TIIK OREGON STATESMAN: SATIIUAV. FEBRUARY 1, 11)10 1 L - J ; . " " l , : . I Class Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper . Headings So You Can Readily Find Them---They're Worth While if II 1 !p el n or id he. i i lid. e a T'i s i ; o -du yll enc , I In s m net n a ti try i ricg ot aim ' of Ami a ni prir at id , exc. elati duty i he ' Cot (Spec tier. of t! of t let tl fill I 1 of t Holmi Mr. 8 : the i fine n of tl f a m Bro ting pt man. n fice -(Spec et Att nted t rial ba fain a opted rill nic r soon Hal news) boat h i, of M hed 1 Take lexlonpa r rouh. lZT.no-gi iTableta asubstit Dr.dwa lis patiei ire pur itb oUvt oiiva coi bright ej ayancy I t the cat,, act on I yet hi KKnecon f boxes t tr box. . nightly i 'Hi ID PRA ?ray y ii price r dellrei ity. rii e the D packaj Civet f stone a t to fpl Curl Le . .1 SONS 5 State ' NORWICH -UNION' ' FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY Thielaen, Roland & Rnrghardt Resident Ajent 371 State St. MONEY TO LOAN FHOPF.ItTT AT LOWEST HATF.il O IHPBOTKU FARM AXD CITY THOS.X FORDfJ! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - Itate Per Ward. First insertion ; lc Subsequent Insertions One week (six insertions) 3c One month......... . 9c Six months' contract, per mo.. 8c 11 month' contract, per moM, 7c No :cu opened for less than. 25c A neat car a riven tree with an - advertisement to the extent of 6oc I announcing- "For. Sale" For Rent- I -Rooms" or "BoaTd." I I NEW TODAY. Each new classified advertise meat will be run under "New To. day for the first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under Ha proper classification. - No advertisement will be run under "New Today" for more than one Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK Small family. Apply 146 Mill street. CHALMERS -CYLINDER TOURING car; cost $2000; will take J HO. phone 79. WHITE ROCK AND WHITE LEG horn ergs for hatching. I'hone 4u3R 93F5. : - for SALE -10 Hi P. STATIONARY entrine" and boiler.- Inquire Cherry City Flouting Millar. FO H SALE-F Ft ES H M ILK COWS with' calves; heavy milkers. J. 1. Waring Co. Feed Barn. SEE MISS U E. GOODHUE AT 231 S. 17th street for subscriptions to ail magazines. Phone 741-M. WANTED 5 OR ROOM MODERN house in eastern part, of city. Must be a bargain 1210 N 4th street. t on SALE-FIVE PASSENGER P.UICK automobile, D t;. 1917 model, fine condition, cord tires. O.. J. . Wilson Garage. ,'..-'- - -'- - - i ,. .: CO W GOING TO IDAHO. MUST sell at once our cows; one fresh and two to freshen soon; age from 3 to 6 ' fears.. iTlce very reasonable. All in good condition. 551 Ferry street, at Clearwater barn. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. All leading varieties. We cater to the commercial poultryma-n and "back yard flock" keeper. Prices reason able; C. Kl Needham. Box 412. Sa lem, Oregon. : , ,80 ACRES FEW MILE3 FROM SALEM 70 acres in cultivation, good build In?, fully eoaipped with stock and I machinery; must sell at once and . '. . wy easy terms. See me at owm ' Room'l, 311 State street. M . EY WANTED I HAVE PARTY tht wants about $(130. on good city e-iirity. and will pav 8 per cent in Ittt, quarterly. AI.o havv another . P-irty that wants 1 1 . Lteth good .mis. See Elmo S. W hite, i Masonic building or phone 923. ( GOJD HfV HOUSE. AND F'OUIJ 1 ... Tw-:iity-firj and Turner road. $'. House and lot, Lincoln.- na ..mnetKai. luov. Hous and Utt Frnt street, between State and Court, $too. Finest resci-nce site on Fairmount. one-half block, tt '() 3'i acre tract on Rural avt-nu ff-r $U''0. tlnimw and lot. South Wintet . street. $S5. For nale hv owner. Terms' given. Address .V-"t3," car Statesman. HAVE YOU GOT MONEY 1NVESTEP in houjfiihold goods or In your. home' If you should meet with a fire loss would you find it an easy matter to dig down' in your own pockets to re place these thins? The Oregon Fire Relief Assn. of MrMjnnville has help ed thousands of orcKonians ' to re plsca their lost homes. ln"t you think a littlia fire insurance would be a Rood Investment for you? H. A. Johnson Insurance Asrency, over Ladd St iHifh l;nk, Sxlcm. l'hone ill, i STRICTLY MHJlKUN SEVEN ROOMED nouse. m: will take ranch not over $409; will assume some. Fit acres all -quippr. i lf to car line; cow, chickens, troodhouse. barn lo gan?rrles. fanuly orchard, only $22. Modern 5 rom bungalow, al- new. two ioih; u j,0M nt once .M0. acres all In cultivation. jcooi mmlirn Iiouh. No 1 dairy barn an renced, on (rood rock road, dope . to goon town; 110 acres In fll erain one of the b-et farms in Polk coun ty. i2i in-r tor Splendid. 