TITK OREGON STATESMAN! HATCROAT, NOVEMBER 23, 1018. Classified Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They re Worth While Sell Exchange all Kind ShLUitU iwiMJ jjjuj '.. .Va CLOTHING SlIOEH. I1ICY- ifil lOOM, C.VSS. 8U1TCA8E3. 1 CAPITAL EXCHANQE -laoa S37 Court BL TV "TTsorwich ixiox pmtt TXSrUAXVK SOCIETY J.faB, Roland Jt HurKhardt jJSZut Agent 371 State St. Sey to loan FOR Wo , - mrROVasiJ Vtnrr AT LOWEIT RATKI "TKQS. K. FORI) a... !. o,. flimiflIP ADTKRT1IE1IKHTI ? Bate Per Ward. I rst Insertion ... . le I shseouent Insertions He 7 fMk (six insertions).... So ! Osa ssonth ....... C I rnz anoatns' contract, per mo... So I r. .th contract, per mo... 7c I ! .cct. opened for less than 2 So a aMt card given free with an lAtartisemeat to the extent of 60c ilsooaclng "For Sale." "For -ms'' or "Board-" XKW WUI V tuk sw class ilea advertise- neat will be ran under "New Today" for the first Insertion, un 1ms otberwU ordered by the ad- I will appear under Its proper ! tlaaalficatloa. I No advertisement will be run ; Saaer SW ioomj ir mvr uu . I cbs issue uadsr any circumstances J NEW TODAY WANTEDNEW ZEALAND RED Does. Phone Hit. ' TOR SALE RICHMOND PIANO, GOOD as new. can at lift erry. TETCH SEED FOR SALE CHARLES K. Archerd Implement Co. WANTED A HOUSEMAID. OREGON fitatc School ror Dear. Phone tit. TOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE, FUR lahed. 1S Center. Phone 11J8J. FOR SALE TWO tows, fresh soon. ' street. - LARGE DURHAM 71S South Twelfth WANTED TO RENT SMALL FUR a iahl house or apartment. "AJ3" cars Statesman, WAXTED FAT HENS AND CHICK , tna. Mi f heat cash price paid. -K. W. Iiausloff Bros.. Inc. f2 KISS U E. GOODHUE AT 251 , 17U street for subscriptions to all nag lilacs. Phone 741-M. HTSBAXD HAS ENTERED SERVICE ana dealrs to sell 490 Model 1111 Chevrolet. Call 122S after S o'clock FOR SALE CHEAP g-lt MOGUL Tractor, would take horses as part ymeat Phone 371 or call at room 11 Bank ef Commerce Building. Ba led. I CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED roans ladies attending Willamette iRivtfiity want work In store or office each' afternoon and all day Saturdays. Phone 677. WANTED TO EXCHANGE 40 ACRES moetty good bottom land, for other property, city or country, and long time mortgage in part payment. This Is good property and will be I priced right. No unreasonble value er )unk will be considered. John H. Bcott, 484 Hubbard Bldg. WK CAN ATTEND TQ YOUR INSUR aace wants, without your tsklng the trouble to leave your own fire side If not fonv.ni.nl in nmA to our office at any time,' Juat call up Mr Insurance service department, Phone 247. and we will give - Teur insurance needs our prompt at . tention. H. A. Johnson Insurance ' Arency, 1 and S Bush Bank Bldg.. i'm. Phone 247. EI.IPL0YMENT t FEMALE. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL houaework. Phone 434-W. AXT LIGHT WORK IN SMALL FAM Jir. Inquire at 1175 N. 17th St. -r,i'l-M ' - si a Li tOTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES voatea. Apply in person. EXPERIENCED STATIONARY ENGI wmU position In or near Sa-J1"- C. E. Miller. 1086 Marion St. PEPPER WANTED GOOD u-m mbr- Big and second growth. Pay the highest price per cord. J- B. Jones. 417 N. Commercial St. rane 912. ' nscELLANBors. ' JLWJYERNMENT WANTS THOU aaaa of clerks at Washington. Men a,. n r over. $100 month. i 1,5 Increase. 20 days' vacation. Wy' Easy work, common edu il . efficient. Pull unnecesssjr. Vtrlotlc. Your country needs . Help her and live In Waeh ? during theie stirring war times. Write Immediately for free -'''t of positions open. Franklin In- 'tute. Dept. m M Rochester. N. Y. FOR RENT rLR1Err HOUSE AND BARN. Call yoratags, 294 N. Church. Phone 17$. REVT tirvfcra igiDTUrVTS - arma V L. Wood. Ill BUM ' ?.Jl5Vr FINE SIX ROOMED FUR 'aBi bungalow, close in. modern in II I r'?Pct Four roomed cottaere n iir . a otreet, at $5.0 per montn. "rW. Laflar. Hubbard. Bldg. - ti?F2T THE FOLLOWING: 81x room modern house, I! !t8n,th H)Sh. Garage available. " ! 