THE OREGON STATESMAN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 10!8 The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper j Classified Directory Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While rf. rl .a le af Dr. V f I est t- Bar. Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS CLOTHING. KIIOKH, IIH'Y h. TOOLH. CJLNS. SUITCASES. CAPITAL EXCHANGE Mi Mia 4D3 S37 Court St. NORWICH LNiON FIRE INSURANCE 'KOC1KTV - Thirl". Kolaiid & Buruhardt ttMMfnt Azcnt ' II7I Slate St, HOl'SKS Ton RENT FINE SIX ROOMED FUR- nished bungalow, clouts In. modern In very respect. Four runtnH t-otlaire n paved street, at $S0 per month. O..W. Laflar. Hubbard Bldg. . ROOMS )R RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM w ID u M or halh In miuliir, trm Address A. 11.. tar Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN t n IMPROVED KAHU AXU C1TT ouoVuitTV AT LOW EST RATM THQSXFORD FOR SALE MONET TO LOill. PARTIES WITH GOOD FA KM KECUH lly want to borrow an follows: One $7i0 00 three years. One ll.ouo uu three years. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT -491 Masonic Temple - Salem, Oregon RCRSEHIES. . V M'ltILK , er Lad Jk Bask H a a. Hales. Or. I AY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR livestock of all kind. Will ship this week. Phone evenings 23S7J. G u. Durdick. t ate rer Were, t tion lo ! , Insertions fee I (sis Insertions).... Ic : rf.ASIIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate rer Word. first Insertion lubaequeni Dna Week One month 9e Six months' coo trace, per mo... Jo II montllS cunirici, vr IHK..I ic No sect opened for less than ZSc A neat card riven free with an .Aarttaement to the extent of 60c announcing "For Bale," "For Rant," "Rooms" or "Hoard. VULL BLOODED DURHAM COWS and r-aives lor sale, also some good Her ford calve, both sexes. C. A. Mc Crow. lit. I. Boa 72. Dallas. FOU SALE SIX HIGH GRADE HOL- stein heifers; also one registered Yorkshire brood sow heavy with pigs. William Kaufman. Silverton, JJ M ISCELA NKU D i FOR SALE A GOOD FEED CUTTER. IS. Phone 74-W. FRU1TLAND NURSERY WILL NOT have any sales yard this fall. I'lease all at nursery for trees of all kinds. Nursery located one mile east of pen, Itentiary. Phone 111K21. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR order for rose bushes, shrubbery. fruit, walnut and ornamental trees tal, 780 cords second growth fir. Oregon State School for the Blind. 300 cords second riowth fir. Oregon State School for the Deaf, 400 cords second growth fir. Orgon State Industrial School fot Girls. 100 cords second growth nr. Bids on slab wood will be enter talned. but bidders mutt state wheth er they are bidding on mill run or round slab. Specifications will be furnished upon application to the secretary. All bids must be accompanied by certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid, pay able to the Orron State Board ol Control, which sum so deposited by RMLESTATE FOR EXCHANGE OR HALE ON EASY terms Modern 7 room house and good lot. Salem. Ore. Address Own er. Box til. Dallas, Oregon. 10 ACRES! IS CULTIVATED. BAL ance good pasture, well watered, fenced, good Improvements, a mile and a half from town, to trade for acreage near Maietn. rrice JJVUv Socolofsky, 141 State. for immediate planting, with Capital I the successful bidder shall be held city Nursery Company. 