The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 04, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    lace n from me
says the super to
e engineer
"You can't ever
beat good old
Gravely Plug. Itls
got the real tobacco
tasjte that keeps a
man satisfied."
Oood taste, smaller
chew.longer life is what
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to chew than
ordinary plug. j
Writ ft
Genuine Gravely
fur hoeilet tm chewing ptmf.
. I-
Peyton Brand
Plug packzd in touch ..
V 1 1 '
Appeal Is Made to Save Lives
of Tots Now Without
Precious Liquid
That hundred of children are dy
ing In Pail because of the lack of
milk, which is bo scarce a conimodity
that not even the rich can rrcbas
it and that, throughout France as
tartity of the precious fluid, are
even worse, Is made kc-wn In com
munications received from La Bar
tone le Beauvereer, by Mrs. War
,run' MeCocibe, president of the
American committee of the free, milk
for France fund, and of which Mad
ame La Marechal Foch Is the presi
dent of the Paris committee.
In her letter, one of several , re
ceived in the same pouch- from
French sources. La Barrone de
Beauverger says:
Milk in Paris habecome a food
most rare, even for sick people and
children for whom it is entirely kept.
Even condensed milk has begun to
be. absolutely scarce. This scarcity
has become very disturbing and ev
en the children of the rich suffer.
The ecstatic smile of the poor moth- Useful and directly necessary work
dren from dying from! hunger, is in
itself more than sufficient to reward
us for our effoits.' j
From Dr. H. Mery. the professor
of the faculty of medicine of Paris
and connected with the Children's
hospital, the situation is commented
upon in a letter, in which Dr. Mery
"The s hoi 1 age of! milk is so great
that the hospitals are ordered to pre
scribe for economical not medical
reasons, a water diet and vegetable
soup diet.' I i; '
H-e adds: "We have been compel!
ed to diminish the ml.k rations or
infants "from one to; two years old.
with the Jesuits thai these children
diminish in weight, and the infant
mortality Increases day by day."
Dr. Mery concludes his letter by
ravine: 'When you ! thank in our
name the American committee of
free milk for France for all they
have already donef ' p'ay attract
their attention to the urgency of
their continued help in this time in
our history, when the milk short
age is greater than ever and the
mortality is being daily augmented
on this apcount." i
And In a later letter from the
French committee it. was stated
that at a meeting held by a com
mittee of doctors to try and strength
en the children of the ruined prov
inces, who have suffered much from
want and insufficient food. Dr. Mery
and some other doctor said that
free milk for France had done more
Works at Top Speed to Round
Out Seventh Day of Per- t
formance at Desk
prisoners of war, who have orly Jast
been returned to France In an ema
ciated condition.
Special efforts are being made by
the fund, the: American headquar
ters of which ate at 675 Fifth ave
nue, to New York City, at this time
to increase the shipment of milk
from America to meet the Jited,
which all the information received
declares to sbe more urgent even
than during the time of actual war
faie. That milk as a food should be so
rare and procurable with such dif
ficulty In France will surprise many
people in the United States who had
the impression that with the ending
of the war conditions would be vast
ly better. It is now seen that where
one quart of milk was needed in
Fiance before, hundred are requir
ed now,
(Continued from Page 1.)
idarity of governmental, social and
business conditions.
The conference endorsed unani
mously Swretary Wilson's declara
tion that men advocating to over
throw the government by force-
The rorts by governors and .-' bis stay in Washington
vors will continue tomorrow and the
Expresses Pleasure at Amity
Beteen the Northern and
Southern Americas
WASHINGTON. March 3. Presi
dent Wilson tonight was ready to be
gin the return journey to the peace
(conference, having transacted in sev
conference will last through Wednes
day. ,
Governor Sleeper of Michigan, dis
cussing conditions in his state, tol1
the conference that there had been
few labor complications and that
wage? had not been reduced. He sug
gested that high frieght rates on road
materials might tend to discourage'
road buildine at the same time, the
government is trying to promate it.
