The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 07, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Tin: onr.r.ox st.ti:sma.: i ihday, Vi:cn t. im
Today and Tomorrow
Is '' " - . ' i
jyg r : ls
m -
Wallace Reid
in "THE DUB"
"NEVER TOO OLP" patt-tf I
(Continued from rage 1)
measure. It waslargely due to his j
-fei-vo ttLt ii.n, y, '.... , ,.
volunteer enlistments.
"I was1 present when the" governor
hade farewell to the lat battalion or
the Third Oregon. I lie cot 1 1
not have heen spared to e them re
turn, for no one would "have slven
t&o men a .wanner weioome.
"The governor was a vraleru'l man
a loyal friend, staunch, Fympa.hctic
helpful and dependable. Hi leader-
was constructive Ms Interest
in the welfare of every section t f the l
Lobold & Co.
fj. E. Goodman
II. I). Gilbert & Co.
Iteddaway's Cash Store
; J. I. Cooley
J. D. Glddings
A. W. Schrunk
J. L. Buslck
W". B. Gerth
W. K. Richardson
M. '. Johnson
Mays fc Goode '
. . . Donald, Ore.'
J. C. Savage
Waconda, Ore.
W. II. Ramp
Brooks,' Ore.
M. J. McCormack
; W. Woodburn
Standard Makes
Stop In and see them or write.
1 Goods .shipped, (.'. O. !.,
Express or Parcel Post.'
Money refunded on goods re
turned to us intact within 10
. Firsts
4. SO
:;oxS .
.".4x 4 t
35x4 Vi
3 fix 4 Vi
V. .SH.4Q
Special While They Ist
30x314 Non Skid 2ds , . 12.50
32x4 , Non Skid 2ds . . 19.50
;& s 4 Non Skid 2ds . . 20.40
' Prices subject to change
54x4 Non fikid 2d .. 21.25
Prices Bubject to change
without notice.
Distributors for '
Aulomohitn Tire 'o.t Inc.
World's largest and Oldest
Tim Jobbers
Ktamhes in nil principal cities.
I'tHimtctrinl and Court St m-fs,
; i Salem, Ore.
i ,.
state. He - enjoyed , companionship
with his fellowmen and Tie possessed
a wholesome sens; of humor. As
governor of the state, lis a.s Kindly
approachable and attentive t-j the
message of every citizen. His most
distinguished characteristic kjs hi?
largeand domineering commo-i sense
In tttel9 years I knew him I don I
believe he ever experienced the sen
sation o fear." ',, j
.htdee ;McC'atnant toiM-hed on he
home life of the governor, -saying tiai
as a husband andj father he al'
that a man could he. 1
" Let us bethnkful," he concluded
"for the fruitful years he ha Riven
u thankful Tor contact with this
type of public leadership."
Dr. Avlson in his sersun men
tioned the exemplary lif i of the gov
ernod from the point of 'view of the
home. The stateand the ch irch.
"When I learnld of; his sleath I
was forcibly reminded 6T the text
'Moses, my servant. K dead; now
therefore arise. ' i , r
"If our !afe friend wei with n
f today he would say, 'Gird yourselves
for the task that is before you.
.The minister cautioned aga'nst wn
due lamentation and charged the peo
ple instead to take np thejiurdena De
ft re them. 4
"However we'jnay have differed
from Governor Withyco'mb.j in his
methods and his idea.' we have never
heard questioned his integrity or nlf
nobility of purpose, he said. .
Now, therefore, arise and make
permanent the principles he stood for
in this state the principles for
which we might very well R;iy he laid
down his lifethe very principles
for which so many have fought and
died across the sea-. Now therefore
irise and rake d ibl.y secure the
tiing that were ne-. rest his heart."
In mentioning the governor's de-
v( lion to his state Dr. Avison citeo
tovhin- inciqV.iv. "One of the
titgbtest momenta in hU life was the 'oving cna tnu from the
b.ys acrosr the sea. 'I shall nrvtr
f -'vet ihi.' he I -44 ri.. i!- l'laiw'
;. holpe and trust in them and hat
f!b high exTKetatiins regnnhn
'h-ir ichiovements.
"As" to bis con. riivn with the
ilunhwhen I so-?a; of th church
.f' not think f .ien.;minational
eh inches., but of a iinnV relation to
od .that which d.H?rmines his 'oitb
t a: Christian. In the five year? I
e known this,:n'i! I hav- neve'-
iu-anl anytMng that would sh;w l is
lick of devotion tV-.Pvine principles
11 leaves us a heritage should
!;? fixed hv everyone." .