1U3Q Cheme-Jby the board as a guarantee that the keta street. Phone 75. I bidder will enter Into a contract to UY BUSINESS REQUIRES MY LIVING In Salem. Will trade Portland In come up to 114,000 for Salem business or warehouse. I'ay difference or as sume. Would look Into a good farm property. Address "A-30" care of Statesman. REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A WtHMkarfal Ilofauutre of Married Life Wottderf allj Told by , AD LLC GARRISON IKCVSU HAND GOODS furnish the amount awarded. All bids are to be enclosed In a sealed jtt:;- . .... ; t.,.v.r T7Tt I envelope and marked "Bids for goods of ail Kinus, pipe rnungs, nar-i wu, auu iu w nesa. collars, collar paas, toois. I undersigned. rrea ccoiiaicr, ii, vaw chains. tree! CSUEHTAKEHti ?"" SEW TODAY Each nsw class If ed advertise ment will be run under "New Today" for the first Insertion, un less otherwise ordered by the ad vertlser. ' Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under Its proper classification. - I No advertisement will be run ander "New Today for more than one issue under any circumstances HALED ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE IN car lots. Write l'tnney ic Bender, Ontario, Oregon. IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send ltte to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad WEBB at C LOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern uethods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WALL PAPER, PA1MT. GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. Goodin. Secretary Oregon state uoara 01 Control. EXECUTRIX NOTICE OP AP-l-OLNTMENT. A GOOD BUT SSlSS TEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Salem, together with neroetual right of way over the 14S&0H feet tract extending fromcDen uteDalls ApSirsotrBoaoth: rrSpauTdl with unshed tears, her face unnstur Bldg Portland, Oregon. I ally flushed, she was evidently in a towering temper. CHAPTER CXI, HOW MADGE "11111 IIKD" KATIE I beard a tehencnt clattering of pots and pans as I entered the kit chen to give Kstle dlrtc.ions for the day before starting on tuy Igbt-see-Ing trip with my mother-in-law. Katie was standing by the sink slamlng things around as If she were venting her feelings upon the kit- tier eyes were bright is hereby given that the las been duly appointed Location j Djr tne COunty court of the state of hanging, etc Work done by contract I undersigned has been duly appointed or by day:; goa woraman. IF YOU WISH TO SECURE A LOAN on real or personal security; if you want to sell or rent your property or desire to Insure it In a company that will pay in case of loss, see John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard Bldg. BRING YOUR TRADES PEERLESS OASOLINE ENGINE. It .v v,enw ou ruw. ...-t,. j Qrernn for the county of Marlon as I can match you. C W. Nlemeyer. Real horsepower,! cylinders. Suitable for I TF.V rF:vTa a DOUBLE ROLL AND I executrix or tne last wm ana lesia-?.?.-2lV'S'i .-.!!0.,:m ur?, upward tor choice wau Paper ailment of W. Al Jones, deceased, and Of course I knew that she must hsve overheard part of our conver sation, but I hoped If I pretended not to notice her anger she might re cover herself. "Mrs." Graham and I are going out. Katie." I said pleasantly. "Htr trunks will be here some time this morning. I think, perhaps not until this afternoon. There Is a large trunk and a steamer trunk. I am sure the charges are all paid, but If the the last will and testa- Estate AenL Canada laade. 444 state "Pressman should claim they are not street. NEW TODAY R SALE ONE J3x4 TIRE AND tube heap. 177 8. Com'l street. WANT LIGHT WORK IN SM ALL FAM- .... , i fife ik ?.k u ; lly,' inquire ni " liBT AT LIBERTY" THEATRE Tues- dsy afternoon, black plush belt. Call 174. .. . OAS RANGE FOR SALE CHEAP. Call mornings. Phone lil!M. 1125 Les lie street. auxiliary In electric light plant. Good condition.' loo gallon tana. Price tlOOO. Scott Boaorth. Spalding Bldg.. ortland. Ore, CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the mas acre of the Oatman - family, of the escape of Lor en so. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa lem. Oregon. Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com-1 that ah a has dnlv Qualified as such mercial St. - ..unt.l All naeasma havlne- elatma WUVKA MIHfi KKMCING. iv.k porter roR paints. WAlxlarainst the estate of said decedent Paoer and picture rrannng. uooa tre hereby no tl rled to present tne workmen. 