The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Statesman receives the
leased wire report ol the Asso
ciated Press; the greatest and
most reliable press- association
in the world.
r i i ii
Thursday, fair; gentle southwest
erly winds.
sixty-kk;iith ykai: no. 215
I SALKM. OUKt.ON, IHI ItsilAV M(IHM(i, '1. IQIH. : ... 3
Committee on Public Infor
mation Denies That It Will
Exercise Censorship Over
,- Cables From France.
An Army Transport Will Be
Turned Over to Use of
Newspaper Men
v WASHINGTON', Nov. 27. Presi
dent Wilson's plans for attending the
peace conference are all " matured,
with the exception of the day and the
hour of sailing. His departure, how
ever is certain early next week.
It is entirely probable that the
first announcement of the personnel
of the American delegation will be
made la the president's address to
the opening of congress, to be de
livered Monday or Tuesday. At the
same time the president may take
occasion to make ' something in the
nature of a statement to the country.
as to congress, on his going to
Europe, something no other presi
dent has ever done.
The most important announcement
yet made In connection with the of
ficial plans for the peace conference
came today. It was that there would
be absolutely no censorship on the
news the American newspaper cor
espondents send back -home. At the
personal request of President Wilson
both the British and French govern
ments will relax all censorship on
all American newspaper dispatches
telling of the deliberations. Fur
thermore to facilitate the transmis
sion of pews . to this country, the
government, through its recently
acquired CDTitrejt3t,cattie lines, will
give news preference in transmission
second only to' government official
business. ,, ,
George Creel, chairman of the com
mittee on public information, an
nounced today that the. -committee's
machinery In Paris would exercise
nothing whatever approaching a cen
sorship on dispatches telling of the
progress' of the conference. All the
committee's facilities, Mr. Creel said,
are to be devoted to helping Amer
ican newspaper correspondents to tfet
the news back home. The commit
tee's offices in Paris will be used as
headquarters for newspaper corres
pondents; stenographers, typewriters
and Interpreters are to be provided,
and the committee's machinery also
will be used to assist the correspon
dents to get their dispatches on the
cables. -
Until two or three days ago there
were grave doubts as to whether any
American4, newspaper correspondent
would be permitted to accompany
President Wilson on his trip. There
was, however, to be no restriction on
the passage of newspaper men to
France by any means they might find
available. Mr. Creel took the posi
tion that the American people should
be Informed of the movements of the
' president at all times, through their
only source of information which is
the daily newspapers and upon his
representations It finally was decided
to include a correspondent of the As
sociated Press and correspondents of
other press associations in .the pres
ident's official party aboard the liner
George Washington. It was decided
at the same time to give passage to
correspondents of Individual news
Papers on the army transport Oriza
ba, which sails from Hoboken Sun
day at noon. She will be part of the
convoy of the president's ship, which
(Continued on page six)
One More Great Popular Bond Campaign f)r About Five
Billions of Dollars It Outlined by Secretary of Treasury
WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. Notice
that the country must prepare for'
another Intensive war loan campaign.
Probably in the latter part of April,
ws given today by Secretary Mc
Adoo in a letter to bankers explain
ing the treasury's program during
the next six months.
The secretary said plans for con
tinuous sale of government bonds,
recently discussed, had been aban
doned and plans should be made for
"one more great popular campaign.
Previously he had announced that
the bonds to be offered then would
t or short maturity, less than ten
Tars, and it-has been indicated the
amount would be around five bil
lions. It was learned the treasury
Plans tentatively to hold the cam
paign the last three weeks In April.
' Blocks of treasury certificates of
indebtedness, ranging In amount be
tween $500,000 and $750,000 will
oe marketed every two weeks, begin
Will Discuss le
Problems of Peace
In English Tongue
PARIS, Not. 27. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The question of con
ducting the proceedings of the peace
congress in English is being dis
cussed, with some prospect that this
innovation will be brought about.
If It Is. it will be the first rreat in
ternational congress with English a3
the official language, as French has
long been recognized as the medium
of diplomacy.
