tnn orecox staiismas: riniiAv. maim ii t, inn. r Classified' Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Nojed Under Proper Headings So You Ca a Readily Find Them They're Worth While . NORWICH UXIOX FIRE 1AHURANCK SOCIETY Thielsen, lloland & UurgtiArdt Resident Agent 371 State 8t . MONEY TO LOAN o turnovKi) farm rnopiiRTV at MIWT HATES. U CUM MISS IUX iriVO 3V. A VrlviS 1 Bank, Sales. Or. 5 l-2Vo Farm Loans 6 .i . We Joan money for five years. We allow you to pay $100 or multiple on the principal on an Interest date. We close out loans promptly. ; HAWKINS and ROBERTS, 314 Masonic Bldg. , Salem. Ore. CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISEMENTS Rat m Wri First Insertion .' lc Subsequent Insertions ...He One week (six insertions)...... Jc On month 9c Six months' contract, per mo.. 8c uiiim oc no... 7c I than. 26c I with an 11 montba' contract, per mo. No acct- opened (or leas than. A neat card riven free advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing; "For Sale For Rent "Rooms" or "Board." -" IV EW TODAY. Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New To day 'or the first Insertion, unless othe. wis ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under its proper classification. No advertisement will be run under "New Today" "for more than one issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY tamasaja-alfl,. AMATEUR KXTERTA I X ERS SIXGEKS, .. dancer, musician and talent of all de scription for, amateur niuht at lltiu theater. See' Frank Uligh. SPECIAL Fit 1 1.Y AX!: SATt'KI IY i l'rophead mcliincs. $10 . I-arcnt and anoat eomiet atock annth of Portland. All machinea in god 'working order, iuay a good as new. Look them over. nU faetioa guaranteed. We pay hihet prico for oaed farnituie. etc. People S-eond Hand Store, 271 X, Commercial. Phone 734. ' WANTED AN EXPERIENCED -COOK. Apply at Y. W. C. A i2 X. Liberty. FOR, SALE CR.KAM SEPARATOR, GOOD as new, BOO per hoar rapacity." Aildrr ,'A77" rare Stateaman. ' 1 1 1 . T1IK PCnpOSE OF AN IXSrKANCR COM .r. ..- in;. ill-. purjMtfr of an inisu ranee t'lnt-rii.ii. The porxHi- of an nnarance aii'-ncy i to not only proerly isoe thtt policy that gives you auch protection, but to render op to date inanranre service at alt times. Onr companies have all mail a high record mark brth- in volume of bunineis snd in fair and eniulle ad jtmtmrnts of lkM-. Our agener ha on lla Ixfoks the names of many who- hare lirrn our patrons eontinuonaly for more than twenty yeara: this would be highly imiroballi- if our srency were run on. an ait-ervU-e plan. H. A. Jolinw.n lnxur j,anr Agency, ever Ladd k liuhh bank, Malota. Phone 347. FOR SALE TEN ACRES, OVER HALF IX fruit and nut. Good well water, good bam, two hen bouaea and small bue. lieat black aoil. Three miles from Salem. Inquire 41 L'nioa atreet. FOR BALK OR TRADE 10 ACRES GOOD rich soil in Washington county, no rock or gravel, 8 acre under plow, 7 acre alsahed and burned off. ear to get under . cultivation, smalt honae and barn, good wood abed and chicken holme, fine -spring of water, private telephone line, good e.nntv road on nlacei & miles from North Plaina. It me hear frm you. Write Owner, 305 X. 2 tth atreet, or telephone 1043. LOST BLACK HCDSOX SEAL COLLAR, gold bar pin attached. Finder .kindly -x phone. 159 4 or 15. Reward. , FOR SALE 14 INCH JOHN DEERE KUL key plow, good an neww. JC Anderaou, Jafforson. Rt. 1. Hoi 73. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS -UATF.U AGENTS IIIO PAY AND FREE. At T0 . mobile "introducing wonderful -w gaso line aaver, pneture-prof, five year aark i.iuga and other economical r-oto ieeet.i ties. Outfit free. L. Bsllwey, 800 Sta., Y. I.euitvill. Ky. ' FEMALE V ANTE D HOUSEWORK- BV 'A lit: hour, l'hone si. WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID f..r general housework. flood wjg. Three 'in family. Phone l'". Cull aiorn 1 ins at er0 Oak street. -. MALR gjaasrsjajjajtxj LII JXll fS'iT a ROTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES man mutes. Apple In person. - -.EXPERIENCED r Pboas 111 i 3 1 fiRAITKRS WANTED Fruitlaed Nursery. WANTED AT O.VCK THREE OR FOUR men lo train lojanberrie. lliooe lfMlKS. DISCHARGED SOLIIKR WANTS W'MtK by day or by hour. Addres Mjrl.i hotel. ro'iii 15. WANTED-100 MEN AT ONCE TO learn to operate and repair all makes etie automobiles. s tractors and stationary enitines In a spec-lal eight weeks' course. Cls a now form--ins; Apply r write Hemphill s Trsde H' h"l. II Nrth 6th St.. Portland. Ore. Branches at Winni peg. Itoulna. fcsskatnon. alarsry. Edmonton, I-tWrMlgo and Vancouv er. H C FOR RENT jL-.