till fcJ W USUiau ilVIIISI IBV fleased wire report ot the Asso ciated rrest; tbe rea'est and most reliable press association In tbe world. TIIK WHAT!! Kit Wednesday, showers, followed fair weather; moderate northwester ly winds. i I V MXTY-KKillTII VIIMI NO. 211 n niTUQ wad dacc QUICKLY AS APOLOGY GIVEN BY PERUVIANS Admitted That Peruvians Acted on Misinformation in Making Public Reports of Outbreaks. CHILE SATISFIED BY DEVELOPMENTS NOW Chile Agrees to Watch Bor der Against Peruvian Revolutionists XEW YORK, Nov. 26. Difficul ties between Peru and Chile, which resulted yesterday in recall of con- sular representatives by each nation from the principalities of its neigh?' bor, have been overome by an apol ogy on the part of the Peruvian gov ernment, Carlos Castro Ruiz, consul general of Chile, announced here to- nltnt. ' A cablegram Informing htm of the Peruvian apology was received to night by Mr. Rulx. according to his statement from the Chilean-minister of foreign affairs. Tbe mesage, the consul asserted, authorized him to announce that the Peruvian officials admitted that In making public report of outbreaks against their citizens in Iqulque and ' Antofagasta. Chile, they had acted on misinformation. This was fur nished, lie said, by the Peruvian consul at Iqulque, whose authority bad been cancelled for this reason by the Chilean government. The apology sent from Lima, Mr. Rulx added, was wholly satisfac tory to the Chilean officials and "brought the misunderstanding to an end." 1 The consul generat stated a series of messages received from Santiago denied reports of actl-Peruvtan dem onstrations In Chile. The cable grams further announced the dis missal of the 'Peruvian envoy at " Iqulque ""had - provoked In Peru a certain agitation that determined my government to authorize Its consuls In Pern to return home if tbe cir cumstances Justified." ' Despite a border dispute between (Continued; on page 4). A ood Wool . i" J a friend indeed to the man that mutt face the elements We doubt 'if there is a better collection of. good Macki naw in Salem than the one you'llind here. The weight, quality, finish, colors and patterns of our coats will rlease most men who want something really worth while. Cheaper Mackinaws than theso are of little value and less protection. On the other hand, there are no better coats at these prices. Men's sizes, 3 to52...:. . . .$7.S3to$H45 Boys' sixes, 5 to 16 years. ....... .$5.95 to $10.45 Auto Robes Let us show you some really good heavy Wool Robes. An Oregon product made for your comfort when it's damp and chilly. Choice patterns in plaid effects, fringed ends, $11.45. English Planning To Reach Out and Grab Hohenzollern LONDON. Nov. 26. It Is under stood that the question of extradition of the former German emperor is being considered" by British law of ficers of the crown, who are working in close cooperation with the French authorities. Action In the premises was taken immediately after the flight of the former emperor to Hol land. The Evening News says It under stands the law officers have conclud ed that the allies are entitled to de mand the extradition of the former emperor, ana mat mis decision ap plies also to individuals who have committed or given instructions for the commission of extraditable crimes. It is added that Holland takes the view that she has not the power to surrender such persons without the consent of Germany The French premier, M. Cleraen eeau, recently requested of Charles Lyon-Caen, dean of the faculty of law of the cniversity o' Paris, an opinion on the possibility of the ex tradition of William Hohenzollern M. LyontCaen asked to be given time to prepare a decision. One of the leading French author ities on international law, Edourd Clunet. is reported to have advanced the opinion that it was impossible to demand the one-time emporer s ex tradition. The former eroneror has been in dicted three times for murder in Eng land in conection with the sinking ot the LuRitania, German aerial raids and the shelling by warships of un fortified east coast towns. MAY ItKPKAL BLOCKADE. COPENHAGEN. Nov. 26. It is seml-officially announced In Beerlin. according to a dispatch to the Ber lin Rske-Tldende, the entente powers will probably consider the Tepeal of the blockade after consulting with President Wilson. m I r . CLARK SAYS HE IS FOR THE BUDGET Chairman of School Board Is Accused of Hampering Measure After Having At tached His Signature. BUSINESS MEN FAVOR OUTLAY BEFORE VOTERS E. T. Barnes Declares Chair man Has Opposed Nu merous Moves By a direct attack before a num ber of representative business men of Salem last night the city school board succeeded in outflanking the activities of its chairman. II. I.. Clark, who. by his own admission. has been discouraging a favorable Tote on the budget for the eomlnj e.ar- Tbe election, scheduled for nxt Saturday, is