The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Issued Dally Except Monday bv
- 15 S. Commercial St.. Salem. Oregon
11 A"soc!ate Presses exclusively entitled to the use for republication
or all newa dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper
and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. . . . .' , .Manager
8tephen A. Stone 4 ... . . Managing Editor
Ralph Gloyer . . . Cashier
W, C. Squier Advertising Manager
Frank Jaskoskl.. , ..... ,J , Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
v. week. 60 cents a month. ' -. .
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, J6 a year? $3 for six months; 60 cents a
month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 year.
SUNDAY STATESMAN, l & year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for
three months.
WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and
' Fridays. $1 a year (If not paid in advance, $1.25); 50 cents for six
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TELEPHONES: Business Office. 23
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; Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
would be al3o the prestige of Amer
ica which the opposing senators had
The extra hour beginning April
1st will help you raise some spin
ach. Do your bit.
Salem gets her halm million dollar
paper mill.. There are other good
things on the way. You watch Sa
len:. whn she gets her-stride.
Not sufficiently noticed during last
week's sensations has been Idaho's
return to the old convention system
of making parly nominations. Possi
bly a political reaction has started
which will spread far before it is
stopped. Conservative politicians In
other states are not likely to ignore
what has happened in Idaho after
ten years of expedience with the di
rect nomination primary system.
They seem to endure about as well
as anything in Russia.
The President Flays Senators."
reads one headline. Another says:
"Senators Flay President." And so
the story of politics runs. This "flay
ing" business is a favorite indoor
sport. m
m V S
The Presidential boom of Ole Han
son appears to have joined that of
General Pershipg. And they will
have plenty of company later on.
The situation in Russia bodes no
good forLenine. but he doesn't
know how to let go. He Is like the
fighter whose nose was in the other
fellow's mouth.
It is said that the ex-kalser dreads
a trial on the charge of murder and
for other causes, but he can avoid it
by pleading guilty, thus saving bis
attorney's fees.
; The names of the men who are attempting to block the formation
of the proposed League of Nations will be forgotten.
'" History will preserve the names of the outstanding proponents of
this great instrument of advancement.
sSuch was the rule long before Jushua and Caleb pleaded with the
Children of Israel to proceed into the Promised Land, while the
unfaithful ten "practical" spies in their craven report advised them
to go back into the darkness of Egyptian slavery.
There wa a man who once dreamed that he could make a machine
that would carry him upon the upper winds. "Practical" men
laughed at him. There was another man who dreamed that he
would replace the ancient sails of the Phoenician on the ships at
sea with steam engines and men laughed at him. And there was
still another man who dreamed that he would mend the shattered
bones of a broken human body and make it whole again. There were
men who also laughed at him. .
More than all these, there walked once upon the dusty roads of
(Jalilee a Man who dreamed that He would become the Prince of
Pface); that He would make all men brothers; that He would speak
the word that would put forever an end to wars.
Him they crucified upon the.Tree of Calvary; in strident laughter
soldiers divided His poor garment among .them with the edges of
their swords; the Pharisee scoffed at Him and challenged Him to
loose the nails from His feet and hands and to come down from
the cross on which He hung.
fiver and ever has it been like that since and before' the sons of
'Abraham disputed with their neighbors for a pasture for their
flocks. The world has never been so small that, it ?ould not make
room for the doubters and the scoffers. f
But, thank God, it has also never been, so large that it could lose
-Vght of those whose faith was as the mountains are, whose hope
was as the sun in heaven, who never ceased to try to make possible
that which others said could never come to pass. ! Shall we not
number ourselves among them?. ' f
How blind indeed must be the man who contend that any great
ideal is impossible of realization! Is not the world today incom
parably a better world than it ever was before?
There was a time when poor old witless women were burned as
witches; a time when men and women were bound to stakes and
consumed in fire, for their religious beliefs or finbeliefs- when
women were chattels ; when stone and wooden gods were worshiped ;
when a man could be thrown into a foul prison because he was too
poor to pay a debt of money or other tribute ; when men and women
and little children, even in "free America, were slaves four
millions of them. ",
r. Have not all these squalid miseries that afflicted the mind's and
bodies of men passed? And is not war the amalgamation and the
concentration of these miseries, all put togetheV, every one?
1 Wherefore, even as those who have gone befofe have approached
their ideals, let us now at least approach this ideal of a League of
"'Nations. '
I Let us be willing to try it, no matter what the doubt may be as
to its success. Give it a chancel Let whoever will point out that it
is an ideal that has been approached and tried in the past only to
fall and fail. So also have other ideals, that are now realities, fallen
and failed many and many a time.
t. If it shall, somehow, transpire that those who ODDOse the forma
tion of the League of Nations shall be able to defeat its realization,
meir victory, unholy as it would be, could not be lasting. If our
generation fails to tying ft about, be sure that another generation in
days to come will succeed in doing what we now may fail to do.