50 per month. b Flve room house at 1702 ft.c'1 at Statesman business office; "one 12. ROOMS RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM Iaa.J" of btn. I" modern 1 Mdr A. B., care Statesman. home. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK PAY THE HKiHEST PltK'E KOH weeklM? f " ki"? Will .hip thE Brdlck. venings 2357J. O. D. FVlw.-I?,2E1I D,CPJ,AM COWS and ri " f...r Uo m rood Her- Me- . 1. Box 72. Dallas. ' HALE REGISTERED H AMP- A,." I - A- c- Strain "Oregoiir A1 tA- Grvals. Or- vuw 4? A A. MIM RliLAIBOlIt BA.VFD ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE IN n."''" rlnnt' tender. - -w, wivVH. F5X2HR wCH?IS.AS-BEAUTIFUL 1,. or.il " -V - . per "i and up. fi. ker Phrode Studio. ver Barnes Casta Store. IF.Ty want to get the best h,--,I.S . na Auc to th Pacific w?iJf.dS,?In.r'on tor trial subscription. Mention this ad. PEERLESS GASOUNB EVRINR et horsepower. 8 cylinders. Suitable for .?. ltor. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plane Good SrSKuo5:;.lS? Unk. Price Portland? OreT Min BW lCAPTi71TT r THE OATMAN GIRLS "'" "e story or western immi gration has been carefully rerlsed. m.kln handsome little book. It tells in graphic term of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the 5.? Lorenso. and the captivity of Mary and OUee. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians fire years later. The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Ba- POCETIIT FOR SALE BARRED PLYMOtTTH Rock and Oregon cockerels. Jorval- IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST pouiu-y paper published send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial auosoripuon. aientioc this ad. LOST end F0UXD LOST NOTICE THE PARTY WHO PICKED up a lady's purse In the Liberty thea tre ThTirsday afternoon Is known and to save trouble should leave the same at the Liberty office at once. WANTED MlfrCKLLANROUS WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH A SEC ond hand piano. Phone 262. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press room States man. LIBERTY BONDS IF YOU MUST dispose of your bonds, we will buy mem. 114 Masonic ttiag. WANTED TO RENT PIANO IN FAM lly of two adults. Will pay IJ.00 month and moving charges. Phone 1S9S. WANTED TO RENT GOOD FURNISH ed house during January and reb ruary. Address Sheldon, S34 N. W. Bank Bide.. Portland. - FOR SALE CHILD'S BED. set chains for Ford. 11 Ford car, Faverole Cockerels. Wanted to buy or rent. a standard typewriter, p. u. box 7, Salem. BUSINESS CARDS CUIMXEY SWEEP SALEM CHIMNEY SWEEP PHONE 19. Ben Wheeler. ' DRri AND SSXPRKSS. LARMER TRANSFER W E MOVE and store goods. Day phone 3Q Night phone 1298. CAITTAL CITY TRANSFER COM HANI Phone 932. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get out reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 22 State street. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 6. watanane, irop., it . commer cial street. Ladles' and geneUmen's uits'cleaned and pressed. $1.25 and $1.76. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 662. JUNK JCNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price ror junk or every aina. iei u make you a price on your household roods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co, 271 Cbemeketa street. Phone 19$. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY-JUICK i.ii,.rT and earerui worn. uri wash. e per pound. 126 South Lib erty street. Phone za. - HOME WW WASH LAUNDRY REG lav uh n done at a raie everx- tAw t-mm afford. For only $0 cenU we will collect, wash and deliver your , washing within twenty-fou' hours. Phone 271. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF .11 kfnda. automobile repairing, oxy miim welding, gas engine re- nairins:. model and experimental rk. towi Machine Shop. D. B Brown, prop.. 262 Chemeketa BL, Sa HONEY TO LOAN. DI TTrmr OF MONET TO UJAW .uwl rirmi. lv mwmi run Trtviles:e to pay $100 or multiple or -.--. itatea. Five or sevee yeat loans. H. M. Hawkins, 214 Masonic ' Bldg-. Salem. Oregon. PARTIES WITH wuu r ah otA.i,n- one itv. - One $1,000.00 three years. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple . Salem, Oregon JTCTRSERXES. FRUITLAND NURSERY WILL NOT have sales yard this falL Please rail at nursery for trees of all kinds. Nursery located one mile east of pen itentiary. Phone 111F21. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE TOUR order ror rose uiiw-. , . ...it walnut and ornamental trees Jaf immediate planting, with Capital rt Nursery Company. 1020 Cheme- V" " m " mm giVlM nyWvW e ewaew www SECOND HAND GOODS Wo2YIfnIl.?5H'i8E29D'UAJJD goods of all kinds, pip fittings, bar collar pads, tool. yM- "red Echindler. 26 Canter CSbEBTAKEUS, WEBB C LOUGH C B. WEBB, A. M. Hough, funeral director. Latest modern method known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WALL PAFKB. PAINT. GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE. DEO- '". painting, usuiif, paper hanging, etc Work done by contract or by day;, good workman. Location 102 Center St. Phone 616-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL A Kit upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 27 Com mercial St. BJSH PORTER FOR PAINTS. WAIT. raoer ana rictur reaming. Good woramen. (JOUTt St. Phone 416. MOVES WIRfi FKNCINO. Depet NaUeaal 4k Aaaerleasi Senek all ataeta. 1M law te 8 la. high. ' PalBta. OUa sad aYrmlaaw Stevee KrbeUt auad KepalreeL Lesaaherry atael Mew Useaa. Saleaa reatee) A Stave U'.rt. eart St. raese 1S4 IV. SJ. FLEma WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. SOI 8. commercial street, jror water service apply at office. Make all comolalnta at the office. No deductions in bills wiu oa allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless' water is cut off from premises. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes' under schedule of raiee. Apply at office for copy. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND a m hauling. Household fKjr moving lobs done prompt' - ly. Try me once. Tlmme. 476 State St. Phone U3. Reaidence phone 1122-J. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY ACTO SERVICE SHIPP-S AUTA SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone - Day, ICS nlarht. S6t. TIKCS RKPAJKEU VCLCANIZINQ GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 8uth Commercial SU Phene 421. SHIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND sections, tubes 26e up. Service ear. Phone SIX. 226 South Commercial street. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA I CmAr Cmmt Nil Ilia mull every Thursday evening at S o'clock , In Derby building, corner Court and!...- tji High streets. R. F. Day, V. C-; J. A.lr' Wright. Clerk. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC OR. O. I SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. C. Chlropractlcs fountain . bead. Davenport. Iowa. Chlrapractlc corrects the cause of disease. Office 404-7-1 U. 8. N. Bank Building. Phone S7.- Readence I22-R- DENT1ST OR. F. I UTTER, DENTIST, ROOMS 418-414 Bank of Commerce Building. Phone 0. MUSIC TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1282. OSTEOPATHY OR. W. lm MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. H.iras villa. Mo.; treats acute and chronic diaease. Office 404-406 U. 8. Nation al Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence 419 North Summer. Phone 614. OSTEOPATHY DRS. WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO- Sathle physicians ana surgeons, raduates of the American School of Osteopathy. Klrkaville, Mo. Post graduate and specialised la nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronle diseases. Offices 605-4-7 8 U. & Nstlonal Bank Bldg. Phone S59 Residence .1620 Court street. Phone 2216. Dr. White residence phone 469. PHYSICIANS DR. I O. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. oaH Stones and Goiter treated successful ly. Office and residence 296 North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. CHINESE PUYS1C1AN. OR. I. M HUM CURfcfl ANT KNOWN 162 a Ht-vh 8t Phone 32. dt. BIDS INVITED. SALE OP BONDS CALL FOR RIDS The undersigned will receive bids up till five o'clock p. m. December 2, 1918, for improvement bonds of the City of Salem. Oregon, to the amount of $11,908.74, interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually at Salem, Oregon. Such bonds will be sold for not less than par and accrued Interest; date of bonds November 1. 1918. Bidders therefor, must file with their bids a certified check payable to the City of Salem for two per cent of the par value of such bonds to be forfeited In case any bidder shall fall or refuse to acept and pay' ror said bonds, should they be awarded to him. The city reserves the right to re fuse any and all bids. Earl Race City Recorder WHOLE TVTTT.K We will pay 93.33 per hundred de livered at Salem. Price baaed on 4 per cent fat contents. Phono 2488 MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. 8 A LEM. OREGOX ' . . , . , eirl th I lateittrl . Afltl.. a.i.w r ti TflAAAA libortv I I 11VUM U6V W sS4F p S3 at WSS w LEGAL. NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly and rearularlv iDouini. ed administrator of the estate of Ada Dayton Robertson, deceased, and has duly qualified aa such. All per sona having claims against said es tste shall present them, duly verified as by law required to the undersign ed at his office in theSwetland Build ing. Portland. Oregon, or to my at torneys. McNary, McXary Keyes. at their office at Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. This notice is published the first time this 26th day of October, ltlt. FLOYD B DAYTON. Administrator of the estate of Ada Day- ion noDcrison, aeceaseo. . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS AXI OTHERS. In the estate of Jane A. Hurlburt. deceased. The creditors of Jane A. Hurlburt. late of the city of Salem, in the coun ty of Marion, and state of Oregon, married woman, deceased, who died - u " - - J August, 1918, and all others havlnc claims I against, or ecuuea to snare in, the estate, are hereby notified to send by post prepaid or otLerwipe deliver to the undersigned executor on or be- fore the 9th day of December. 1918, their Christian and surnames, ad dresses and descriptions, end fall particulars of their claims, accounts or Interests, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. Im mediately after the said 9th day of December 1918, the assets of the said testratrix will bo distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims or Interests of which the exf-cutor shall then have notice, and all others will be excluded from the said distribution. . National Trust Company, Ltd. 22 King Street East, Toronto, On tario. executor. Thompson & Richardson, Strat ford, Ontario, its solicitors herein. Dated at Stratford this 8 th dsy of November, 1918. I PORTLAND MARKETS Dairy Products. PORTLAND, Nov. 22. Butter Prints, extras, 63c; cubes, extras, 59c; prime firsts, 58c; dairy, 37 He Batter fat. Portland, delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 67c. Potatoes. Locals, selling price, $1.75 Q 2. Grain. Bids: Oats, No. 2 white feed. No vember, $55.50; December, $55.50; January, $55.50. Barley, standard feed. November, SA 9K. Tw. tvi h.. Sit A 9 K Tann.nr tVi" A-j-'-ji ' vl f'v.av. uai iri iuiuuiu n , .iv- vember, $51: December, $51; Janu Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats. No. 3 white. $51; December, I fine income property in rose $52; January, $52. Thirty-eight brf- r?V i "change for farm pound- clipped, $52.50; December, I $53.50: January. $54. Corn No. 3 yellow, November, $5825; December, $57.25; January. $57. No. 3 mixed. November. $56.50; December. $56; January, $56. XEW YORK 3LRKETS. NEW YORK. Nov. ed apples, nominal. . Prunes, scarce. Peaches, nominal. 