Tor practical reasons, it Is 'said,
the use of the English language
would be more convenient to a larger
number of tbe delegates than French,
for during the sessions of the inter
allied conference all but two of the
delegates spoke English, whereas a
considerable number did not sneak
French and were unable to under
stand the proceedings when French
was used.
The printed record of the dailv
proceedings will be in both French
and English for the convenience of
all, and, in addition several of the
governments probably will have their
own publications, dealing with the
Economic questions are cotuing
prominently to the front in connec
tion with the presence here of Her
bert C. Hoover, the American food
administrator, who was joined tjdiy
by Edward N. Hurley, chairman of
the shipping board- They conferred
lengthily this afternoon at Colonel
House's residence on food distrlou-'
tion and tonnage. .
France needs a considerable
amount of tonnage for the rehabili
tation of her merchant shipping lost
during the war. One plan Is a gov
ernmental project involvtng the ex
penditure of approximately 1.000,
000.000 francs.
There has been considerable dis
cussion also as to the amount of ton
nage likely to come from the United
States following on Captain Tardien's
statement recently that he had been
assured of 100,000 tons. The pres
ence of Mr. Hurley Is giving an op
portunity to go over these and other
shipping questions.
Portland May Boycott
California for Mooney
PORTLAND. Nov. 27 A boycott on
against the proposed execution of
Thomas J. Mooney was declared for
in resolutions adopted tonight by the
Portland Central Labor Council.
Nineteen local unions have voted for
the pro-Mooney strike next month,
according to reports made toi the
council and three have voted not to
strike. Thirty-six unions have yet
to announce the 'result of their vote
on the proposal. t
nouncement that he government.
through the Emergency Fleet cor
poration, had definitely, decided to
purchase the real estate of the Hog
Island shipyard and thus become
sole owner of the great shipbuilding
establishment, was made today by
11. L. Ackerson. an officer of the
corporation. The real estate Is
owned by the American Internation
al corioratlon and Is valued at II.
760.000. The government has ex
pended approximately 160,000,000
on equipping the plant.
As for those statues in the "alley
of victory" In Berlin, why nbt set
'em up in the other alley? j
ning December 5. to provide funds
for running government until pay
ments from the firth war loan begin
to come in. These payments then
will be used to pay off the certifi
cates. Every bank will be expected
to subscribe five per cent of its gross
resources monthly to these certifi
cates. The first issue of $600,000
minimum, announced today, may be
subscribed between December 5 and
December 10. will mature next May
6 and will bear 44 Pr cent. This
ratA Is not considered as indicating
the interest to be borne by the firth
Mr. McAdoo also disclosed today
that the governent's expenses this
month probably will run to a new
high record or $2,000,000,000. and
that "the wise policy of prompt liqui
dation of contracts" may increase
rather than lower the government's
Churches Observe Thanksgiv
ing Day; Union Service at
First Methodist; Special
Programs Elsewhere.
Community Sing at Armory at
3 0 Clock Promises Big
' Have you a little turkey in your I
Or a goose?
Or a chicken?
Or even-'i humble
section of roast
If you haven't it must be your own
fault, for there is plenty to eat in
town today and plenty of money to
i i ... - . - .
wuy ii wun ana plenty of cause to
dine well and rejoice with fervor,
v Thanksgiving day this year finds
Salem full or good cheer, the natural
result of the signing of the armis
tice and the successful business sea
son for practically every local in
dustrial enterprise. The city is able
to congratulate itself particularly
upon having lost so few men In the
recent European hostilities and that
those who did make the supreme sac
rifice did not gjve their lives in vain.
It Is with this thought foremost
that churches are uniting to carry
out the spirit of the day.