Speaking for Minnesota. John P
Gardiner, state commissioner of la
bor, said he knew of no serious labor
(robules at present but proposed ti
avoid future disputes employers
should call employes into conference
to a greater extent.
Says Indigestion ' Kesult from
an Excess of Hydrochloric
Acid, t
ets to whom, thanks to you, we can
give real milk to prevent their, chll
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That Is the joyfulfry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets,
the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physidan for
17 years and calomel's old-time enemy,
'discovered the formula for Olive Tablets
stipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, bat a frying, eonfbing
vegetable laxative.
No eriDinir is the "kevnote" of them
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets.
They cause the bowels and liver to act
normally. Tney never force them to
. unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" now
and then a bad breath a dulL tired
feeling sick headache torpid liver and
are constipated, youU find quick, sure and
only pleasant results from one or two lit
tle Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every night
fust to keep right Try "them. 10c and
25c per box All druggists.
than almost any other charitable in
stitution and that their work would
remain graven in golden letters on
the .heart of grateful France
Regarding th situation another
communication received by ' the
American committee from the prin-
cesse de la Poix, vice-president of
the Paris committee,' says: "You will
Undigested food delayed In the
stomach decays, or rather, ferments
the same as food left In the open
air. says a noted authority. He also
tells us that indigestion is caused
by hyper-acidity, meaning, there is
an excess of hydrochloric acid in the
stotmach which prevents complete
digestion and starts food fermenta
tion. Thus everything eaten sours
in the stomach much like garbage
sours in a can, forming acrid fluids
and gases which Inflate .the stomach
like a toy balloon. Then , we feel a
heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we
belch no eas. we eructate sour food
or hawe heart-burn,: flatulence.
see from our report that we have ' water-brash or nausea.
sent some of your contribution of , He ells us to lay aside all di-
miiK io me iiDeratea regions, we . restive aids and Instead, get from
see terrible misery, but It Is very
difficult to transport supplies, as
there are no longer any railroads
and the highways must be remade.
We hope tvery soon,, however, to
send more and more to the devas
tated regions, where no living animal
The milk being sent hy the Amer
ican' committee of the free milk for
France fund, which is sent in dried
form through the contributions oft
Americans to the fund. In addition
to being used for the children and
in the hospitals generally, is also
needed for - Invalids weakened
through malnutrition and other caus
es during the four years of conflict;
and who are only prevented from
becoming tuberculosis patients by
the timely Intervention of the food.
It has also been of inestimable use
to nurses who have broken down
as the result of their labors, to the'
very old, to young mothers and to
any pharmacy four -ounces of Jad
Salts and take a ,tabiespoonrui in
a glass of water before breakfast
and drink while It Is effervescing ana
furthermore, to continue this for e
week. While relief follows the first
dose. It is important to neutralize
the acidity, remove the gas-making
mass, start the liver, stimulate the
kidneys and thus promote a free
flow of cure digestive Juices.
Jad Salts Is inexpensive and ir
made from the acid of grapes' and
lemon Juice, combined with lithia
and sodium phosphate. This harm
less salts Is used by thousands of
people for stomach trouble with ex
cellent results.
Auctions Sale
"The surgeon of the regiment wa
both professional and military in the
order he gave the men when he want
ed to vaccinate them."
"What was his order ?
"Present arms.
all pending nubile business exceut
uch as will engage his attention at
the capitol in the final hours of to
morrow of this congress. Immediate.
ly after adjournment he will leave
for New York on his way f6 Paris.
Working at top speed on the last
full day available to him In the capi
tol. tbe president cleared his desk
sufficiently to get out for a walk
this afternoon with Mrs. Wilson
tramping briskly through matinee
crowds and homegoing war workers
Large crowds followed them and fi
nally the police had to Intervene as
am. a . mi
uo iramc uecame impeaea.
Several times the president stopped
to speak to wounded soldiers.
