The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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I tgm-Y Vue SAME p.- Nl '
ilsiil smS
Dishonest Dealer Is Almost
Eliminated by Weights and
Measures Office
The square deal has been the ba
sic principle in operation of the de
partment of weights and measures
during the past biennium. The bien
nial report to State Treasurer Kay
made by Spence Wortiuan, deputy
sealer of weights and measures, says
"we have tried to protect both the
consumer and the merchant by giv
ing all a square deal." To this end
district sealers' have visited every
(.own in ia eiaie, testing ana cor- . . , , r , ...,.
.- i 1 county had given offense by nolng
.i,i. ,v 5 past some fields and refusing to
The ;rip. Fever. and Mher Illood
roUMiinK. lrM rating IMeaM-t.
The best course of restorative treat
ment, purifying the blood, strength
ening the nerves, sitiuuiatlng-the lit
er. Is:
Hood's Sarsaparilla. the standard
blood purifier, before eating.
Peptiron. a real lnn tonic (choco
lated pills), after eating.
Hood's Pills (cathartic, mild and
effective) as needed.
These three great medicines make
convalescence real, rapid and perfect.
They are also of service in the pre
vention of disease and the preserva
tion or health. They form Hood's
Triple Combination Treatment.
Each is good alone; all are good
together. Get them today.
Shippers Receiving Phenome
nal Returns Through
Fruit Union
the Inconvenience of pulling "out of
their way" to harvest some fields.
Mr. Cate wanted to know if there is
a state law which would compel the
thresheruien to move into the fields
and thresh them. Mr. Urown ie-
I ARGE quantities of ShwoiA are pur
chased by the Government to be sold
to the Soldiers and Sailors.
We aim to make SmxoiA cost the men
serving their country and the public
back of the men, as little as possible.
War conditions turn men's heads to
profit making. We believe friends
and users are more valuable than the
profit of the moment That is why
you can buy SmxoiA at the same price
as always.
WrPtt F" 3e-
Convalescent Soldiers to ;
' the Camps Nearest Home
WASHINGTON'. Not. 26. Soldiers
"Who bare been incapacitated in over
era service and who are convalesc
ing in this country will be assembled
at twenty seven camps for organi
sation into convalescent detachments.
General orders issued today provide
for the formation or these detach
ments and the abandonment of the
practice of transferring convalescent
raenf frbrn7 overseas to development
The convalescence men will be sent
to camps nearest their homes. The
order says "it is the intention to dis
charge all overseas convalescents as
aoon as possible consistent with
maximum physical improvement." In
tensive treatment and training of the
detachments win be undertaken, the
order provides, so that the cure or
and their subsequent discbarge may
inlet preting the law
The department has been active
continuously to eliminate all dishon
esty and in various places whether
honest quantities were being deliver
ed. "In presenting the results of
lha laet Iva VMr' wrtrlc " iirt the
report. " I feel that the Buccesa of.?1'' that ihx ,s nut
the work cannot be measured alone I
by the detailed accomplishments as
j set forth in the report, but that a 1
large result especially beneficial has
been accomplished in the positive re
straint that there is now on the dis
honest d-al-r who f ar& detection."
A total of 278 complaints were re
ceived during the two years from all
the state including Portland and all
bave received prompt attention. In
vestigations have resulted in 53 pros
ecutions and in all but two convic
tions were secured.
During the last year all the state
Institutions have been visited and Mr.
Wortman reports that all scale equip
ment in the institutions Is in better
condition than ever before. Com
menting on the net weight law which
was placed under the jurisdiction and
became effective May 21, 1917, the
report states that since that date rep
resentatives of the department have
weighed 13.4 4S packages of com
modities throughout the state.
Ontside of Portland the report
shows that during the biennium 9507
business places have been visited In
the state. A follow-rp system that
has been established has resulted in
much improvement in conditions, it
is asserted. This system gives mer
chants a certain time in which to
make repairs of condemned scales
and unless the scales are repaired
in a reasonable time they are confis
cated. Summarizing, the report
shows the following examinations:
Scales. 20,403; weights. 35.466;
linear measures, 2825; liquid meas
ures. 6769; oil pumps, 1187; gaso
line pumps, 2076. In addition there
were thousands of miscellaneous inspections.