But shall we not strive and keen on striviner?
The man who feels himself under no obligations to the past,and
who considers that he has no responsibility to the future, is a man
who is wholly outside of the realm of sensible discussion. That kind
of a man is born, lives his life and goes down to death as though
he had not lived at all. He is not counted.
What we must do in this grave and crucial hour of history, is to
stand back of the ideal of the League of Nations for teace with all
our hearts and souls. We must approach that ideal with the utmost
ardor and in the liveliest spirit of hope. ,
We must answer to the spirits of the dead : we must render an
account to the generations yet unborn. Also, we have ourselves to
think of in our own day and generation. . "
The League of Nations is not a question of persons or parties in
any particular country. It is a question that concerns the whole
wona and an the races that dwell therein.
Five farmers' organizations the
national grange and patrons of hus
bandry, the farmers' national coun
cil, the national federation of glean
ers and,' the society of equity and
non-partisan league have indorsed
the league of nations, and they are
as near the people as the senate is.
Thus far it appears that the only
execution among American soldiers
was that of the man in France who
was executed for. offense, against a
French child. And he was drunk
when he committed the crime.
Cocoanut Oil Fine
For Washing Hair
The record of the American sol
dier speaks for itself. No matter
what part of the world he is called
to. ba it Cuba, the Philippines,
France or Germany, be does his du
ty and fears no foe. He is entitled
to the praise of his countrymen and
it is accorded him in the highest
measure. But what he likes best of
all is the approval 0 his command
ing officers. Now General Pershing,
commander of the American expe
dition to France, fe no orator. He
leaves oratory to Hearst's friend.
Senator Reed, and others like him.
But the general can rise to the oc
casion when it comerto speaking his
mind about the American soldier.
This Is what be said in Paris at
a recent luncheon given by the Amer
ican Club:
"Whether keeping lonely vig
il In the trenches, whether at
tacking machine-gun nests or
performing the drudgery of the
rear Vr supplying the front line,
each man has done his duty and
be has felt be bad behind him
the support of the whole coun
try. By bis courage, his In
domitable will, his splendid or-
Sanitation and bis tenacity the
American soldier turned Im-
pending defeat Into overwhelm
ing victory. I drink to the Amer
ican soldier, than whom there
is no better in the world today."
The lAme:icaa soldier tfully de
serves that acknowledgment of bis
prowess and his devotion. He only
has two equals, and they are the
American marine and the American
sailor. The three of them together
are unconquerable.
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash It with.
Most soaps and prepared sham-
- . 1 A . V. th.ll Tkt.
puus cuoiiin 100 uiucu -iwi Jrif
rirlpa th na1n makpa th hair hrit-H
tie, and is very harmful. Just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil (which is
puAa and entirely greasele3s). Is
much better than the most expen
sive soap or anything else you can
use for shampooing, as this can't
possibly Injure the hair.
Simply mois'en Iour hair with
water and rub it In. One or two
teaspoonfuls will make an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, and
cleanses the hair and scalp thorough
ly. The lather rinses out easily, and
removes every particle of dust. dirt,
dandruff and excesive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and It
leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluf
fy and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very
cheap, and a few ounces Is enough
to last everyone In the family for
-v. it may soon ne over don Globe with apparent satisfac-
,-r urt. tion -returns to Europs with great-
- " : Iy diminished prestige." It is prob-
. President Wilson, notes the Lon- ably not true, but If it were true it
Grow Wheat in Western Canada
h. One Crop Otten'Pays for (he Lend
Vhe tumult and the shouting- dies
The captains and the kings depart
etui stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An bumble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of hosts, be with us yet.
Lest we forget lest we forget!
WaMcr Cnda offer the tjtet SrBtgc to horn trkert.
wppwinwiNi iob tau out oa tur payment
Fcrtllo Land at G15 to S30 oer Acre
Imd fanflar to that which through fnairv vear lias avefaMd from 20 to 4S
wbte I wfcwt to tbm acr. Hundred I case arc on record when in Wearers
Caaada a la fll crop baa said Uw coat of Uad and nrodnctio. TheGovera-
I manta Of the Uomtnioa and Province of Manitoba. -,ahif kww anil Alberta wane
thm farmer to proaper, and extead erery poeeible encouragement sad beip to
Grain Growing and stock Raising. v
TaonttiwaatstacanatuoaersiaM at audi iowntres,tMlugis
pare w sxaia. came, aaeep ana noge wm rtmita.
