The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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1 i-t
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i -
tttk orcgox statesman: vi:icsiay. xoxkmhkk 27. ioim
" j n:l; t take-strong; keen,
Tl-l'l'o4;d Americans there
I j notniiijr in rr.y experience
VhioV I hare found no valuable
6c anieiron Nuxated Iron."
sys lr. James Francis Sullivan. fjrwer-
- c-' - r. - i
,- -s- .' M ; --. , .-. ?
v. -
the Treasury.
and ex-Govr-
former United
States Sena
tor, former United. States Senator and
j phviician of Bellevue! (ut- Vice-Pref.Hientialnominee.Cria A-Towne;
ioor DcnO. New York, and the West- General John L. Clem (Retired), the
Chester County Hospital. Nuxated Iron drummer boy f Shileh, who was ser-
cften Increases the strength and endur- geant in the D. S. Army when only 12 of weak, nervous, run-down peopla years of ape; also United States Judga
in two weeks' time. 1" is now being G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims
used by over three million people an- of Washington, and others. Nuxated
nuaTly, Including .such men ma Don. Iron is dispc3$s4 ty ftU good druggists
Leslie M. St tw, formerly Secretary of everywhere
Sol In This City by Daniel J. Fry and J. C. Terry
miAMC mm AUv" ' girls; girlsi try m
: tV.e earliest possible moment, so as
t. terminate the official war erlod
, ip dor which troops ale held for the
' the . i : rrd ail :! .
"Mother's Tender Flower;
't I'
ll hi -(' ,- i iMiii.
(Continued from pare 1).
In Europe "would constitute an ina
bility to discbar- the powers and
du'les of his olfi ."
"The consntut jn." he concluded,
"docs not provide who shaH decide
when a disability t f-urs j istifylng
the vice president In assuming to act
as pre Mnt. IT the ' e president
nhoi-ltl aot f tn .to act and v"to a
bill und at ie it ration of 1!) -lay?
from tlit de'- of it passage no vftn;
The president was understood to
have discussed his trip with mem
bers of his official family at the reg
ular Tuesday cabinet meeting today
Iteports of censorship of the news
of the peace conference were met to
day with the statement that not only
would there be no censorship, but
n.iy. - "sr. 1
l an' fill.
Sufficient Number of Skilled
Operators Ordered by
. , ; v ... I . . ! 1 : ' i- fi I
. , . . i.t on i rtti -
v ould r e'e th amii's. in'ltidinK
tlie Ameriran troops holding the oc
cupii-tl regions.
Il.mng w un d an early agrce
nn on territorial. and other prac-
Student Operators Placed
on Boards to Do Work
of Yeterans
By order of the public perv'oe com-
Yo-ir hair heroines liaht. wavy
flu f f v. abundant and appears as soft
nanderltie li.ur i' 11 -
ll,imoi.-t : r, .l. rs. r tr.-neral qti.-stion. like a
Iianderine and !': i. or nanons. , o imi r-m- .n
hair. l:i t-r for exienua aisruss;n mun
by the paco t-orcress or a s-pari
international congress to formulate
th workinc details of the lngie.
eirl's after a
rl :n.-." Jut fry
cloth with a little
I rarefullv driiw it throuth )Our
taking one small strand at a t!nie. (
This will cleanse the hair or uusi. i
dirt and excive oil and In just aj
Vlr:h the tongue cf your younj! I
ChilJrrn droop anJ wither if yoa permit corwlpitJo
poison to be absorbed into their delicate ycrn. j
f (urn! tl'vc Cascarets to 'clean the little clojcd-tp'
liver and Ikwc1s. ChPJrcn love harmless Cascarets bec3t,
Ciicarcts taste like candy only 10 centt a box! GraaJ
few nioirents you have uouti-a tn
beauty of your hair.
nosings i,antif inr the hair at
This vlw Is chiefly held by those
f.ivo'in? th" old Vienna congress
procedure of individual claims first
dissolves every par- while the American lewpo'rt is dis-
once. Dandenne
tide of dandruff; l-anses, puriii
and invigorates tlie scalp, forever
stopping itching and failing hair.
