The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Diamonds, Jewelry Watches
HVEEWAEE and CLOCKS, chosen from our Carefully se
lected stock having style, quality and acceptability, at
moderate prices.
K. W. Corner State A LlaertF Sta.
pr. Bunk'tte, Optometrist. Eyes Scientifically Examined
t.KB varieties. Phone your or-
Ward K. Richardson.
ttBoje. Applet 3
tirieties. Phi
.Inna to Admlnist
fermn Swank of Aumsvllle has
setiticmed the county court to be
JLjiiited administrator of the estate
JfD. Swank, who died recently.
h the Market for Potatoes
Bay warehouses at the fol
fctinf points. Sllverton, Mt. Angel.
janU. Brooks, Cbemawa and Salem
(Ejia building) Earl Wood, Jylver
toi, Orecon.
Piece of Shrapnel Hits Fore
arm and Sends Salem
Man to Hospital
Private William F. Wilant of com
pany D, 347th machine gun battalion
has written his mother. Mrs. W. E.
Allen of Bremerton, that he has been
wounded. Th message is dated Oc
tober 5 and is written from base hos
pital No. 46. It reads:
"Just a note to tell you that I
have been wounded, but not serious
ly. On September 27 a piece of
shrapnel hit my forearm and lrac
tured the bone.
Arrived at this hospital on Octo
$14,350 FROM
Woodbnrn Division Goes
Over With Fifty Per
Cent Additional
With Our Complete Equipment -Kefined
aerrlces ind int
ods of embalming, 'twill be a "tuner. I 3 am- am deling very comforta-
wuuiui." WCDD CtOUgh Co,
Glenn Porter Write -
A letter has been received here
from Corporal Glenn W. Porter, son
Of J. It. Pnrt
ui nia experiences at Aix-les-Bains, I V.u,: t. v V .
the fammiii .nmmot . r, " ' I 'This is the Oregon hospital, bui
Die now. Don't worry. As soon as
my arm Is a little better they will
send me to a hospital to convalesce
and t will soon be as good as new.
Rather disappointing to have to be
out of the game at the most Inter
the famous summeV resort In France.
lie has been in the advanced war
zone ever since August and has had
little opportunity to see any Salem
men,- as the Oregon boys were di
vided and sent Into other regiments.
"Most of them were In the big mix
around Verdun last week, he writes.
They went against Kaiser ? Bill's
Oregon hosDital. but
I haven't seen anyone yet I know.
dui pernaps i snail."
Mehama and Oakdale Dis
tricts Deemed Worthy
Special Mention
County Chairman W. I. Staley re
reports $14,350 subscribed and re
ported for Marion county outside of
Salem and surrounding school dis
trict. He has recefted reports from
hilt throo TlllPSl lna Caln,il,r
r n-ii . . . . I i--"" " 1 v j
.. J ul',.unoun ne nas nt I Aurora. Woodburn and Mehama.
fHH.Dw! M,rCAent,y' hu mXnl N' A- "offard. chairman of the
friends here. Mrs. Allen writes that'wK,,.- a.
tmmm Statements Filed
rtrM more expense statements for
flu city election were filed this week Picked troops and sure put them onw
fftl tn recoraer. iuey are as iui- j tun. vuiyorai roner is witn
the boy was so proud that he came
from Salem while employed in Illi
nois and paid his own expenses back
to his old home so he could enlist
bVf U oCvlW J- . nuy
Intone; J. "E. Wright, $38.35.
4 7S Slag, player piano for
UC aa exceptional buy for any
m deslrtag a high grade Instru
est B. U Stiff ft Son. 448 Court
iwet. ; .fr ; .
hit Money Awarded
Kn. Laramie Rogers was yester
h allowed $100 suit money by
jure Bingham, in order to secure
(oflsel fro , the . divorce suit insti
tuted by her husband. Dr. Rogers.
Inah One Cent Sale
Perry's Drug Store, Thursday, Frl
fay, Saturday, Nov. 21, 22, Z3.
Ism oa Flax Contract
Joan E. arris nas mea a com-
lUtot against J. M. Watson for the
recovery of $188.82 and costs.. . The
tooey, me 4 piamtiri alleges, was
leased oa a flax contract.
ftVO. G. Shellberi--."