-m.WL -'""lVHiVi'rV""""An"n''n"" FOR ItKNT-IIOJPr. APARTMENTS firmi F. WOofl. 211 Stale ifMl. riiniit 794. T ROOMS HMS TO .RENT WITH MOT A.l .-lit ilrr in a new nnwlern lioroe, on block from the capilol. Address A74 carti Staleaman. Read the Classified'. Ads. FLATS FOU KKNT MQOERX IPPKK F'LAT. close in. Sc U.' B. Fleming, 2.10 and 783 Court stmt. Phone 124 and 92. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FUR HA LE HOICKS A XI MILKS FKOM Camp l.-i. Friday, the Stb, at lh Salem Hre Exihauge, .V"4 Ferry street. A .L. Clearwater and Sob, proprietor. FOU SALE ONE SORREL . HELOIAX Ii. r-e colt, 3 years old. heavy boned; one driviug .horse. 7 year old. dm tingle li.iriir' aid cart. Phon 3CF14. MILES HORSES CARLOAD GOOD voting team, the bioeky built heavy boned kind. aIo several spaa heavy male will arrive ia Salem on or before March 9th. Guarantee given with every horse or mule irorn ,reponMllj parties. FOR SALE 3 BLACK MARKS 7 YEARS olt!. in the : sprints. b-tu heavy with foal a guod work tcato. Win. Kaufman, route 2, Silverton. Ore. Interurbaa Phone Ked 12. HOUSES WILL ARRIVE AT SKIPTO.V ale stable. ii Kerry street. Salem. Mar. ii. car of Caaip J . i horse, b.ary boned and b.efcy. Some well matched teams, 2t'' t 2IMHI !. Guaranteed as rtr scnied or money W. S.' IVm-tM-rloa. MIHKUAMCOIS aaaaaaaaaaaaaasatayassaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaa GRAY SEED OAT FOK .SALE. 27F22. P1IOXE 1917 FORI CAR IS mI COXIMTIOX. Cheap. Inquire Will Music Store. FORI) TRAILER FOR SALE to order. 271 1 afreet. AXO JtADE FOR SALE GOOI TABLE POTATOES, tl.2i per ssck. Phone 0r"2.'. FOR SALE TAVIV IMfAX MOTOR, cycle, cheap. PUoue SF23 evenings. FOR SALE OR TRADE LAW Li brary, w hat haw you Address "A 75" care Statesman. FOR SALE MI LES A NO JJKAXIl NEW wagon and set of good harness. Kl. 3, Ho . 123.. Rickey. . HAY FOR SALE 10 TOX .OOI WHEAT hay for sate. F. E. Shafer.;,! 70 South Commercial, l'hone 41 1 tr uk. (EES FOR SU.K ITALIAN PRUNE TR Reasonable. Tain Hill Farm. II. K. 1. Turner, Ore. Phone 49F2 1, Sal, at. PEERLESS OASOLINF ENGINE. Si. horsepower, 2 cylinders. Suitable for ajrain elevator. Formerly uaed at auxiliary in electric licnt plant. la rood condition. 101 gallons tank. Price 11900. Scott Bozortn. Spsldfhg BldK.. Portland. Orecon. BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM Dlete set of 20 volumes, cloth bird- ins;, new, never unboxed. Will ael for less than cost. Address "Book. care Statesman. IF YOl. WANT TO Bl" V OR SELL A CAR couie iid. me. Maxwell, almost new. bargain. Btuck r.adter. t 323. Paige touring ear, big bargain. 1912 Cadillac, good ah a ). 4 U0. Elgin,' good at new a 1 125. Ford touring. perfect, 1375. Btudebaker. perfect condition. .'.0. Stude- baker Si. 7 .aenger. twrf et. will take small ear1 in trade. 4dz. big bar gain, 05O. i. foril bargaui,..! JO. amp- beira Auto Eachange. 2J SUfe atreet "lione 362. - Open Sundaa. CAPTIVITY OF THfe OATMAN GIRLS Thia true story or western immi sr., tion has been carefully revised making a nandsome little book. H tells in graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the ea rs pe of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary a text or star vation and Olive was purchased fron the Indiana five years later. Th Drice is 29 cents, postpaid. Addre Oregon Teachers Monlhlv. Kalerr.. Or rOtJLTRT WHITE ROCK EGOS FOR HATCHING Phons 9JF3 or 403R. FOR 8ALE WHITE LEGHORN AND Oregon setting eggs, St per setting. Baby chicks 910 per hundred. 768 S. 13th. 541 STATE ST. . PHONE 40". lteadunarters for bsUy chirk. Leghorn Heds, ; R.K-ks. Minorca. Ite.f stock. lrie reisoiiable. C. A. Xeeinm. lioz 41 Sali m. Ore. " IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the 1'acinc Homestead, saiem. Oregon, tor a tria subscription. Mention tnis aa. WOOD. iOO CORDS OF WOOD FOR SALE OLD growth fir. H. A. Penny, Salem, Ore. route S. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. JUNK WANTED HIGHEST PRICE FOR mixed rag, rubber, metals, scrap iron, etc. Phone 49S. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press Room States man. WANTED TO RENT 3 ROOM . FURNISHED , span ment. Address A70, esre Stste ' man. WANTED FAT HENS. BEST PRICES paid. Spencer Hardware Co., 4 State St. Ask for Director. 'COWS WANTED GRADE JERSEYS PRE frred. We want to buy a car load of grade Jersey. Write giving full par. tieulara of any that you bar for sale. Allies Here Bro care Slate, man office. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERV2CK SHIPP-8 AUTO SERVICE CITY ANI country trips. rnone: iay. niajht. 259. TIRES RKPAIRKIV VULCANIZING GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. ' 177 South Commercial ii Phono 42S LODGE DIRECTORY 9IODF.RN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN -OK AMERICA Oregon Cedsr Camp No. 524. meet every Thursday evening at I o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and Hiah atrt-eia. J. F. Day, V. C. F. A. Turner, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS PR, t S AND wasaaaatassaasJaaat LARMBR TRANSKER-WB MOVE AND store goods. Day phone 93ft. Night phona 1192. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem' largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rate on eastern ship menls Also f r storage, as w have three warehouses In connection, with business. Furniture moving, pat-king, shipping and .storing our spe cialty. , Office, 22 SUt streL DRY CLKAXIXG 1XD PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanabe, ITop.. 434 N. Commer cial street. Ladles and gentlemen's suits cleaned and preaaed. II. IS and $1.76. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 652. ' CABPESTEKIHG. SUlMiLIXU. KOOP REPAIRING AXO carpenter work. Phone 1012. INSURANCE I DO A lit.NKKAL 1N surance buainees, fire, automobile, accident, health. See me for rate. Laflar. the insurance man. 405-400 Hubbard Bids;. JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household roods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co.. 171 Chemeketa St. rhone 198. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY OU1CK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. Oc per pound, lit South Liberty St Phone 26. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For onky It cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone Z471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing;, oxy acetylene welding;, gas engine repair ing;, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown. Prop.. 232 Chemeketa atreet. Salem. MONEY TO LOAN. F A BODY MEET A BODY NEEDING a r arm Loan, to wbnre should a Ftoly tell a body to apply? Why the Federal Farm Ixian man, of course. Interest only i',, per cent. 21 years time. A. C I'.hrntelt. 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Orecon. NCRSERIES NORTHWESTERN NURSERY. ROUTE . "rrruit trees. roes and shruns. Cut rates on some lines. l'hone 1I1F3. v'RUITLAND NURSERY SALBM. R. F. D. . Box USE. Phone 111F21. Roman strain srrafted Franquet Wal nuts; alao a few more Italian prune trees left. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND roods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Scbindler. 2SC Center street. WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. Will buy, sell, .trade or etchings household furniture. Will psy the highest cash price. I also handle clothing. See J. A. Rowland Furniture Store. 247 N ..Commercial. J r-none is. pa i. Tit n F. H. KAYLOR, PAINTER. 110 SOUTH Winter. Phone UNDKRTAKRRS WEBB 4k CLOUGH-C B. WEBB. A. M dough, funeral directors. The latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WALL PAPER, FAINT GLENN U ADAMS FOl HOUSE DEC orating. painting, tinting, paaver hanging, etc. Work done by contract or by day; good workman. Location 1020 Center street. Phone 686W. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wsll Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial strict. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. i4S( Court St. Phone 425 WINDOW AND GENERAL CLEANING HOUSE AND WINDOW wanted.; Phone 1227. CLEANING WOVEN WIRE FENCING Deavot Katlwnal Jt Aaserleaa Peace, alt alae. '- la. M 1st. klcfc. Paiats. Olla aad Vara la a. Stesea HebaJIt and Repaired. Laaraanerry aad Hep Ilaaka. Saleaa Peace dk. Steve orks. tSO Crt St. Pbaae 124 R. B. FI.KMINO. THANBFER HA CLING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. Household moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Timme. 47S Stat St. Phone 963. Reaidence phone 1122J. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. Svl 8 Commercial street. For water eerv ice apply at office. Make all com plainta at the office. No deduction in bills will b allowed for absence or -for hfty csnses whatever unlesr water Is cut off from premises. Here after water for Irria-atlon will only he furnished to res;alar customers ue Ing water for domestic purpose Contractors for sidewalks. brick work or Mastering, will plesse Tead "for building purposes" tinder sched ule of rates. Apply at office for copy PROFESSIONAL i s OlinoPRACTIC OR O. L. SCOTT. D- C GRADUATE of T S. C. Chlropraetlcs fountain head. Davenport, Iowa. Chlroprsetle correct the cause of disnse. Office 4AS-7-S fl. S National Sunk Rulldlng Phone 87. Residence S22R OSTKOPATHt. OR. W. I. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathv. Kirks ville. Mo.: treats acute and e-hrni disease. Office 404-405 V. fl Nations Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence 419 North Summer. Phone I4. OSTEOPATHY. Dr.S WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO pathic physicisns and sursreone Graduate of American School of Oto pslhy. Kirksville. Mo. Post gradual and specialised In nervous disease' at Loa Anaeles College Treat acut and chrnnic disease. jUffice, Me-t-7-2 U. 8. National Ban Bldsr. Phon '.. Residence. 1K!0) Court street Phnna ??I5. Dr. Whlte'a residenc aassavaeaaaaas phona. 4t9. ' ' MUSIC TEACHERS R. IIARR. TEACHER Phone 12X2. 1111 OF PIANO niTSir.taNS - ee DR. Ia ALTMAN. HOMEOPATH I" Physician. Oenersl Prsctic. Call Stonea and Goltr treated auce-asaful-1y. Office and residence. 290 North Liberty. Sa lam. Phone 147. UHINF.JtE PHYSICIAN on u kt. disease. HUM CURWANT KNOWN 1(2 S. High St. Phona li Read the Classified Ads. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Oregon. l'hone 2488 PORTLAND MARKETS I Hairy lrm!uce. PORTLAND. March . 6. Uuter: Prints, extras, 62c; rubt-s. extras. x61ft62; prime firsts. 60; dairy, 31. Butterfat: Toitland delivery No. 1 sour cream. 62 0 63. lotvtoe. Potatoes: Local sellicz price. 11.- 25 0, 1.30. Grain. Grain future bids: Rarley, standard feed, March 1 41. SO; April, 43; May. 1 4 2. Barley; standard "A". April, $43; May. $42.30. Eastern oats and corn in bulk. Oats 33 pound clipped white, March. April and May. $4 4. Corn. No. 3 yellow, March $33; April, $34. ."0; May, $34. Corn. No. 3 mixed. .March. $33; April and May, $32. NEW YORK MARKETS NEW YORK. March 6. Evapor ated apples quiet. Prunes strong; reaches scarce. C1IICAC.O MARKETS CHICAGO. March 6. Withdrawal of the hog price minimum failed to day to bring about any serious dis turbance of the corn market. The close was nnsettled lower to a likely advance, with May 1.29; to 1.29 and July 1.24 to 1.24T. Oats finished unchanged to A 6 higher. In provisions, the outcome varied from 12 decline to a rise of 20. Oats showed independent, strength at times owing to improved domestic and export demand. Provisions averaged higher as a' result of the comparative firmness or the hog market and because of liberal shipments of lard and meat from here despite the marine strike at New York." RECOVERY ON 5T0Q( EXCHANGE Pronounced Betterment of Industrial Situation Has Marked Effect XE WYORK. March 6 Pronounc ed betterment In the industrial sit uation combined to effect a very substantial recovery on the stock ex change today. The movement attained its wid est dimensions in oils, motors and high grade industrials, where gains ranged from 2 to 7 points, but also comprehended rails and coppers. Activity and prices were at high est in the final hour, the entire list extended its gains following publica tion of Judge Gary's address before the American Iron and Steel Insti- tute, which predicted "large business prosperity." United States Steel, -which had shown only