The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Kale of Ijutn Ordered--
Sale of certain city lot? In order
to raise $4000 due the plaintiff was
ordered yesterday by Cl-r-ult Judge
Gj G. Bingham when he issued a de
cree In the case of 15. F. Jtanip
against Clara F. Yaw and others.
Harry McDaniel
The famous Jazz pianist, just re
turned from war, will be featured
with Cole McElroy's Jazz band, arm
ory, Friday, March 14th. .
Cole McElroy's Jazz liand :
Armory, Friday night, March 14th.
A Real Dance
Given by a real Jazz band. Cole
McElroy's. Armory, Friday evening,
March 14 th.-
Will Meet Train-,.
Mrs. D. T. Bergman and others
of the, family will go to Portland
this afternoon to "meeV her brother,
W. II. Lalne of Seattle, who is on
his. way home from France. Mr.
Laine.'who Is a sergeant In company
II of the 147th machine gun bat
talfcoji yesterday telegraphed from
Pocatello, Idaho to ,the effect that
he would arrive on roop train 19
at 3:30 today. A number of Oregon
. men, mostly casuals, are also
since that time he- administered to
about 800 dying soldiers and pre
sided of the burial for these. Ills
work was principally among the vic
tims fiF inflllenV'l It tin wai alllnnail
- - - .v ww ofto c: w i-avu v. v
in a quarter where that disease was
most serious. .
Dance M. II. A. I fall Near Chemawa
Friday, March 14. Free auto ser
vice from Oregon Electric. ' 4
llitrhcst Market Prices Paid '
For dressed hogs, beet and veal
Independent Market, phone 104.
Those Interested In Farm Tractors
Should visit the Charles It. Ar
herd Implement company and see
the new International two-plow trac
tor. It has a four cylinder engine
and sells for $1068 with mud lugs
and belt pulley. F. o. b. Salem. Ore-
Peptiron happily meets
the requirements of those
worn out by worry an J excite
ment over the war, and the pros
trafion following the grip,
influenza, etc. It combines the
Croat oxidizers and vitalizers of
the blood, iron and manganese,
with nux. pepsin and other nerve
Ionics and lipstlves. Peptlron
Is in the form of chocolate-coated
pi!!, pleasant to take, and
promptly effective.
of Thursday, March 20. All past ex
alted rulers are expected to attend
drlch of Leslie church will be in
charge and interment will be in Lfce
Mlslson cemetery. Mrs. Urubaker
was 74 years of age.
Renitor ApoIntel
The will of Fritz Weber was yes
terday admitted to probate and Jo
seph J. Ktbcr was appointed execu
tor of the estate. John W. Ebner.
Fre Schwab and Mat Beyer will
serve as appraisers.
Subscribers of the Statesman are
reauested to Phone complaints re-
ear dine non-delivery before nine
o'clock. Call -583.
Ktate Worth $12,000
Twelve thousand dollars is the
valuation that has been placed on
the estate vf James A. Wilson, who
lost hla life recently in an automo
bile accident, Ins widow, Mrs. Eliz
abeth Wilson was vesterdar appoint
ed administrator of the property and
F. G. Deckebacb, Frederick W. i
Schmidt and Frank Schmidt were
made, appraisers.
Mill Run $42 per Tot
This week. J. D. Waring Co.
Hay For Sale
Ten ton rood wheat hav for sale
F. E. Shafer, 170 South Commercial
street. Phone 411 or 1593.
Legal Blanks-
Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.
Foreclosure Ordered
Foreclosure on certain propety
was ordered yesterday by Circuit
Judge Bingham In order to satisfy
two mortgages amounting to $1900
involved In the suit of W. O. Clrrist
enscn against Carria Riggs and others.
Two Get Licenses
Phaye B. Churchman, aged 19, and
Miss Kdna Baker, ajted IS. w e is
sued a marriage license yesterday.
Churchman Is a commissary man at
the state hospital. George E. Scott ot
v t i a
Pendleton, geT 3tf, ana i-iuian a
Zwieker of Salem, aged 21. also se
cured a license and were married yes-
trday arternoon by County Judge w
M. Bushey.
Kalem-Portland StaXC
Will leave BUgh
dally for Portland.
hotel 9 a. m
Ir. Mott . -
Physician and Surgeon has moved
his offices to the "Hank of Commerce
huildinir. rooms 407 and 408. Hours
from 9 a. 'm. to 12 m., and from 2
m. to 5 p. m.
Rnc Cleaned on Floor 33e
Phone 16. L. L. Buckner.
Raw Service as CI ia plain
Father E. G. Murphy of St. Pat
rick's church. In Portland, who has
but recently returned from France
where he saw service as a chaplain,
visited yesterday with Governor Ol-
,nM ot tlia etila hnnf Fnthpr MUT-
Thr went to France last Mar and?