The community sing at 3 o'clock
this afternoon in the armory under
tho direction of Miss Jena Belle Tar
tar is oe of the hundreds of thous
ands being held throughout the Unit
ed States at the request of the coun
cil of defense. War time songs, the
national anthem and possibly several
f annua r hymns are. to be on the pro-
grajiu, the. .Salem high school glee
club leading the singing. Miss Lua
Smith is to take a solo part in the
Star Spangled Banner, the audience
joining In the chorus. An orchestra
Is to accompany the sing, which will
probably be the largest ever staged
here. Between 300 and 400 children
from the schools are expected to at
tend. Dinners will keep the center of the
stage, despite competition offered by
the churches, all of which have ar
ranged special programs. The late In
fluenza epidemic puts a damper tv
some extent on the festivities at the
state Institutions. At the peniten
tiary, "where over 73 cases are still
being cared for. only those Inmates
who are well be seated at the main
dinner, which has chicken and roast
pork for Its main dishes. A general
holiday will be observed.
The State Training school fpr
Boys and the Girls' Industrial school
are slated for turkey dinners and no
school for the day." The State Tu
beeulols hospital will jnlss Its us
ual entertainment on account or the
Ulnes pf Dr. G. C. Bellinger, who is
ill with influenza. A bountiful din
ner. however. Is to be provided for
the patients.
Roast goose, ducks and turkeys are
the menu at the School for the Fee
ble Minded. All employes who can
be spared will be given a holiday.
Special efforts will be made to pro
vide the children at the institution
with an all-round good time. The
deaf and blind schools have prepared
their usual big spread for the stu-
..nt. w. urvli-ai will he held at
the bund school, as many of the
children are ai ineir nomes ami mu
ers are planning to attend church
In town.
At the Oregon State hospital and
Cottage farm a feast of sufficient
size to feed an army is being pre-
Dared. Tbe menu announced last
night included 1000 pounds of roast
pork and dressing. 80 gallons or
eravv. 130 gallons of apple sauce-
100 arallons of sweet cider. 1 T. gal
lons of fruit salad. 100 gallons of cor-
ree. 100 gallons or tea. 150 gallons
or milk, 100 gallons or rice pudding.
20 ealions or oyster soup. 4K0 pump
kin nles. 801 -nound loaves of
bread. 50 pounds of raisin cake. 3"0
pounds of sweet potatoes, 15 bush
els of mashed potatoes, 10 heads of
lettuce. 47 bushels of apples and 100
Hnin t- nr p7 Dinner is to be
served at 2:30.
A union Thanksgiving service an
de r the Auspices of the Salem Minis
terial association will be held at the
First Methodist church at 10; So this
.norning. Uev. It. N. Avlson will
preside and Professor-John It. Sites
of Willamette university will direct
the large chorus choir and orchestra
ar.d Uev. Kantner will deliver the ad
dress. The program Is as follows.
Prelude and Processional.
Invocation L. W. Porter.
Hymn-Choir and congregation,
by Hev. G; L. Lovell.
Prayer TteT. T. S. Anderson.
Anthem "The Glory of the I,ord."
Handel choir.
(Continued on page six)
Archbishop of Canterbury
Answers Professor of
Berlin University
But Spirit That Rules Allied
World Is Not Spirit for
LONDON. Nov. 27 (British Wire
less Service) The archbishop of
Canterbury, replying to a message
from Professor peissmann. or Ilerlin
university, transmitted by Archbish
op Soderblom or Upsala. Imploring
inercifl treatment at the peace con
fecernce "in the name or Christian
ity," says:
"Professor Deissmann's statement
as to the present situation Is not one
which 1 accept as correct. He speaks
of the European situation as though
all that Is needed on the part of
Christian circles In the belligerent
(nations Is 'mutual forgiveness and
conciliatjon in order to fight in un
ison against the terrible consequenc
es of the war and to serve the moral
improvement of the nations and of
The archbishop calls attention to
the fact that on September 22. 1915.
he sent a letter to Professor Deiss
mann pointing out these matters, but
received no reply except a verbal
acknowledgement and continues:
"We have fought without hatred
and so far as possible, without pas
sion, and that victory crowns the
caue for which we fought we de
sire to be equally free from hatred
and passion In the course we follow
as victors.