But what v ill please you most
will be after a few weeks' ue when
you will actually see new hair fine
and downy at first, yes but really
new hair growing all over the scalp.
If you care for pretty, suit natr ana
small lou!"
tinetlv favotnMe to establishing
ideals first as the guiding ptinclpl
of t!. congress.
(Continued from page 1).
ties possible for transmttlng their
Correspondents sent from this
country will make the trip on a na-
, val vessel, which will be placed at
eir disposal- They will leave next
from tb" nrt dent himself ia writi-- -onaay aneaa or tne president De
should L v. '; iecT d. a ..i-stiwj I caus there is no ship available
would an t fo- (he jrts to f.eter-1 which can make as fast time as the
mine as o tar oi tne vice
that the American newspaper corres-1 T"i:;;'r i Vinrni.h con.ranv s I of Knowlton's Danderine from any;folt to have the state heia out V7
pondents would be given all facili-1 r'ir in rftV(iA sufficient num- druggist or toilet couuier ioc
preside:.: c-3"t for the piesidect.
That p st'n tL. past r-ver
have arisen f r ct :al decision is a
tribute to ihe ; i of o ir ji.
dents In torforming "nrlth t"ie tradi
tions of tt?lr giat offl e," with that
unbroken custoi . which ripens Into
law and la not suffer., ihe whisper
ings of T)6rsjnal inrbiti -n to lead
them to- impart (ro the paths of ac
customed action .thereby avoiding
the creation of new, uncertain and
perhaps dangerous questions of con
Btltutional light and power." -
v WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 Presi
dent Wilson will sail for Europe next
week to attend the opening of the
reace conference and expects to be
back In Washington. oon after toe
middle of January.
Plans for the presidents' trip nr
steamer on which Mr. Wilson and his
party will sail.
(Continued from page 1)
t i'..u rteadily ahead, bin bey on.? t'c
' -v rr i t !, r.i if ice!!! -r f ,t t if 'v,,;iJ
teipidiate'v rf'-'' i '.e .-..-r -. -
.. ecTjpre1 ct I .!, Mr r
if-t- . , fRV .-en eriiU (),iie. ttc.w-
'i n-a,-j J-;.tl.? lni;iy u rf t 'iv-
. i : i 4i -. : " i i;
!. . : t , I I .. V .U .-A ; " 1 "
! Vi;-e n t Jrrtliclion whei '
(" ; OUifleliCv -iU a'lili.Ie.
"iH. ' i "(. !?r b( ii' f Uvre. iv th;:t ii
Will ( ';'.. Ti.; t'lUtli-liat.,-: ;,!'! ;h
ti i-'rMij.HVhsih'd'., . Tb? - president
'.- cj aiiajicjto comer' w ith the
t-ntucte statesmen and -tt is exut-cpii
the broad outline of the treaty will be! vn
t.iAW4 iiand with a view to
its adaption soon after the confer-. J?ca A
ence meets. I u
apply for enlistment in Uncle Sam's
aviation forces, but to his chagrin,
was turned down physically. He
also applied for enlistment in the
infantry, but the thing that makes
it possible for him to climb keeps
him out of the army, and that Is his
flat feet. He has a brother In the
Lafayette Flying squadron, now
changed to the United States Flying
corps. He has Iwen In the climbing
g nie for nearly nine years, climbing
his first buiMIng in Cleveland. O.. In
1910 He has been at the game
ver idnce. In tomorrow's States
?mn he will tell how he came to start
SI.,' 'inuua! feat of climbing th-
i"-v of nnHd?ne fr a living.
S'- ryt f,f s,,!r;!'s Ttierrnants a.e
pr' jTtnn sfehil !-a-fi1n- foi P.t
" r!l'! t ilo. v.y.i) f.ii- to f.H l
;,. ; !h - U ' l .in Kl V li! .. TiUij
I .' .' r X 1 p..'-. ' i, (,: .
a or
. t
sa. (.;
f ,. j..
' -e S.t...- I:- ... ... .,.
,r ,'t ' ' n j.-i! ft,
i-orr'Ajf. "-Hilt.', bscfc to t.