10 acr' orchard t ctihnie for rlrn not over 42r.f. jin S)0 acre stook ii nn grain ranch, good improvements $3000' worth of stork and equipment 2i miles .from town: only $17.',ii0 Socolofgkv; 341 State street. EMPLOYMENT itlUK KEEPING A PA RTMENTS niceiy rirrnmhed at CSS Ferry street MALE V A'NTED-t-FA RM HAND. fhone 1207M: BOTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES man routes. Applv in person. l:XPERIE;CKD tJRAFTKBS WANTED . inono iiikji. Kruitiand Nurser MISCr.LI..N EflS. W.OMA-N W ANTED. SALARY mil iime ij an hoi,r Hpar time sellinir guaranteed hrvsory to wearer r.xperience tinnecesary. Address ;z. care latenman. FOR RENT FOR RENT-HOUSES. APARTMENTS ani i arms. r. i- wood. 341 Btate 'rt. I'hona 7J4. j ROtm - -"ssi sss sii-jnVU vi.f. h Ii l:N lH l.l HEATED I:ikv or i..r,r Co.kI lo;itioi fail "i l.irry filteet. f OR SALE ni !iE ori'oitrt mtif.h. tsssls FO It SALE Oil TRADE FEED STOKE no t;rtniinc null, good location, rrank Nwak, Brook, Oregon. FOR SALE-o-TWO YEAR. OLD SRET land pony, ride or drive. Phone 139 MISCELLAKEOCS FO.lt D- TK A ILEUS quire at 77lD. FOK SALE IN- PATY HAS SEVERAL TONS liALEO wheat hay at the Skipton barn. Will close out. See J. V. Manley at barn. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE. 35 horsepower, 3 cylinders. Suitable for train elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric tight plant. In good condition. 100 gallons tank. Price tlooo oott Uoxorth, Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon. BOOKS' OH KNOW LEDGE A COM pleleset of, 20 volumes, cloth bind ing, new. never unboxed. Will sel! for le.s than cost. Address -Book." care Statesman. : - CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, makliijj'a handsome, little book. It tells in graphic terms of the massa cre of tthe Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of stsr- vatlon and Olive war purchased from the lii'iitn five years IMer. The price is 29 rents, postpaid. Address Oresroh Teacher Monthly. Salens. Or. I'OtLTttt IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send Kc to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WANTED WANTED MALE CALVES months o4d. Phone SOFII. TO 12 JUS ELLANEOI S. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. . Pre Room States man. WANTED Jf.GOft. Will eure on Al city income property and pav 7 m r cent. Apply to Wm. Fleming. 311 State street, Salem. SMALL CAR W A N 1 tO ACRE IV South Salem for Ford or other small car.- Give or take anterencei i:o 112. Corvnllis, Oregon. WANTED IMMEDIATELY V SMALL furnished house tr apartrrrnt within a few Mocks of High Sftn-oi ant the r Public Library. Call 0 or 2S!J. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY ACTO SERVICE SHIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone: Day. 983; nlKht. 359. TIRE REPAIRED Vtl.CANIZINO GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial St. Phone 428. LODGE DIRECTORY MOCERN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and Hiirh ctre-ts. .1. F. Day, V. C. F. A. Turner, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS DRAYS AND EXPRESS LARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store goods. Day phone 930. Night phone 18?$. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY phone 933. Salem a largest and best equipped transfer company Oct our reduced freight rates r,n enatern ship ments. Also for storage, as we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving, pack ing, fh'pplng and storing our spe cialty. Office. 22C State street. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSINO PA RI.OR3 F. S. Watanabe. Prop.. 434 N. Commer cial street. Ladies and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. $t 25 and $1.75. Work ealled:rfor: and delivered free. Telephone Main 6S2. INSURANCE rfsssssa'saassasassS'SS1WsSjsasas'ss SOTICE I REPRESENT SIX BIO OLD Line millionaire fire insurance com panies and do a general insurance husineaa. I write surety bonds and have several h"me to rent. Drop in and e me. fi YCLaflar, 405 and 406 Hubbard Bldg. NOTICE -I H.VVE A NUMBER OF THE bit Old Line companies on earth. d not need to wnit from CO days to 4 months to par a loss after adjust ment if made, I have one of largest surety- lwnd companies doing bus; PfH in the United States. I d. a Ki-nctsl Insurance business. Auto niobrle insured 'in the most libertl terms. Ton't-fail' to call. G. Wr. I flr. 495-406 Huhbarl Bldg F'hones Offi. 1611 Residence. 2022. JCNK JCNH JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind.. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" Hoilse Capita! Junk Co.. 271 Chemeketa St Phone 398. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery- and careful work. Dry wash. e per pound. 136 South Liberty St Phone 25. HOVE WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- nlar washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phon 5471. .MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING, OF all kinds, automobile repairing. -oxy-aeetylene welding, gas engine repair ing. moJel and experimental work. Tow Machine Shop. D. B Brown, Prop.. 552 Chemeketa Street Palern. ' MONEY TO LOAN. fcssaigaxaassasassassaansssssasnfcMS 7.-K ARE TO HAVE AN. APPRA1SE ment of U farm loan aoplientions on hand at once by a Federal Iand Bulk apiiraier Farmers denirtng Federal Farm Irfn" should file thoir application immediately . Intercut, "i per rent 3t yers tiiniv A. C Bohrnstedt i 401 Manunic Templ Salem, Oreeor. . i ' SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND coftds of all kind, pipe fittinas. bar- nena. collars, roller pads, tools, and hainx. Fred Behind ler, 256 Center street -.' W NTED TWO 4ARLOA!S'OK USED furniture. Will l"iy. sell. trad or xi-hang tioisehod furniture. Will i'v Hie hi"hi-f( cb nri-( I Mlt bandli rlof Mp:;. J. A. flow land urnitur Store, 217 N .Coimnerrial Plion 16 siiof. ni'.i'A in i JU.ST OPENED-NEW KltOK ItEPAIU- j lnc hop at ICS 8. -Commercial. VIM' work eiyranteed fi.itisfa'.tory, f live I me a Irial. NURSERIES f RUITLAND NURSERY SALEM. R. F. D. . Box 118E. Phone 111FI1. Roman strain grafted Franquet Wal nuts; also a few more Italian prune trees lett. PA1XTKRS FH. KAYLOR. PAINTER, 310 SOUTH Winter. I'hone 296. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH C. B. WEBB, A. M. .. Clough. funeral directors. The latest ' modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WALL PAPER. PAINT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC orating. painting, tinting, - paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or ly day; good workman. I.ocation 1030 Center street. " Phone B86W. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Euren's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial strtet. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 4 55 Court St. Phone 4 85. WINDOW AND UENKRAL CLEANING HOUSE- AND WINDOW wanted. Phone 1237. CLEANING WOVEN WIRE FENCING Dept Kitisaal A Anseriraa Fence, all alsea. 2 In. t SH In. hf aft. Palata. Olla mmi VinUk. itttrn RebiMIt and Repaired. Lmtasbr rr x and Hea llovka. Salena Keaee A. Steve Worka. 230 Coart St. Pb 124 , It. B. FLEMING. TRANSFKRro-ilAtXING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KINDi X. I . If ... ' Smd2-jryP moving jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Timme. 475 State St. Phone 963. Residence phone 1122J. wateA SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 S. Commercial street. For water serv ice apply at of See. Make ail com- ' plaints at the of lire. No deduction or for anv c7u:. : whatever onlessl wates is cut off from premise's. Here- s after water tor irrigation win oniy (na- water for domestic nurnoses. Contractors for sidewalks, brick . work or plastering, will please read -for building purposes" under sched- of rates. Apply at office for copy PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. U SCOTT, D. C, GRADUATE of P. S. C. Chiropractlcs fountain bead, Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Thone 87. Residence 828R. DENTIST DR. F. U UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS : 413-414 Bank of Commerce Building. Phone S06. MUSIC TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO Phone 1383. OSTEOPATHY. DR. W. U , MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Kirks ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone SI?. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone 614. DRS. WHITE AND WALTON, OSTEO- pathic physicians and surgeons. Graduates of American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diea.e at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices. 505-6 7-8 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 8S9. Residence. 1S20 Court street. Phone- 2215. Dr White's residence phone. 469. SOCL St.'IENCE. SOUL SCIENCE TEACHER AND practitioner. Class will start Soon, join now and learn how to heal your self. Knowledge is power. M. E. Markir-. 213 North Liberty street Hours from 2 to 5 p. m. PHYSICIANS DR. I G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. Gall Stones and Goitre treated successful ly. Office and residence, 296 North Liberty. Salem. Phone 147. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES' ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St. Phone 283. PERSONAL WHOLE MILK We will pay S:tJW per hundred de livered mt Salem. Irlee baited on 4 per cent fat contents. Phone 2488 MARION JREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. SALK3I. OUEfiOX ( SALEM MARKETS HI VI NO PltlCK. and Poultry. Eggs, 2 4c. t.v ,m, Z tic. Old roosters. 15-lCc. Pork. Sinttro and Ileef. Pork on foot, 16c. Ewes. He. Spring lamb. 10c. Reef ateers, 7 to 9c, Cows, 4 to 7c. Hay. Cheat, per ton. $24. Clover, per ton. $25 to $26. Grain. Wheat, $1.94 to $2. Oats. SOc Rn. to fiJ c. Beans, fi to C'jC. Mill FeeK KHall. . 'Mill run. $0 per ton. AVIIOLKSALK TO DKAI.KU.S. Creamery l;tter piints. 5ic. " J'-Utterfat, f. o. t... Salem. 4 Sc. .; , lTl.it. . Oranges, $4.25 to $5.50. Ical tnmalo?, $1, lemons. $9.&0 to $12.00. - Bananas, 8Ac. Vegetable. Cabhag. 2c. Onions (Imported). $1.75 to $2. Greon peppera, 6c pound. Reta'il JH'm. Creaiury butter, 60c. Dairy Imtter, T.c. I!cgs. "t'tc -1'Jonr. hard vlioHt. $2.3 to $3.1 Flour, vallt y. $2.75t $2.D0. SiiKr, caDO and beot, lie. Potatom cV- lots, $l.7.r. Oil iToflBCt. Standard tugiue distillate, la bulk, 13 cents. Kerosene rear. In bulk, 11 He; Elaine .in bulk, Hc; Lucent, In bulk, 15c. Oronlte Aroturps. in bulk, 36 e. PORTLAND MARKETS I lairy lrlute. Butter: Prints, extras, ."it-; cubes, extras, -ISc; prinm lirsts, -4 ic; dalrr. 35c. ; Hutter'fat: Portland delivery No. 1 tour cream. 45c Potatoes. Local selling price, 1.50$t $1.75. (raiu. Grain future bid: Barley, atan ard feed, February and March. $17. Harley, taidard "A," February and March. $4S. Kastern oata and citti in bulk: Oats, No. -3 white, Febru ary and March, $41. Oats, 3S-pound clipped white, February, $13; March $43.50. Corn. No. 3 yellow. Feb luary and March. $54.50. Corn, No. tl mixed, February and March. $"?. S.alcs: 100 tons February yellow corn at IZ t. XKW YOltK MAKKKTS NEW YORK. Jan. 31. Evapora-t ed apples firm. Prunes steady Peaches scarce. SOUTH AMERICA REGULATES CORN Prices Follow Trend of Strike in Buenos Aires ; Drop Taken - CHICAGO. Jan. 31. Strike FettlO- ment reports from Argentina brought about lower prices today in the corn market here. The close was heavy, at 2 cents to 3 cents net de- cHne.- with May 118 to 1184 and i. . , eiti.v J lilT Ail 79 IV A A H 7B Vftl 9 to Hi cents down, and provis ions off 12 cents to S100 advance. Before the Argentine sentiment began to dominate the market, lay ing t,ook placd owing: to announce ment that the; allied blockade had been lifted completely except in the case of Germany and that 6.000,004 bushels of breadstuffs a month would be allowed to go to that coun try hereafter. Soon, however, decided weakness set in as a result of ad vices, that the end- of the port strike at Buenos Aires was at hand. Oats sympathized with the weakness of corn. Most of the trade was local. -Excessive offerings of hogs carried down provision, and so likewise did the lower trend of grain. . Covering by shorts was only in part an off BeL . PRICES REACT AFTER OPENING Market Dealings Mostly in Speculative Issues Rails in Background NEW YORK. Jan. 3 1 Eliminat ing United States