Indifferent support ear lier in the session mad a brisk ad vance of 2i points, but was over shadowed by several other issues. Sales amounted to "63.000 shares. The bond market was unusually dull at slight changes. IJberty Is sues rallying from their early set back. Total sales, par value, ag gregated $8,730.00. Old United States bonds we? unchanged on call, coupon 4's losing on sales. I Deals in Real Estate U H. Suter et nx to Bessie F. West 80 acres In 63-8-2w; w. d. Walter IKeper to Arthur Kieper 14 acres in 31-$-3w; w. d. Calude Water to Koy It. Daven port et ux. 4.25 acres in 27-7-7w: $2: w. d. William A. Shutter et ux to O. K Lelo. 135 acre in l5-7-lw; a. d Oeorre K. Malvqrsen et ux to Iner H. Rogers. proierty In Silverton $3-0; w. d. Gottlieb Roth to Hcrtha Roth. 30 acres in ki-7-2w. Ionard J. Lownds et in to John II. Emery et ux. 1.0S acres in lot 23- Sunnyside Fruit farms: $ift; w. d CtirXTY AKXTS If KM SKIX STOCK. When farmers want to buy dairy cattle they consult tbelr county agent, ho, in turn, consults county agents in dairying section, where cows can bs purchased. When the -otmty agents of Wisconsin made summary of sale- they bad helped tn make to buyeis outside tf that state they found a total of 3S0 carloads of dairy cattl talue. at $75.00'). had been shipped in IS months since Inly, 1917. In Winnebago county the records showed 4 4 dairy cows, valued at $47,0i0. In Sheboygan vrrjnty the recortls sbovcrrj more than 5 head, valued at $0.000. Daring this period buyers from lf - l1., slater .went Into Wlsconeln to buy stock for farmers in thir respective Tjtiiniunitics. "So you think p"oplc are too fat as a rule." I do." replied thecondnctor. "If ercrylwHl.v was more thinner thero'd be room for more people to si snd up ,in the car." Washington Star. iREAL ESTATE STOCK RANCH FOR SALE A MO.NEi maker. Address "A csr Stairs man. fOH SALE 3 MODERN 1IOCSFS. CALL and buy from o nrr at 7tu X. .Collate atreet. FOR SALE SIX ROOM, 2 STORY IIOl SE and garage on Stale street. For infor nutioa call Main 1185. WE LIST PROPERTT FOR SALE OR lo exchange, everywhere, and charge commlaaion for putting buyers, seller and exchangers t realty together. Oregon Realty Exchaage Iaveatmeal (vmpaar. lac. Rooms 405 sad 40ti. iiablard bldg., Salem, Oregon. AN ELEGANT IMPROVED FARM OF 310 acres, all under cultivation, one mile from town and railroad, sood buildings, gently rolling, nil fenced and vrwas-tvnced, SI5 an acre. Laflar. the iaauranc mak, 4U5-4WC Hubbard building. GOOD BUT XCxIS FEET ON EAST aide Commercial street, door north of Stat street, Baiem. toaelhar with perpetual rljbt of war over the l4x60Va feet tract eztsadlna; rresa thia property to State atreet. Tsrtna. Apply. Scott Bosorth. 7I1-2 SpaidUs Bide, Portland, Oregon. MCST BE SOLD 7 . ROofi BUNGALOW, full resaent basemeat. farnace, fsU ltch kitchen, plastered, aril fiaiahed, furaae heat ia every room, half blaxk fro a cr lioe. eight blocks from Baiveraily, slae garage, hara and some frail. Price ' SJ25U. See Socolofsky. 841 State. BRING YOUR TRADES can match you. C W. Nlerneyer. All branches of real estate and Can ada lands. 215-11$ Masonic Bldg. Phone lego. FOR SILK MODERN HOME IN EAST Salem., foar lots valse $3590. Will sacri fice for cash T trade for acreage. 204 acre farm on saaia read, goad batMisgs. 75 per sere er trade for sereeg. 200 ax-rea fine level land esrly an ia g"d timber, 130 per sere. Cheiee let lOOslSS. fsir house, only three ' block Iron stst bouse, st a bargain. Sic room plastered house. M75. 13 sere prases, buildisge, snd dryer, I50U0. F. L Weed, Bayae bldg. FOR SALE TWO NEW MODERN RESI deacea eloae in, for 9300 and S40OV re aptctively. 9100V cah snd f5ov sa- fcualty si 6 per cent interest. These. houses are priced right sad are ged ia every way. 1 also have fr sal-, a strictly modet a 7 rues residence with le plag poMrh. wlthia 3 blork of the state repitjl. for S4CU. Tuis is s new aad vtry convenient ap-te-date h"tae. lNe't ai' antil you are sold eat before Joe purchase a heat after price g up. Joha 1L Scott. 404 Hubbard bldg. FOR SALE 1J ACRES. 