4 6 Court St. Phone 4I mt du, Terfled, to me at Oerrals, route 2, In Marlon county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 12th day ot November, 1918. Jessie C. Jones. Executrix of the last will and tes- Depet Katieaal eTt Aaaerteaa Feaee, all alaea. M la. te M I", high. Palate. Oils and sVrsUk, Stevee ItehaUt a ad Hefiaired. Leiraaherry 4 Has lleeka. Haleea Keaee Jk Steve Werka ISO Cearl St. Ptaeae 14 I lorn, vv Al Jones, deceased. ra M,v - w " ' TRADE A FINE LARGE HOUSE ON I Summer street, close in, for acreage. No encumbrance, f S00S. An l-room house on Capitol street for small acreage. IS&Oe. II acres near Junc tion Cltv to trade for house and lot In Salem, 11000. II acres fine land 1 mile from good town on S. P. rail way and 1-4 mile to station on Ore gon Electric for city property. I0S0. Houses on the installment Pln Terms. See me for bargains. O. W. La Mar. 40 Hubbard Bldg. pay him what he asks out of this. and make him give you a receipt for the money." I held out s two dollar bill to Ka tie, but she shook her head mutinous ly. "I no be here. I go home right away.- Dot old womans. she call m sneak tlef. I nevaire touch her tings I not star where I called dot. I did some rapid thinking In the next minute. I felt that 1 simply must keep Katie for a while- She R, B. FXEMINO POULTRY IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published send 10 cents to the North weal Poulir Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. vetpH HEED WILL HAVE SUPPLY last of week. Charles IC Archerd Implement company. WAVTED TO RENT PIANO IN FAM- ily of two adults. Will pay $3.00 month and moving charges. Phone ll. j WAVTED AT , ONCE GOOD WOMAN or girl for housework. Every conven- lence. Good wages. Address "J care Statesman. -L ' r.iLT EDGE Fire Insurance Protec tion can be secured In the Oregon Virm Haiief Assn. of McMlnnvllle, or v with any of our Standard OIT Line companies. We are prepared to give you prompt protection and renernl ' ' Insurance service at i A. Johnon Insurance Agency, 1 and . ft Bush Bank Bldg, Salem. Phone 37: LOST and 0WD LOST J" LOST BEAVER PILLOW MUFF ON outlawn In front of John Maurer res idence. 317 North Liberty. Thursday evening. Finder phone li75. .4 At. EM WATER CO. OFFICE. 101 8 Commercial street. For water service apply at office. sMake aU complaint at the office. No deductions in bill win txa allowed I for absence or foi any causes whatever unless water It cut off from premises. Hereaftei water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water fop domestic purposes. Con- trsetoea for sidewalks, brick work. or niaatarlnaT. will please read Tor building purposes' under schedule of I rates. Apply at orrice ror copy. I SALEM MARKETS I rRA N IKKB- U A TJLllY. O WANTED MISCELLAKEOCS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOB good clean rags. Press rowro States man. WANTED SECOND HAND BICYCLE frame with hangers. . 15X1 S. Liberty St, Phone 1JJJ. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY . nauiing. nouMuviw llJTTS tnovlnsr lobs done prompt- ie"S.g I Tr mm once. Tim me. I 47S State St. Phone lit. Residence I phot. 1113-J. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN LIBERTY BONDS IF YOU MUST dispose of your bonds, we will buy them. 114 Masonic Bids. A FIRST CLASS SMALL ACREAGE. close to town with good Improve " ments. 15000; will exchange for a 40 . to a 100 acre farm, and pay differ ence. If not over $1500. or near It. Also have a 31 acre farm where own er will take a town house of $1500 to $2000. Also a nice 5 acr Improved place, close In, where owner will : t.L. .m.ii umi timiae in trade. . ai.. have three houses to trsde Into I WANTED TO BUY THREE , one close In and finer quallty.Tome I fresh or to freshen by Dec. and see us. or correspond, on any or I seys or , these; we may (ret you a aeai. we . have a Inrge lining for exchange several hundreds. Flemink Realty . Company, 141 State street. SALTC OF BOND CALL FOR 1MB dii.E-rHILD'S RED. set chains foe Ford. 1910 Ford car, Faverole wk.