"But we cannot forget the terrible
crime wrought a-gainst humanity and
civilization when this stupendous war
with Its irreparable agony and cruel
ty let loose In Erope. Nor can we
possibly ignore the savagery which
the German high command displayed
in carrying on the wir. Outrages In
Belgium in the early months, and in
deed, ever since Jlhe character of the
devastation wrought in trance. In
eluding the inhuman deportation of
innocent civilians and submarine war
fare against passenger ships like the
Luritanla and the rejoicings which
ensued in Germany; the uspeakable
cruelties exercised on defenseless
prisoners down to the very end. In
rinding even the last few weeks
all these things compel the author!
ties of the allied powers to take se
curity against a repetition of such a
"The position would be different
had there been on the part of Christ
ian circles in Germany any public
protest against these gross wron?s
or repudiation of their perpetrators
"The peace we hope to achieve
must be a peace of not of hateor of
revenge, the fruits or which might
be further or even more terrible
strife. We winh by every means to
avert that possibility. But righteous
ness must be vindicated, even tbougb
vindication involves sternness.
"There Is, however, as I hardly
need say, no wish on the part of the
allied nations to crush or destroy
the peles of Germany. Evidence
to the contrary If. abundant."
Orders Received From War
Department; Discharges
Begin December 4
Orders to begin demobilizing the
students' army training corps uni
at Willamette university December
4. and to complete the demobiltza
ilnn iiv Iieeeniber 24. were received
at the university yesterday. The or
ders came in a telegram trom Adju
tant nenerat Harris, head or the
war department committee on edu
cation and special training at Wash
tngton. D. C
Some disappointment was express
ri nn the ram nn and etforts will
ka marie in rontinue some sort o
....... - ... -
militnrv organization If an office
ran be kent here as Instructor. Colo
nel Yoiing yesterday received a com
munlcation to the efreet tnat addi
tional clothing and mattresses had
been shipped to Salem and partly on
this account the telegram which fol
lowed shortly arter came as a com
plete surprise.
President Carl G. Doner of the
Pniversitv is planning to suggest to
the members of the S. A. T. C- that
they continue to live In Science ball,
their present barracks, and run it as
comfortably and cheaply as possible
on a co-operative basis. Tbe place
has been completely equipped as liv
ing quarters and be believes It
should remain as such for the re
mainder of the college year.
High school students admitted to
tbe university when the requirements
(Continued on page six)
t 1 :
Today Will Be Occasion for
One of the Most Inspiring
Thanksgiving Seasons in
History of Country.
People Who Have Abated
Differences of Lineage"
May Be Grateful
WASHINGTON, !ov. 27. With
the declaraiton of President Wilson
that "this year we have special and
moving cause to be grateful and to
rejoice" in mind, the American peo
ple tomorrow In their annual ob
servance or Thanksgiving day mill
give evidence or a deep sense or
gratitude for the victories or the na
tion's army and navy and a reeling
of joy that the war has ended.
Many communities, in the absence
of an orficfally designated "Victory
Day" will combine that celebration
tomorrow with Thanksgiving day.
President and Mrs. Wilson will at
tend church service in the morning
Onlv the Immediate family will be
at the White House for dinner and
the menu has been arranged In ac
cord with food conservation requests
The president and members of the
cabinet have been invited to attend
services at the Metropolitan Metho
dist church. Envoys of a number of
foreign nations and of virtually all
the South American countries will
attend the annual Pan-American
mass at St. Patrick's church.
Preparations have been in prog
ress tor several weeks to make the
day a memorable one for the nnn in
the training camps in this country.
those overseas ana tnosc in me navy
In a Thanksgiving message to the
nation, issued tonight. Secretary Da
ker said:
"America can rejoice and give
thanks because she has been abla
to demonstrate the solid character
of her people, the inspiring quality
of her institutions, and the capacity
of the republic for sacrifice In the
Interest of high Ideals. We give
thanks this year as a united nation.
a people who have abated all dif
Terences or lineage, language and
creed in order that we may express
etfectlvely and as one our common
belief In the virtues of democracy
NEW YORK. Nov. 27. New York
will combine Thanksgiving with Joy
tomorrow in gelebratlng the greatest
Thanksgiving day tbe city has ever
A feature will be the Inauguration
of the "victory sing" In Madison
Square Garden at the same hour that
similar "sings" are conducted
throughout the nation and in every
army hut in France. The city's
poor will not be forgotten.