steel, which assum ed its accustomed leadership, over half of today's nominal dealings in stocks consisted of the more specu lative issues, rails and other tan daid shares remaining in the back ground. There was a moderate inijuiry from the short interest at the out set, imparting firm tone, but Im mediately' this demand was satisfied, prices reacted save for occasional ad vances in motors, sugars, tobaccos. fertilize! s and disliU'ng stocks. Some of the better known trans portations were not tjuoted to mid day, and only rarely after that per iod. Minor rails wet tinder pros sure and Texas and Pacific, recently leaders of that division, yielded to profit (aking. Shippings showed fresh unset fit ment on i.he heavy cut in ocean freight rates. The movement in- mo tors derived much of Its strength from lepoits of Studebaker's expan sion plans, but this list suffered gen eral impairment in the final hour, when United States steel and rail- registered lowest pi ices of ihe day. Sales amounted to 350.000 shares. Publications of the new plan of the holders of railroad secuiit'e served to stiffen that class of bonds, the Liberty groups also showing more steadiness, while foreign war quotations were featured bv Paris six's at an advance of one half per cent. Total sales, par value, were $11.5C7.000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. HONOR ROLL IS GROWING LONG Many Parents Respond to Re quest to Send in Names of Men Lost In Service In response to The Statesman's published appeal to patents of sol diers and Miloi who ot, their live in the service to notify the paper of stud casualties flic honor roll is gradually growing. An accurate liFt ofthe? names and information con cerning them will be invaluable ainl information concerning gold service tars in" both Marlon and Polk coun ties should be cyiit in toon ax pos t bio. " Tlio following jire tbo names of tliow from Polk and Marion rountiea REAL ESTATE $850 BUYS NICE 10'., ACRE HOME joining town limits of Aumsville. Address F. v . layungs. Camas. v n. STRICTLY MODERN SEVEN RoM bungalow close in fr acreage, nut .i vutt. 1 1 1 assume. Kuvm 1. 311 State. FOR-SALE-31 acres. V mile from town of Stayton, Oregon; good build ings, young -orchard. thre years oii. Math Mueller, Route 2. Stayton, re. I HA IAVE A CUSTOMER FOR A CHOICE uilding lot In Salem, or will pur- b chase a modern ( ur room re.-id.nce that Is wrll located. John tl. Scott. 4UI Hubbard Bldg. HAVE A CLIENT WITH A CHOICE $800 lot well located in Portland, to i iiioKr rr a modem residence in Salem: will pay cash difference. John H. Scott 4UI HubDard Bldg. HAVE BUYERS FOR A STRICTLY modern home close In for about 350u All cash, and for a 5 -room bungalow in S. VY. Salem for about IliuU: $ down, balance 123 a month. C. W. Niemeyer, Man. nic- building. WE LIST PROPERTY FOR HALE OR to exchange, everywhere, and charge no commission for putting buyers, sellers and exchangers of realty to Kether. Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Company. Inc. Rooms 405 and 40C. Hubbard Bldg. Salem. Oregon. A GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST Ida Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14x59 feet tract extending rroaa this property to State street. Terms. Apply Scott Boiorth. 71-1 Spalding Bldg, I'oruana. Oregon. iON"T OVERLOOK THAT 11 ROOM modern home on Court street near state capitol for $5 . Just think of it: can you beat that price? Only $250l cash, remainder on easy terms. An ideal location for a roomlnx or boarding house. For further partic ulars see John H. Scott, 401 Hubbard building. BRING YOUR TRADES . can match you. C W. Niemeyer. All branches of real estate and Can ada lands. 215-216 Masonic Bldg. Phone 1000. BARGAINS SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, newly papered and new roof, near S. P. depot. $700: terms to suit. Five room house, paved street, fine loca tion: $800. 1(0 acre farm, four miles out. rolling land, good Improvements, main highway; $125 per acre. Ten acres, some orchard and berries, buildings: $2500. Five acre all la orchard, good buildings, near Port land highway: $2500. Twenty acre prune orchard. $6000. F. 1 Wood. Bayne Bldg. FOR SALE 55-acre tract, nearly all cultivated. 