The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Dally Except Monday by
SIS 8. Commercial St, Salem, Orefoa
The Associated Press U exclusively entitled to the use for republication
of all news d If patches credited tp it or not otherwise credited In tbia paper
and also the local news published herein.
ft. J. Hendrlcka Manager
Stephen A. Stone... ." Managing Editor
Ralph Glover . -Cashier
V. C. Squler. ........ . . .Advertising Manager
Frank Jaskoskl. . . '.. .manager jod uepi.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs,1 15 cent a
week 50 cents' a month
DAILY 8TATESMAN. by mall, $6 a year; $3 for six months; 50 cents a
month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 a year.
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year: 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for
three months.
a government of civil and religious liberty such as the world never
before has seen.
In all good conscience, therefore, let us today give thanks to God
for his goodness to us. Let our grief for those who have laid down
their lives be tempered by the thought that they died trial the worm
might be free. Let us think of our absent ones as our free gift of
service in a holy cause. And having given thanks and re-dedicated
ourselves to worthy service, let us come to the feast with merry
hearts, for "a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance, and we
shall need both to play a worthy part during the yearvto come.
The local evening paper offers the assertion that, until the Mate
penitentiary is again placed under the management of the board of
control "the prison always will be in trouble po long as there is a
chief executive who uses it to provide jobs for his political friends."
History of the penitentiary speaks differently. In the first in
stance, Charley Murphy, as warden of the prison, was a heritage
nrrrv v mTrWiN L.i in two ix-nar sections. Tuesdays and passed on by the Uard of control to the governor. That board
Fridays SI a year (if not paid in advance, $1.25); 50 cents tor six named Murphy as warden before the legislature changed the law
. . . T a .1 j 1
months; 25 cents for three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department. .583.
Job Department, 583.
Entered at tha Postofftce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter:
giving control of the policies of the penitentiary into the hands of
the chief executive.
The "convict strike" at the prison occurred when the board of
control had charee of that institution and named the warden. John
31 into was discharged under the board of control following the most
turbulent and violent scenes ever witnessed inside of the prison.
Harry Minto was hot and killed after a convict had escaped from
under the management of the lxard of control. The few years that
the board had charge of the prison were some of the blackest times
m the history of that institution.
This may be of no particular discredit to the board of control, or
to the members who made it htv It merelv crx tn lilmw that trnuhle
The spirit of the Pilgrims has gone to the uttermost parts of the at the penitentiary has not leen a monopoly of Governor Withy-
earth. I combe, of the board of control, or of any particular administration.
The freedom for which they came to the bleak ew hngland coast The penitentiary is the sore snot of every administration and to
as become the ideal everywhere. I attempt to place the responsibility for trouble uon the present
Since the star humr over the manger at Bethlehem, was there executive indicates. a distorted vision.
ever a time in the history of the world when there was so much It is a safe bet that under new management much of the trouble
reason for all mankind to join in a pean or tnamuuinessi i which was passed onto the governor from the board of control will
For more than four long years the civilized world nas ueen unuer be remedied. Charley Murphv is a good fellow. No one disputes
. . i- a a v m - t . a- m - .
the black cloud or war. At last tne neaang rays or me sun oi peace mat. lie Mis a targe heart m him. But anyone who has watched
are breakincr through, and. please God, soon will have dissipated it the situation is inclined to feel that a noor selection w made bv
entirely. Those who have lived in its deepest shadow will not forget the board of control when it named him to handle the toughest job
the aeony of those years, nor soon throw off the burden of Buffering on the state payroll. And when anvone is inclined to hlame Gov-
- L ! - t a! . 1 - ! n n A .4 ft A, n I. M A 1.1 J 1WA.1 I . WI.U.... I A 1 1 il ... . .
ana woe wnicn xney nave inijwavu. cn wicu cuwr iinjcumue ior irouoie at Hie prison he should bear in mind
ones' upon the altar will never cease to mourn their loss. But even! that the most troublous davs the prison ever saw were when the
j those who have suffered most vrul join in thanKiuiness to uod tnaii board of control had complete and exclusive control of that insti-
: the new day is dawning, a day bright with hope or a peace mat i tution.
shall be lasting, and that coming generations may be spared the
Wishing you a thankful day.
