THE OREGON STATESMAN: TUESDAY, FEBUrAUY 4, 1H Classified The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So, You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While V 'A Directorv NORWICH 1XION FIRR 13SSCBAXCK SOCIETY Thicls. Inland . linrghardt Resident Agent 31 fetato bt. MONEY TO LOAN 1 PROIT.RTY AT I.OW EST HATES ! OX IMPROVED FARM AD CITY ..- r r PAnl"vff Ladd ": Bash k. Salem, Or. 5 1-2 PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS 6 -We loan money for five years. We allow you to pay $100 or multiple on the principal on any Interest date. We close out loans promptly.' H. M. HAWKINS and THOS. A. KOBEUTS 314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rale Per Ward. First Insertion le Subsequent insertions ....... .ViC One week (six Insertions). 3c One month 9c Six months' contract, per mo.. 8c 11 months' contract, per mo... 7c No sect, opened for less than. 25c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing "For Sale" "For Rent" -Rooms" or "Board." BfijiraVVVV'VTr'if aa aiaiaa aaa ai ai ;;... SEW TODAY. .,- - , Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New To day for tbe first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. v .-1 - Subsequent insertion of the ad. will .appear under its ' proper classification. No advertisement will be run under ,New Today" for more than one issue under any circumstance NEW TODAY PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP Call 1583. WA NTED--TO RENT GOOD PIANO. Phone ,7731b between i:30 and 6:30 p. m. I . '.'.:' FOR SALE YOUNO COW AND CALF. . First house east of asylum, just out ue city limits, i - , x LIGHT BRAHMA COCKERELS AND Sicilian Buttercups for sale. -rizo ., winners state fair. Phone 2502W2. ' CHOICE CORNER LOT, 50x122, EAST front, 8 blocks from court nounc, a snai -at $450,- iVtd-Js mith. -phone WANTED ENERGETIC lOLXC MA. wishing; to learn grocery business; . married 1 man preferred. State age. experience, references and salary ex pected. -"!'rnrett smokers need not Audreas "A54" Statesman of fice. IF"" Vn: HAVE ANY CITY OR CO UN try property that you really desire to sell at a bargain. coTne. in and list it with me and 1 will alvertise and tbe sln. I onlv advertise bar gains. John JL Scott 401 Hubbard WANTED TEACHERS FOR RURAL schools alonjr the coast Th term in mot cam.. to begin soon and extenrts through the summer.' The schools - nr.. small; salary $0 to $". Hoard li to $18. Coast Teachers' Bureau. Salem. Oregon. Chas. H. Jones, Mgr. FOR .SALK 20 ACRES FOUR MILES froln Salem; one : 7-year-old" horse, ' 1V"iO pounds, $140; team of mares. . S150:two-seated busrey. irood as new t'lh- one 2 '4-inch wagon. 835; two stock cattle. $55: two nets double hxrness phone 2283J. W. J. Lin foot, zioo vv . ,ob Hill street. , PAID CP IN Ft 1.1 AND BTAMPtSl : "Nen-Assessable" is one kind of pol lcy Issued by the Oregon Fire Relit ; Assn. of McMinnvllle, your W relia Me Home Company. It now has over '40.nfl0 Orctron policy holders. 1318 was a banner year for the O. F. K. A hut January of the present year is taking a stromj lead over the corre sponding month of last aear. H. A Johnson Insurance Agency, over the Ladd & Ru.xh l:ank, Salem.'Phone 3ii I HAVE A NICE LITTliE FIVE-ROOM residence, m'lern except furnace. .that I will sell for $1000. payable $10 IMsr month with per cent Interest. - This Is a splendid opportunity to get a homel Stop the rent leak and get you a home. Any delay will cause , you to lose this splendid opportunity, when your wife nays, "John, you naa netter look into this matter, - you Had -natter get busy and see John H. Sett, at 404 Hubbard Eldg. EMPLOYMENT - --iM-,-B-V--,-,-.--.-ir-.i-yWwvwxAJ.Ui Ai;ir;.T. ttARNUM'S HOOKS ISRING HOME THE P.ACON Big Iiooks. i:iic sellers. itecorfi.Si. mg Terms ijib; nusinesa. A ar l!nk. R.xisevelt P.ok. Hext n.tnk ISeterence. p.iir Outfit Free. The R. t J. P.arnum Co.. 10ft N. LaSalle ri jnicau. HUI SCf)OI ov v Mi l : if ik si r"atriottc Insert for Soldier's or Sailor's Fifcs us hii? scoop on War Rook with i-noiograpn and Military Kecora i"iroiuclion hy Jen March, lions. velt IWk with introduction by Taft 'tt sales in 1 day. 4 in 3 hours, out. hi rree. acx quick. II. lj. liaMwin .t.2; iJ'ocxefeller Bldg., Cleveland iinii. i- AFAKIMKMs HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENTS , niceiy rurninheu at 33 Ferry street . , . 