now, by a public declaration on Mr. Clark's part, to hive his full support. This state ment was made at a request from W. C. Wlnslow, expressing the senti ment of the finance committee, all the members of which were present. The arguent. which occupied sev eral hours of the most animated dis cussion so far this year, was pre cipitated when the conclave had barely opened by an inquiry from A. F. Marcus, who had been approached by Mr. Clark on the subject and had been given an unfavorable impres sion of the state of finances of the city school board. While not In sympathy with this point of view, he appeared at the meeting to sat isfy bimself as to the wisdom of the proposed budget calling for an in crease from the present 6.4 mills levy to 7.6. When asked for an explanation of his talk with Mr. Marcus, the chair man of the board stated that be was opposed to the additional millage, and when he had signed the notice of publication of the budget had done so because he knew nothing else he could do in his position. "If you were not In favor of it you shouldn't have signed the paper unless you were held up with a gun," Mr. Marcus charged him. Mr. Winslow took up the discus sion immediately. "Weren't you asked If the budget wasn't all right and didn't you make the. remark in the last school board meeting that you thought it satis factory and there would be no op position to It?'.' he challenged. "It wasn't until the next day that I heard any," was the response. "How could. I stand out alone?" "Are you-i going around knocking the measure?" the interrogator quer ied. "If you are putting up this kind of fight we want to know it." Mr. Clark, closely queried, launch ed into an explanation of his econo my attitude in the past, this being supplemented by remarks from the rest of the board with the Idea of bringing clearly before the group of men the Incongruity of his position. His main objection appeared to have been to the new metal trades build ing installed on the high school grounds, as he claimed that too much money was being spent there, and the" project had failed to help win the war- . . "Could we help that?" Mr. Wins low asked. "We'll all concede that taxes have gone up. but can you take this budget and point out where we could ever have got out or this on less? Do you mean to say you are out trying to defeat this and cripple our whole year's work?" At the request of 'the board. Su perintendent John W. Todd explain ed the three increases In the budget. Higher salaries and general expense he claimed were chiefly responsible. Taking the metal trades building he cited the cost with me equipment as 15300. showing that Mr. Clark had exaggerated his complaint to about twice the figures. "The scheme is not only a saving proposition." he said, "but we make a little on It with which to purchase supplies. This rflrst year we get $1800 government subsidy on sal aries and we have received tonight our first check for $79 for work Anna hr the boys. 1 ne Dunuin merely carries out the government s suggestion in the Smith-Hughes act. The loss is not coming through thrnnffh increase In salaries, loss of money due to a falling off of the census, and purchase of the Holman property. The house on the ground Just bought Is proving a practical lesson. "Under the Smith-Hughes act a $1,500,000 appropriation, is to be made annually to subsidize every state in the union that will do voca tional work along lines indicated by the government The schools buy their own equipment, but half of the instructors' salaries are paid from the federal fund. In this way half of Mr. Bergman's salary Is paid and also half of the two domestic science teachers' salarjr. As the federal ap nrnnrtation increases we will get more, and there Is even a plan (Continued on page six) on halkm. oni:;o. vi:i.m-.siay moiimnu, noykmiikh -jt. iuim. IMOONEY URGES WORKERS QUIT IN HIS BEHALF From Death Cell Expresses Pleasure at Possible Strike of Nation WISHES SAME JUDGE Would Have New Trial in Court Where Sentenced to Give Up Life SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Nov. 26. Thomas J. Mooney, in San Quentln penitentlaiy awaiting execution on December 13.