The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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'" ' "' ' V "2 pgS EDITORIALS
-: ft- ( -T J&r'Mr' T -PEOPLE
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At Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
The new Spring garments are here in abundance, fresh from the hands of expert designs and tailors game hundreds of new models,
faithfully interpreting in the minutest details the styles, materials and new colors that have won first place in the world of fashion.
It would be hard indeed to imagine a more complete showing of decidedly stylish Women's apparel including new Spring Suits. Coats.
Capes, Dolmans, Skirts, Waists, Millinery and dresses, or to assemble garments of quality that would give greater satisfaction.
Yet in spite of their excellent qualities and expert tailoring their prices are very moderate. But you must really see the new arrivals
to fully appreciate their many charms. Therefore you're cordially, invited to come and personally inspect the new models, and try on
as many of the garments as you desire. Experienced saleswomen will gladty assist you and you'll not be obligated.
I SPRING COATS AM CAPES $15.00 -to 873.00
'Are charmingly different and more interesting
than they have been in many seasons. Some take
the form of coats, some of capes and some of both.
These last are called dolmans, and they have the
grace, of a cape .and their loose sleeves give the J
comfort of a. coat. I
"Sport coats, too, are beginning to appear. j
Materials seem to Include most everything from ,
rough tweeds, durable serges and Poiret twills to
soft duvetyn, silvertone, bollvla. crystal cloth and
Ranging in price
from ..... . . .
$15 up to $75.00
The new Spring Suits for Young Ladies and
Women are delightful to look upon, with all their
new features of bright vests, brass or silver-like
buttons, lovely embroidery, loose-back panels, etc.
With all this, fine workmanship is not neglected.
On the contrary, the suits are better made than
ever. The new lines are most refreshing after
Beveral seasons without any radical change.. This
season marks a new era in women's suits, and
every woman owes it to her education to sea these
advance styles now shown at "Salem's greatest
and only exclusive Women's apparel storey
The new Suits are specially s . $19.75 to $65.50
New Spring Millinery
TRIMMED HATS $2.75 to $17.50
Every one fresh, shining and radiating Spring.
There are close fitting little toques in the glowing
henna shade, overseas blue, greens, browns, etc.
Piping straws, rough, smooth and shinny straw
hats, also combinations of straws and Oeorgette.
flower trimmed, fruit and ribbons, clever hats of
lisere in the smartest shapes and newest styles f
and colors, but you'll have to see these hats to
appreciate the values.
This is but another Instance of our new policy"
of selling fresh, new xnerchandiee at 'prices far
lower than yon are accustomed to paying.
. pame Faahion says "Dolman so dolman it Is.
There Is no use In quibbling about the matter.
Dolmna is now .the season's most popular gar
ment. It appears gracefully fashioned in velour,
silvertone, tricotine and serges, lined with plain or
fancy silks, prevailing colors including navy, tan,
Coppen, blue, henna, brown, etc. Some are simply
tnade,' trimmed with buttons and military braid.
Ranging in price
from ..... .
"..$24.50 up to $57.50
Including' Lingere, Crept; de Chine and Georg
ette In all the wanted for Fpring. Many of
the new models are beaded and embroidered or
trimmed with pretty laces and ruck, round, square
or V shape necks, some In distinctive new colors,
such as henna, overseas blues, and Liberty red.
also white flesh, maize, Copen, etc., in a com
plete line of sizes.
. 95c to $6.50
$2.95 to $15.00
........$3.00 to $12.50
Lingerie Waists .
fJeorgette Waists
Crepe de Chine .
JXSPKCTION INVITKD You must really see the
new suits, capes, coats, waists, bats and dries
to fully appreciate their many charms.' Ton are
invited to come and try on as many of th gar
ments as you desire.
Experienced saleswomen will gladly wait on you
Rnd w are confident the styles and values of
fered will appeal to you.
Hew Spring Dresses
! $12.75 to $55.00
-Every woman interested In
the new fashions will want to
see these attractive dresses.
Styles were , never so charm
Ing and, there is a wide divers
ity in modes of. trimming. In
this splendid showing are sew
dresses of taffeta in the lead
ing Colors ralao dresses of
satin, crepe de chine, . georg
ette crepe, .tricotine, serge
and Jersey.
New Spring Sweaters
$3.75 to $15.03
New silk sweaters, also knit
worsted coat sweaters in
abundance for spring wear,
some have sashes, others are
, belted at waist line. Many
are made with roll and con
vertible collars; prevailing I
colors and all sizes now in
stock and ready for your in
spection. The woman who
purchases one or more of
them will rejoice in itheir
practicabillay and beauty.
SPRING SKIRTS, $3.95 to $18.50
Fashion strongly favors the separate skirt for the coming season
and here you will find the advance models that show the style tend
encies. New skirts ojT tricolette, fantasi. baronette satin, silk
' Jersey, satin f taffeta, novelty plaids and various plain weaves.
Many of the new models are gathered at the waistline and havo
fancy pockets with trimming of buttons and braids. Ask to see
these attractive new skirts." v
Striped and Plaid Wool Skirts np from .........
