t Till? CTIEOOX RTATTSM AX: WEDXTSDAT, FEMtrART ID. 1910 Mflf Dorft Coax! Tour Little Pet - xr' rn ! Loolc at tee kiddie's tongue! Then hum! CWc Cascarets to work the nasty bile, souring food and ' conrtipatioi poison from the little liver and bowels. Children! love "Candy?' Cascaiets. Harmless! Never gripe! Never disappoint! Cost 10 cents a box. i IN A SOCIAL WAV. 1 Br DORRIS LRAU, tIKF.S MASTER MOTHERS! When your chiU is irritable, feverish, when the little tongue is coated, breath tainted, give harmless Cascarcts to thoroughly cleanse the stomach, liver and bowels then don't worry! Full direc tions for children's dosage at all ages on each 10 cent box. TO PKOVIUK "EQUIPMENT OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. CORVALLIS, February 18. The war department will provide large amount of military equipment for the, unit or either the field ar tillery or coast artillery which will be established at the college. Five competent officers j will be assigned for duty as Instructors. . Equipment will Include various kinds of artil lery. motor trucks, wagons, and horse for draft and riding. The question of which branch of service to choose under advisement. A Warning to feel tired before ex ertion Is not laziness it's sign 'that the system lacks vitality, and need the tonic effect of Hood's Sarsapa rilla. 'Sufferers should not delay Get rid of that tired feeling by be ginning to take Hood's Sarsaparlll today. , ' YESTERDAY and today tlie sixth annual statt conference of the Daughters of the American Rev olution is being held in Portland at the Multnomah hotel. The two important isru? before the conference are the move uents to raise a $60,000 fund for the restor ation of the French village of Tillo loy and a donation to the national fund of $100,000 for liberty bonds. These were introduced by Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey, president general. Mrs. Guernsey was accompanied on her trip frma the ea.u by Mr. Frank Dexter Ellison, state regent of Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Miller weie among those who entertained recently for members of tLe legisla ture. The guests gathered around an attactively de?orat-d table, the centerpiece for which was a hand some bouquet of "caster flowers. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of the Millers rere Senator and Mrs. A. W. Xorblad, of Astoria, the hon or guests, Mr. and Mrs. Armin Stein er, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Vafi Dor en and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Linn. Mis. Walter M Pierce, of La Grande,' is here for the remainder of the legislative session visiting with husband. Senator Pierce. v. Mrs. W. H. Straycr, wife of Sen ator Strayer, and little daughter, Na dlne, are here from Baker to spend the remaining days of legislature. i The week of February 22 has been designated as national song week for the last three years and all our land communities are coming yto- gether to sing our national songs and to show loyalty and .patriotism to this great country, also to honor the memory of George Washington The Daughters of the American Rev. olution have arranged for such a gathering Saturday afternoon at the armory. Judge Charles A. Johns will, ad dress the conference and representa tives of city schools and city chorus "Successor to Quinine" OF - b "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" are now depended upon by , millions of people, instead of quinine, because they, are more efficient and offer relief without the discomfort and distress. Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds - I Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with water, anytime.' If nec essary Tepeat dose three times a day, after meals. Proved safe by millions "Bayer . Cross' on genuine Tablet ASPIRIN Buy only ApJrin U the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Moaoaceticacidcstcr of Salicylicacid n Ask for and Insist Upon "Bayer Tablet of Aspirin. American Owned, Entirely. 