22. Evaporat- Rural Crop Movements Weaken Price of Corn CHICAGO, Nov, 22. Prospects of an increased movement from rural sources tended today to weaken the corn market, and so likewise did lib eral shipments from Argentina. The prices closed heavy, 2c to 3 He net lower, with December il.27(0 A and January $1.28 0 . Oats finished V.c to lV4e down, and nrovlsions varying from 30c decline to 37c ad-1 vanco. Bears ruleft the corn market right from the outset. Reports that grain prices had fallen sharply In London as well as In Paris and that rations In Germany had been augmented seemed to put the bulls on the de fensive. Bearish sentiment, how ever, became much more pronounced as indications accumulated that big forwarding of corn from first hands was in prospect Oats declined in sympathy with corn In provisions, the rtrenshof the hog market operated at first as stimulus to buying, but wss more than offset Ijtcf by the downturn iYu7 York Prices React mt. r. .i rr Alter MTtngin jnoum vpav YnnK. Nov. 22. In Its chief essentials todsy's stork market was largely a aupinaie ui me pr- vious session, prices reacting very generally after an eany maniiesia- tion of comparative strength. Trading was very much broader but the occasional intervals of actlv- ity weie invariably at the expense of values, professionals governea the day s operations. The monetary situation occasioned I further restraint, local financial In- stitutlons maintaining their attitude I of extreme conservatism. Post-war conditions were again ap - parent in hcaviners of motors, cop- pers and other shares whose status Is likely to undergo radical readjust- ment In the transition to pvsce basis, Metals, secondary motors, utilities and fie fertilisers bore the brunt of the liquidation at extreme recessions of two to four points. ShlDDlnrs and oils were the sole features of strength, but those Issuer reacted later with rails and United States Steel, the latter declining one and a half points and making feeble recovery. Sales amounted to t so.- 000 shares. Bonds were aetive but- featureless, I ghowlcc only fractional changes. J WV, Ce V estwwtww " " RALESTATE r oil SALE CHEAP MY EQUITY IN T Malem. six acre tract close In. Willi consider car as payment. lil . lztn. BARGAIN SUBURBAN HOME, 2 AC res just outside city worth $2eus. Any reasonable offer accepted. Kasy terms. Room . Bayne Bldg. 10 ACRES, 15 CULTIVATED. BAL ance good pasture, well watered, fenced, good Improvements, a mile and a half from town, to trade for acrerge near Salem. Price $3000. socoioisKy. 241 btate. A GOOD BUY 25x10 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Salem, together with perpetual right of war over the 14K&0V feet tract extending Irom this property to State street. Terms. Apply Scott Boxorth. 101-2 Spalding ttidg.. Portland. Oregon. BRING YOUR TRADES w . n m t.k v am f rr I 1 Estate Agenc Canada lands. 644State ""ecu trade a fine large house on ouiumcr ii wl. ciose in. isr acreage. No encumbrance. 15000. An l-room nouse on capitoi street for small acreage. 23500. IS acres near Junc tion City to trade for house and lot In Salem. flOOO. 16 acres fine land 1 mile from good town on S. p. rail way and 1-4 mile to station on Ore gon Electric for city property. S3 000. Houses on the Installment plan. Terms. See me for bargains. G. W, leaner. 400 Hubbard Bldg. for sale boo acre stock ranch close to town. 1(500. 10 acre trace gooa buildings, most all In bearing prunes, close in on main road. 12500. 100 acre farm. Waldo hills, nearly ail under plow, fair buildings, spring water. ISO per acre. Exchange, good five room residence for small tract with buildings. Three houses in Sa lem to trade for good close in rest dence. 40 acres to trade for home. In Salem up to $1500. Farm for rent. For rent a room modern house, lit For rent S - acre tract on car line. 610. F. I Wood. Bayne Bldg. A FIRST CLASS SMALL ACREAGE. close to town with good improve ments, $5000: will exchange for a tS to a 100 acre farm, and pay differ ence. if not over S1600. or near It. Also nave a 13 acre farm where own er will take a town house of S1500 to 12000. Also a nice 5 acre improved place, close in. where owner will take a s.nall neat house In trade. Also have three bouses to trade Into one close m and. finer quality. Come and see us, or correspond.