11 iii Fi;w; WANTED COM PETENT ;:nL FOR ... nouicmaitt. am a. i.ihcrty. OTltL WANTED-FOR HOUSEWORK Small family. Apply lit... Mill stree i WANTED l -M VKRSIT.Y tJIKL T assist Willi work in exchange fo nnl hoard. Phone R37. male BOY.. WANTED TO CURRY STATES man routes. Applv in person. FXPI-" f C I EN Y. D iH A KTEjUS'tV WTKO Phone 1UF21. Frmtlan.l Nursvr. IV ANTED-EXPERIKNCKD C.IUL F'W . l".ise ork. Mrs. In IV , Olcott. J2 . .lemeKeia. MISCELLANEOUS. MAN OIUWOMAN WANTED. SALARY $24. full time 50c an hour sparn time, selling guaranteel hosiery to warer. . Unrienre unnecessary. Addresa A52," care Statifnian. FOR RENT houses FOR RENT-BOUSES. APARTMENTS and farm. F. 1 Wood, 341 State street Phone 79. ' . T ROOMS WKLL KL'KXI.sHKD HEATED ROOM for rent. . i 'ood location. Call 314 Liberty street. HU RENT-WELL furnished and attractive housekee irinj; rooms, close in ait Mill street. Mis. Eugene i'rescott. FOR SALE HI S1M--.SS itPPOKTl'MTIES. tc'lt SALE OiR THADE FEED STORK and grinding mill, pood location. Frank Xowak. Brooks. lreton. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-TWO YEAR OLD SHET land pony ride or drive. Phone 1395 FOR SALE -FRESH MILK COVVS with calves; heavy milkers. J. I). War ins Co. Feed Barn MIXES HORSES WlUi ARRIVE ON February 8. carload of mules and herses, ages 5 to 8, weight from 1200 to 100. Guarantee or trial will be; given. At 554 Ferry street. COWS GOINO TO IDAHO. MUST sell at once our cows; one fresh and tweto freshen soon: age from 3 to ( years. Price very reasonable. All in good condition. 551 Ferry street, at Clearwater barn. MISCELLANEOUS FORD- TRAILER FOR SALE IX CHALMERS 6-CYLINDER TOURING car; cost $2000; will take $500. Phone PARTY HAS. SEVERAL TONS HALED wheat hay at the Sklpton barn. Will close out. See J. W. ilanley at barn. FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER RUICK automobile. D 45. ' 1917 model, fine condition, cord tire.a. O.- J. Wilson Garage. i . FOR MARCH'S HISTORY OF WORLD War. containing aboit Sftrt nies. in cluding about 260 illustrations and maps, call upon or phone J. H. s u son. 13 S. 13th. Phon- H-.1. Will .. answer any phone inquiries in person iPEERLESS. GASOL1NF-. ENGINE. 35 horsepower, 3 cylinders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary In electric tight plant. In good condition. 100 gallons rank. Price $1000. Scott Boeorth. Spalding Bldg Portland. Oregon, BCOK'S OF KNOWLEDGE-A OOM- r'ete set ef 20 volumes, cloth bind ing, new, never unboxed. Will el! fur Iesa than cost. Address "Book, care Statesman. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true, story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died tt star vation and Olive war purchased from the Indians five Tears later. The price la 20 cents, postpaid. Address OreRon Teachers Mnthiv. Ralen-.. Or V POULTRY OR SALE 100 LEGHORN HENS. 226S N. 5th street. f FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED MIX- orca cockerels. Phone 24R. WHITE ROCK AND WHITE, LEG- horn engs for hatching. Phone 403R or 93F5. ' FOR SALK PEARL GUINEA FOWLS and Ilarr! Rock cockerels, Corvaliis strain. I'hone 2502WI, - IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. All leading varieties. We cater to the commercial poultrymen and "back - yard flock" keeper. Seacon starts Februarv 12. Stor loron " street. Phone 400. C fi. Weedbam, P. O. Box 412. Salem. ? LOST AND FOUND I4ST LOST FOLDER CONTA 1 N I N i W A P SavinKS Stamps bearing name Carol Mono. Lvav at Mateim&n. Read the Classified Ads. WANTED UVKsTOCK WANTED MALE CALVES TO? 12 months, old. Phone 80F11. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED KUKMMIbU HOUSE . LE- foie February 15. I'hone 1218 Wa HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press Room States man. WANTED QUEEN BROODER. sojl cnu-K sire. i'hone evenings, u. Needham. WANTED 5 OR 6 ROOM "MODERN in eastern part of city. Mut be a bargain 1240 X 4th street. WANTED INCUBATOR. ABOUT 2I ei capacity. Must be in first-class c..iidiiin. Cyphers preferred. Phone 44F14. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND countrv trips. Phone: Day, Sfc3; night. 353. TIKES REPAIRED VtLCANIZIXG GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Staton. 177 Sooth Commercial St I'hone 428. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. hZi. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court rt ii l. .. . . - - a. Turner, clerk. Read the Classified Ads. BUSINESS CARDS 1HI4V AS!) EXPRESS LARMKR TRANSFER WB MOVE AND strs fc -i . Day phone $30, Nigbl phone 18S. , . CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY I'hone !33. Salem s larcest and best couippd transfer company. Get our '- reduced fr-tgbt rates n eastern ship ment. Also f"r slorage. we have i three- warehouse in onnectlon with :t b.usijjerts FiitPil'tft jmovlng. pack- Dnr CLEAMNG AND PRESSING JAPANESE PHESSINO PARLORS F. a. Watanabe. Prop.. 434 N. Commer cial street. Ladies and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. $1.25 and $1.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 552. ISslHANCB NOTICE 1 HAVE A NUMBER OF THE best Old Line companies on earth, do not need to wait from 80 days to 4 months to pay a loss after adjust ment is made. 1 have one of largest surety bond companies doing busi ness in the United States. I do a general- Insurance business. Auto mobiles insured on the most libertt terms. Don't fail to call. G. W. La flar. 40r.-4OB Hubbnrd HUlg fbonet Office. 1GI4. Residence. 2022. J OK JCXK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST -price for Junk of every kind. Let us 'make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co.. 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 3J$. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. 136 South Liberty St. Phone 25. HOME WEt WASH LAUNDRY REQ ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylene welding, icas engine repair ing, model ahd experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown, Prop..' 252 Chemeketa street. Salem. MOXEY TO LOAN. $50(10 TO LOAN SEE ATTORNEY i.ltno White, 402 Masonic lempie. Ma Say. Ta. I See by the paper that farmers can now borrow money at 5-i per cent interest. Who started this low interest business any way? Pa Why, don't you remember how in ! terest rates come down as soon as Uncle Sam started the Federal Land Hanks M Yes. I remember now. Farmers - had to pay as high as 10 per cent , before that. Well, this Federal Bank is aort of a farmers bank and any profits go back to the borrowers, lon't they? Pa Sure thing, through this method the farmer's money may not even cost him 51 per cent interest. The farmers should stick to their own bank. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Tem ple, represents them here. NURSERIES NORTHWESTERN NURSERY. ROUTE 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs Cut rates on some lines, i'hone 111F3. rRUITLAND NURSERY SALEM. R. F. D. 6. Box 138E Phone 111F21. Roman strain grafted Franquet Wal nuts: also a few more Italian prune trees let. SECOND 14ANU GOODS ' WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler, 256 "Center street. - . WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. Will buy, sell, trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay the highest cash price. I also handle clothing. See J. A. Rowland Furniture Store. 247 N .Commercial. Phone 1$. SHOE RKPAIRITtn. I UST -OPENED NEW SHOE REPAIR- Insr shop at 1B3 S. Commercial. All work Kuaranleed satisfactory. Give me a trial. MISTERS F. H. KAYLOR, PAINTER. Winter. Phone 2T5. 310 SOUTH .UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors. The latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 457 Court street. WALL PAPER, PAINT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC eratisjg. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or by day; good workman. Location 1020 Center street. Phone 58tW. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Burcn's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial street. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St. - Phone 485. WINDOW AND GENERAL CLEANING HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING wanted. Phone 1237. WOVE WIRE FENCING y"'ri" iii,iiis i -i-ii"r-" -"ijiiiii iriu-xn , Depot Jk Aaaerleaa Feee. all alsea, 2 Ik. to SH In. Mala. Palais. Oils a ad Varwlab. Stevea Heballt and Iteaalred. Itxaalaerry . and Ha ltks. Saleaa Keaee Si Steve Warka. SSO Ceart St. Pbaae 124 IL n. FLEMING. TRANS FKK If A CLING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND Household Ti or hauling moving Jobs done prompt- lc. Try me once. Timme 475 State St. Phone 363. Reaidence phone 1122J. I WATER aaa'W,Mtt,it'te salem Water co. office. 