.100.000; this fifure cannot be ac
cepted without Question because of
rthe demoralization of the Russian
griefs and burdens which they have had to bear.
For this was not a war of mere commercial supremacy between
struggling nations. It was not a warfor conquest by the victors. Thanksgiving; is the home day;
m . . -m m a . a. a w v a 1 a r . W A. . A . - a I
Jt was not a struggle Drougm aDOUl Dy racial anupainies. u was i ana tne noaie is the bulwark of the t army and uncertainty as to the ac
a a a. a 1 I l
not & war precipitated m a moment or. passion oy a snorc-tempereu i nation. jxuracy of its bookkeeping, but ihe
i ruler. pJo; it was a war;in which two great ideals or civilization met i brasuaiities undoubtedly wci appall
in a death grapple two ideals between which there is and must The Salem district ought in 1919 inr. The Russian fought heroically
'lie always an irreconcilable conflict. One must survive and the to be thankful for at least a doubled till tU dtcid-d that they were be
Uher must perish- '. . berry acreage. )ng sacrificed as rannon fodder, and
un the one side the Jorees were iea ny one who nau saia, wuen 1 then neither coaxing nor threats
speaking to his Own people:- ': y -: I The man or woman who has noth- h,uld keep theni in t'te ar.
) ."There is onlyv one master in this country; I am he, and I
will not tolerate another. There is only one law my law the
law 'which I lay down. The soldier must not have a will of his
own. They must-all have only one will and that will mine.
.'As I look upon myself as an instrument of the Lord, I am indif
ferent to the point of view of the present day. I pursue ray
vnu nor
The Salem district ought In 1919
ing this year for which to be thank
ful is about hopeless.
A league of nations will be needed
to keep the little Balkan states from
continual war. That has grown to
be their normal condition.
There would be general -Interest,
I By teaching his people from their youth up a gross materialistic
philosophy which exalted the doctrine of might ; by leading them to
place their trust in a god of thfir own making; by holding out to I when a convenient time comes, in
them th hope of conquest, pillage and finally world dominion, this exhibition flights and maneuvers of
man was able to weld them int the mightiest military machine the large squadrons of airplanes, and no
world had ever seen. And when the time seemed ripe for the sue- form of military display could so
cess of his plan, he struck through the heart of a nation he had! readily be exhibited to great num-
agreed to protect, in an effort to crush quickly the nearest of those jters or people over a wide area
other nations whom he had determined to conquer.
On the other side were those great nations which had been buildedl Mr. Asqulth is in favor of a rapid
upon belief In the right of man to govern himself and in the right unsciambling. True to British lib
of nations to be free from the domination of other nations. eral traditions, he lose no time in
' So the issue was gnuarelv joined. calling for the earliest possible re-
It was the old struggle between right and might: between autoc-tratlon of freedom. Great Britain
racy and self-government; between injustice, cruelty,-inhumanity, has had a longer experience than the
beastliness and justice, decency and all that follows a civilization United States of the necessary re-
built on Christian ideals. With such an issue there could be no trictiona on personal liberty which
drawn battle. , a great war Imposes, and Is possibly
'. Men tire of war, but they fight unto death for deathless principles, the more Impatient for a return to
' And as we near the end and turn with liehter hearts to healing normal conditions. But any long and
the wounds of a suffering world, it is indeed well that we should nnecesary delays in our country
Ktrr fnr t mn ami in nil tmhorneua nl tiiwpntv oiv llmnlci tn tliel w ueeiop impatience mat Will
just God that we have been used to establish more securely the ever-
axting principles laid down by Him for men to live by. This is not
merely, a victory of some nations over others. It is a triumph of
righteousness; and if we accept it as such, we put ourselves in the
way of .being wonderfully used for world service in the future.
amount to insistence.
