The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 29, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives the
leased wire report of the Asso
ciated Press; the .reaest and
moit reliable presa association
la the wono.
FfclierF 1 o Requebit foF, Conference With Chief Executive At Last Kflinute Is Vutile
V -7 J I X II I, f I K I III! I I I i .1 1 ft 1 1 . I r T 1 1 I I I I I I I I 'f I II I j Clo.idy. with nolle southwesterly
"gHTV-KHJIlT II YI'All X".aia -
LONDON, Nov.-28. The entente allies have decided to
hzzxA t&at Holland surrender the former emperor of Ger
cony to justice, according to' the Daily Express.
LONDON, Nov. 28.- At a Berlin meeting of the soldiers' and work
men's council, Herr Barth, secretary for social policy in the Ebert
ministry, declared that a counter-revolution was in full swing, ac-
. cording to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph.
Several generals have issued counter-revolutionary proclamations
and Itave attempted to dissolve the soldiers' and workmen's councils.
Herr Barth said tha the chief army command had been ordered
to come to Berlin and that the dismissal of General Eberhard had
been demanded; owing to the arrest of members of the soldiers' and
workmen 'a councils on the western front. No reply had been re
ceived, Herr Barth continued, but if the order is disregarded, the
chief of the array command will be arrested.
feies Surprise
Winged P. Hold
Jo 6 ToO Score
POIITLAND. Nov. 8.-The Mult
lomah Amateur Athletic, club foot
bill team of Portland was given a
big surprise hire today when the Or
'soa Agricultural College aggrega
tion beld the clubmen to a 6 to 0
score. The Aggies outplayed the
Winged "M" In every period but the
second. A 27-year forward pass,
McKenna to Feichttnger, In the sec
ond quarter, put across the only
touchdown of the day. MeKenna,
the big star of the contest, missed
goat The visitors tried vainly to
overcome the lead, even going to the
Multnomah two-yard line on two oc
casions In the second half.
' NEW YORK, Nov. 28 -Mrs. Del
lora Gates, widow of John W. Gates,
died today at the Hotel Plaza, where
she lived, alter an attack ot apo
plexy. . .
fa IF) .
it V
. t ' ; I1" ffJfV li A
r 1 ' J i i;w'fi! , -il
yntr'if fair
A (Bood
, WacEsnmaw
It a friend indeed to the man that mutt face
the elements .
We doubt if there is a better collection of good Macki
naw in Salem than the one you'll find here. The weight,
quality, finish, colors and patterns of our coats will
J lea se most men who want something really worth while.
Cheaper Mackinaws than these arc of little value and
less protection. On 'the other hand, there are no better
coats at these prices.
Men's sizes, 34 to 52. . ff . ....... .$7.83 to $li45
Boys ' sizes, 5 to 16 years.. . ...... $5.95 to $10.45
Auto Robes
w show you some really 'good baTy Wool Robes.
Orte-on unwind tn.d. tn vmir eomfort when iff dawn ana
ckilTjr. Choice patUrns in plaid ettccU, fringed ends, tUM.
lUHooney IBefuceo To Take Leniency
Prefers (Blorloup Death To Living
(Brave, Me Bayo from Cell of Doom
SAN QUENTIN, Cal., Nor. 28. Thomas J. Mooney issued the following statement tonight:
"Governor Stephens, it is my life you are dealing with. I demand yon revoke your commu
tation of my death sentence to a living death. I prefer a glorious death at the hands of my tra
ducers to a living grave.
"I am innocent. I demand a new and fair trial, or my unconditional liberty through a par
don. If I were guilty of the crime for which I have been unjustly convicted, hanging would be
too good for me. Then, why commute my sentence to life?
"Labor everywhere, I say to you tonight, as I said the night the chamber of commerce jury
returned a death penalty verdict against me, that my hope, as well as the hope of Billings, Nolan,
Weinberg and Mrs. Mooney was in the solidarity of organized labor. I shall never depart from
that statement.
"Workers, it has been my privilege to choose the dishonorable route in this case. That tame
offer has been made to every one of the defendants. I would rather hang a thousand times than
do as much as even entertain a dishonorable thought. I mean by this that we were to be framed
to tell a certain story, the same as all the perjurers were framed against us.