301 s Commercial street, tor water serv ice apply at office. Make all com plaints at the office. No deductions in bills witl be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from premises. Here after water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us ing water for domestic purposes Contractors for . sidewalks. brick work or plasterinir. will please read "for building purposes under sched- !. r.r rtn AnMv at nrnco-ror coov PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C, GRADUATE of P. S. C Chlropractics fountain head. Davenport. Iowa, . Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Office tn.;.i II. s National Rank Building. !'l.i.r.r ft?. Residence 828K. DENTIST DR. r. 1. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS MS 114 Rank of Commerce Building. Phona COS. MUSIC TE4CI1KRS R. HARH. TEACHER. Phone 1283. OF PIANO. OSTEOPATHY iv .,...2 ...a . . . 1 . r. . . . American School Osteopathy. -Kirk- j I J, despite which Nickel losed at a vilie. Mo.: rets acutt. ad chrni'net gain of one point. Sale amount - Ba;kW;fficfVo ed-to 290.000 shares. . . .. 419 North Suiumcr l'kwne Clt. - Forciga war quotatious strcnstU- - . '-,. ' ; ....... athy. - Kirk - DRS., WHITE AND WALTON, OSTEO- patbic physicians and surgeon Graduates of American School of osteo- pathy, Kirksville, Mo. post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases.- Offices. 505-8-7-8 U. S. National Rank Uldg. Phone 859. Residence. 1620 Court street. Phone 2215. Dr. White's residence phone. 489. SOIL SCIENCE. SOUL SCIENCE TEACHER AND practitioner. Class will start soon, join now and learn how to heal your self. Knowledge is power. XL E. Mackte. 343 North Liberty street. Hours from 2 to 5 p. m. PHYSICIANS DR. L. O. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. Gall -Stones and Goitre treated successful ly. Offlre aiul residence. 298 North Liberty. Salem. Phone 147. CHINESE PHYSICIAN - "- i1 t-" airiJ' ' rrijxruxfjxn-ru DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone 283. WHOLE MILK We will pay 93.83 per hundred de livered at Salem, Price baaed on 4 per cent fat contents. Phone 2488 MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE COJ 8ALEM. OREGON I SALEM MARKETS 1 BUYING PRICK. Regs and Ioultry. Eggs, 34c. , Hens, 26c. ( Old roosters. 15-16C. Pork, Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 16c. Ewes. 8c, Spring lamb, 10c. Beef steers. 7 to 9C. Cows, 4 to 7c. Umj. Cheat, per ton, $24. Clover, per ton. $25 to $2. Grain. Wheat. $1.94 to $2. Oats, 80c. Beans. 6 to 6"t4e. Beans, 6 to 6 c. Mill Feeds, Retail. Mill ran. $50 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Creamery butter, prints, 51c. Butterf at, f. o. b.. Salem. 48c. , Fruit. Oranges. $4.25 to $5.50. Local tomatoes, $1. Lemons. $9.50 to $12.50. Bananas, 8 He Vegetable,. Cabbage, 2c. Onions (imported), $1.75 to $2. Green peppers. "6c pound. Retail Prices. Creamery butter, tOc. Da'ry butter, 5ac; . Eggs. 55c." S -' Flour, hard wheat, $2.90 to $3.15. Flour, valley, $2.75 $2.90. Sugar, cane and beet, lie. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.75. - Oil Products. ' Standard engine distillate. In bulk, 13 cents. Kerosene Pear. In bulk. 11 c; Elaine .in bulk, ?Vzc; Eocene, In bulk. 1 Be. Oronite Aroturps. in bulk, 36Vc. I PORTLAND MARKETS I Butter: Prints, extras, 49c; cubes, extras, 46c; prime firsts, 45c; dairj't 32c. Rutterfat. Portland delivery. No 1 sour .cream, 4c. ttttMM. Ixnal selling price H.o0(jl."5. No grain session today. NEW YORK MARKETS Hops, firm; state iaediQm to choice, 1918. 30ff40c: 1917. 2023c; Pa cific coast. 1918. 3642c; VJ17, 25 PSOc. Evapotated apples strong; state IS to 1SH: jtritnes few offered. Cal if ornias 10i to 1SV2'; Orisons 12 Ti lKc. Peaches, strong; choice 1G MSH; fancy, IX t. Corn Prices Lifted by Action in Argentina is CHICAGO. Feb. 2 Argentine government decrees prohibiting the exportation of corn bought at lss than 7 4 I. rents f. o. b. did much i-J-dy t lift corn prir here. Tbe market closed Ftronc. 