Smelt In Any Quantity Reasonably
Priced at Fitts' Max net.
For Rent -
Two good houses, close In. See
J II. Lauterman, care of Argo hotel.
Moving to 370 State Street.
Follow' us up.
Will but or trade all farmers
produce, apples and eggs.
The People's Cash Store
phone 453. "
186-195 North Commercial St.
" Quickly done.
Phone 379 J
Mr. Mackson Gets Child
Gladys S. Mackson was yesterday
granted a divorce from John Dell
Mackson and was given custody of
her only child, a daughter. Mrs.
Mackson was married on October 3.
1915 and was deserted by her hus
band in July, 1916.
i lUiad Committee Meets
Ta-n wAki from next Friday tn
Marion county market roads commit
tee will hold a meeting at wnicn lime
the sub-committee on ways ano
means, which held a session yester
day, will submit final plans forijhe
million dollar building project re
cently proposed. By this time tne
form of bond, length or time u is
run and copies of petitions can oe
j obtained for approvaL
We Can Supply You
With any amount or. Bmeu u
salt fish. Fitts market
Captain and Mrs, J. O. Van Winkle
of Jefferson were in the city yes
terday. The former has Just return
ed from the east where he has been
stationed the past year In the medi
cal corps at aji army camp.
T)r. Georee Rebec of the Univer
sity of Oregon was in the cl'.y a few
hours yesterday, roing on late in tn
afternoon to Tortland.
Mrs. M. E. Shilts Is a Falls City
visitor at the BliKh.
Rex Porter of Stayton is stopping
at the BHgh. -
II. L. Pearcy of Amly was among
yesterday's arrivals at the BliKh.
Ensign Everett Ferguson, who has
been in the radio service of the na
vy, is in the city. He has been In
the main office at the fnget Sound
To Open In Salem
The West Coast Institute of Music
with headquarters. 2S7 Washington
street. Portland, and branches in
other cities, will further extend their
institutes by opening up a thoroughly
equipped branch in .Salem in the Ma
sonic building:, for adult students and
children. The people of Salem are
to be congratulated on having an in
stitute of snch merit come to this
city. The same opportunities will b
offered to students here as are giv
en in the larger cities.
Departments will be installed ror
voice culture, piano, violin, mando
lin. Hawaiian or steel guitar, theory.
harmony, technique and all band in-.
struments. Private personal instruc
tion will be given In all branche
with an expert competent teacher In
charge of every department.
A special method tor beginners
will be introduced for the" first time
In Salen. which has been endorsed
mnma of the foremo?t leading mu
sicians in the country and which has
proven a complete success.
There will be departments -for
those who wish to take up teaching
as a profession, as well as for ad
vanced students and beginners, ne--..i
tw.m" will be given for
ilima v
v, nnrnnu nf nrpnarinr pnpils ior
concert and ftHatrorm work. Tb
main Institute In Portland has an en
rollment of over 300 pupils which
n,.v. tt tk Unrest of any musical
i.ititA in th western coaPt. Tne
lUviaiM; v
I . - " -r. MMMBte.
I m
Her First Corset!
The von ni: trill's first corset
matter of ronsMeraMe iiiiir-
taiu-o that mothers ar" hcgiiiiiinj;
to realize.
There has hoou mi all tto preva
lent opinion that any kinl of a
corset was pfrfvl enough for the
first one. lut litth girl will grow
into hitf pirls. aul while they are
loing s their figurr.H are greatly
influeneed l.y the corset they aro
The founilalion of her future
figure ht-giiiH with her first ers-t.
The growing figure has u
natural tendency to inoM itself to
the Iins of the corst. The cir
set. therefore, is rcsinsihle for
a beautiful figure or a had one.
yards until his discharge was issued I strongest proof of real value of anr
a few days ago. Ferguson bef re cokine of instruction Is tne personal
bis enlistment was a telegraph oper
ator on the Statesman.
Dr. and Mrs. Clement
A prominent writer claims that
"women are naturally despondent."
but often mental depression may be
attributed to an abnormal condition
of the system, which expresses itself
in nervousness, bacaacne. neaaacnes.
Dance at Macleay
Saturday night.
good eats.
Kjua ii b-.- -
. Ko .nnt annroximately six weens-
Dr. Clements' practice will be in the
hands of Dr. J. O. Matthls. Miss
Esther Bell will continue in the office
Good music. I attending to business matters up tin
Saturday. March 15th. tnen sne w
also take a vacation.
Barton does battery work. Any
make tested free. Charging and re
pairing. Masonic temple, phone lzuu.
Receipts, Notes and All Blanks
At Statesman od oiiice.
Revival Meeting Tonight
Leslie Methodist church. Dr.