10 acres bearing Italian f runes in first class condition, best of soil, rock road, good house, fam ily orchard. Price $11,000.00 ( acrev of Loganberries, small buildings. Price $1,800.00. 6 acres all cultivat ed, house, barn. well, rock road, good location. Price $f 50.00. Good 7 -room modern house on Falrmount HilL Price $3,600 00 - W. H. GRABENHORST. & CO. 275 State street - - FLEMINO REALTY CO. - A fine 10 acres of soil, close to the asy lum (some old bulldlnrs). SJ109. A nice little cottage property. 18th and Lee. and 80 acres of timber. Owner wants a larger ' house and more rround (in city). A medium sized farm close In. good one: and a real bargain (no trade). A S-room house well located and a very deep lot: a fair house on it and fruit at less than the actual value of the land. llfiOA. A block or half brock on paved street with Kood. comfort able house and some cash for a stock rsnch. I00.) to 8800(1. A prune ranch, with house, a barn and dryer, some good timber, prunes are bearing; $11. Out. Will tae good city property, several thousand. W have several hundred properties for , exchange. fare Wm. Fleming. 311 Ftate street. e For Exchange Fine highly Improved 91 acre farm in the Lmpqua valley, nearly all choice bottom .land, good buildings; i fine roads, all kinds of fruits, close to good school. Fine corn, potato, alfalfa or broccoli land. A fine home and desirable location. Will take Halem residence, some cash and good terms on balance. For Exchange 7 room house and targe lot in husinens section of Oakland. Calif., for good Falem residence pro perty or close in acreage. For Exchange 4'hoice. well Improved. close In five-acre tract and 'several thouaand dollars caah. for good farm from 100 to 10 acres. For Saba 89 acre farm 2 miles from town: 10 acres prunes; good road; good land: well watered; nap. $S;e6; good terma. For cah bargains or good exchanges I'errlne A Marstrrs, 306 Hubbard Bide.. Salem. Oreiton. who hav made the supreme sacrifice It inclnles killed 'in action, as well as those died of wounds, accident r disease while In the service. Army Ivan G. rtelilne, William M. Catton, Edward Cittens, Wayne C. Jackson, Benjamin McClelland. Alfred Derealeau. Ray Mark. Panl Rich. Leslie Toore. Chester M. Wil cox. Cuttis yfc. Willson. Chester A Simmon. Aubrey Jones," Ernest Eck erlen. Smith Ballard, WilhVlm E. Ahlgren. Milton A. Kooreman. Thom as D. Cooper. - Milton Foreman, Benjamin F. Hill. John C. Braden. Stanley F. Thompson. Monte Chrls tophcrson. Orley R. Chase. James Gardner, Charles M Woelke, Elton C. Blake. Otis Hayes. Newman D. Dennis. Roy Johnson, t. L. Balard Carrie It. Dwlre, Robert V. O'NIell. Marines Charles Auer, Emery Rartlett. Navy- Kenneth C. Crossan. Jo seph. Martin. Clarence S. Mlnker. Nurses Or. E. Cavitt, Marie Blodgett. Congressional Security League ProBe Is to End CHICAGO, .fan. 31. --The congres sional committee investigating the National Pecnritv league expects to conclude if netting in Chicago to morrow r.id return lo Washington. The local investigation so far has .!..-. t ..gvo.0fr that the local jbranch of the league made an at- k only on one randi late at th Nxt Hrct'on. namely, Congressman Fred A.' Britton. Republican or Chi cago. One letter waa written urging Ihit Britten Ik defeated at the pri maries on JjU vf.r'record. It wa mUed only lo league members and po fnrthT acilon was taken by the league. REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of MarrW IJf. Wonderf aJIjr TokJ by ADIXC UAIUUMJN CI IA ITER tTIII Ilution. Then I gave her the nnn: br DICKY'S MOTHER CALLED' f Dr. Pettifs office, and abe cajlerf WHY DU. PETTIT FOR MADGE ANU.hira WHAT SHE SAID. .make hate. and then fhe rimt back " . ( J to rce. I nx that the was frlcht- I fpent three bucy dayp at th!'M aloit the eodltn of rav Reennan place. There was much to be done both inside and outside the house. After the first day, Katie did not return with me. as my mother-in-law needed her in the apart ment. Rut 1 had engaged another woman with the one I had for the work in the house and pnt the grin ning William in charge of an old man I had secured to clean up the grounds and make the garden. I soon found that I had a treasure In Mr. Jones, who was a typical old Yankee farmer, a wizened little roan with rhln whiskers.' He could onlv gtve me a day or two occasionally, as he was old and' confided to me that he was subject of the "rheumatics." Bnt while I was there be ploughed and harrowed and planted the gar den, cleared the rubbish away, and made me Innumerable flower beds- keeping an Iron hand over the irre sponsible William, whose grin grad ually faded as he was forced to do some real work for his day's wages A riotous and extravagant hour In a seed and bulb store resulted In my getting all the flower favorites I had loved in my childhood. 