Loana for the txmrhaae of stock mar be had at low
there are rood ahiooiac facilities: beat of mark eta: free
CbMixhw apleiidid climate; lowtaxatkw (none on iuiiu
WmrmmViukmm fhiailia af fcmdafqr ta. owe, fl
aafuead iHaf taaav ate apaty m. at ImmmnHom. Ottawa.
JL 1 forts, Cor. 1st mi Fad sts Spskssa, Wash.
latere hR&&Si)l
achoola: 1.' Z oV I
neota). 1 aV ' , K
Jr s
f 1
.11 1 1
The Elks' play's the thing,
Two more nights of the Elks'
play, wl'b packed houses assured.
That's going aome, isn't It?
a "e
'There is ample basis for the
growing confidence" says Henry
Clews, the Wall Street authority, in
nis current weekly letter
The fact is, peace is in sight, and
all the unscrambling that will mean,
and the reconstruction of the world
that will follow, bringing to this
country a long period of prosperity
and . expansion in every legitimate
. When the French band was en
tertained after their concert, at the
Salem Commercial club rooms, the
other night, a lot of Salem men and
women were there talking French
to the guests, like Parisians. Who.
before that, knew Salem had so
many people w h j can read and speak
the French language? The Bits for
Breakfast man would suggest that
otber occasions might appropriately
be made for the meeting of these
French speaking people for mutual
exchanges and benefits; especially
in Tiew of our boy from "over
there," who would do well t con
tinue their study of. the language
of diplomacy.- What do you say?
It was Mr. Arthur Balfour who
said that the only thing Jn this
wo-id that had not changed In S000
years was human nature.
No doubt, if the truth were known,
both McAdoo and Gregory are glad
to get out of the Wilson adminis
tration before the mopping begins.
Of course the new phone rate is
an advance. Did anybody ever see
a new rate that wasn't?
- S . "e C
The trouble with the Spartacans
Is that thev have, a lot of fun while
I they last, but they do not last long.
n ALEM'S men will be here thin
week! This is the newa for
which the whole town has an
xiously awaited ever -since the land
Ing of the troops on this side of the
water. Beside it. everything else
fades into insignificance for notftins
else can equal the welcome which
will be given them. .
The official homecoming celebra
tion of the War Mothers will not be
staged at once but will be postponed
until weather permits that the most
of it can be held out of floors. How
ever that does not keep the people
from welcoming the boys and they
will be met by parents, wives, sweet
hearts and great crowds from Sa
lem' and vicinity.
The Parent-Teacher association of
Lincoln Junior high met yesterday
afternoon in its regular monthly
meeting. Election of officers for
the coming. term was the chief item
of business, resulting as follows:
Mrs. J. W. Halvorsen. president:
Mrs. Florlan Von Eschen. first vlco
president: Mrs. C. W. Eldon. second
vice president; Mrs. Mason Bishop,
secretary; and MTis Margaret Power,
A program presented by the child-
ren or tne lower graaes iook inr
form of a colonial tea party and
George Washington play. George
Halvorsen told or some or the exper
iences be met with while in the T.
M. C. A. service In France. .
The sixth birthday of little Rober
ta Mills was celebrated wi'.h a Kay
little Easter party at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills
on Friday afternoon. Dafrodlls were
used in decorating and each little
guest received dainty Easter favors
The gueats and their mothers, who
alr were present were Mrs.
liam McGllchrlst and Josephine and
WHHain. Jr.. Mrs. Wilson Darby and
Helen Darby. Mrs. Edwin Hoffman
1 i Ju .
1 m i
l W ..CD
I i 4 I
Il . Xj! m
m 4 l in
M!.,,,.....,-...,. iiiiiiiiiii mil iiul inn 1 1 u iijh
Gale & Co.
m ippare
For Spring and Summer
New Spring Suits
Of Individual Design
Cleverly fashioned in Tricotino, Poiret Twill,
Serge, (iahardine ami Jersej' Cloth; Uioun in lial
kin Ulouse, llox Coat, seiiii-fitte atul strictly
tailored iihhMs.
y .
Coats that are close kin to capes and capes that are
an close kin to coats 'and garments that are both or
neither, and generally they are Kmart and youthful.
Women who have heretofore refrained from purchas
ing these ultra-smart garments for the reasons of econo
my are enahled, through the arrival of this shipment to r
gratify their taste. We have sold many of these gar- f
merits and they have met with great favor among our
buyers. The new capet have colors with cherry red
collars, navy and polka dot foulard ami eerine trieolette
to match the vest of the same shade.