The fnnerarset.v;"t ? wti simple-?!-.
Hallie Pani-h iuda)t sansi
' Or.e Swe.lly Si.e.tu Thotieht" be
tven the two niddrijMses. Pr'fessT
S Roberts, atjtlii organ, played
'1 processional tTnd 1 i-essionai. f:e
f)iv the i ;.sket t;w.t removed the
'ti'.f'ing v.-s ri' t r"'! and tne :'cadets
ftoii'i the i.gricui; a -4 oI ! ;; w;-n
given an op"(it i'i'y to iiirt up ir formatlor- th- Mren ;;po
i.v en'raner :v.- of'heir n;im
t;r st.od gad- at th doorway.
er number came from Portlandeta
Wht-n the palbearers appeared at the
entrance the cadet band, jtation-i
behind the crowl 011 th corner rear
the court huse struck ti "Nearer
My God To Thee."
Harvey Wells, Chester A. Moo res,
Carl D. Shoemaker. Henry I. Shul
derman and Mark I). McCallisler. ac
livc pallbeaicrs. carried the coffin.
;ilen with r-es. orchids a nd lilies,
iuunediately behind thein "came 1'en
W. -Olcott. Ralph W. Ilovr. Thomas
H. Tongue, W, 15. Aver. Judgj JU
Ca mailt and Adjutant General
Charles, H. Heebe, h.i:or.ry pallln-ar-
rs. ,
Tlie prmcssion to lh- eetuet-r
'"ni.ed with' (he b-nd leading the ca
dt ( oinpanv and colir guard t !u
Cl,:irt-e o'. Cad el . ( .,i ei,. '.eorge'l!
K il.iiiHon ;,ud CoJo';-l A. C Sha'r e
ro,-:i:eUy eomnundar.t tit t. A. C
Four ni-mlers of th Wiiranv Ii
lowed the hearse. Colo-jel J. C
w-n. '.en of the U. O. T. C. a thi
l'ieaity of Ore, n, ;i-.ahiiig jt.t-u'i;ale.-
behind Aiitomo-
o'.e-i lttnn5 the
member.! of lh-.
rat.iily prtreded IV 22 off! vrn cii
th' tar of the Or-.Mi: j Nation-!
r,i!.if.. )io marched in so' d forma
tion. With them also were Lieutcr
a:r J d C. ,lon. and (.'ait.iic
't, S Shephar.i of the Oreso;
Naval iiiiiila.
At tn cemetery nc1.- i leinbers rl
the f.ii'iilr and. the ;aillMare s ii.
a'i!lted to the n,iivde!,.i where
the body was placed in a fljs-dr.tjcl
cryjil " he soldie.'s sod at . tteh
ti' ? iri !" ont of the musol.Mipi whi!
lir. .Miioi' fondiu led a snort evil
The salute and taps completed the
! if :ai.
It s estimated tn.t I2"t visitors
attende-l the funer.l mui Coivallis.
!ir 'be governor ?ia rnad Ins
h frt' for many yea is. -" in'ueh latxe
n:v. -ler ihiw from Portlan J ani m
tltidcd l ;en of proi!iii;en,v ; . t taie
aff i is. KiMcial ca s wh? run op
ti tiM;on Electric :.rin; ih t!a
1 1 ,c -f '( date the e;;t:i travel.
a.: of the pover.i'.r's -Mmiied!ai'
family r eie inJSalein fot tli funeia!
I". ,hr sons. Itobt of I n ". John
o Uatt Mont., in I K.:l of th!
cfty vn e all inatt-i . ah"
was his daughter. .Mis Matl Withy
combe. Two brothers. Piiilip of
Yamhill, accompanied his wife anl
dafighter Helen. an! Thorns of Tort
land, with his son William, were
here. Mrs. John Withy ror.i'i. a sister-in-law.
acompaniftl ! Mrs. Sid
ney Hasnmssen. a ni"r. Mid !ier hus
band: Mrs. A. M. (iuo.i. sister or
Mrs. John Withycom'f and l-ula
Holmes riummer. ?n ir.timai. friend
of Miss Mabel WIMiyrombe, tame
from Portland.
(Continued from Page 1)
its piesent session.
Representative I-ongworth. Ohio,
member of th cor-Miiittee. attacked
the, work or the committee declar
ing its "extraordinary progress" had
ben "backward to the days of so
called cannonism, snd then some"'
and that the sttict intei ptetation of
the seniority rule had been follow
ed .so that it was "utterly impossible
to consider real merit ns the basif
for organisation lie added, how
ever, that he was confident or re
publican success in legislation "not
because, but in spite or" the commit
tee's work.
