating In the Lnltea ryrtl I - 1 ,1 :t.t th tolls on which are 15 HIDl i UlCCiCO cents ot more as follows: When the tnlla are more than 14 cents ano less than 50 cents, a tax of 5 cents When tolls are more than 50 cents a tax of 10 cents. - At present a tax of 5 cents is being collected upon nil tnUrrimi when the toll is 1 cents or more." U. G. Shipley Co. WUlamette May Queen By a close ballot Miss Margnar ette Wlble of Grants Pass was yes- Men registering designate the pro fession or occupation la which the desire training and are seat either to school or to establishments where they can be trained most efficiently. The men who have rexUtered Iron this vicinity are the following: Dwayne Gibson. 1231 Sooth Com mercial street; Edward I. Clarke. 11(0 South Commercial street; F. G. Schmidt. Letterman hospital: terday elected queen of the annual! Claud A. Johnson. Glen hotel; U C May festivities at Willamette Unl- Martin. 1032 North Sixteenth street: Gill. Paul Staley. Walter Soc.oKy. h gh departinent at Willam farmers "Will buy or trade all produce, apples and eggs. The People's Cash Store phone 453. 186-198 North Commercial St. Plumbing i Quickly done. Phone 379 J' WA NT ED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools and. in fact, anything youhave to sell. I buy for cash. Phone 510 or 511. W00DRY. The Auctioneer for an- at the Araory Pnttownr Resi ens- Professor Albert E. Egge. head or Glenn Gregg. Evan Jones, William j -"a tedered his res Ashby. Clarence Ingersoll. Earl fl.ulty on .ccount I IKUaUvU aws - . j ... t a a. uAwvissnia of ill health and win go w . . fer and the coach. ii. s r Matthis w - . . . Associated with ur. ciemema, u - tx ino.m TinnV of Commerce, oi- IIVO v w -7 - fice 573. Residence 598. u.k...i rimnrM Desertion liunumm ... " . . Deniamin Bowden yesieraay suit for divorce against srn nnwden charging desertion. rw mtm fnrth tbat ther were mar- mi - - - - . - . o n ried in Salem. Decemner !.." a Mr Bowden left him H Li 14 LU March 17. 1916. Receipts, Notes and All Blanks At Statesman Job office. rnr an o Deration. Lleuten- UUVW w. -w ant W. A. Darden. wno was an per In the S. A. T. - A FRIEND RECOMMENDED. THEM J N. Tohill. clerk Ittie Hotel. Evansville, Ind.. writes: Tor six weeks I suffered constant with pains In the muscles cf my thigh. Upon recommenda'.ion of a" friend. I tried Foley Kidney Pills and began to get relief almost immediately. Thr ton backache, rheumatic pains, soreness and stiffness. J. C. Perry. - Decrease Shown in Money on Deposit in Portland The total of 'deposits In the 22 banks and trust compaaies of Port ion! i. si2S.S20.037.18. according to a statement issued by btaie nan versity. Lawrence Davtcs was chos en manager of the Jollification, which is scheduled for Friday, May " Miss Wlble received 73 votes in the election while Miss Gladys Nich ols drew 77. Miss Helen Rose, the other candidate, polled 3. AH of the young womea are members of the senior class. Definite nlans for the festival have not yet been made, but it 1U be much the same as in past years and will feature the winding of the May pole and a reception on the campus. DISABLED MEN TO BE TRAINED J. McD. Headrick. Hi North Cot tage street; Jesse A. Neat. Marion: Fred R. Itlrch. route t: Ovid lUan chette. Newberg; Adam Garrea Hob bard. Paul Pietrork. Stlyton: Fred Levy Abott. Twelfth street; Fraatia Sallivaa. Gervala; Errol frocir.. Ralph Hsaaey. Tsrser: Jack II Strauss. Falls City; Walter LsUi. Annies Tosag. ladepeadeare. Virgil Golden. 1395 Sagiaaw; A. D. Waor ley. 197 rtrosdwsy; B. IL Ckant bsrlaln. West Stayton. HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? ?r Wlvi t4. Hiktl ( MMf Ury t AEOKATtO LLAT. IS Wiul Sl t- iwiwi'M t r- If fMt mrt ni!f. U aWM 4 k W. MM ! I and who has . t . . Bennett yes-1 D..--J CAU:.r RetrJtler- wn in the east, will return ortiy thft March 4. ivui - w- - trV. I With our trajuporUtioa fidlitlei wt suw iblt to py tL highest cub pric for EGGS DRESSED MEATS POULTRY WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 71 South Hifh Street. J j nn Professor Egge s worx- The former has been connected witb the university several jears. . - - Individual chocolates o ceni. re sale everywhere Dr. Mendelsohn Returns . f p Mendeisonn. opiouie. rlst. who has been in Southern Cali- Th la a decrease since November 1. the date of the last previous call, of $564,672.67. The prerenl total oi resources Is $151,474,533.87. a de crease of $6.203,34654 since No vember 1. While the resources snow wvae since! November 1 they show an Increase of $33.804,381.0 siace March 4. 