Concerning the specific gravity
regulation of gasoline the report
comments as follows: "During the
1917 session of the legislature a law
was passed lowering specific grav
ity of gasoline sold in the state from
60 degrees (Beaume )to 56 degrees
and It became the duty of the office
of weights and measures to enforce
the provision of the law. This was
done in the entire state until Septem
ber 27. 1918. when at the request of
the government, owing to the fact
that it is using ever increasing
amounts of gasoline in aeroplane
service, instructions were issued to
the district sealers not to enforce the
provision of this law in regard to
gravity until they received further
The appropriation for the depart
ment by the last legislature was $8,-
500 for the biennium. Total ezpen-
Formalities of Circuit Tribu
nal Will Prevail Before
Justice of Peace
On January 1 the Justice court for
this district will be established in a
suito of four rooms in the Gray
building over Harlman's jewelry
store. This was the announcement
made yesttrday by (. E. Untuh, re
cently elected justice of the ieace.
The court room is to be !Sx2 4 feet
in area and equipped in a thoroughly
up-to-date manner.
Mr. I'nruli Is not contemplating
any radical changes in fbe present
mode of court procedure excert that
he intends to require observation of
the same formalities, decorum and
degree of ptrcisencss prevailing on
the circuit bench.
"Otherwipe I will deal out Justice
in the same fair-minded, impartial
way that Judge Webster has don? in
the pat 12 years." he says. "It is
my desire rigorously to enforce
speed trial of all case? In orler tha
they do not collect on the docket for
months at a time."
The Justice-elect will carry on th
same filing fee system introduced b
Judge Webster In older to do av-.-v
with a large number of 2T, and
cent entries on the books. If th'
attorneys agree he is also planninr
to instruct juries In Jury trials.
Mr. Ujjruh expects to continue hi
law practice, but will not engage ac
tlvely in other, courts where loca"
attorneys represent the opposinr
Early shipper of apples this sea
son are receiving pheiioi.a' nal prices,
for the fruit contracted through the!
Salem Fruit union which concern has;
sent out 13 cars. This is a big ln-j
crease over the four shipped lat !
year. j
Farmers bringing in the fruit late;
are now taking big chances and may
be forced to accept lower rates on
me appies. wmro are nri) i t
come diseased. November 1 is norm
ally the latest date for sending them
The fruit is being sent K. O. Jl. Sa
lem to California and a few eastern j
points. One carload went to Wash
ington, D. C.
L-nt year prices averaged 25 to
50 cents a box lower. Spitienbergs
now bring 11.7a a box fancy and
$1.50 on C grade. These are on 4
Mer, as 35 rents I deducted on 5
tier. Iialdwlns are worth $1.60 fan
cy and $135 on C grade. tb rates
also applying to Home lieautie.
Wlnesaps. Northern Spies and others-
number of cars with Jonathons
packed in fancy and C grades known
s combination pack are going at
1.65 a box with 25 cents off on the
smaller size. One ear brought $1.75
on fancies and $1.50 on the next tx-st.
These terms are not net to the grow
er. commlMions and packing expens
es being deducted.
Several of the Fruit I'nion pools
have Just been settled. Illack Repub
lican cherries with stems bringing
5.1 crnts. without stems. 5 C cents.
while dried black raps Halmed 40.7
cents a pound. One Newberg grow
er, who had 1700 pounds of the last
made an equivalent of 16 rents a
pound fresh on his fruit, which was
dried in the sun with no expense' to
bo accomplished In the shortest pos-
aib'e time.
The camps In' which the detach
ments will be formed are: Beaure
gard. Custer. Devens. Dix. Dodge
Funston, Gordon. Grant Hancock
Jackson, Kearney, Lee. Iwls. Mac-
Arthur, McClellan, Meade. Logan.
Pike, Sevier, Shelby, Sherman, Sheri
dan. Taylor Travis. Upton. Wads- dltureg from January 1. 1917. to Oc-
worth and Wheeler.
tober 1. 1918. amounted to $7085.39.
leaving a balance of $1414.61.
MELBOURNE. Australia. Nov. 25.
The parliament of Western Aus
tralia has passed a motion similar
to that voted by the federal parlia
ment, protesting against the restora
tion of Germany's Pacific island pos
The reported shortage of hot wa
ter bottles In Germany ought to ac
count for the prevalence of the com
plaint of cold feet in that country.
Threshing Machine Not
Public Utility Brown
Attorney General Rrown has writ
ten an opinion in which he holds
that a threshing machine is not a
public utility.