Among the impoitant chairman
ships determined today were:
Hanking and currency. Piatt of
New York; public lands. Sinnotth
Oregon: education. Fess. Ohio; in
su:ar affairs. Towner. Iowa: public
buildings. Iincley, Kent nek ; immi
gration. Johnson. WashinjuUin; In
dian af rairs. Snyder. New York; ter
ritories. Curry. California,
Catarrhal Deafness
and Head Noisei
Safe and Simple War
Treat and Kelieve at -Home.
If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf
ness or head noises caused by ca
tarrh, or if phlegm drops In youi
throat and has eaused catarrh of th
stomach or bowels you will be glad
to know that these distressing symp
toms may be entirely overcome It
many instances by the following
treatment which you can easily pre-'
pare in your own home at little cost.
Secure Irom your druggist 1 ounce
of Parmint (double strength). Take
this home and add to it U pint o!
hot water and a little granulated
sugar; stir until dissolved. Tak
one tablespoonful four times a day.
An improvement is someUjeV noted
after the first day's treatment
Breathing should become easy, whil
the distressing head noises, head
aches, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc.,
should gradually disappear under the
tonic action of the treatment. I.osi
of smell, taste, defective hearing and
mucus dropping in the back of tht
throat are other symptoms whicl
suggest the presence of catarrh anc
which may often be overcome b
this efficacious treatment. It is said
that nearly ninety per cent or all ear
troubles are caused by catarrh and
there must, therefore, be many peo
ple whose hearing may be restored
by thi3 simple, harmless, home treat
ment. Capital Drug Co.
For this week in Furniture
$.J0 Soli.l Walnut! chairs.
set .... $12.00
sJCJO Solid (Juarte'r-Kawetl
Oak Buffet $18.00
Library Tables from
$5 to $20
$16 new 7 filler Steel
J5els .....$11.85
Just Received
A im'w shipment of lianlwjire
Our prices are lower than
any other ilealer's lcemise
of a jrootl ltiy. Come in ami
look the stfiek over.
We. Iuy or exeliaiijj-e any
1liin Avliieli you iu loiij;er
want or need.
We can sell fur
cause' we keen ur
less Ie-
lown. Try us for values
Not comiei:tcI Willi any
other nl llatul Store
in Salem.
Frank F.-JRichter
:77 Coutl Slird riioiic 217
Tral; youe .jl.J fiirnit tirt;'
for new.
A New Home Cure That Anyone Can
lse Without Discomfort or
Iasn of Time.
We have a new method that cures
Asthma, and we want you to try It
at our expense. No matter whether
your case Is of long standing or re
cent development, whether it is pres
ent as occasional or chronic Asthma,
you should end for a free trial of
our method. No matter in what cli
mate ou live, no matter what your
age or occupation, if you are trou
bled with asthma, our method should
relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to
those apparently hopeless cases,
where all forms of inhalers, douches,
opium preparations, fumes, "patent
smokes," etc., have failed. We want
to show everyone at our own ex
pense, that this new method is de
signed to end all difficult breathing,
all wheeling, and all those terrible
paroxysms at once and for all time.
This Tree orrer is too important to
neglect a single day. Write now and
then begin this method at once. Send
no money. Simply mail coupon be
low. Do it today.
Frontier Asthma Co., Room 14 "IT
Niagara and Hudson Sts ,
Burralo. N. Y.
Send free trial of your, method to:
Boys Itched for Overseas
Cooties, But Armistice Was
Signed Too Soon
Harry Levy. bale, hearty and hap
py as of old. .leturned a few da
ago from Camp Iewis and has re
sumed his duties' at the Midget mar
ket where he is divjpKr his tinu
oetween passing out lus ious steaks,
chops, etc.. and regaling hU friend.'
with Interesting 'revelations of his
experiences in military I fe.
Now. Harry possesses lare ability
:n telling a story--giv ing it zest
inu a point 'with pep in it and lh
quality of the lue.'t n4 stoiieK -oiu-fcined
are bringing a volume of pi-
.'rons that keep his hands and his
tongue at double quick time.
