The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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-V, i .... - - - -it... ......... . --.-- - . . I
1 . - 1 1
tht tare
Ore- t
ad era
I 111 Is
les of
e '
re v
1. :
Children Cry for Fletcher's
0 n A
J a w w, M
Conservation Efforts to Be
Concentrated During
December 1-7
t The Kind You Have Always Bought, 'and which has bee a
in use tor ore over 30 years, has borne the signature of
- ' ' ' and has been made under hj3 per
4Jtyjrr sonal supervision since its infancy.
& 4-C6CcMiZ Allow no one to deceive vou in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good M are but
Experiments "that-trifle wih and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
ege Is its guarantee. For more than' thirty- years it has
"been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"Wiad Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
: therefrom, and by regulating' the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep,
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friejid.
I Bears the Signature of
- ...
.-44 ton n.
? TTho'Kl hd You Have Always Bought
fH( iinuuk coma'kv. nvo e tT-y.
For Over 30 Years
For the purpose of bringing In-fore
the people 111 a forcible maner the
need for saving food and sharing It
with the allies and the liberated na
tions, the United Staes food adminis
tration has named from 1 to 7
as a nation-wiJe "Conservative week
for war relief and a stirring pro
gram of education and enthusiasm
will be carried out simultaneously
throughout the country.
. Oa Sunday. December 1. a per
sonal message from. Herbert-Hoover
will be read from all pulpits to
churches of all denominations Wed
nesday December 4. will be "Wo
men's Organization Day" and a spec
ial Hoover message will be the cen
tral farAura nf natriotic program
In all the women's clubs of the coun
try. the meetings being open to an
women whether club members or
On Krldav. December 6. special pa
triotic exercises will be held in all
thu public schools of the United
States, and a special message iron
Mr. Hwover to the boys and gins oi
America will be the central feature
of the program. Throughout the en
tire week pieetlngs and rallies win
be held, and efforts of war woricers
will be centered upon tne rasa o
waklnr the Dubllc to an alert re
alization of the after-war need for
Kn.ntr conservation than ever.
- : . . . i iv.
The original 'pledge maae uy
Food At! ministration on behalf or
the people of the United States was
inna nr T mill IU
Sauted Tomato Slices. Wipe, peel
and cut three tomatoes In slices.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge
with flour, and saute in butter. Place
oa a hot platter, and pour over the
following dressing: Work, four table
spoonfuls ot butter until creamy,
then add two teaspoonfuls of powder
ed sugar, one teaspoonful of mustard.
one-fourth teaspoonful of salt and a
few grains ot cayenne. Rub yolks of
one hard-boiled egg to a paste and
add one raw egg. beaten slightly, and
two tablespoonfuls ot vinegar. Com
bine mixtures and cook over hot
water, stirring costantly until mix
ture thickens.
Bradley Toast. Melt three and
one-halt tablespoonfuls of butter;
add three tablespoonfuls of flour and
stir until well blended; then pour on
gradually, while stirring constantly,
one and one-halt cupfuls stewed and
strained tomatoes to which has been
added one fourth teaspoonful of soda
Drlng to the boiling point, and add
onvhalf cupful of milk and one-half
teaspoonful ot salt, and again bring
to the boiling point. Dip eight slices
toast (from which crusts have been
removed) separately In sauce, and
when soft remove to hot platter. To
remaining sauce add one-third cupful
of chopped corned beef and pour over
all. Garnish with toast points and
Hashed Brown Potatoes. Mix two
and one-half cupfuls of chopped cold
boiled potatoes, one and one-halt ta
blespoonfuls ot chopped , onion, one
tableapoonful ot canned, pimento, cut
In small pieces, three-fourths table-
spoonful of finely chopped parsley.
a few
The dangerous stone bruise
How new methods fortify this tire against it
Ui '-.:-
.v.., br Ju!t 1. 1919. an one teaspoonful of salt and
amount greater by 50 pe rent than rrajnB of pepper. Putin a hot frying
last year, now mai trm-.uu pMMa moisten witn v
millUIin I . . ...J 1 . Cnrc
Clam- I " .
v. - -" ' - --
glum are liberated and
Deals b Real Estate
Howard C. Smith et ux to eLna Wlrth
10 acres' In J,;V. Uewley Claim, 9, 8.