C. C. Cate. county agricultural
agent for Jackson county, on behalf
of farmers here, complained that
some of the threshej-men in that
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, Nov. twenty-Eight
Served 5 O'clock till 9 p. hl 11.00
Do you remember when you were, a; youngster, how delicious
that young grain-fed turkey used to taste and how your mouth
watered when you simply caught sight of the perfectly jelled cran
berry sauce and the other fixJn's that went with the bird?
'.Well, our chef will make you think of those early days you'll
Imagine yoa're a youngster again. Everything "will be cooked to
a turn and you can get just what you want from an Olympla
oyster cocktail starter to Salem's rich home-grown English wal
nuts at the finish.
Ripe OlUra
Orer Ckteall
Cihb f TmmU
Lake LafcUh Celery
Reast VeaBjr Tarker. Craakerry Saaeet
Cklekem .with Dreuiaa;l
rriar Rika f Heef aa Jmm
Mahe Ptates Sweet Patataea. Saatkera. Style .
Stevtej Carat Uai Beaaa
Caaiklaatiea Fralt Salad. Crea at Ureaaiaa;
Hat Mlaee riet IMaaak raUIs, Lease Saaeet llaate Maae Fralt Cake
'. Or Cketee at Aar Ile ar lee Creaaa.
- Teai Caffre; Milk.
Creaaaea' Caallfteweri-
; Skriaa Salad, Mayeaalae
Says we will both look and fel
clean, sweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
In the early days of our countrv
grandmother- was the druggist, and
her drugs .consisted mostly of root
and herbs gathered from th - fl?l '
and forests. There was peppermin
for Indigestion, mullen for cough
skullcap for nervousness, thorrrb
wort for colds, wormwood for bruises
and sprains, and so on. They were
successiui remedies, too. it was
from a combination of such roots and
hrebs that Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham
of Lynn, Mass., more than forty-
years ago originated her I now fa
mous Vegetable Compound; and dur
ing all these long years no other
remedy has ever been discovered to
restore health to ailing women so
successfully as this good old-fash
toned root and herb medicine.
Thanksgiving Concert to
Be Held Thursday Nigh
A Thanksgiving concert at 7:30 in
the evening will be the special at
traction at the Central Congregation
al church Thursday. Special nutn
bers will be given by II. N. Aldrich
Miss Gertrude Aldrich and Albert 11
Gille. After the concert an informa
reception will be held for those pres-
Antnem "The Earth is the
Lord's" N. K. Heyxer
Duet "We thank Thee, O
Father" Alfred Wooler
Sung by Rev. II. N. Aldrich and II
C. Stover
Anthem "O Re Joyful In the
Lord." E. L. Ashford
Solo "If God So Clothed the
Grass" Uischoff
Sung by Mr. Gille .
Anthem "Lift Up Your Heads.
o. -ie Gates" E. K. Heyser
fcoio "To Pastures Green He
Leadeth from Emmanue
Sung by Miss Aldrich
The Gray-Belle
440 State Street
Sanitary science has of late made
rapid strides with results that are
i or untold blessing to humanity. The
latest application of its untiring re
search is the recommendation that
it is as necessary to attend to inter- Anthem "Ye That Stand in
nal santation of the drainage system
of the human body as it Is to the!
drains of the house.
Those of us who are accustomed
to feel dull and heavy when we arise,
splitting headache, stuffy from cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, can. instead, feel as fresh as a
daisy by opening the sluices of the
system each morning and flushing
out the whole of the internal poison
ous stagnant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in it to wash from
the stomach, liver and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste.
j sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
The millions of people who are
bothered with constipation, bilious
spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic
stiffness; others who have sallow
skins.' blood disorders and sickly
complexions are urged to get a quar
ter pound of limestone phosphate
from the drug store. This will cost
very little, but is sufficient to make
any one a pronounced crank on the
subject of internal sanitation.
High School Cadets Now
Have Staff of Officers
Narnes of newly picked officer
of th? two companies of alem high
ehoo! cadets ate a a reult of a
series of tryouts. which has Just been
Th" following are the successful
.ir'!-"ates in Company A:
o:f ?er: captain. Milton Grallap:
i i 'ieutennnt . Horn Arnold; sec-
ii.ii lieutenant. Arthur uoseuraugn.
