The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Statesman receives tho
teased w.tre report ot tb Asso
ciated Press; the xrea'est and
moat reliable presi association
la the world.
Fair; continued cold. Cratle nt
Mir wind.
i KlXTV-KHJIITIt ' YK lt NO. aisF" " . .. .
Jtist How Large Figure Will
Be Cut by America Being
I Discussed as to the Coming
: Peace Table.
allies Apparently
. wish to control
Fourteen Points May Be Rele
gated for Different Is
; sues, Possibility
(By Tk Associate Prtut
PARIS, Nov. 23.-The United
State government's Immense diplo
matic snccess In obtaining from the
allied governments acceptance of
President Wilson's points, with only
one reservation and addition, is he
ft coming dally more apparent, as the
1 preliminaries for the approaching
peace congress are being outlined
largely on the basis of the presi
dent's points.
Colonel E. M. House, the special
representative of the United States
government, when be ai rived here,
found little disposition among his
American and European friends to
accept as a totality the framework
of peace a expressed by President
Wilson. Some European statesmen
considered that the points had work-
. ed as a good solvent upon Germany;
that they had served their great pur-
pose . In their- effect upon German
unity, bat that they should not be
i observed too closely when it came
to formulating the practical details
of the settlement.
Allied statesmen plalntly put for
ward the view that, as the American
traditional policy had been one of
detachment from Kuropean affairs,
, it was natnral for the American gov--f,
ernment when the war broke out in ,
Europe to consider !t a quariel
among European nations and to de-!
clar its neutrality. (
It was pointed out that for two
years and a half the American gov-
errmenl observed Its nentrality and
called the attention of both groups
of belligerents to violations of sea
law. Germany's offenses became in.
tolarable and America entered Into
th war both for that reason and be
cause America did have a community
of ideals of government and of hu
man right rights with the allies,
America, as became a great country.
. was impelled to pnt forth great ef
forts, and she did.
Allied statesmen have fully ap
preciated the effect of American arms
in winning the decision. Neverthe
less, it was contended by some, this
had been a controversy among Kuro
pean nations and the winning group,
it was suggested, supposed that
America, having accomplished her
aims, would return to her detach
ment and allow the countries inti
mately concerned to arrange a" set
- .' tlement, according to the European
v viewpoint of the situation.
These .statesmen mad it plain that
they would receive every friendly
, counsel the United States would of
fer, the more so -because they knew
that .America wanted nothing in a
material way for herself, but was in
terested only In realizing her ideals.
The losses Other belligerents have
suffered in comparison with those of
the United States alio have been elt
t as a reason for the allies having
a predominant Influence in shaping
the new order in Europe.
' These were some of the concep
' tioas put forward by the allied gov
ernments with tenacity and skill,
but always in a friendly spirit.
? The contentions of the America
government geneially and substan
tially were that It had come into the
war not alone of specific grievances
against Germany, but on account
Also of certain fundamental princi
ples of Justice and right. These
Principles had been announced with
fullness several times by the Ameri
can government and had resulted in
a treat effort by the American peo
ple. Looked at from Washington these
Prtaeipies. each time they bad been
ntinclated in part or in whole, had
been received favorably by the. Eu
ropean peoples and seemingly by the
allied governments. It was not
meant to be understood that the
American government had thought
the allied governments had formally
accepted tbem, but the attitude 'of
the ministers unofficially and of the
Press and of all eminent men out
ride the immediate administrations
snd of the peoples a a whole had
caused the conviction to prevail in
Ameroca that these principles had
bn approved and accepted as ideals
on which the war was' being prose
cuted. The American ntnnl r nan
een conscious that they were flght-
'g tot terrltor ial or colonial Inter
ti or any allied governments; x
'tptlnr Insofar as thesA Mm within
the framework of the American, gov
ernment's principles. Consequently.
was necessary to bring out that
these points, having been accepted by
.(Continued on page six)
Nation Has Nearly $33,000,-
000 in Excess of Amount
Asked of People
NEW YORK. Not. 25. Total sub
scrlption to the united war wck
campaign were 1203.17M2S or $32.- in excess or the amount or
iginally asked by the seven war re
lief organizations for their wnrV
during demobilization of the army
and navy, aocording to an offk ial
announcement tonight by the na
tional campaign committee. This in
the largest sum ever raised as an out-
ngnt girt la the history of the world.