S m.. S200. W. D.
W. M. Sanford to T. E. Hawley et
r 70 cre ln W. H. Russell clatm
41. 6. 1 W.. I6&00. W. U
Mrs. J. F. Lrle of Portland was a
recent Turner visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Robertson have
born November.! 3
J. 11. Osborn is visiting his daugh
ter. Mrs. C. I. Allison, of Harlan
T.lnrnln rountV
Cv A. Hear was a Salem visitor
people in south X' rnited State. . Unly. and cook slowly unUl well
orlng for food, the tolled St JL ' rold. and turn
undertak ne to increase u ' k"" " I " "
rrm t7A million tons to 20 million on a hot plaUer.
tons Waffles with Maple Sirup. Mix
" and sift one and tnree-fourtbs cup-
IKm't Invite a Cold or the drip. fula Qj flour, three teaspoonfuls of
ir toi "Htiiffed ud. bioaiea, i. .-.i nn.fclf tea-
1 " . , . . . UUIUK BWWUtl ,
bilious, languid or nave .nconful of salt. Add one cupful of
ache, sour stomacn. co;? - Kn- .tlrrlne con-
had breath or other condition ru mu. . y .
Mray and Mrs. K. Robert, of Inde- slowed up digestion, a Foley's Ca- .taaUy. Then add the yolk, of two
v . - r . " . w . . . a v rr a-, i n iii arivaw iiiuiiii a miii rnirs finn am wr
rtMl.nA A tiv trt A l An I Aa vlaitorl IhPlT SOD. U. U' inan C IttUlb s-- w .- PEEH. UVttieu UHiu a,vs,
-r ;V ;"v-iV .vV r the WTZ, i. . eontle. wholesome, inor-1 . .
I - . .w.1 UofM IVVUUIUI VI uw
-T- . I ... . ... A
derson, 1 'acre In John s. legier Roberts and raniuy. me nrsi i
elalni ,2; . 8 W. I"0 W. D. week..
:..Frmnnt .ward et ux lo. Mary-i.
w . . UA oiri in Ri CFutb TmiI llackaie
70 u , ' w iun rv n 1 - n t ui llnraestead. Mich.,
tx-si howard C' Smith- et ux t6 eLna writes: "l.had that terrible back
ret T.winhV lot A 7, Snnnyslde-rruit ache andvtlred out feeling, scarcely
M.itrt. fartttMo.. $2000, W.'D. able to do my work, but ' flndby
Eva,-PerWna to Elieabeth Perkins, us,ng Foley Kidney t Pills that I soon
: -nirt of lot. 10. block, S7 Salem,. W. feei like a new person." .Foley Kld-
i;i v ,s Din- hiOn th kidneys jL&xow om
. ....... .r r I . I T . : V V . . ..V.
J. c
..t a Knttr ana tne
oughly cleansing physic that leat eggs, beatea until stiff.
no bad atter-enecs. ... v. wafn lrcn
' bthikv In Ulns a,new Iron, special care
IKLFXniAPHElW FAOR CTUIIr; . j. greasing, or wafrte.
nLr.A' v.v 2k a vote fT- will atlck. Serve with maple sirup.
orinsr a strtk'e 'of railway telegraphers Peanut -Seoue. 1 cupfuls flour.
' U an 'v-t" - . . .aw I
?a1. w! - " ' Inolsons that cause backacne;
For "Ifeueral eal stat' business. I matic pains and aching Jointly
mortgage- and -Mtsu ranee see vs.- w r perry.
Y -'Nlranrt?".t4 . tatv; street, rnone
. V V . .
Rate Hearings Cancelled
hard colds people whose By Commerce Commission
Wood Is pure are uot nearly so likely : r ,.
totake. Irtrdicolds '.t?t1h,ei secretary -CWor-e-R. McGtnty of
Hood SisaTma malies IheblooQ ... . ..Mt'f. VirVimerce commission
r"pare; and thi-great tnedlctne tri terday lufarmed the public ser-H-'itmwU,nm
svatent afUr a cold aa uo 1 L"CV"1' ,rB,n- 4ht-the hearings
other medicine does. Taae iiooa. ... fny .mfcor 11 at roruana
- iimi u . .