-following his convic tion on a charge of murder In con nection with the preparedness day 'bomb explosion here In July. 1916, issued a statement tonight express ing bis approval of the demonstra tions being' planned in his behalf by labor organizations as a protest against the carrying out of the sen tence. ! "I favor the demonstrations which ate being planned in my behalf .Mooney said. "I believe they are the most effective means of ctystal izing public sentiment in my favor The bigger they are the better I will like them. "I want a new trial before Super lor Judge Franklin Griffin, as I be lieve he logically is the only Judge qualified to try my ca?e." Judge Griffin waH the trial Judg- in the Mooney case and imposed the death sentence on the defendant. He since has been active in endeavoring to obtain a new trial for Mooney. Officials of tbe International Workers' Defense league, which Is handling the Mooney defense, an nounced here today that approxl matelj 500.000 workers in America have taken action favoring a strike as a protest against the execution of I Mooney. I They said thousands of additional I workers are expected to take sim ilar action. urand Jury investigation Into a published report bearing the signs ture of John H. Densmore. federal director general of employment, bearing upon the alleged Irregular conditions in the administration of Justice by the district attorney's of fice, has been continued until next Friday. The grand Jury last Sat urday Issued a subpoena for Mr. north in connection with govern ment affairs. Chief of Police D. A. White and Theodote Roche, president of the police commission, in response to a request by William H. McCarthy foreman of the grand Jury, detailed three detectives tonight to assist that body in its investigations. PHONE HEARING TO BE CALLED Postmaster General Consents to Allow Investigation by State Postmaster General Hurleson yes terday consented to a hearing by the public service commission on In creased rates of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company. The surrender of the postmaster general came in a telegram to thn service commission's office. All members or tne commission were away, but. Secretary Wright 1 mined lately called Chairman Miller by tel ephone at Portland, and Mr. Miller requested Mr. Wright to Inform th postmaster general that the hearin will be called at the earliest possibl date. Mr Miller expressed elation that the dignity of the state law had been upheld by the commission. Mr Wright sent the reply yesterday af ternoon. Hy order of the public service com mission issued yesterday, the Pacifi Telephone & Telegraph company 1 required to provide a sufficient num ber of skilled operators and .adopt such other measures as may be nec essary to afford to its patrons rea sonable. sufficient and adequate tel ephone service. The company is glv en five days within which to notify the rnmmfftRlon whether or not it wil conrpiy with the order. i The order caris the company's at .tention to Its failures to employ skilled operators, formerly In the company's employ, who happen to be members of the Telephone Operators' union, although they have applied for positions since the public clamor for better service arose, while the com pany has been advertising for opera tors and giving lack or expenenceu help as excuse for poor service. Man Serving Life Term Dies at State Prison Ed Cosson. a life-termer at the state penitentiary, died at the prison Monday night as the result of influ enza. Gosson was committed from Wasco county in X.90S for murder. He was the tenth prisoner to die of Influenzal at tbe prison. i I - BIG CANNERY TO OPEN ON 12TH STREET ormer Southern Pacific Hop Warehouse, With Immense Floor Space, Is Converted Into Great Plant PRODUCTS COMPANY PUTS IN MACHINERY Two Mezzanine Floors Are Added to Increase Space in Building For the purpose of utilizing more of tr.e vast fruit crop at the drcrs of Salem by manufacturing It Into Jellies and jama in this at ity and spreading the fame of an Oregon trademark, the Pheasant Northwest Products company in little mote than two weeks is to open a large cannery cn Twelfth street. In the former Southern Pacific bop warehouse opposite the present railroad (station the company hts plared the newest equipment to han die fruit on a large scale. The floor space of f00 by SO feet has been In creased by the construction of two mezzanine floors, one 40 by 120 feet and the other 4 0 by SO feet In size. When the machinery, row awaiting installation, is in its place the com pany plans formally to open the building with a celebiation to which all of its loganberry growers will be Invited. The nature of tbe enter tainmrnt and the date have not yet been divulged. The new plant will be the first of us xina in saiem. A finished pro duct put up In glass Jars under a new label, the "Orington" brand, will make its appearance. The trade mark was derived from a cambina tlon of the states. Oregon and W'akh ington, as the jelly base or a large pait of It will come from the Apple- jn plant now in operation at Olym pla. Loganberries for the Juice bus! ness will continue to be taken in at the Loju plant on Commercial street. but all the preserving of the com pany is io re bandied at the new location, both establishments em ploying a total of about 200 neoDle at in limes. WOULD RETURN MEN J BODY Governor Withycombe Makes Suggestion in Letter to Secretary Baker Governor Withycombe has written a letter to Secretary of War Haker suggesting that arrangements be maue to return all Oreeon trnnni from