Will held a fancy work sale Ko-
Teaber $1, 22.23. Burens Furnl
tot Stora. - , 1
kvtos Cowity Behind
i Karioa county is backward in rals-
tst in war stamp quota pieagea our
tet U ittmmer, according to a tab-
lUtlon of state figures. This sec-
En A&9 purchased $772.8566.52
f a or 7$.5 per cent of its quota
Oar eight of the 36 counties in
tbe state have gone over the top and
it will he necessary to cond uct a
ipeda! campaign next month to put
all of Oregon In the column of full
achievement purchases of baby
kmds.". ;"
LeftMmn and Flrirup
Mrs. Junk's Studio. 679 North Cot
tage street.
ThU Is Some l'otato
Mark Savage raised and has lust
unearthed, on the Savage farm, on
Brown's island ' in the western sub
urbs of Salem, a Burbank potato
that measures 13 inches from tip to
tip, ana nas a girth measure that
pronounces it up to the proper stand
ard for its height, and a weight that
makes it distinctly a well propor
tioned and meaty product. It weigh
Just four and a half. pounds. So it
is no camouflage in the tuber line.
Who can beat it. with a bigger Bur
bank potato? v
RUH At a local hosptal. Tuesday,
Nov. 19. 1918. Mrs. Minnie Ruh.
at the age of 30 years. She Is
survived by her husband, who Is
In service in France. The funeral
services will be held Thursday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock at Hayesville
and burial will be in Hayesville
Legal Branks
Get them at the Statesman job of
fice. Catalog on application.
Mother, Wives and Sinter-
- Of our men in our country's service
are invited by the management of
the Liberty theatre to attend a special
matinee between the hours of 2 p.m.
and 4 p. m., "Thursday afternoon.
November. 21, to witness a perfor
mance of the beautiful film play
"The Service Star." featuring the
winsome Goldwyn star Madge eKn
nedy. It is a story of a hero's wait
ing wifcj and of "The Flag of All
Mothers." There will be no admis
sion charged to those displaying the
service star of their loved ones.
Ilereipto, Notes and All Blanks
At Statesman Job office.
Christmas Isabels Numerous .
When one woman received four
Christmas package labels from her
husband and passed them out so
that four of her relatives could each
send him a box. the Red Cross par
cel committee objected and stopped
he other three. This is one example
of the work of the new committee
citd by Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, its
chairman, at the regular meeting of
the chapter executive committee yes
terday. She said that 198 cartons
have been given out and 130 are al
ready in the malls. Confusion was
caused yesterday by an 'erroneous an
nouncement in a local paper to the
pf feet that parcels i weighing eleven
pounds could now be mailed. This
was strenuously denied at headquar
ters and a telegram from the north
west division corroborated the de
nial. Only Americans with the Red
Cross or similar services in the al
lied armies, excepting the United
States forces, may receive boxes
shipped according to the internation
al postal laws, which permit eleven
Stttha Cenutneff'VSX
kJJf&&r Every Cake
top At
A Home Awiy from Home
strictly Modern $100 per day
Ue-JlMau I 8114 Ctahrt
Only 'Hotel in Business JOistirct
iCfScaStO U. 8. Nat. Bank Bide.
mn 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Fhone 859
Kl North Capital St. Phone 463
DUeaiea of Women and Nervous
Highest Cash 1 Price Paid.
Also All Kinds of Junk.
Tha Square Deal House.
271 Cheneketa St. Phone 398
tjaass!!- I. h i i. j I j . i. iBimiui ii
. "' y, '..- Have" Tour .
Electric Lights Repaired
' Before Winter
S. Oommerclal Phone 05S
Webb & Cloud's
Complete Equipment .
Moderate Prioei
Corner Court and High Sta.
PHONE 120-Night or Day J
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson and
Dean Johnson made up a motor
party from The Dalles that spent the
night at the Marion.
James Watson and O. P. Coshow
of Roseburg were In Salem to at
tend the supreme court as attorneys
in. the case of Samord vs. Day, a
mortgage foreclosure.
Albert Abraham, a Roseburg at
torney, was in the city yesteraay.
Professor Gustav Ebsen of Wil
lamette university spent the night in
Portland where he attending a meet-
in er of teachers of languages held
under the auspices of the University
of! Oregon extension division.
IMrs. Veda Swarts of Portland was
a visitor In the city Monday and
R. J. Savage of Willows, Cal., is
stopping at the Bligh
Dr. J. B. White of McMlnnvllie
was an overnight guest at the Bligh
for the Woodburn district which puts
this district over the top with a lit
tie better ban 50 per cent additional.
The five additional school districts
attached to the Wopdburn division
have not yet completed their work
although district 68 has passed It's
original quota by 32 per cent.