Bruise mean broken inner fab
ric, and broken Ubric mesns
blowouts the rulnauou I more
tires than all oihr causes com
bined. Frequently bruiaes result from
nnderinfiation. but too ottan they
are du3 to tauky coostruction and
to the shortcomings cf ordinary
rubber &nl Ubri.
Two yaars ot drastic road tests
have proved the TT-.ermoid Crolida
Cotr.pound Casing 13 b remark
ably rtsistaat to tt stone bmise.
Tbesa usts many hundreds of
them have been made with heavy
csrs end Egnt cars, in all kinds of
weather, over thousand cl roUes
cl rough, rocky highway.
R, J, Stoke new formula
This U paruy dus to th dasign
of tha Ura and partly to ha exuem
But It "is principally due to
. Ixmult ot R- J. Stokaa, Chid Pro
ducUon Engineer of toe TbcrmoU
Rubber Company.
Crolide Is blended not only with
In rubber that goes into th tread,
bmt with tbm rubbar-frMfarf
Crolid makes th tread tougher
and tha fabric tu oncer. And it
unites the plies oi labr.c to on an
other and to th tread in on soli
and practical! inseparablo whole.
New hand methods, too
. In the development of this new
casing. Mr. Stokes eaperimented
with every known theory fc'
H'Aeman Machinery & The Co.
Bakm,- Oregon
Phone 787 291 N. Commercial St.
1 17 j AT Ta .UH
ii ' 0 C. 4
His years of experience a
oaanlacturer ot tnahlo-aaal
bre told bun that ocdy iaoprovod
Aa4 a a 14 w tlala at
fca4 fotf wr
battle tha ataaa fefaaaa. Wa aata
umu aa4 alt iwi avUa aa
Bni sfaart b4.
TV clrW( emmmg $m
chMucala that km Ca4a.
Htranr.ra r iw t
far ka aa tha a m am.
But ya rr i aay at S-a th
aa4 raa)raaa.
Oaa TWtaili Oattaa Citi !
Caatnt wftl Otia aa yaav Wi a
r M "
aa a aa at "
aarvuaUrar imiiWi
level teaspoonful salt.
f MaU-a Sv'4" 1
k So Xv thixxoo trim ca.
Canada was cast In Chicago-' today 4 jeTe leasnoonfuU tatlng
by th general charrmen ana secr- tablespoonful butter.
tariea of the Order of Itaiiroaa ' .
" " v" . wMtarh and mid- 4 level laoiespoouiuia i-
ciiiyuci i -
alv and nalatable. and
dKrntates: "lUr meet- jrtl "4mt drr In- - "
ings were held In Roston. Baltimore edlents. Hub In the butter ana I the RlirarA D,Mh e, Ukin
and Atlanta. ' peannt butter. Add mil fTaauauy, , " " ... ..,..
. . ii v.i- ,m ta tntt I oaa aaaev 10 -u nmu. -v-
Drop into puuerea gem " ;"-- .7- . i, Vin,
In the lexicon of youth, my boy,
There's no such word aa fall; .
You may be late In grahblng r.ff
The honors and the kale.
But they can't keep the good men
require only half the time for baklag. senes i iuseacauca a-
rheumatism, kidney trouble, sioac.
gravel and gout. As a prvntlv
and core for various gastric lUa, cider
is unsurpassed. Its wholesome a ess as
remediail agent ax championed by
many ot th most dUtinguUhed phy
sicians aad scientist.
racific lines to n-rthcrn California
have leen carr-iien. No matter where they sot era.
- I . . . - An
ont the I The aooa Siuir geia i "'i'
Th. Wal Red Cross receivea were allowed rrom
. . . . . . . i. ...MioKv nirm!ttee 1 v.A. n fi-Hfornh
l.Btf nuiu u.v v.-...- e. Trnnennrtatlon I 1act-
Pnrt ana tuui'; - .
or tne iioeny loan u- . rorwu". 'TJ:,i r mmercial , h. hnttnm
The new officers of tne laeai associaiioa. -. rmmer. ou can v v.- -
spoon, urop mo t . 7 a.a iU ekina- tham.