' t;is .' h'-1' v. SI! ii-.
,. r,f ft ,-st s..t .;ita!r.'-;d.
of the I.huI itr-v.. :nl r th
!.'r- ' ;..t 4i v. llJ
1 1 . y.f..r.
-t :i S if'- M
Tbt. mi' f
ii J'.e r Rinkiiip 1---urditie.!:
i- tlit t'l "
ber of skilled operators and adopt
such other measures as may be nec-
essary to afford to Its patrons a reas
onable, sufficient and adequate tel
ephone service. The company is giv
en five days within which to notify
the commission whether it will com
ply with the order.
The order calls the company's at
tention o its failure to employ skill
ed operators, formesly in the com
panys' employ, who happen to be
members of the telephone operators'
union, although they have applied
for positions since public clamor for
better service arose, and while the
company has been advertising for op
erators and giving lack of experi
enced help as an excuse for poor ser
vice. "From testimony produced at the
hearing," says the order, "which tes
timony stands unchallenged and un
contradicted, it appears that num1
bers- of competent and experienced
switchboard operators, formerly in
the employ of this company, fully
trained in the operation of the par
ticular equipment used by it, and
who happen to be members of Tele
phone Operators union have recenV j
!y applied for positions and have;
been advised that they would b call- .
ed in case they were needed. Th -e
trained operators have not been e" j
ed nor employed even de-'.. 'V :
pat months of pnblir rln .r ;
better service, although th
was continuously and rrtr
ve'tisirtg for one-at''''
the public to 1'rV i'
?'rv!'e to e?pr;t;rl cam r
Irg rnany e-v r -
;tiW"';' pO..,t ;r.: it,i , ;,
and at the f?roe tip"
further to the demon'iz-ir.
vice by allowing positions
vaant. Our lnvestirit'rn
disclose the reason for th'
America Will Make Every
Effort to Inject Ideals
at Peace Table
Believed That Tbey Should
Stand Ahead of Terri
torial Aspirations
(By The Atioclattd Prti)
v .hh! 1-sh ;! an 1 :
i P' m'
the Classified Ad5.
4 TT TV: 7T ? ! tV
i . ...
-I. .
' ir'i"e
!- d i
assuming one-third of the salaries
"Tte government determines what
is to bo'laiisht in the departriients
and what is practical. The boys must
all have commercial machinery, not
toys and must put in three Lours a
... . . . a
day in the mecnanicai classes. i
student is required to carry the us
ual three-year academic course be
fore he can graduate from the metal
At this point the speaker "Km In
terrupted by J. II. Albert, who stateJ
that he bad wanted for years to see
some of his taxes spent in the manner
cited. Mr. Winslow joined him by
r.aying he was thoroughly In sympa
thy with the move because ot It
Mr Ttodd then explained that It
was planned after the floruan house
adjoining the high school has been
remodeled by the manual training
classes to have the girls take It over,
rurnish it and make it rentable.
They will alo fcrv lunches In It at
noon. learning to finance such an en
terprise while it is actually making
monev for the school district.
Willlaui II. Hurghardt. clerk of
the board, was then called upon to
oplaln an overdraft mentioned. 11
tated tint after the cheeks are made
ir there Is usually an overdraft on
mount of the slowness of Incoming
x-s l.nin are generally negotiat-
') i1
1 Ultil
r rular funds are paid In
ar is clo'ed even with the
When a child's toneue turns white, breath feverish, ttcxrj
mother can always depend t pon safe old "Cascarets" to cat!y, ys
cughly clean the little liver and Urwds. Cascarets are ju ix '
childrca. They taste like candy and no chUJ need b coaxed ta
their even when crosa, biKoiu and sick. Each 10 cent poxecrra i,
tions and dose for children a;cJ one year old and upward'
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2fi. News 1 7th division had reached tti fc
from France today that the twenty-1 katlon port on the other slt
a full strength of CI officers Ji
thousand men. It vest cr".
substantially to full atretr f. .
000 men-
The report today froa y
shows that not only hart :U: j
the 27.000 men of the orir
: U'l
1, ' V.- I . .