According to the committee, every
stsite in the Union, with the excep
tion of Pennsylvania and Minnesota.
exceeded its quota and confidence
was expressed that these state will
be! "over the top" when the returns
from Philadelphia and Minneapolis
are in.
Orders for all Wooden Sbips
Not Now Under Way
Are Revoked
Over Nineteen Millions of
Dollars Are Cut From
Oregon's Share
PORTLAND, Nov. 23. Cancella
tion of contracts for the building of
29 wooden ships, representing a val
ue. if completed, of $19,525,000, was
the result in the Oregon district of
telegrams tecelved from the Emerg
ency Fleet corporation today revok
ing all orders for wooden ships not
already nnder way. One ship yard
that of Klernan & Kern, Immediate
ly discharged its working force of
200 men and announced that it would
The telegram bringing the 'order
conveyed also the concession that the
shipyards might hereafter accept
contracts for private American ac
count, but shipbuilders here sai.1 this
concession was valueless, because
American' shipping men are not now
in the market for tonnige, owing; to
the prospective - competition of the
great government fleet already built
Thirteen thousand tnen are em
ployed in wooden shipyards in the
Oregon district.
OAKLAND, Cal.. Nov. 25. Con
struction of ten 12.000-ton freight
shjps, was stopped today when ap
praximatelr 3000 members of the
Oakland Boilermakers union quit
work to enforce demands for a 44
hour week, payment on the "com
pany's time," stoppage of alleged
discriminations and improved sani
tary conditions at the Alameda plant
of the Bethlehem Shipbuilding cor
Officials of the company fcald the
men could return to work at any
time, so far as the company was con
cerned, with assurance that the 44
hour week would be granted and eer
tain other concessions made. They
declared, however, they were help
less to meet the demands of the men
without the approval of R. H. Broth
erton, examiner for the Emergency
Fleet corporation. Conferences be
tween Mr. Dr other ton and the strik
ing men are under way. (
School Children Enlisted
To Fight Pest of Gophers
DALLAS. Nov. 23: (Special to
The Statesman) -Under the super
vision of County Agriculturist II. E
Gregory a campaign for the exter
mination of gophers and moles is
now being earried out throughout
the entire county and Judging from
the reports coming into the office
of that official the school children
who are conducting the campaign
are more than meeting with success
The campaign lasts until the holi
days and prizes to the amount of
$35 will be distributed to the stu
dents making the best showing at
that time. Besides being lewarded
with prizes, the county pays a boun
ty on the scalps of these animals of
5 cents each, which makes the cam
paign a money making affair for the
Word, was received yesterday that
Miss Harriett Rlgdon, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rigdon of tbla
city, is ill of Spanish Influenza at
Newport. Miss Rlgdon is a domestic
science teacher in the Newport
schools and was at home during, the
height of the epidemic, returning
when the danger was apparently
over. Mrs. Rlgdon. her mother, left
yesterday to be with her. ,
Number to Make Up Ameri
ca's Place at Peace Table
and Acceptance of Appoin
tees Still Uncertain.
Signal Honor for French; To
Cross on Former German
Vessel, Is Plan
WASHINGTON. Nov. 25. Delay
In the announcement of the names
of the American commissioners to!
the-peace conference at Versailles I
understood to be attributed to two
causes. First, that no decision has
been reached as to the number, and
second, that all of the persons whom
the president has In mind for places
nave not yet bad an opportunity to
signify their acceptance.
It is regarded as desirable that
the number of the American commis
sioners correspond to the number
named by each of the great entente
powers. Correspondence by cable is
now going on between Washington
and the entente capitals with the
purpose of coming to a common un
derstanding on this point.
The belief obtains in some quar
ters here that the size of the delega
tion should be very restricted. A
minimum of as low as three has
been considered and five seems to
meet with some approval. It was
said today that, although this might
appear to be a small force with which
to undertake the' vast amount of Im
portant business which is to come be
fore the conference, each delegation
will be provided with a numerous
staff of experts capable of deallna
with any questions that might arise
and that probably better progress
could be made toward the conclusion
ot peace by a limited number of com
missioners who might be expected to
maintain more intimate relations
with one another than would be pos
sible with a large gathering.
