I f. i THE OREGON STATESMAN THURSDAY. HECEMPfJl 3. 101. 4 : xsk.. J '"aa imwiir1 Mew band methods an tire m&feiinisf ' . . Developed by R, J. STOKES, Production Engineer A cton fafrra fram A ft-vctf e a Thmrmoid Cmming mnd on from mnothmr wwll-known mtarr- dmrd tirm, tnagmifimd 400 rffm , fra, Wet I6 saieofA juu ommpmot text or o Crolidm Compound, aa eompmrmd with tko rough, poroua dxrefir ' i - fha olJWr rrtftcf I FOR years R. J. Stokes, Chief Pro duction Engineer of the Thennoid Rubber Company, has been design ing and building machine-made casings. , He knows just how much mileag'e machines can put into casings. Mr. Stokes, four years ago, deter mined to develop and produce a BETTER casing. .'. Two years of patient effort - -. - Mr. Stokes and his staff made count less experiments with new tire-making principles, new methods,- to overcome common tire faults. " For," they argued, " casings today are as nearly perfect as old methods can make them.- To produce a better casing a casing more resistant to punctures, blowouts, tread separation we must proceed along new and better lines."; " The new casing, from the innermost ply of fabric to the tread, is built up Inch by inch by hand. And each casing is the work, from start to finish, of one man,, who is re warded, not on the basis of how many casings he makes, bu makes them. I how well he s A new wonder of chemistry Pure rubber possesses little strength so little that a casing made of it would run scarcely one hundred miles. ' It is the compound; the blending of rubber with other chemicals that gives it toughness. And so Mr. Stokes sought to make rubber tougher, stronger, longer-lived sought a new rubber that would set new records for mileage. 567 formulas failed to produce the desired result. Many gave rubber amazing toughness, but lacked some other vital quality. But at last his efforts succeeded far beyond his hopes. ' The five hundred and sixty-eighth attempt resulted in just the compound he sought CROLIDE. Every part of casing toughened Crolide is not compourided with the tread rubber alone. It is blended, in scientifically exact degrees, with every layer of rubber, or fabric that goes into the tire. This makes the tread stronger and the fabric tougher. And it unites the layers of . fabric to one another and to the tread in one solid and practically in separable whole. Thousands of mile of road testa During the last two years the presi dent, officers and stockholders of the Thermoid Rubber Company have sub jected it to thousands of miles on many, of the worst roads in the country. Never, in any tire, have they seen such durability or mileage so far in x cess of iheir best expectations. The most costly built casing These new hand methods are ex tremely expensive, and so are the rare chemicals that form Crolide. Naturally.the Thennoid Crolide Com-; , pound Casing is a high-priced casing, but NOT an expensive casing. We claim '. frankly, that it will give you, in the end, more mileage for less money than you've heretofore obtained from any tire, 6,000 Miles Guaranteed (in Ford sizes 7, 500 miles) VTbmm a tmmtMf of wafer or oUlm imrM em a mmctiom of Thwmoid CnOdm thr im mm Hmkigm ori thmoimfty tmpmrrimmm tm wtmr m4 ml Makers of the famous Thermoid Hydraulic Compressed Brake Lining . . . . . . . HILEMAN TilACHINERY & TIRE COMPANY 291 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Phone 787. n I ThlM tlf' Hating bwcWm n prodws thm mawraat romd ' conditioa. Jtim td in mmin tmimlag Thartnold Crolidm Compound Csninga mt their mnuwUy high mfodard of j s m&Tiooahilitj- ; ThJa powmfmt 1 rhrr nrf from SO to S3 pmJt bmforo if cos mmparoto thm trmdrrom thm mh,mmom mmmm immh oomtimm mt from Hum tiro Cbk. tut OICK OtTXC.v.BLC ..... . H