. i T'
. . . in 11- .
hu ll -f vt'-l ms I r.rii
failure to secure the services of tho 'h.-,A r,wiw a a result of the
Wc rJEftT Tie ileal slioo for particular men. Meh
who dci.-e trim, stylish, comfortable and scrv-
vks. m luc very popular
w w m
1 '
Thoy corns in jjI the latest patterns and colors, such as the
i;cy. red En'rliih bal, at , $12.00
Tan Arm; Bluthcr, the viei kid Stetson last, the tan army,
Bt 111.00, and the great Corndodger last at....... $11.75
TVe also have the Brcnnan shoes, in all styles and leathers,
at.., .... . . $9.00, $3.50, $8.00 on down to $6.00
tnd other makes as low as. $5.00, $4.00 and $3.50
-ur.p,ent .as ; Jutifration If
there be any. Is known only o th
operating officials of. the company
who have not seen fit to offer any
explanation. There appears to be no
assurance that the services so offer
ed by these skilled operators would
be utillied any more readily after an
Increase in revenues or an advance
In" the wage scale, than under the
conditions heretofore prevailing."
The commission takes the stand
that the predominant cause ot the
depreciated and Impaired service af
forded by the company is its failure
to provide a sufficient number of
skilled operators.
"Student operators with from six
to 10 days' Instruction in the com
pany's training school are now being
placed at the boards In central of
fices." says the order, "whereas In
normal times a period of from IS
to 22 days of preliminary instruction
is required before a novice Is consid
ered competent to assume any re
sponsibility as part of the operating
That the company "has conceded
that wages are too low Is asserted In
the order, which points out that
wages nave noi Deen increased as
contemplated although the company
seeks to excuse the attempt to in
crease rates by asserting the Increase
Is-necessary to pay reasonable wages.
The order point out that the ser
vice of the company Is poor gener
ally but particularly Inadequate .in
'The commission Is of the opinion
that Increased wages will alleviate
the seriousness of the present sltua
tton and believes that changes in
the scale as outlined by the company
may accomplish the desire end." sayn
the order. "That the wages now paid
io ine operators of the company ere
inadequate and should be immediate
ly increased there is no dispute. "We
do not, however, subscribe to th
proposition that the present inade
quate wages received by the young
women in this work are solelr re
sponsible for the poor service afford
er should receive as a
v-fv t. jyilr A'wil'n? t'
the Auterican view, the present war
viaa based on certain h'gh ideal and
wis not a struggle for- territorial
.Therefore. It is maintained, ideal
should come before territorial aspir
ations In the deliberations of the
congress, and these ideals having
been firt defined snould thereafter
t)e the main guide in national aspirations.
; -One of the chief of these Ideals.
It Is pointed out. was to prevent fu
ture warfare, and a league of na
tions hss been generally and offi
cially accepted as the most practical
organization for rccompllshlng that
It is therefore held that this
should be one of the flrft si:bje tn
considered and should set a stand
ard of ideals for other subject fol
lowing. It can be stated that this Ameri
can view of procedure has found
warm supporters in Kngland and in
France though there is also enother
viewpoint whbh clings to the old
procedure under the Vienna con
gress, whereby Individual aspirations
for territory should have first -consideration.
Those in sing that territorial ques
tion should come fint sny it Is hich
Jv desirable to sign a peace treatv
embodying th essential details at
seventh and the thirtieth divisions,
nhieh have been fighting with the
British army have been withdrawn
with only approximately 12.500 of-1
fleers and men In each, do not
mean that these organlxatons have
heen reduced to less than half of
their normal strength In the severe been scattered in ln rig VLtf r
fighting on the British front before but that probably larga t:r
the signing of the armistice. J additional men passed tiraa i
Army officers recalled today that j ranks In the tame way. Ti t
i .. ir.nt matt!n mrt tinlfa ilnn Itlf was neved ia .-.- i
juni l Li C7 iui.uii; - r ------ : - .
nt- ritvUinns went into action 1 near the front, but It If mire: .
hivf-g exn-esed htrn-,wJtn tD yjritlsh forces, the artillery the bulk of Its original pertcti '
: : h- nff Triiatier. I mmA .i,,.),,.!. It vii alto not see action In ortfr d:rlC:-! I
regarded a-1 more than probable that I! may b that tfc mrt-rt:
:..)' a"1 r-sch ne gun units depletion In the ranks of tl ' ,
were rednced In number so a to (division represents carsalti ml".
u :i . re .1 zma euu- make the division conform in w rt by the 26ta divteos, Xi )
! luve to do like Gov-ito tne rjrltlsh divisions with which England national roard fcrw
-..- be jtnd cut " Where- tjjey were operatng. j was first of the troops eOtr -.