12 ACRES prunes and cherries in bearing, fair building, good well, price ItUvO.M; & acres, 2 room house, well, price Uie.Ou; 10 acres, i acres 3 year old prune trees, some loganberries and strawberries, good house, barn and well, price $1000. SO; 17 acres,. IS acres orchard, balance - plow land, cheap building, price 2)759 SO; acre farm, nearly all In crop, good buildings, some stock and tools, price flf.0S0.o0: Its-acre farm. 119 acres In crop, good buildings, price Illa.OS an acre; i I acre larm. jo acres ia cultivation, balance open pasture and 314 acre farm. lt acre in timber, sood buildings, or ice 110.040: good modern house. paved street.! PT'ee ..w- " t-rabenhorst & Co. 275 Bute Street. OWNER LEAVING THE STATE AND most sell at once. Over 9 acre, with a good subatantial '-room house, con crete foundation and cellar, fair barn. 19 minute from car aervlce. a country home with all the advanr tages of the Capital City. University. High School. Churches. Fraternal So cieties, Entertainment. Abundant Fruit and ISO treea. two-t&irds in bearing;, apples, pears, cherries, peaches, nuts, prunes, gooec berries, black and red raspberries, strawber rle. etc A good drilled well over 50 feet deep, going through second gravel bed and fine water, cool aa le in summer. A good combination dairy poultry and fruit place. Price reduced to 1 5100. Including some per sonal property Write promptly Box 355. Salem. FOR SALE 40 ACRE PLACE 4 MILES eat. all goad deep soil, about hall la cultivation. set farm building. 'B'Ce stream through place, aotae good wood timber, aa county road. Snap $0500, terms. For Eebenge (food large modern aaute sad large lot la Forest Grove, all kisda of fruit, psved street, cement walk. Close in property for Salem resideace or sere are. For Sale Good well improved SO acre farm close in. nearly all ia rultivatioa, fine large pran orchard, goad set af sll kinds of farm buildiag. OB good rock sea, team, cows. fowl, tools, machiaerr, crop. Must be sold st a sacrifice. For Sale Fine 7 sere tract with aew art buildings, close; In, S220fl. For Sale Fine five acre tract, all In prune, cherries, loganberries and sa nies, sood barn and small house. S2200. For Sale or Eichaage for farm Good gen eral merchandise tork amounting to 012,000. located la good busme. com munity in vallar. For Exchange Fsrma. Acreaje and good city property in tha t mpoua valley to ev thango for acreage aad eily property i Salem and vteinty. S e u. before you eaehanje or auv. I er rin- A Marslers. 306 Hubbard IMj . Salem, fire. BEST BUYS E Ai'HES. ALL CULTIVATED COOP house, ham. 's mlea Irorn Salem, the best of wslnut or pruna Isn't, onlv lS9 per acre. Ill acre sll bottom, no white land. S room house. ; barns. I '3 miles from town. a acre cultivated halafice timber, and Mtumr pa at ore. 27$ per acre. 17 acres, acres in 10 jear old prunes, t acres In 10 Jir old cherries. 4 acrea tim ber, on rncV road, 4 miles from Sa lem, onlv 3175. I acres In city. t rom house, barn, vwwl shed. cop and plenty of fruit. t2!a. 3 acrea. i room hoiiae, family orchard. on paved road, all cultivated. $2:e. 21 res. IS rultoated. 9 timber pss ture. running water. house, barn, equipment including good team, 36ft. 11 rrea Improved, trad for hotiae. $;:na. 10 a-rea apple and peach orchard, trade for house. 32ae. I acre all cultivated, family or- rliaid. 2 acrea logan. 4 roni bun galow, "full eiu'.pment 4 1: mllea out. on kohI road. $IMM. 13 acrea. all cul fixated. 1 a-rc in sim-jear old prune-, balance in grain, good bouse, barn. C mile from Salem, close to ach., n rwli road. $ It! i i. all tn cultivation. all tiled. well drained, on rock road. cloe to ns and srh'"l. the beat of Im provements, equipped ' for dairy, large equipment g;oe. only 3125 per acre. For best buy swtofsk). Haras Building. roa atsx taxms. FARM HIK BEST TO ACRES. HALF mile of Aumsville. So acres ia crop Ut year. acres-limber aad pasture. I'axh "real B 333. Salem Read the Classified Ads. REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A WotvWful Romance of MarrVd Llf Wussderf ally Tokl by AD ELK UAJUUSOX CIIAITEU CCXXX1I 1 WHY DID IJICKY SAY, "THE SAM Ft .OLD THING?" TO GRACE DRA-I PER? I do not think one of the grout ( j a sound for naveral mlantH after ., , ,.v.. dition of "Tell Her I I.ovf Her S." 1 The singer himself gat motionless j his hands on the keys as he had