THE OBEGOX STATESMAN: SUXpAY, JURCII 0. 1019 THE STICK-AROUND CLUB Personal Reminiscences of Old-Timers by One of Them. Four new members of this famous organization are enrolled this week, whose total years aggregate 310, all four enjoying life and doing their part in keeping things going. All lour show the value of labor as a means of enjoylne a Ion and us.w ful carreer. The four include a farmer and fruitgrower, a carpenter a hod carrier and a blacksmith. It would be pretty, hard to pick four younger men who are any more use ful or happier than these veterans at the gentle art of staying on the job. Acid Stomach! Meals Don't Fit! Gases, Heartburn, Indigestion Instantly! Stomach feels fine. 0 The moment Pape's Diapepsin reaches the sick, upset, sour stom ach all distress ends. You wonder what became of the indigestion, acidity, gases, flatuence, heartburn, sour risings, dyspepsia. Magic relief ! No waiting I Eat without fear! Costs little Any drug store. upset? Pape's Diapepsin SSJtV The chief Slick Arounder of the thirtieth general assembly was Alex LaFoIlett of Marion county, - going on 75, hale and hearty, of Falstattian proportions, well fed and possessed of Falstaffian humor and punch. Af ter a few years in California fresh from Indiana, he came to .Marion county in 1860 and 1 !U5i got hold of 310 acres of land in Misiron bot tom at $10 'an acre which he ?till cwns and the orchard of which is worth $500 Ian acre and over. He has the firsrloKanberry patch plant ed in Oregon from the original cut tings bought of Colonel Logan of California. He has thirty seres in fruit, mostly peaches that bring him as high as $1100 an acre. He c'eared his land from the original stumpage with Chinese labor at 17 "erts a day. While he pulls off his coat and runs his big farm nnd Is the biggest fruit grower in the county he has a residence in the city and has a son who is following, in his footsteps as a fruitgrower. He first was sent to legrslature 32 years ago. and again in 1903, besides a special session, and two terms in the senate, with another term to serve. He is easily the Nestor of Sol on s and a real solon at that. He virtually leaves the plow and with the smell of hay on his clothes, and some lime and sulphur Jspray, takes hlj seat in the senate. tHe shaves in regular far mer style once a week and puts on clean clothes on Sunday. The rest of the time his pants aro baggy, and his waistband is rather loose, and sjme from tt little fellows who come from the city to lobby for this or for that conld be lost in the great loose folds of he seat of his capac- This Substantial Bungalow Dioieg Suite Solid Qoldeiri Oak Exactly as shown in cut, consisting of Solid Oak Buffet with heavy French plate mirror j one six foot Solid Oak Dining Table; four Solid Oak Chairs to match. Regular $57.50 suit, $44.50 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY 2J ay iSp Soon the weather will be fine but we will now and then have a bright day before settled weather comes, so be prepared to take advantage of every sunny hour. We have an excellent line of Go-Carts and Reed Carriages. We carry-the fam ous Sturgis line which is so favorably known to the Mothers of Salem. The '.. Sjurgif give the best satisfaction, being made to stand the wear and tear and at the same time have the grace and beauty so much desired in a Child's carriage. Let us show you our Sturgis Runabouts today. They are six cylinder style at Ford price. 340 Court Street ious trousen. He beiie7es there Is j no legal or lToral grounds for the bi-ennial salary raising rtunt that has come to be the principal business or a legislature. He take the same ground he would with a aired man on the farm who has been hired. l forty dollars a month and board lor the year and in the midst of his term is asking to have his salary raised, and still worse is able to raif it himself and draw his own chec. against the taxpayer In the shape of a bill put through the legislature. One county official who wanted to have his stenog's saliry raised from $600 to $900 a year was put out of countenance by Senator LaFoIlett pulling a record of vonthers tinned by the official giving his stenos. ex actly $1H2.0 in the yea- lSJ. There was nothing further doing The salary raises, for tha judges he fought in the same way showing that the state of Washington with two and a half times the wealth nJ twice the population was paying H Judges $20,000 less a year than Oregon. He had the official record to prove it. But what did his fellow senators care, they raised the salar- Inst the same. While rugged Al exander from Mission Bottom was not able to stop everything, there is no telling where they would nave stopped If his high treble, voice had not rung out for the state taxpayers as it did. The cry. Hail, Hail, the Gang's all here, only had to Se htart ed when the chorus fell in and the band wagon was full enough to put it over. Breexy Albert Breeze Gibson blewj in tne otner a sty to pay nis aues a the Stick -Around club. He it In the prime of life at 76 and has a re- ord of four relatives in the nineties, two brothers. 