- a shallow, buttered piscumi '
v.v. 1 a ouick oven. Delicious. PatrloUc Piac CardsFor a sup
nourishing, and Ter'y easily made, per party, which followed aa after--,.v
-,a oi a i-reen salad, orlnoon et Red Cross sewing, a clever
stewed fruit, these make aa excellent woman evolved wm Try Quaint
Innrhaon. I DISC CarQS. COS CUl out. irvu.
Steamed Drown Bread. One cup- Urines figures that could be pasted on
...i -v.i. ,a Tlonr. 1 ennful T el- a small correspondence card to stand
low cornmeal. tl teaspoonful lengthwise by the water glass. Then
tfiaanoonful baking I with scraps or. muaim u '"-
w I ... .. M
salt, 1 level
& v -a J v M ax abb a a s a rk aa. 'ti;-iti h n iii
.h.i Martin: flnan- nanv to obtain rfil?r readjustment if you goi tne a the Cross and Food AdmlnlsUatlon
cUrtarM- Kmma llohl; grates Vt?$ M to do or die. tn.ouVmiik. 1 cupful raisins. Mia form. The apron, were cut out and
treasurer. Mrs. "--- -m r-Twas Wtisfactroy to the ,nv
PlataUffi Jjhe ipetltloned for
M .- Vfa,ai rurfr saent the wee- hearing, wnicn -.
S. R
I And. tne win to ao or u.. r"'v? . " nv w.t.r. than nasted over the figures so that
Richea motored- to . Salem outcome; was JM, v;: cannot keep you d0WBf m, ,0y. ary ar- . ' " - . oot fron u ia .
maLDUUl w . . . j-a, I v mma UaW ttiirtr tr I TailllBsH v - 1 . ...
wa m AT Trtt B
date No matter how the)- try.
Z h been cancelled. Examiner JuRt buckle to It hit the
d at home. Mamnt I Mackler of thr-rBterstate, commerce Y .,j f j ,era
Wednesday ernon ex wr. expected tx, conduct
f 17.70 THE 511X1MUM.
For the month of December the
price basis of a minimum ot $17.70
for hogs will be malatalaed by the
direction of the federal food admin
titration. This Is the same as the
minimum for the present month
Table scraps aad kitenea wi
art best prepared for feedifig by r
alar them through an ordinary c
grinder. After the material baa t
put thxoagh the triidrr It Is asu:
a lather wolst maa, and it is
o ntla It.witu some cora cesi. br
or other around arala aaUl t
whole mas aasames a cxumbiy c
dill on. All caa be ted that the b
will eat p deaa. aad IX any of
material U left after on-bslf
three- aarlers of aa boar It abo
be removed. If allowed to lie It t
spoil aad wouU be Ttry bad for f
was caused by the. burning "..t Portland
r raused by a bursting line
tank. Some of tne :iniBuiu.
were saved.
Wallace Riches of O. A. C. spent
' Sunday at home "
Rev. Mr. Hocking and wife came
from Jefferson Saturday - niornlng.
. t,vtr i. the Methodist pastor
Ml. J.UVKIxp, O I V
can't keep
t. . j ,i audience iiuuua; i . i : inntmne roaLuiK
"a . .w- -nu.eivine ser- rhpHi. strangling.
marning, ior iuc - - l air pisv"- - ntl ODi-
I .hAiin couching. Contains no opi
An enjoyable party. was held at the l a Perry.
echool house naay -----oned
by the high school theTg;
The main feature of the evening wa
tae Initiation of the freshman class.
Refresliments were served.
ReV. James Elvln spoke on the
wir work drive Saturday afternoon.
- Y-n.i h Children.
; Qhndren am as likely to get the
:'rr 5 i.ri,.nin as crown-uns.
Foley's Honey and Tar gives qui rhoosng Switzzerland instead of
relief from all Jf Cf0Uufn"i Holland as a refuge Admiral vo
colds, croup and whooplnr eougn. t,jat H, Jg red of
covers raw. mnamea wh-at thw Ba(, w.a waVcs are saying.
mnM rovr aad steam three natural way. The name was written
l. v. tint nrlhall th flrure. E. G
it inrfrnt 'cm! hours, init max " I .
a a a " I - a . ' m A
gets to the top, some cold. Raisins may be ommea -g
- Ulred When cold. thU bread makes
I ii .ii.Vio fnr the vleale
on the I excellent -"v -
lunch; parUcularly gooa wua cream
cheese, nuts and lettuce.