overseas, or as many of them as are to be mustered out of the ser vice, as a single unit. Oregon's con tribution to the war In men and' mon ey, which has not been exceeded pro portionately by any other state, the governor believes warrants the Grant ing of the favor. The governor Is especially anxious that all of the or iginal Third Oregon regiment be re turned in a body, though this would necessitate the members being gath ered from various parts of the war zone. Should all the men be returned together opportunity would be af forded for a rousing reception all over the state. The governor has re ceived a commonication from New York asking his cooperation In a plan for a great patriotic parade of rethrned soldiers at some appropriate time when it is proposed that one block be assignet to the sodiers of each state. Governor Withycombe has written O. C Leiter. former Port land newspaperman, now with the New York Tribone. asking him to manage Oregon's part In the parade. Enlistment Longer Than Silver ton Man Thought SILVERTON. Or.. Nov. 26. (Spe lal to The Statesman.)-Otto Plgard. who is stationed at a naval supply store at Seattle, came to Silvertoa Saturday on a five-day furlough. Mr. Segard was under the Impression that his enlistment was for the duration of the war, but finds Instead that it Is for four years. I'ltOPAfiAXMA PAI'F.H KOt'XD. NEW YORK. Nov. 2 C Agents of the department bf Justice, it was learned tonight, have obtained four tons of papers deposited In a ware house by Dr. Karl A. Feuhr. former head of the German Information service in this city. Some of the material, it is said, will be Intro duced when the senate committee next month resumes its exhaustive inquiry Into the activity of enemy propaganda. MARSHALL PRESIDENT WHEN WILSON LEAVES FOR PEACE CONGRESS Red Flag Will Fly No More in NewYorkTown NKW YORK. Nor. 2. Th board of aldermen today adonted an ordi nance prohibiting the display of red flags at parades or public meetings here.' The measure becomes effect ive when Mayor Hylan. who favors the ordinance, adds his signature. Maximum penalty of $100 fine aud ten days' imprisonment is provided for violation. NEW YORK. Nov. 26 To prevent a recurrence of the clash be w teen Socialists and soldiers and sailors which followed the meeting In Madi son Square Garden last night, police resreves were hurried tonight to a hall In Hast Fifty-eighth street in which Internationalists had gathered to denounce capitalism. Several hundred men In uniform gathered outride the hall. They roughly handled one young woman wearing a miniature red flag In her hair while taking It from her. After th meeting started the sol diers, and sailors demanded entrance but were held back by th police. Representatives who entered the ball singly came back and assured men outside that the red flag was not being displayed and that no disloyal utterances had been made. There was but one disturbance in tbe hall during tbe meeting. This was when a soldier and several civil ians removed a red necktie from a man standing at the raar. The police lined the streets for a block in both directions to protect the Internationalists when the meeting ended. Women with red flowers or ribbons on their hats were addressed roughly by the uniformed men. who demanded the offending color be re moved. No attacks were made on women, nut several men were chased by sailors and a few were beaten. Yoang People Meet at Toit Home Last Sunday SILVERTON. Or- Not. 2. .(Spe cial to The Statesman.) The Home Circle and the Young Peoples society of -the Trinity church held a joint meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Toft Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Tot and Mrs. E. Nelson served re freshments during the afternoon. At tbe invitation of Miss Laura Toft the young people stayed to spend the evening In celebration because of the lifting of the influenza ban. Those remaining for the evening were Miss Emma Moe, Miss Cora Sat urn. Miss Martha Jensen. Miss Llllle Madsen. Miss Laura Toft. Ludwlg Moe. Victor Madsen. Leonard Steve. George Hendricksen. Alvln Legard. Clarence RIersen, Thorvold Toft and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Toft. During the evening Miss Toft serv ed cider and cookies. WILL IttflTUX TO SKKRIA. PARIS, Nov. 26. (Havas) The member of the new Serbian govern ment a present In Paris will leave for Serbia November 2. as will all the Serbian deputies residing in the various entente allied countries. Dr. Anton Korosec. president of the na tional council at Agram, Crotla. will also leave for home Thursday. JACK WILLIAMS, HUMAN FLY, WILL CRAYLUPBUIIMJG ON SATURDAY The Statesman has made arrant-1 done In the Interest of the fourth ments for the appearance here next Saturday of Jack Williams, the Orig inal Human Fly. Th" man to vhnx that title was first given will thrill the crowd under the auspices of the Dally Statesman here next Saturday afternoon and evening. And this time Salem f to see tho real Human Fly. Like all rood things. Mr. Williams has imi'ators. two of whom have paid Salem a visit in the past and have met with fail ure. Mr. William I the man who on May 11. 