-r.i. Wanted to buy or rent. a standard typewriter. P. O. Box 07. Salem. . COWS. 1. Jer- r:uernaevs preferred, must. be srood ones. Address Pearl wood. Gervals, Ore. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE: i ' a . The unaersignea win receive AirT bervice-city ant five o'clock p. ra. .lJetemMr ""-BiJ- trlpa. Phone Day. nlrht. . nn till . w a a SI 2, HIS, for Improvement Donas oi the City of Salem. Oregon, to the amount of $11,908.74, Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually at Salem, Oregon. Buck bonds will be sold for not less t-an par and accrued interest; date of bonds November 1, 1918. ',y Bidders therefor, must file with their bids a certified check payable jto the City of Salem for two per cent of the par value of such bonds to be forfeited In case any bidder shall fail or refuse to acept and pay for said ooads. should they be awarded to aim. " - The city reserves the right to re ' fuss any and all bids. Earl Race TIRES REPAIRED VULCAXIglWU GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial St Phone oil. " shipp-S AUTO SERVICE CITT AND mJlZZ.. VTi.. if,e up. Service car South Commercial Phone street. III. no BUYING PRICE. Eggs and Poultry. Eggs. 60c. Broilers, 21 to 22c. 'liens. 21 to 22c. Old roosters, 21 to 22c Pork, Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot. 16 to lKc Ewes. 8c. Spring lamb. 10c. Beef steers. 7 'to 9c. Cows. 4 to 7c. Hay. Cheat, per ton. $24. Clover, per ton, $25 to $26. Grain. Wheat. $1.94 to $2. Oats. 80c to $1. Beans, 6 to 6c Mill Feeds, RetalL Mill tun. $28 to $39 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Creamery butter, prints, 64c. Hutterfat. f. o. b. Salem, 67c. Fruit. Grapes. $2.25 to $2.50. Oranges. $12 to $13. Canteloupes. $2. Local tomatoes, $1. Lemons. $9.50 to $12.50. Bananas, 8Vc. Veetable. Cabbage, 2c. Onions (imported), $1.75 to $2. Green peppers. 6c pound. HetaJl Price. Creamery butter. 66 to 70c. Dairy butter, 60e. Eggs, 70c. Flour, hard wheat. $3.16. Hour, valley, $2.90. Sugar, cane and beet, 11c. Potatoes, sack lots. $z.oo. Oil Products. Standard engine distillate. In bulk. 13 cents. ,r C. . In KnIV 11UC DR. w. m--k. !.,. i bulk. 2814c: Eocene, in FOR SALE 600 ACRE STOCK RANCH I knew mv wars, she was a fairly f close to town. $4500. 10 acre tract, flrl. housekeener and above aU good buildings, most all lo bearing nouse keeper, ion '" . prunes, close in on main road, fisoo. she was capable of preparing nuir.- 100 acre farm. Waldo hills, nearly all tlous. aDDetltlng meals. The history uVrS'Kl?3 1 cliu of the Lotus Study Oub. which five room residence for small' tract! I had promised to conduct, would be- witn buildings, inree nouses, in oa- i ,, -Bother week. If I tried, to i paused significantly. s.irPse I I HAD told her of the time you opened luy trunk?" I Katie looked up at me, her eyes twiinming in tears. "Oh. I know, Mrs. Graham. I such a tad girl. I sorry I so mean to you. -Very well. Katie." I said, then paused, for I was frankly puttied how beat to rav to Katie what I wanted to tell her. "Can yon keep a promise. Kstle. If you make one." I asked. "Sure." Katie answered. She was fast recovering her cheerfulness. "There will, of course, be more work in the apartment now, Katie. 