Harry entered the service as a pri
vate last July, was made a fiist
dass private in September, a ot
ooral In Noveinler end a sergvnt in
December. Whether his rapid pro
notion was due to l'iori !ercy. iii uni
tary tactics, his, good mixing qual-
tbs or his ability as a story teller
Harry did not volunteer tow. S.r-
ice it to say had the warcontin- 5
led a little longer and the rabidity 1
r his promotion kept ii he would
have been in line ror the supreme
command at an early date,-
ti lntV li! h ? i T?,V ( '
76th infantrv which Inel.ineH t! . . "
c,i. ."1,. in v . ,. . . 1
JJrrr Hart i ",char t ,"bPr'
Thl en rJ en?,?, i" ,r,as,,n,f
?rfJ? u Pny ha" 'T", Al'
charged. Hariy. on account of his 1
luties as sergeant. wTlsone iof the !
!ast to leave for home. I'
The company was ready to start
ast to take shin to France when 1he !
nflnenza epidemic maae its appear
ing and upset the plan. After the
epidemie hd about r'in its course,
and the hoys were agair. pieparing
or the psv. nev? arrived of the
-igning of the arml-dlre. The l,os
Harry aptly exssed It. "thev we,e
HI itching for ov-rseas cooties."
w t-i iei rim v r ic i niim hi w n
Removal oi Restriction I
Makes Hog Price Strong'
CHICAGO. March . As a result!
of the removal of a minimum hog i
price by the food;ai!mli-!stiatIon. the
hog market today closed on a stroni
bais. best selling at $ IS. fit) or a .".
ent advance over ye.-terdayY top.
nd the highest ' since 1.
last. The general average for the
lay was $lK.2."i. c-r .' cents lower
II to take (exact figures
" "" "
n.lsiK, houri,. Accotdiug to ihe
..... ..-i.rr missing,, inMall
than yeste'day. The n.aikct open-!
ed unevenly with yesterdavs gain
of li to 20 ceiits viituallv wiped out.
but rallied with competition between
shippers and patkers and closing
prices ruled 1 to 20 cents higher
than the opening.
Save Your Hair! Make It Thick,
Wavy, (ilo)- and Ik-autiful
at Once.
Try as you will, after an applica
tion of Danderine. you can not find
a single trace of dandruff or falling
hair and our scalp will not itch, but
what will please you most will be
after a few cks use, when ou
see new hair, fine and downy at first
ye: but really new hair grow
ing all over the scalp.
A little Danderine Immediately
doubles the beauty of your hair. No
difference how dull, faded, brittle
and scraggy, just moisten a cloth
with Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one smalH
'strand at a time. The effect is im
mediate and amazing your hair
Uht- f,u,t "d nd
"T a " -uunre
fn iMarable lustre, so tnew and
aY- the beauty and shimmer
oI .rue ha'r f .
fl Ge,1 f boU,e of
toilet counter, and prove that your
na'r is as pretty and sort as any
that it has been neglected or injured
by careless treatment. A small trial
bo,,, d"l',e the beauty or your
hair '
' .
fL lfj !!
numpvn llUflOTl ffins
mm gm J
UVtT 11. Cr AlllSOn
j i been the deciding factor" In th
CHICAOO March C. Champion by Keigadier (rt-neral Palmer E
Corwin Huston. Detroit, defeated H ! fierce, commander of the ittb brl
C. Allison. Detroit 200 to lSl in islgade. a part of the 27th division. It
innings in ttfday's play in the Nation-
al A'"a,t"r ,Ila,.k,inf bi,,,ard tourna-
' ",e!lt- . ""ston hish r,,n was h9
Allison s 21
BalJ.'eT 'ELaStn.e ..
Win Coast Championship
HKHKELKY. Cal.. March 0. The
I'aiifie coast intercollegiate basket-
ball championship was won by the
1'niversity of Oregon here toniitht
when the northern playeis in the
second straight game cf a three
game seiies defeated the I'niver.MtT
of California team So to
Verne Neve r Thought of This!
":' - - -
V t.Jvt:n,xt sfrtSri
m0lm2 i m"mimJJ. t-S5C"JFl StZS j
VH . '.2Jmtvmmwmm, m t, -i mn-i srjs. n,.. - . -
mining) days to go by coach from
mans privaie airplane covering
photographer, all one has to do Is
private hecretary and a tyiwriter
Touching Reunions Enacted
When Soldiers Meet Loved
Ones at Pier
XKW YORK. March Fourteen
thousand New Tork folfliera. mem
1ers or the famous 27th division
who proved that the impregnible"
Hindenburg line could be broken, ar
rived here today on the transport
Ieviathon and Mauretania.
