TTTI5 -OREGON 8TATI8M A S ..YIlUItSbAY FEBRUARY lity ' CITY NEWS Rag Cleaned on Moor 35 c phone 1G. : L. L. Buckner. . Don't. Fail T See , ' f little Genevieve Harbour, Salem's star character danc-r at the automo bile show Friday night. Receipt Note ami All Blank At Statesman Job office. the committee Schmidt, Hal D. dor Koth. New Busbies Opens - A new business in Salem Is the baby chick store at 544 State street which Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Needhlhi arc opening. The busine will be con ducted-on a email scale at present. It is the desire of Mr. and Mrs. Needham to cater not only to poul try men but also to fruit ranch own era. They advocate : strongly the combination of the two lines of In dustry Mr. and Mrs. Needham have ci crated like Etores in "Fresno and Oakland, Calif. Don't Fall To See . Little Genevieve Harbour, Salem's star character dancer at the antomo bile show Friday night. Salem Bread Is the. freshest and best. are Frederick Fatton and Theo- Meet The Y. W. C. A. Membership committee on Thurs day and Fiiday with a stulte, give them your $1 and speed the work. OLD AUSTRALIAN BALLOT SYSTEM HAS ADVOCATES Standard Scale ISooIca- ' In duplicate. Statesman job of fice, t Gloves, Auto Robes, llame In fact anything that is made of leather can be bought at F. E. Sna- fer's at 170 South Commercial for the cheapest prices.. We give our customers service. PhOne your or der, 411. L. It, Waring lias Son At their home. 1145 North Winter street, Salem. Oregon,- to, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. AVarlng. a pine-and-a-half-pound son was borni yesterday. The new arrival will make a name for himself: but Abraham Lincoln Waring would be appropriate. House Passes Measure Which Fills Republican Bosoms With Glee Daring Aviator's Plane Just After He Had Landed Safely on Roof in Heart of Paris i DEMOCRATS OPPOSE Will Give Chance for Voting 'Em Straight If it Finally Is Made Law The Y. W. A. Asks $lr From each man of Salm?,just to help a good cause. The Y. W". O A. Sloga Every woman and girl in Salem a member; It Is Just $1. Stop That Cough With Moun tain- Balm Cough Remedy. Satisfaction or your money' back. At nearly all drug and suburban storea. Barton does battery work. Any hiake tested free. Charging and re pairing. Masonic temple, phone 1200. , i J G. Meyers and R. M. Hofer each celebrated Lin coln's .birthday by the purchase of a beautiful new Hudson Super-six These cars are the very last word In automobile construction. They were purchased from the Valley Motor Car company.-, ; . Kmelt- In- Any-Quantity Reasonably priced at Fitts' mar keL j : . T.iral THanks Get them at the Statesman Job of fice. ; Catalog on application.' f fvnrAnizM Drive The membershin committee of the Commercial club will probably hold a meeting tonight to discuss plans A-iwa n InrrcaM t h num- w m tti organization. Those on "TV r TV! "I. " JVv norm or jfiomcnj Iance at Maeleay Next Saturday night. Dance Themawa Friday Night Good floor, good music, good lunch. Order Gallery Rifl One dozen gallery rifles have been ordered and upon their arrival will be placed in the shooting gallery at the armcry. The house is in favor of re-es tablishment of the old Australian ballot system and voted favorably for passage of a bill by Lewis placing that form of ballot In vogue in the state. ' Under the proposed ballot parties would be segregated with a circle above each party and It would be i po3"lble for the voter to vote his ticket stiaight, or he could scratch his ballot if he desired. The house split wide open on party lines yesterday with the six demo crats lined up against the heavy ma jority of republicans. Democratic opposition, however, could not stem the republican tide, despite the fact that the democrats turned loose their rioodgates of ora tory and let her flow all over the republican side of the house. Proponents of the measure say It has a good chance of passing In the senate. I ft pw(X-' ..." ' ' ' " ' r i 41 -'rmx'--' . , . , r. P. Cm' WCTtraCani5i fcr yrw ha bciprd to cc4 Wij-U.ainerup tlJt ef crwiactjui ul rest opov ber. trs. Drier for Orain. CmU aod Sharp ar? lurt to rcmo. pttct U Und ouch bci-i as VAae. Land capable of yUttflnK 20 to 45 bv3b eti of wheat to tho ocro can bo had on easy t:rms at froan SIS to S30 par ncrs rood rraz!n? land at much Itas. ihX-.rt Vt i-v f rm paid for from a ail Trar"" crop. R4r. r""...iK crt--. -fprlhon brine rqcai ucx.ak. TarGixiimaii t Tk ' tncnrKr lumic atd aock rajwaa. KaJwaj and Co a. ofi 'T aaoMtl iMacfawara i nui Firmi tnar ha Btockrd br loans a rtoorrata MrmC "'S V i-rn Canada oft n kw taxsna. rrl otarkcta aod kLi9 m mmimmt T,w9 raNa. le aiJ W Imm V' 1. Cr. 1st aa4 PrU as, Sa, uaak. -.