1 atso bought the seeds rf all vegetables which Dicky and I liked, and a few more, aifd put them In Mr. Jones capable hands. If there was a variety of vegetables or flower seeds which looked attract ive In the reed man's catalogue, and fvhieh remained unboughL it was the fault of the salesman, for I conscien tious! v tried to select every one. 1 planned the location of a few of the beds, and then confided to Mr. Jones the rest of the outdoor work, know Ing that he could finish it after my return to the city. Mr. Dirdsall. the agent, wis very tractable about the kitchen, tending men the second day to paint it- So at the end of the third day. when 1 tnrned the key in the? lock or the front door, I was consiona that the house was as clean as soap and water and hard work could ' make It. that the groulda were In order, and the growing things on their way to greet me. , I fancy It was high time thing? were accomplished, tor In some war Tttad tfatrght a severe cold.. At Wis that vu the way I diagnosed mi complaint. My throat teemed swol len, my head ached severely, and each bone and muscle In my body appeared to have Its separate pain When I rached the apartment I felt 10 ill that I unaxesfed and went to bed at once. "Yon must sprayirour throat Im mediately." my m'her-ln-law said in a busineas-lik--my. "and I sup pose we ought to send for that Jack anapes of a doctor." Even through my suffering I could not -help but smile at my mother-tn-law'a reference to Dr. Pettit, who had attended her fn her illness. She had summarily dismissed him Be cause he had forbidden her to see to the unpacking of her trunks she was barely convalescent. an3 we had not seen him since. "I'm sure 1 will not need a phy sician." 1 said, trying to speak dis tinctly, although it was an effort for me to articulate. . "Wait until uicxj tomes anyway." For distinct In my Mind was mental picture of the look I had aur- nrised in Dr. Pettit's eves upon n lay, of his last visit H. my mother-in-law. I remembered the way h had clasped my hand in parting. Thsj feellnr was Indefinable. I scoreo myself as fanciful and conceited for Imagining that there naa been any thin special In bis farewell to m- -ir in the little courtesies he had ten lered me during my niother-ln-laWs iina. Bnt 1 told myself again, as I had after closing the door upon hi vii that'll were belter an round If he did not come again Dr. Pettit Called. "If you wait ror Richard. youH rait a long time." his mother oh serevd grimly. "He called up a while ago. and said he had been invited to an impromptu studio party, that he couldn't get away from, and that he vould be home in two or three Hours But I know Richard. If he gets In terested in anything like that he won't be home until midnight." I do not pretend to either analyze or excuse the feeling of reckless de fiance that seized me upon hearing f Dicky's absence. I reflected bit terly that I had taken all the burden of seeing to the new home, and was uifferlng fcom Illness contracted be1 cause of fhat work, while Dicky 'rollicking at a studio party., with never a thought of me. t I knew without being' told thai Grace Draper was a member of the frolic. The words of the! Hoch boy at the house in Marvin ! which we had rented came back to me. "Ma Bays she'd think you'd le Jeal ous of Grace Draper. She's an aw ful pretty girl." , - And here I was suffering, yet re lusing the services of a sktlled phy sician because I fancied there was ornethlng in his manner the toler ance of which would savor of disloy ally fo Dicky! I turned to my molher-ln-law to tell her she could summon th phy sician, but found that I could