Our Prices Always the Lowest.
Commercial and Court
Formerly Chicago Store
and Ruthlta and Edwhn Jr..
Robert Armlson and Haline, Mrs.
Donald McKennen and Donald Jr..
and Janet, Mrs. Paul Johnson and
Julia. Mrs.. Henry Carmoyer and Jo
sephine, Mrs. Oscar Price and Stan
ley and Howard, and Ralph NellU
Mrs. R. E. Lee Stelrer and Mrs.
E. A. Gillie were Portland visitors
Showers of shamrocks and other
St. Patrick's emblems carried out
a St. Patrick's motif at the Monday
Night Dancing club's party at the
Moose hall Monday night. Punch
was served to the guests from a bow
er covered with greenery .
Mrs. Charles Cameron was a 1
cent hostess for the Kensington club
of the Women's Relief corps a her
home at 398 North Twenty-first
street, assisted by Mesdames L. M.
McAdam. Lizzie Smith. A. L. Clear
water, J. L. Adam, and F. J. Botts.
Mrs. Mary A. McCabe. f Kansas
City, who is sojourning- In the capl
tol city, was the guest of honor
for the afternoon.
Masses of terns and greenery in
termingled with daffodils gav a
spring-like appearance tc the rooms
and a touch or St. Patrick's was add
ed In the favors -f green bats used
Mrs. during the luncheon hour. Sewing I summer l r a r. r r.v.
and conversation made pleasant eUnd. Calif., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C B. Jackson.
Mrs. Payne's sojourn la Salem will
cupation ror the afternoon Inter
spersed with whistling solos by Mrs.
C. C. Clark and readings by Mrs.
Ronald Glover. Misses Francis Cam
eron and Faye Spaulding. the latter
or Lewriton, Idaho, assisted about
the roms and in serving. Forty la
dles enjoyed the occasion.
Leon N". Culverson, son of Mrs.
Anna A. Culvertson. has received his
discharge from the naval service at
Mare Island and has returned to bis
home In Salem. 3)5 North Capitol
street. He enlisted seven months
The Loyal Women's elan of the
i First Christian church will be enter
talned at the borne of Mrs. Will May.
4 45 South Capital street, this after
Mrs. William Brown will entertain
the members of the Thursday After
noon club this afternoon.
Mrs. Stacy Reeves, of Astoria,
with her small son, Stacy Jr., Is vis
iting with tber sister. Mrs. Lloyd
Ramsden. in this city.
One of the visitors In Salem who
will be here through the spring and
p rcftably inspire many gay affairs
among her friends.
Mrs. E. T. Allen, who has recently
returned from missionary service la
Persia will be the guest or honor at
a reception la the parlors or th
Presbyterian church this afternoon.
This evening Mrs. Allen will dellvsr
an address at the church.
If Tour Hair:;
So Is "oil?
1 Use.
4r 4k.
' yi m 60frf0t
ati KcoaoancAX DaxiGirrrru ucut tvack to trxdb
It's Grandmother's Recipe to Tirfng
Back Color and Lustre to Hair.
That beautiful, even shade of
dark, glossy hair can only be had
by brewing a mlx'ure of Sage Tea
and Sulphur. Your hair is your
charm. It makes or mars ths face.
When It fades, turns gray or streak
ed, just an application or two o?
Sage and Sulphur enhances its ap
pearance a hundredfold.
Don't bother to prepare the mix
ture; you can get this famous old
reel pa improved by the addition of
other ingredien's at a small cost, all
ready for use. It is called Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound. This
can always be depended upon to
bring back the natural color and lus
tre of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
it darkens so naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell it has been ap
plied. Yon simply dampen a sponge
or soft brush, with it and draw this
through .he hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the
gray hair lias dlsappeaed, and af
ter another application It becomes
beautifully dark and appeal; glossy
and lustrous.' "
We are now showing the earliest of the spring styles
of Oxfords, Pomps, and other new footwear of
special interest to the fashionable dresser.
Patent Pump, Louis, heels .$6.25
Patent Pump, Louis heels ..$5.50
Patent Pump. Welt Boles,pvinr tip, military heels $6.03
Kid Pump. Turn soles, IuU heels $5.50
Kid Patent, welt soles, military heels ,..$5.50
White Kid pumps, Iouis heels $7.00
White Kid Oxfords, Louis heel $8.00
Hlaek Kid, Oxford. Louis heels I $6.50
Tohaeeo Ilrown Kid Oxford, Louis heels $7.00
Tohaceo Brown Kid Oxford, white welt, military he.-ls $7.50
Brown Oxfords, welt soles, Louis hftels '. . .$6.50
State Street.