-on any or these: we may get rou a deal, we have a large listing for exchange- several hundreds. Fleming Realty Company, jil Btate street. FOR EXCHANGE Good Country store $ioo stocK or general merchandise, storebutldinr and warehouse, rood 8 room house, barn and other build ings. 2ty acres of land highly Im proved fruits berriea, grapes and fine garden Jand. Nice location and doing good J. blnea. Price $7600. Will exchange for farm. GOOD 410 ACRE STOCK RANCH With good improvements. 75 acres In cul tivatlon. located in Douglas county. Stock, tools and equipment. Snap 812.600: will exehanre for wheat land. farms. ACREAGE. TIMBER. CITY property, fruit tracts, stock ranches for exchange. Bee PERRINE aV MARSTERS 206 Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE 140 acres first class farm land. 100 acres under cultivation, bal ance creek bottom land, running wa ter. gt.od road, price $85. per acre. Good 6 room plastered house, located on paved street, east front lot. ce ment walks, price $1230. 6 acres bearing cherry orchard. 24 miles out. urlce 21200. I acres all cultivated. house, barn. well, good road, price $1000. 17 acre fruit ranch. 10 acres bearing prunes, house, barn, rock road, price $2760. 220 acre farm. $0 acres plow land, balance timber and pasture, buildings, will consider some trade, price $16,000.' 40 acres of bear ing Italian prune orchard In first class condition, price $250 per acre. 10 acre tract. 6 acres cultivated, bal ance pasture. 4 room house, barn, running water, some orchard, price $1200. 1 acre tract, good house, welt, close to carllne. price $1200: terms. If you want to buy, trade or sell, see us. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co, 276 State street. fourth 4 Us sold at 98. Total sales. par value, aggregated $14,700,000. Old U. S. registered 4g declined 1 per I cent on saies. I Deals in Real Estate I John H. Scott et Jix to G. W. Da vis and M In common piece of land in M. Smith claim. 2 9-9-2 W. W. D. Willamette Valley Irrigated Land company to H. R. Crawford, piece of land in William Morris claim 64-9-2, Q- D. V T Hanson and L. H. Turner to CharIeE MaxweU et ux. piece of land In I. N. Gilbert claim, 38-7-2W, $1500, W. D. For general real estate 'business. mortgages and insurance see C. W. I Niemeyer. 544 State street Phone tooo. John F. CrOVeS, OtlCC rs if CL f n J I rOlk oAcTIJf , IS UCOa nAT.l.AS. Or.. Nov. 21. (Sneclal to Tne statesman.) John P. Groves . formr sheriff of Polk county, pass- ed away at nla j,0me at East Inde- Ipendence Sunday after an illness of i many months caused by cancers. j,ir Groves was a native of Indi- sna and was born on September 2$. 1846. When about 18 years old he came to Oregon with his parents and 1 settled at The Dalles, afterwards moving to Marion county and then to pQik county. Mr. Groves wss one Df tne nrtt pioneers In the hop In- duitry of this county and was the nrBt fanner who raised hops on an extensive scale, paving the way for an industry that had much to do In later years In making Polk countv I the "blue ribbon connty of the state ' He Is survived by a wife, two sons, Clark, of Salem and Emmerson, who is with the army in France, and one daugter. Miss Madge. The funeral services were held weanesosy irom tthe Chspman undertaking pariors I under the direction of the Cnnstisn I Science churc. Interment was in tne iwai we we - -' " REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonder f oil r Told by AHEM GARRISON ' CHAPTER CXL1II HOW MADGE SAW JACK lUCK ETT'S SHIP PUT OITT TOsSEA "Don't ever ask me to ride In s subway again. It is the most uncom fortable place I ever experienced." The elder Mrs. Graham snapped the words st me. If on,e can use such a word in connection with the stately dignity of my mother-in-law, as we climbed the stairs from the South Ferry station to the street. Her usual dignity appeared to be a trifle raffled at the edges anyway. noted, smiling Inwardly, albeit