Another feature will be a special
Thanksgiving service In the Cathe
dral of St. John the Divine, attended
by military and diplomatic repre
sentatives of the United States and
allied nations.
It was announced tonight that
plans have been made so that every
soldier and sailor In tbe ity will
be provided with a full Thanksgiving
dinner, from turkev to pumpkin pie.
The American Ited Cross motor
corps will tranfport 750 newly land
ed wounded heroe from tbelr hos
pitals to the Ijinibs. Friars and other
clubs, where they will be guests at
old-rashloned Thanksgiving dinners.
Accident Commission's Seg
regated Fund May Be
Used on Farm Units
Executive to Work for Indus
trial Hospital on Col
lege Campus
D tcrmlnod that th slat of Ort
Knn shall b as artUe in reconstruc
tion when permanent peace tern.S
shall have ben signed as it was in
a military way before the war
rcased. Governor Withycoinbe I1I
devote much energy at the coming
eion of the leelMature to cause
the enactment of legislation for that
(Continued from rage 6).
Densmore Report
Will Be Given to
WASHINGTON. Nov. 27. The re
port alleging Irregularities In the
Mooney case, which was made re
cently to Secretary Wilson by John
B. Densmore. director general of tbe
federal employment service. Is to be
furnished to Governor Stephens of
California, and Mr. Densmore Is to
place himself at the governor's dis
posal In connection with tbe Investi
gation the California executive may
This announcement was made to
night by Secretary Wi!son, who made
public a copy or a telegram sent to
Governor Stephens. Mr- Wilson's
telegram revealed that the grand
Jury at San Francisco, which Is in
vestigating Mr. Densraore's charges
had asked for a complete copy of
the director general's report, togeth
er with all Information Mr. Densmore
has bearing on the charges.
Mr. Wilson did not grant this re
quest, informing the governor that
It had been his original purpose to
furnish a copy or tbe report to him
and he would how carry It ont de
spite the fact that report had re
ceived "unintended and partial pub
licity." The report was published
November 22 and was said to have
dealt largely with the case of Mrs.
Kerva Herman Mooney. wife of T. J.
Mooney, under sentence of death as
the result or the preparedness day
bomb explosion in San Francisco.
In his telegram to Governor
Stephens today Secretary Wilson
criticised investigation of the Dens
more charges by the San Francisco
grand Jur, saying that this body
does not seem the Impartial and ap
propriate instrument prosecution
calls for Inasmuch as the Inquiry
concerns the district attorney, legal
adviser of the grand Jury.
PARIS. Nov. 27. Marshal Foch.
accompanied by General De Castel
nan. arrived at Strasbourg today
and reviewed the army of occupation,
the war office announced tonight. He
then passed through the town at the
head of the troops. The marshal was
accorded a great ovation.
CHICAGO. Nov. 27. The trial of
Victor L. Berger. Socialist congressman-elect
In Wisconsin, and four ro
defcndar.ts Indicted under the espi
onage act for conspiracy to cause
disloyalty and obstruct recruiting,
was set today for December 4 by
Federal Judge Landis.
Another way to "avoid crowds"
and contagion of the flu. I to go to
stores that do not advertise.
Twenty-live Per Cent of Pro ceeds of Climbing Act by the
"Original Human Ff' Goes to Salem Red Cross Chapter
Jack William, tne Original
hniMinr. the flrt litnb to
at !tli n ni an1 lh it 9
7:l.i p. ni. As he joes up the
building he will suower tbe
crowd with coupons, each Rood
for some pirr of merchandise
at nesrly every stote In Salem.
Special price reduction will al
so jrreet thoe who decide M
come to Halem on that day to
do their Christmas shopping.
A liM of the store that am
pivlnr prizes throurh the Hu
man Fly will be published Fri
day niorninz.
Twtnty-f ie per cent of th
collection received by Mr. Wil
liams will )e ctten Iv Th
Statesman to the K 4 Cro,
Willamette chapter.