-3 .'VrT Flour len Oreani At'a luncheon at the Marion grill yesterday an organization of the men engaged In the flour milling business was made. About 30 men attended. Prunes Nearly All Gone 1 . . Only two or three more carloads of prunes remain to be shipped from the Salem Fruit union and prepara tions are being made to close up the books on last season a crop. DON'T FOOL YOURSELF. A man suffering from backache, rheumatic pains, stiff Joints or sore muscles may laugh and say these symptoms of kidney trouble "don't amount to anything." It, Is folly to ignore Nature's -warnings. Foley Kid ney Pills give quick relief in kidney or bladder troubles and "it is oei ter to be safe than sorry. Perry. Landing with an airplane on the roof of a building fifty-two feet wide and about seventy-five feet long is the feat accomplished recently by Jules Vedrines. one of the oldest of the French aviators. The wing spread of his machine, which was only slightly damaged, was thirty-six feet. To add to Vedrines difficulties the building, the largest department store la Paris, is surrounded by structures of almost the same height-ana ne had to skim over their roors by a maigin of inches. Vedrines reward was a prize of 2S.000 francs. the name of the wajs and m"an . ronuuittee aod cut off the man for it doesn t mean acything. Thev ought to call it a tightwad commit tee." Aiding Prison Breaks -j . Made Panishable Because of several recent attempts to escape at the state penitentiary following the introduction of a bil In the house on January 31. uiaklnr it a crime to eape or aid In e- ! Plumbi ng Quickly, done. Phone 379 J llabr 1 Named- Jean Lvnmore Is the narce given J to the daughter born to Mr. and AITS. JVill ueers iurr;., vjix. gon. Tuesday Mr. Beers was for merly c'.trk at the J. C. Perry drug store. Willamette Valley Transfer Co.a j r- Auto Freight ! ; makes dallr Wds each way between Portland, Salem, Independence, Mon mouth and Dallas We are In the market for potatoes, if 1 S. mgb St Phono 1400 Ser Causes Halt- Plans for , the new, packing ,jlant cf Steusloff & Cross are prorre5& ing rapldlrfand negotiations for new. machinery,; electric power and ire like are I t ing carried on. Tl: part ners state that no work will bo done on the site until they a-? assured -that the city will lay the 14-Inch sewer in that section. . EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE year-round style of invertible coupe The tractors are small, practical farm machines. and are strictly up-to-date Last night's propram pleased the audience. Miss Elizabeth levy's vi olin . ensemble in' which 30 of her pupils played were praised by the visitors as being remarkably well trained. Robert C. Paulus, president iof the Commercial club, made a brief J. C.J address of welcome and talks were given Py aruai"r jh"u auu y sentatives Dennis and Graham. W Russell Morgan and Sabine Bent Ho fer gave vocal selections. Dancing' will be the main attract ion tonighf.' capes from the state prison, that bill was sent from aond to third read ing by ruspens'on of the rule y ea ter Jay and pained. Additional im prisonment not to eieeed ten year 1 provided. The bill was introduce by Keprerventative Sheldon at the re quest of Warden Steven. It carrle an emergency claue. There was no opposition to .the bill In the senate. Give unqualified assent to no prop ositions but those the troth of which' is so clear and distinct that they can not be doubted. Descartes. - I PERSONALS ; rtfriA KCA TT. s. Nat. Bank Bldg. nonrt 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phone 8591 ; Residence: tit North Capital St. PHono 469 5 DR. B. H. WHITE OffTEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Dlaeasei of Women and Nerronj f . Diseases SALEM -:- ' OREGON Dr. Floyd Dayton of Portland, who formerly lived In Salem, was In the city - yesterday. RT-sonator W. H. Polhemus of Pnyallup, Wash., was here yester day In the Interest of good roads. He is engaged in the fruit cannery business on a large scale. John McCourt, United States dis trict attorney, was among the Port land visitors at the state house yes- E. D. Cusick, former state senator and prominent banker, was here (The Statesman Is pleased to print communications upon topics of g-eneral intereat at any time. There is scarcely anr limit to the topics of -general In terest." It Is asked only that corre mnnH,nti refrain from personslitits and use care that nothing be written of a libelous nature. Letters nuit havs writer's nam and address, though act necessarily tor; publication. Ed.) Some sldelikhts on the defeat or the SoTdiers' Preference law. Editor Statesman; One solon declared to a G. A. R veteran. "We are tired, in fact sur- f.itd with soldier legislation ano will not nass any more such laws. The veteran replied. "Suppose the anMiorn at Chateau Thierry. St. Mi- hioi rtr the Areonne Forest had said w am tired of sleenine In the "mud- fiirhtinsr and getting shot, and win fht anr more what would you and the- country you represent be Antnir now?" innihar anidier declared to a vet eran, xnese xeiiows wi HONOR ROLL IS GROYING LONG . i Many Parents Respond to Re quest- to Send in Names oi Men Lost in Sernce S1S73CG: barracks building con struction, $13,000; engineering la boratory building. $60,000. Total resident Instruction. $232. 566. For extension service: For general extension work to duplicate federal funds available to Oregon under the terms of the Smith-Lever act of con gress, $3S,535.12. For experiment station: Home sta tion experimental wotk Increased from $15,000 to $25,000 per year, $20,000; branch station. Hood Riv er county, appropriation Increased from $3000 to $1000 annually, $2. 000; Clatsop county annual appro pilation Increased from $3000 to $4. 000. $2000; Southern Oregon, an nual appropriation increased fram $5000 to $7000, $1000. Total ex periment stations. $28,000. JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD Judge Landls Son Who . a n Did His Bit by Bringing Down Dozen Boche Myers FARMER'S CASH STORE will move the first of March to the J. L. Stockton store. North Commer cial street, and will continue business ' under the name of i PEOPLE'S CASH STORE the! the LET US Jfiquee v On your Electric Work. J WELCH ELECTRIC 220 N. Commercial Street from Albany yesterday. . - 1 h pholce DUt went because they I M. Catt Lieutenant Colonel George H. Kei- tQ (were arafted)" The vet- c. Jack eran replied, "They went, am tney not. and have you any concrete In stance where they failed to measure o th Aouals of any soldiers 1 he world and to the glory of the nnhllc?" v..Aviov while the house wa busy killing' this bill, the Oregon State Retailers' association went on unanimously favoring It. WANTED Hop Wire and Hides of all kinds. Before you sell see us. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 398 Waited I want your furniture ranges, heat ers, etc. Phone 510 oi? 511, Woodry, the auctioneer, Salem. f F.N. WOODRY ' Tho Auctioneer . Conducts purebred stock sales of every description. Phone 510 or 511, Salem. ley of Portland was at the state house yesterday. He recently re turned from France. City Commissioner Bigelow of Portland Is Jn Salem. John Collier was here from Port land yesterday. C. B. Moores, chairman of the Portland d6ck commission, was again at the state house yesterday. John II. Burgard, another memoer or me commission, accompanied him. Frank Hannon of Portland was at the state house yesterday. He Is op posing 4 hospital blll.r Charles Bech told, manager of the- hospital asso ciation. Is also here JohmF.4 Logan. -Portland city civ il service eommlssioaer end member of the state parole board is in town. W: K. Jewell of Portland was ot the state house yesterday. He i state food ; administrator. A. Anderson, a Portland contract or is In town.' L. P. CTIeason of Gervais was In the city yesterday. M. Crabtree