1 went on, "and sometimes you mar find the elder Mrs. Graham ft little - "Cranky." supplemented Katie with a cheerful srin. "Difficult J I subsUtuted. frown ing slIghtlyT snd so I have decided to give you $2$ a month at present, and $30 when we move Into a larger apartment, which we expect to do la few months. "But I lifted my flager at hrr admonishlngly. I shall expect yon to control yourself. Katie. If you get that money you mutt keep you' temper and not talk back, bo matter what Mrs, Graham may say to you. Katie snatched up my hand and kissed It fervently. "I put up with the devil for that money," she said giggling. "See that you keep your promise. I returned. "There will be no one home to lunch, Katie. Get dlnir eariy, about 5 o'clock. "All right. I feex, The homely familiar phrase sound ed In my ears as I went back to join my mother-in-law on our trip. I knew Katie would stay with me, but I felt like the bribe-giver I was. ' (To be continued) lem to trade for good close In resi dence. 40 acres to trade for home la Helena un to tl&OO. Farm for rent. Kor rent S room modern house. 110. For rent I acre tract on car line. $10. T. U Wood, Bayne Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 130 ACRE WHEAT RANCH IN EAST ern Oregon, near good town, half now In cultivation and 100 acres more can easily be put Into cultiva tion. On good road and -good fencea, set farm buildings, with spring wa ter piped to buildings. Close neigh bors and near school. Good stock or grain reach. Price 110.000. Will sell easy terms or exchange for stock of hardware, furniture, groceries or merchandise. . 1 TIMBER CLAIMS WITH ABOUT a 1 1 w tm timber to ex change for residence property la Sa il MILLION FEET TINE SAW TIM do that work either without a maid or while t was trying to break In new one I knew the work or my home must suffer. I thought I knew the surest way to retain Katie's services, and I re solved to take It. although not with out misgivings. How Katie Heard "Katie. I am ashamed of you. 1 said coldly and firmly. In much the tone I would have used to sullen child and. Indeed, she was no more- "Mrs. Graham did not call you snesk thief at all. You heard her MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar camp no. y, every . u - w - . In Derby building, corner Court, and High stfeets. R. F. Day. V. C. J. A. Wright, Clerk. PROFESSIONAL "cHIROrilACTIC OR O L SCOTT, D. C, GRADUATE of . C. Chlroprectlce fountain head. Davenport, Iowa. Chlrapraetlc corrects the cauae of disease. Office 4n.7.S U. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 17. Reedence Itl-R- m.ik thief: and the Only way mill site, will sell on good terms, by listening at the key-bole. Wr you doing that! s vnil WAVT -m RELu UK change your property eee our list. PERRINE a MARSTERS S04 Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE 140 acres first class farm land 100 acres under cultivation, nai ance creek bottom land, running wa- Purposely 1 made my voice as contemptuous as possiuie. rvaue dropped her eyes and her Bps oulv-reJ. I want to bear v- -.t she say about ter. gcou roeo. ... -I mm " -v. ..ia .nllcnlv. Good I room piaeierea now,, I ' J . .vT on naved street east front lot, e-1 'That wasn't the rnent walks, price IU-t. acre- . .. . and you 1.&inLV?JZii::t.l Katie raised her er I'otise. bsrii. well, good road. Price I .--....i. t kntw 11000. 17sxrefrult ranch is acre- d dted only reason, Ka- know IL- es to mine ra the next minute Polk County Farmer It Reported to Authorities DALLAS. Or Nov. 1t-(acrUl to The tSatesmsn.) Frank Blsaell. a Polk county farmer living north it Dallas, may lecelve punislimvnt at the hands c' the government for rr tcarka he Is alleged to htvo made solicitor for, war work funds Friday. Blasell. who claims that his ancestors fought la the American revolution, la alleged to have said 'he would rather give the money to the ksUer than help the Y.M.C.A.And the 8alra tioa army."