After opening 'the conference of
governors and mayors this mornins
in the east room of the White House
President Wilson had his time clear
for correspondence' and the slgninr
or bills until shortly after noon, when
he 'eceived the new ambassador from
Argentina. Dr. Thomas A. Lobreton
who presented his credentials. Later
he received a delegation represent
'ng farmer organizations, who prom-
'sed support to the league of nations
rnd .suggested amendments to th
constitution. Secretarys Baker. Dan-
els and Houston called at the exe
cutive offices this afternoon and to
night A. Mitchell Palmer, who he
-omes attorney general tomorrow
conferred with the presidept. -
In welcoming the new Argentine
invoy, Mr. Wilson expressed) appre
ciation for the friendship of the great
South American republic and prom
sed all possible assistance for the
maintenance of harmonious relation
let ween the two countries.
"It is a cause, for congratulation."
Mr. Wilson said, "that notwithstand
ing the confusion and dislocation of
nterests inevitable in such a. critical
jerlod. the'relatiOns between our two
countries have shown no strain and
he friendship between our .people
aas remained unimpaired.
"With the return or more stable
conditions many difficulties which
-.till hamper us will gradually de
crease so that we can even now look
forward with hope to the full re-
umptlon of all normal activities.
"It is therefore a propitious moment
'or us to strengthen further the
friendly ties that united our nation
and our peoples between them great
er knowledge and a more Just appre
ciation of each other will ensue ana
the danger of misunderstanding will
be minimized.
"You can rely on the cordial co
operation of this government in al
your efforts to attain this object
Among the bills signed today by
the president were the rivers and
harHbrs appropriation bill and th
measure -validating $2,700,000,000
orth of informal war contracts.
Plans for the president's, depart
ure remained unchanged. He will
zo from the capitol to the train, as
riving in New York about 8:30 p
m. and will go direct to the Metropol
itan Opera House to speak to the
league of nations. K .
MerelhiondisiB '
Wednesday, Mar. 5
hoes Overcoats
uits Hats Laces
Salem Auction Coop
157 S. Commercial
fw We take this opportunity to extend our thanks and good will to the many people
that made our opening, day a remarkable one. We regret (although,, our clerks worked
O hard until 9 p. mi) that some had to be turned away without obtaining some of our REAL
iimst.- no were unaine w aueiui .aim
we will repeat the sale next Saturday.
BARGAINS, and fo(r the benefit of those who were unable to attend .and. consequently
t'.j had to he turned away disappointed, we Will repeat the sale next Saturday.
1 . .
We Believe in the Policy of
Slt-s and -small profits instead of small sales and large profits. While we emphasize
quality, in every department of our store, we also protect your CnteVests in tjie matter of
price. Trading tit our store will prove a real economy as well as a pleasure.
Governor Asserts Purpose of
Measure Is to Put Seine
Out of Business
H our advertisements
Because It Pays.
Management of 'the
186-194 North Commercial Street
Declaring that the purpose of thi
Rogue river fiah hill "is to put out
of business the seine which it at
tempts to regulate' Governor
Withycombe 3'esterday vetoed that
bill and it Is Hltd in the office of
the secretary of state for action by
the legislature of 1321. The bill is
the only enactment of the recent ler
islature that the governor had ve
toed up to the time of his death.
It is said that under senate bill
No. 165. eiving counties the right of
Eat one Tablet! Re inxtant' relief
by taking rape's DtapepMn.
When meals don't lit and you
belch gas, acids and undigested food
When you feel lumps of distress In
your stomach, pain, flatuence, heart
burn or headache. Here is instant
relief no waiting!