20 cent package Larger sizes also. will render musical numbers. The schools of tho city, various patriotic m. : - V mm W HVery I Jn House Shoe In the e On SALE a Coma in now and get a pair of Men's Women' or! Children's shoes at prices that will not be duplicated ia the next four month We are closing out thousands of pairs short lines at real sacrifice prices and will pay you -to take advantage of this opportunity. This sale includes thousands of pairs of new shoes that are the last word in style. Get your white shoes now for the summer at reduced prices. Everything on sale excepting rubbers and Hanan shoes. The greatest cut in prices ever made in any sale. - ' - EXTRA SPECIAL 200 pairs of men's best $7.00 dress shoes, both double and" single sole, go at ....'. ;? ..... ..... .... EXTRA SPECIAL big line of women's dress shoes, all "sizes, two tones in a number of colors. Up to $10.00 grade go at ..... .. EXTRA SPECIAL big lot men's tan army shoes, to close out, regular $6 grades, all sizes go at . .... i $3.95 $4.95 $3.95 $5.95 EXTRA SPECIAL Buckingham & Uecht army shoes. Highest grade they make, $8.00 regular, to close out . .... . '. ...... ........ EXTRA SPECIAL Jbig lot work shoes, $6.00 grades, black andean, leather and Noolin fQ QP soles. All sizes, to cse out ....... p0Uu EXTRA SPECIAL boys $5.00 and $6.00 shoes. All sizes, lace and button. Dozens of different styles, to. close out ........ $3.95 and etvic rgaorxatlons and the pub lis la general are invited to he pres ent. Proper disposal cf discarded flags will be a feature cf the pro gram. Mrs. I A. Westacott, of Astoria. Is vlrltlng with friends in Salem dur-i Injc the absence of hr husband on a business trip. Tha Wes'acotts were residents of Salem until about a year ago. c Colonel E. A. Horer aad daughter. Mrs. Allan A. Rynon. retuned yes terday from a week at Ne-vport. The many friends of Lieutenant Allan A. ftynou will be glad to learn of his promotion to a cautain- hey. This jnessage was contained in a cablegram received yesterday by his relatives and friends. Following training at San Fran cisco Lieutenant Hrnon went to France nearly two yea; ago as a re serve corps officer in the Quarter master department, lis is a gradu ate of Salem high school and well known in the city. Mrs. 'George Rogers of Astoria. who has been a guest of friends In Salem for a couple of weeks, re turned to Portland Monday to join her husband, who is Just back from the east. . President Carl Gregg Doncy, Dean Geoige Alden, Dr. Ii. L. Steeves. and Professors William K. Kirk and T." Matthews were delegates to the peace conference In Portland on Sunday and Monday. - MUs Flora M. Case, city librarian. returned yesterday afternoon from 'Portland, where she spent the week end. i Mrs F. T. Porter and small daugh ter, who have made their home In ! Salem for the past ft re and one- half years, left last evening for San ta Anna Cat., where tbey will Join Reverend PorUr. The latlr laUly returned from England where be was in the Y. M. C. A. sevlce and on December 24 was called south. While ia 3al?m he was pastor of the First -Cbrlstlaa church. Salem people will Cane? at the armory Saturday, night for the ben efit of Company M with an excel lent six-piece orchestra furnishing the music. A special feature of the orchestra wiU.be Mary Talmadre, violinist and baniolst,. who :is, now engaged in the Arcadian Gardens at the Multnomah kctl In 'Portland. . The dance for Company M comes la -the place of the annual jCherrlan banquet, which has been deferred until a later date, in order that funds may be raised fir the homecoming of Company L ' An d:n(tlnc fee of on dollar for that gentleracn trill be charged. ' v Mrs. Sleeth. tho state president of tho W. C. T. U., will conduct an Institute at the looM hall Wednes day afternoon. a.t -two o'clock. ... TODAY . OrIgoN 10m' I ! I . ! Fa? , 7 y i M 1 P" ll I. : m & I r- y. . 1 i HEAD AND NOSTRILS - STUFFED FR0?4 COLD ."rape's Cold . Compound Cold or Grippe In a Few Honrs. Ends MEN'S DRESS SHOES $4-95 ;Merj's $7.00 dress shoes, button and lace, to go at ... .. . ....... . . . . ;MenJs $8.00 dress shoes, button and lace, to go at t : MenV $9.00 dress shoes, button and lace, to go at Men's $10.00 dress shoes, button and lace to go at ...4.".. Ladies $7.00 dress shoes, lace, black and colors, go at Ladies $9.00 dress shoes, lace, black and colors, go at ..... $5.95 $6-95 $795 LADIES' DRESS SHOES $4-95 n WORK SHOES . . . .5" 95 . . . . 