with much mental trepidation. I knew the rest reason for her displeas ure. It was not the discomfort of having to stand in the subway car which had upset her. but the ridicu lous mistake of my old acquaintance. Mr. Lawrence, whom we had met un expectedly He had not known I had married. I and when I told him he had promptly I congratulated me upon being Mrs. Bickett! And Dicky's mother had heard him! I knew she was too prond to make any reference whatever to the Inci dent. But i also knew that she would nevertheless resent It In every little tanntlne- war sb could. Her com- nlaint of the aubwav was the first shot. 1 felt that I had reason 10 1 w I dread the dav. I vh we are not at the harbor at ! all!" This was the next remsrk as w. r..rhMi the entrance of the ktotk I and faced the ferry buildings which separated us from the waters of the harbor. "You cannot see the water for. these buildings," I explained patient ly. "You will get a wonderful view of it from the aquarium, the old Castle Garden." "Oh. Tes. Csstle Garden. I re member that very well." she said with more animation, and then quer ulously, "but I do not see It." "It Is right over there," I said. In dicating It by pointing, something I detest doing. But I felt a breathless . ..Ut. . immlli A nvm tnv mother. ln-law's ruffled feathers In any way " t "ere my bd that was push possible. Sie turned her eyes to the r blm bctoss the ocean to almost . a m m I a a ea 1 esh aN aa4a T r squat old building, which naa seen i so msny vicissitudes, and wnicn helped so much In the making of the city's history. . "But what a distance away." she exclaimed. "Was there no nearer wav of retting to it!" I began to feel badgered, and I am afraid irritation crept into my voice. "The Bowling Green ststion 1'lMrs. Broughers mother. Mrs, Har- nearer. certainly." I said coldly. "But yon said yon wished to go to the end of the Island first and then walk up. You will get a wonderful view by walking along the sea walL" "I do not remerarer making suen a remark." she saM stubbornly, "but It does not matter, let us hurry along. I am freezing here." I looked at her In astonishment It was mr first lesson in the futility of ever contradicting my mother-In-1 law. or recalling to her memory, any thine she had said, and which snei dod not wish to remember. I men - tallr lotted down the fact for future guidance, and walked ny ner siae. accommodating mv steps to her slow - er ones. But as the full view of the harbor burst upon our eyes, even Mrs. Gra - him', lir nature had to vanish. A Wonderful View. "It Is wonderful! wonderful!" ihc said. "Wait a moment. I want to fill my soul with It." I felt my hesrt wsrm toward her. I have always loved the harbor. Many treasured hours have I spent watching It from the sea wall or from the deck of one of the Staten Island ferries. To me It Is like a loved friend. I enjoy hearing Its praises. I shrink from hearing It criticized. Mrs. Graham's hearty ad - rairsuon maae me icei more eiu.j towsrd her than I nad yet aone. Neither .of ns spoke again lor sev - eral minutes. My gsze followed mylUtlon which was organised for the mother-in-law's as she tnrned f rom I duration of the war with Germany. on marvel of view to another. Five miles away, yet looking much nearer. were the hills and slopes of Staten Island. The New Jersey shore stretched away on the right across the North river. Governor's Island land the entire strength of the ar wlth its aualnt oldort. Cattle Wll-J Kanlxatlon Is nearly 125 members. Hams, on the point was on our lefL and beyond It across the Eait river. . ... we saw nronklrn's warehouses, with an occasional church steeple rising to prove the borough's right to its old dime. "City of Churches " The Statue of Liberty was almost directly in front of us. nd near it the austrere Immigration buildings on Ellis Island were softened by the rsys of the winter sun. I never see the Juxtaposition of Liberty statue and the Ellis Island bulldiofxs with out a little thrill of patriotic Joy at