Although the British casualty fig
ures are not yet complete, it may
be supposed that the ratio of wound-
Of all peoplesnone have greater cause for thankfulness than the ed to kiU not VT different from
people or the United states, not because as a nation we have bornei'"" j .nu,.
infh mll nf li uArlil.nriA mirroring lnrtn th r fnur I v.eriiinjr repons l.USU.UUU Killed
years, but because through the fierv ordeals of war our national eon- Bd ln round numbers 4.000.000
Hoienom fma lon rmiolrpnp.1 nnon mnrfi Wl.ntvPr thrt future tnn v I WOUnded. The British killed Came
have in store for iu. we Khali not oon strain view with sanctimonious 1 10 a toU1 of and the same
indifference the abhorrent anectacl of a treat nation rtithlesslv I ratI wou,d Indicate alwut 1.60,000
crushing a weaker nation beneath its iron heel. We are no longer hounded, or a toUl of 2.328.65. as
too-proud to fight," when it is right to fight. We have renounced asaml 'or Germany. The
once and for all the shibboleth of "peace at any price," for we have :CB'" "surr n"e D."1 RPn 1Ten
; learned that peace may be bought too dearly.
' It is true that we entered the war with the steps of a slu-rgard,
jand narrowly escaped becoming a contempt among the nations. Hut
: once' inr'otir laggard steps became the strides of a giant. We have
; borne ourselves manfully, as becomes a people of our pretensions.
We have shown by our deeds a willingness to repay to France the
debt we have owed for almost a century and a half; and the mighty
Many inventions were no doubt
held up by the war. because condi
tions were not favorable for putting
them on the market, while others
wcie put Into use' but kept secret for
military reasons. Of the latter sev
eral are already being divulged. In
eluding the development of wireless
telephony for flying machines and
what is said to be a notable Improve
ment in the wireless telegraph. By
eliminating troubles due to the static
electricity which varies with weath
er conditions, it Is said to be possible
to dispense with high masts, to re
duce the power used by half, and to
multiply dispatching stations indefi
nlft-Iy. One result should be. as soon
as disturbances due to the war sub
side, to give the world better com
munlrations than it has ever had
Remote places which have never been
reached by the telegraph might be
got at by wireless. In this respect
also the relets- r.f a great numbei
of aviators and airplanes from mill
tary sen ice will be useful; there Is
hardly any part of the world with
which civilization cannot now keep
In touch if there is adequate niotlvr
for it. Mr. Edison said a few years
ago that the time would come when
a man ln the center of the Sahara
desert might take an Instrument out
of his pocket and talk through It to
any comer of the earth. Edison is
a dreamer, but hia drtams have
habit of coming true.
force which we hurled into the war certainly hastened the end of nd m""1 ,,uM,lned "btlng.
the mad carnival of murder and destruction. no nl.kely. Indi that the
1 For all this may we be truly thankful
And what more fitting than that the :.' United States should lead
the nations today in formal recognition of the Divine Being who
doeth all things well and to whom thanks are justly due? From
the time the Pilgrims landed until the present .day, the Americans
as a people have been accustomed to recognize in a public way the
existence of. this Supreme Tower. They have turned to God in public
prayer in time of trouble, and in the same open way they have praised
His name with' grateful hearts and songs of thanksgiving for the
many blessings reeejved.
' It was away back in 1777 that the first Continental Congress by
jlaw proclaimed a national Thanksgiving; and it is interesting to
note that the proclamation expressed gratitude that God had been
pleased "to smile on us in the prosecution of a just and necessary
war. ' Two years afterwards. Congress voted to set aside the last
Thursday in November each year for a day of national thanksgiving;
and since that time the President of the United States and the Gov
ernors of the various States each year have issued, formal procla
mations calling upon the people to observe Thanksgiving Day in
fitting fashion.
We arc not a perfect copIe by any means.
"U0JI1 individually and collectively we are guilty, of many sins both
iainst God and man; but this nation-old habit of recognizing the
Jod to whom we can-turn -when in dW-ress and in whom we acknowl
Ihe source of our many. blessings,. has made us a far better
cople.tliHii wc would have been otherwise.' Whatever one's religious
views may be, an open-minded si udent of our national history must
limit that th is belief in God. ban been the roek-upon which rests
H of our national greatness that, is worth while; that from tqis
bnt In Hew of the fact that the
French had to hold mott of the front
till the jicw British armies were
ready, their losses are presumably
considerably greater, despite the fact
that this year the British of all the
belligerents have done the leaviest
It is
gate losses of the allies on the wt:t
ern front will prove greater than the
total German casualties. The Rus
sian casualties hav Ven put at 12.-
ft aTiea.
Xov. 21, Thursday -Thankss-vitiaT dtr.