. m WW I-
Take n rmm or Sit ir your
hurt" or Uller tre
blen you.
El Bl'uv ' .VAtsa I
missloner Harvey ve,.B ", man -.omsin who Pats meat
..lla BtOllBTirH UB VC - ...
, MO"; ,i shock for they are prin- regularly can make a mtstaae or
i - . van ra unu i i iiiKiiina iiir i -
lawman BKas shhjsss
i ace oi duvi. ---- - . ... ih. mil rnm tha atrain. eet iiukkibu
Influenza Shakes Records
0 nsorance Companies
MortaUty statistics ; of the Insur-
ir worn umc . ... , .m lance compaDim , , s
The W C. T. U. will meet vv fdep Shaken up by the Influenta epidemic
,y afternoon at the home of Mrs. jnakeup 7y Insurance Com-
An average of over four gallons of
cider can be obtained from a bushel
of undergrade or wast apples by the
user of a modern cider press.
Dont let any cull apples go to
t.- I . .vi. rmin.nt nhvaiclans
r,nnfimr In UOllOn IIBM". (WWW iuis J' - ' '
The high price ot medium and fine throughout the civilised world ag
grade linen damasks Is making tnera knowledge me njBien.- v.Wrr......
I cider ana recuuiu:u -
- i iac ui -utv .-hip- for the. iat from tne strain, gei umu
PccNotjpelt D
'rCtsiir, t!on' itUi sources it Is estl- Nearly all rheumatism, headacnes.
. , i m not embarrass yott imauru "V":."" nt -bout 23.00O.oww s eeplessness ana unnarj ..iu.-
Arfmply face wul.not Darrasa t bined population of aooui . ,ineish kidneys.
udi longer If you fttup--:. .ne weeks mere - T- f, . dun ache
prohibitive. The high-grade mercerlf
d cotton damasks will give far bet
ter service than the poor trades oi
all linen or linen and cotton union
Honor in Self-denlall. The feder
al reserve board says: "Let the pub
lie realize that it Is more rcspectabi
a w . ataavi In nld
In sucn war ume. . - - slrhr It nHnir
.).. than !n new one. Let the "'" MVl . ... '.ttt
loeonle everywhere be encouraged to
consume fewer things, ana lei moa
be the simple and substantial things
necessary to health and strengtn
Reclne for Meringue. Good me-
frlngue is a simple matter to maae,
J"7a55T "Thtakin should In nine
Mwaroa vuo -- - . deatns cu ; , v,oro 4
hetrin to clear alter you cave . I la ml addition innrw :- --'A rftt.iv. full
r.r... ts?.. . 1 M,u" . i.ft j..tii. In army rami." ir me urine m uwuj. --
naeheUo cantoUents I
with Dr. Edwaroa """It;. etates
n4k It IVwatiful
I.uter at Once.
Gray hair, however handsome, de-
rni.i advanclns: age. e an
ik. antare of a youthful appear
ance. Your hair Is your charm. It
mars the face. w nen n
aa aa r
' .. ..,, hnur fraouently I tnrna arav and looks streasea.
tarda with frothy insipid foam on the "a
top. Two eggs are surndent to maae TJoB. -ujr r!iy: i,ok young.
. . . .t . -1 - . fnr AM niuru PHV.I. nr.i.i ra ine rerun- it
a mica - --'-": - vAttle
-rn will cover two enstaros. or get irom any u.u;
i i r n'Mtn'i him ana ouiyuui
. ii miriiini su a cmv , . - . , .w.
. . . nH oneu
causea pyiun" ,. vMnv or vour back hurts or
the urlnt
tended bj
rjri.U.u-.:.,, fnrrslomel: there soever i aiates. ,iv estimated .iod eating m V. I "It nas oeeii ' ... i . I '
United 0f sediment. Irregular of passage or
attended by a sensation or scalding.
eat and get aooui iour
iFK5l ,b?lJ u'SifT insurance companies have ounces of Jad Salts from any phar
any atcKness y f" ..ui... An that Ithat life Insurance i nnn i ahi.i.oonful in a rlass
J?TL U;:a effeciivdy. been called upon to pay t'VVn- "ri before bTeakfast and In a
wnicn wuuKi-;r ,wefMi li iifA insurance.