Jack Williams, tbe Original Hu
man Fl. who i to rllmb in Sal. m
n-tt Saturday under the auspices of
thi Daily Statesman. le a few side
lights on the art of iliiubiDK tip the
sides of tall bulldms and at tb
sprite time tell how h- c aiue to climb
his firM tnildr.r.
Mr. William, the Origin! Human
Flv. Is rate.l by the prt-j and publie
in all i-arts of the country as belnt.
a marvel In the ellmblnsf line, and
his record of wall waling and other
reats or datrdevlltry are almot un
believable, yet he has In hl posses
sion newfptper cltpploK- from bl;
citie all the way from New York to
San Francisco to back hi a up. One
Gigantic Squadron Will Be
Formed to Permanently Re
main in Western Waters,
Officers Anticipate.
Plans Being Laid Already for
Policing Under League
of Nations Plan
With the fussing of German sea
Kwer, the impelling fdratepic rt-a-hoii
for keeping the main strength
of the American naTjr masked iu
the Atlantic ocean no lonpcr ex
ists. Naval officer here antici
pate, therefore, that kulistantially
one-half of the navy mam fight
ing strength will go into a re
org2Miizel Pacific fleet.
Secretary Daniels indicated to
day a general rearrangement of
the fighting hifs warn to Ik; ex
pected. He gave no inkling of
what i under consideration, how
ever, his statement having been
brought out 1th questions whea
he announced that Vice Admiral
Sim, commanding American na
val forces in European waters,
would 1 nominated to the rank
of admiral when Admiral Knight,
commanding the Asiatic fleet, re
tires next month. Hear Admiral
(JleaveiC commanding the convoy
ing forces will ,be named ly
President Wilson for the vaeant
vice admiral a post thus created.
So change in assignments will ac
company the promotions, which
will be made for merit.
There are indications alwut the
department that plans are afoot
for reviving the old European
vjuadron. With the increased re
sponsibilities of the United States
in Europe due to the war ami the
expanding merchant marine, it is
regarded as prolab!e that a defi
nite naval force will be maintain
ed in Kurojean waters hereafter,
and it is possible that steps may
be taken toward establishing lim
ited base facilities for the upkeep
of the force. The navy has a sta
tion at the Azores and officers le
lieve that an arrangement with
the Portuguese government under
(Continued oa page six)
of his feats la the cllclr; C? con
crete pillars to CO Inches la di
ameter, which, acrordirr to the Ie
trott Newane goe an like a spider
on a weh. while the Atlanta Ameri-
I can h the following to saw recard-
lor ris rinr over ua eorniee ci a
r-tory Mnictore la that Ity r
"Goinit oter the cornKe which
propects us felly five feet at the
top of the 20th story was the tnrmt
sensational pait of William play
with death. Thousands la the crowd
would not look at the daring yoasir
man 2" stores above them aa they
had already seen enoath to make
the rold chill ma np and doi their
pine .while William, up above
them, was preparing t give tbe fin
ishing touches to a food exhibition.
a he put it; and with a smile aaJ a
ientlng remark to some la the top
tlrmr window, his legs were drawn
np under him. ria body stratgleced
oil. while bis right hand shot to
ward the edre of the ledge above.
It rnlMM-d and he alrr.Oft bt his
balance, bat lbo wonderful fingers
found a hand hold ard saved him
Jit In tlm. Women la the t
window begxed him to eotne la and
not try again, aa It did not se-em pos
sible that he could go er the pro
jection. To all tbe entreate V.'ll
lianis replied. "That w oclr a try;
!t watch thU one.' and again Ma
fret were !ouh,ed VP under r.lai and
thi tin.e with dda beae b
!rfx!r was rati putted outward and
tjpward. and for an lrtar.t fce was
In mld-alr wtthont a band bold of
ant kind. Suddenly Ma nri shot
out. bla fingers gripped the edre.
bl body began to wiig Lark and
forth like the per.dnlam of a .rk.
Of a andden Ms feet eme up eeti
(ConUaaed oa pax six)