2 to 3' net higher Mith Mav .20 to 1,20 T and .Tulr-l.lC 5s to 1.16 "h. Oats gained 1 cents to In provis ions there is a setback of IT. to 40 cents. Oats ascended with corn. A big increase of the visible supply to sl failed to check the upturn of prices. Provisions ruled weak on ac count of the plentiful supply of bars Com strength, though, rallied the market somewhat Pools Famish Sole Initiative in Trade NEW YORK. Feb. .3. Although sentiment in the financial district over the week-end denoted a mod erate accession of optimism, today's sosinn of the stock exchange was apathetic and uninteresting. Pools furnished almost the ole initiative again limiting their operation? to .shares of spe'iletiv, hile mils rd sinndsrnf inl.sti lals wo-o fxtiemrly dull or reactionary. Motor shares were r.tost cons'l'ic- ii)iiH as n group. t,.iins rar-gd fror.t 1 to 3'.i poir.t. l-tudfhakev alone lacping. Prsure was persistently exotted acain.'f pnd several of the n artnc st ks until the lait bour. whoij the crni'ral list strength en d under the Impetus of an inpiry for United Ststes ntr-r-l which closed at a large fiartional gain The on specific incident of the ; day was the cut in International 1 Nickel from St to T.U cents onarter - 1 '. despite which Nickel closed at a UREAL ESTATE STRICTLY MODERN SEVEN ROOM bungalow close in for acreage, n-l oei a-tvvO. ill asurue. Luum 1. 311 State. FOR SALE 31 acres. mile from tuwn of Stayton, Oregon; good build ings, young orchard, three ears old. Math Mueller. Route 2. Stayton. Ore. 80 ACRES FEW MILES FROM SALEM 70 acres in cultivation, good build ings, fully equipped with slock and machiner; must sell at once "vj wilt uive very easy terms, nee me at once. Room 1. 311 Slate street. I HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS WITH C and per cent nxmey to loan, on good security. I can also get you a loan on good chattel security. nao a $1000 mortgage and some cash to exchange tor a residence in fuUeiu. John II. Scott. 40t Hubbard Bldg. WE LIST PROPERTY rUll t.kl On, to exenange. every wnere. and cnarKe no commission for putting buyers, sellers and exchangers of realty to Kether. Oregon itealty Exchange Investment Company. Inc. Itooma 405 and 406. Hubbard Bldg. Salem. Oregon. . GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Balem. together with perpetual right of way over the 14x50Va feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms. Apply Scott Bozorth. 701-2 Spalding Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. ACREAGE FOR SALE 13 ACRES UN improved choice loganberry or prune land at a bargain, close to Salem. S acres, unimproved, ail ready to set to fruit. 9 acres, well Improved; will sell any or all the above at right price. Easy terms. Would consider good auto on one trace See owner, Joseph Barber. Phone S1F4. BRING YOUR TRADES can match you. C. W. Niemeyer. All branches of real estate and Can ada lands. 215-218 Masonic Bldg. I'hone 1000. GOOD BUYS MOUSE- AND FOUR lot. Twenty-first and Turner road. $750. House and lot,. Lincoln, near V ommcrciaL tw0. House and lot. Front street, between State and Court. $4000. Finest residence site on Fairntount, one-half block. 41500. 3V acre tract on Rural avenue for $1100. House and lot. South Winter street, $850. For sale by owner. Terms given. Address . A53. care Statesman. $5500 PAYABLE OX VERY EAST terms if taken soon will pay for a modern 1 1 -room residence on Court street near state capitoL. Has hot . water hrat. electric light, cemented basement and sleeping porch. Pur chase this property and exchange it for a farm at a much nigner price. It is worth more money and is choice location for a rooming or boarding house. John H. enroll, 404 tiuDoara mag. BARGAIXS SEVEX ROOM HOUSE. newly papered and new roof, near S. P. depot, $700; terms to suit. Five room house, paved street, fine loc ac tion; $800. 160 acre farm, four miles out. rolling land, good Improvements. main highway; $125 per acre. Ten acres, some - orchard and berries. buildings; $2500. Five acres all In orchard, good buildings, near Port land highways $2&os. Twenty acre prune orchard, $(000. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. FOR SALE 55-acre tract, nearly all cultivated. 10 acres bearing Italian Prunes in first class condition, best of soil, rock road, good house, fam ily' orchard. Price $11,000.00. 5 acrev of Loganberries, small buildings. Price $1,806.00. 