ttaaaaaaatm ....1t11,lwunumM SPRJNGTEX is the underwear wrth a million little springs in its fabric which "give and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of tre garment despite long wear and hard washings. It is the year -around underwear, Hyat, medium or heavy we if at. aa yow use. "Remember'to Buy It YeVU Ferfet Yen Have It Oa" Aa Ytmr DtmUr UT1CA KK1TTIX5 CO, Uikers Saws tsoa: 359 taevsy, R Yrt my heart that the millions of eager', seeking spirits which come to ns from age-worn Europe have this wonder ful symbol of liberty as their first experiences of their new bom. The Departing Steamer. My mother-inlw turned to me at LasL ber face softened. ."I am ready to go on now." she said. I have al ways loved the remembrance of this horbor since I first saw it years ago. We walked slowly on toward the Aquarium, both of ns wstchlng the ships as they came Into the bay from the North river. The fussy. splatter Ins; little tugs, the heavily laden fer ries, the lazy fishing- boats. . the dredges and scows even the least of them was made beautiful by its set- r ting; of clear winter sin and spark ling water. How few large ocean steamers there seem to .be!" commented my mother-in-law. as a Urge ocean-going. cst off its tvf and glided past on us wsy out to sea. "I suppose " Is on account of the war," she con- tinned Indifferently. At this moment 1 hesrd a comment from a passing man that brought back to me the misery of the dar before. "I guess that's the Saturn." he to kl companion as they wslked at... 4UOW A - a . a B"r oa an au ims morning. Got a lot of French re- serviits on board. Poor devils! Any body getting into that hell over there ns aoooi one cnance in a million to get out again." Forgetful of my mother-in-law's presence. Indeed, of everything else In the world. I turned and gated on the steamer making Its wsy out to sea. I knew that somewhere on Its decks stood Jsck. my brother-cousin, the best friend my mother and I had ' ever known. When he had come back from a year's sbsence to ask me to be his wife he had found that I had married Dicky. Then he had an-, nounced his intention of joining the French engineering corps. what had the man said lost nowT Not one chance In a million! I felt (To be continued.) SC0TTS MILLS I I SCOTTS MILLS. Or.. Nov..7or. 22 I Mr. and Mrs. A. Broogher and I rlett Barnes visited relatives In Sa i lem Sunday. I Mrs, Mike Lsrdwlng visited her I son and family In Silverton last week I Allen Bellllnger was a Salem vlii- I tor Mondsy, I John Scott of Oregon City was a I visitor In Scotts Mills Saturday. I Mr. and Mrs. L. S.-Rice and fam- I fly visited Mrs. Rice's father la I Wood burn last week A. L. Brougher was a Portland I visitor Thursday. r. Newberry or AOtqua neignts 1 went to Salem Tuesday to Tlslt rel- I stives. i ixuie Jtsgee wno nss oeen iu wiu 1 the mumps Is Improving slowly. I Mr. and Mrs. J t Fisher msde a I business trip to p-rtlana last weea. I Lulu Dale la again, teaching after I two weeks vacation. Earl Groshong from a camp la California Is visiting relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Puiser of Glad I Tidings visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. risner eunoay. Anton Ettlia who has been sick the past week Is Improving rapidly. i nff Dm.J UTUUng IS JxeSuuiea by Company at u alias DALLAS. Or Not. 21 (Special to The Statesman.) The Dallas 1 Utma mtnl Mmniiif rammeA rfrlll- lnf. tnlt weK after forced suspen- iaJon of about four weeks due to the 1 Didemlc of influenza- The organ. I as decided not to disband until peace I is finally declared and after the ar- I rival of the Oregon troops from I abroad. Several new members have I lately been taken la by the company Captain Greenwood who was lately I appointed major of the second regi- I a, s a a lit a a meni oi noma luirai nui retains als position with the local company. CHICHESTER S PILLS W 1I1S Station) STBAJIBV - A Pum as au t t4 tV7 Iiii a 4 we fcaat Sin i. V bLAjaeast atiia riiXa, a. aa "W Jjfj Y KLCCCTs DUTCH