laid thrm in the lart pulsating note of the wonderful melody. ' When the spell of bis voice faded away 1 awoke to a shrewd suspicion that the man's pose was a carefully calculated one meant to impress me with the Idea that he was lost In the Imagery of bis own singing. Lillian's eyes were brooding far away. I have studied her enough to know that whatever associations the song held for her. they were not conected in any way with the man connected In any way with the man whom she was yoked In a marriage hich she herself described as an anangement In which they "Jogged along very comfortably by each al lowing the other the fullest lati tude." Grace Draper leaned forward wlib parted lips and shining eyes but she did not cive the alnrer the comnli- ment of looking toward him. Her I gate was fixed on Dicky, a primitive-1 compelling iooa. r or once sne nso forgotten her faultless veneer ol manner, ana tne naxea soui oi in. girl looked out unashamed. I shiv-1 ered and my eyes went to Dicky's I face. I turned them away again In- stantly. for Dicky's eyes were upon the girl. I could better bear the tor- tureof uncertainty than to read l my husband a eyes, as I feared I migm. sn answer to tne nnspoxen ap-1 peal of the aeductivn creature at his side. Lit Saves Madse. Whether or not Harry Underwood really had counted upon his singing making an emotional appeal to me l do not anow. um u oaa ne over-1 did the matter y his theatrical lin gering at the keys alter the song Ry the time he turned around and crossed the room to me. I had forgot ten the effect of the song upon me in my agitation of the evident absorp- lon of Dicky in Grace Draper. He saw my dlsurbed face, and the i vntlsm of the man. overwhelming egotism OI tne man- 1 msled him. .. v-na.w ft would get TOU. he . . mm . Anmr ry..r c,om. Lillian saved me the necessity of answering. With a bound she harJ reached the center of the room and stood with her hands on her hips In a pose which I recognlied at once as . ....ll.-t a iatA. A.a9) fj a a rL an excellent Imitation of Betty, her colored cook. "Little too much aighln and dyln aronn' here." she drawled. "Jess yoh all listen to me. Ol Bettyl! tell yoh. a few things for yoh own good. In a few minutes she had ns all a. a a a a rocsing wun inugnter. iter iimi.- tlon of the erratic colored woman was simply marvelous, and when sh finished with a ragtime melody and a few step of an Impromptu double shuffle we were breathless. Even her hnsband. who must have seen her the atunt before, was laugh ing heartily. Weary and Reckless. "Give us another, LI1." he called cheerily when she had made ns a gro tesque bow and waddled, still In im itation of Hetty, to her chair. -You're In Honing good form tonlghL" No." Lillian shook her head wltl finality. "1 knows when to quit. I , , . . .. . does. Quit while yoh reperUtlon a good, dafs my policy. - t . s..o rv..a immc-: ,u r.o.. , ' was such a note of alncentr In nis words that I forgave Harry Under- wood much of his unpleasant non- ene on account of them. There was real admiration of his wife in tnem- tiA vu1e tit -vtrnbablv I WSBI iaiti. . Im.elnlor, ru- ' Arrive at Salens .77... 0 lOaav letting my Imagination run wtno. 74 Leave ftalesa 3,10 m. wttn me concerning pom ma innui' . -A . a nl.V'. a A m r a f Inn ('.race Draper. Someway the homely little words Of tribute to his wlf. steadied me. brought me bark to san - itv. With an effort I leaned forward . . ..7 , , lusiru .'iiia iuiviu. i j .- to cordiality.. "Dicky tells me you have such wonaermi new asnre. ni iii. I raid. "Won't you let as see It! "It Is nothing wonderful, th girl replied, "but there are some new step In it. If you care to see It, I should be glad to give It. provided I can have music' Always glad to oblige." Dicky re . ... . . . . . . . v lumen tnppaniiy ana waiaen 10 vn piann. - 1 ne same nin inms: n qnerietl over his shoulder. "Ye. I think that will be lvt. ahe returned, arwl with asinglc deft 1 Ne. -movement rhe untied the alken scgrf which draped her waist. With It hanging loonoly from her hands she advanced to the middle of the room and stood with head bent, liMeninr to the preliminary strains of the mu sic Dicky was playing. I had a sensation of a douche of