1911. climbed from the bot tom to the top of the Woolworth bullllng in New York city. This building is ."5 stories or over 7 feet high and it took America's great est daredevil Just 1 hour and 4.". minutes to make the climb. During the war Williams worked under the auspice of the United Mates Marine corps, making climbs in the Interest of recruiting In that branch of the service. and while the war lasted he made some of the greatest climbs of bis daring career, his latest big stunt being the scal ing of the Smith building In Seattle while blindfolded and on this building Ire made a record, climbing from the silewslk to the top of the flagpole In 43 minutes. This was PUICKj hvk CKYTH. Attorney General Wicker- sham Declares It Is Manda-1 tory Upon .Vice President;. to So Act CITES REASON FOR ATTITUDE TAKEN . During Congress "President's Duty to Beat Seat of GoTernment,, NEW YORK. Not. 2. George W. WIckersham. attorney general In the Taft administration. In an address to night before educators, lawyers, bankers and merchants, engaged in International trade who are members of the coucil on foreign relations, ad-vanccd-the opinion that 'he constitn-. tion makes It mandatory opon Ylr President Marshall to aaume tbe of fice of president if Mr. Wilson leaves the United State to attend the peace conference. Tbe former attorney general quot ed section one of article two of the United States constitution which, he said, prescribed the mode of proced ure in event of the president's re moval from office, his death, reslg nation or Inability to discharge the duties of his office." He maintain ed that absence of the president from tbe seat of government and the coun try "constitutes an inability to dis charge the powers and duties of his office" within the meaning of the law. According to Mr. WIckersham. tba two most Important functions the president has to perform In connec tion with a session of congress at which time, he held "Is the presi dent's duty to be a the seat ot jot ernmeut are: "First, from time to time to 'give to congress information of lb state of the anion and recommend to thetr consideration such measures as he shall Judge necessary and expedient and. second, to consider bills which ehall hare passed the house and sen ate, and If he approve, to sign then and If he disapprove to veto them. The ten days provided by the law wherein the president must return a, . bill or It automatically becomes law. according to Mr. WIckersham. was Intended "to give citizens Interested In the bill an opportunity of commun icating their views to him." Thus the president, he contended. Is ex pected always to be In a position to feel the pulse of public sentiment" and ''If he Is not within the country he cannot fitly discharge those da ties." A third considered, tbe speaker continued, "subsidiary to the others but nonetheless Important," Is In ref erence to the exercise by the presi dent of a function n connection with legislatlo. In case of disagreement between the two house as to time of adjournment, he added, the presi Ident may adjourn them to such a time as he shall thin proper. This power, he admitted, had never been exercised In the past because the president always has been at the seat of government when congress was in session, "and able to avert by friend ly counsel and suggestion the neces sity of exercising it." Mr. WIckersham In these points, declared the absence of the president (Continued on page six) liberty loan campaign. Another one of his recent triumphs was the climbing of the Daniels end FUher lower in Inver, Cl.. which Is 31 utories, or 200 feet high. io!wsd of a pair of th most wonderful hands and feet, developed In eight years of climbing up and down the sides of tall bnlldings. this man is all but superhuman. He can hoi.) a raw potato in his hand and snieeie it to a pulp In hi long wiry fingers, and the slishtet Indentation furnishes him with plenty of hand hold by which to rllrub. He ran hold hit entire weight with one flnrer on the very tiniest of places, and if climbing a building isn't enough he more than provides thrills a plenty when he gets going, a, his manager put it. doing different stunts on the way tip. He hangs by his feet in the most difficult place and makes all his climbs while blindfolded. He tiains for his exhibitions like a prizersher and be never at any thing for 4 s hours before each climb. He is tall and s!ini. not at a'l i;k one would expect h!m to be. His hands are like those of a well-trained musician, yet po s.'irg the strenrth of steel. He was one of the first to (Continued on page six) .