In conection with the second cause
for delay in announcing the names
of commissioners, it was said that
some of those Invited to act. partic
ularly those of party affiliation op
posite to that of the president, scarce
ly would care to accept until mey
had had an opportunity to study very
carefully the Instructions by which
the commissioners will be strictly
Meantime, probably no one but
President Wilson Is yet aware of the
caoable composition of the American
delegation, althongh it is known that
Secretary Lansing and Colonel House
will be members. If the precedent is
(Contlnaed on page six)
Seventy-five Members to Be
Honored at Annual
Lodge of Sorrow
Seventy-five members of Salem
lodge. No. 336, H. P. O. Elks who
have passed beyond will be honored
Jn memoij at the annual lodge ot
sorrow Sunday afternoon. The ser
vice Is to be held at the Grand Opera
house. Arthur C. Spencer of Port
land lodie. No. 142 will deliver the
address. The program will be as fol
Funeral March Chopin
Elks' Orchestra
Ritualistic Ceremonies
( Lodge Officers
Th Praver Perfect" Stenson
Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller
Eulogy Charles V. Galloway
"Crossing the Dar" Wllleby
Paul Petri
Serenade Tltl
Elks' Orchestra
The Phomise of Life" Cowen
Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller
Ad drees -
Arthur C. Spencer
of Portland Lodge; No. 14Z
"Tha Americans Come" Foster
Panl Petri
Benediction Rev. J. R. Ruck
Lillian Jeffreys Petri, Accompanist
Following Is a list of those mem
bers who have passed away:
Charles S. Vivian, founder of the
nMr- e. M. Wood. A. Itenlcke. c
Hemole. F. S. Dearborn. E. F. Park
hurst. S. L. Hayden. F. H. Campbell
F. C. Perrlne. W. O. Westacott. A
C. Lawrence. J. II. Townsend. George
P. Hughes. J. C. Brown. E. C. Young
Charles A. Mattlson. James w. hoi
len. David V. Vaughn. Tllman Ford
W - L West. Charles Scboll. J. L.
Skloton. John Stapleton. William M
Kaiser, John M. Burton, "Ed Zeyss.
11 nalrvmnle. A. K. Loder. E. C
(Continued on page six).
I W "BlSSSSSSSSSSBBlSllllllllllllllBSBlSlS
Laundry Mark Is
Guide to Slayer
' of Portland Cop
PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 25. A
man said to be John Cyril Laird was
arrested at his apartments here to
night, charged with the murder of
Frank Twombley, a traffic officer,
near the Columbia interstate bridge
November 19. last. With him was
arrested a woman who said she, was
his wire. .The police mud she con
fessed that Laird committed the
crime and that she was with him at
the time.
.Laird uonied hl guilt.
A laundry mark found on the ma
terial used in a mask which was
found near the scene of the murder
led to the arrests. Detectives found
the laundry from which it had come
and thence followed the trail to its
owner. On Laird when he was ar
rested was found a draft registra
tion card issued in Snohomish coun
ty, Washington. He refused to say
whether be had lived there.
Twombley was slain while he was
pursuing a man and a womifn In an
automobile who had just held up and
robbed C. G. Hfrrman. a brldgetend
er, of $123. Tjie robbers then sped
away and escapVd.
According to she police, Mrs. Laird
said she first Wt. Laird at Butte,
Mont., a month'ago. and that she ac
companied hinvto Vancouver. Wash.,
where they were married. Her al
leged confession was said to have in
cluded the statement that Lai id told
her he had committed other crimes.
Including the robbery of a mall car
at Seattle a few weeks ago.
Expected to Arrive in New
York by End of Week,
Present Plans
Transportation Facilities Are
Only Bar to Speedy
Handling of Rest
WASHINGTON. Nov. 25. First
units of the American expeditionary
forces to return from overseas are
expected to arrive in New York about
the end o the present wer-k.
General Mai.h. chief of staff, an-
nounced today that 312 officers and
(614 men of the a'- service and oth
er detachments training la England
now are homeward bound on the
Minnekahda. Lapland and Orca.
Bristlsh liners. 'lh first two fhlps
left Liverpool last Friday anl anoth
er vessel sailed on Sunday.