rld water being thrown over me Thia was no accidental renditiiMi' They bad rehearsed this thing! Dick must oftein hate played for Ihis" girl to dance! I felt suddenly weary, old. reckless- u . if f it 14 not r.r. what fiisnenal Irs me. .Lillian must bo wrong. Dicky's! Infatuation for this girl before ul was something which could not U . u I IU, . (To be continued. ! j Newsy Notes ol State Industrial Growth March J Pbtlan3 STen ship week. North Portland Factories, mill and other enterprises la the Penin sula Industrial district at North Portland, daring 1911 did a total business of $112,262,000. North Portland The Portland Cattle Loan compnny. the Columbia Basin Wool warehouse and the Lt Stock State bank of this place, dur ing. Ills loaned to farmers aad stockmen of the northwest $.- aUO.000. Oregon legislature against govern ment operative railroads. Sal cm J28.vOO.OOa In sight! for Oregon highways for, the next tare years. saj Multnomah and Clark con alias made $19.8 S3 on Vancouver brldg for 191$. Sunday Portland Jornal says 12. 009 unemployed men In that city Fuel famine on Coos Ray giyes em ployment to men cutting rordwood. Lrallas Polk conaty roope: stive- warchoases make S per rent dividend. Pendleton St. Antlouya horpl- ul to h4,,, ueo'.Oto addition. Contract let for pavitg aC2 feet Seaside highway. Work herns Ho-wt River-M. hirhvl. Kajem a-erislatnre adloarneri wlth cut of from arlgln- aI .esUmaUs. Oregon legislator, mad. liberal appropriation. lor salmon Industry, tding livestock men la Oregon- Idaho, Washington and Montana hoi conference In Portland. Adopt plans for $500,000 exposition building. Marshfield Coos dairymen raid $22t a year from his cows. Deck and Delta, mills, on Sius- law have started operations. BendA-SO.000 acre tract -with- Anwtk for reservoir above Beuhatn fails Tillamook cooperative evheese fac tories report Increased producL La comb plans completed for bor ing for oil near here. Molalla Is to have a potterr. fac tory. Dae to war expenses taxes for 191 Increase 15.5 per cent. ' Coos and Dooxlas counties . ge $3,000 acres wagon roads lands. ' P. company gets 47.953,00 from government for use of Uses. Logg'ng camps-In Clatsop count' bejln operations. M osier and The Dalles cherr growers to cooperate In marketing- Silverton Pise Bluff motor ve- h,et service tUUn to be built, Bend to expend .-$350,000 o streets this year. Portland phone systems - merged Into one. Marshfield Bay mill Installs el ectrically operated a&tgle mill. Reedsport New bank buildias 1 w " started here. Rumored that twc I inmW milt win atari iao. I tii mv.e n.e t...i,. I !af,r.-M .r res re. Astoria Pacific Power anl Ugh I company to Install 4.S0O h. p.' elect ric generating plant here. Addition maden ecessary by erection of 3.00ft barrel flonrisx m'll or Astoria Flooring Mill compeny. TIUE TABLES'. otrrxxsCRw rAarxo oo Iartkau4 No 14 Oragaaiaa S :fl a a. ria, 10 Oragen azzpraa ..... 0:11 No. It '" I'llt IN, ii Portia ad Fa sssager. s :t p ra. lNOw 4 f 0:M p bv N 14. Portland gxsrsss 1:4$ p.m. V. It Ovagoaa 3 19 a an. Ntt. xs Tvr Eugene 10:10 am No. it Caiifemia Fipr....lHlO a an. ili I . N) j, gam Frsmeiaeo raae...ilio3 paa. 1 . , oil avwaa? aitta a i a a st . tZ l Al7t SaJeSx! WZ "'.l III I Z l Througn car t Msanvsvith aad Atrli UU aUltn f -lis-- I Jsrnvee at avaitrm ........ uiarn. 14 Arrive t Salens llrMasa, If Arrive at Salena 8:20 n. 1 172 AXTiv aaJea T:40 as OKJCOON KLTCCrrRIO . Krfeettvw Ova. lat. is IS. SaaOiav. Train tv Arrive Arrlv No. Portia ad Baler Eoreae Ltd.. I:llin 10:11 are 12:30pa T 10:40 aaa 13:30 pea bUleea eor 0 3:00 pea 4:13 frra 0:33 " tS Ltd.. 4:43 em . 0:40 pa 3 40 pea - I IT S.OOpm 3.07 pm ft-Jem.alv . 1 ia ..... s :is Dm iniicta Dsifis es.r - i - - M . ntao, fleav Jsffar- 1 ea street 10 aad 30 aunutae iatr. Nrthhaaal Lav Arrive Eugene Salrm 7:11 am -7:23 am 9:41am 13:13 Pa iTr-i Arrive rrtl4 9 : 11.30 at t:10 Pa 0.50 pm T:40 pas It It Ltd.. 1:53 pm 4 a pm 10 Baler only 3:30 pm i-ttam f:Sim 10.00 pea North Bank Station terrt Jffr aon Street 13 mlaate earlier). Leave Corvallla. CORYALLlfl CONXTltCTIOSi Renhaessd Leave Ccrvalli Arr'7" 3:13 am IZ : g ; Lam Salem . 0:30 am Arrive :T m 11 It'sm :'0 am 0.10 pm 3:00 a I II pm 1 .00 pm I