"I refuse to accept the commutation. I now appeal to you again to act, and the sooner
the better."
ID. l-fSf?j i
rJf . - -f
Wool .
patterns in plaid
Chilean Consul at Lima Is
Schcdnled to Leave for
Home Today
Otto Hartwig, Federation
Headways Action of Gov
ernor Stephens Will HaVe
No Effect on Plans Laid.
Declared That Breach Healed
a Few Days Ago Break
ing Oat Afresh
Asserts That Body in Ques
tion Not Proper One to
Investigate Mooney
LIMA, Peru, Nov. 28. The Chile
an consul nere win leave lor nome
late today or tomorrow.
It was'reported In dispatches from
Santiago and Lima Monday that
Chile and Terii had recalled their
respective consuls.
LIMA. Peru. Nov. 28. The cab
inet and senate have approved me
action of the foreign minister In
strongly protesting io Chile against
the anti-Peruvian riots at Iqulqtie.
It Is announced that Peru will de
mand Indemnities for these Inci
dents. The entente ministers at
Jma called separately upon the for
eign minister yesterday.
SANTIAGO, Chile, Nov. 28. Ra-
man Hico, minister or lnnusirirn.
resigned today as a result or the
controverw following; the address In
the chamber of deputies Monday
night by Senor Cardenas, second vice
president of the chamber, who sujr-
eested that the Peruvian situation
be settled peaceably.
PAone Rate Hearing to Be
Set by Commission Today
The public service commission will
meet today to decide on a date for
the bearing of the Increased rate
ease of the Pacific Telephone & Tel-
erranh coniDanv. It l said either
December 11 or 12 will be set as me
time for the hearing, which will be
held at Portland.
NEW YORK. Nov. 28. The en
casement of Miss Margaret Carnegie
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Andrew
Carnegie, to Russell Miller of this
dir. was announced tonight. Mr.
Miller is the son of the late Roswell
Miller t' New York and Chicago-
widely known railroad man. who at
various times served as president,
general manager and chairman of the
hoard of directors of the Chicago.
Milwaukee and St. Paul .uauroau
company. Recently he had been In
the United States submarlno chaser
IIKLSINGFORS. Finland, Nov .28.
Reports from the Raltic province
of Esthonia Wednesday said that the
Russian llolshevlk troops on Tues
day captured Pskov, 180 miles south
rant of Petregrad. The fat of the
volunteer northern army was unknown.
Story Leading Up to Sensa
tional Case Told in Graphic
Form From Frisco
District Attorney Asks Con
ference With Stephens
on Notable Case
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Nov. 2S The sentence of Tlioma J. Mooner,
sentenced t Ik hanged December 13 iu connection with the Ieath
of ten kts4is from a lom!i explosion in San FrancLvo lrrparrtlncv
tlay, July 22. 1916, was commuted by Governor W. D. Stephens
today to imprisonment for life.
In giving the announcement of the governor decision to the
AxKociated Press, his private wcrelary, Martin MaJen. aaid that
the coiiiinutatioii wm signed early this evening, but that further
than the written statement there would be no comment.
The statement reviews the cae fully and quotes in their entirety
the two messages from President Woodrow YVil&on, in which the
action now taken by the governor was nuggested. The commutation,
Kays the governor, reduces the case to the status of that of Warren K.
"I refuse to recognize this case as in any fashion representing a
clash between capital and labor," he adds, and be characterizes as
absurd the propaganda that would make Mooney appear aji a martyr
to the cause of labor. In support of this statement he quotes a letter
from Alexander Berk man outlining the plan afterward adopted for
the Mooney campaign. He denies that Mooney is a true friend of
lalr and characterizes his previous record as such that it does not
enlist faith in him among law-abiding citizens, but says in conclusion
that this particular case has been decided upon its merits.
Governor Stephens in commuting the sentence of Mooney to life
imprisonment gave out this statements
"On July 22, 1916, ten persons men, women and children were
killed and about fifty others wounded in a bomb explosion daring
a preparedness parade in the city of San Krancico. The parade was
a patriotic manifestation into-which the people of the city bad en
tered with much spirit and loyal impulse. Manifestly, because of
the occasion chosen, hostility to the nation defense measure must
haye had a part in actuating the perpetration of so horrible a deed.