was a Stayton visitor In Salem yesterday.,; Samuel Garland of Lebanon vis- ited the legislature yesterday. He Is a former state senator. ' t Carl Liebe. the Portland furrier, was in the city yesterday. In response to The Statesman's published appeal to parents of sol diers and saifors who lost their live.' in the service to notify the paper of such casualties the honor roll is eraduallv. growing. . An accurate list nf these tames and Information con rprnlnr them will be invaluable and Information concerning golo service stars In both Marlon and Polk coun ties should be sont in as toon as pos- Th following are the names or i those from Polk and Mar'nn counties who have made the supreme sacrifice- It Includes kiyd in action, as wen as those died of wounds, accident or disease while in the service. Army ivan k.. tieuingw, Catton, Edward Gittens, yn son, Benjamin. Mcuieuana, Alfred Deraaleau, Ray Marg. riui Rich, Leslie Tooze, Chester m. wh-n-r Pnrtla WUlson. Chester A. simmnn. Aubrey Jones. Ernest Eck- smith nnllard. Wllhelm E. Milton A. Kooeman. Thorn n rooDer. Milton Foreman, nAn4.min v. "Hill. John C. Braden stanlpv F. Thompson, Monte Chrls- cnase. jamra SPLIT CEDAR . POSTS You'd better hurry as tney will go fast FALLS CITY-SALEM LUHIBER CO. Everything w Bmlding Material ' A. B. Kelsey, Mgr. 349 S. 12th St Phone 813 tnnharitnn. OrleV B. ."T"T. th house said to the Gardner. Charles M. WoeiKe. t,uu r. a T7 vtpran. "This is vicious leg islation', an effort on the part of few individuals to establish a mil itary autocracy. "Besides, I do nor consider these fellows any more pa triotic than 1 am. and entitled' to no more preference." The veteran re plied: "I do not expect I am capable to judge on the merits of your pa hut tf I had to bestow an preference to your brand or patrlot r that of a German cootie. should have to give it to the cootie x . . iia .ti art an Oli The SOion reiu. Ttoiv man or-you would not dare to talk that way to me." The veteran re plied. "I am only old to l years and 1 infer except ior my s "r"Z' Dect physical resenimenu K A will erf . Si VlcXejJ 'RtEO Gil ANDIS If that hire lj3 your meaning we will go out hire f a room, lock the door aAd in 20 minutes I wil convince you of the IK AUTO PAINT SHOP Just opened in connec tion with the HIGHWAY GARAGE 1000 S. Com! St, . Expert Workman. t i YOU KXOW. RUT ROMETDIES ' FORGET Everybody knows an imitation la never 6o good as the genuine article. Foley'a Honey and Tar stanas ai me top of the list ot ramuy remem for colds, croup, whooping cough. bronchial and grippe cougns. v. nrllti' Antlnrh. La., wmes: have used Foley's Honey and Tar 15 years. It la the best." J. C. rerry PH.rOLClSTS ON ROLL . - nf m v Rtatement. I-"'" " . . v.mlin C. A. tieesiuu, ciw- OPENING NIGHT I OFSHOWDRAWS C. Blake. Otis Iiayes, :semi general ju Dennis, Roy Johnson. C. L. Balard-1 Df Chicago a Garrte R. Dwlre. Robert V. O'XieH l preasive figh Charles Russ. Thoma? lownsenu. Burt B. Whitehead, Ernest J. Scani- Marines Charles Auer. Emery Xavy-!Kenneth C. Crossan. Jo-! conh Martin. Clarenct .Mini, John II. Xeiger. - i Nurses Oro E- Cavitt. 0. A. USKS FOR APPROPRIATION : i . No Opposition in CommiUee Against Budget Presented by College Four Free Scholarships Federal Judge Kensa il. Landis always has been an ag ghter. Ills son Captain need C. Landf3. just back from the fighting front, brought down twelve boche planes and has been decorated by both the American and British governments, lie was in command ofthe Twenty-fifth Aero squadron. Captain Landis did most ot his ngni- ing on the Britlsli rroni. SALARY BILLS BRING DEBATE! Orton's Attempt to Keep Measures from Committee Meets With Failure OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. CQRVALLIS. Feb. 12.