--His aeOoev was taroedl ately telephoned to the head commit tee la Dallas who notified the United 8tate attorney's office la Portland and aa officer from that office Is ex pected la Dallas to take charge of BlsselL Another resident of the same neighborhood also made a remark that was insulting to the so licitor but he afterwards apologised and contributed a sum of $25. (or the war work drive. . .. ' The Oregon legislature to meet la hether Katie fnr will U cMttl, tatUed;ia DENTIST o r T . TTTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 4U-414 Bank of Commerce Building, phone 404. . . w . . . ir or iwo wuuiu uwiuv w iiXSSl .ruM orchard In first .th.. TOor greateat fault Is curios- - MUSIC TEA CXI KB S . HARR. TEACHER OF, PIANO. Phone lit. OSTEOPATH Y American School Osteopathy. Klrks .Mi. Uo : treats acute ana enronic I ieaseT Of flee 404-401 U. B. Nation JlBSkBMr. Phone Oil- Rasldeuee 419 North summer. raoi OSTEOPATHY bulk. 13c. Oronlte Aroturps, in bulk, joc I PORTLAND MARKETS II BUSINESS CARDS CH1MVEY SWEEP aii PU CHIMNEY SWEEP PHONE I WITP avTi WALTON. OSTEO- i. am" 1 patbic pnysiciana s--r- : I PORTLAND MAHKrJ IS Jm -.- aOT esaaa SmsriCBJI BCDUVI VI - XI"V.hVa Kirksviue. Mo. Po i,.lrr Producta. graduate ana specian "r:, " I PORTLAND. NOV. is. uunei . class condition, price I jty. I do not think you mean any JKS: Z&IV&Z hay;m br It. but It lends you Into all rnlng water, eome orchard, price I Uat cf trouble and mistakes. I have SX-ti UrTinUe1CprKih$ori.Tm: know that you have llst.ned to eoa- k. trade or selL see I veraatlons before. ii w. H. Grahenhorst A Co, 37S I ..nh t nevare.' began Katie State street . ' but I nut no my hand wit.t Velr. " dent as long as export buying re-1 ..0h. yes. you hsve Kstle." I sald .int merely prospective. Later. I ...Bd wli curiosity that led you however, gossip became current that I to g0 lnto my trunk that time." I iiheral buying of flour ool..niMi i honed Impressively, and government account was part of s I slowly: "Suppose I had told my .....mU nlan for feeding Eu- I about that. Katie- rope. Then the market made a swift I Wj4l do you think she would have ascent. Highest prices of tne wiiaid? CHICHESTER S PILLS waak4 mU T e eta . S r efe ' ii e u Xi V -TC ft sob et tzLusn Dinncii, TIME TABLES SOCTMCTlsr PACIFtO CO- DRAYS AND EXPRESS. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE. WANTED ELDERLY .LADY FOR housekeeping. W. E. Cantrell. Ger vals. Oregon. City Recorder farmer transfer-we movi and store gooo. - Night phone lt. CA11TAL CITT TRANSFER COMPANY -Phone 93 J. Salem's largest and be- eaulpped transfer company. """ ?2did freight rates, on eaatern .hipmenxa- "coanetlon w - V r d m,lB( diseases at " r"?.: o.i.. .tr., 63r: ip,..i acute ana enronic n .. . , , . Al?..'- laila-v -SO. 8. National Bank I e-. nrlme tlrsts. 59C. dairy. 37 C Vf .--- - - - , , lttA I I" II i-hone x-.u.. . nutterfat. poruana aeuvciT; Court street Phone 3311. Dr. residence phone 469. White PHYSICIANS WIWi " . . i Jl . . nw iwtm our Office SZ iie irr.i. necking. specialty. HALE rRL. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC physician. Oeneral Practice. uti Stones and Goiter treated euceessfut t sour cream, 67c Potatoes. Buying price, locals, $1.50; sell ing price, $1.75 2. lira in. v-nvamtwr ilellverv. bids: Oats, accompanied word that food relief from the United States for Austria would soon total 250.0UO tons. n,i awaved with corn. Talk of cnbes. extras, improved seaboard demand for oats was a distant buuisn iscior. Huge arrivals of hogs here weak ened provisions. The market rallied somewhat, however, because of the grain bulge. Katie looked at me In startled sur prise. "You no tell her?' she Queried. "I thought you tell her and dot ra wn she call me tlef. A Masterly Stroke Ne 14 Oregoataa a-n. No. 14 Oregoa Expreee ..... 1:15 aA No. II Willamette Limited... 9:11 e-es. No. II Portland Passenger... 1:11 am. No. 14 Cooe Bay 4:00 p.m. No. 14 Portland Expreee .... 7.51 a-ae. No. II Oregoataa 1:10 a.a. No. 31 Cooe Bey 9:41 a-aa. So. II Califorala Expreee ...10:41 a-aa, No. 17 Roeeburg Paaaeagee.. 4:11 pat, to. 17 Willamette Limited ...1:14 p.m. so. it sab sraacisco raee. .. s;i Oeneral Practice. OaH Stones and Goiter tre.ieo ----.