The work done in the Mehama di
vision consisting of the Mehama
school district and the Oak Dale dis
trict are entitled to special credit
for the manner in which hey have
responded to this drive. Both of
these districts are populated by peo
ple who have practically nothing to
do in the winter. Notwithstanding
this ad'Arse condition Mehama dfr
trict went over he top in excess of
50 per cent as well as the Oak Dale
district. Mehama reporting 8235.57
and Oak Dale 871.
The Mehama district was handled
by Chester Kubin. ably assisted by
J. A. Siddalland Ed Taylor who actea
as chairman of the two school dis
tricts respectively.
John Saddler, chairman of the Ao
rora district reports a total of 8485
While this district, has exceeded the
original quota the work Is not yet
completed . and later reports will
doubtless show that Aurora has also
gone over the top by $ per cent.
Chairman Staley saysHbat reports
are wanting from the following
places: Detroit, Donald, Gates. Ger-
vais. Mill City, Monitor. Mt. Ansel.
Scotts Mills, Stayton. Sublimity, Tur
ner. Mehama District Gives
1 Generously ,ta" Campaign
From 28 residents of the Mehams
school district. J. A. Slddall of the
united war fund rive committee s-
cured eubscriptions to 8235.57. All
of the donors live on Stayton route
or at Lyons. The average girt
was between 85 and 110.
Following is the list of subscrib
J. M'Kubln. 85; C. F. Kubin, 850:
J. A. Slddall, $12: K. Stoissel. $12;
Kate Kubin. $10; Anna Stout. $10;
Julius Title. $8: Albert Tltie. $10;
William Imbler. $5; Lizzie Burdick.
$2.50; Whitman G. Stone. 25; Gale
Burrlnger. $10; Harry Earley. 85;
Orrin Morris, $10; Mrs. Finton. $10;
J. A. Dixon. $5; Lewis Tltze, $5;
John Zimmerman. $5; George Zlm
merman. 15: R. II.' Champ. 15; fc
F. Metier. $3.34; Jl J. Blum, xz
T. A. Tompkins. $2; Stephen Champ
$2.71: W. P. Mulkey. $5; F. Bai
lard. SI: E. Hiat, $5; Mrs. S. H
Champ. $5. Total. $237.57.
Fumes From Girls' Headgear
Not to Pollute Atmos
phere of Spring
No freshman cap will be worn by
the girl students at Willamette uni
versity this year.
The 75 cents which would have
been invested In them has already
gone instead Into the coffers of the
united war fund drive. This gift.
voted at a class meeting yesterday.
swells the rampus collections by $50
and will be turned over to the com
mittee at chal this morning.
The young women were of the
opinion that the money could better
be put to a useful purpose than
burned In the form of freshman
headgear at the annual junior week
end bonfire next spring.
Up to last night $1444 had been
subscribed out of the $1750 quota.
The campaign will be continued un
til today at noon. The money rep
resents 189 donations, giving the in
dividual classes a high average for
each student. Faculty members have
given In the neighborhood of 812.40
each; seniors, 87.60; juniors. $9.40;
sopbomores, $8.30, and freshmen.
November Clean-Up Sale
SILVERTON. Ot., Nov. 18. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Madsen received word that
iv.l. A Uln la nn Ma vnv In
itoy i """""V w" UZ Camp Grant. 111. He left Camp Lew
Piano Tuner.
Old Pianos Rebuilt.
With Geo. C. Will. Theme 15D.
Bligh last night and will go on to
day to McMlnnvllie
is Tuesday morning. Sergeant Mad
sen was to have left for the east sev
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Nullson and I, weefc8 go but w detalned be
iiv lint 50 SlOO 500 S10OO '
Sea a ymr ! y rter let
ter mmd reeelve) blithest market arte
kjr retara aian.
too rvwtmi HI., aeatlle. XVamw.
Paid for
EGGS and
Farmers Cash Store
151 N. High St.
the Misses L. and M. Keil made up
a Spokane motor party at the Bligh
last night.
Major William T. Patten of the
United States army registered at the
Marlon yesterday.
Drill in Armory Resumed
By Company M, 0. N. G.
Since the influenza ban has been
lifted Company M. O. N. G., will re
sume its regular drill in the armory.
cause of the quarantine.
Never before have there been offered such a
complete assortment of fashionable favorites, m
complete a listing of juze. o complete a ranee
of values to suit U purses, placed on tale at
the very height of the season dcrnaiuW, at price
so remarkably reasonable.
Unusual Values
$16.48, $19.75,
Conservation seems to be one of
tha most import ant words In the
American language today. Lvery
r'nnstHorin? the manv hardships citizen Is requested to. as a matter of
nttui dm in the pnlHemir the I oatrlotisra. conserve his food, light.