795 .$4.95 $0-95 Men 's Loggers, $9.00 grade, double soles, go at Men's tan.l6-inch boots, $11.00 grades to close out Men's tan 1'2-inch . boots, $9.00 grades, go at ..... . Men's Loggers, $12.00 grades, to close out, at Ladies ' $10.00 dress shoes, lace, black and colors, go at . Ladies' $8.00 dress shoes, lace, black and w colors, go at - Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a dose of "Pape'a Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses- are tafcen. It promptly opens clogged-np nos trils and air passages In the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run ning, relieves sick headache, dull ness, feverishness, sore throat, annex ing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed op! Quit blow ing and snuffling! Ease your throb bing head nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape'a Cold Compound," which costs oaly a few cents at. any drug store. It acts without assistance. . tastea nice, and causes no inconvenience. Ac cept' no substitute. Uninterrupted, Senate ! Passes Numerous Bills Ethel Clayton .In "wora 'SWEAPOBIS" How a vainpire lost out against a regular cook. Elliot Dexter plays the husband. NOTE NAZIMOVA Jn"Eye for Eye- Starts Sunday 1Z Increasing ralary of Baker eountr treasurer. . 1L B. 400, by Smith of Daker Increaclns 6alarr of - Uaker coantr Judge. II. B. 74, by Wasco County Dele gation Increasing salary and trav eling expenses of Wasco county chool kUpericten'Jcni. IL . B. 307. by Dennl To allow highway commission to purchase ma terials for road construction. II. B. 2 SI. by Woodson To pro vide that dehorning cattle and dock ing horses and cheep shall not be held unlawful.' II. B. 417, bymith of Baker To protect owners of branded stock taken up as estrays. . H. B. 315. by Committee on Agri culture Providing for exterraJnatIoi of rround snuirrels and other ro dents. ' ' f!I. B. 2S8. byMcFarland To as sess reciprocal licenses against, an filers from other states coming Into Ore son. : IL B. 1S, by LaTferty To pro-, ride for the distribution of agricul tural lini by county courts. II. B. by Wheeler Relatlnr to the destruction of noxious weeds- II. R. ICS. br Martin Reliticr tt eath benefits. II. B. 4'3. by Idleraan To chans lectiun . law by autborixing countv clerrs to prepare stickers for ballot coctalning the name of candidate named l7 central committee In event of death of regularly nominated can ii. IX 135. byMartln Giving in surance commiioaer authority over sales of insurant rating bureau an giving right of litigation. II. ii. 277. byDedman ProTidiii for voluntary committment to stat hosoital for Insane. '. II. TJ. 171, by Core Making nat ional guard comply with national de fense act in the matter-of selecting staff officers, so allottments may bs received. i THE BERKSmliB COXGKIS3 AND : . , 6AIX. The next meeting of and rale by the Western Berkshire Congress will be at Da vies. California. February 19 nd 20. An lnlerestiBc conven tion Is expected and Indications are that many high-class Berks, will be offered for sale. ; . .. $7.95 1 (TE II U ' IslleMn colors, cro at ....JjtJ'UiJ I ....--WW WW ' " T I ! 9vSliOEy$r Witch Elk Boot. I ' V fiM Dux Bax 0U . Hanan Shoes Sclby Shoes ' Fox Party Pumps While the house was encaged i the debate on the $10.00.09ft land ing bill yesterday afternoon the sen sared .wood on third reading. or bills and cleaned up Its calendar ear ly in the afternoon and adjourned f '' committee meetings. By unanimous eone-nt- ne' new bllt ws introduced yesterday. ThisJ was- by Senator Eberhrd and pro vides for an increase of from 524(h to S3000 In the salary of the secre tary of the Mate' board of control. Senate hill No. 146, introduced br; Senator Gill, and. known as th cnn service blll, was killed by Indefinite postponement by adoption of an ad verse committee report. The following bills were passed ,bv the senate yesterday. S. B. 223. by Douglas County Del egation Relating to risbing In Ump qua river and working concessions to lower river fishermen. S. B. 15S. by Orton Amending present election laws by repealing the provision that clerks or elect Ion boards who receive ballots from voters must bo of different political faith from chairman of board. Public Is Warned Adainst Taking Substitutes 1 ForlNuxated Jroff Physicians Below Say That Ordinary MetaKc Iron Preparations Cannot Possibly Give The Samo ' STRENGTH, POWER AND ENDURANCE . As Organlo trva Roxeted froa ew" . tS? United States Judgo Atlonson Gives Oplzsloa s. B. l! by Orton To repeal 326 STATE STREET, NEXT TO LADD & BUSH BANK provision In election laws for guard rail at voting places. S. l 159. by Orton Provldln that registration book shall be closed 30. days. Instead of 15 days- prior to speclaf elections. S. B. 274. by Douglas County Del egation To provide deputy county assessors In Douglaa county. S. It. 240. byLachmnnd Makln valid proceedings and elections held heretofore for annexing territory to cltls and towns. R.'B. 22. by Lachmund To In crease salary of Marion county treas nrer from tltDft to.Slf?01 a year K. B. 2K4. byjlandley Repalln obolete flatter from election laws. The following house bills were ta?ed bv the nate re?lerdav: H. 387, by Polk unty ueiega tlon To Increase the salaries of CaatM lovertlcefeB W ptrKiaa amoac drocrtS sod paticets has rveale4 tbe fact tfcat iWn t tboMuula f people Ukiof iron who 4 , not diana uet"u or gtaie ireo and Metallic Iron aad t&at suck perMoa eftea fal tm obtaia tka vital errpr, atreopa and endnraoca wf.icla taT fr ther kava taken tao wrpag iacm cl Tbarrfore, fnnsns taen tinned below, edriM those Who feel ta edf atrcacta and a!ood boudcr tt t ta their irnjj doctors aa obtaia a preacripti-M calliae for ortania iron N grated xnay a so qaes&oa aot cotanusg Xb0 proper articla. BaC if they da not - wiah ta r to taa traobl cl yettioa a pre aeriptkru for koxated Iron tbea be aur to look en tbe label aa4 afl that tb woraa h'UX ATED IRON are priatM thereon not Kox and Iroa nor any otber form ef Iron, bat Xozated lra. ' Tbarcmarlcable remits rjfodaced by Nnxated Xroa and Ita wUeapreaft aala fat beinar .catimated that ereT three miiUon iieopla atrmtV are f ' ta-dav wiiaa baa led t ' say that centfnr anbetfmtea in medieWtea ad they c... T.t n VT Wathiastoe, V. C. tij: -It i wuaoat ncamnoa taat a itn nand Koxated Iron to peraooa who ia the ttroa of phrinl or mental labors naea peraurtea tn aywaa i become debilitated, tha bodr ex iTjitcd or tho aerrea raa down. Jt kaa terored v anpej:a and ar vitality. I f?l that 1 brra dmji ei J baHen of raootha ef f'l ia following tba verr ainiple direetiona for the aae at foxatea aron. erri&k Iron may V otiur. Biore ta s metallia iroa eonipoiiad w&ka war an aooe casea predac? laore krr than rood. The wideapread , ratlicauon ef the abore in-iarr-xuzn, tia b-ra uf' ate-X br Ur. Jaaea frvxts in. forer!r phyairiaa ae T-Lj.em Ilosrntal iOatiooc TVrt.). Krw YcrV. aad th V'ettc.rr r Cony Ilaap-t! s Dr. prrtaraad f-r. t York lhrcsan aad Med it AtriKor and ethers, ea that thw fetlic irry be scioraacd ea this s?Vict and pmecte-4 from the e ef aBetatlia iront. m4er the dehiaioa tlat it l Kaasted Iron o at I'aae - a-wjetiiag as good as K sated It la fjr ptlslny how rai-'iw jiecle cuuer troca irszm djCrieney an! da ax know it. Jfyoaraa trong or well, yoa a-r St t ytmmAt ta aruw tha f onawing teatl Sea low long yaa caa antic or bow far yoa caa wa3c ari&oot temmim tired. JTcxt take two Iieria tahtrts af Kaxared Ina three tines per day aftra tneaJs for two weeka Then teat yeaf atresr and see Stow Lara gi'ntd. the oCerkt ot r ; Tons aotKUtotet, sni tlie pnjruoana , i.ini "' r' leh!tk meiali aad dnctara every" ,M,tMUMMi"tiit . ahnnM rantion the tnMie acamst SO- w . . - i ri M m 1 i r . a i e. t mwiiiaaaaaiWJ espceHflir warn aaaintt acceatinc awbittea tar Ktauted Ixoa. which, lanead af beiaa; mi Sold la This City by Daniel J. Fry and J. C. Perry H. B. 401. by Smith of Baker vvf..:.........';Uiiiiaiii Polk county commissioners. -