-- standard bar Oilir. .... . - - - - . . "You see. Katie." I said slowly, "that Is the punishment of people K 1l,n in enaveraatiana not In tended for them. They get things I 4 Leave Salem all mixed up. Now I am going tr rxVLm cm i WANTED CORDWOOD TO CUT. Her ; WAn Vogt 1441 S. Uberty. i BOTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES ' raaa routes. Apply In person. EXPERIENCED STATIONARY ENGI ' r wants position In or near Sa ' w. C. E. Miller. 1081 -t,rnfet- RANTED BY UNIVERSITY STUDENT Instead .mn afternoons anu . Saturdays. Address A-31, i Statesman. WOOD CHOPPER WANTED GOOD ; fir Umber. Big and second growtn . " Will birik. nrice Der COfd. ;: T. B. Johes. 417 N. Commercial St ynoae 111. 1J MISCKLtAWBOUa. 1RY CLKAStXO AND rRESslSO I JAPANESE PRES?LN0.-rAJlInerr fialVreeUdleV "'jW? autta cleaned and pre-.ei $1.36 aac 11.71. Wurit etiHo ir -n. ... free. Telephone Main III. Liberty. Salem, phone 147. Chinese rHisitxaa. R. I. 1L. HUM COT.M ajii avj-.y .41 Ill H HINI e- ravam rintiG JIOTICKS JUNK JUNK care of JUNK WANTED-WK ! PAT HlOHpi kind. Let u make o' a prle on four household oodV The De" "?Zm ?-.nit.l .funk Co- 171 Chemeketa street Phone 111- TURKEY SHOOT-AT THE U"1. Palmer farm. Sunday. Nov. 34. Nine and a half miles south of Rlem on the Psclflc nignway. ducks for everybody. Turkeys and WHOLE MILK We vrlll pay $3 33 per hundred de n.t m ualm. IVlce baaed on 4 IIWIXI awe I .-r.-;.- rii iTTiicnRTXomCK I Mnt fat content. Fnono ziso ?rf,i..'m ifti MARION CREAMERY & ley. $51; "A" barley. a . Eastern oats and corn: oaia. ,o. 3 white, TmZ; 3-pouna cuov. white. $53.50; corn. No. 3 yenow. $58; No. 3 mixed. J5. aaiea 200 tons December eastern clipped oats at $55; 100 tons Qecem- Ixt feed bat ley at ! Ni:V YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. Nov. 19. Evaporat- led apples, nominal. Prunes, strong. Peaches, nominal. LA UN DRIES. VXTU ;r pouni-134 South. Lib- erty streev rnun V. S. CftVRiiKu rvr WANT THOU- ands of clerks at Washington. Menl wta-r WASH LAUND R Y REG romen. II or over. 10 monvn i -"r;- WMng done at a rate every ' varai itisa. s . a -- sin fmww PRODUCE CO. SALE31. OREGON Quick in. in dava' vacation. with pay. Easy work, common edu eatlnn ,ii ff n.iii unnecessay. 5 patriotic. Your country needs You. llrtn her and live InlWssh- incton ih.i, attrrina war times. Write Immediately for free lit of positions open. Franklin In tltula !...., utt f Itochester. N. Y. body can afford. For only SO eenw wV will collect wash and " Tour washing wnnin -.wen hour. Phone 7t I'UOI'OSAI.H FOR WOOD FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. MACHINISTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS WF DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF .11 klodsV automobile repairing, oxy Icetylane welding, faa !' oa'rlnt model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown, prop.. $51 Chemeketa St. S ' ---- 1 OR RENT FtTRNtSHED APART- nnt Phone 2092R. MONEY TO LOAN. HOUSES nt FVTT OF MONET TO LOAN ON PL "Vfi ., i.i.mii rate. On the 25th day of November, 1918. at 2:00 o'clock p. m.. the Ore con State Board of Control will re ceive sealed bids for furnishing wood for the various atate Institutions, as f00ron State Hospital Cottage Farm. 1600 cords second growth nr European Shioments Give Impetus to Corn Market CHICAGO. Nov. 19. Definite sn nounrement of preparations under . tn .nfl huge shipments of food stuffs to Austria helped to brjna about a sharp upturn today In the corn market after prlcea had under . material decline. The closo OVUS: nTI XfrvW tt fVtri York VUAS Ilium-, ... " I . v.. . ..J ther. And Trade Dwindles Low ton'W how foolifb you were. I could not tell from Katie s man- NEW YORK, Nov. 19. Dullness ntT whether she was In a receptive was the outstsndlng feature of to- D100d or not. Her eyes were stead- daVs stock market, trsdlng dwlnd- tmlr fld on the floor, and her ling to the smallest total since