-..a. a.t 1 la Ve?tTIaV. MT1U U1C ill a, I 111
oui Hieu: atiiuu . inu., are
i jN
r - t - Jv
- y i
D And Spreads
f water before breakfast
... tA n he 20.-1 fo- riva vour kidneys will act fine
Ho "OM 1. Uke. rtlf tSe? .e Ynsu'Vn'ce to the amount o Lcld of and lemon Juice com-
ever cursea wiui , t iu iiimrince compun - oi ueu "u . - .
ibad breath, a dull, listless. no good $000. Life r,;c' aCtlcaiiy all of for generations to flush and stlmu
tinnHon? torpid Uver, bad be required to pay pra k,dnev. also to neutrallxe
iji, fare. this amount ai onf. ,n .T,:,. , it no longer
' nSr. Ed w.fd? '01 U. Tftl nient, hS of th. seVVrHUtion; thus ending bladder
a trarav Tecetaoie compounu wbicb w;,
Mv, tlthSTre St you . wiT bw them aoidiers." ' , -
Tii Salts is Inexpensive and can-
Jt.'jt. '-' --XBSi BEST. not Injure; make, a dellghul effer-
lt, liowaTO ci". r-j fioai t nt-rf - . - , . ad- vescent litnia wster unu
tlMts affl!cted with Inrer bad bowei i - w-e that old and true ad- .,rtM take now and then
a. . . mm a ajsai rnn l nEuicuawva . mibipiiuuc puvhv
complaints, and.OUve laoww be8t lf the cheapest - - the kldny8 clean and actire
ImmMMlw eflerllVfl result. . le . n. i k. - ..' . . . . ti,.k( avnld.
. . a oreeic I . . anniicauie u land tne Diooa yui. v"1
Take one or two mgnuv 7 -.v itqis -'-.. ilftMk.hnV serious kidney complications.
Se how much better you feel and look. v,n(Hnr. aad breeding livestoca. nng serious aiuney cv
brown crust on the top. like egg
kisses, and this II only to be obtained
by hard beating and enough sugar.
Brown the mertnruo in a slow oven.
When brown, pull it to the edge of
the shelf and leave the orea door op
en. for a minute or two, then rmov
t . warm spot in h kitchen tm
a.a it is sudden eoollngs that
av meringues rail, but a well-made
Imerlngua stands a far better chance
.-maininr stiff than, in io
ui . - v
To Bake Potatoes. Before baking
potatoes, let them stand In hot water
for about fifteen minutes. They will
a a
pound." which Is merely tne 01a
:, .n. I mn roved by the Sddl
.. t Ats.r ingredient Thousands
IIOII lt . ... J v.
of folks recommend mis rvu7
.,a nrenaratlon. because 11 '"'
the hair beautifully, besides no one
ran polhly tell, as u
.nd evenly. You moisten
. .nft brush with It. draw
ik fhrnurn luc uai.
- .mail strand ai a in.
.I,, arav hair disappears:
after another application or tv. o. Its
natural color Is restored and It be
comes thick, gly lustrous, and
yon appear years younger.
Wvetb's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound is a delightful toilet requisite.
It is not intended for the cure, miti
gation or prevention ot disease
Whnt a Delight It Is to Slip in Between Sheets
That Are White As Driven Snow.
Ami how nic the Uanket. feel to the touch if they
have Wen cleaned hy our sanitary methoJs.
We are perfectly equipped to
care for all lands of bedding
Don't permit your wife to slave over this heary. .
kin.l of work any longer. Have her arnd them to
in. ItH money in your pocket; and youH also
son lNover that the happy smile -with "which ahe
Ifreets yen when you come hune from work ia the
result of her not Wing: wont to a frarzle by thia
. tlrutlRery.
Salem Laundry Co
1M S. liberty St Pbont 23.
liV? Mil fnee hex. Afl drtt2ita '