This announcement means the
movement of the American troops
now In England, the majority of
whom are In air 3rvIco detachments.
will continue ateadliy until all of
them, some 20,000, have returned to
this country.
There are no regiments or other
nnits of line troops in Great Britain.
The first movement f the larger
units, such as brigades and divisions.
will come from Frnch ports, it is
assumed, as the British tros-channel
service undoubtedly is c-ruplet-ly oc
cupied with the transportation of re
turning British forces.
Before General' Mferrhs announce
ment. Secretary Baker discussed with
newspaper correspondents, the return
of American troops from France.
Their homeward movements, he said.
Is dependent almost entirely upon the
limitation of transportation facilities
both at sea and in Frarce.
Besides employing in thU work
the German liners seized In this coun
try, Dutch vessels taken over ana
all othr avallaoie transport, jk.
Baker said some part of the British
transport tonnage eraploye l In car
rying troops to France will continue
to be used in getting tne men nom.
He pointed out. however, that Great
Britain will needynany of her ships
to carry home Canadian. Australian.
New Zealand and other colonial
forces which have been In France
longer than the American armies.
The secretary said the great um
Ish liners, Mauretania, Olympic and
Aquitanla have been In the American
transoort service for a year and that
the Mauretania still is so encaged.
He could not say wnetner me oin
er two had been withdrawn.
German liners now in German
ports, Mr. Baker said, may offer a
means of expediting the return of
the 'American forces. Present plans
are to use these vessels to carry foM
to Germany and the secretary said
it might be found possible to make
aim arranrement under which some
Of General Pershing's men could be
sent home on tbem. Before sailing
to Enrone to arrange for the return
of the troops. Chairman Hurley, of
the shipping board said It was the
Dnrnose to use ships now Idle In Ger
man ports. Mr. Baker, however, did
not Indicate today that any definite
(Continued on pagt six)
(Start Is Made Into Latest
Mooney Developments and
Then Adjournment Taken
Until Next Friday.
Densmore in. Portland De
clares He Will Go Before
Jury If Called
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 25. After
having two witnesses appear before
It. the county grand Jury adjourned
tonight until next Friday morning Its
Investigation Into alleged activities
In the part of city officials and others
disclosed In a report by John 1).
Densmoie on certain phases of the
conviction of Thomas J. Mocmey for
murder. Densmore Is director gen
eral of the federal employment serv
ice and investigated the Mooney case
at the behest of William B. Wilson,
secretary of labor. Mooney was con
victed of murder In connection with
the explosion of a bomb during the
preparedness day parade here in July
The witnesses said to have appear
ed before the' grand Jury were Wil
liam J. Armstrong, an assistant of
Densfore In the investigation, and
W. M. Turner, manager of a local
hotel. Armstrong, it was reported,
refused to testify; Turner is said to
have told the grand Jury of a time
when Mr. Densmore stopped at his
Simultaneously, the Iron Trades
council, representing 20,000 workers
in the bay district, nut In' regular
session at which the published re
port and the question of calling a
strike In Mooney's behalf were taken
up. Officials of the council predict
ed that its action would be aglTnst a
Mooney is In San Quentln peniten
tiary awaitiug execution on Decem
ber 13 following his conviction in
connection with the preparedness day
bomb explosin here July 22. 1916.
Densmore and his associates, who
were said to have made up the re
port, weie subpoenaed to appear be
fore the grand Jury, but thus far
none of the subpoenas been
served. It was announced. Densmore
is In Portland. Or.
William W. Wilson, secretary or
labor, under whose Jurisdiction Dens
moie Is said to have Investigated cer
tain phas es of the conviction of
Mooney, was asked tonight by the
county grand Jury to have Denirnore
return and testify befofe that body.
The appeal was made In a telegram
from William H. McCarty. foreman
of the grand Jury In which h said
Densmore was wanted as a witness
In connection with th- sifting of
charges contained In the Densmore
PORTLAND. Nov. 25. Before his
departure for Seattle tonjght. John
U. r-nmor. director general of the
United States employment service,
said that he was willing to return to
San Francisco after completion of
his present mission in the northwest.