' r,,mr t,n md rem ark a hie nro- fuel. etc. It seems tous that the
rr Th. first consignment or uni-I most important ieaiui ua u--u
hn feanoH nH when the I overlooked. Conserve your health.
'l.i ..Aivwi wiiixh win hoiThia shniiid he the attitude taken bv
uaiaucc: i3 imnvu! " v I - - - . -
in a fewdars. the comDany.wlII pre- every loyal American m
rin onnearance. - I time. Life was never worth more
The officers and men have been than it is today, neauny men ani
rnrkin? rfitieentlv to make this the women are needed as never before
crack company of the regiment. Reg- have they been .needed. Health Is
ular drill will bo resumed tnntgntlthe greatest boon or numanuy ana
and all members are especially re-1 every one is entitled to it. Don't
mi est ed to be present so that the
nmnanv mav be formed and drill
started promptly on time.
. Phone 2194
. Salem, Oregon
iHanaiacturers of cider to
Wok. Bring in your ripe
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
! Phone 77 4
Try onr Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Check for ev
ery parcel handled.
I .... .virs II IUI
S WAPi I bUi wunn.
Am4 AH Ktaaa at m Baa4
Fall Slarfcet rrtraa SaelaJ
lrtee aal4 ffae Sack
C aar alrea aafara yaa aell
rum rwri-K icmk isn
SILVERTON. Or.. Nov. 19. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) Mrs. John
timnilngson moved to her house on
Qu.riav Mrs. Hemmlngson has been
- - . . . . . .11
III for several months mil is now an
right again. Mr. and Mrs. Henry
lleniingson H make their home with
Mrs. Ilemingson.
P. Ransford spent a few hours here
Saturday on his way to Scio. to spend
the week-end with his family, who
live there. MrMtanstord was look
ing after his property on Paradise
Alley, the land of which is rented
to W. Mbores. '
Miss Altbea Wiliams or Portland
a spending a tew days with her sis
ter. Mrs.liT J. lMeyerv
liivo Cjuick Vnited War Work
be foolish and wait until your body
is racked with pain before you con
sult a Chiropractor. Take time by
the forelock and right now. when
you are apparently in the . best of
health. ruKKed and strong, call upon
your Chiropractor, ask him to make
an examination and ascertain it you
have a good healthy spine. It will
cost you nothing and will be the
means or giving you much satisfac
tion. If there is any nerve pressure.
however slight, have the trouble ad
justed berore you get really ill. It
will save you money, it will save you
hours or pain. It will save your loved
ones much worry and it will enable
you to shoulder your responsibilities
as a strong, healthy citizen should.
Accordingly, we say to you emphat
ically. "Conserve Your Health."
DR. 0. L SCOTT .
1i i n i.ract Ic-SplnoloR 1st
Mrt. Mary Doherty of Port
land to Receive Dajnages
From Corporation
Mary Doherty, administratrix of
the estate of Thomas Doherty and
who collected damages of (3208.50
In Judge Robert G. Morrow's court
in Multnomah county in an action
brought against the Hazelwood com
pany. was upheld by the supreme
court in an opinion written by Jus
tice Durnett and handed down yes
terday. Judgment was 'rendered
against the company and J. W.
Shearer but company alone appealed.
The plaint! rr alleged that the death
of her husband was caused by neg
ligent operation of an automobile
owned by the company. Doherty was
street sweeper who was run over
by the automobile while it was be
ing driven by Shearer, with whom
were other passengers who were
made defendants. Each of the de
fendants answered separately In his
own behalf, urging as a defense con
trlmutory neglgence.
'Reduced to its lowest terms.
says the opinion, "the Question pre
sented is .whether the court should
direct a Verdict in favor of the de
fendant company when there is testl
money that the car which Inflicted
the injury upon the decedent was the
property of the company, operated by
one who was la its general emplor
daily using the car in the business
of the company and in addition thero
to having it under his custody and
control outside of working hours, al
though there was direct evidence
that he was using it for his private
purposes at the exact time of the ac
In conclusion the opinion says:
"The purpose of the present opinion
is merely to point out statutory
grounds for the conclusion that proof
of ownership of a vehicle negligently
perated to the Injured party. This
disposes of the only question present
ed In the brief of the defendant com
pany and argued at the hearing.'
Justice Johns wrote a brief special
comment concurring in the opinion.
James G. lleltzel and Percy A. Cup
per vs. I. S. Dird, appellant; appealed
from Marlon; suit to settle contro
versy over boundary to land; opinion
by Justice Johns; Circuit Judge
liingham affirmed.