5 acres all cultivat ed, house, barn. well, rock road, good location. Price $950.00. Good 7 -room modern house on Falrmouot Hill. Price $3,800.00. W. H. GRABENHORSt & CO. 2.5 State street. STRICTLY MODERN SEVEN ROOMED house, close in; will take ranch not over $1000: will assume some. Five acres all equipped, close to car line; cow. chickens, good house, barn lo ganberries, family orchard, only szzoo. Modern 5 room hungaiow. al most new. two lots: if sold at once, $1404 . 1S3 acres all in cultivation, good modern house. No 1 dairy barn. all fenced, on good rock road, close a to good town; 110 acres in fall grain, one or tbe best farms In oik coun ty. iza per acre splendid 10 acre orchard to exchange ' for residence not over $2500. Fine COO acre stock , and grain ranch, good Improvements, $3000 worth of stock and equipment. 2i miles from town: only 817.500. Socolofsky. 311 State street. FLEMING REALTY CO. A fine 10 acres of soil, close to the asy urn (some 014 nunoingsi. snap. A nice little cottage property. 13th and Lee. and 80 acres of timber. Owner wants, a larger house and more ground tin city). A medium sized farm close In. good one: and a real bargain (no trade) A 6-room house well located and a very deep lot: a fair house on It and fruit. at less than the actual value of the land. $U0. A block or half block on paved Street, with good, comfort able house and some cash for a stock ranch. tSOOO to 88000. A prune ranch, with house, a' barn and dryer, some rood timber, prunes are bearing; 31Z.00O. Will take good city nronertv. several thousand. We have several hundred properties for exchange. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State street. For Exchange Fine hlarhly improved 91 acre farm in the valley, nearly all choice bottom land, good buildings, fine roads, all kinds of fruits, close to good school. Fine corn, potato, alfalfa or broccoli land. A"" fine home and deairahle location. Will take Salem residence, some cash and good terms on balance. For Exchange 7 room house and large . lo In business section of Oakland. Calif., for good Salem residence pro per! v or close in acreage. For Exchange Choice, well improved. in five-acre tract and several thousand dollars cash, for good farm from 100 to 1C0 acrea. For Sale SO acre farm 2 miles from town; la seres prones: goodi road: good land:. well watered; snapj$5500; sood terms. For cash barcain or good exchanges re Perrine & Marsters, 306 Hubbard Rlrtc. Salem. On-ton. ened the bond list, material assur ances being registered by French Mu nicipals and United Kingdom issues, while the Liberty group eased slight- 5 1y with speculative rails. Total sales. par value, aggregated $10.l 50.000. Old United States coupon Tout's lost ' per icnt on call. IlAnilY SIGNS OX TRACT. WORCESTER. Mass .. -b.. 3. -r in I tbe Boston Red Sox, pul-an. end ta 1 eneon t '- t' t by signing a contract tO VZ IW 1 '--'on with th elnb. Barry recently wa discharted from the navy. ... i - . . REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderlnllj Told bv ADtXE CJAIUUSOX CHAPTER C'CV HOW. DICKY'S MOTHER LIKED I I THE NEW. HOME , hard! Margaret!" My mothet-0,d "Ricl In law s voice rose high and fhtrp a' " , Vu . T . , f jther announced, with the air of f.nal- she faced us. You cannot mean that his this the hesitated for a word "miserable shanty is going to be our home for the summer: Dicky squirmed uneasily, vh'le, quietly tried to slip .quietly out nl the room. But my mother-in-law forestalled me. "Don't run avvay. Margaret."- she said boldly, "although I should think you d want to If you had any hand in selecting this. Why, it's a perfect hovel!" . ... . . We were'all standing In the living room of the Brennan house, to which the sole'Marv'n taxicab bad brought Dicky and bis mother. Katie and I had come out early In the morning Id order to have fires bnilt and a warm meal ready for the elder Mrs. Gra ham's comfort. But her first look at the inside of the house had drawn a impatient protest from her. I had not shared Dicky's enthu siasm for the place 'at first, but T defy any woman to spend hours In arranging the furniture and drap eries of a house without acquiring a liking for her handiwork. By the time I had hung the last curtain 1 was genuinely fond of the old