Plain and fancy striped, also pretty plaid silk skirts
Poplin and Gabardine skirts mm ...
Navy Serge .skirts
All wool serge skirts
And ojher silk and wool high grade skirts $9.73 and up-to $1S.50
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store !
1 'tm VoJ3'Us M-fc5z
F W7f Wkt fiMi
, m!mm& minimi
. J udoa if poe Lm(1
Editor of The Statesman:
Have the advocates of the so-rmiUd
League of Nations.- which Is la re
ality super-nation, any argomeaU
eicept diealisM. rentlmentalltlM
abuse and quotations of TaTt aa4
If the opinions of presidents an4
national leaders are arguments sore
ly the rreat array frr.m WashiBctoa
down to and Including Theodore
Ilooevelt would vastly overbalance -the
opinions of the two q noted. At
tempts are -even made to distort
Wanbinc ton's farewell address as ar
guments In favor of inch a league.
As to personal abuse, what Is
rained by such statements as "the
oratorical skirts of the old women
of the upper branch of congress."
"The ghost dancers of the United
States senate. "Utile Americans."
and "their heads are bat knots ta
keep their bodies from unravelling "
If these are arguments are we to d
pend on the refined article as enun
ciated by college professors? , Why
not bring In some cowboy from tie
distant range, give him a drink or
two and turn him loose. He might',
make It more forceful.
Idealism and sentimentalities ar
mostly the aatgrowth of day dreaias
and wtfthe and remind me of a lime
nursery rhyme that I was taazkt
when a umijl boy. which commenced
"If wishes were fishes we'd have."
omef rled. The sane thing Inti
mating that It would take sotnelhla
more substantial for the frying.
We all wUh for the mot last Is a
and complete peace possible. Most'
Americana are willing to be cow
vlaced. The .Halted States has the'
best form of government In .the
world. Our people are far la ad
vance of any other nation. Are we
now to surrender the freedom which
brought ns to this high state, a rata
become subjects of a European or
Asiatic power and begin a system
which will even np our condition witK
that or, the laborers or Europe and
China, t by subscribing fo this pro
posed league? The embryo consti
tution grants practically any powtr
that the whim of the moment night
dictate to the few who would be 1
charge. The whole machinery of the
leazroe would have bat one duty, to
look for trouble and they would pro
bably find it to pass the balk to the
component states. They are author
ized to go Into international dispute
or anything that looks to them Ilk
It might become a dispute and also
to enter the field of labor which In
volves everything on the face of tha
erth from religion to politics.
There should be a form for 'with
drawal a guarantee of national In
tegrity for the component nations
and their rights to their Individual
Institutions and to enact such bar
riers as tariffs, or other laws as they
see fit. Taken as a whole the con
stitution would do well enosgh for
a country debating society which yon
could go to or stay away from aa yon
liked." Rut as for authority for tha
greatest power on earth it la almotV
unbelleveable that ' anyone could '
think or our becoming a party to It.
With practically the . whole body of
the article devoted to enlarging npqn,
the powers conferred and bat one or
two places where limitations are even
hinted at and a Burleson or a Hohea
zollern in charge what powers might
not be assumed. .
The whole thing Is superfluous and
unnecessary. We cannot go back to
the days when we shut our eyes to
the possibilities of foreign aliiancea
and armaments. We must be free
to alfd should provide lor, open and
free discussion with other nations
through our diplomatic chaanels of
the poslbllitles of any condition or
combination that might become "
menace to free Institutions. .We
have done much'by destroying the
most autocratic powers on earth bat
It does not follow that wa most de
stroy ur own freedom and Initiative
- Lewis E. Jadson.
Editor Statesman:
There seems to be a misunder
standing among returned soldier
and sailors relative to their war risk.
Insurance. The bureau er war risk
Insurance advises ma that present
certificates are renewable term eon
tracts and may be contlnned as such
for five year vnly after pae has
been declared.
During the five-year period. term
policies may be converted to anyone
of six forms that will be written.
Policies will be participating and
contain up to date feature. Rate
will be nearly 20 per cent lower
than for same policies In private
companies. The bureau of war risk
bare made an appeal to Life Insur
ance salesmen of Ame-iea to volun
teer t help the returning soldiers
and sailors aa they rtnra to civil
life to keep their Imuran In force.
The boys will have th privilege
of -educing the amount of Insurance
but they can not increase IL Lift
insurance aaleamaa members ol th"
conservation campaign committee
will wear an Insignia that will iden
tify the wearer as duly authorised
to give soldiers and sailors neces
sary information and aid In the con
version of their term contracts to
some of the fcems that will be writ
ten. I hope all patriotic men and
women will do their utmost to en
courage the boys to keep their re
newable term Insurance fn tore un
til It can be converted to some of th
vry attractive forms that Uncle Sam
la going to write. If we can per
suade the b)ys to take advantage of
this opportunity of a I!f time to
secure good life lmrbrsn'w at such a
bargain, w will be serving them and
our country well.