70 and 79, and his baby brother born In Oregon in 66. Breeze was named after a governor of Illinois and he himself Is happy though never married. His mother who lived to be 92 claimed his first attention and he was so devoted to her as long as she lived none of the girls could come near; now he is so old he can't pick np the tricks ot the courtjng business. But we rhould not be surprised to see Breeze married almost any day, now that he has left the farm and is living at Dallas where he Is en honorary member of tho Rummy Card club. The family settled near Eola which whs then called Cincinnati. A sing ing teacher who was great on classi cal names and loved the Eollan harp and "was a windy chap himself ex pained the meaning of the nae he proposed and it was hanged. Breeze has handled oxen, horses and mules but has never been to the legislature He worked at carpentering In the summer and on ' the farm plowing aad making. rails in the winter. He did not stop growing nntli he was 70 years old and Is nearer the seven GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS If Your Back Hurls or Bladder Bothers You, Drink Ixt of Water. When ipur kidneys hurt and your hack feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and Irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like yon keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which -removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from It 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital impor tance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots f m-ater you can t drink too much: also get front any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each, morning for a Jew days and your kidneys will act fine. Thfk famous salts is made from, the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer Is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithla-water drink which ev eryone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and ac tive. Try this, also keep tip the water drinking. and no 'doubt you will wonder what became of your kidney trouble and backache. . Dr. J. Ray PembertoH just pur chase! his second ELGIN six WHY? m . I r, , ,. ... . . - -... . - . t 1 " . 1 y- ; -ill -V I l . i III J Each New Day Brings rf a Better Maxwell M i r - t.' ' Sr. m cr - 1 1 r ft "OST anyone would tiiink that after building 50,000 motor cars on one chassis plan that close on to perfection would be reached. That is true in a large measure; but it happens to be only the point at which the Maxwell executives began. They decided to keep on building Maxwells better and better as each new day went by. The locomotive engineer drives his engine better every day. The' banker who loans money does so with more and more judgment The man at the forge likewise. This is the principle on which the Maxwell is built It-is not new in the business world. But it is sound. And today, with 300,000 Maxwells built on this plan, anyone will readily understand Why a Maxwell runs on and on and never quits with age; Why a Maxwell seldom turns in at a repair shop; Why a Maxwell is so eagerly sought for in the second hand market. One of the last of more than 1000 im provements made since the first Maxwell was built is the appearance. Let your eyes glance over this present day Maxwell and you'll think the price' $200 more than we ask for it OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. 371 Court St. Phone 633. foot mark than most tall people ever get. He has perfect health, weighs 210 pounds summer and winter, and would rather tell a funny story than eat. Two of the latest on himself are about his telling Dr. Starburk of Dallas that he had a stiff neck and It had gone to his bead. The Doc told me the pain would always hunt the weakest spot, say Hreeze. He was in an auto smashup recently In which he says he tried to butt the top of the machine, and was laid up. A sympathetic old lady with a squeaky voice called and asked hlra if .he didn't have the flu. No. said Creese. If I had I'd be flrinr. She was deaf and didn't eet It but I en-I Joyed It just as much. rtreene Ifg u res on 20 years clear sailing and men some. May and His Men WUl Be Mustered Oat Tomorrow Colonel John L. May with 223 members of the 162nd regiment, in fantry, the old Third Oregon, will be discharged at Camp Lewis Monday and will leave Immediately for Portland-over the Northern Pacific rail way, according to word received yes terday. The men will travel la a sec tion of train No. 47, leaving Ameri can Lake at 10: 2S a. rn.. Monday and arriving In Portland at 3:40 p. m. , vk...A.V,..., ..J. 3 J 3 Alex Cornoyer Is In the seventy sevens .and started life with seven years farming en French Prairie and then came to Salem and polned the Hod Carriers' union and helped build the principal brick buildmg of the earlier days when Salem was evolving from a country village Into a little city. lie helped build th Gldrldge and Hreyman bloc ITS. tne water; company plant and the Scotch mills and Ccotch bank building, and the new chair factory. He is a man of rugged iron constitution and shows the value of manual rami labor in building a well set np endurlnr frame, as phyticilly Alex is bout the best man for his age in this part ot Oregon. Charles W. Hin came from Wash ington county, the farthermost cor ner of the state of Maine to Oregon about 20 years ago and is now In the eighties and as lively as a cricket He worked at the blacksmith .trade for 58 years but in Oregon has done mostly ranch work. He makes a full hand at what he likes best ranch cook but he can turn his hand to anything on the faiyn. He was help ing a neighbor butcher some hogs the other day and has one hand laid np with a bad sltsh of a butcher Iknlfe that will deprive Dad mil of his favorite amusement, playlna on the fiddle which he has done since he was a boy. He has some fid dle, too. It beinc nothing les than a Cremona, made In Germany A. I). 1737. At least be believes it Is and thinks he can prove It. He H venr proud of his boyi. two of them prin ters and a third son away from home. Harry Mil and n. O. F., or Tlnd. as he Is familiarly known ar away-up men In the linotype craft- Know What This Means It means that at 171 South Commercial atreet vou can pet the bet work done on your starter, lights, ignition or utorape battery. That is service. It means that you can bur the best batteries for your oar at the right price. That is quality. R. D. BARTON 171 South Commercial Street Carter's little liver Pills You Cannot be X A "Remedy That Constipated and Happy A BSEKCK ef Iroa fas tb KLwwl tm IV. - - many colorless facca frjDTTDf i Hut " Makes Life orving xti BARTER'S IRON PILLS bet wJ3 rreatty help sot rW-cd mot. (