1918. in? With Red'Crosi for Instruction NOTICE- If you have any Junk or second hand goods of any kind, see us first. . - CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 308 rrrtM Marshfield Man A marriage license was issued yes terday by County Clerk U. G. Doyer to John Edward Johnson of Marsh- field and Carrie Eaton oi saiem. IT.. Vnr fialri i Ton ni vhMt nav ror saie. 7 en quire at Shafer's Harness store or phone either 411 or ioj. nrhm Hearinsr Today a fcoartnr will be held in jusucw court today in the cases of Mrs. Wilt j LaVock. Miss Esther Koener and Frank Belt, charged with contribut ing to the delinquency of a minor- They were arrested Monday night. fornla for several months returned w AxOUJld Hom But Still in Good Form ntn.m nun. a. Wat. Bank Bldg. fTAtira 10 a- m. to 4 p. m. Phone 19 . Ttaaldenee: its North Canltal St. Phone 469 DR. B. H. WHITE - -'.--- 08TEOrATIIIO rnT8xciAir axd svnaEon Dlisatet of Women and Nervous . - Diseases - : "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Physician and Surgeon has moved his offices to the Dank of- Commerce building, rooms 407 and 408. Hours from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Only Aspirin Tablets with the safety "Bayer Cross on them .are genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin, owned and made by Americans and proved safe by millions of people. Unknown quantities of fraudulent I A.r.irin Tablets were sold recenuj fntAtn rase l"n Today Th. ra of Nick Schmaltz, of Mt, I . . npn.vitn dealer which proved Angel, charged with converting 4 40 to b composed mostly of Talcum sacks of potatoes to his own use af- Powder. . to ther had been sold to Mangis naver Tablets of Aspirin" should rtrothers of Salem, will come up ft" alwars be asked for. Then look for trial in the lustice court at 2 p. m-Us safety ''Bayer Cross" pn the tnAar. The snecific charge against .ckaee -, on each tablet. Accept Schmalz Is larcency by bailee. Thelma Individual choeolates 5 cents. Fo nothlnc else! Proper directions and dosage In each Bayer package. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of SallCTlrcacM. - " - Tim ha failed to have any ill effect on an aged Howe wagon scale which one of the district deputy seal ers of weights and measures has dis covered on the farm of W. V. Moore at Sycamore, Multnomah counly. The old scale was brought "around the horn" to Oregon In the ea1y days, and aeeardlne to the district sealer's report to W. A. Daltiel, deputy state nf wolshta and measures. It Btill weiahs accurately and is trust ed implicitly by Mr. Moore when he "buys or sells hay, grain, swine, tat tle or anvthinr else that Is p-xduced on tne rarm. ine numuer u iut scale Is 31.190. Hearings Are Set by Service Commission The following cases have been set for hearing by the state public ser vice commisslen: April 3 At Mill City: Investiga tion of water and eleetrte utility of Hammond Lumber company. April 10 At Cottage Grove; ap plication of state highway commis sion for elimination of a grade cross ing. - April 11 At Medford: Hilton et al vs. California-Oregon Power com pany et al, felatlve to Joint user of poles. " " ! ' s To arrange for the instruction, in various lines, for returned soldiers who suffered wounds or other dis ability while in the service, Edward Cox. of Vancouver, Wash., was in Salem Tuesday. The training service is rendered through the Red Cross and registrations for it have been made with Mrs. Alice H. Dodd. secre tary of the home service section of the Red Cross. "SYRUP OF FIGS" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels. Accept "Csllfornia" Syrup of Figt only look for the name California on the package, then yon are sure vonr child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruit? taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Cite It with out fear. ' . , . . - r , NEW VICTORY IBMODELIII1I MITCHELL-SIXES on DISPLAY at OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO., 371 Court St., about April 1 i