house. The long living room appeared most attractive to-tny eyes as we stood looking at it. The fireplaces la it add the dining room were in expensive but good, of red brick mel lowed bv time. In both I had wood fires going. Mother Graham's ma hogany gate-legged table was drawn dd at one side of the fireplace, upon it In the .identleaf earthen pot In which Dicky had once so successfullv arranged flowers.'were some branch es of yellow forsythia. which I had found in the dooryard. The wall paper had touches of yel low and olive In it, and I had tried to keep thai fact In mind In mv -bolce of run which were really ra ther creditable Imitations of the or iental patterns, and In my window draperies, which were of the thin nest cream fabric with tiny hoiiow roses and buds running riot over them. .-;- All three os as. Dicky, his mother and. I, had bookcases, numbers of them of all sixes, kinds and degrees of repair. The best of these I bad out in the living room, and from the top of each glowed a forrythla In dif ferent receptacles. " A comfortable coach' In brown leather, which had come with Mother Graham's furnit ure was piled high with pillows In gay. cretonne env-- s a-number of chairs, some of ftoin Mother Gra ham's, and some new. stood inviting ly near the low windows. A small upright piano which I had rented in the village occupied a niche which appeared to made for'it and complet ed the furnishings of the room. What Madge Did. I had seen Dicky's eres Hght op with admiration at his first sight of tbe room, but his mother's disap proval of the place had given hln no chance to say anything about IL He turned to her protestingly. " "What do you expect fof $33 a month with these grounds? A mod ern house with new decorations? For my part I think this room Is wonder fully attractive. Madge, you certain ly have done wonders with ILI He turned to nie enthusiastically, and 1 suddenly felt hnore than paid, for all my work and worry. "I am not criticizing Margaret's la bors." my mother-in-law returned tartly., "but the whole house is im possible. Yon can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. The out side of the house is all right, but the Inside! Look at that woodwork, the very cheapest kind of stuff! Look at thst wall paper! It's atrocious!"- "That wall paper is so bad It's ;ood." retorted Dicky good-humored-ly. "It's almost futuristic 'that ituff.", , ... 'It could be safely worshipped ac cording to the Bible role." she said grimly, "for It certainly resembles nothing above, on. or under the earth or in the waters of tbe deep." Dicky threw back his head and laughed good-humoredly. "Have it your own way. mother." he said easily. "Come in and see the rest of the shack.". He escorted her to the dining room a long room which had matched boards Instead of the usual plaster sides and ceilfng. Built in at the side of tbe red brick fireplace was a cupboard .with glass doors, in which I had arranged my little store of china and glass.' The big fall-leaf mahogany table of Mother Graham's was covered with a white cloth and spread for dinner. . The square pi ino. Mr. Brennan fulfilling Mrs. Bnr chell's prediction, had neglected t lake away. I had In desperatlop mnsiKl it Into tbe dining joom where It comfortably- filled an im mensp vacant space at" one side o' the room. " Over, it I had spread r runner of creamy Japanese cloth wjth a green vine, running over It whfch set 'off the polished copper urfares of the chafing dish and cof fee machine, sprays of mellow for sSt;ia in gteen vases and bottle were upon the dining room table, and the old piano and draperies at the windows were" alw In a thin green vlned JapaneHo. cloth.. Dicky drew long breath as he looked around. the 10111. j"Vou Darling II: IcaV - "I didn't think yotf bad it in you. Madge." he Mid. pattJag my shotil- der. "I wouldn't have known thl room.' ity that r.iake her eo irritallng r-cme- times. "Cgt that awful green! To . think or tskicg one's meals to that color accompaniment." "Perhaps we can eat many of our meals, on tbe veranda opening from the dining room." I suggested hope fully. , "Anywhere except here." my mother-in-law returned, and then to Dicky. "Take me to my room. Rich ard. If it is like the rest of these. horrors. I know I shall be ill." I followed them