It is not unreasonable to assume that a sympathy or even m definite
relationship existed between those murderer and the propaganda
and violence then being engaged in throughout the country by agents
of the German government. The case, as presented to tbe California
courts was that of murder, without further evidence of motive than
the iniossihle tenets of anarchists whose sympathies for the Ger
man cause in the war are well known. Their-wild pacifist theories
fitted iuto the widespread activities of the kaiser's agent in this
"A number of persons of pronounced anarchistic tendencies were
31114. M(XKY TALKS
When notified of tbe action of
Governor William D. Stephens
In commuting the sentence of
ber husband. T. J. Mooney,
Rena Mooney said:
"The action of Governor Ste
phens in commuting the sen
tence of Tom Mooney to Ufa
imprisonment Is a practical ad
mission on his part that Torn
Is not guilty of a .hanging of
fense;and. not being guilty of a
hanging offense, why should he
be given life Imprisonment?"
PORTLAND. Nov. 28 "This is
what we eipected bt not what I t
wanted." declared Otto R. Hartwlx.
president of the Oregon Federation
jt Labor tonight, when Informed of
the commutation ot the sentence of
Thomas J. Mooney. '"The action v
Governor Stephens will not have tbe
effect of stopping the referendum
strike vote amonj; the unions of Ore
gon. Whether the strike will actual
ly take place on November as
planned is a subject for further con
sideration." Twenty-two of the fifty-eight un
unlons of Oregon hate already an
nounced the result of their votes, 19
favoring tbe proponed strike, based
on Mooney's status prior to todav'a
action by Governor Stephen's, and
three opposing. j
SEATTLE, Nov. 28. Coftimuta
tlon of Thomas J. Mooney's entec
from death to life Imprisonment, by
Governor Stephens of California.
will have no effect on the proposed
labor strike planned by Seattle labor
Unions, said labor officials tonight.
"Our demand was not for leniency,
but tor Justice, for a new trial." ex
plained Pert Swain, secretary of the
Metal Trades council. ' I cannot set
that our plan to strlke.lf necessary.
will be altered."
. i'Governor Stephens' action will
nr. Khnnm mir determination to
irik If necessary, to secure a new
ti-i.i nr frtxilnui tor Mooney." said
H. L. Proctor, president f the C'en
tral labor council.
fimal of the United States snpretnn
courts November IX, to review th
SEATTLE. Nov. 28. John B.
Densmore, director general ot the
federal employment service, now
here, tonight said that be did not
plan to appear before the San Frsn
rj,ro grand Jury Investigating mat
ters contained In his report on the
Mooney case. Previously Mr. Dent
more had said he probably would ap
pca In a statement Issued tonight.
In which he said:
"I ltav been asked by Secretary
of Labor Wilson to offer mr w-rvlen
to Governor Stephens for any fur
ther Information the governor mav
require In the Mooney case, and I
have complied with the secretary's
request. I shall be only too glad to
help the governor In any way within
my power. As f4r appearing before
the gtand jury of the city and county
of San Fraud wo I can only av that
I qnlte agree with Sretnry Wllon.
who Informs me that he dfes not
consider the grand jury the proper
agency to conduct an Impartial In
telegraphic appeal by District At
torney Charles M. Flckert to Gov
ernor Stephens for a personal hear
ing before the governor takes final
action in tbe case of Thomas J.
Mooney. was In important develop
ment today In the aftermath created
by recent sensational disclosures In
the Mooney case. Flckert prose
cuted and secured the conviction of
Mooney on bomb murder charge.
(Continued on Page 6.)
TRENTON. X. J.. Nov. 28. A tel
egram received at the state honse to
day from Provost Marshal General
Crowder Informed Governor Edge
that Secretary of War naker had Is
sued Instructions that local draft
boards are not to be utilized In de
mobilization of troops. General
Crowder directs that draft boards be
Instructed to complete all data on
band as soon as poMblc. The board'
are also ordered to conclude as
quickly as possible their classification
of the 18-yeaf-oid boys sod -the zi
to 37-year-old class. Adjutant Gen
eral Cllrson said tonight the work
of draft boards will soon be ended
DemDM-r won the popular decision
from Hilly Mlske of St. Paul. In
slow six-round bout here today.