Sterling Earner, preacher, Paul
Taylor, singer.
dency. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta
ble Compound goes to the root of
this trouble. It gives tone and
trtipth to the system and restores
women to a normal, healthy condi
tion, i&ain
Mrs. Russell CatUn Urges
More Knitting in Salem
nf k K A TT. R. Nat. Bank Bldg.
TTnnra io a. m. to 4 p.m.. Phone 8S9
ikk Vnrth Canital St. Phone 469
Diseases ot Women and Nerrooi
DUeasei r ,
rinficl Wants Vnrerlosu
Complaint was filed yesterday oy
the state land board against ueu-
ben- C. Bergevin and others tor a
judgement of f S00 claimed owing 6n
mortgaged land near St. Panl. The
money was loaned from .ne trreaut-
ible school fund and foreclosure is
asked In order to replace It.
Artificial Teeth
Have artificial plate man. over 35
years experience. Dr. Beechler, den
tist. 302 U. S.-Nat. bank bldg.
Hop Wire and Hides ot all
kinds; Before yon sell tee ne
9 1 1 Chemeketa St. Phone 3 98
Edward AIDert urowning ana n-
zel Marie Witzel. both well KnowP
Salem young people, were united in
marriage at the nome or Kev.
terdv morning at 10
o'clock. Rev. Mr, Porter officiating.
Phaye B. Churchman and Miss tana
Baker were also marriea Dy ne
Porter yesterday morning.
Standard Scale Books
In dnpllcate. SUtesman Job of
fice. pnk Official Oomlne .
rnarioa Bureraft. district deputy
k nvi indE. of Albany, will pay
vi. nrriiai visit to the local lodga
and deliver an address on the evenln
1 WanteI Chickens -
We will pay the higest casn pno
for chickens. The People s MarKei.
153 North Liberty street.
For Sale .
Eggs for hatching from pnre diwu
bred to lay Anconas. Heavy winter
layers. Phone 2017W.
New Quarters Provided
1! n
To provide more commouiuus li
ters for the state highway commls-
.... . 1.-. In
sion a partition is Deing piaceu
the south corridor of the third floor
and nearly all the office rooms in
that cart of the building win oe oc
cupied by that, department. The
rooms now decupled by tne main ui
fice will be given over to some other
Funeral This Morning
Th funeral of Mrs. Annie uru
baker, who died Sunday evening at
her home five miles east or &aien
on the Geer road, will be conducted
at 10:30 Jthis morning iron
the Rigdon chapel. Rev. H. N. Al-
who have given it a
thorough test. Tne reporxs irom iu
Portland pupils are to tne eneci m
it in ma klnr wonderful progress
with their studies. These of cours
. nnir a few of the many strong
endorsements that have been given
UUl. ...
To organize and get started nuica
iv crucial scholarshlo rate will
be offered to a limited number of pu
pils who enroll. The regular
scholarship consisting ot seven and
one-half months tuition will be giv
en at half price, payable on time
paying basis covering a period of half
a year. 1
It will be hoove tfcose who are in
tarMtfd to act auicklr and take ad
vantage of an opportunity to receive
i a musical education at such a nom
inal cost. The regular cost or tui
tion will go. into effect a Wttle later
on. Both beginners and advanced
nunlls will be accepted, with special
departments for children. Represen
tatives of the institute are now i
the city, and the enrolling of pupils
will begin at once. Teaching In all
Hnartmntft will begin, on or awui
Aorll 1st. The studios are located a-
304-305 Masonic building wnere ap
rviiiinn will be received. Those
.hin, tn take advantage of the
special half rate tuition, are kindly
requested to matte tneir appucauuu
at once.
" ' Fr-orft'Lctced.
are retoirnizcd the country- over for their perfection of
sign. An nleal .MUUAUI niole lor tne grtwin iigurc r
slender woman in one that i boned lightly and carefully to
do away with any tindu pressure.
When proerly fitted, at it is ly our expert eonwtiere serriec,
a MOD ART is supiort without restraint a healthful eorsft.
U. G. Shipley Co.
II 21 C.nemeaet wrv - p
Cole McElroy's
, -
Announce: their '
Annual Play, for 1919
Grand Theater,
s. n i it n fl TT
K communication from Mrs. Rus
sell Catlin. who Is in Seattle at a
meeting of the Red Cross workers,
urges the need for more knitting for
the refugees of the stricken coun
tries of Eurone.