.": i-eon nissined officers: first
r -'nt. y.u Shafer; senior color
-rrreant. Awry Hicks.
rgeaits: right guide. Hugh Ia-
ir.i.i- lefr rii:H Klnvil MrOnlnn:
.' su'de. first platoon. Theo. Walk
- iht : i:de. second platoon. Her
prt :.irb"v I "ft guide, second pla-
'P;k.' 4'M Compound end colda
and grippe In a few
Take "Pape's Cold Compound" ev--y
two hours until you have taken
hire doses, then all grippe misery
goes and your cold will be broken
It . promptly opens your clogged-up
nostrils and the air passages of the
head: stops nasty discharge or nose
running; relieves the headache, dull
ness, feverfshness, sore throat, sneez
ing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow
ing and snuffling. Ease your throb
bing head nothing else in the world
gives such prompt relief as "Pap'"
Cold Compound." which costs only a
fern- cents at any drug store. It acts
without assistance, tastes nice, and
causes no inconvenience. Accept no
the House of the Lord"
Ry Walter Spinney
tolo "Praise to Thee. Glor-
a T .
lous ramer,: Hardin
Sung by Rev i. N. Aldrich
Anthem Rejoice Ye pure In
Heart" Henry Windermere
Nearly Forty Thousand
Casualties in British Navy
LONDON. Nov. 26 Rritish naval
casualties from the outbreak of the
war to November 11. numbered 39.
766, the admiralty announced to
night. These were divided as fol
lows: Killed or died of wounds: officers.
2466; men. 30.S93.
Wounded, missing or prisoner: of
ficers. 1042 men. 5363.
In addition 14.C61 officers and
men of Rritish merchant vessels and
fishing boats lost their lives while
puruing their ordinary vocation by
enemy action and 3295 were taken
Here Is a guess the celebration
of the next national holiday, in 1919.
will not be a "saTe and sone 4th.'-
U 'V- -,p- 3
a. m aV
W '-Jaw I I .
a w
At Greatly
Coats - $16.75 and cp
Sails - $12.90 and up
Dresses $9.90 and cp
. GALE & CO. :
Commercial and Court Sts Sxltm Formerly Cfcic&go Stort I
PHONE 1072 -
toon. Malcont Smith right guide,
third platoon. Bernard Nuuting.
Corporals: firt njuad. Elvla Yan
tls: second squad. John Griffith:
third squad. Carl Jacquet; fourth
squad. KIton Thompson; fifth squad.
Wallacee $el; siicth squad, Oscar
Rasmutsen: seventh squad. James
Putnam; eighth sbuad. Nichol Me
oilihrtsta ninth squad. Cordon
Lance corporals: Lloyd Mclntyre.
Harold Millard.
Muoician: Kmil Paulsen.
Following are the officers for Com
pany R:
Officers: captain. Donald J. Ryan:
first lieutenant. Ralph K. Wilson:
second lleeutenant Carl llolcomb.
Non-com mi taioned ofTicers: iJa
sergeant. Herbert Itoota: Jnator tri
or sergeant. Elton von Kscaea.
Sorgeaats: right gabie Umli
Hull; left guide. Kenneth Wtn
left guide, first platoon. Earl La-
throp; right guide, second platooa.
Adlal Esteb; left guide. .eejo4
toon. Paul Snook: tight glide, tiirl
platoon. John Wright.
Corporals: first squad. Worth Hr
nin: second sqnad. Robert NoUoe;
third sqnad. Frank Deckebatk:
fourth squad. Elvla Jones: fifti
Quad. Paul taley; sixth sqnad. Kr
neth Culver: seventh sqaa4 Ex.';!
Bailey; eighth squad. Donald Dane
son. anre corporally Wayne A2i as
Lawrence Deacon.
Send Your
KnvMS Blankets
To Us
Theyll Be Returned To You
Sweet, Clean and Fluffy
We arc especially equipped to handle this kind of
work and give it very close ajid particular attention. .
Xo matter how soiled or dirty the Mankets may !e
when we receive them, you will think thev arc new
when you get them hack.
Our method arc sanitary, too, a every article is
thoroughly disinfected hy our proces.
Don't klavc any longer over these heavv article,
ou can't vrah them right in the Tim plaee and
furthermore, our work will save you dollam and sense.
Salem Laundry Co.
138 S. Liberty SL
Phone 25