p the stairs gen uinely sorry for Dicky. He had felt so much boyish enthusiasm for the house I knew his mother's disap proval hurt him. While her room did not rait forth the codemnat'on she had given the library snd the dining room and Indeed.. It was the prettiest room i the house,' with a pretty outlook up on the tennis court and lawn yet she did not cease her criticisms no on everything she- saw. Tbe bath room with its old-style tub and fix tures, the hall with its paper of bid eon a blue, which I admitted to my self was appalling, the doors, the windows, with their lack-of Screen ing all shared her censure. "You haven't enough sense to rent a coop -fo- . chickens. let alone to rent a house." she raid to Dicky, as she sank Into a chair out of breath- ' Then'she turned on me. "I thought you had a little com mon sense," she said in a tone that Implied that what judgement I -did have was necessarily very " limited. "What possessed you to consent to this barn?" - "Why. I agree with Dicky that I s decidedly worth while," I returned spiritedly. . "I wash my hands of both of yon." said my mother-in-law. "Please leave me alone for a few mlnntes The shock of seeing this place has upset me so I shall have to re down before I eat anything." Dicky and I scurried out of the room like two Tightened children and went swiftly down the stairs to onr discredited living room. There Dicky canght me In his arms. . "Yon darling brick!" he said, klss ng me. "I'm awfully obliged to yp for backing the matter like thaL" As J returned his kiss. I felt as if the vague shadows I had felt hov ering over the new home had van ished, at least temporarily. I did not know what the new home might bring to me, the thought of Grace Draper was always -In the back of my mind, but for a while at least, I was genuinely happy. To be continued' riPE LINE MENDED. DALLAS. Ore.V Feb.. 3. The break In the Dallas water pipe line which conducts the city water from the intake on Canyon creek several miles west In the mountains to the reservoirs near hl city has been repaired and water will be turned on again through tbe mains tonight. A thorough cleaning out of the entire system will be made before the peo ple will be advised not to boil water used for drinking purposes. The line was. broken one week ago by a large tree falling across the line where it crosses the Rickreall river. TIME TABLES iocturrv PAcmo co- Nertabewad No (4 Oregoalaa a :CJ a.nx No. 18 Oregon Express ..... C :88 a.m. No. 2$ Willamette Limited... :18 a.m. No. 1$ Portland Passenger.. I:Np.m. No. 24 Coos Bay wt 8:80 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express T :48 p.m. aWWCaWWaw4s No. 53 Oregon taa Sri a n. No. 23 For Eugene 10:18 a.m No. IS California Express. ...11:18 am. No. 17 Rose burg passenger. . 4 : 8 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited ...8:84 pm No. IS Baa Francisco Pass.. .19:03 a.m. SALEM -GTE ETI LOT No. 78 Arrive at Salem ...... 9:18a.m. No. 71 Leave Salem S:50p.m. a ALEX. FALLS CTTT at H ESTER 11 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00a.m. 13 Leaves Salem, motor .... :28a.m. 1$ Leves Salem, motor'.... 1:55 p m. Through car to Monmouth and Alrlie 171 Leaves Salem ........... 8:15pm. 142 Arrives at Salem ........ 8:28am. 144 Arrives at Salem 11:00 a.m. I4 Arrive at Salem 3:20 p m, 172 Arrives Salem 7:48 p.m ORROOV ELFCTRIC . t Effective Oet. tat, ISIS, leiaharae. Tralr Leave Arrive Arrive No. Portland , fialen Eocene 5 Ltd.. 8:15am 18 15am 12:34pm 7 10:45 am 12:50 pm Salem only 4 2 4tm 4:18 pm 4:14 pm 13 Ltd. . 4:45 pm 4:10 pm 3:50 pm 17 4:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only It 9:20pm 11:20 pm Salem only North Bank Station (leave Jeffer on Street It and 20 minutes later. Worth aaead Leave - Arrive I Arrive Eugene Salem Port la "-d , 7:15am :! 7:25am SrtSam C 11:34am 12:18 pm t:!lm 1:55 pm 4 pm 8:50 pm Salem only 8:30 pm 7:40 pm 4:25 pm 7:58 pm 10 00 pm Rank Station lerrlve Jeffer. Trala No. 10 Ltd. 18 14 Ltd.. to 23 North son Street 1$ minutes earlier). 'Leave Corvallla. COBVALt.IS COVVKCTtO! -( ad ... Lear Corvallla Arrive S - J 8:35 am v 11:13 pm ' l 1:41 pm - ' "T f" :it pm 7:5 pm Leave slem "IW .1 -10:16 mm II 1-11 MM - - 8:40 m 8.00 1 cialty. Office. ?26 State straeL A. - v. i- . .X u a, - '. -f- iVJ J-rl J-2