T. I'arnes rose to dilate up- xhe Drltisb divisional unit nun- ' th"e of the regulars to rrr ft
natter. bers about 12. S00 men. The twenty- j This division saw heavy r.tfiTu I
Clnrk has consistently op- seventh division Is the New York ca-! many sectors and woi as r.
r'ed most of our moveV' he said. Itional guard division, rornmanded by reputation. Its eamaJtles r -Afer
we had placed domestic scl-j Major General John F. O'Ryan. the! tain to have been heavy agi1
nee In the Junior high schools and I only national guard officer to haveuikely that It "was trpt at .V
f . rr f i . o Mr
!1 'fen h''
r. ; ri ".' - id in
verr Droeured ras plates for the de-1 served through the war with that
Tiartments Mr. Clark objected to con-1 high rank. Th thirtieth division was
nertln the ras. When the rlrla ofl eoniDoed of Tennessee. North Car
one of the hniidinra hri roM feet ollna and Fouth Carolina national
tnd It was recommended that flooring I guard and was known as the 'Wild
be nut in downstairs to nroteet thelilcat" division
health he voted against It. Likewise I Both these organixatlons say heavy
he u th t,n who nont i rw I action with the British troops and
the grade I
Pain xJ,l
Increase Short of 25
Per Cent Allowed Road
A supplementary freight tariff
schedule of the Valley & Siletz rail
road, makings 25 per cent horizont
al Increase in rates, was again sus
pended by the public service commis
sion yesterday. This order, however.
allows an increase in rates which It
Is believed will meet the demands of
Increased. costs of operation.
' hile the commission does not
favor the establishment of a straight
horizontal increase in all rates of the
respondent, under the conditions
which now prevail, we believe from
the showjng made that a reasonasle
Increase in some of Ihe company's
rates Is Justified."
Hearing was held at Independence
as a result of a previous suspension
of the 2 5 per tnt increase, th com
pany having been released from gov
ernment control along : with other
pbort line roads. The road extends
from Independence to Valsetz, a dis
tance of 34 miles. It was construct
ed as a logging road and has been a
common carries only since January
1, thia year.
Here is a messare
sufferinc women, from
Mrs. Kathrvn Edwards,
of K. F. D.4, Wnshirgton
Court House, Ohio. 'I
am clad to tell, and have
told many women, what
. 1 suffered before 1 l:new
ot Cardui and the great
benefit to be derived it om
this remedy. A tew
years a?o I became prac
tically helpless . . .
The Woman's Tonic
"I was very weak,'
Mrs. Edwards r.oei on
to say, "and could not
stoop without suffering
' prcat pin . . . Nothing
seemed to help me until
I heard of Cardui and be
the use of it ... I
Rraauaiiy p2inea ny
strength ... I zn now
able to do all my work."
If you need a tonic tike
Cardui. It is for women.
It acts gently and reliably
and will probably help
JUU L3 11 ilCipCU IB!3 lady.
All Drogrists
Eu i
s Ia
I a wr n I ' 1
niaw telephones from
At this point William McGllchrlst
expressed himself so thoroughly con
vlrcd that he proposed that a com
r.iltte of the men present call upon
those who had complained to Mr.
lurk and present the argument to
hem. as It was brought out at the
meelng. This met with favor, all of
tie men saying they would be will
ng to do missionary work of this
A. A. Lee, formerly a member of
the board, said he had gone otr the
records of previous budgets carefully.
om paring them with the present and
found that the school board had
practised ext reme economy In making
op the one in question. First.
peaklnft of the decline in the census.
challenged by Mr. Clark he rtated:
have many faniillM here who go
reit ami berry phkinsr out of town
about the time the census is being
aken Cloyed hoses are likely to
open up after October 1. The cen
sus Is Kliuply taken at Me Improper
tiiu" for the Interest of the district
n general I don't know when we
have ever had a census taken that
everyone was satisfied with.