hardl) i-peak. My throat felt as If I were choking. "The spray!" I gasped.' -Thoroughly alarmed. Mother Gra ham assitcd me In sprating my th-vrl with a trong antiseptic so- up. I heard her tell" him to throat, but the choking feeMng if1 me no time to be frightened. I kept the spray going almost constantly until the physician came. It was the lily tray I could breathe. "Poor Little Cirl." Dr. Pettit wn't have made a rec ord Joueney. for the door bell sig nalled his arrival only a few min utes after Mrs. Graham's message. He gave my throat one swift shrewd glance, then turned to his mall valise and drew from It a stick--me absorbent cotton and a bottl of dark llould. With a swifL anr movement he prepared a swab, and turned to me. "Open your moth stain." he aa.w gently, but peremptorily. i rvKavd him and t antlaceptl bathed the awollen tonsils aurely and skillfully. ' A I awayed. almost staggered. U a spasm of coughing ard choklnr which followed. 1 felt the strone ur support of his arm touching m" shon'ders. of his h.nd grasping mine "Now lie down." he commanded renlly. when the paroxym wss ovr--. -w the covers about me himself lifted my head and shoulders gentl with one hand while with the other ra-d sl"o t the argle h wished. Then he turned to my mother-in-law. "She has a bad cae of tonsil. tl bn there is 'no danrer." he raid quietly, utterly Ignoring her rude ness at the time of her last vlMt. will stay until 1 have swabbed her thoat again. She is to have the n.t. h hinded hr a bottle or pink, tablets, "oirce every firteen m'n ntes until she has taken four, then every hour nntll mldnighL Let her sleeo all she can and keep hr warm I would like two hot water bag rilled. K roo please, and a glass of -,-rr. She mnst betin taking these tablets aa soon as possible." As my mother-in-law lert m- r-n-to get the things he wished. Dr. Pet tit came bsrk to the bedside and stood looking down at tne. "Where Is your husoanai n sked. a note of sternness la M -olce. - t afcrwvk mv head. I was just ner vous and ick enough to feel 8he question keenly. I could not restrain . the foolitb tears which rolled slowly - down my cneeaa, ; Dr. Pettit took his nanaacrcnie. and wiped them away.- Then ne -In almost a whisper: "Poor little gin: now i wu could bear the pain for yon. (To be contlnaed). CASTOR 1A For Infants and ChlMrta IrtUso For Over 30 Years Always bears . the Signature of CHICHESTER S PILLS wx . tnc ptiMon saiKa v Ta aip. nr T r imt- A.w II 1-4 TTl K-TTt sj iAis sains riUA s MlMMlM.S.lMnbM4 SOLD H niETCZAX TlhlE TABLES locmrav r a cine co- Kertkk-ewad No 14 Oregon lan ............ :el a ra, No. If Oregon Express ..... C:ti So. It Willamette Limited... :lli No. II Portland Passenger... X:0pm No. 24 Coo Bay .: p "v. No. 14 Portland Express. ....?7;4p.na, wta4 No. tl Oregoniaa Mlin No. 2! For Eugen ..l:l(a.m No. IS California Express. ...ll:lt am. No. 17 Boaeburg I'acsenger.. 4: p.m. No. 17 WtUameite Limited ,..l:ilm No. 13 San Francisco Pass. ..1:3 p m. A Ur.H-fi KF.R LIXE So. 71 Arrive at Salem t:lta.m. No. 7( Leave Salem t:ilp.m. fUEN. FALLS CTTT A WTJTTTtnX 141 Leaves Ralem. motor T :44 a.m. tJ Leave Halem. motor .... :14 a.m. 1st Leaves Salem, motor .... l:SSm. Through car to Ifonmonth and Alrlt. 1?1 Leaves Salem :l(a.m. Arrives at Salem :2Sa m. ltl Arrive at Salem 11:44 a m, 144 Arrive at Salem S:2Sm,' 172 Arrive 8Jm T:4 p.sa OREGON ELECTTtIC ' Effeetlve oh. lax, lSlg. Trale Leav Arriv Arrive Salem Ear' 14 1 Jam 11:14 pm 1Z.-SS pra Salem onlr 4:11 pm 4:11 pm (:10pm 1:44 pm :47 pm Salem oaly 11:20 nra Salem only No. Portland i Ltd.. :15am 7 l:Sam v 2 4S pro 12 Ltd.. . 4:15 pm ..... : pm t :24 pm 'North Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street 1 and 20 minutes later. Xerthb Traln Txav Arrive Arrive No. Eugena Salem ' Portland ':liim JiMin It Ltd.. T:S:am :4sna 11:34am 12 12:11pm IJSpn. IC Ltd.. 1:55pm 4 SO pra S:S0pr f Salem only 1:20 pm 7:44 pm 32 4:21 pm 1:Hpm 14 04 pm North Bank Station arrive Jeffer son Street II minutes earlier). aLev Cor valll. , cortai lib rosxrcnoJi Kertkb4 Leave r.-valB . Arrtv S' :IS am 11:11 pm s-41 Bm 4:4? pea :! pm , , 1 P See lit mm Leav Salem Arrive Covvaliu 1:11 am 14;1S mm 4:11 pm . : pm t 17 ass 11:21 am S 14 a I.M PJ