State vs. Scott Goodall, appellant;
appealed from Union; appeal from
conviction of cruelty to animals;
opinion by Justice Benson: Circuit
Judge Knowles affirmed.
J. S. Boyer vs. E. Anduiza. appear
lant: appealed from Malheur; suit
for damages for trespass by sheep
opinion by Justice Bean; Circuit
Judge Biggs affirmed.
O. H. Olson vs. Chas. C. Heisen
appellant; appealed from rCook; suit
to collect attorney s fees and costs
opinion by Justice Harris; decree or
Circuit Judge Dufley modified by
eliminating attorney's fees and hold
ing that neither party should have
judgment for costs and disburse
David Stephens, appellant, vs. City
of Eugene; appealed from Lane; suit
for damages alleged to have resulted
from flow ot water diverted from city
power plant into slough which passes
through plaintiff's premises; opinion
by Justice Burnett; decree of Circuit
Judge Hamilton modified by allow
ing plaintiff damages and perpt-tually
enjoining defendant from changing
natural flow ot water through plain
tiff's premises, but without preju
dice to cityea' right to condemn prop
erty by appropriate process of law.
Columbia Klver Door Company ap
pellant, vs. W. V. Todd et al; appeal-
ed from Multnomah; petition for re
hearing to settle uuestion of attorney
fees denied; opinion by Justice eBn
Suits $19.75, $24.75, $34.75
Dresses $16.48, $19.75, $24.75
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices Liberty Street
5 J
Democratic Treasurer
Files His Expenses
C. J. Smith, treasurer of the Dem
ocratic State Central committee, has
filed with Secretary of State Olcott ;
statement showing that he spent ,
n behalf of the party during the re-.
cent campaikn 11049.50. Other state ,
ments filed follow: !
II. Lee Paget, treasurer of the Pro-1
hibtlon party in Oregon. $134.51.
Ti r. Yortn. rhilrmin Lane Coun-1
ty Republican Central committee. 4
1314. !
H. M. Wicks, congressman, l&ira ,
district, Socialist, nil.
Fred A. Williams, public service
commissioner, Republlcan-DeFiccta- i
Ic. $105.85.
Robert Ginther, state senator, izia ,
district. Socialist, nil. ;
Enoch E. Mathison. state senator.
15th district. Independent. $97.12.
J. L. Chaney, representative foti-j -
district. Democratic. $15.34.
Barnett V. Roe. representative
13th district. Democratic. $21.
G. B. Davidson, representative.
18th district. Socialist, nil.
Joseph K. Hart, representative.
18th district, rrohlbltion-aNtional.
Michael Kleiner, representative,
lt8h district. Socialist, nil.
Ralph A. Williamson, representa
tive. 18th district. Democratic, nil.
P. H Dencer. representative, zist
district. Independent, $1.35.
Herbert Egbert, representative.
29th district. eRpubllcan. nil.
aaa a I a aaaa mi i 11
Any way Bill Hohenzollern Is the
president of the down-and-out dub.
- Another word that aaa gone mit - .
of reneral om "Kamernd- Ex. . 1
Yen, mr tl-an ou
th'rtk. WV k n i vc
Ifiu tn it u.
eret- jul
Sckaefer's Throat and
Lung Balsam
'n -ti" rif.t t. '"
torn he; lot, it. No
other store in town can
supply you. All-winter i t
size 50 cents.
Sckaefer's Drug Store..
133 N. Com! St Thone 197
1 1 r
For -Msgmng
Christmas .
, r
Seventh Death Reported
From State Penitentiary
The seventh death from Spanish
influenza occurred at the Oregon
State penitentiary yesterday after
noon when Earl Lnnnford. who was
committed from Baker county in
June. lSir.. succumbed to the disease
He was serving a term for arson
Earlier in the day Ion Miller, serv
inc a term from Sherman county for
larceny, died as a. result of the mal
Bdy. Iletwevn so and 85 cases re
main at the prison, and all are be
lieved to be convalescent.
We can't have everything ur own
wayfootball is comlDs back.
Mechanical Toys. Steam Toys, Electrical Toys, "Wagons,
Wheelbarrows, Carts, Air Kifles, Axes, (James, Dolls "
and manv others. . ,
Carving Sets, Tucket Knives, Uutcher Knives, Tols of
All Kind.
Ilrokcn Lines of Community Silverware at lesa than whole-,
sale cost.
Everything needed in cooking utensils including full line
of Aluminum Ware.
Phtmt 172
333 State Street