Jnst as soon as yon eat a tablet of
Pa pes' DIapepsin all the dyspepsia,
indigestion and stomach distress
ends. These pleasant, harmless tab
lets of Pape's Diapepsin never fail
to make sick, upset stomachs feel
fine at once, and they cost. so little
at drug stores. '
referendum, the Rogue river contro
vetsy may be settled by a ballot of
the people of the county. The gov
ernor's veto message reads:
"I disapprove the bill for the rea
son that the clear purpose is to put
out of business the seine which it
attempts to regulate. ' Ihe fish and
;ame commission's recommendations
in the past, as well as the present,
ire sufficient for me to veto this
The bill was tbe subject of contro
versy In both the house and tbe sen
ate and numerous combinations are
reported to have centered about the
measure. In various forms the bill
has been before diffeivnt legisla
tures. At one time It was passed by
the people but repealed by the next
legislature. The 1917 legislature had
the bill to wrestle with and pa&sed it
up to tbe people by the referendum
route and it was voted down In No
vember last. While the Nickelwn
bill of the recent legislature is still
In an indefinite state as to its con
stitutionality it Is believed the gov
ernor took the measure into consid
eration when be disapproved the
Kogue river dim. initiation or a
more drastic bill at the next general
election was threatened by South
ern Oregon members of the legisla
ure In the event that the legislature
failed to pass the measure which the
governor vetoed yesterday. The bill
was introduced by the committee on
Msherles in the house and provided
for the nse of seines with large
Tbe five-day peiiod following ad
journment of tbe legislature which
under the constitution, is allowed
'he governor for studv of bills will
4 terminate tomorrow. After that date
all bills not signed or vetoed auto
matically become laws.
The governor yesterday signed the
following bills.
lions Bill.
H. n. 124 Coffey: Regulating the
practice of optometry.
II. B. 1169 Joint horticultural
committee: Appropriating $30,000
for investigation of crop pests.
H. H. 191 Wheeler: Providing
for the destruction of noxious weeds
under directions of co'unty courts.
11. U. 34 ldleman: Providing
for appointments in connection with
vacancies at elections.
II. B. 381 Clatsop county delega
tion: Fixing salaries of officers of
Clatsop county. '
H. B. 447 Joint committee on
fisheries: Prohibiting aliens fishing
on Columbia river.
IL B. 432 Cross: Fixing salar
ies of officers of Clackamas coun
ty. H. B. 247V-Schuebel: Amending
workmen's compensation act to pro
vide artificial limbs, raise awards to
minors, etc.
II. B. 53 Burdick: riling salar
ies of justices of supreme court at
0250 a year.
Senate Bills.
S. B. 34 Eddy: Providing that
acreage in incorporated towns shall
be Included In irrigation districts
S. B. 37 Orton: Providing pen
sions for employes of Multnomah
county serving 25 years or more.
8. B. 41 Xorblad: Prohibiting
nurse seining in Columbia river.
S. B. 55 Norblad: Relating to
suits for loss of life.
S. It. 3 Patterson: Relating
to high school tuition fund and
county fund law.
S. It. 74 Lachmund: Appropriat
ing $10,000 for armory at Silver
ton. S. B. 93 Nickelsen: Relating to
S. B. 99 Smith of Coos and Cur
ry: Providing method cf surrender
to cities and towns of jurisdiction
over county roads.
S. B. 27 Moser: Anthotlzing mu-'
nicipauties to create setback lines.
S. B. 129 Smith or Josephine:
Relating to payment of bounties.
S. B. 32 Strayer: To exempt
pensions from attachments and exe
cutions. 8JB. 36 Eddy: RelaUng to re
port or connty road viewers.
S. B. 160 Multnomah county del
egation: Increasing salaries or Arult-
nomah county district Judges to
$3000 a year.
S. B. 242 Pierce: To validate
certain marriages entered Into prior
to passage or act.
S.- B. 246 Handley: Providing
an - additional deputy for the state
labor commissioner.
S. B. 264 Handley: Providing
machinery for cities and towns hold
ing elections at same ti ne as states
and counties.
CrcMA, Feverih. Rick. Bilious,
Clean Little Liver anJ '
A laxative today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Children simply will not
take the time from play to empty
their bowels, which become clogged
up with waste, liver gets sluggish,
stomach sour. !