"I rannot abandon my present mis
sion." said Mr. Densmore, "nor In
terrupt the wotk that I came here to
do. but If my presence Is desired be
fore the San Francisco grand JJury
in connection with the investigation
of the Mooney case, I, will return
there and testify In the near future.
I have telegraphed the foreman of
the San Francisco grand jnry to this
Over 2000 Bales Sold in Cali
fornia at 26 Cents Pound
to One Man
SANTA ROSA. Cal.. Nov. 23.
What Is believed to have been the
largest sale of hops made In Califor
nia In many years, perhaps since hops
first were grown here, was made to
day, C. P. Donovan of this city buy
ing 2190 bales of hops for 26 cents
a pound from local growers.
The sale amounted to 110. 000.
Hops, which two months ago were
of feted st 10 cents n pound with few
buyers available, today are at a high
figure because of European demand.
Mrs. Clara A. Bohle. nee Mack,
died at the home of Hy RIedel. 701
North Cottage street, at 11:45 last
night. She Is survived by her hus
band. William Bohle, and two sons.
Frederick W. and James H. Bohle.
Death was doe to heart failure. The
body, which Is at RIgdon's under
taking parlors, will be shipped to
Falls City for Intermeit
Falls Wnile Starting Flight
From England to Paris,
Report Received
PORTLAND. Nov. 2S Lieutenant
Roscoe Fawcett of the United States
aeio forces, has b-en seriously hurt
by the fall of his plane in England
while starting cn a flight to Paris,
according to word received today hy
his wife here. Ills companion was
Before hi, enlistment Lieutenant
Fawcett was a Portland newspaper
man. He Is a graduate of the Han
Diego army aviation school.
Sentiment Aroused Against
Alleged Harsh Treat
ment of Friday
Disturbances Said to Be Prey
alent in Several Chil
ean Provinces
SANTIAGO. Chllo. No. 23 The
Chilean government has derided to
withdraw Its consul in Peru In or
der to avoid untoward Incidents
which might take lUce In case of
outbreaks in Pern and Chile. -
LIMA. Pern. Nov. 23. It la offic
ially announced that Pern has with
drawn her consuls from Chile as a
result of the renewal of the antl- Pe
ruvian rioting In Iqnlqne and Anto-
BUENOS AIRIE3. Nov. 23 The
Peruvian legation here today re
ceived the' following dispatch from
tne Peruvian minister ot foreign aX
"After the extraordinary outrages
at Iqutque Saturday, during which
the property of several Peruvians was
sacked. Chilean crowds on Sunday at
tacked the Peruvian consul at
Iuulque. Senor L. Hosa. while he was
on his way to the mayor to protest
against the riots.
"He was carried by a force aboard
a small steamer anchored la the port.
The authorities and police consented
to the outrage and notified the consul
that they would not permit bint to
Tpon receiving this rptlce. the
Peruvian government has withdrawn
Its consular representatives from
News dispatches received here In
dicate that the disturbances here arc
general in Iqulqne, Antofagasta and
PIsagua. and that several Peruvian
commercial houses have been
wrecked in PIsagua,
A dispatch from Buenos Aaires
last Friday reported serious demon
strations In Antofagasta against Pe
ruvian business bona in com
quence of a false rumor that the Chi!
ean consul at Callao, Peru, had been
assassinated bv the Peruvians. No
reports are at hand as to the riotlsr
at Iqulque and PIsagua.
The dispatch from Buenos Alries
said that there was great agitation
throughout Chile owing to a speech
made in La Pas by the Bolivian min
ister of war. who Is reported to have
aid that the hour had arrived to
take back the provinces of Aries and
Tacna ari from Chile. The present
unrest In Peru. Bolivia and Chile 1
due to desire of Peruvians and Boliv
tans to settle the Ttacna and Arlca
question under President Wilson's
principle of self-determination. The
border provinces constitute the AI
sace-Lorrajne question of South An
The Bnenos Alries dispatch ot Fri
dar added that it was reliably stated
that Chile had aproached Argentina
on the subject of Argentina reruala
tng neutral In the event of an out
break between Chile and Peru.