Hoboken's waterfront was crowded
as never before when the leviathop
swung into the dock, and across the
river, outside the Cunard piers, an
othergiant throng greeted the Maur
etania. ' Major C.enersl John F. O'ltyan
commander of "New York's Own?
found awaiting him. Mrs. O'Kyan and
their children. It wa a touchin
reunion, -but on or many.
This aTternoofi, the general ,anJ
staff paid a rmal call on Mayor
Fijian at city hall, where the mayor
paid his tribute to New York's fa
moos national, guardsmen, tb u
who- "went through hdll and brok
the Hendenburg line."
The general's reply was brief.
"The high opinion that has ber
held of the fighting qualities of Am
"lean soldiers. I believe baa beel
Justified. he said. "Our troops wen
looked up to by the Dritish and th
French and alo, I might say.'thi
Initiative and dash of the Amern
lean troops brigaded with the ISritisr
in the campaign which began Sep
tember 29 last, for the St. Quentit
' aiiu icsuuni iu nirikiUn u.
llindenburg line were held to har
canal and resulted in breaking th
j haige r the soldiers who arrived oi
the .Mauretania.
Ceneral Pierce was formerly assist
j ant to the chief of sla.'f at Wa.-hing
Reclamation Fund Placed
at $100,000 at Olympic
OLYM IMA. Wah.. March C Itec
clanm" ion of arid, logced-off an(
swamp lands in Washington was gir
en an auspicious start by the action
of . the house of representatives to
day in passing a bill appropriates
$ loo. otio for the Mate reclamatior
board. In addition a half-mill ta
mmmmma K . . . .
- 1'. V V
I' :ri -
., - r.
New Yo.k to Washington. . Uh
the same riound in rt-iaei fifUrM
to buy ou of the,, planes (name of
and sail aay to transact the ilv
mtW Jt
- i
15 he
Atiiiouiice their
Annual May for l'Jl'J
E. Cooke Patton
Grand Theater,
Wednesday and Thursday
March 12-13
aaaoanrrrocnt Page i.
ToJay'n Statesman.
if provided to develop a revolvln
fund to aid in floating the bonds of
reclamation districts. Effective re
operation with the federal 0Teru
menl is eipected.
New Orleans Invited to
Adopt This Descendant1
of Her First Governor
s - 2 '
The ar has not killed romance.
Mme. Jeanne de Bienville de Mar
zits has written from Paris to Mayor
Martin Dehrman of New Orleans
plc-aned" It the city of New Orleans
that she - would be "profoundly
would adopt her daughter Jeanne.
18 y. ars old. The mother la a di
rect, descendant of Jean de Dien
Tille. the first governor of "NouTellea
Oi leans." as it was known in the
esrly history of America. She en
closed this picture of her daughter.'
Applicants for Work
. Throng Before Bareai
WAS11NGTOV. March , Tho
Federal employment service an
nounced tonight that during- the
wecits ending Fc binary 22. It receiv
ed 1.0U0.12I applications for ir
plojit.ent. referred 93O.02S of the ap
plicants to positkms and placed
.... . 1
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. ii ' ; . I ,ii
. i . r i . , . r
' -' I- -' ?
- y b
. -
, v , j J I
4 t l
"Gets-It" Peels
Myjtorns Off!
ny O.m r "wllie. I 'ftnc Mf I'mrr. '
fulljp.iiiii.ij. .Wvcr Kails.
M lm...i imir Ia t-t ri4 f rmm
"T '!!. 1 h- .-It "- wwt. VB rt4
- ! '"" j;ti.- dii 'Z mr 3 alr. r4
' ll" Uul im.r a vslllaj
r hmt '1. It"- 4o.a mf (trnrf
ith -ilr.l..n.. " mrmpvf" rUlrrv
rra.; Mn:tt that rab -41. Intta:
yr rr cttw tat
li'", nd wl.uii
H" m, " " 4,rl, It
thai iiia into th
ra- iiai Xmmr
"js)"" torn .hrink. Ae-, )., (
b-r lk l-irair ..ta. in m ffrt t arf
a j . w-mH l .. Nstkiac
I-at l ft" raa mtn it C.rt l-ra"f al.
""T""!. r- 4 l.rla ll ' "
"ill." kf rt,iitr,-4.' tmnn-f Ivk
"! r . r. liar ..uIt . r- a. -t . Umi
a In fir at i druc lr- Jl'f 4 tr K Laar.
a fat-as. 111.
Sula ta Salraji and r--..w.Mt-Ml-4 aa it
arnria I -l rora rrimrm hf J. . Vtrj
a4 I, i. fir.
. f