th faC waf atttlll flushed, signing of the armistice. The ton "Mr?. Graham, of course, does not was stesdy to firm during tne icrc- i know you Katie," I began, "ana nat noon, but practically all gains wrM uraliv she is nervous about leaving dissipated in the genet ai selling oi i er things In the care of a stranger the final hour. Monet rv condition! which so lonK have militated against speculative evresaes lost none of their force. brokers experiencing further dlf fl- pultv in securing banking accommo- dktions. Quotations for call and time loans were unaltered, but the loesl money market hss temporarily ceased to be regarded as a barometer or actual conditions with time funds almost nnnhtalnahle except for moderate i TPrtnr storks contributed slmos i one-third of todsv's output United States Steel. Marine, preferred: mm lean Petroleum and Southern Pacific SALKM-CEEBl TUSK . 71 Arrive at Salem 9:19 a.m. 1:10 Jav 41 Leave Salem, motor .... 41 Leave Salem, motor .... 9:31a.m. 41 Leaves Salem, motor .... 1:45pm. Through ear te Moa mouth aad Alrlle 71 Leave Salem ........... 4:11p.m. 43 Arrive at SaUm 1:31a.m. 4 Arrive at Salem 11:40 a. i4 Arrives at Salem 171 Arrives Salem Ill 7:41 p.m She asked me ir you were noneei tnd I told her that I waa sure you ere. Then she asked me how Ions I had known you. and I told her only two weeks, but that you had com well recommended, and that Mr Graham had known you before. "Then she said: There Is nothing to be done but to trust her. She an't get Into the trunks without keys unless she is a snesk thief, and do not think fhe a that.' "So you see. Kstle." I went on smoothly, "there Is nothing for yo to get angry over. Instead you ought to be very grateful to me." I OREGON ELUXTItlO Ktfeetlv 04. lev. ISIS. See theowatd. rrala Leave Arrive Arrive No. Portland Salem K uveas I Ltd.. 1:11am 10:11am 13:15 pis 7 10:45 am 13:50 pm Salem ealy 9 1:05pm 4:15 pm 4:ltpat I Ltd.. 4:50 pm 1:40 pm 1:50pm 17 4:05pm 1:07 pm Salem ealy 9 9:30pm 11:31 pm Salem ealy North Beak Statlea (leave Jarrer on Street II aad 30 miaatee later.) Iff eextaa-eaad Trala Leave Arrive ' Arrive No. Eugene Salem Portland 4 7:14 am 9:35 am to Ltd.. 7:41 am 9:41 am 11:11am I 13:11pm 1:15pm 4 Ltd.. 1:11 pm 4:4 pea 1:41 pm 0 Salem only 1:10 pm T:4Spm :l ..... 4:34pm 7:55 era 11:00pm North A tOn RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS and fsrm F. U Wood. 141 State wool phone 714. was strong. IT e to ae ..mA.m -nrm or it. in the orde with December el." to " .V 'KXl'i V Jrt- s'eti started off at a moderately Oats gained He to 1HC " '. atrone nace but replaced It" extrtm visions the outcome was unchanged tB;-" it: nolnts with a net State Institution for Feeble-Mind-, to 20e lower decided fractional loss. Marine substitute;! U0 ForOYfir30 YJP Leave Salem .nA .rrf, Kccottd trovu nr. At nm i-.l a .tirht earlv gain witn a s-rcqueu - s 15 am eu. w- ov. trn ' .tr.ntare in the corn maraei. vw,uj- - - ... Ta. I Alwarrs aeara fl I u 11 a 'I " r.Va.7; to a nrevalent opinion that m oars or two p o. ' w. yT . 4 111 m 1 w-'i - - j r r i rnrreiiea ueai 1 1 i '" 1 . r j m. - w a. .a 1 sjAmamra os a arTi" tjt sccvBjr 1 r is -" CASTOR IA For Tnfints cd CbJldrta Beak Station (arrive Jeffer- Ma Street II minute earlier). Leave ConraUls. COaVALUt CX 3 SECT 10 XS erta Leave Core all 1 1:31 am 11:11 pm 1:41 pm 4:11 pm th X' V stat; Training School. 950 ' advantage In the corn -M - :h-k of two noInU. Southern Pa- ----- - . ., rn u...l In a nrevaieut opiuiuu m.. - . - . i'., - - . eir e rorreitea neariy an th. 11 advance wiw - v ;' .. ., f0P0.. ,"ru.T--il as or multiple n 'cords seCOHQ growvu ., -v Ktlre-rdateeT' Flvi or .eve. year n. , ,' , - "mora tbaa iufn. a POinL loans. H. M. Hawkins, s a-.i Oregon SUte TUOercutoai o'i- iilds Salem, Oregon. . - Arrive ae 1:41 a a. 1.40 am 4:00 pm 1:11 pm Arrive CorvalUe 9:57 am 11:11 am I II pm 1.04 pas w