'.'Under present arrangements. 75
aer cent of alt materials, yams In
pinded. are to be shinned, abroad,"
she writes. "Knitting factories here
in ih Vnited States are helping to
tljeir full capacities, but 20.000 chil
dren in, Siberia alone are orphans.
without rlothlnr
"If nroner resnonse is made to thl
anneal the required quota can be
completed by June and there will pro
bably be no further demand for such
work. Salem's knitting headquarters
are open Thursdays and Fridays from
1 to 5at the postofnee building.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
lin. enclose with 6c to Foley & Co
2825 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. III.,
writing your name and address clear
Mr. "You will receive In .return i
trial package containing Foley s
illoner and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds ana croup, r oiey jviu- n JI j Jlf .
nT phi and Foier cathartic Tan- nnirt in renuieiun uiuti
lets. J. c. rerry. if A
The Inheritance tax department of
State Treasurer Hoffs office, upon
ho arivira nf Attorney General
Brown, will Insist that notes listed
In the Inventory of the estate or jonn
Franklin Temnle. Sr.. of renaieion-
hnt innnlied at nothing. hall be
appraised, and it the administrator
is not willing to enter into inpuia
tinn sni nav on that basis the de
partment will Insist on a re-appraisal
o. nrnvlilAH tlV statute.
. ,
ThP advice of the attorney general
i. rtvn in renlr to an lnauirr bt
C v - m - - -
Mr. Hoff who asks whether ne wouia
be justified in accepting the appraise
ment as submitted in settling and col-
io.tin th Inheritance tax. eri
of the notes were given by the child-
Liherty Street between State and Court
rem of the deceased and In a 9 cases
the Inventory .recites that the money
represented will probably be consid
ered as an advancement to the child
ren and that therefore the notes bav
not been appraised at asy amouL
The same advice Is given relative to
another note that was appraised at
nothing for the reason that It is Is
Six Oregon Attorneys
Get Permanent Permits
six attorneys were yesterday, ad-
mittAH hT the state sunreme rourt
to permanent practice before the Ore
gon bar. All have oeen on mn
months probation, temporary certifi
cates having been granted them less
than a year ago. They are William
ti tlaiiam George F. Felts. Henry
t lutrt ami James P. Stapleton. all
of Portland. Walter C. Van Em
nn nf Klamath Falls and R. C. Glan-
vllle of Hood River.
Late Governor Withycombe
Praised in Resolution of
Control Board
Friday Night
March 14th
Admission-Ladies, 25c; Gentlemen 75c
An Added Attraction--Dave
Fuller, "the Human Canary"
A "Whistling Bird." j
All men wearing service stripes admitted free
and FR I DAY
March 13-14
See announcement page 1.
Today's Statesman.
George C. I Snyder, Mite 01g Gray.
Oecer B. Otngrtc.- Mm Florence
CartwrUht, Janes Mott, Mrs. Walter
Spauldin. Ben W. Olcott. Carl
Hinges, E. Cook Patten, Mnrray
Haxt. A. U rraeer. Dan Xnca-
rg. Mayor C. E. Aiua.
Opera House Pharmacy
Prices 50c-$1.00
'"ki-" ' ......,1., k.,1v.:,.. ........:...-.. i p..-. .. . .... r - - - - - - -
- " '- " : " "
Praising Governor Withycombe as
"foremost In advocating and promot
inr practical and sound ideals" and
as one "who strove to realize the best
in the material and sniritnal welfare
of the people." the state board of
control yesterday adopted resolutions
noon the death of the late governor.
The resolutions are signed by Secre-
tary of State Olcott and State Treas
urer Hoff follow:
Whereas, the final summons has
mm a tn nnr hflnreri friend and of
ficlal associate, James Wlthycombe-
governor of the state of Oregon, ana
"Whereas. Mr. WithvcomDe as a
man and as a citizen, was foremost
In advocating and in promoting prac
tical and sound Ideals, and strove to
reaiiz the hpst in the material and
Fnirltual welfare of the speeple: and
"Whereas. As governor of tne state
he gave sympathetic and wise support
rn all useful and legitimate meas
ures and exerted a powerful influ
ence In the consummation of the
nlans devised for their execution, al
vim manifesting courage, courtesy
Judgement and dignity; therefore. b
Tfoantvoit That In the naaslng Of
Governor Withycombe the state has
lost a canable. sincere and revereo
executive and a man whose prudent
counsel and cordial fellowship were
warmly appreciated by the surviving
members of the "board of control and
bv all other associations and friends
be it also
rtnftire That we exoress our
gTeat sorrow at the loss Incurred
nnrl rnnrev to the bereaved famllv
ourd eeo sympathy and condolence
ru It fnrther
"Resolved, That an engrossed copy
nr these resolutions be sent to Mrs
Withycombe. that a copy be spread
upon the minutes of the board, and
a copy be given to the press.
pNCE let the hoy or girl make the ac
quaintance of one of those Savings Ac
counts here at the United States National
Bank and become accustomed to its use
and his or her financial future has had a good
$1.00 or more opens a Savings Account
WS BnltedStates'
At 10:30 A. M.
240 : North : Cottage : Street
Jas. Wilson, Owner,
240 N. Cpttage St. Phone 330.
F. N. W00DRY, The Auctioneer,
Phone 510 cr 511
I f