Two Sons of Polk County
Parents Die in Service
n. AS. Nov. 23. ISneeial to
The Statesman) Mr. and Mr. John
Fallin of Falls City have received
word from the war department stat
ing that their son. Corporal William
E. Fallin. was killed in action on
October 3 In France. Corporal Fat
lin was the oldest son of the family
and was one of three brothers who
enlisted In the army at the begin
ning of the war with Germany. IT
Is the second brother to give his life
for liberty, another brother. George
Fallin. having died of wound re
ceived In battle In France as a mem
ber of Company C. 117th Field Sig
nal corps. Corporal William Fallin
was 22 years otd at the time of his
death and was attached tn the B
company of the Fourth United States
Soldiers and Sailors Sail Into
Mob of Internationalists in
New York Following Meet
ing There,
Attacks on Government Are
Cause of Action Taken
bj Serrice Men
NEW YORK. Nov. 23.Hnndrel
of soldiers, tailors and marines broke
h rough a cordon of uolic surround-
ng Madison Square Garden tonight
and attacked laternstional Socialists
who had attended a mass meeting at
which UoUbevtk doctrines were ex
pounded. The men and women leaving-
the hall troke and fled as the
men In uniform charged past the po
lice bnt were pursued into the street
In all directions.
The attack on the Socialists came
at the close ot a meeting which
threatened from the moment it be
gan to break Into a riot. It was
called ostensibly to protest against
the execution of Thomas J. Mooney
but Scott Nearing. who presided, aad
the other speakers devoted most of
their attention to pleas for the re
lease of 'political- offenders .
Several men and women were ar
rested for displaying red flats smug
gled Into the garden in defiance ot
an edict by Mayor Hrlan. Larre
numbers of men la uniform entered
the building before the doors were
locked with the avowed determina
tion of preventing atUcks upon the
government. They were restrained
with difficulty by police and detect
ives from making an assault on the
stage. Scores of fist fights wera
interrupted by officers.
Soldiers and sailors who were un
able to get Into the meeting sent out
patrols to rosnd up all the men
la uniform who could be fonad to
Join the charge on the Socialists
which had been planned to take place
wnen the oratory was ended and in
ternational I its started for their
Madison siusre was the rallying
point for the military. They quickly
staged an impromptu mass meetlcr
at which speakers denounced the.
"Bolshevik!." They were cheered not
only by the men in uniform, but
by civilian sympathisers. When
someone called upon "Loyal Ameri
cans' to charge the garden and at
tack the Internationalists several
hundred responded. They were driv
en back, however, by mounted police
and men on foot who had surrounded
the buildlnx.
Realifing that they had faf.ed In
their first attack, the soldiers and
sailors resumed their meeting and
awaited the arrival of reinforcements.
Probably 1000 men of both branches
of the service had assembled by tho
time the meeting adjourned.
The opening of the doors of the
garden was the signal for the second
charge which the police were onaM
to repel. The soldiers and sailors
fought their way past swinging nltht
sticks and attacked the Socialists,
who had parked the big building.
Almost instantly, the square was
filled with yelling, running, flghtln
men. The screams of women, most
of them wearing red roses or carna
tions in lieu of the forbidden fU.
rose above the din as they clawed and
scratched the soldiers and sailors
who were pumniellng the male' So
cialists. Mounted police, reinforced by auto
mobile loads of reserves, rushed from
every station house within a radios
of miles, strnrrled valiantly to clear
the square, but made little progress,
.nldlers and sailors, thoroughly an
gered by what they considered an in
vidious attack on the flag, they had
sworn to defend, paid little attention
to Mows from night sticks. They
were bent on getting revenge from
the Internationalists and many ot
them succeeded.
The square was cleared of milling
men only when the Socialists by ones
and twos in groups broke and fled.
The scrimmage In the park was then
transferred on a smaller stale to into
every neighboring street.
Groups' of Socialists soon were run
ning along Fifth avenue, a half a
north and south of Twenty-sixth
street, pursued by shouting uni
formed men. most ot them hatless
and ccatless. f
When they went to the meeting the
men. almost without exception, wore
red neckdes because red flags were
nnder official ban. These red ties
were the special mark of soldiers and
sailors. After the firht they were
cherished as souvenirs.
Hundreds of the Socialists wer
beaten, but so far as could be learned
none was seriously hurt.
The police had the situation well
In band an hour after the clo of .
the Meeting and the street was
cleared except for stragglers.
(Continued oa past six J.