--Names of 140 men and women in pharmacy of the college who were In war service have been placed on an honor roll by Dean Adpipn z,iene of the school of pharmacy. deaths were reported and many stu dents attained high rank. Five wo men were engaged In reconstruction work as nurses, using their training t hai-mnrc ' rhemlstrv. and med- cal subjects to . advantage, Enthusiastic Motorists Enjoy Program in Armory; Cars Up to Date v Despite the many other attraction in town last nigni. a ' -"lrt an-1 marked the opening of the first an tohlle show at the armory Eighteen cars and three tractor. i are on display, the local dealers show ing only their latest modfls. Two tire agencies, a storage battery com pany and the stanaara uu exhibits r model 19 I Among iue - , - irai suujkh IV.. o-- ,t-,tt nn which has Teatures oeioiinmg Ziefle looks for the return to college JJe t and another of the of all1 undergraduates. , lincnew rttr nf t299.101.12. the full amount asked in the budget for the biennium for .1919-lzu, was a oreeon Acricultural college Tuts j- w tho vars and means ..ui Thpr was no dissent The action was tentative, but will Hii tnnd The amount allow- j i aHHition to federal funds i .nntimiin? ctato funds. I" Senator Orton's proposed amend- -nent to the senate rule 43. which re tires that salary Mils be referred to the ways and means committee, pro- i oked a heated det)3te yesteraay an jraa oereatea. ine vnuu uivu.. .oni wnnld make It unnecessary to ,end all bills of this nature to the wax-m and means committee. spnator Eddv said If tae amend- mm A. 1 trA nent carried, consiaering me uu"" TO ADVERTISE ' . DIXIE BREAD; To each of the four young men or young women who save the largest number of DIXIE BREAD WRAPPERS OR DIXIE BREAD LABELS we will give a - - j, SIX MONTHS' SCHOLARSHIP IX THE ' f Capital Business College This is a voting contest; each Dixie Bread Wrapper or Dixie Bread Label counts for ten votes. All you need to do is to bring or mall the wrappers or labels to the Salem Baking Co.. sucteaaora to the Modern Bakery. 439 Court St.. Salem. Place the name ot the person for whom you wish to vote- In an envelope with tne wrappers or labels. The envelope will be dropped through a Blot In a locked box. The key to this box will e In charge of a com mittee selected by the officers of the Salem Commercial Club.. ThU committee will have charge of counting the votes, and will make the awards after the contest is over. The contest will close June 30. 1919. at 8 p. m. All votes must be In the box at precUely that hour by Western Union time. NOTICE None of the employes (or members of their fam ilies) of the Salem Baking Co.. nor any of the faculty or stu dents now enrolled at the Capital Business College are eligi ble to enter this contest- Begin now to save Dixie Bread Wrappers and Labels. The Voting Contest Is on. Either enter yourself, or If your school days are over help some young friend to enter. w Dean , . . . i . i 7 tax for' general mamieuure . S 6 6 The -amount of S28.000 allowed for experiment stations is an in crease. making the total for that department $64,000. The addition at amounts are in the form of sep arate bills that have been Introduc ed and will be reported upon favor ably by the committee. The appropriation ror tne agricui tural college follow: latnre It would make It possible to dynamite the state treasury., Sena- -nn Patterson ana airajer iui- Senator Orton replied that the rule T-.r had hpn enforced and predlct- ft would be violated before the MB9lon Is over, ne excoriated the -re. ami moan committee. T am the onlr member who ha introduced a bill to put money into .i.i. trMiurv." he said, ana i rat couege iohow; imc - . .- inatmrtirtn- r.pnpr&l has lain in the committee three weeas f u i riurii w .'--'" t r , above mV.lage tar, i wltnqui action. e uu6U. . - k HANDICAPPED To have hindrances and obstacles placed In one's way.. Tls a serious matter for one to be handicapped In the busi ness of life, yet this Is Just what happens to young people who start without a prefer training tor business. . i THE CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE is a school that affords a training to remove handicaps, natural or otherwise, so that one may start a business life with the right chance of making good. One should be prepared to do a few things well. That Is the mission of this school to teach a few things well. Our graduates succeed. Call, let us talk about a course of study. Students may enter at any time. Address all inquiries to Salem Baking Co. Successors to The Modern Bakery 439 Court Street Salem, Oregon maintenance i s i -f