Look at the tongue. Mother! If
coated, or your child Is listless, cross,
feverish, breath bad. restless,
doesn't eat heartily, full or cold or
has sore throat or any other child
ren's ailment, give a teaspoonful or
"California Syrup of Figs." then
don't worry, because It Is perfectly
harmless, and in a few hours all this
constipation poison, sour bile and
fermenting waste will gently move
out of the bowels, and you hajre a
well, playful child again. A thor
ough "inside cleansing" is- ofttimes
all that Is necessary. It should be
the first treatment given in any sick
ness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a bottle or
"California Syrup of Figs." which
has full directions for babies, child
ren of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly printed on the bottle. Look
carefully and see that it is made by
tbe "California Fig Syrup Company."
One Hour Cut Oil from
. Polk County Bank Time
DALLAS. Ore.. March S. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) An agree
ment between (the banks of this
connty has been reached whereby
the hours for business will be enang-
ed from the opening Dour of 9 j
o'clock in the mornldgs and closing
at 4 in the. afternoons to the clos-l
hour remaining the same. The change
will' take effect April 1. The rea
son for the change given by the
bankers is that with the closing hour
at 4 o'clock as at the present time
the employes have to work until 3
o'clock and sometimes later to get
their books posted np for the day.
Eugene Hayter. vice-president of the
Dallas National bank has made a
canvass of tbe banks over the coun
ty and find that they ar all willing i
to adopt the new houis.
Uvedej Young People
Enjoy Social Affair
LIVESLEY, Or.. March 1. Th
Tonng people or the Sunday school
were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. II
B. Carpenter at their home last
Thursday night- Those present
were Rev. and Mrs. A. Hawthorne
Alice Zielke. Jndson Bressler. Al
bert Blankensblp. La tan Mowny, Ed
win Foster. Earl Blankensblp. Har
ry Jensing. Lawrence Foster. Johp
Blankenship. Karl Heyden. Loren
Zielke. Wlnnlfred Bemlsh. Bessie
Osborne and Rosa Osborne.
Miss King, who is a student at O.
A. C Corvallla. spent the week-end
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L
King and aunt. Mrs. Alice Coolldge-
Mrs. W. V. Johnson and Mrs. H.
B. Carpenter will entertain the G. T
club next Thursday at Mrs. Johnson
H. B. and A. p. Carpenter spent
Friday and Saturday In Portland at
tending the centenary convention.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Tager are remod
eling the Interior of their house.
Mrs. J. Zielke. Is Improving 1
C. D. Suery and ramlly have moved
Into their new residence,
Jndson Bressler has been haullnr
lumber from town most Of the week-
Read the Oauified Ads.
( , MOXEY.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 6c to Foley & Co.,
2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. 111.,
writing your name and address clear
ly. Tou will receive In return a
trial package containing Foley's
Honey - and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup. Foley' Kid
ney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets. J. c. Perry.
Standard Makes
Stop In and see them or write.
Goods shipped. C O. D..
Express or Parcel PosL
Money refunded on goods re
turned to ns Intact within It
28x3 $11.40
30x3 . .... 11.90
SOxSH ....... 14.95
32x3 H 17.2$
31x4 22.00
32x4 ' 22.90
33x4 23.9$
34x4 24.7$
34x4H 30.S0
35x4 Vg 31.90
3Cx4JK 34.60
37x5 39.40
Specials While They Last
30x3HNon Skid 2ds ..$12.50
32x4 Non Skid 2ds .. 19.60
33x4 Non Skid 2ds ..- 20.40
Prices subject to change
34x4 Non Skid 2 da .. 21.2S
Prices subject to change
without notice,
Distributors for
Automobile Tire Co Inc.
World's Largest ' and Oldest
Tire Jobbers
Branches In all principal cities.
Commercial and Court Streets,
Salem, Ore.
With our transportation fadlitie we ire able to pay the
highest cash price for
171 South High Street phone 1400