Dwnnbfr I. 8uny Blks Memorial
pmcrftm at Grand Opera feoua.
Decemhar. data mot t ruth aoaaal
Urinn. CiunHr Crn Show.
Daratnber 31. Tuadar--Mmrlal In
honor of Juatlt-e V, A. !oor at au
rm cHirt buWd)n. , ,
Dwmbfr t-15 raclflc International
L4vatk anow. Portland.'..
IeemhT 15, Wdeday Christmas
f 1... . i. ...tcr.t... .,..... i. - t...:i.i . W'"1". z " nristmaa na
""'J (fi""u n't w, viyiuoiiu lut oil kit iu vuitu buu Uiaiuio'U jijri g Salem scboola.
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R. H. Campbell, Special Agent. Standard OH Co., Salem, Or.
K. 1. stiff M Son. KaJera. r.
Spencer Hardware t'o galem, tr.
W. V. Jloorr, Satom. Or.
V. H. Hamlltos), Salem, Or. .
Itay I Farmer Hdwe. Co Salesn. Or.
Salem Hardware i'o Salem. Or.
Mat O. Harm. Salem, Or.
Chambers A Cliamber. Salem. Or.
constitutional "inabilltr to dlscharse
the power and duties' of the presi
dency. What Judge 8tory pointed
out long a no remain the fact today.
namely: "No provision has as yt
been made for the case of the inabil
ity of the president to pet form the
duties of his office, nor has any
mode of proof Wen p rear rl bed to as
certain the fact of Inability or what
shall be deemed an Inability." It Is
highly probable, therefore, that the
president's absence will be regarded
legally and officially as not essen
tially different from the absence of
President Roosevelt and President
Tart on their trips to Panama.
In some Oregon circles It Is becom
es the fad to wear old clothes. In
thers it Is a necessity.
"Come and get It."
- S
"Now rood digestion wails on ap
petm. and health on both."
Hoover Is la Europe, anyway. So
do your worst.
There is to be a Pacific spuadron
again. . .. . ...
And. what do you think They
are raying It will include half tba
United StMes nar.
S "a
The language of the peace confer
ence will probably be In Kngllth.
The first time In history. The lan
guage of diplomacy has heretofore
es baea la Freach.
I The universal language will be
English. It la the universal commer
cial language now. Every feretga
bill of lading sent to the greatest
commercial ports of the world Is la
English: or has accompanying It as
English translation. Ail raund th
earth, leading hotels have to employ
clerks speaking English. Every
high school student In Japaa at a dies
English. The same was true of Ger
many before the war. It will aooo
b true of all eotsrtrlea oatalda of
the English speaking nationa. Tfca
English language Is the richest la tba
world, for It Is mad op of all others
ancient and modern, and It la grow
ing at tne rate of 4000 to S000 Stw
words a rear. I
This year we truly celebrate
Congress has been asked to have
Thanksgiving officially moved for
ward so that it would hereafter fair
on November 11. or Peace Day.
will do no harm to have two holiday
in November.' as In most states It. I
a rather gloomy and disagreeable
month. If a man can yet in thanks
giving mood in November let him
have the chance. Desldes. Thanks
giving Is pecularly an American hol
iday, born of conditions native to
the soil and a part of the country's
history. Peace Day will be In Inter
national affair a world holiday
nd a such hold a different mean
ing that would be confusing to an
American harvest festival. Thre
are a good many holidays in the
world, but fewer tn America than in
most lands, and we can easily afford
to take on another without doubling
It up with Thanksgiving,
Following n the vl-w or the .-on-Kcrv4tive
New York Kvfnine Pout on
the q ueH ton of the "InaMIHy" r'aie
that is aroiislmt much discussion:
There U no suegpstion that the
vice preirint temporarily dis'hara
some of the duties of th presidency.
For that there would he neither con.
stltutional warrant nor precedent,
ff ever a president suffered from
"Inability it waa Garfield after b--inrshot
in mi. when he lay help
less and dying for wek. Yet it re
wag then no thought of railing upon
Vice President Arthur to act aa chief
Congress ha never defined the.
A nation's word mast no
longer be a scrap of paper.
Might could not overcome
"Government of the people,
by the people, for the people
shall not perish from the
O. J. Echei & Co., Salem