"I went over the pro posed budtret
thoroughly before coming here to
night, he went on. "I am now thor
oughly convinced that It Is wise and
that I personally am satisfied with
it. The salaries are fultv n nnnm.
ii . dun nyse bi me present time as
brore and the board Is also mnnlnt
closer on reneral exnensea hrinr
bunched schools, made classes larg
er ana saved emnlovin?
. . .
ie.ti ners ana tney are entitled to
credit for doing It.
There has never been a hndret
Pai years that has not
nroucht a klch yet the school board
yet h;:s never lost a budget or had an
item cut from it. It Is alwavs made
oui ny ine finance committee and
snould be approved lust n larpMv
ss possible and If the people are In
terested In getting the best for their
ch'ldren they will vote for It. You
ougnt to congratulate yourselves
mat the levy Isn't a mill or a mill
and a half greater. Th district has
never run on anything like the same
pro-rata expense as now."
l.. t. hhlpley voicing the senti
ments of the business men. snrgest
ed that they gf to the polls undivid
ed. Implylnr that Mr. Clark Join In
mis rentiment When aked point
Mrnk by Mr. Winslow if be would
give his support the chairman finally
rose and remarked emphatically
I II work for it If you men will
pay a little more attention to what
I say on cutting expenses."
. . ..
ery nine i.usiness was taken up
last nisht. The lmard accepted tho
teslgnatlon of Miss Sophie Stork, who
go.. t., North Yakima to teach
I renth shortly. She has lecn In
Ftructor In Latin In the high bchool
ere highly commended by British
officers for their desperate fighting
when Marshal Halg's armle were
smashing the Hlnaenburg line in
Northern France early in the fall
and later engagements. Their losses
undoubtedly hare been heavy, but It
Is not regarded as probable that half
their original strength figured In
the casualty lists.
So far as is known here no date
for the return of these or any oth
er divisions from trance nas oeen
fixed. Secretary " Baker said today
none of the divisional organizations
would arrive home before Christina
as the transport facilities will be used
In moving casuals and sick ana
When the divisions return from
France they will bear little resem
blance In enlisted personnel to same
divisions when tbey started overseas.
Application of the one army theory
to all the forces an the systems of
the replacements to fill gaps in front
line organizations will be found to
have obliterated to a large degree the
lines which before their departure
divided the divisions Into national
guard, national army or regular or
This fact was sharply Illustrated
today by news from France that the
strength by replacement rVU'.
the 7Ctb division which wis we
ed of men largely from the sis
of the eonntry. If that lstn
26th. when that does era, v
pear more like toe cm u -
anything else for the bsli a '
sonnet will have beemenn .
that source. I
Even If the men of lit in-
not gone Into the ICta. s i
been scattered among other tn
It Is obvious that the rr?'-'-'
system hss served to breU 9
most entirely the localized rkr.
of the original divisions. JJ
actlte units are now filled 3
from the selective service. s
guard and regular army tti
catcly and had the war cso
the whole army would V
welded together in this faiisit
there was no pmalbllty ef U
alshlng between the units a; j
chart of labor rondltloas tiresT
the country Is being pUaseik'
war .Industries board as O"
eral labor bureau so Ut tr
ernment can send raea te
sections to meet ladsstrhl r
Jesse II. Evans, asslstsst
the labor depart meet's
labor department in - V",
told a meeting of chains!
eral Illinois boards today.
Annexing the Port
of Portland
SALEM'S back door, as it were, will be k
Portland's trade outlet At oar frost,
stretch the wealth in lands and products ef
Marion and Polk counties. By train and truck
and steamer the two links are connected c?
with the Far East a-beckoning us on to ful
fill the demands of two hundred million peo
ple. Another Important point between producer and ca
sotner is the progTesfiT
United States KaUO
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.Salem. OreSi