Wasn't It rubbing It In on the
Germans Just a bit to compel them
1o surrender their fleet of subma
rines to an English admiral .bearing
the name of Sir Reginald Y. T)T
Rev. W. C. Kantner Stirs Audience' With Enumeration
Of Day's Blessings The Collection Benefits Armenians
In a stirring sermon of thankful
ness delivered before a union con
gregation from "eight ot Salem's
houses of worship. Rev. W. C.
Kantner. pastor of tbe Central Con
gregational church, yesterday morn
ing touched the keynote of the day's
celebration, bringing home Its new
significance. To tho who knew of
Mr. Kantner's recent loss of his son
in France, the sermon took on a still
greater meaning.
Pastors of the churches co-operat
ing In the services were seated be
fore the pulpit and each had a sie-
clal part on the program. I'nusually
good music was provided by an or
chestra and chorus choir under the
direction of Prof. John R. Sites of
Willamette university. With tbe ex
ception of a vase containing three
gold chrysanthemums la memory of
the three boys from the Methodist
church who gave their lives In France
and the allied flags behind the pulpit
no decorations were used for tbe
The entire offering 'was turned
over to the Armenian-Syrian relief
fund, 8118.39 being collected.
Union services of a similar nature
were also held In the Leslie Metho
dist, Episcopal and Natartne
churches. Members of the Minis
terial association attending the prin
cipal one were Rev. L. W. Porter.
Rev. F. II. Neff. Rev. II. C. Stover.
Rev. G. I Lovell. Rev. T. E. An
derson. Rev. W. C. Kantner. Rev.
R. N. Avlson. Rev. I. G. Lee and Rev.
G. F. Holt.
From Psalms 5:11 Dr Kantner
chose his text,,?'Thou eronet the
year with thy 'goodness." and elab
orstlnr upon tt. delivered the fol
lowing: sermon:
This rear came to us wearing
a crown of thorns and bearing a
heavy cross. The cross Is still with
us though not quite so heavy, but
this Thank'givlng Day finds the year
wearing a crown of glory.
As we gather In this service of
wornhlp at the call of the prenldent
of the t.'nlted States and the gov
ernor of Oregon. I am sore we can
say with hearts full of gratitude as
we look upward. 'Thou erowaent the
year with thy goodness."
FrauKht as Is every Thankrrlvlng
Day with precious memories and Joy
ous experience, this day In parties
lar takes on a special signlflcatce
as do all onr national holidays now.
Just a,s list Memorial Day with Us
supplication and prayer took on add.
ed meantnr. so this Thanksgiving
Day assumes a new significance. Af
ter the supplication and prayer of
last Memorial Day come the grati
tude and praise of this Thanksgiving
Day and ho dare say that the sup-
idicatlon of the former bears bo re
ation to the gratitude and gladness
of the latter??
We see no longer so plainly the
crown of thorns, but It Is tbe crown
or divine goodness that we beheld
this day.
A year ago a magazine coming to
my desk had for Ha cover lllavtration
a copy of the well known picture of
a young christian Woman in the Ro
man arena with eyes fixed on things
above, while the unchained wild
beasts on either sld were read to
spring upon her to destroy.
So were the great principle of
Justice, of humanity, cf freedom
the principles enunciated in the great
American Magna Charta the Decla
ration of ladependence threatened
by tbe wild beasts of autocracy and
militarism when the last Thanksgiv
ing Day dawned upon America.
Today those principles ran cele
brate a glorious triumph, and the
vainglorious, boastful, dominion-loving,
cruel, criminal forces that built
their kingdom on might Instead of
right, are broken, defeated, scattered
and crying for mercy from the vic
tors for whom no mercy was plsnaed
in the enemy's scheme ot conquest..
God grant that the principle for
which the autocracy hurled the.
world Into war may like the gladia
torial combats and persecutions of
ancient Rome be forever swept from
the earth by the spirit of ChrUt
whom they Ignored la their program
Of evil.
The dawn of pace after the sev
eral wars In wlch this country has
engaged has In each eae teen caw
for thanksgiving, and each waa mark
ed by a note perullarlv Its own. For
Instance, the close of the Revolution,
arr war meant much for tbe thirteen
colon lea. nd in many bewrt there
(Contlaacd 9 pf O.
(Continued on page six).